Murderous landslips and mudslides and their links to UFOs (bilingual: in English
and Polish )
12 September 2013
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I wonder whether the reader had an opportunity
to watch the strength tests carried out on stones
or on samples of concrete. If so, then probably
the reader remembers, that the more strong
is a sample, and the more powerful forces
are needed to break it, then the more
loud "bang" can be heard when it breaks.
For example, cracking a sample of
strong stone, e.g. the size of a human
finger, causes a bang as if from a rifle
shot. So one can imagine how enormous
forces must cause these landslides which
are initiated with a bang so intense, that it
deafens people many kilometres around.
For such cases it can be determined, that
the sole weight of soil that slides then down,
do not suffice for the formation of such powerful
forces. Something additional must exert
these forces. Therefore, together with other
items of evidence described here, the sound
of such an enormous bang, which appears
at the moment when a landslip or a mudslide
is initiated, is simultaneously another
item of evidence, which discloses that
a given avalanche of mud or soil was
initiated technically by a "simulation"
of a UFO vehicle. (What exactly are
these "simulations of UFO vehicles"
and why they appear on the Earth, it
is explained more thoroughly e.g. in
item #J1 from this web page, in
item #L2 from the web page named
in item #G4 from the web page named
and in several further totaliztic publications.)
After all, natural avalanches are initiated
in a complete silence, while the only sound
that they generate later is a rumbling of
stones and tree trunks which roll downhill
(such rumbling appears also in a second stage
of avalanches, the attributes of which suggest
that they were initiated technically by "simulations"
of UFO vehicles). The shocking thing is how
many deadly avalanches in the world display
attributes that they are secretly caused by "simulations" of
UFO vehicles
just to kill and to torment selected groups
of people which live in mountainous areas.
Therefore, in the interest of our understanding
of truth (and thus our development of effective methods
of defence) lies to learn more on the subject of
these deadly landslips and mudslides supposedly
initiated technically by UFOs. This web page
explains and describes to us their attributes.
Part #A:
Introductory information of this web page:
What are goals of this web page:
Many so-called "landslips" and "mudslides"
display attributes which suggest that they
were formed in such a manner that they
display attributes as if they originate from
technical activities of UFO vehicles.
Therefore, on slopes of our hills and
mountains we can find two kinds of these
catastrophic land formations. Namely, we can
find landslips and mudslides which document
(a) a "natural" origin, and also ones
which display evidence of (b) being
formed technically by "simulations" of UFOs.
Unfortunately, human science to-date has
not considered nor analysed that there are
two different categories of evidence documenting
origins of such catastrophic land formations.
Therefore all landslips and all mudslides our
science so-far classified as "natural". However,
realising that are more than one origin for
landslips and for mudslides, introduces a whole
range of implications that are to be discussed
on this web page. For example, the killing kinds
of mudslides which show evidence of being
triggered by "simulations" of UFOs, are actually
a kind of message, that the reason for their
destruction was the "immorality" of people affected
by them - see also items #K3 and #K4 from
this web page. Therefore, the main goal of
this web page is to realise and to illustrate with
empirical evidence, that landslips and mudslides
frequently display attributes that document more
than one their origin, e.g. from the work of nature
or from being induced technically by "simulations"
of UFO vehicles.
In turn an additional goal of this web page is to
realise and illustrate to the reader, that the
existence in landslips and in mudslides several
sets of attributes which indicate many different
origins for these catastrophic land formations,
introduces a whole array of implications the
getting to know of which lies in the interest of
every inhabitant of the Earth.
This web page also documents, that "landslips"
and "mudslides" are the major cause for the
escalation of erosion of life-giving soil in
mountains, and that for this reason people
should do everything in their power to stop
causes for this erosion.
Notice that in order to concentrate of explaining matters included into the topic of this web page,
a simplification was introduced which is described in item #J1 near the end of this web page:
This web page is devoted to the discussion
of landlips and mudslides, not e.g. "simulations"
of UFO vehicles, or e.g. reasons for which
all more murderous "Acts of God" are always
so "simulated" as if they were secretly
generated by UFO vehicles - as this is
explained in item #K1 from this web page,
in item #C2 from the web page named
and in items #C2, #D4, #J1 from the web page named
Therefore, in the content of this web page
omitted is the full discussion of "simulations"
referred in item #J1 near the end of it.
Part #B:
Strange attributes of Acts of God which should induce deep reflections:
Acts of God, including into this number also deadly landslips and mudslides,
destroy exclusively communities which practice the highly immoral
philosophy of parasitism:
Whichever Act of God one would analyse more
thoroughly from the point of view of the moral
state of its victims, the outcome of these analysis
always is the same. Namely, Acts of God
always kill and destroy only these communities
which practice the most advanced stage of
highly immoral
philosophy of parasitism - the practitioners of which do things exactly
opposite to God's commandments (this stage
of parasitism can be called the "agonal state").
To these readers who do NOT believe in truth of the above
statement, I suggest to check what kind of philosophy
was practiced by members of e.g. widely known
historical or ancient communities completely
destroyed by Acts of God, such as for example
the island of Veneta or the city of Salamis. (Both
these communities are briefly described and
referred in item #I5 of the web page
Or I propose to check most recent cases of
deadly Acts of God, many of which I am
discussing on web pages
and on this one.
Every more deadly Act of God is so intelligently
and skilfully implemented, that attributes of it
simultaneously document at least 3 sets of
evidence which for almost the same degree
prove not less than 3 different origins of that
Act of God:
In item #K1 from this web page,
in items #C2 and #K2 of the web page
and in items #C2 and #K1 from the web page named
it is explained, and then confirmed with a significant
body of empirical evidence, that every more
deadly Act of God which kills a number
of people, is always so intelligently implemented,
that for more inquisitive researchers it makes
available evidence that supports simultaneously
3 different origins of it. Namely, each such Act of
God contains in itself the body of evidence that
it was caused (1) by intelligent God,
(2) by a "wanton element" unleashed
because of the work of nature, and (3)
technically by UFO vehicles.
Of course, each Act of God in fact can have only
one origin. Thus two categories (out of all three
listed above) are simply skilfully "simulated" by the
same "corrective intelligence" which causes Acts
of God but which wishes to remain anonymous. In
part #K of this web page I am explaining this matter
more comprehensively.
The belief disseminated by atheistic science that cataclysms are
acts of "blind elements" is highly dangerous - while the belief that
cataclysms are intelligently served "punishments from God" is
highly beneficial for people:
The atheistic science persuades people that
all disasters and cataclysms are accidental
outcomes of the work of a "blind nature".
As such, according to the science cataclysms
supposedly do NOT depend on the "morality"
of people who are hit by them, but depend
on whatever is done by the entire world.
Unfortunately, persuading to people such
views is not only erroneous, but also highly dangerous
and detrimental. After all it: (1) deprives
people the hope and motivations to develop
methods of protection from cataclysms, and
also (2) unleashes the work of method
of "God’s acting" described in item #A2.2
of the web page
which states that "people always receive
from God whatever they strongly believe in
and on the basis of what they are acting"
(i.e. if people believe that cataclysms are
merciless acts of the blind nature, God treats
them with just such cataclysms).
On the other hand, the scoffed at and persecuted
by present scientists beliefs that cataclysms
are "God's punishments" served to people for
"immoral" behaviours, turns out to be immensely
beneficial for humans. After all, such beliefs
reveal, that cataclysms which hit a city or a
community are outcomes of the "immorality"
of that city or that community - means are the
fault of solely inhabitants of that city or community.
Thus, every city or community is solely responsible
for whatever comes to it. Also, every
single city and community can easily defend
itself from cataclysms, simply by changing to
more "moral" its own philosophy and some of
its own behaviours - as this is
recomended in items #I2 and #K4 from this web page,
documented in items #I3 to #I5 from the web page named
and explained in item #C5.1 from the totaliztic web page named
So when people believe that cataclysms are
"God's punishments", "everyone is a maker
of its own fate" - also everyone must begin
from himself or from herself the improvement
of his or her own situation.
A more complete set of shocking attributes of most
deadly Acts of God is indicated in "part #L" near the
end of this web page:
These most deadly Acts of God display also
a whole array of further relatively unique attributes
which strangely no-one seem to notice at present,
nor no-one seem to discuss in public. On the
other hand, these further attributes have a lot
on offer for us. For example, these include early
warning of communities which are to be destroyed
by a future Act of God - so that these communities
have time for a possible change of their immoral
philosophy of parasitism
onto some more moral version of the
philosophy of totalizm.
These also include the fact, that already 10
people devoted to practicing an advanced form
of the highly moral
philosophy of totalizm
is able to stop the arrival of an Act of God to
the community amongst which they live. These
more meaningful attributes of deadly Acts of
God are indicated and named in part #K near
the end of this web page. In there also are provided
references and links to more comprehensive
descriptions of these, and to evidence from
which these were derived.
In order to increase the clarity of explanations and
the simplicity of deductions, this web page is so
formulated, as if the third category of evidence
for origins of most deadly Acts of God were NOT
just temporary "simulations":
In item #B2 I explained, that every most deadly
Act of God contains attributes which document
that it has simultaneously at least 3 different
origins. Thus two out of three categories of these
attributes must be "simulated", not real ones.
In turn further descriptions from this web page
which are now to follow, provide a review of
evidence for the formation of deadly landslips
and mudslides by
UFO vehicles.
Of course, this evidence for their origin from
UFOs is just only one amongst three categories
of such attributes which can be "simulated"
instead of being true. This in turn means, that
the fact of such "simulation" of landslips and
mudslides, as if they are formed technologically
by UFO vehicles, can be proven logically. In
order to carry out this proof, first we assume
that the participation of UFOs in the formation
of landslips and mudslides is NOT temporarily
"simulated", then we review evidence which
documents this participation, finally in part #K
of that web page we are going to draw conclusions
from the fact of existence of such body of evidence.
These conclusions are to allow us to unambiguously
indicate what is the true origin of deadly Acts of God
discussed here that take the form of landslips
and mudslides.
It is worth to notice that the topic of this web page
are landslips and mudslides. But the general trends
in skilful "simulation" of this kind of Acts of God
as if these were formed, amongst others, technically
by UFO vehicles, appear also in almost all other
most deadly Acts of God. Thus, if the reader wishes
to review how the same trends of "simulation" of
evidence are utilised in other kinds of Acts of God,
then he or she should look to related web pages,
e.g. to web pages named
or several still another such web pages.
Part #C:
"Landslips" and "mudslides" which display
attributes that document only a "natural" origin:
What causes these natural "landslips" and "mudslides":
Natural "landslips" and "mudslides" are cases
when soil slips down a slope of a hill or mountain,
caused by some natural events and propelled
by gravitational forces. But it is worth to notice,
that in normal conditions and cases, the soil on
slopes of mountain is sufficiently stable so that
such phenomena do NOT occur. Thus such
"natural" landslips and mudslides must be
initiated by some even or creature, e.g. by
excessive rainfall, wind, or a walking animal.
Fig. #C1: Here is a typical appearance of a mountain
along slopes of which landslips (landslides) took place
that display attributes which document their "natural"
origins. Attributes of these landslips quite unambiguously
suggest that along slopes of this mountain a natural erosion
of soil initiated small soil avalanches. In New Zealand there
is a plenty of sights like the above.
But it is worth to notice, that independently from
a random work of nature, the above landslips could
also be intentionally initiated and brought down by
God. After all, God has in His disposal the knowledge
and capabilities, to precisely reflect the work of nature
in His actions. Unfortunately, in order to prove the
intentional causing of these landslips by God, it would
be necessary to notice in them some attributes which
would document the intelligent action of God - e.g.
notice that while being able to kill people with different
philosophies, these landslips killed only people that
practice the highly immoral
philosophy of parasitism
that breaks God's commandments.
I photographed the above landslide in New Zealand in 2006 along highway
no 6, around a half way between the cities Queenstown and Invercargill,
not far from the crossing with the highway no 94 from Te Anau to
Queenstown. Notice, that every natural landslip has like "sharp"
initiation point at the highest section of it. This "sharpened" beginning
results from the mechanism of action of gravity forces, water,
and factors which initiate natural landslips and natural mudslides.
