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Welcome to the web page on tropical
fruits from the Pacific region, and
on curious attributes of these fruits:
We all know our typical fruits, such as apples,
pears, plums, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. We
also know, that some of them, independently
from the excellent taste, nutritious values, and
countless vitamins, carry various other attributes,
capabilities and influences on health. For example,
pears have the tendency to cause stomach pains
and release diarrhoea. But they also lower the
temperature and calm the temper. Forest
blueberries stop diarrhoea and solidify the
stool. Cucumbers ease and lower the pain
of throat. Etc., etc. So it is also about the
time to learn the most basic kinds of tropical
fruits, their most important characteristics,
and the philosophy of their consumption.
Part #A:
Introductory information of this web page:
What are goals of this web page:
The most vital goal of this web page is to
describe the key characteristics of tropical
fruits from the Pacific area. Especially
emphasized are these characteristics
which influence our health. Furthermore,
this web page also aims at the revealing
rarely known philosophies of eating
these Pacific fruits.
What motivated me to prepare this web page:
Our planet has three
tropical areas, namely the American, the African, and the
region of Pacific. Although people plant many similar tropical
fruits in all these areas, for example bananas or oranges,
still each one of these areas have many other fruits - which
are unique just for it. For example, in the region of Pacific
quite unique is the fruit named "durian", which is not
planted neither in the American or in the African areas.
But what is much more important, in these three tropical areas the
culture, tradition, and the philosophy of eating subsequent
kinds of tropical fruits is drastically different. On this
web page I try to present tropical fruits that grow and are
eaten in the Pacific region. My experience with these fruits
originate mainly from Malaysia, although almost everything
that grows in Malaysia, grows also in all other countries
from the Pacific region, e.g. in Thailand, Vietnam, Borneo,
Indonesia, etc. Only that it may be known over there under
a slightly different name, and be eaten in a slightly different
form. The information presented on this web page about tropical
fruits from the region of Pacific, is characteristic mainly
for the culture, tradition, and philosophy of eating these
fruits in this Pacific region.
Part #B:
The philosophy and culture of fruit consumption in the area of Pacific:
Influences of ancient Chinese:
Ancient Chinese actually did NOT lock
themselves within the "Great Wall of China".
Their exploratory fleets travelled to various
parts of the world, while their traders kept
bringing to China everything that good the
world of their time had on offer. As I explained
this in item #E1 from the web page
newzealand_visit.htm - about message that God coded into hostile for humans conditions of Antipodes,
in ancient times exploratory fleets of
Chinese travelled as far as New Zealand.
But clearly warnings learned due to the
ancient knowledge of so-called "feng shui",
as well as the complete lack of any edible
fruits on Antipodes, caused that apart from
several exploratory arrivals, ancient Chinese
did NOT maintain permanent contacts with
ancient New Zealand, while completely
avoided arrivals to Australia. However, Chinese
knew perfectly well for thousands of years
that New Zealand does exist, and they knew
the exact location of it. They also recorded
in their chronicles every vital geological
event from New Zealand (e.g. they recorded
a powerful volcanic explosion which formed
the Taupo lake). The philosophy of Chinese
was such that if a given area had nothing
useful for sale, while the knowledge of "feng
shui" warned them against settling in that
area, then ancient Chinese stopped to visit
that specific area. In this aspect they drastically
differed from barbaric Romans, who used to
enslave every land that was unable to resist
them - even just for the sole pleasure of
having this land and ruling over it.
Chinese of course were very interested in
maintaining permanent contacts with countries
that produce, amongst others, tasty tropical
fruits. Therefore the culture, philosophy, and
tradition of eating tropical fruits in the Pacific
region is strongly influenced by the believes,
philosophy, culture, and knowledge of ancient
Chinese. We must remember that Chinese
since the oldest times visited these areas,
traded with local people, induced the demand
for specific fruits, and taught local tribes how
to eat properly these fruits.
The philosophy of eating fruits and other foods disseminated around the world by ancient Chinese:
The ancient Chinese knowledge qualify all
fruits into several different categories, depending
on a type of energy that dominates in them. It deals
with fruits in a similar manner as it deals with all other
kinds of food, and also living organisms. According to this
knowledge, there are two basic kinds of energy, which can be
present in fruits, food, people, vegetation, etc. These are:
the energy "yang" and the
energy "yin". The energy
"yang" is the "male" energy, which in reference to fruits and
other food frequently is called the "heating" energy. In turn
energy "yin" is the "female" energy, which in case of fruits
and other food frequently is called the "cooling" energy.
Outcomes of my research on both these kinds of energy are
described in subsection H2 from volume 4 of the scientific
monograph which on my web pages is marked
and which carries the following editorial data: dr Jan Pajak,
"Advanced magnetic devices". (Notice that monograph [1/4]
has already a newer version, marked with the symbol
Copies of both these monographs, means
[1/4] and
are distributed free of charge from this web page via
"Menu 1" and
"Menu 4".)
Summarising this research here in one sentence, this male
energy "yang" is an ancient Chinese equivalent to all forms
of dynamic energy known to present science, means e.g. to
dipolar fields, to energies of flows, to energies of
acceleration, etc. In turn female energy "yin" is an
ancient Chinese equivalent to all forms of static energy
known to present science, means to e.g. monopolar fields,
energy of compression, energy of potentials, etc.
If a given fruit (and also a person, animal, vegetation,
food, etc.) contains more male energy "yang"
than female energy "yin", then Chinese claim
that it is of a "yang" kind, means it displays the
"heating" capabilities. Thus fruits of the
"yang" kind (and also all other food, people, animals
and vegetation of the "yang" type) are overfilled with
an excess of the male energy "yang" which frequently
in reference to fruit and food is also called the
"heating" energy. The ancient Chinese knowledge
recommends, that fruit and food of the male type "yang"
be eaten in moderation, especially if someone belongs
himself to the "yang" category (e.g. if someone is a
male - although one needs to be careful with categorising
people just because of their sex only, as there are females
in which also the energy "yang" may be this dominating
one). In turn, when we start to enjoy these fruits or
food and would like to eat a large quantity of it,
then ancient Chinese recommended to eat immediately
also a corresponding amount of fruit or food of the
female type "yin".
Examples of fruits from the category of male
("yang") type, means from the category of "heating"
fruits, are, amongst others: durian, persimon,
ginger, lychee, langsat, longan berry, lotus seeds,
and several others.
However, if a given fruit (and also a person, animal, vegetation,
food, etc.) contains inside more female energy "yin"
than the male energy "yang", then ancient Chinese state
that it belongs to the type "yin". Thus fruits of the
"yin" type (and also all other food, people, animals,
and vegetation of the "yin" type) are overfilled with
an excess of female energy "yin", which frequently is
also called the "cooling" energy. Ancient Chinese
knowledge recommended, that also fruit and food of the
female type "yin" should be eaten in moderation, especially
if someone herself belongs to the category "yin" (e.g.
if someone is a woman, although one needs to be careful
with categorising just on the basis of gender, as there
are males in whom also dominates the female energy "yin").
In cases when someone loves the taste of any "yin" fruit
or food, and wishes to eat a large quantity of it, then
ancient Chinese recommended to eat immediately after
them an energetically equivalent amount of fruit or
food of the male type "yang". However, in present days
this ancient recommendation does NOT need to be respected
so pedantically. The reason is that in present days the
majority of food eaten everyday by people belongs to
the "heating" or "wet-heating" category described here
(e.g. "heating" is everything that is fried, and also
all "fuzzy" drinks such as "coca-cola", "lemonade",
etc.). Therefore, in present days in our everyday diet
typically food from the "cooling" category is missing,
while we eat the excess of food from the "heating"
category. Therefore, everyday eating such a "cooling"
food to balance almost everything else that we also
eat and drink everyday, should be our highest priority.
In turn when we eat something "cooling", then we do
not need to compensate it by intentional eating also
something "heating". After all, this "cooling" food
itself is a balance to whatever we eaten previously.
Examples of fruits from the category of
female type "yin", means "cooling" ones,
are, amongst others (in the order of their
cooling power): mangosteen, cucumber, pears,
tapioca, tomatoes, coconuts, sea coconuts,
green bananas (e.g. from Ecuador), lemons,
pineapples, starfruit, melons, water chestnuts,
and several others. (An interesting on this list
is our ordinary "European" cucumber, which
displays strong cooling abilities. About it in
common use is even a popular saying "as
cool as a cucumber".) Amongst drinks,
"cooling" are, amongst others, beer and
tea (but only this tea which is drunk a la
"Chinese" or a la "Japanese" style - means
without sugar and without any other additions).
Extremely interesting example of a herbal potion
that heals female infertility is described in item
#F5 from my web page named
The herb used for the preparation of this herbal potion
saturated it with such a powerful doze of female cooling
energy "yin", that in spite I ate it so hot, that it almost
was boiling, still it cooled my mouth and felt as if it
is cold.
Of course, the fact that a given fruit or food is
of a "yang" type does NOT mean at all, that it
does NOT contain any "yin" energy, and vice
versa. This is because the type to which a given fruit or
food belongs is decided by the excess of a given
type of energy that prevails in it. In this manner, e.g.
durian contains in itself both, the male energy "yang" and
also the female energy "yin". Only that it contains many
times more of the male energy "yang" than the female energy
"yin". If a given fruit or food contains in itself the
same amount of the male energy "yang" as female energy
"yin", then both these energies mutually balance each
other. In such a case ancient Chinese qualified a given
fruit or food to a "neutral" type. The fruit and
all other food of the "neutral" type are the most healthy,
and the most recommended for eating. Ancient Chinese claimed,
that if someone is capable and has a taste for them, then
in principle should eat almost exclusively fruit and
food that are energetically "neutral". Also one can
eat such neutral fruit and food in as large quantities
as only wishes. Their eating does NOT need to be balanced
later by eating an appropriate quantity of any other
fruit or food.
Examples of tropical fruits of this "neutral"
type are, amongst others: papaya, yellow
bananas (i.e. miniature bananas yellow inside,
which grow mainly on various islands from the
Pacific region), oranges, guava, dragon fruit,
pomelo, soursop, chiku, and practically all
European fruits which grow on trees (e.g.
apples, pears, plums, etc.).
The ancient Chinese knowledge distinguishes
also one more category of fruit and food, which
usually is called by Chinese the "wet-heating".
It is saturated by especially "sticky" kind of male energy
"yang", which after entering our bodily system displays
the tendency to chock our channels of energy flow and
does not wants to leave our system. Thus this "sticky"
energy heats us later sickly for a long time, frequently
leading to almost immediate illnesses. Furthermore,
the "sticky" nature of their energy and components
cause, that these fruits and foods are highly fattening.
For example, in season of ripening of "mango" fruits
in India, almost the entire population of India increases
on weight. Ancient Chinese used to recommend to
strongly refry from eating these fruit and foods, while
if we eat them, we should do this eating in moderation.
After all, if we eat too much of them, then they are to
induce an illness in us (not mentioning about making us
fat). One needs also obey the rule, that after eating such
something that is "wet-heating", we should balance this
by an immediate eating something "cooling" (i.e. something
with the domination of energy "yin").
Examples of fruits that belong to this category
of "wet-heating", are, amongst others: mango,
mandarins, grapes, rambutan, chempedak, jack fruit,
and several other kinds of fruits. In turn the "wet-heating"
food includes practically everything that is fried in
a high temperature and in the presence of fat (i.e.
that is "deep fried" - like potato chips).
* * *
According to ancient Chinese knowledge, the
whole skill of eating, in this also eating fruits,
and also the skill of maintaining our body in
health, depends on such consumption of fruit
and food, that both energies "yang" and "yin"
mutually balance each other. (After all, even the
current European saying goes that "we are what we
eat".) Expressing this in other words,
in order to be healthy, energies
of our body must by kept in the state of continuous
balance. If any of these two basic kinds of
energy begins significantly dominate in us over the
other kind of energy, then our body develops an illness.
Therefore, the most beneficial is eating of fruits and
food which is "neutral". However, if it happens that
we eat a large quantity of something "heating", e.g.
durian, then immediately afterwards we should also
eat energetically equivalent quantity of something "cooling",
e.g. after durian eat the same amount of mangosteen,
or twice as much pears - which cool a bit less than
mangosteen, or three times as much of a mildly cooling
melon, etc. Otherwise, the heating energy of the eaten
fruit or food, in this case durian, in males in which
normally dominates the "yang" energy, may cause e.g. a
sore throat during the night. Similarly such a night
sore throat may be caused in these males by unbalanced
"wet-heating" energy of a large portion of fried chicken,
or a large portion of deep fried potato chips (fritters).
Influences of knowledge of ancient Chinese exerted on the eating traditions of Poland:
The above should be complemented with
the information, that
also in an old Polish cooking folklore, principles
of balancing the dishes from energies point of view
were used practically, which were very similar to
the principles used by ancient Chinese and described
on this web page (perhaps old Poland was also
influenced by Chinese via Tatars and Mongols).
My own mother originated from an old family of
Polish professional cooks, many generations long.
For example, my grandmother was a quite famous
professional cook which worked in many palaces
of her time, and also her mother and my
grand-grand-mother was a similarly famous professional
cook working in many palaces of her time. My mother
always kept repeating to us, which foods or ingredients
must NOT be eaten or mixed with which others, while
which ones should be mixed or eaten together. In the
stupidity and irresponsibility of young age, neither
myself, nor any of my brothers write down these
principles. So their secret my mother took with herself
to the grave. But now I am extremely sorry for this
my lack of foresight. The only lesson which I utilise
from these old reminders of my mother, is that I should
avoid eating meals that are designed by present "modern"
cooks, and mainly try to eat traditional dishes which
are known to people for a long time. The reason is that
present "modern" cooks compose their dishes in complete
ignorance of the empirical knowledge about the energy
composition of foods, which was gathered during centuries
of observations (no wonder that products of present cooks
frequently are called the "junk food"). Eating products
sweated out by present-day cooks frequently makes us
only increasingly more sick. In turn old traditional
dishes were composed according to this vital empirical
knowledge. So eating these traditional food maintains
our health. When I recall now these frequent remarks
of my mother about what and how should be eaten, or
NOT eaten, then whatever I am writing on this web page
about the culture and philosophy of eating that originates
from ancient Chinese, it turns out for me just to be
the refreshing and formalizing the knowledge which in
my childhood was served to me in my family home.
A similar to Chinese philosophy of eating defined by ancient Indians:
Independently from old Polish kitchens,
similar traditions of three different kinds
of energy utilises in practice also the old
Indian kitchen. However, Indians use slightly
different terminology and different definitions,
which are based on statements of the Verdic
philosophers. According to these, the energy
contained in food can display one out of three
possible forms, which Indians call: sattva
(means "neutral", "pure", or "subtle"), tamas
(means "inertial", "tiring", "sloth"), and rajas
(means "energising", "hot", "active"). These forms roughly
correspond to kinds of energies contained in food, which
ancient Chinese used to call "neutral", "yin", and "yang".
Part #C:
General attributes of tropical fruits and their differences from European fruits:
Fruits are not just food, but also natural medicines,
sources of various goodness, style of living, and
gifts from God:
Probably we all know an English proverb, stating that
"one apple a day keeps doctor away, one onion
a day keeps everyone away, one garlic a day keeps
even Dracula away".
This proverb contains two vital messages coded
inside of it, namely that (1) eating fruits shapes our
health and defines how we feel, and (2) that during eating
fruits is highly useful to know all their properties -
not just their ability to satisfy our own taste preferences.
This web page tries not only to review the most vital tropical
fruits from the Pacific region, but also for each such a fruit
provides these two vital kinds of information.
Very interesting are analyses of fruits as
gifts from God:
As it turns out, numerous fruits are carriers of rather
supernatural attributes. For example, coconuts
never fall on heads of people, means they have
"eyes at humans" (for details see descriptions from
item #D1 below). In tropics also a saying is in circulation
that "for every illness in existence
created a fruit which heals this illness".
General characteristics of tropical fruits:
Tropical fruits display several general
characteristics, which are quite different
from attributes of fruits growing in other
climatic areas. Let us list here at least
the most vital of these characteristics:
1. Strong dependence of taste from the area of growth.
The majority of European fruits tastes almost the
same no matter where they are grown. For example
an apple harvested in Poland tastes almost identical
to an apple from New Zealand or Japan. However,
the taste of tropical fruits changes drastically with the
region of their growth. For example, "durian" from
Malaysia is the most tasty fruit of the world. But
"durian" from a neighbourly Thailand can be
swallowed only with a great difficulty, while "durian"
from Australia is simply inedible. Therefore,
while eating tropical fruits it is good to know where
these were grown. This is because their taste is
strongly dependent on the area of their growth.
Also for every tropical fruit there is an area on the
Earth, where grows the most tasty variety of this
fruit (e.g. the most tasty "durian" grows in Malaysia,
the most tasty "pomelo" grows in Ipoh, the most
tasty "mandarins" grow in China, the most tasty
"persimon" grows in Israel, etc.).
2. Powerful aroma. A majority of tropical fruits
has a powerful aroma (smell). The power of this aroma
everyone can appreciate by comparing how insignificantly
smell e.g. apples or plums when confronted with the
force of smell of e.g. oranges or lemons. Unfortunately,
this smell NOT always and NOT for everyone is
pleasant. For example "durian" (discussed in item
#G1 below) is famous NOT only because it is the
most tasty fruit of the world, but also because it
is the most smelly fruit of the world. In countries
which grow durian, all "classy" hotels, restaurants,
long-distance buses, and airlines, forbid bringing
durians to them, and even punish with fines those
people who try to take inside these unpleasantly
smelling fruits.
3. Significant influence on health and feelings of eaters.
In Europe only some fruits influence strongly the
health and feelings of eaters. However, in tropics
every fruit exerts such powerful influence. Also
every tropical fruit has the ability to heal at least
one serious illness. (On this hobby web page I
described such an ability only for some illnesses and for
some tropical fruits that heal these illnesses. I did
NOT do it for all fruits, as it requires a lot of inquires
for which my hobby research do not receive funds
nor official support.) Thus, while eating tropical
fruits it is good to know what influence and at what
they exert. In fact many traditional methods of healing
is based on utilisation of the influence of tropical
fruits on health and on feelings of eaters - for
details see the web page
healing.htm - about folkloristic methods of returning to health.
4. Supernatural or paranormal attributes. In
previous item #C1 is emphasized that many tropical
fruits display characteristics which confirm them to
be kinds of
gifts from God.