In turn, as this is shown below in Figures marked as "Fig. #D1",
"Fig. #E1a", and "Fig. #F1", landslips and mudslides which were
induced technically by UFO vehicles, have distinct "rotations"
of soil in their highest points. Furthermore, at times of initiating
such landslips or mudslides by UFOs, usually a loud bang
can be heard, which does NOT appear in cases of natural
landslips and natural mudslides.
* * *
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Part #D:
The "landslips" and "mudslides" which display
attributes that document their technological origin from UFO vehicles:
What are these landslips and mudslides formed technically by UFOs:
Motto:In past UFOnauts were called "devils", while about devils we know that they invented thousands of manners for killing and tormenting people.
In subsection F11.1 from volume 3 of
monograph [1/4]
is explained, amongst others, the mechanism
of formation by UFO vehicles of so-called
"rotations" of the soil. In turn illustrations of
such "rotations" are shown on this web page -
e.g. see "Fig. #D1" below, and also on a
separate web page with a Polish
treatise [4c] -
see over there Figures marked as
"rys. Z_3a_B5.6" and "rys. Z_3b_B5.6".
These "rotations" of the soil are formed by UFOs
most frequently during angular rotating (rocking)
of a circular disk of soil that is cut off from the rest
of the ground by spinning magnetic circuits of a
UFO vehicle (or by any other
Magnocraft-like vehicle).
The result looks quite similar to angular rotation
of soil that surrounds roots of a tree which collapsed.
The only difference is that typically no tree is going to
be present in such soil rotated (rocked) by a UFO
vehicle, and also that the rotated soil has a very
regular shape (i.e. the shape of almost perfect
circle or ellipsis). If magnetic circuits of a UFO
vehicle cut off such a "rotation" of soil on a slope
of hill, then in the moment when it is curved in,
the stability of the ground is destroyed and a
mudslide or a landslip is frequently initiated.
(Note that another name for a "landslip" is a
"landslide". For example, uses
the term "landslides", instead of term "landslips".)
This happen especially frequent when just before
this cutting of the "rotation" UFOnauts induced
intense rainfalls on the same area. In mountainous
terrains such technical mudslides and landslips
are initiated by UFOs relatively frequent just by
accidents, during careless landings of UFOs,
because of ordinary clumsiness of UFO pilots,
and sometimes also as a consequence of a
sinister or premeditated destruction made by
UFO pilots who are hostile towards people.
Recently UFOnauts begin also to utilise these
mudslides and landslips for intentional
murdering of people and for tormenting
selected sections of various societies.
Fig. #D1: Shown is a typical appearance of circular "rotations" of the soil,
formed when magnetic circuits of UFO vehicles are submerged under
the ground and then rocked sideways. (In order to enlarge this
photo it suffices to click on it.)
However, it is worth to notice, that independently from
being formed by UFOs, the above "rotations" could
also be prepared by God, but intentionally
so "simulated" as if they originate from the operation
of UFOs on the Earth. After all, God has also in his
disposal the required knowledge and capabilities to
"simulate" precisely in his activities the existence and
work of UFO vehicles - even if such UFO vehicles
do NOT exist in a permanent manner. Intriguingly,
in order to prove the intentional making the above
"rotations" by God (i.e. not by UFOs), it would suffice
to prove the same facts which in human courts are
considered sufficient for proving someone's participation.
For example, prove that UFO vehicles do NOT exist
in a permanent manner - i.e. in the same way as
permanently exist e.g. human airplanes. (Just such
a proof vigorously tries to produce for us the present
official human science.) Or e.g. prove, that God has both,
the vital reasons to "simulate" all deadly Acts of God
as if these are secretly caused by evil UFOnauts, and
simultaneously God has also the required knowledge
and capabilities to "simulate" the work, attributes, and
behaviours of these UFO vehicles - as this work and
attributes are described on web pages
evidence.htm, or
I photographed the above "rotations" on 8 March 2006 near the New
Zealand township Culverden, Weka Pass. Please notice an ideally
circular shape of such "rotations" which results from the fact that they are
formed when magnetic circuits of a UFO vehicle "rock" (means slightly
"rotate" in a vertical plane) the soil which is enveloped by these circuits.
If such a "rotation" of the soil is formed by a UFO vehicle on a slope of
a mountain which is very steep or strongly saturated with water, then it
initiates a landslip or a mudslide. Such technically initiated landslips or
mudslides recently are used by UFOnauts for murdering and tormenting
scores of people. (Examples of secretive murdering and tormenting of
crowds of people by UFOnauts, via the use of various technical capabilities
of UFO vehicles which so-far remain unknown to human scientists, are
described on separate web pages named
Photographs taken by other authors with similar
"rotations" formed by UFOs, are shown on the web page
What is the mechanism of technical formation of landslips and mudslides by UFO vehicles:
The mechanism of secretive initiation of murderous
landslips and mudslides by invisible to human eyes
UFO vehicles, is very simple. The illustration of
basic components of this mechanism is provided
on Figures below labelled "Fig. #D2" and "Fig. #D1".
Very frequently this mechanism is triggered by
UFO vehicles during routine landings, just by an
accident - i.e. because pilots of UFOs are
slack, clumsy, lazy, or sinister. But sometimes
UFOnauts trigger this mechanism on purpose
and with premeditation. They do this, if they
intend to secretly murder selected people with
the landslip or the mudslide which is released
by it. A best example of just such premeditated
release of this mechanism by UFOnauts is
the murderous
mudslide from the Philippine island of Leyte,
described in item #H2 below.
If UFOnauts intend to release with premeditation
a murderous mudslide or landslip, then several
days earlier they cause intense rainfalls on a
given area. Only later they trigger the mudslide
(or a landslip). The very process of technical initiation
of landslips and mudslides by UFO vehicles, is
initiated through a landing of a UFO vehicle on
a slope of hill from which a given landslip or
mudslide is to be released later. The landing
is so carried out, that the so-called "magnetic
circuits" of this UFO vehicle submerge under
the ground - as this is illustrated in the upper
part (a) of "Fig. #D2". After submerging underground
these magnetic circuits, the UFO vehicle
purposely slants the angle at which it hovers
in relationship to the ground. In turn this slanting
causes cutting off from the remaining soil, and
angular rotating, or rocking, of a circular or
elliptical "rotation" of the soil. This "rotation" of
the soil is simply like a hemisphere of the soil
enveloped into magnetic circuits of the UFO
vehicle. How it looks-like when it is located on
a hill with a small angle of slopes, it is shown in
photographs from "Fig. #D1" and "Fig. #E1b". If a
given "rotation" is formed by a UFO on the surface
of a steep slope, or on a slope which is strongly
saturated with large quantities of water, than
at the moment when it is formed, a landslip or
a mudslide is initiated - which then comes down
from this "rotation". Just such a landslip (landslide),
which was initiated by a circular "rotation" of the
soil from a UFO landing site, is shown in "Fig. #F1".
Fig. #D2: Here is an illustration which explains in what
manner magnetic circuits formed by a UFO propulsion
system submerge under the ground.
(This illustration represents Figure F35 from the
monograph [1/4],
in volume 3 of which a detailed description of this
Figure F35 is provided.)
Notice that the so-called "magnetic circuits" are simply
strands of force lines of extremely powerful magnetic
field formed by UFO propulsion system and running
between outlets of subsequent UFO propulsors. In
part (a) of the above drawing these magnetic
circuits are marked as darkened ellipsis labelled with
symbols (S), (M), and (C). Each one out of these
symbols means a different kind of magnetic circuits.
For example, in a solo flying UFO, force lines of
the UFO magnetic field - which constitute magnetic
circuits labelled (M), means "Main", run between
the outlet from the main propulsor and outlets from
all side propulsors of the given UFO vehicle. The
circuit labelled (C), means "Central", in a solo flying
UFO vehicle runs from one outlet from the main
propulsor of this UFO vehicle, to another outlet of
the same main propulsor in the same UFO vehicle.
In turn numerous circuits labelled (S), means "Side",
run from one outlet of each side propulsor of a given
UFO vehicle, to another outlet of the same side propulsor
of the same UFO vehicle. Notice however, that if solo
UFOs are coupled together magnetically into more
advanced flying arrangements, then the course of
their subsequent magnetic circuits is more complex.
In case when a UFO vehicle with its magnetic circuits
submerged underground changes the orientation in
space, these circuits rotate the entire soil that is enveloped
into them, forming a kind of circular "rotation" shown
below in "Fig. #D1". In turn, if such a "rotation" is initiated
by a UFO on a slope of steep hill or a hill heavily saturated
with water, then it may cause a landslip or a mudslide.
Notice that parts (b) and (c) in the above illustration
show how must look like the areas of soil moved
and magnetically scorched - if a UFO vehicle hovers
with the magnetic circuits staying motionless (b),
or spinning (c).
Part #E:
Differences between natural "landslips" and "mudslides", and these ones caused technically by UFO vehicles:
What differences are between the natural landslips or mudslides, and the landslips or mudslides formed technically by invisible UFO vehicles:
I am interested for a long time in such avalanches
of mud and soil initiated technically by UFOs.
The reason is that I intend to determine a set
of attributes by which these technical land
formations can be distinguished from natural
mudslides and landslips. So now I describe
which out of these attributes, and how, I
managed to determine so far.
The first one out of such attributes I managed
to determine many years ago, due to observation
of remains of such landslips and mudslides
visible on many New Zealand mountain slopes.
This first (1)
attribute of technically induced mudslides and
landslips, which is ABSENT in natural avalanches
of soil or mud, is the existence of a typical
circular or elliptical "rotation" in the initial (highest)
point of the avalanche of soil or mud.
This attribute is illustrated quite well on photographs
marked "Fig. #E1" and "Fig. #F1" from this web site. It is
worth to notice here, that natural avalanches
of soil and mud always are initiated like from
a sharp initial point. Therefore their beginning
in the highest point of the slope always has like
a "sharp" shape. Good illustrations of these
sharp beginnings of natural avalanches are
shown on photographs marked "Fig. #C1" and
"Fig. #E1a" from this web page.
The second vital attribute of such avalanches
of soil or mud initiated technically by UFOs
I determined by an accident, when around
1996 a UFO vehicle created it not far from
the city Ipoh on the "expressway south-north" which
leads from Kuala Lumpur to Ipoh in the mainland Malaysia.
(This soil avalanche buried then around 300 meters
of the expressway, killing several people who drove
then along this expressway - now I wonder whether, perhaps,
it was created on purpose by UFOs to kill these people.)
Eye witnesses reported then, that at the moment
when the avalanche was initiated (in the middle of night),
a powerful bang was heard - like a blast from a large
cannon or a bomb explosion. As I believe, this bang
is formed when magnetic circuits of a UFO vehicle crack
forcefully fragments of stones out from the bedrock
of the mountain, to form from them the initial
"rotation" of soil. After all, as a Mechanical Engineer
I had many opportunities in my life to watch
strength-tests done on samples of stones,
rocks, concrete, etc. So I remember quite well,
that when such a sample of rock or concrete is
crushed, cut, or tensed, and thus forced to crack,
it always generates a powerful bang. The cracking
of a rock sample or a concrete sample thick
only like a human finger, generates a bang that
sounds like a rifle shot. So one can imagine how
loud bang must be generated when a UFO vehicle
forcefully cracks a piece of native rock sized like a
UFO vehicle. Then I also watched many documentary
films about natural soil avalanches and mudslides.
But I never encountered an information, that the initiation
of such natural avalanches is accompanied by any
loud bang. All natural avalanches, landslips, and mudslides
always are initiated in silence. Only after they acquire a
momentum, they begin to induce a loud rumbling noise
of rolling stones and tree trunks. (This rumbling noise
appears also in avalanches, landslips, and mudslides
induced technically by UFOs. Only that it can be heard
after the initial laud bang, and the acoustics of it is
distinctively different from this loud bang sounding like
a cannon shot.) Therefore presently I am sure, that the
second (2)
attribute of avalanches of soil and mud formed
technically by UFOs on slopes of mountains, is
that at the moment when these avalanches are
initiated, a loud bang sounding similar to a shot
from a large cannon can be heard.