This is because some of these characteristics are
almost supernatural (e.g. consider the attribute of
"coconuts" to never fall on heads of people, or the
attribute of "salak" fruit to meaningfully illustrate the
Biblical story about Eve and the snake). Other
in turn are paranormal (e.g. consider banana tree
which has the "spirit" which is so developed that it
can imitate the spirit of a human - for details see
item #D3 below). Therefore, otherwise than it is the
case with fruits from other climate areas, tropical
fruits or tropical fruit trees are frequently used for
carrying out various forms of "magic".
Notice from descriptions provided on the web page about the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
that "magic
is simply one amongst many existing uses of
natural laws that prevail in the counter-world
to exert influences on events from our world".
Another similar use of counter-world are all
supernatural phenomena.
An example of supernatural influencing the
physical world through releasing mechanisms
of counter-world - which every reader can
accomplish just on his or her own, are experiments
which prove the existence of souls, which
(the experiments) depend on persuading
the soul to increase or decrease supernaturally
the weight of the body in which this soul resides.
Such experiments are described in details
in items #E7.1 and #E7.2 of the web page
soul_proof.htm - about scientific evidence, photographs, and experiments, which prove the existence of immortal souls.
Part #D:
Descriptions of these fruits from the area of Pacific which display various supernatural attributes:
In many tropical countries coconut palms
are considered to be holy trees
which were designed especially by
to satisfy all basic needs of people.
(Notice that the holiness of coconuts is manifested
in there in a similar manner as in old Europe the
holiness of the "daily bread" was practiced - where
old-time Europeans used to say sorry to a slice
of bread when they accidentally allowed it to fall
on the floor, where old-timers never threw away
to rubbish even smallest crumbs of bread, and
where men used to take hats off from heads for
the duration of eating to show their respect to their
daily bread. Such manifestations of the respect to
"daily bread" were still practiced in Poland in
times of my childhood, means in 1950s.
Note that the holiness of daily bread, as
well as the holiness of coconuts, is also
discussed in item #F2 of the web page
bible.htm - about the authorization of the Bible by God himself,
and also in item #F2 of the web page
god_proof.htm - about scientific evidence for the existence of God.)
The holiness of coconut palms proves itself
because e.g. on small oceanic islands, on which
is NOT growing anything else apart from this palm,
in fact coconut palms are providers of everything.
In order to understand how immensely important
function the coconut palms perform in there, it is
enough to recall, that such sandy coral islands on
which these palms grow, are surrounded with
undrinkable, salty, ocean water and typically do NOT
have any source of fresh water. So coconut palms
are there the sole provider of drinkable water.
In turn to understand how in smallest details God
designed coconuts in such a manner that they
best serve humans, it is enough to have a good
look at the "ergonomics" of coconuts (what is that
"ergonomics", it is explained in more details in item
#D3.1 from the further part of this web page). For
example, the shells of coconuts are so hard, that
on coral islands where there is no clay nor metal
for pots, local people use coconut shells for cooking
over a fire. So it requires a significant force and
excellent tool to split these shells. (My first coconut,
split on my own without a consultation with locals,
took me a couple of days of occasional heavy
labour.) But because people in needs may NOT
have the required force and tools, in such super-hard
and resilient coconut shells God formed three
small soft holes of diameters of a typical straw.
Thus people who know about these three soft
holes are able to insert a straw to a coconut
almost without any effort and drink its content
without a need to use almost any tool. What
even more interesting, the size of coconuts
was designed so ergonomically by God, that
one coconut contains inside an exact amount
of "coconut water" that is needed to satisfy a
thirst of one person. If a coconut is a bit larger,
then one person would NOT be able to drink all
its content - so its precious water would be wasted.
If in turn a coconut is a bit smaller, then one
nut would NOT suffice to satisfy a thirst of one
person - again these precious nuts would be
wasted. Therefore, coconuts are precisely as
large, as they should be for satisfying single
No wonder that in some religions, e.g. in Hinduism,
gods receive gifts from coconuts. The Bible says
that palm branches were placed in front of walking
Jesus. This holiness of coconut palms is there also
a source of the deep belief which prevails in
countries in which coconuts grow, namely that
coconuts never fall onto heads of humans.
Actually in many tropical countries, e.g. in Malaysia, locals
are saying that "coconut palms have eyes" - thus
they never drop a coconut on heads of humans.
I personally was very intrigued by this belief. So
whenever I had an opportunity to visit an area where
coconut palms grow, I always asked locals whether
they know a case that a coconut fell on someone's
head. I must confirm here, that in spite of my wide
and many years long asking I never encountered
a case that someone knew someone else on the head
of whom a coconut fell. Such a case would be quite
well-known, because the large weight of coconuts
combined with the significant height of coconut
palms, would cause that the fell of a coconut on
someone's head would kill such unfortunate person.
Of course, this lack of cases when coconuts fall
on human heads is something very extraordinary
and supernatural. It should be explained by the
"holiness" of the palm. After all, most of other
trees drop their fruits completely at random,
in this on human heads. I myself remember
a case when a falling apple hit me in the head -
fortunately was ripe and soft. In Malaysia grows a
tasty fruit which just has a size of coconuts - it is
called "durian" (described in item #G1 below).
It is commonly known there, that at the time
of durians' ripening, people should either
keep far from these trees, or wear protective "hard
hats". This is because heavy durian fruits fall "at
random" , including onto human heads. So it is
nothing unusual to hear over there about cases
of people getting hit by durian fruits.
Regrettably, someone clearly could NOT stand
this extraordinary attribute of "holy palms" and
decided to include also the holy coconuts into
the "scientific atheism". Namely, that someone
started to spread on the behalf of science the
untrue claims that supposedly in the world
every year dies from falling coconuts as much
as 150 people. These claims make falling coconuts
hypothetically even more dangerous than attacks
of sharks. Such false claims were disseminated in
so organised manner, that on their base various
insurance companies started to develop their
"coconut policies". Fortunately for the truth,
some scientists decided to get to the bottom
of the "research" on which the coconut deaths
claims were based. Outcomes of their research
were summarised later, amongst others, in the article
"Lies, damn lies, and 150 coconut deaths" from
page B9 of the New Zealand newspaper named
Weekend Herald,
issue dated on Saturday, April 12, 2008.
Searches of these scientists revealed, that
such untrue claims were made up in Australia
in 2002. (In the light of message discussed on
the web page
newzealand_visit.htm - about message that God coded into hostile for humans conditions of Antipodes,
we should NOT be surprised that these are
Antipodeans that try to lead in deviating the truth.)
Only then these untrue claims were disseminated
all over the world by an article in Daily Telegraph.
At the beginning these claims referred to the
publication of a Canadian professor, in which
there was NO quantitative data on this subject,
while the professor himself denied that he
ever accumulated such quantitative data.
Thus, in spite of the lies spread on this subject
under a smoke screen of the official science,
in fact coconuts never fall down on heads
of people.
On the subject of "holiness" of coconut palm that
results from the intentional design of this palm by
God so that it best serves to people, an old legend
from Pacific islands states as follows: "In
old times, when God still used to talk to people, inhabitants
of coral atolls asked Him as follows. God, to people
who live on large continents you gave extensive
forests which are full of various animals and trees,
rivers with fresh drinkable water, fields for planting
crops, paddocks, crops, fruits, various home animals,
and metals for tools and for pots. In turn to us you
gave empty islands on which apart from sand is
almost nothing else. So please gave to us something,
that is going to replace all these goods that You
gave to people who live on large continents. After
hearing this, God gave the coconut palm to the
islanders. This single coconut palm replaced by
itself all the goods received by people from large
In fact coconut palms seem to be the most useful
vegetation on the entire Earth. They grow on sandy
islands without rivers or lakes with fresh water and
surrounded entirely by salty ocean. Their roots are
capable of taking water if around only salty ocean
water exists. Also practically every their component
has a multitude of different applications. For example,
trunks from coconut palms are used to build houses
and bridges. In turn stumps left in the ground after
cutting these palms, are providers of large blocks
of soft wood, which is perfect for hand crafting and
for making sculptures. Thus, wood of such stumps
is eagerly used by folk sculpturists and artists to
cut various figures, ornaments, objects of cult, etc.
(For this use, coconut stumps find similar usage
as in Europe in past had a soft wood of lime trees.)
Leaves from this palm are utilised for weaving mats and
baskets, while extracts from these leaves are used for medicines
and in cooking. The full of nectar sap taken from palm flower stems,
provides a tasty "palm sugar" just after water is boiled out from it.
In Malaysia this palm sugar is sold under the name of "Gula Melaka"
(click on this link to see the appearance of two different packs, in each of which 4 brown rolls of palm sugar are sold).
Because of the unique taste of that sugar, it is used
for making all kinds of delicacies - including the
huge Malaysian edible ice called the
"ice kacang"
(consequences of giving up to the temptation of which
I described in item #C7 from the web page named
That sweet liquid sap that flows from a cut flower stems
of coconut palms, is also a tasty and immediately ready
for drinking sweet alcohol drink called "toddy" -
which during an immediate drinking after collecting resembles
in taste the European drinking honey of a high quality.
(But if it is old by just several hours, then it becomes
sour - only such sour "toddy" can be purchased in
Malaysian shops and restaurants.) In turn huge like
human heads nuts of coconut palms provide an entire
array of useful products. The exterior, hairy layer of
these nuts, in English called a "husk", is used for weaving
strong ropes and for producing brushes and brooms. The hard shell
existing under this "husk" is used for production of various
containers and dishes. It is so hard, that on islands that have
no clay nor metals for making pots, it is used for cooking
above fire. Under this shell there is white, edible layer of coconuts, called
a "kernel". This kernel can be eaten raw or after being cooked.
After it is melted on fire it turns out into edible oil from
which some time ago "margarine" was produced. From this kernel
also a thick, tasty, "coconut cream", can be squeezed. In turn
after being mixed with water, this "coconut cream" can be turned
into "coconut milk". After being dried out, this white kernel
turns out into the so-called "copra" from which presently
several hundred different cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and chemical
products are manufactured. Finally the free space that is
contained inside of the "kernel" is filled up with a tasty,
healthy, "coconut water" which contains all ingredients
that people need for living.
The most frequent form under which tourists
encounter coconuts in tropical countries, is the
so-called "coconut water". People drink it from
still unripe whole coconuts. Folklore of tropics
claims that this water has many desirable qualities.
For example, it cleanses and reinforces body.
It replenishes the missing microelements
and minerals. It increases the resistance
to diseases. It accelerates the self-healing
of illnesses. Etc., etc. From the energy point
of view such coconut water is cooling. Thus,
the drinking of it is also recommended in all
cases of eating something heating (e.g. fried
meals), as well as in many high temperature
diseases. According to the article [1#D1]
"Coconut water therapy can work wonders"
from page 14 of Malaysian newspaper
New Straits Times,
issue dated on Monday, August 18, 2008,
coconut water helps people in faster recovery
from various diseases, especially viral ones -
such as the famous "chikungunya" described
in item #B1 of the web page
plague.htm - about murderous plague prepared for the humanity.
The reason for healing potentials of coconut
water is the presence of various vital minerals
which are important in fighting viruses. Furthermore,
this water supposedly detoxifies the liver - i.e.
an organ which helps to control body temperature
and which is attacked by many viruses - including
the deadly virus "chikungunya". Some also
recommend coconut water to cancer patients
who went through chemotherapy and thus
need vital minerals. People drink coconut
water through a "straw" directly from a
freshly opened coconut that is unripe and
thus still green or yellow. Coconut water
should be drunk everyday if possible.
I should mention here, that I personally tried the
method of accelerated healing through drinking
"coconut water" - as this is described in the above
article [1#D1]. During my vacation in Malaysia
in 2008, as usually I overdid with sleeping when an
"air-conditioner" is on, and I also overdid with drinking
liquids strongly cooled down in fridges. Amongst
others, I overdid with drinking "coconut water"
which I like very much, and which for the improvement
of taste I strongly cooled down in my fridge.
Unfortunately, "coconut water" has a very
high "specific heat". Thus after strong
cooling down the coldness of it is so
high that it causes a pain in throat during
drinking. In the result, already in the first
week of my vacation I was overpowered by a
viral sore-throat. Although my doctor healed
it fast with the antibiotic "Zithromax", still
after it a nasty, dry, like chronic, cough persisted.
For a next month I could NOT neither get
rid of this cough, nor just decrease the intensity
of it. This cough caused that I stopped
drinking coconut water - as the coldness
of this water was a reason why I got it in the first
place. So when I encountered the above article
[1#D1], I decided to return to the regular drinking
of "coconut water" from young, unripe, yellow
coconuts. But this time I drank the water in
the lukewarm state - i.e. just straight after
purchasing it and opening it at a street stall.
Such lukewarm coconut water ceases to
be so tasty like the cold one, in return its
temperature is NOT dangerous to the health.
It was because of my previous drinking of such
cold water after it was strongly cooled down
in a fridge, that I fell a victim of firstly the sore-throat
and then this persisting dry cough. I drank
two coconuts a day. After four days of such
drinking it could be clearly noticed that my
persistent cough started to gradually diminish.
Summarizing the above, truly there is no other
plant on Earth, which for people would have
equally many useful applications, as the coconut
palm has. No wonder that this palm is considered
to be a holy tree similarly like in the Europe
of old times people acknowledged the holiness
of the daily bread.
Fig. #D1a: A Malaysian coconut palm
with clearly visible coconuts.
* * *
Notice that you can see the enlargement
of each illustration from this web site. For this, it suffices to click
on this illustration. Furthermore, most of the internet browsers that you may
use, including the popular "Internet Explorer",
allow also to download each illustration
to your own computer, where it can be looked at, reduced or enlarged to the
size that you may want, or printed with your own graphical software.
Fig. #D1b: A cluster of coconuts on a Malaysian coconut
palm. The photograph taken in January 2004 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Each one out of these coconuts is of size of a human head. They
are still unripe and in the process of growth. In the state shown
here only the "coconut water" contained in them is suitable for
drinking. After maturing, their orange or greenish outer surface
changes into a dark-brown viscous cocoon, i.e. the so-called
"husk", in the centre of which a ripe, fully developed nut is
protected, with the content described below.
In many tropical countries coconut palms are
treated with the same respect as in Europe
of old times people used to acknowledge their
appreciation to the holiness of the "daily bread".
Of course, there are vital reasons for such treatment
of these palms. In fact, extraordinary attributes
of coconut palms provide us with yet another
example of evidence from the area of biological
sciences (in addition to the wealth of scientific
evidence that is already identified and described
in item #F2 of the web page
bible.htm - about the authorization of the Bible by God himself,
and also in item #F2 of web page
god_proof.htm - about scientific evidence for the existence of God),
which evidence proves the existence of God.
This coconut water has several priceless attributes
that really deserve the honour of a "holy fruit".
For example, it is sterile, contains all
ingredients that are necessary for life, and is very
tasty. Thus, in drastic cases it is used by doctors as a
replacement "drip" dosed directly from a coconut to veins
of people who need medical help or dripping sustenance to
survive. This water is also very tasty for a direct drinking
(I personally love the taste of it). In Malaysia it is called
the "lions' drink" because it enforces body and provides
sustenance to it, so that the consumer feels like a "young lion".
I personally recommend to everyone who arrives to tropical
countries: if you are afraid to drink in tropics anything
local to avoid a food poisoning, then instead of
drinking the bottled coca-cola which may contribute
towards a deterioration of your health, rather
drink sterile, tasty, and extremely healthy "coconut
water" which originates from holy coconuts.
Only make then sure that this coconut is open in
your presence, and also that you are allowed to
drink it through a straw directly from a coconut
shell - this will guarantee that the water
contained in it, and drunk by you, is still sterile
and fresh.
For the first time in my life I saw a shell from a
coconut in a miniature although intriguingly
equipped museum which in old times was located in glass cabinets
on corridors of the Primary School No 1 in Milicz. (I described
this museum in item 9 from internet web page on the town of
In times when I was attending my primary school, a coconut was
almost impossible to see in Poland. So spoken stories, and also
this well exposed shell, indicating that somewhere in a distant
world there is a nut which looks almost like a Polish hazelnuts,
but which has a size of a human head, were really able to inspire
imagination of children. Actually it was this shell that inspired
in my day-dreams that one day I will be travelling through distant
tropical islands, where such coconuts grow, and that I will be
eating them in large quantities. (I believed than, that coconuts
are only a larger version of the well-known to me hazelnuts, and
that they maintain this excellent taste of the Polish hazelnuts.)
As all powerful day-dreams from the village of
also this dream has fulfilled. (After all, the village
is a place where human dreams always come true.) In fact presently
I am relatively frequent visitor in tropical islands where coconuts grow.
Also I frequently drink "coconut water" from young coconuts, which
(the water) I like very much. However, it turned out that I do not
like eating coconuts because somehow they are not my favourites.
(I still prefer to rather eat hazelnuts, or the fruit of Malaysian
"durian" shown in "Fig. #G1a" and "Fig. #G1b" - which
(the "durian") is officially considered to be the most tasty
fruit in the world.
* * *
From the energy point of view, coconuts
belong to tropical fruit that are slightly
"cooling". In old days Chinese used to
recommend eating them in a moderation.
They used to also recommend, that after eating them, they should
be neutralised by eating an equal amount of something heating -
especially if the eating person is a women with a strong "yin"
energy. However, in present times this recommendation does NOT
need to be respected so pedantically, because we anyway eat too
much "heating" food - as this is explained in item #B2
from this web page.
* * *
The above could be complemented with
the information that in recent years a mysterious
illness appeared in tropical countries. It kills
palm trees in a similar manner as another
mysterious illness kills elm trees in Europe.
Because of this illness, palm trees are
disappearing recently with a shocking
speed. The description of this mysterious
illness in provided, amongst others, in an
article "What's killing the palm trees?" by
Randolph E. Mccoy, published in the Journal
National Geographic,
issue dated on July 1988.
Oil palm nuts:
Starting from around 1970s, in Malaysia oil
palms gradually eliminate coconut palms
shown in "Fig. #D1". This is because the
nutritional value of small nuts from oil palms -
these shown in "Fig. #D2b", is even much
higher than the nutritional value of coconuts.
So practically at the moment almost entire
production of palm oil and palm margarine
in the world is carried out from these oil
palms, instead of (like previously) from coconuts.