Another attribute of avalanches induced
technically by UFOs can be deduced
from the second attribute.
Namely, the third (3)
attribute of avalanches of soil and mud formed
technically by UFOs is that the initiation of such
avalanches is always accompanied by a small
earthquake the epicentre of which is
located in the initial "rotation". The reason
is, that when magnetic circuits of a UFO vehicle
forcefully rotate and crack pieces of rocks from
the bedrock of a mountain, the mountain must
generate violent vibrations. In turn for natural
avalanches their epicentres must be located
in other places than their initial points.
One more attribute of avalanches induced
technically by UFOs hits our eyes by itself,
if someone looks carefully at the landslips (landslides)
initiated by UFOs in mountainous terrains
of practically every mountainous country
in the world. As it turns out, if the slope on
which a given landslip has occurred, is
approximately parallel to the local force
lines of Earth's magnetic field, then the
"rotation" of soil which initiated this landslip
has the shape of a "crescent", instead of a
"circle" or an "ellipsis". Therefore the fourth
(4) attribute of
landslips and mudslides caused technically by UFO
vehicles is, that the "rotation" of soil which initiated
these avalanches of soil or mud have the shape
of circles or ellipses - if the slope of hill on which
a given avalanche appeared is almost perpendicular
to force lines of Earth's magnetic field, or have
the shape of crescents - if the slope runs almost
parallel the force lines of Earth's magnetic field.
This dependency of the shape of "rotations" and
the orientation of a given slope in relationship to
the local course of force lines of the Earth's magnetic
field, results from the fact that the principle of operation
of UFO propulsion system forces that these vehicles
must always fly with their floors almost perpendicular
to the Earth's magnetic field force lines. (For details
see chapter F from volume 3 of the
monograph [1/4]
"The Advanced Magnetic Propulsion Systems".)
A further attribute of landslips and mudslides
induced technically by UFO vehicles, results
from my theoretical analyses and empirical
research on these areas on Earth, where UFO
vehicles have landed. After all, the "rotations"
of soil from the initial points of such landslips
and mudslides, in the technical sense are just
"UFO landing sites". Therefore, these "rotations"
(i.e. "UFO landing sites") must display all extraordinary
attributes, which in subsection F11.1 from volume 3 of
monograph [1/4]
are described for landing sites of UFOs and
(For example, the soil of these "UFO landing
sites" must display magnetic, electrical, biological
and chemical anomalies, which gradually
disappear as time elapses.) Therefore, the
fifth (5) attribute
of landslip and mudslides caused technically by
UFO vehicles, is that the area of "rotation" which
initiated these avalanches of soil or mud display
magnetic, electrical, biological and chemical
anomalies, which gradually disappear as time
elapses, and which can be detected with scientific
measuring equipment. But we must notice
here, that such magnetic and other accompanying
anomalies are not displayed by points of initiation
of natural landslips and natural mudslides.
Fig. #E1: Comparison of differences in the appearance of natural
landslips, and landslips induced technically by UFO vehicles. (Click
on the selected photo to see it enlarged.)
The landslip (landslide) shown on the upper photograph (a)
represents a typical appearance of a slope of hill along which
a natural avalanche of soil passed, caused by the erosion of
the soil or the excess of water. In turn the crescent-shaped
landslip shown in the central part of the lower photo (b)
is a relatively typical example of the damage caused technically
by UFO vehicles piloted very slack, or by the crew which is
hostile towards people. In order to have a better look at these
photographs click on them to enlarge them.
(a - upper photo):
A natural landslip (landslide). Photographed in New Zealand on 12
March 2006 along the highway no 6 - around a half way
between the New Zealand town Queenstown and the city of
Invercargill, not far from the crossing with a highway no
94 from Te Anau to Queenstown. Notice, that in a manner
that is typical for natural landslips, this landslip has "sharp"
beginnings (located at the highest points of the slope of
hill) in which this landslip was initiated.
(b - lower photo):
A landslip (landslide) initiated technically by a UFO vehicle (this landslip
is visible as a rounded "crescent" located in the centre of the
photograph above.) Photographed in New Zealand on
10 March 2006, near the highway no 6 which leads from
the Haast Pass to Wanaka. Please notice that the UFO
vehicle which initiated this landslip was flying horizontally around
the hill, only within the area captured on this photograph
"landing" (or more strictly "hovering" close to the ground)
by this hill at least 3 times. But only the middle landing,
during which the UFO vehicle approached the ground
most closely and clearly wobbled in the vertical plane,
caused the crescent-shaped landslip visible in the central
part of this photograph. Two remaining landings of this
UFO vehicle are visible on this photograph on both
sides of the landslip. The left one of these two, has the
form of a crescent of vegetation scorched into a red colour.
It is visible slightly towards the left over a telephone
pylon from the left side of the road, some two and a half
height of this telephone pole. (This left UFO landing site is located
at the level of approximately corresponding to the level
of the basis of the landslip from the centre of this photo.)
In turn the right landing of the UFO vehicle is visible as
a complete circle of the vegetation burned into a red
colour. One can see it above two first trees growing
on the right side of the road from this photograph,
around three heights of these trees. (This right landing site
of the UFO vehicle is located at the level which approximately
corresponds to the level of a half of the landslip from
the centre of this photo.) Please notice, that the presence
of these UFO landing sites at both sides of the landslip
shown on the photograph (b), and also the round
(crescent) shape of this landslip, represent a conclusive
proof, that the landslip in fact was initiated by a UFO
vehicle. At this point it is worth to emphasize, that the
crescent-like shape of the above landslip, as well as
the left UFO landing site, result from the fact, that
UFO vehicles fly on the same magnetic principle as my
Magnocraft -
thus UFOs have the need and tendency to always fly
with their floors positioned perpendicularly in relationship
to the local course of Earth's magnetic field force lines.
Część #F:
There are reasons why people are made to believe that various cases of destruction on the Earth,
including into this also "landslips" and "mudslides", are caused technically by UFO vehicles:
How UFOnauts demonstrated to me the technical formation of a landslip (landslide) with the use of a UFO vehicle:
UFOnauts were so kind, that on 9 March
2006 they demonstrated to me the process
of technical formation of just such a technical
landslip by a UFO vehicle. Namely, a
UFO vehicle which obviously constantly
follows every my step, formed then
almost in front of my eyes a sizable
landslip on a steep slope of a nearby
mountain. However, UFOnauts forgotten
to notify me that this demo is just to occur,
so I was looking then in a different direction.
Fortunately, in spite that I missed the very
moment of formation of this landslip, I still
had an opportunity to notice the most vital
characteristic details of it, especially the
enormously powerful bang that was induced
during this formation. The landslip, the
formation of which by a UFO vehicle I
saw almost with my own eyes, is shown
below on the illustration marked as "Fig. #F1".
Fig. #F1: Here is the appearance of a landslip (landslide) which was
initiated almost in front of my eyes on 9 March 2006 around 1 pm,
in the famous New Zealand settlement called Franz Josef (means
this one which is famous from a glacier that continually "floats"
downhill from top of the Southern Alps).
At the moment when the above landslip was formed
by a UFO vehicle, I heard an enormous bang. I must admit,
that this bang was so powerful, that I am unable to compare it
to anything that I have heard so-far in my life - i.e. it even exceeded
the bang of a nearby shot from a large cannon. As I deduced
by analysing later this landslip, the bang was caused by the
tearing by the UFO vehicle a large lump of the native rock
from the mountain bedrock. The lump was a size of an
adult man. This rock one could see with a naked eye on
the mountain shown here, although on the above photograph
somehow it does not come out very clearly.
The above landslip
was photographed from a local parking in the Franz Josef settlement,
around 2 hours after it was formed. It is visible in the central area
of the photograph. Please notice over there a long "tang" of freshly
uncovered, grey soil. Unfortunately, an ideal ring of "rotation"
from the topmost (beginning) part of this landslip is deformed
on the above photograph by shadows of nearby trees growing
on the left side of it. When the next day I intended to photograph
the same landslip at a different orientation of the sun, UFOnauts
brought to the area such a terrible rain and fog, that the landslip
was not visible at all.
* * *
Now I proceed with describing briefly, how
the above soil avalanche was documented
on this web page. Well, in March 2006 I
travelled a bit around New Zealand. I utilised
these trips as I could for researching and for
documenting photographically the evidence
of criminal activities of UFOnauts on the soil
of that country. Of course, during the entire
my trip UFOnauts watched me closely and
even for a moment would not let me out of
their sight. Also, as they only could, they
make difficult for me the accumulation of the
evidence and documentation on their subject.
To what kind of tricks and cunning actions
they resort in this holding me back - it is described
in next item #G1 from this web page.
During the second week of March 2006 I
participated in the research trip around the
South Island of New Zealand (at that time I
lived in the North Island of that country).
As usual, wherever I would go, UFOnauts
send an invisible UFO vehicle to follow
every my footstep. When I stayed in a
tourist spot called "Franz Josef" (i.e. this
famous from a constantly "flowing"
glacier), the invisible for human sight
UFO vehicle which constantly observed
me, landed on a slope of local hill that
dominated over this tourist spot. The location
at which this UFO vehicle landed, was only
distant by around 100 metres (as "crow flies")
from the motel in which I stayed. The crew
of this UFO vehicle without difficulties could
observe every my movement. Shortly
before 1 pm I decided to leave the motel
and go to see the glacier. The invisible
UFO vehicle decided to take off and accompany
me in my sightseeing. However, the manoeuvre
of taking off was done by the pilot so slack and clumsy,
that the UFO vehicle caused the formation
of a "rotation" of soil (as described earlier
in item #D2 of this web page). In turn this
"rotation" induced a small avalanche of soil
almost in front of my eyes. In this manner
the UFO vehicle demonstrated to me what
exactly is the mechanism of formation of such
landslips. But unfortunately, the very moment
of creation of this landslip I missed to see -
UFOnauts forgot to tell me that they
intend do carry out the demo of initiating it.
In turn the entire event happened almost
instantly - probably because of the very
steep slope of this hill. When I found
visually the exact spot in which the
soil avalanche was created, everything
was already over. The only thing that
remained for me to do, was to document
the remains of the landslip on a photograph.
So almost the only new fact which I was able
to notice from this demonstration was a really
deafening bang, seconds after which there was
a sound like from cracked pile of dry branches.
In my life I heard a lot of loud bangs,
e.g. these from cannon shots. But this
bang of the initiation of a landslip in Franz
Josef was louder than anything that I
managed to hear in my life. Most clearly
the UFO vehicle taking off managed to
tear a large lump of the rock from the
native bedrock of this mountain. In fact,
when I visually inspected the remnants of
this landslip, I noticed several grey-glossy
patches on it, which most probably represented
(1) the surface which was left after the tearing
a lump from the native bedrock by a UFO vehicle
(this patch was visible in the upper part of the
circular "rotation" from the top of this landslip),
and (2) two pieces of the native rock which rolled
down (these were visible in the lower part of
the landslip - probably they fell lowest of all
components of the rubbles). Unfortunately,
probably because of the primitive
photographing equipment that was used,
these grey patches are not well visible on
the photograph from "Fig. #F1". Unfortunately,
when the remains from this demo-landslip
were photographed around 3 pm, the
quality of the photograph was spoiled by
the location of the sun which cast shadows
on the "tang" of the area along which this landslip
went down. However, a next day, for which I
planned photographing this landslip again with
a different location of the sun, UFOnauts brought
to Franz Josef such nasty rain and fog, that
the mountain with this landslip stopped to
be visible at all. In turn myself, I was forced
to continue my trip without waiting until the
weather improves (also, knowing UFOnauts,
if I waited, the weather would never improve).
Part #G:
Unusually misleading behaviour of "UFOnauts":
Obstructions in attempts to document that on the Earth are active "simulations" of UFOnauts:
If we reveal a truth about someone who lives morally, the addressee feels honoured. But if we reveal a truth about
UFOnauts, these aliens jump out of their skin in order to make this revealing impossible. This in turn clarifies, what
kind of creatures UFOnauts are, and what kind of activities they carry out on Earth - so that they are afraid panicky
to reveal truth about themselves!