A single nut from oil palm tree has a size of an
European blue plum. The outer layer of such a
nut is composed of currently unused pulp similar
to one from our miniature wild "ornamental (Eden)
apples". Inside, under a layer of this pulp, a small
"shell" of the oil palm nut is located. This "shell"
is of a size of typical hazelnut. But the shell of
it is so hard, that I had difficulties with cracking
it with the use of a hammer. (No way that someone
could split it with own teeth, like in Poland we do
this with hazelnuts). Inside of this shell, a solid
"kernel" of the nut is located. The kernel has the
size and also approximate taste of European
hazelnuts. It is this kernel that is used for manufacturing
all the goodies produced from oil palm nuts. It presently includes
several hundred different products for consumption, medicine,
cosmetics, chemicals, etc. Of course, the most important out
of all these products is the "palm oil", which we later eat
in the form of a healthy, highly nutritious, and tasty "palm
margarine". So if the reader eats sometimes
palm margarine, it is almost sure, that it originates
from "bunches" of tropical oil palm nuts, similar
to ones shown below in "Fig. #D2b".
Many species of palms display the ownership
of several supernatural attributes. Probably this
is the reason why in ancient times palms were
considered to be "holy" vegetation, while Roman
Catholics until today celebrate the religious
holiday called the "Palm Sunday". One amongst
most frequent examples of this "supernatural attributes
of palms" is the death in a highly synchronised
manner. Namely, many species of palms dies
soon after blooming and producing fruits. What
even more intriguing, some of these palms, e.g.
the famous "talipot palm" from India - described
and shown in item #F3 of the web page named
precisely synchronise on the area of the entire
world and for all of these palms the simultaneous
date of their fruiting and dying.
Also the "oil palm" described here synchronises
its dying. Namely, all palms grown from seeds
born in the same year die simultaneously and
in perfect synchronisation with each other.
Their simultaneous death occurs usually when
these palms are around 27 to 30 years old.
In the result, e.g. in Malaysia sometimes
entire plantations can be encountered, which
are covered with just died palms. This is because
when these palms are planted at the same time,
then they also fruit and die at exactly the same
time. The reader wishing to see a photograph
of a section of such synchronically died palm
forest, should
click on the following button:
(a caption which describs the photograph that
after such a clicking will show itself here, is
provided under "Fig. #F2" from the web page
This synchronisation of dying creates a
"supernatural component" in the life of oil
palms. Because this "supernatural component"
is one amongst most fascinating mysteries of
the nature, which indirectly confirm the existence
of God and which present atheistic science is
unable to either justify or explain, I am describing
this supernatural component more comprehensively
on a number of web pages - for example see item
#F4.4 from the web page
stawczyk_uk.htm - about mysteries of the village Stawczyk,
or see item #F3 from the web page
god_proof.htm - about scientific evidence for the existence of God.
It is worth to add here, that there are other species
of tropical vegetation, which also synchronise
their dying. An example of these can be a
specie of bamboo.
Fig. #D2a: Me (i.e. Dr Jan Pajak)
photographed on an edge of oil palm plantation. Starting from
around 1970s, in Malaysia one may drive many kilometres through
forests entirely composed of such oil palm trees. In fact forests
of such oil palm plantations are in Malaysia equally common
and equally sizable, like are pine tree forests in Poland. Only
that oil palms display a kind of supernatural attribute which
depends on dying in a highly synchronised manner - while
the European pines lead a very ordinary life.
As we probably know this perfectly from religious
celebrations of Roman Catholics, in distant past palms
were considered to be "holy trees". Thus the palm oil
forest visible behind my back is also a kind of "holy forest".
One may ask the question, whether the palm margarine
is so healthy because it originates from such a "holy forest".
Fig. #D2b: An entire "bunch" of ripe nuts from
an oil palm tree, that was cut out from an oil palm tree and
fell to the ground.
As this can be seen from the above photo, it looks slightly
similar to a bunch of our grapes. Such a "bunch" weights tens of kilos,
and usually is long at around half a meter. It is composed
of hundreds of small oil palm nuts. Each single such oil palm
nut from this "bunch" has a size and a colour of an European
blue plum (i.e. such still ripe incompletely and partially red).
Almost everyone knows bananas. In tropical
countries they are one of the most basic and
common fruit. They also belong to a group of
several "holy fruits" which
furnished with very special attributes - for
details see item #D3.1 below. For example,
all these "holy fruits" contains inside all
components that people need to live in the
climatic conditions for which these fruits
were created. Each one of them can be
eaten in many different forms and ways.
Each has healing capabilities. Each is
designed for many different uses - not
just only for eating. Also each one of
them is prepared for growing in different
climatic conditions. Apart from bananas,
to this group of "holy fruits" belong also
coconuts, dactyls (dates), and soybeans.
In the area of Pacific grow and are eaten various
varieties of bananas, not just only a single
"Ecuadorian" variety, which usually can be
bought in shops of Europe (and Poland). Each variety of these
bananas taste differently. Also each one of them is eaten in
a different manner and in different circumstances. The best known
such manner is the one which is shown on old films. It depends
on eating a banana in the raw form - immediately after it is
pealed from the skin. (Notice that on old films the empty skin
is typically left on a footpath so that a "villain" could slip
on it.) In tropical countries from the Pacific region in such
a "raw form" only two varieties of bananas are eaten. These
varieties include: (1) middle-sized (so-called "green")
"Ecuadorian" variety, which typically can be bought in shops
of Europe (and Poland), and also (2) miniature (so-called "yellow")
local bananas from Pacific islands. The (green) "Ecuadorian" bananas
have the white interior and are rather deprived of any taste.
In turn these (yellow) miniature bananas from islands of
Pacific have interior yellow-orange, are very sweet, and
have very strong, although pleasant banana flavour (i.e. their
flavour is several times more powerful than the one from Ecuadorian
bananas). The remaining varieties of bananas (there is a whole
range of these), are eaten mainly after being fried or cooked.
Independently from
eating bananas in a raw form, these extremely popular fruits
are eaten in many different processed forms. I personally like the most
two of these, namely a "banana milk shake", and "banana fritters".
The "banana milk shake" is a very tasty banana cocktail,
obtained through blending in a mixer one banana fruit together
with around a half of litre of milk sweetened to the taste (i.e.
in my case - with around 2 spoons of sugar being added). In
turn "banana fritters" are a kind of fried dessert, which
is very popular in exclusive tropical restaurants. It is made
through dipping a peeled banana (i.e. a banana deprived the
skin) in a liquid dough - identical to the dough which in Poland
is used for pancakes, and then throwing this banana to a
boiling oil. It is taken out from the oil immediately after
the surface of the dough assumes the golden colour - i.e. the
colour that assume deep-fried potato chips. "Banana fritters"
are eaten hot together with vanilla ice-cream (one portion of
ice-cream for each fritter). Before eating, these fritters
are additionally covered with a liquid caramel syrup. They
taste superb - I advice to try them.
However, inhabitants
of the tropical Pacific islands claim that bananas should
NOT be eaten when one has a cold of cough. This is because
they intensify the production of "flame" in the throat, and
also intensify coughing and sneezing. In a very similar manner
also oranges behave. Thus also oranges should NOT be
eaten in case of having a cold of cough. They irritate lungs,
throat, and nose, thus they also cause and intensify a cough
and sneezing.
All varieties of bananas
have the ability to regulate and to soften the products of our
digestive system. So bananas work opposite to the fruit "persimon"
described in item #I1 below. (After all, "persimons" cause the
solidification of the stool.) Bananas are also more gentle and
more safe than modern medicines. In addition to this, they
are a "natural" remedy for softening the stool. So otherwise
than modern medicine, they do not cause any "side effects".
For these reasons bananas are frequently used by various
mothers when their child gets a constipation. In past, when
someone got a constipation, then usually was eating a lot of
bananas. (I personally prefer to eat in such cases the moderate
climate fruits called "kiwi", which are more powerful than
bananas, thus in adults they stabilise the stool much faster
and more effectively.)
In a tropical Malaysia
a number of fruit grows, which similarly to bananas have the
abilities to soften the stool or to cleanse the digestive system.
An example of another one (after bananas) is "mango" described
in item #H1 below. However, the most famous out of these cleansing
fruits are: (1) a wild fruit from Malaysian jungle, locally called
"jering", and (2) another wild fruit from the jungle, locally
called "petai" - described in item #F5 of this web page.
Both these fruits have the attribute, that if one
of them is eaten raw, then it also cleanses the bladder. But if
both of them are eaten simultaneously, then their combined action
is so powerful, that they completely block the urinating. Therefore
the Malaysian folklore forbids eating both of them simultaneously.
Bananas are also a basis for supposedly "non-sacrificing
and stress-free slimming diet". This diet was described,
amongst others, in the article "Japanese go bananas
over new diet" from page B2 of New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Thursday, October 23, 2008. This
banana slimming diet causes the weight
loss in the result of almost pain-free and craving-free
starting each day from eating, immediately after
getting up from the bed, one raw banana followed
by a glass of warm water (of a room temperature).
Then for an entire rest of the day one can eat and
drink whatever wishes - providing that this is not
sweetened with sugar. Means, this diet does NOT
require at all eating whatever someone does NOT
like to eat, nor require starving. The only requirement
of slimming down is to eat this single banana each
day morning and then refry from putting any sugar
into whatever one eats and drinks - as this diet forbids
consumption of sugar. But it still causes the weight
loss. So it is slightly similar to the Korean slimming
diet based on "kim-chi" described in item #B2 of the
web page
korea.htm - about mysterious, fascinating, moral, and progressive Korea.
The milk-like sap from banana trees is a powerful
poison with the action similar to the famous curare -
see descriptions in caption of "Fig. #D3". But otherwise
than this is the case with the murderous poison from
the New Zealand "tutu" bush, described in item #K1
of the web page
newzealand.htm - about mysteries and curiosities of New Zealand,
which kills immediately no matter how it is dozed,
the milk-like sap from banana trees kills only if it gets
to the blood stream. In turn when it is eaten then it is
completely harmless. Also harmless are banana fruits.
From the "yang" and "yin"
energy point of view, bananas, depending on the variety, belong to
several different categories. For example, yellow bananas of
Pacific islands represent a rare kind of a "neutral" fruit,
i.e. the one which is NOT "yang" nor "yin". So one may eat
them without limitations and do not need to worry about
balancing later their energy. In the Pacific region they are
called "yellow bananas" because their interior is of a yellow
colour. In turn green bananas (Ecuadorian) are of the "yin"
kind, means "cooling". In the Pacific region people call them
"green bananas" because before they ripe their upper skin is
of a green colour (after ripening this skin becomes almost the
same yellow as the skin of miniature (yellow) bananas from Pacific
Fig. #D3: Banana tree. The above photograph shows not
only how the trunks and huge smooth leaves of this tree look like,
but also shows how banana flower looks like (see this long, violet,
cone-like shape), and also how look like rings of miniature banana
fruits, which gradually grow right behind this cone-shaped flower -
as soon as this flower extends its length, blooms in ring-shaped
garlands, and is pollinated. (Notice that each banana tree blooms
only one time in the entire life. So the banana flower shown above
is NOT so easy to be seen in tropics, because on each banana tree
it appears only a single time during the entire lifetime of this
tree - usually when the tree is still relatively young.)
Many components of banana trees are utilised by people who live in
tropics. Of course, most widely are used tasty, sweet,
and highly nutritious bananas, means fruits from these trees.
Sometimes people cut off also the flower from this tree and
eat it as a kind of crispy vegetable (after spicing, it is used
for preparation of kinds of salads). Huge and smooth banana
leaves are used in tropics instead of saucers. Until today in
some restaurants in Malaysia, sometimes very exclusive ones,
various dishes can be served on such banana leaves. But one
needs to remember then, that these dishes one supposed to eat
with fingers. As I was sorry to experience it once myself, if
someone uses cutlery (i.e. knife or fork) for these dishes,
the sharp edges of this cutlery cut through a thin banana
leave. In the result, exotic sauces which saturate these
dishes flow down at trousers of such inexperienced eater,
spoiling later the entire evening (and sometimes also the
entire clothing).
In old times also
juices that circulate in banana tree trunks were utilised.
These juices are extremely poisonous. So in tropical countries
where bananas grow, these juices are used in a similar function,
as the famous "curare" is used in Amazonian jungles. Means
sometimes poisonous arrows are saturated with these juices,
which after being shot at enemies or animals, kill them instantly.
In order to be even more interesting, these banana juices are
only poisonous if they enter the bloodstream. But if someone
eats these juices, then stomach chemicals dissolve them completely
and they do NOT cause any harm to the eater. Therefore in old
times they were used for poisoning darts used in hunting. They
killed animals, which then could be eaten safely. About a
lightning-strike-like poisonous effect of banana juice, my friends
from the "Universiti Malaya" (School of Medicine) in Kuala
Lumpur carried out thorough medical research. Outcomes of
these research were published in a following scientific article:
S.K. Lee, L.L. Ng, S.I. Lee: "Experiments with Banana Trunk Juice
as a neuromuscular blocker", The Australian Journal of Experimental
Biology and Medical Science, Vol. 58, 1980, pp. 591-594.
When mentioning here
about "curare" from Amazonian jungles, I should explain also
that in Malaysia grows a tree, the juices of which produce a
poison which is related to this famous "curare". This Malaysian
version of "curare" is equally deadly as the original one which
is produced in jungles of Central America. It is produced from
juices of the tree, which grows widely in jungles of Malaysia
and is called the "Ipoh tree" (notice, that the name
"Ipoh" is also a name of sizeable city in Malaysia - this city
was so named because of the tree, which used to grow in jungles
around it in large quantities). Similarly as this is done by
natives of Amazon with the original curare, also local hunters
from Malaysian jungles used to saturate with this curare from
the "Ipoh tree" their miniature darts shot from "blowpipes".
If such a poisonous dart even just scratched an animal, this
animal immediately died as if it was hit by a lightning. But the
meat from an animal killed with curare is edible and it does
NOT harm its eaters. Photographs of tropical tree Ipoh, and
also further information about the poison "curare", are presented
in item #F1 from the web page
healing.htm - about rmedies, healing, and curing properties of vegetation.
In turn a photograph of the use of "blowpipes" from which poisonous
darts with curare are shot, is shown on several web pages,
e.g. on pages, or
In tropical countries banana trees are also used
for a whole range of occult purposes and for magic.
According to folklore believes, they have a very
powerful spirit, which can be compared to a
human spirit.
These believes state, that the spirit of banana trees can scare people equally
effectively as a human spirit. Therefore in tropics usually these
trees are cut down immediately after they finish their fruiting -
and as I mentioned this before, they produce fruit only once in
the entire their live. The reason is that people living nearby
do not want that spirits of such old trees cause problems amongst
people from the neighbourhood. Out of popular occult applications,
such old banana trees, or other trees called "peepal tree",
usually are used for an ancient Hindu ceremony of the
so-called "mock wedding". (Such a "mock wedding"
is a ritual wedding, in which one of the partners is destined
by horoscopes to die soon after getting married. So by
marrying a tree, this death is shifted onto the tree. Then
the tree dies instead, while the true husband or wife is able
to live until an old age.) Comprehensive descriptions of
these "mock weddings" are provided in subsection I4.4
from volume 5 of the newest
monograph [1/5].
In turn, an example of the publicity treatment of a well known Indian
film star and former Miss World, Aishwarya Rai, who "married a tree",
was described in an
article "With this ring, I tree wed", published on page B3 of the newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Friday, February 2, 2007. One of the matters raised in
this article was the accusation by a society of protection of trees, that
a tree was subjected to an undeserved persecution.
Why some people indicate bananas as still another natural proof for the existence of God:
When eating our next banana perhaps it
is also worth to take notice of the attributes
because of which a significant number of
people considers this particular fruit to be
one amongst most obvious natural
proofs for the existence of God.
I am going to explain briefly here where
this view comes from.
In opinions of many people who
strongly believe in God,
fruits have the same significance in documenting
the existence of God, as e.g. pictures have in
documenting the existence of painters whom
for some reasons cannot personally shake
our hands. These people believe literally in
statements of the
that fruits were on purpose designed by God
in such a manner that they perfectly serve
humans. This is why such people indicate a
significant number of useful attributes displayed
by various fruits, which seem to exist only to
make life of people easier, and thus the existence
of which cannot be explained by the so-called
"evolution" nor by a coincident. On this web
page I am indicating several such attributes
of various fruits, the appearance of which
can be only explained as an intelligent design
of this fruits by God. An example of just such
attributes can be these three soft holes in hard
shells of coconuts, described in item #D1 of
this web page, through which people can drink
coconut water without the need to break the
hard coconut shell. Another example can be
the highly symbolic appearance and use of the
fruit named "salak" described in item #D4 of
this web page.
In bananas a whole array of such attributes
can be indicated which prove the intelligent
design of these fruits by God. Examples of such
attributes include everything that was already
mentioned in item #D3 above, namely the superb
taste and the sustenance value of bananas, their
healing capabilities, and also their edibility
in many different forms - e.g. in a raw form,
dried, cooked or fried, as fritters, with ice-cream,
in cocktails, etc. Clearly intentionally was also
designed the "ergonomics" of bananas so as to best
suit people. The name "ergonomics" is assigned to
a very modern scientific discipline, developed by the
human science only fairly recent. This discipline
researches how objects used by people should
be designed, so that these objects serve humans
in the most perfect way possible. As it turns
out, the design of bananas is at the top of ergonomic
perfection. For example, the packing of bananas -
means their skins, is designed similarly like
modern conserve tins. This skin not only perfectly
conserves the content (i.e. the banana fruit),
but also - like a modern conserve tins, it is
perfectly suited for an easy "opening" by
people. For example, an especially thickened
and easy to grasp tail of bananas performs the
same function as the opening ring performs
in modern conserve tins. This skin is also very
easy to peel along banana fruits, thus hygienically
exposing to the eater the content as it is eaten.
But we must remember that the
natural evolution
should make more difficult, instead of making
easier, this peeling - in order to protect seeds
from the destruction. In ripe bananas at the
basis of their tails a small undercutting break
in skin naturally forms itself, which makes
easier to initiate the peeling of the skin - similarly
like in present tins their producers make
intentional cuts on their tops in order to
facilitate the easier opening. The diameter
of bananas is exactly matched to dimensions
of open human mouths, to facilitate biting
these fruits in small portions. Furthermore,
even the bended shape of banana was intentionally
so designed to make easier holding it in hand
and bringing to mouths during eating.