Although readers of my web pages and
monographs usually are able to accept
this only with huge difficulties, in fact UFOnauts
even for a moment do not let me out of
their sight. Thus, the characteristic buzzing
of the propulsor from their invisible UFO
vehicle, the smell of ozone which is generated
by their
Oscillatory Chambers,
and also fast flashes (like these from photo-cameras
and video cameras of spies and secret services),
frequently pest me even when I go to a toilet,
or when I have a romantic evening. (Which
twisted behaviours of UFOnauts induce in
me only disgust and pity regarding the state
of their psychics, and also induce question
marks about a kind of photographic documentation
which their twisted propaganda secretly prepares
on my subject and which probably it is going to
release one day in order to hold back more
effectively dissemination of the moral
philosophy of totalizm.)
Under the window of my bedroom magnetic
propulsors of their UFO vehicle scorched the
grass almost to a bear soil. Unfortunately for
me, UFOnauts not only carefully observe
everything that I do, but also try to hold back
my activities in various cunning manners.
In this item I try to explain: (1) what were
the most noticeable manifestations of this
constant watching by UFOnauts of everything
that I do, that I noted in times when the evidence
presented on this web page was gathered, and
also (2) how UFOnauts secretly held me back
and blocked my activities.
Of course, when in March 2006 I went into
my research trip around New Zealand in
order to, amongst others, accumulate
evidence presented on this web page,
UFOnauts observed me (and held
back my activities) especially intensely.
After all, I gathered then the evidence
for their murderous activities on Earth -
which they try to hide from people so
thoroughly. So if they were able to cause
somehow, that I overlooked or missed the
documenting of a fragment of this evidence,
then I was unable to disclose their activities
so effectively. So even when one day I went
into an underground cave named the
"Waitomo Cave", UFOnauts send over there
after me a miniature UFO probe controlled
by a computer, so that this probe could
watch every my step. (They could NOT
sent an entire crewed UFO vehicle, because
in this cave "glowing worms" live. These
worms would sense the presence of a
large UFO vehicle and shut up their
glow. This in turn would cause an alarm
and induce my suspicion about a nearby
presence of UFOnauts.) The UFO probe
was accidentally captured on a following
Fig. #G1a: The miniature UFO probe which followed
me into the New Zealand cave called the
"Waitomo Cave". (Click on a given
photo to enlarge it).
The photo from the left side
(a) shows the entire cave which I visited
then, together with the miniature UFO probe visible
inside. In turn the photograph from the right side
(b) represents an enlargement of the
same UFO probe. If such a discoidal probe
controlled by a computer, is photographed in
a top view (along the central axis of it), from the
which side the discoidal shape of it is captured
as a circular or elliptical profile, then the Western
UFO researchers call it an "orb". After
it is enlarged such UFO probes ("orbs") in a
shape of circles or ellipsis reveal the presence
of both, the main propulsor in the centre, and
a ring of side propulsors around the peripherals -
similar to magnetic propulsors which appear
also in crewed (large) UFOs and Magnocraft,
and thus which are described and illustrated
more comprehensively in chapters F and P
from respectively volumes 3 and 13 of
monograph [1/4].
If in turn such a miniature UFO probe is
captured in the side view, then it resembles
with the appearance a flying "rod". Probably
for this reason Western UFO researchers
call with the term "rods" such miniature,
computer-controlled UFO probes captured
in a side view. Examples, of photographs
of such "rods" are shown on totaliztic web pages
aliens and
In turn more detailed descriptions of these miniature UFO
probes are contained in subsections U3.1.2 and F4.7
from volumes respectively 15 and 3 of monograph [1/4].
In the situation captured on the above photograph,
this computer-controlled, miniature UFO probe
flew in the telekinetic convention of flight. Thus,
the photograph managed to capture the faint
so-called "extraction glow", which is emitted
because of the telekinetic slow down of its speed -
for details see subsections H6.1 and L1 from
volumes respectively 4 and 10 of monograph
[1/4]. However, most surely I was observed
by just such UFO probes since my early
childhood. As a teenager I saw just such a
probe moving in the magnetic convention
of flight. In the appearance it resembled then
to me a sizable waist watch, entirely made
of gold. My visual observation of just such
a miniature UFO probe I described in subsection
D1 of the Polish
treatise [4b]
(unfortunately, this description so-far is unavailable
in English - but planned to be translated in a near
Of course, immediately after on 15 March 2006
I published the photograph of the above UFO
probe on this web page, UFOnauts swamped
me with protests. In their emails they wrote, that
it is NOT a UFO probe at all, but a "internal
reflection of light in the photo-camera", and that
being such a "reflection" of light, I should remove
this photograph from my web page to not
misinform the readers. These UFOnauts
did not know, that I have more photographs
of the same probe taken during the same
research trip around New Zealand, and that
in fact I can prove that the photograph "Fig. #G2a"
conclusively show a miniature, computer-controlled
UFO probe, NOT a patch of inner light reflection
inside of my camera. So in order to cut all further
arguments of UFOnauts of the type, that this is
only a "reflection" of light, below I reproduce
another photograph of the same UFO probe,
which continually spied on me during that
research trip around New Zealand (in total
this UFO probe was captured on 2 photographs
and on one video film). This further photograph
of a UFO probe documents conclusively
that, after all, it WAS a miniature UFO vehicle
controlled by a computer, NOT a "patch"
of light from an inner reflection inside of the
photo-camera. Here it is:
Fig. #G2: The photograph which provided
an undeniable proof, that in New Zealand
a miniature UFO probe which continually
followed in my footsteps was photographed -
NOT (as UFOnauts try to convince me) just
an inner reflection of light in the photo-camera.
(Click on a given photograph to
enlarge it)
The evidence for the fact, that
this is a UFO probe, NOT an inner
reflection of light, is the location of this
probe captured on the photograph when
it hides between two branches. In front
of the probe there is a small branch of
the tree called the "monkey puzzle" -
which (the branch) is visible as it overlays
onto the picture of this probe. In turn behind
the probe there is clearly visible another
thick branch of the same tree. The point
is, that in order the end of this small branch
could be photographed in front of the probe,
so that the enlargement of this photo clearly
shows the branch overlying at the background
of the probe, the probe must hide from me
behind branches of this tree. This in turn
means, that for sure it was NOT a reflection
of light inside of the photo-camera, as such a
reflection of light would impose itself ONTO the
picture of the tree, and there would be no
branch which would overshadow the surface
of this probe. (From the dimensions of a typical
branch of this type of tree is appears, that the
probe was around 10 cm in diameter.)
(a - left photograph):
An entire photograph, which in the central part
captured a miniature UFO probe that constantly
spied on my every step during the research trip
along New Zealand discussed on this web page.
It is this UFO probe that was registered
photographically on three occasions. This
photograph originally supposed to record an
interesting kind of tree, which in New Zealand
is called the "monkey puzzle". (Interesting whether
UFOnauts controlling this probe knew about the
symbolic meaning of this name when they hide
their probe between branches of this particular
tree. After all, these UFOnauts present to people
their miniature UFO probes flying around the Earth
in the "state of telekinetic flickering", just as such
"monkey puzzles".) Only after this photograph
was taken, it turned out that this miniature UFO
probe was captured on it.
(b - right photograph):
The enlargement of the same probe captured on
the left photo (a). From this enlargement
one clearly can see how the branch of the tree
called "monkey puzzle" overlaps over the picture
of this probe. This means that the probe must
hide from me UNDER this branch of the tree.
Thus, in no case this UFO probe could be an
inner reflection of the light in the photo-camera -
as UFOnauts try to imply it. After all, such an inner
reflection of light would need to impose ONTO
the picture of this branch, not UNDER this picture.
Mothods of obstructions used on the Earth by "simulations" of UFOnauts:
Unfortunately, UFOnauts do not stop on the
careful watching what I do. Rather opposite,
on hundreds of cunning ways they try
to stop me from accomplishing my goals.
Therefore below I am going to list most
important manners of such obstructing my
activities, which hit my eyes only during the
accumulation of evidence that is presented
on this web page. After all, the manners
of obstructing selected activities by UFOnauts,
which are described here, for sure are used
NOT only on me, but also equally frequent
on other people, including into this also you, the reader.
Only that other people still do not know about
the existence of such secretive obstructing of
their activities by UFOnauts. So when the reader
begins to read descriptions below, he or she
probably discovers that also was blocked or
obstructed by UFOnauts in the same way at
various stages of his or her life. Of course,
I describe here only these manners of obstructing,
which UFOnauts implemented so clumsily that
I was able to notice them. Independently from
them, UFOnauts use also hundreds of other
manners of continuous sabotaging and obstructing
my activities, which are so cunning, that sometimes
I manage to identify them only after many years of
studies. So here are manners of obstructing with
which I was forced to put up, and through which I
needed to break through, in order to prepare this
web page:
A. Obstructing through a hidden use of the evil medical knowledge of UFOnauts.
This is a favourite manner of obstructing used
by UFOnauts. After all, their intentional sabotages
look in this manner of obstructing just like someone's
"health problems". Only a thorough analysis of these
supposed "health problems" reveals, that in fact they
originate from intentional infecting, or from an evil use
of medical knowledge of UFOnauts. Some data on this
subject is contained also on a separate web page
Induction illnesses in me during times when these
illnesses obstruct most the preparation of documentation
against UFOnauts. UFOnauts love infecting me
with viruses of illnesses similar to flue and cold, or
with various fungi illnesses of the respiratory system.
They carry out such infecting when I plan to gather
this part of the documentation which requires a fresh
mind and a clarity of thinking. The participation of
UFOnauts in inducing such illnesses in me, usually
can be recognised firstly by the intensity of the
infection and by the speed of development of the
illness (i.e. in such cases UFOnauts always
treat me with a "horse dose" of the infecting agent,
so that the illness develops with a shocking speed).
Secondly it also can be recognised by the kind of
memories and feelings which remain in me after
the night abduction to a UFO - i.e. the abduction
during which UFOnauts infect me with a given
illness (e.g. always on the occasion of infecting
me with an illness, some female UFOnauts
cannot resist to rape me). For example, when
I was preparing the writing of this web page, UFOnauts
infected me with a ghastly version of flue, which dragged
until the time of finishing the writing. More on the topic
of intentional infecting me with illnesses by UFOnauts
is written in subsections E2 and E6 from volume 4 of
monograph [8].
Vicious causing such damages in my body, which
make difficult and painful the preparation of documentation
and the accomplishing of the goals assumed.
UFOnauts are masters of hidden torturing of people.
In fact, I suspect that these were them who taught
Hitler's people how to torture prisoners. Almost for
sure also UFOnauts-changelings were initiators of
photographing of prisoners in the prison
Abu Ghraib
from Iraq near Baghdad (for the first time published
on 21 May 2004 by the "Washington Post").
The evil medical knowledge regarding a
hidden induction of pains in people, UFOnauts
in a perfect manner utilise for obstructing the
accomplishment of our goals and for blocking
various human activities. For example, whenever
I have something to do, for which highly functional
fingers are required, rapidly at nights, from no-one
knows where, along the centres of my fingernails deep
cuts rapidly appear. These cuts split my finger
nails into two halves. The cuts cause, that any use
of fingers induces powerful pains and becomes
a torture. Of course, thoughtless people would
suspect that these cuttings of my fingernails
are cracks that originate from the lack of the E
vitamin or zinc. But I know that if fingernails
crack from the lack of the E vitamin or zinc,
then (a) they crack in all directions - not just
along the central axis of the finger, (b) cracks
are not so deep (long) that they practically
split the fingernail into two halves, (c) cracks
do NOT appear only in the middle of nights
during the abductions onto a UFO deck - but
prefer to appear during a daytime work when
these fingernails are bend, and also (d)
these fingernails crack mainly when something is
NOT right with our eating - not only when we intend
to carry out a job which runs against interests of
UFOnauts. In a similar manner, when I have an
intention to carry out activities which UFOnauts
do not like, but for which a high physical fitness
is needed, then in a morning I awake with a
powerful back ache (i.e. UFOnauts in the "goodness
of their hearts" try to save me from the effort of completion
of this work, by shifting at night my disc in the spinal cord).