"Cravings" of tropical pregnant women to fruits named "salak", and the supernatural link of these "cravings" with the Biblical snake tempting Eve in Eden:
There is one tropical fruit, the supernatural
attributes of which almost hit our eyes. The
supernatural character of this fruit is manifested
through highly symbolic behaviours of
pregnant women. Namely, there is a strange
link between the topical fruit called "salak"
and the Biblical story about snake which
tempted Eve in Eden. Let us describe this
matter step-by-step.
As this is a common knowledge, during the expecting
state pregnant women sometimes have the so-called
"cravings". An interesting aspect
of these "cravings" is, that such expecting
women always seemed to "crave" for eating
something that could seem to be nothing
special, but that in a given moment of time
or in a given situation is very difficult to acquire,
and that in given circumstances introduces
some inspiring qualities. For example, a
typical "craving" of Polish women usually is
an unbeatable taste for fresh strawberries
in cream during a middle of winter. (This
led to the development of "winter" varieties
of strawberries and their glass house production
methods.) In turn a typical "craving" of women
from New Zealand was eating a "hearing".
("Hearings", in spite of their apparent commonness,
are fish which live only in northern seas.
Therefore in past it was extremely difficult
to acquire this fish in New Zealand, means
in the country which is located at the southern
end of the world. So such "cravings" of women
from Antipodes inspired the more vivid contacts
of colonists with their old country.)
Well, it is extraordinary - if not the supernatural,
that a typical "cravings" of pregnant women from
tropical countries in the vicinity of Malaysia are
fruits locally named "salak".
(Click here to see how "salak" fruits look like.)
Apart of being extremely difficult for acquiring,
these fruits have almost a supernatural symbolic
significance. Namely, in the same manner as
every communion in a Catholic church reminds
us the Last Supper of Jesus, also every "craving"
for eating the "salak" fruit in an extremely meaningful
way reminds people the history from
about temptation of Eve by the snake. For this
reason I personally highly recommend to everyone
who is in a tropical country to purchase several
"salak" fruits and to experience in person what
sometimes God does in order to discreetly reassure
us that the
Bible tells the truth and in fact is authorised by God Himself.
The feelings which one experiences at the moment
of trying these "salak" fruits and realising their
supernatural symbolic meaning, are unforgettable.
The most extraordinary attribute of "salak" fruits
is that everything about them serves as the reminder
of this Biblical story about Eve and the snake. For
example, in the appearance these fruits
resemble exactly heads of snakes. Their skin
has the consistency of snake skin and in touch
it feels exactly like a skin of snake. During peeling
the fruit from the skin, their skin separates from
the fruit like a snake skin. After being peeled this skin
seen separately looks like snake skin. The fruit
itself is subdivided into two halves - which after
cleaning resemble the upper half and the lower jaw
from a snake's head. The colour of fruits interior is
pinkish - exactly the same as raw meat from
snake. In every half of the fruit a large dark-green
stone is contained, thus making the fruit almost
equally not worth of eating as the meat of snake.
The smell of this fruit resembles the smell of
slightly rotting, unwashed body - so it is similar
to the smell of snake meat. In addition, "salak"
fruits do not have neither an interesting taste,
nor anything that would logically qualify them
for "cravings". In fact these fruits are sour-sweet,
and for me they resemble slightly the taste of
European red currents. Furthermore, after eating
they leave in mouths quite unpleasant aftertaste
like from a tree-bark. These fruits also do NOT
have neither precious nutrition values, or unique
attributes. In addition their appearance and
properties seem to be repulsive. As it turns
out, the only thing which makes "salak" to be
"cravings" of pregnant women, is that everything
in them reminds us the Biblical story of snake
which tempts Eve in Eden, and also that they
are very difficult for acquiring but inspiring -
similarly like "cravings" of pregnant women
from all other regions of the world.
Fig. #D4: Extraordinary fruits from the
area of Pacific called "salak". The
supernatural attribute of this fruit is that
it looks as if it was created especially to
remind illustratively to people the Biblical
story about Eve and the snake - for details
see descriptions from item #D4 above.
(Click on the above photograph to see it enlarged.)
The above photograph shows four complete
"salak" fruit placed in the upper part of the saucer.
It is worth to notice that they look like snake heads.
Under them segments of this fruit are shown
peeled from the "snake skin" (a section of this
"snake skin" is also shown). The photo illustrates
also the appearance of inedible stones from this
fruit, as well as sections of the fruit in which still
remain such stones.
How to check the belief that "intellects which intentionally waste fruits or other food, will be one day deprived whatever they wasted":
In Poland of old times, people considered
all kinds of food, including fruits, to be holy.
A similar holiness of all kinds of food and
edible fruits was also respected in folklores
of many other countries. In Poland old-timers
even used to repeat the belief, that people
whom waste any food are going later to be
deprived of whatever they wasted. This
belief is described more comprehensively in
item #I2 of the web page
It applies both, to individual people, as well as
to so-called "group intellects" - for example to
entire institutions. Unfortunately, as so-far no-one
checked empirically or scientifically whether
this belief fulfils itself in real life with an iron
consequence. In turn checking it would be
worth of effort as it would verify scientifically
the work of so-called
moral laws
in real life. After all, there are numerous theoretical
premises, described for example on the web page
which suggest that the above belief should
fulfil itself in the real life. Furthermore, in
present times of television and internet we
already have the technical capability to
check it. This is because from time to time
the world already learns about cases, that
someone intentionally wastes fruits or food.
So it is enough to later watch the fate of
this whomever for several next years and to
check whether this belief in fact is going
to fulfil. Means whether this someone, who
intentionally wasted some kind of fruits or food,
with the elapse of years really experiences
the lack of whatever previously wasted. For
example, if such someone is an institution
(i.e. a "group intellect") which lives, let's say,
from the export of fruits, then whether this
institution is going to "bankrupt" one day
because it is to be cut off from the access
to fruits which it previously wasted.
In this item I am going to describe one such a
case of wasting food that is known to me. It
concerns the intentional wasting of fruits called
"kiwi" - the sustenance and healing attributes of
which are described in item #I2 of this web
page. To their wasting for sure applies the
action of so-called
moral laws.
After all, this wasting took place near a middle
of 2009 - means in times when the world was
gripped by unemployment and economic
depression, while our planet was swarming
with undernourished people. Furthermore,
the wastage of these fruits took place in New
Zealand - where food is rather expensive
in comparison to earnings of normal people
and where for a significant part of the year
one kilogram of "kiwifruit" costs almost the
same as the minimum wage workers earn
there for an hour of heavy physical labour.
In addition, the articles described here
appeared in times when because of the
economic depression and escalating prices,
a significant number of unemployed New
to the category of which I also belong,
only with a significant difficulty could afford
to buy any fruit. Here are examples of articles
from New Zealand newspapers, which describe
this intentional destruction of "kiwifruit".
The first article which I would like to recommend
here for reading, is entitled "Kiwifruit dumped to pop
up price", from page C1 of New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Thursday, April 9, 2009. I take
the liberty to quote here three sentences from
this long article: "Kiwifruit
growers, hit hard by a global slump in demand,
have to destroy a million trays, or 3.6 million
kilograms of green export fruit. Details of the
dumping are outlined in a letter from the industry's
export marketer Zespri, to 3000 New Zealand
growers late last month allocating them their
quota to be destroyed. ... Zespri chief executive
... said in the letter that the alternative would be
a reduction in value of about 20c a tray."
The second article which I would like to recommend
here for reading, is entitled "Zespri's 'dump fruit' bid angers
growers", from page C3 of New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Saturday, April 11, 2009. I also
take the liberty to quote two sentences
from this quite lengthy article: "The Kiwifruit
Board's decision is protectionist nonsense. ...
western US importer wanting our fruit will
now have to take kiwifruit from Chile while
our fruit rots on wines - this does not make
* * *
I do not know how it is with the reader, but
myself I got used to the situation, that if
undertakes an action, then He usually does
it after a long thinking, delay, and preparations.
The slowness of acting by God is even recorded
in the well-known proverb "God's mill grinds
slow but sure". So it was for me a
big surprise when just in around a month after
issuing an order to destroy kiwifruit in New
Zealand, an article entitled "Zespri drops
$80m as euro, yen strengthen" (from page
C3 of the New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Tuesday, May 5, 2009)
appeared about the company which
issued this order. In this article one can
read, amongst others, quote: "Californian
growers have filled a damages claim in court
against Zespri and HortResearch, seeking
damages for the failure of its gold kiwifruit
crop, grown under licence for Zespri.
In Chile, verticillium disease has savaged half of
Zespri's Chilean gold kiwifruit production this year
and bacteria has affected 25 per cent of Zespri's
gold kiwifruit vines in Italy."
"Zespri" again gained publicity on Tuesday,
12 May 2009. Namely, that day the evening news
from channel 3 of television New Zealand informed
just after 6:30 pm about a destructive rain of large
hailstones which damaged a sizable proportion
of kiwifruit on plantations from the area of New
Zealand called the "Bay of Plenty" (which area
is a kind of "kiwifruit bearing area" of New Zealand).
This hail was also reported in the article "Zespri
sees good year ahead for gold fruit" from page
C4 of the New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Saturday, May 23, 2009. The
article writes, amongst others, quote: "... the strategy
of dumping 1.5 million trays of export green kiwifruit
to hold prices up would no longer be needed after
hail in the Bay of Planty damaged at least 2.26
million trays of kiwifruit."