In the result, a next day every my movement becomes
an agony. Still another kind of a "trick" UFOnauts use
on me when in some matter that they do not like
I supposed to walk a lot a next day. In such a case
during a night abduction onto a UFO deck as a standard
UFOnauts used to "bit" the muscles out from the bones
under my foot (i.e. probably during a night abduction into
a UFO, they used to strongly strike the sole of my foot
with a big hammer). So in the morning I woke
up with a powerful pain in my feet which almost
refused to support me. For several next days
after such a "treatment" from UFOnauts, a walking
was an agony. But when I published these descriptions,
UFOnauts changed the kind of painful damage to
my body. Namely, when in the first half of April
2006 I was about to work hard on the development
of the internet web page
UFOnauts secretly dislocated during night my right
hip joint. Thus, for around three next weeks every
step I took, was for me a torture, and I was almost crying
from the pain while walking. Of course, the pain inflicted
upon me by UFOnauts never stops me completely, and
in spite of the suffering inflicted purposely by UFOnauts,
I slowly persevere and still make sure that I complete
whatever I intended. Always on such occasions
I am surprised by their twisted logics. After all,
UFOnauts know jolly well that in spite of the pain
which they inflict upon me, I still complete whatever
I intended. They also know jolly well, that their
sadistic actions I later describe thoroughly on
my web pages or in my publications. In the
result, the evil that they impose on me makes
to them almost the same damage as to me.
The induction of physical exhaustion for the duration of
time when I plan the creative writing. It is known that
one cannot be creative when is exhausted physically.
In turn the majority of what I do requires the creative
mind. UFOnauts know this perfectly well, thus they
sabotage my creativity on several different, evilly
cunning manners. For example, at nights which
proceed my actions that require a creative mind,
they send to me cosmic prostitutes of some sort,
which "have with me their wicked ways". In the result,
a next morning I awake completely exhausted from
the energy, and painful all over as if a tank rolled
along my body last night. Simultaneously, I notice the
presence on my body of all signs of being sexually
violated - which are described in subsection
U3.7.1 from volume 15 of monograph [1/4].
These signs indicate that I was raped during
the night, and probably not just a single time.
Sometimes such rapes may take place as many as 4
times a week (in spite that I have around 60 years
of age, thus that the UFOnauts should allow me to
get retired from their wicked ways). Another manner
of bringing to me a heavy head during days when
I plan creative tasks, is to deprive me of a rest at
nights. With various manners UFOnauts simply
disallow me to fall asleep a given night. In recent
times they most frequently prevent my sleeping
through directing at me a pillar of a field, or a telepathic
command of some sort - which induce an extreme
anxiety. In past they liked to use for the same purpose
a repetitive tickling directed at ever changing parts of
the skin, carried out with objects in a state of telekinetic
flickering. Sometimes they resorted also to inducing
rapid noises each time I fell asleep.
Carrying out some medical "experiments" on me,
about which I do NOT know what they are for, although
knowing the barbarism of UFOnauts I know that are not
for good. Independently from manners of obstructing
my goals via the use of evil medicine of UFOnauts,
which are described above, these morally degenerated
creatures from cosmos carry out on me a whole array
of further medical experiments, about which I still did
not discover what these are for. Here are some of them,
which are repeated on me on regular basis.
(a) Shooting under my skin some sort of dissolvable
crystals. It is carried out relatively regular with
around a month gaps between subsequent shootings.
After the shooting, these crystals cause a nasty
wounds of the size of average bumps from
mosquito bites. After the night during which
UFOnauts carry out such shooting of a next
crystal, my organism behaves as if it was
poisoned. My kidneys are then in strong pain.
The places these crystals are shot into, do
not want to heal for around 3 months. I noticed
that the favourite place where UFOnauts shoot
these crystals coincide with the location of various
glands under my skin. For example, they lie under
my ears, in centres of my cheeks, under the chin,
and also in several other places on my body. (b)
The burning of square marks on my skin (most
frequently the face skin). These marks look like
the skin was accidentally burned due to a touch
with a hot square electrode. The biggest out of
these burned squares, scorched above my right
cheek around 15 January 2004, has the side
dimension of around 7 mm. Others have smaller
side dimensions. On one of these, located under
the right eye, the skin of my face was burned so
strongly, that it is completely black. (c) Shooting
me something under toe nails. UFOnauts
carry out this every several years. Usually this
finishes with a permanent damage to the nail
and then with a continuous pain which later radiates
from this damaged nail for many years. Recently
UFOnauts did this to me with the nail from the large
toe on my left foot. Although I am not able to
deduce for what these medical "experiments"
supposed to serve, for sure they are
sources of various unpleasant feelings,
wondering, and psychological uncertainty.
Also I never know whether these medical
experiments constitute some kind of a slow
and unnoticeable sending me off to another
There is one curious aspect of these experiments
carried out by UFOnauts, which I would like to
share here. This is because I am ready to bet,
that it is known by numerous other readers,
who are also subjected to experiments by UFOnauts,
only that they have no clue what they are dealing
with. It is an extraordinary sound, which can be
heard when the elapse of time for a given person
is slowed down. Me personally this sound resembles
a loud rustling of soft aluminium foil (type used for
cooking). Other people compare it to the sound
of gargling of water in gumboots during walking,
or to a sound that long, wet grass produces when
someone walks through it. It can usually be heard
when one still sleeps but is close to awakening.
After one awakens, the sound rapidly is cut off -
i.e. devices of UFOnauts return a normal speed
of time. If you, the reader, ever have heard such
loud rustling during your sleep, this means that
you are an object of experiments of UFOnauts -
not that a pack of mice ravages your bedroom
only at the times when you sleep. More about
this extraordinary sound, including the mechanism
of creating it, is described in subsection C1 from
my Polish
treatise [3b].
B. Obstructing through a hidden use of advanced
technical devices of UFOnauts, masked as acts of the nature.
This is another frequent manner of obstructing
used by UFOnauts. Intentional obstructing advances
of UFOnauts appear in this manner to be forces
of nature, accidents, coincident, etc. Only a
laborious analyses of manipulations of UFOnauts
on weather, clouds, winds, action of technical devices,
etc., reveals that in fact sources of this obstructing
are NOT forces of nature, but intentional actions
of UFOnauts. Many mechanisms used during
such obstructing for mimicking forces of nature
is described on separate web pages, e.g. on
"clouds UFOs", etc.
Bringing a bad weather in times when for the
documentation, or for research, a sunny weather is required.
I must admit that I am impressed by the efficiency
with which UFOnauts control our weather. If they
wish so, in just several hours they are able to change
a sunny weather into a nasty rain and fog. The principle
which UFOnauts use to control the weather on Earth is
briefly described on the web page
In turn a detailed description of this principle is contained
in subsection H5.4 from the volume 4 of monograph
[1/4] (but only in volumes dated on, or after,
11 September 2005). In my own case UFOnauts
use this ability to control the weather, in order
to make impossible for me the documenting,
or a field research, of facts which do not suit them.
For example, in just such a manner they make
impossible for me a second photographing (for
a different positioning of the sun) the landslip shown
on the photograph from "Fig. #F1". I realise that in
case of other people, UFOnauts may utilise this
ability to control the weather for murdering these
people in a hidden manner - e.g. through
causing snow falls or frost bites when with
the help of UFOnauts someone gets stack
far from civilisation centres.
The sabotaging of devices and hardware when these are needed.
If for a completion of given research or documentation
I need some special device or equipment, then immediately
there are problems with getting it, running it, correct
operation of it, etc. The interesting aspect is always, that these
problems have such a nature, that they can easily
be created by UFOnauts. For example, it turns out
that something rapidly disappears from the place where
it is always kept, and can be found only after long searches
as it is hidden in a place in which no-one would normally
put it (i.e. invisible UFOnauts displace the required
equipment to the place in which typically we will NOT seek it.)
Or it turns out that just charged batteries are already
discharged (i.e. UFOnauts are able to quickly discharge
batteries by exposing them to a telekinetic field). Or
in the computer the peripherals and their software
refuse to work, in spite that they were tested just a week
earlier (i.e. UFOnauts have in their disposal a
secretly coded in the design of computer microprocessors
the special so-called "sabotage loops", described more
exactly in the next item below - these loops are able to
change the operation of our computers and their
peripherals in any manner that UFOnauts wish).
The sabotaging of content of our computers by the use
of the so-called "sabotage loops". (With this "sabotage
loops" UFOnauts can sabotage web pages that are already
written and published, new publications, monographs,
illustrations, documentation, etc.) In part A of a separate
web page named
and also in item C3 of a separate web page
FAQ - frequent questions,
also in the blog no #18 available through the address
listed below in item #11 of this web page, I explained
more thoroughly the secret of the so-called "sabotage
loop". This loop UFOnauts introduced secretly to the
design of microprocessors in our computers. With the
assistance of this loop UFOnauts without a problem are
able to introduce now any changes to the operation of
our computers, to the software used by these computers,
and also to the files which we store on disks and in
peripheral devices of our computers. Due to this loop
UFOnauts can sabotage any operation, software, and any
files, at thousands of different ways. Some of these ways
are described on web pages
FAQ - frequent questions, and
also in chapter C of the Polish
treatise [7B],
and additionally in subsections VB4.4 and VB5.3.1 from volume 17 of
monograph [1/4].
The most irritating out of these manners of
sabotaging, are for me personally when
UFOnauts complete sabotages inside my
own computer. And they do it relatively frequent -
e.g. I caught them on such sabotaging this web page
only several days after it was created. These
sabotages are carried out with use of the
"sabotage loop" described earlier. They manifest
themselves most clearly when e.g. one day I
complete the final version of a web page, bringing it to
the level of perfection, and then I look again to this web
page several days later. It then turns out, that the
same web page which not long ago was working
perfectly like a Swiss clock, and had error free
text supplemented with clear illustrations, rapidly
shows a pile of various programming errors,
about which I know that they were not present
earlier, and which completely spoil the operation
of this web page. In turn the text of this web page
contains numerous language errors and dictionary
changes about which I know that earlier they were
not there. Finally illustrations from this web page
have changed colours, become too dark or out
of focus, etc. All such cases are very irritating.
After all, because of such nasty sabotages of
UFOnauts, I need to carry out the fine tuning
of the web page repetitively from the very
beginning, knowing that everything that I do, UFOnauts
will spoil again within next few days. I feel even worse,
when UFOnauts delete from my computer entire
fragments of texts which run against their interests,
remove illustrations which discredit them, and sometimes
even destroy the entire files with newest versions
of my publications. One day I may have such descriptions,
illustrations, or publications. Several days later these
are not there any more. I dream then that one day
someone manages to find and to decipher this "sabotage
loop" from microprocessors of our computers, and then
develop a manner in which we could successfully block
it out. In this manner we would make impossible for
UFOnauts the doing of such nasty sabotages.
C. Obstructing through the creation of intellectual climate and situation
of living which make impossible unhindered carrying out of research and writing.
This is another frequent manner of obstructing
used by UFOnauts. Their intentional obstructing
advances may appear as a bad luck, problems
with work, character clashes, evilness of co-workers
or superiors, etc. Again, only a laborious analyses
of manipulations of UFOnauts on our living conditions
and situation at work reveals that in fact sources
of this obstructing are intentional intrigues and steering
of UFOnauts. Many mechanisms used in such
obstructing I described in subsection A3 from volume
1 of monograph [1/4]. Here are examples.
Causing the continuous loss of jobs. This is
a manner in which UFOnauts continuously persecute
me. For this reason, instead of carrying out research
and publishing which are inconvenient for UFOnauts,
I am continually forced to seek a next job - simply to
survive. If someone looks through subsection A3 from
volume 1 of monograph [1/4], and also/or subsection F1
from volume 5 of monograph [8], in fact UFOnauts
so massed up my entire life, that it turned into a
single long search for a new job and in fight for
survival. Some data on this subject are also described
on the web page
seeking job.
The formation of intellectual climate on Earth, in which any
knowledge that threatens UFOnauts is condemned and
cannot be gathered. For example, consider what is
the real reason that people who try to research UFOs are
removed from their jobs, laughed at, scoffed at, accused
to be cranks, etc. Humanity is already so scared of UFOnauts,
that no-one on the position of responsibility has the courage
to even loud state the word "UFO". More information about
the areas of science and technology which are persecuted
in this manner by UFOnauts, is listed in subsection
VB5.1.1, from volume 17 of monograph [1/4].
* * *
If on our planet someone is constantly watched,
and systematically prevented from doing whatever
he or she wants - especially it is make impossible for
him or her to leave the area at which he or she is enslaved,
then usually such a situation is called imprisoning.
After all, these are imprisoned people who are
constantly watched by guards, who are not
allowed to leave a given prison, and about whom
it is make sure that they do not do whatever they could
wish to do. So it is not an allegory if we state that
the entire humanity for thousand of years is
imprisoned by UFOnauts. In turn e.g. the
obstacles build up by UFOnauts against the
construction of our
and described on web pages of totalizm, are the
evidence of this imprisoning of humanity.
It is a common knowledge, that nations the
civilisational advancement of which is higher,
treat their prisoners better. In turn when this
advancement is falling down, the treatment
of prisoners worsens. In some cases the
advanced nations even grant to their prisoners
various legal rights - e.g. see the Geneva
Convention, or Human Rights. So how UFOnauts
treat the humanity which they imprisoned. Well,
worse than it is done by even the most degenerated
and barbaric nations on Earth. In fact human
prisoners of UFOnauts do not have any rights.
UFOnauts murder them, torture, exploit,
rape, torment, and persecute on every possible
ways which only come to their twisted minds.
Our imprisonment has also no final date - so
we supposed to be enslaved and tormented
infinitively. Thus, let us now draw appropriate
conclusions from the fact that UFOnauts
deprived us all rights, so that one day, when
UFOnauts finally come out from the present
hiding and begin to pretend that they are
angels, we will then know exactly what stand
we should take towards them. Well, the first
such conclusion is that this behaviour of
UFOnauts indicates with what kind of
"relatives" we are dealing. After all, the
atrocities which UFOnauts commit on us
do not allow to measure nor even imagine
the depth of barbarism and evilness
which UFOnauts already accomplished.
A second conclusion is that such a treatment
clearly discloses, that we must NOT rest until
we throw out these evil UFOnauts from
our planet. The third conclusion warns,
that we must continually be beware of them,
and always look them at hands. Furthermore,
it reveals also what else we should expect from
such our cosmic "relatives" - means that we
cannot be surprised when they again cheat us,
push a knife in our backs, when they will lie
to us, when they will publicly condemn
and smear totalizm and my research which
try to disclose their atrocities, etc., etc.
Part #H:
Examples of catastrophes caused by UFOs:
Examples of intentional formation of mudslides or landslips by UFO vehicles in order to scare or
large numbers of people:
Motto:When a landslip is initiated with a tremendous bang, then it is not natural, but technically induced by a UFO.
UFOnauts have this nasty habit, that everything
that can be accomplished by their invisible UFO
vehicle, they utilise for purposeful spreading of
fear amongst people, and for systematic
extermination of humanity. Of course, as such
tools of destruction also the ability of UFO vehicles
for technical forming of landslips and mudslides is
frequently utilised. So let us now describe examples
of cases, when UFOnauts in fact murdered crowds
of people, by using just such intentionally induced
mudslides and landslips.
Inducing by UFOnauts a murderous mudslide on the Philippine island of Leyte (17 February 2006):
On Friday, 17 February 2006, at 9 am local time,
on the
Philippines' island of Leyte
(675 km on the south-east from Manila),
a huge mudslide appeared which buried an
entire village named Guinsaugon. On the
basis of what I already know about methods
of action of UFOnauts, and also what I know
about characteristics of technical devices that
UFOnauts use, it is absolutely sure for me,
that this Philippines' mudslide was created
on purpose by UFOnauts, as a part of their
current campaign of scaring and tormenting
humanity. Here is listing of the most vital evidence
which documents the direct involvement of
UFOnauts in this next atrocity committed on humanity.
The presence in this Philippine mudslide of all
attributes which characterise avalanches induced
technically by UFOs. The three first attributes
of technically induced avalanches, as explained
previously in items #E1 and #L1 of this web page,
were clearly confirmed by news from the crime
scene of this atrocity of UFOnauts. Means, news
confirmed: (1) the presence of a circular "rotation"
in the initiation point of this Philippine mud avalanche,
as well as (2) a loud bang - as if from a cannon shot,
heard at the moment of the initiation of this mud
avalanche, and (3) the location of the epicentre of
an earthquake in the "rotation". And so, the circular
"rotation" in the initiation point was visible on films
from this mudslide, which (films) were broadcasted
in television news. The loud bang was reported
by numerous eye witnesses. In turn, the fact that
the epicentre of a small earthquake induced by
the cracking of rocks was located inside of the
"rotation", was obvious from reports, that witnesses
firstly heard the loud bang, then they heard rumbling
of the avalanche, and only at the very end they
felt how the earth was shaking. It is worth to add
here, that from the point of view of the theory of
probability, it is impossible that all three such
untypical attributes appeared in the same mudslide
just by a pure coincidence.
Intelligently controlled rainfalls which "watered" the
area of planned mudslide. In addition to all this,
two weeks before the mudslide, the area of this island
was drenched with powerful localised rainfall, which
was persisting until the moment when the mudslide
appeared. It is reported, that during 2 weeks around
680 mm of rain fell. These rains looked exactly as
if they were created over there on purpose by an
advanced technology of UFOnauts. For example,
rained exclusively in the designated area and there was no rain
in the neighbourly islands. Furthermore, immediately
after the mudslide was induced, the rain rapidly stopped
and sunshine appeared (after all, UFOnauts did not
have a reason for further continuation of the rain).
Evidence of the use of advanced technology of UFOnauts
present on the crime scene. One such evidence is,
that UFOnauts used again in Philippines their old trick
with the "deleting of SMSs" (this trick is described more
extensively in item #4 from the web page better humanity).
In a very sad article [DP5] entitled
"Mudslide text messages: 'We are alive. Dig us out.' ",
which was published on page A1 of the New Zealand
"The New Zealand Herald",
issue dated on Monday, February 20, 2006, one of
teachers buried alive in the local school sent just such
(SMS) text message to her mother, Pamela Tiempo.
Furthermore, several children also buried alive in
buildings of the school, posted similar text messages
to their parents. But in order to make impossible the
tracking of the location of this school, and thus to make
impossible saving the children, UFOnauts deleted all
these messages. Furthermore, they also blocked the
arrival of further messages of this type. Only UFOnauts
have the technology and know-how to implement such
deletions and blocking of SMSs in Philippines.
The first description of this Philippine mudslide
which got into my hands was in the article [DP6]
"Mudslide kills hundreds" published on page A1
of the New Zealand newspaper
"The Dominion Post Weekend",
issue dated on Saturday/Sunday, February 18-19, 2006.
Further reports and interviews with eye witnesses,
and also pictures of it, were broadcasted in all New
Zealand TV news on Saturday, 18 February 2006.
In the article [DP6] was written, that in the result
of it, over 500 homes were buried, in which for
sure died at least 200 people, while further 1500
was considered to be missing. In turn TV news
reported, that the number of victims reached
around 3000 people - in this only in a local school
died around 300 children. Further 300 women
died in the hall of that village, where a women's
conference just was held. (It is possible that UFOnauts
arranged this tragedy only because they wanted to
assassinate a woman which was inconvenient for them,
and about which they knew that she will be present
on this conference. This is because their typical way
of assassinating looks just like this.) To what kind of
revolting and cunning methods of murdering UFOnauts
are resorting lately. It is difficult to believe that so
evil creatures are close relatives of humans.
The technical inducing (by a UFO) a scary landslip in the New Zealand settlement of Lower Hutt (7 August 2006):
On Monday, 7 August 2006, around 9 pm,
some inhabitants of the New Zealand settlement
of Kelson from Lower Hutt near Wellington
were alarmed by a loud bang. After they rushed
to see what happened, they noticed that a slope
of a hill, on top of which stood several houses,
a circular landslip appeared at Kelson No 6.
The landslip looked as if the hill was bitten
by a giant jaw. The bang which alarmed these
people does not appear during natural landslips.
It is characteristic just for landslips induced
technically by UFO vehicles. (In this case by
a UFO type K7, because the diameter of the
circular landslip was around 49 meters.)
The description of the actual appearing this
highly meaningful noise is provided in the
article "Huge bang and roar" published on
page A1 from a New Zealand newspaper
"The Dominion Post",
issue dated on Wednesday, August 9, 2006.
In this article also a photograph of the landslip
is published. But because this photograph was
taken from the frontal view, it does not illustrate
well the characteristic half-circle shape which
results from the fact that the landslip was initiated
technically by magnetic circuits of a discoidal UFO
vehicle. Much better photograph, which actually
show this characteristic rounded shape of the
landslip, is published on page A3 of a next
edition of the same New Zealand newspaper
"The Dominion Post",
issue dated on Thursday, August 10, 2006.
About the same noise writes also vaguely an
article published on page A1 from another
New Zealand newspaper,
"The New Zealand Herald",
issue dated on Wednesday, August 9, 2006.
(This article also contains a photograph of this
landslip, only that it was taken from the least
illustrative direction.)
Of course, someone could ask why UFOnauts
induced technically this landslip from Lower Hutt.
I personally believe that their aim was to additionally
enforce the atmosphere of scare and uncertainty,
caused by various economical problems and
climatic disasters which shortly before that time
affected the country.
This soil avalanche from Lower Hutt was only
one amongst tens of similar landslides from
New Zealand induced technically by UFOs
in months July and August of 2006. At that
time in New Zealand were days, when
several such landslides appearing in the
same day, not just a single one, could
even be reported in TV news. Another
such a scary avalanche of stones and
soil was induced on Sunday, 13 August
2006. It slid onto the wall of an occupied
house from the suburb Sumner in city
Christchurch. In television news broadcasted
on that Sunday, the owner of the house on
the wall of which this avalanche stopped,
reported that he firstly heard a very loud
bang which initiated the avalanche, and
only then he heard the rumble of rolling
stones. But in the article "Falling boulders
smash family's dream" which about this
particular landslide was published in the
New Zealand newspaper
"The New Zealand Herald",
issue dated on Tuesday, August 15, 2006,
page A7, for some strange reason there is
no word about this loud bang. It is pity.
After all, the information about this bang
perhaps would cause, that someone from
New Zealand who would read this explanation
here, would send to UFOnauts the
for this tormenting of their country with plague
of landslides. After all, only when people
are able to mobilise themselves to send
karma to UFOnauts for everything that
UFOnauts cause on Earth, this tormenting
of humanity may finally stop.
* * *
In the light of facts described here, significant
for us becomes the sensitivity to signs
that UFOnauts prepare a next such murderous
avalanche in our vicinity. Furthermore,
important is also the ability to choose
correctly the moment and direction of
our escape. After all, many amongst
us live in areas endangered by such
avalanches of mud or soil. Also almost
everyone periodically stays or drives
through such areas. The first warning
sign, that UFOnauts prepare somewhere
just such a landslip or a mudslide, are
rainfalls lasting many days and focused
just on a given area. In turn a sign, that
an avalanche was just triggered (and thus
also a sign to undertake a fast escape)
is this loud bang. But the most difficult is
the choice of a correct direction of escape.
After all, such avalanches are very fast.
Thus there is only a chance to escape
from it, if one manages to either leave
fast the path which this avalanche is to
follow, or climb something very strong
that is not going to be flashed by it nor
sunk into it.
The mudslides from towns Teresopolis, Nova Friburgo
and Petropolis in Brazil, on Thursday, 13 January 2011:
On Thursday, 13 January 2011, soon after
the midnight, inhabitants of towns named
Teresopolis, Nova Friburgo and Petropolis,
which are located to the north from Rio de
Janeiro in Brazil, were hit by deadly mudslides
that rushed from the mountain that towered
above the towns. These mudslides swept from
the surface of Earth the majority of houses
of the towns. A lot of people have died - estimated
at over 600. In my opinion the most meaningful
report from that tragedy was contained in the
article entitled "Buried alive by mudslides"
from page B1 of newspaper
"Weekend Herald",
issue dated on Saturday, January 15, 2011.
It presented, amongst others, the photograph
of a church from "Teresopolis", by the frontal
doors of which passed the deadly mudslide.
But in spite of destroying the majority of houses
of that town, the church from "Teresopolis"
was left standing - just only slightly dirtied.
In this way the church yet another time
confirmed my findings summarised in
item #B2 of the totaliztic web page named
that "God gives to believers the 'sign" where
a given cataclysm comes from, by leaving
untouched objects of cult which fulfil the
set of God's requirements". Photographs
of churches spared by these deadly mudslides
from Brazil and standing in very centre of
destructions, in January 2011 one could
see on the Polish web site from the address
Another "sign" from God that suggests why, amongst
others, these particular towns were hit with mudslides,
are their names. These names can be interpreted
as references to holiness. For example, names
"Teresopolis" and "Petropolis" can be interpreted
as linked to Saint Theresa and Saint Peter.
In turn the name "Nova Friburgo" can be linked
to pope - see item #F1 on the web page
On the other hand, having "holy names" imposes
certain obligations at inhabitants - according
to the old Polish saying that "the nobility obliges".
In this way God lets us to know that "if you
live in a place with a holy name, you should behave
as appropriate for an inhabitant of such a place".
Most clearly inhabitants of these towns joined
a list of places already "punished" by God for
"behaviours that are NOT appropriate to the holy
dedication of the name at which they have".
Other places already "punished" in the same
manner include: Christchurch from New Zealand -
described in items #C5 and #C5.1 from the web page named
and "Concepcion" (from "Immaculate Conception")
from Chile - described in item #F3 from the web page
(Notice that three such cataclysms in a row are too
many to consider these to just be "coincidents".)
Part #I:
Why the escalation of "landslides" should worry us:
Teams of "tree assassins" - means the secret behind turning the fertile, green and teaming with life
slopes of New Zealand mountains into lifeless, dry, and dead landscape of catastrophic soil erosion:
When soon after the emigrating to New Zealand
in 1982, I travelled through this beautiful
country then ruled by a wise and far-seeing
politician named Sir Robert Muldoon, I could
not get out of amazement over the beauty of
its mountains - at that time covered with fertile
soil and lush vegetation. But when I went into
similar trips in times when this capable leader
was pushed out of the power, I could not
overcome my shock and surprise over the
speed and scale of a rapid erosion and
devastation of soil and vegetation at these
mountains. It was just this rapid erosion and
devastation that motivated me to seek reasons
for such a state of things - thus fruiting later
in writing this web page. Instead of slopes of
mountains still covered with lush vegetation,
in these later trips everywhere in New Zealand
started to scare onlookers numerous slopes
that were naked, barren, deprived the
vegetation, and covered with the shocking
number of natural landslides - in many
cases looking even much worse than the
landslides shown in "Fig. #C1" below. For
example, during my trip in 2008, practically
in the entire country I could NOT find a point
on the road from which I could see some
New Zealand mountains that would NOT be
covered with huge landslides and with barren,
deprived of life, rock rubbles which such
landslides leave behind. To be honest, out
of all countries in the world through which
I travelled in my life, New Zealand displays
at present the largest erosion of slopes of
its mountains. In no other place in the world
I saw such massive and so fast progressing
erosion of the fertile soil and vegetation that
occurs on slopes of mountains. And as I
explain this in my
autobiography -
I travel quite a lot over the world. At the initial
stage of my research I suspected that this
erosion of the New Zealand mountains is
caused by UFO vehicles landing on slopes
of these mountains - under just such an
angle I initially prepared the main thesis
of this web page. But then I established,
that the contribution of UFO landings to
this erosion is minimal - the majority of
the landslides is caused by a fast deforestation
of slopes of these mountains. No wonder,
that tracing this rapid erosion and devastation
combined with the deforestation of mountains,
which initiated only after the pushing Sir Robert
Muldoon out of power, I started to wonder what
link can exist between the politics of governments
which took power after this exceptional leader,
and so rapid escalation of the erosion of soil
and destruction of vegetation in mountains
of the country.
This puzzle of the link between the politics and
erosion of slopes of mountains, accidentally
solved itself a couple of years after I prepared
the first version of that web page. Namely, during
viewing a television I accidentally saw then a
documentary program about a team of "tree
assassins". As stemmed from this program, in
New Zealand a government established, i.e.
employed and financed, special "teams of
tree assassins" equipped in powerful chainsaws
and in good means of transport (in some
cases even in helicopters). These teams
do nothing else but inspect mountains of the
country and intentionally cut down every tree
that they encounter as growing on slopes
or tops of these mountains. They remain
active in New Zealand until today. In the
result of their activities, the forestation of
mountains in New Zealand is eliminated, and
in this way also the erosion of slopes of these
mountains is escalated. After all, in order
to eliminate the erosion of slopes of mountains,
these slopes would need to be having forests
(instead of being barren) - so that their soil
would be bounded with tree roots. Immediately
after seeing this program I searched in libraries
whether I can find something written on the
subject of these teams of "tree assassins".
Unfortunately, I found nothing. Intriguing
is for me, whether the lack of information on
their subject is caused by the fact that someone
prefers to keep their existence as a kind
of "guilty secret"?
In a couple of years after this first television programme
about teams of such "tree assassins", I accidentally
saw again a brief mentioning of their existence.
Because of the lack of written information on
them, I decided to notice at least broadcasting
data of this second report. It was broadcasted
within the evening news on channel 1 of
TVNZ, on Friday, January 8, 2010, from 6:00
to 7:00 pm. In this second report it was bragged
that these mysterious "teams of tree assassins"
obtained a new "weapon" in their fight against
forestation of mountain slopes in New Zealand.
This "weapon" turned out to be poisonous chemicals
similar to the "Orange Agent" - used by Americans
in Vietnam (see item #F2 from the totaliztic web page
about activities of UFOnauts on the Earth).
So starting from that time, these teams of "tree
assassins" not only are able to hold back and to
eliminate the forestation of mountains in New Zealand,
and thus to escalate the process of erosion of its soil,
but in addition are also able to poison the soil so
that next generations of inhabitants of the country
will NOT be able to plant any forests on it.
People are able to stop the appearance of natural catastrophes such as murderous "landslips" and "mudslides"
described here - it suffices that they understand "why" these catastrophes take place and eliminate the reasons:
Because the universe is ruled
by wise and omnipotent
(which fact is proven formally in items #B1
to #B3 from the web page named
all natural catastrophes have their reason and
justification. The reason and justification for
all natural catastrophes is already explained
in items #B1 to #B5 of the totaliztic web page
and on the entire web page
It is the arrival of inhabitants of a given area to
the very dangerous and infectious state of so-called
"agonal intellect" in their practicing of the highly
immoral and destructive philosophy called
Thus, stopping the appearance of all natural
cataclysms on the Earth is very simple - suffices
that endangered communities eliminate their
immoral behaviours, means that instead
of practicing this dangerous and infectious
philosophy of parasitism - the spread of which
God is halting just with the use of such natural
cataclysms, inhabitants of a given area start to
practice the highly moral philosophy of
Another highly effective manner of stopping cataclysms
is described in item #K4 below.
Part #J:
UFOs and UFOnauts hide a highly puzzling mystery about which is worth to know:
Although for people confronted with UFOs and UFOnauts these appear to be permanent, as well as
permanent are outcomes of their operation, in fact UFOs and UFOnauts are just temporary "simulations":
In order to simplify explanations and to
keep focused on the subject area, the
content of this web page is written as
if UFO vehicles and UFOnauts existed in
a permanent manner - the same permanent
as exist people and human vehicles. But -
as this is explained on a number of other
web pages, for example in item #L2 from the web page named
in items #C2 and #K2 from the web page named
or in item #K1 from the web page named
both - UFO vehicles as well as UFOnauts,
are just temporary "simulated" in each case
when there is a need for someone amongst
people to be confronted with them. Furthermore,
also every present cataclysm displays "simulated"
attributes and evidence, which suggest, that
this cataclysm was induced technically by UFO
vehicles - for more details see item #C2 from the web page
There is a whole array of reasons for which God
"simulates" UFOnauts and UFO vehicles, as well
as "simulates" permanent consequences of their
operation on the Earth. An example of one
amongst the most important out of these, is the
need to use on people the principle of upbringing,
which in item #F3 from the web page named
is described under the name of "principle of
reversals". This principle raises people into
tough, hardened in battle, "soldiers of God"
described more comprehensively in item #B1.1 from
the web page named
An example of another reason is to illustrate visually
to people via the evil behaviours of UFOnauts and
UFOs, to what leads the technical development carried
out without a simultaneous moral development. This
illustrating becomes especially vital in the face of
fact, that the humanity stands currently at the
beginning of times when it is going to have my
Magnocrafts and
time vehicles
in its disposal. One amongst examples of such evil
illustrated to us by UFOnauts, which humans are
able to spread with the use of Magnocrafts, is
described in items #B1 to #B4 from the web page
and also in the content of the Polish
treatise [3b].
Still another example of the reason for which God
"simulates" UFOnauts and UFOs, is the need to
replace the former "devils" with some creatures,
which are still able to carry out evil which "devils"
used to do in past, but simultaneously which are
more acceptable than "devils" for increasingly
atheistic societies.
Therefore, when there is a demand for a constructive
use of information presented on this web
page, then it is desirable to take a correction
for this shocking fact, that UFOs and UFOnauts
for very vital reasons are only temporary
"simulated" on the Earth.
Part #K:
Mysteries and puzzles of Acts of God:
Why all most deadly Acts of God display at least 3 sets of attributes which try to prove not less than 3 different origins of these Acts of God:
The empirical body of evidence presented
on this web page document sufficiently well,
that most deadly landslips and mudslides are
secretly formed by UFO vehicles. In turn a
similar body of evidence which is presented
on other web pages related to this one (e.g.
see web pages named
seismograph.htm, or
proves also exactly the same for different kinds
of most deadly Acts of God. This body of evidence
is also so perfectly prepared and so convincingly
presented, that for example I myself was completely
misled by it for entire 15 years. After all, since
around 1992, until 2007, I honestly believed that
these are UFOnauts who secretly cause on the
Earth all these most deadly Acts of God. I also
documented this my belief in the manner in which
I formulated the content of
monograph [1/4].
Independently from containing evidence for the
technical origins from UFOs, practically each
Act of God contains in itself also evidence that
indicates its origins from a "wanton element"
unleashed because of the work of nature.
This category of evidence is also perfectly
prepared and convincingly presented. After
all, it misled the entire institution of present
science, including into this almost all present
professional scientists. It is because of this
category of evidence, that present science
and scientists started to claim that
supposedly God does NOT exist,
while everything that happens in the entire
universe is propelled and controlled by work
of "wanton elements". However, it can be
proven relatively easy - as I did it on the
web page named
that also this second category of evidence is
just a skilful "simulation". It is provided temporarily
only to direct the scientists onto an atheistic
path of inquiry and research. The point is that
the atheistic path to learning and research,
according to explanations from item #F2 of the web page
and item #A2 of the web page
is incomparably more progressive and effective
than the path to knowledge selected by religious
Finally every most deadly Act of God contains
also excellently hidden evidence, that it is caused by
For example, to this category of evidence belongs
the fact that Acts of God destroy and kill only
communities which adopted the worst
stage of practicing the highly immoral
philosophy of parasitism.
Another evidence for origins of such Acts of
God from God Himself, is just the existence
of 3 perfectly prepared and convincingly
presented categories of evidence in attributes
of each one amongst these Acts of God. After
all, if we consider the matter thoroughly, then
it turns necessary the intelligence and capabilities
of God, to provide and carry out each such
an Act of God so perfectly, that it contains in
itself these 3 different categories of evidence.
If someone does not believe, then should consider
e.g. efforts of human criminals, who try to so
carry out their crimes, that these indicate for
culprits someone else then them. But no matter
how hard they try, with the elapse of time almost
always their participation is detected and proven.
The sole fact, that it is
that carries out every Act of God, is most
comprehensively documented and supported
with a largest empirical body of evidence,
on the web page named
That web page also contains the explanation
why God "simulates" all most deadly Acts of
God in such a manner that they look as if
caused technically by UFO vehicles.
Deadly Acts of God display several repetitive attributes:
These attributes are described in item #B2 of the web page
Because these attributes are repetitive and
appear in almost every deadly Act of God,
they disqualify the origins of these Acts of
God from random work of nature.
Community which for practicing immorality is to be destroyed and killed
with an Act of God, always is firstly warned, that such an act is coming:
Signs which provide a warning that a given
community already has slipped down into the
worst stadium of practicing the
philosophy of parasitism,
and thus that it is close to bringing on itself
a deadly Act of God, are described e.g. in
item #B7 from the web page named
and also in item #H3 from the web page named
These advance warnings are to provide a
chance for a given community to change
the highly immoral philosophy that it practices
onto the more
totaliztic philosophy -
as this would allow God to abandon the treating
of that community with a deadly Act of God.
Only 10 people who in a devoted manner practice the
philosophy of totalizm
is able to stop the arrival of a deadly Act of God to the
community amongst which they live:
How this can be accomplished, it is already
described in item #I1 from the web page
in items #G2 and #I3 of the web page
as well as in item #B6 from the web page
and also in items #H1 to #H2 from the web page named
Part #L:
Let us summarise what we learned on this web page about landslides:
Summary of differences between attributes of landslips and
mudslides formed naturally, and formed technically by UFO vehicles:
Fortunately for these ones who still maintain
an open mind and the ability to think
rationally, when a murderous landslip or
mudslide is initiated due a purposeful action
of a UFO vehicle that remains invisible to
human sight, NOT e.g. due to the action of
forces of nature, the landslip or the mudslide
itself, and also the trail left in areas over which
it went, must later display an array of unique
attributes. These attributes result directly from
the mechanism of technical initiation of
landslips or mudslides by UFO vehicles,
described before in item #D2 of this web
page. Therefore these attributes never
appear in natural avalanches of soil
or mud formed by forces of nature. Below
in this item I listed the most vital out of
such attributes. Their explanation was
provided before. Some of them are
illustrated on photographs from this web
page. I am sure that they represent
exclusively these attributes, which result
directly from the principle of operation of
UFO vehicles and from mechanism of
triggering of landslips or mudslides by
UFO vehicles.
So here is the list of attributes which should
be present in landslips or mudslides initiated
on purpose by UFO vehicles which hide from
the sight of people. Notice that each one out of
attributes listed below was reported by eye
witnesses in numerous cases of such
landslips or mudslides. Some of these attributes
were also present in the landslip the formation
of which was demonstrated for me by UFOnauts
in Franz Josef (New Zealand), and which I shown
on the photograph from "Fig. #F1" above.
The presence of typical circular or elliptical "rotation"
of the soil in the initial point of the avalanche of soil
or mud, means in the highest point of it.
Because such landslips or mudslides are initiated
by discoidal UFO vehicle, in their initial (the highest)
area always is present a circular or elliptical
"rotation" of the soil shown in photographs from
"Fig. #D1" and "Fig. #F1". In turn landslips or mudslides
formed by the nature have the "sharp" entry areas,
similar to these shown in photographs from
"Fig. #C1" and "Fig. #E1a".
A powerful bang similar to a shot from a large cannon
which can be heard at the moment when these
landslips or mudslides are initiated technically by UFOs.
When a given landslip or a mudslide is formed
on slope of a stony mountain, then during the
initiation of it a powerful bang can be heard.
But this bang is absent when natural landslips
or mudslides are initiated.
A rapidly dumped earthquake carrying small energy,
the epicentre of which is located in the "rotation" of
soil from the beginning of a given landslip or mudslide.
During forceful tearing a lump of native bedrock
from a given mountain, UFO vehicles induce
powerful vibrations of this mountain. These
vibrations are perceived just as an earthquake
with epicentre located in the "rotation" of soil
from a given landslip or mudslide.
Unfortunately, not always eye witnesses of
a given landslip or mudslide can establish
where exactly the epicentre of this earthquake
is positioned. After all, not always seismographs
are installed on the place of such an event.
Therefore, for UFO researchers it is vital to notice
secondary attributes which result from this location
of the epicentre. And so, in case of landslips
or mudslides initiated technically by UFOs,
the earthquake carries a very small energy -
thus its tremors are rapidly dumped as the
distance from the epicentre grows. Therefore
observers who stand near a given landslip
or mudslide perceive a violent earthquake.
In turn observers located only slightly further
away feel almost nothing. Furthermore, in
case of avalanches of soil or mud induced
technically by UFOs, tremors
always come to each observer only some time
after a loud bang can be heard and after the
appearance of landslip or mudslide can be
noticed. (In turn in natural landslips or mudslides,
if any earthquake is perceived, then usually
this earthquake is a factor which initiates the
avalanche, and thus the appearance of
the avalanche can be noticed only after it.)
The dependency of the shape of a "rotation" of
the soil, from the angular positioning of the slope
of hill in relationship to the force lines of Earth's
magnetic field. The principle of operation
of UFO vehicles has this characteristic, that it
forces UFOs to always fly in positions when
their floors are almost perpendicular to force
lines of the Earth's magnetic field. (More exactly
this matter of perpendicular positioning is
explained in chapter F from volume 3 of
monograph [1/4].)
However, slopes of hills not always are so
positioned, that the UFO vehicle which flies
with its floor pointed almost perpendicularly
to force lines of Earth's magnetic field, has
also this floor in the position parallel to the
surface of this slope. Therefore, rather commonly,
when force lines of Earth's magnetic field
are almost parallel to the surface of a given
slope, the "rotations" of soil formed on
these slopes by UFO vehicles have shapes
of "crescents" instead of "circles" or "ellipses".
An example of just such a "crescent-shaped"
rotation of the soil is shown in photograph
from "Fig. #E1b". In turn this fact, that on slopes
positioned almost parallel to force lines of
Earth's magnetic field, given "rotation" is
shaped like a "crescent", additionally confirms
the technical origin of this rotation from a
landing of a UFO vehicle.
The presence of magnetic, electrical, biological,
and chemical anomalies in the "rotation" from the
initial point of the landslip, which gradually disappear
as time elapses. (These anomalies are lacking
in natural avalanches of soil or mud.) Because of the
fact, that the propulsion system of every UFO vehicle
generates extremely powerful magnetic field, this
field always temporary changes in various ways
attributes of soils and rocks exposed to it. In
landslips or mudslides initiated technically by
UFO vehicles, to the action of this powerful
magnetic field exposed are their beginning
areas, means their "rotations". Therefore the
"rotations" from the initial areas of such avalanches
of soil and mud, will display a whole array of
unique attributes, described more exactly in
subsection F11.1 from volume 3 of
monograph [1/4].
For example, soil of these "rotations" will display
electrical resistance many times higher than the
resistance of the surrounding soil, this soil initially
will be sterilised biologically and with the elapse
of time will show a tendency for getting infected with
mushrooms, it will contain quite characteristic and
non-typical chemicals, etc. Therefore, through
scientific researching of this soil, and through comparing
its properties with these of the surrounding soil, it can
be conclusively confirmed, that a given avalanche of
soil or mud in fact was initiated by a UFO vehicle.
Notice however, that these anomalies gradually
diminish with the elapse of time, and that the detection
of some of them requires specialised measuring
equipment. Therefore, they should be measured fast
after a given "rotation" is formed, and also it is
necessary to use on them scientific measuring
equipment. More on their topic is provided in
the abovementioned subsection F11.1 from
volume 3 of monograph [1/4].
Part #M:
The final information of this web page:
Summary of this web page:
Through presenting the documentation
gathered on this web page, the author
hopes that he managed to open the eyes
and mind of the reader to a complexity of
the problem of destruction of the natural
environment and also to catastrophes
caused by this destruction.
Where one can familiarise oneself with the newest course of events concerning landslips, mudslides, collapses of buildings and other atrocities committed on people by UFOnauts:
Current news regarding events in all matters
from the area of interests of the philosophy of
are currently presented in the so-called "blog
of totalizm". So this is the blog where one can
learn the newest developments on all matters
concerning the philosophy of totalizm. At the
time of preparing this web page, the "blog
of totalizm" was accessible under the address
(i.e. in order to view it either click here on the
"green" address which links this web page
with it, or write the address
in the addressing window of your own browser).
Blog of totalizm has also a mirror copy. At the
time of preparation of this web page this copy
was still working at the addresses
How with the use of web page named
one can find totaliztic descriptions
of topics in which he or she is interested:
A whole array of topics equally interesting
as these from the above web page, is also
discussed from the angle that is unique to
the philosophy of totalizm. All these related
topics can be found and identified with the use of
content index
prepared especially to make easier finding
these web pages and topics. The name "index"
means a list of "key words" usually provided
at the end of textbooks, which allows to find
fast the description or the topic in which we
are interested. My web pages also has such
a content "index" - only that it is additionally
supplied in green
which after "clicking" at them with a mouse
immediately open the web page with the topic
that interest the reader. This content "index"
is provided on the web page named
It can be called from the "organising" part of
"Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would
recommend to look at it and to begin using it
systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds
of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to
I would suggest to return periodically to this web page in order to check
further descriptions of landslips and mudslides murderously triggered by UFO vehicles:
In order to keep checking how is going to develop
the matter of disclosing by the philosophy of totalizm
the atrocities committed on humanity by UFOnauts,
and also the matter of our self-defence against
continuous attacks of UFOnauts, it is worth to
return periodically to this web page. By the
definition, this web page is going to be improved
and extended further, as soon as a possible contribution
from readers, and also the incoming wave of events
on Earth, is going to influence the people's perception
of UFOnauts, or cause a next action in matters
described here. So if in the future, you wish to
learn what further deadly landslips and mudslides
UFOnauts triggered, or what further attributes of
these landslips and mudslides was possible to
identify, then visit this web page again.
I am going to systematically update the content
of this web page, as the development of situation
brings some new events worth reporting.
Current email addresses to the author of
this web page, i.e. officially to
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
at which readers can post possible comments,
opinions, descriptions, or information which in
their opinion I should learn, are provided on the web page named
(for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named
(for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf"
in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions
of further web pages by the author can also be
downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named
The author's right for the use of courteous
title of "Professor" stems from the custom that
"with professors is like with generals", namely
when someone is
once a professor, than he or she courteously
remains a professor forever. In
turn the author of this web page was a professor
at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them,
from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998,
as an "Associate Professor" from English-based
educational system, while on one university as
a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till
31 December 2007 - means at the last place
of employment in his professional life).
However, please notice that because of my
rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly
reply to emails which contain JUST time
consuming requests, while simultaneously
they document a complete ignorance of their
author in the topic area which I am researching.
This web page is also available in the form
of a brochure marked
which is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document
Format") - currently considered to be the
most safe amongst all internet formats, as
normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This
clear brochure is ready both, for printing,
as well as for reading from a computer
screen. It also has all its
green links
still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer
screen connected to internet, then after clicking
onto these green links, the linked web pages
and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because
the volume of it is around a double of the volume
of web page which this brochure publishes,
the memory limitations on a significant number
of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to
offer it from them (so if it does NOT download
from this address, because it is NOT available
on this server, then you should click onto any
other address from
Menu 3,
and then check whether in there it is available).
In order to open this brochure (and/or download
it to own computer), it suffices to either click on
the following green link
or to open from any totaliztic web site the
PDF file named as in the above green link.
If the reader wishes to check, whether some other
totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying,
is also available in the form of such PDF brochure,
then should check whether it is listed amongst links
from "part #B" of the web page named
This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic
web pages, which are already published as such
brochures from series [11] in PDF format.
I wish you a fruitful reading!
If you prefer to read in Polish
click on the Polish flag below
(Jeśli preferujesz czytanie w języku polskim
kliknij na poniższą flagę)
Date of starting this page: 15 March 2006
Date of the latest updating of this page: 12 September 2013
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is a more recent update!)