Another publication about Zespri which attracted
my attention was the article "Attack on Zespri
monopoly" from page C1 of the New Zealand
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Friday, June 5, 2009. In this
article was described how for a different New
Zealand company named "Turners and Growers"
the government already make impossible three times
to break through the Zespri monopoly on export
of kiwifruits.
The problem of Zespri's monopole gradually started
to induce concerns of international community.
For example, the article entitled "Zespri defensive
salvo sends fur flying" from page B2 of the newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Wednesday, November 25,
2009, describes how in the matter of Zespri's
monopole the government of the USA turned
to New Zealand with the "please explain"
request via the "World Trade Organisation".
(On the same day a similar article about international
concerns and inquiry regarding monopoly of New
Zealand's Zespri, appeared also in the newspaper
Otago Daily Times.)
Animals, vegetation, fruits, etc., display much more supernatural capabilities, but this web page
only reminds about their existence, leaving the presentation of these to "part #F" of the web page
This web page is about all least-known aspects
of tropical fruits. Because their "supernatural"
abilities represent one amongst such aspects,
the web page also briefly discusses these in
the above part. Especially, that one amongst
topics of my scientific research, are the
so-called "supernatural phenomena". Thus,
a number of web pages which I published,
almost completely are devoted to discussion of
"supernatural" abilities. So to these web pages I
would like to send the readers interested in such
a topic area. For example, the entire "part #F" of
the separate web page named
is devoted to the discussion of supernatural abilities
of wild animals (e.g. snakes, sharks, or bears),
domesticated animals, and selected vegetation
(e.g. palms, bamboo, or gum trees). In turn item
#D1 of the web page named
describes stones which go for walks in
a supernatural way just by themselves.
To supernatural phenomena belong also, amongst
others, unexplained capabilities of special trees
and stones from Malaysia, known in there under
the name of "Datuk" - for their descriptions see
item #D1 from the web page named
or item #G9 of the web page
Supernatural abilities display also figures,
totem poles, and guardians described in
items #D2 and #D3 of the web page
A supernatural character can also display selected
phenomena of nature, especially these ones
described in items #I3 to #I5 from the web page
or in items #B2 and #B7 of the web page
Part #E:
Descriptions of "neutral" fruits from the area of Pacific - means fruits most
recommended for consumption according to the Chinese philosophy of their eating:
The fruit named "papaya" (also called "paw-paw")
in Malaysia is one of the fruits eaten most
frequently. It is also the most cheap fruit.
Usually this fruit has the shape and external appearance of an
over-ripe European cucumber (i.e. a cucumber which is kept on
field until autumn in order to use it later for seeds). But
typically papaya is much bigger than a cucumber. Smallest
papaya fruit is as large as largest European cucumbers.
The interesting aspect
of papaya fruits are these black seeds contained inside, which
look like seeds of a "bird's cherry" (in Polish named "czeremcha").
Normally these seeds are inedible, but thoroughly removed from
the fruits before eating. (They induce quite unpleasant stomach
pains in the eater.)
But if a tropical girl accidentally got into unwanted pregnancy,
then she used to eat these black seeds from papaya. This is because
the seeds contain an ingredient, which caused that expected
ladies experienced a natural miscarry. In old times, papaya fruits
used to replace present-days medical "abortions". However, presently
these "folkloristic remedies" are used increasingly less frequent,
while women in tropics interrupt their pregnancies the same way as
European women, namely by going to an abortion clinic.
One Malaysian doctor with
whom I discussed the ability of papaya seeds for causing a natural
abortion, claimed that these seeds contain chemical compounds from
the group named "prostaglandins". These compounds are used in medicine
for causing a shrinking of uterus. Thus they are able to cause a
natural abortion.
The above should be supplemented with an
information, that the ability for aborting pregnancies
is displayed also by unripe and very sour pineapples.
Therefore women that wished to miscarry their
unwanted pregnancies, in past used also to eat
such green and sour pineapples.
The folklore from Singapore claims, that papaya
fruits have anti-cancer capabilities. A circular
email regarding this matter can be viewed after
clicking on the following button
Highly desirable healing capability have not
have only the fruit of papaya, but also leaves
of the bush on which the papaya fruit grows.
It is so because ingredients are contained
in leaves of papaya bush, which in human body
cause the rapid production of white blood cells.
Thus, people who have a deficiency of white blood
cells, e.g. because they just undergo through
after-cancer so-called "chemotherapy", usually
reinforce their organisms by two drinks, each
consisting of a single table spoon of juice from
papaya leaves, and both drank in 3-days gap
from each other (for greater doses of this juice,
e.g. for one table spoon of it drank each day,
their action would be too difficult to withstand
by the human body). Such drinking of two
table spoons of this juice with 3-days gap, supposedly
suffices for people who are healing cancer, to prepare
their white cells of blood to a next session of
"chemotherapy" which destroys these cells.
The preparation of single table spoons of the juice
from papaya leaves must also be carried out
in a strict manner. For this, one needs to pick
several healthy leaves from a fruiting papaya tree.
Then he or she must carefully wash these leaves
in a clean water. After draying them, one needs
to smash them in a mortar and pestle. Then, their
smashed mass must be placed in a clean cloth
and a spoon of juice must be squeezed from it.
This juice tastes and smells revolting - is extremely
bitter and smells like stale. So the drinking just a
single spoon of it is really a big thing. But for their
own good, people in need must overcome the repulsion
of their mouths, and drink this revolting juice. In
order to make this drinking a bit easier, one can
add a bit of honey to this juice. In countries in
which papaya does NOT grow, and thus it is
difficult in there to rapidly get hold of leaves from
thus bush, one can purchase in supermarket
unripe fruit of papaya, the skin of which is still
green (i.e. not yellow - like in a ripe fruit shown
below in "Fig. #E1"), and then instead from green
leaves, this healing juice squeeze from skins still
green, unripe papaya fruit. Of course, because
leaves, not fruit, are the best provider of this juice,
while the bush with leaves can be grown from seeds
of papayas in a pot within one's home in even a cold
country, so if someone knows in advance that such
leaves will be needed soon, then should plant a
papaya bush in own home. (After all, papaya seeds
can be taken from a ripe fruit of papaya that one
can buy in a supermarket - only that before planting
them one should remember to firstly dry them, as
when planted still wet probably will NT germinate.)
We should notice here, that in case of catching a
killer tropical illness "dengue", or in case of difficulties
with withstanding a whole cancer's "chemotherapy"
because of the lack of the required level of white
blood cells, drinking such a juice from papaya leaves
may even save lives.
Fig. #E1: A fruit in Malaysia called "papaya",
while in other regions of the world called "paw-paw". (Note that there
is a joke for children about "paw-paw" fruit. It asks: "what is a
paw-paw"? The answer supposed to be: "the end of a leg-leg in a cat-cat".)
The papaya on the above photograph
is cut in half and placed on a saucer. This fruit is usually the least
expensive fruits of tropical countries, although simultaneously it is very
tasty. The inexpensive price of it results from the fact that, otherwise
to other fruits, this one is actually a fruit from a kind of gigantic
vegetable, not from a tree. Edible in this fruit is the red substance
contained under a hard skin. Me personally the taste of papaya fruits
resembles slightly the taste of a sweet Polish carrot roasted over an
open fire.
* * *
Juice from papaya fruits is also used
for cosmetic purposes. It displays the ability for whitening the skin. Thus
tropical beauties, who in spite of frequent exposure to the action of powerful
sun, still wish to have white skin, usually wash their skin with the papaya
juice, or they use a soap containing papaya juice.
From the energy content point
of view, "papaya" belong to "neutral" fruits. Chinese claim that one may
eat any amounts of these fruits without causing undesirable consequences.
Pomelo is a huge fruit. The size of it exceeds
the size of a human head.
(Click here to see how a stall full of "pomelo" fruits looks like.)
It belongs to the same family as "grapefruit".
But is sweeter than a "grapefruit". Inside it looks
slightly similar to a gigantic lemon, in which membranes between
subsequent segments are thick like shoe soles and are impossible to
bite through them. Therefore, before eating, this fruit must be firstly
peeled from the thick skin and from these membrane between segments.
The remaining, grainy substance is edible, with a sweet-bitterish
taste. It contains gigantic seeds inside, which resemble huge seeds
of lemon - these are inedible. As this is the case with almost every
tropical fruits, also the taste of "pomelo" drastically depends on the
area in which the fruiting tree is growing. The most tasty "pomelo"
grow in vicinity of the Malaysian city Ipoh. (I.e. the same "Ipoh",
which is named after the "Ipoh" tree that produces a Pacific version
of the "curare" poison.) So if anyone plans to visit Malaysia, I
recommend that for the first time in life he/she tries "pomelo" from
the city Ipoh. Only "pomelo" from Ipoh taste really superbly. Later,
after one knows how really these fruits supposed to taste, one may
also try it from different locations as well.
From the energy content point
of view, "pomelo" belong to the "neutral" fruits. Chinese claim that one
may eat any amounts of it without causing undesirable consequences.
This fruit "soursop" originates from Brazil,
from the tree named "Graviola". Therefore
in Brazil this fruit is called "Graviola", while
in Spanish - "Guanabana". The name "soursop"
is its English name. "Soursop" fruits resemble
giant green European horse chestnuts.
(Click here to see how a single "soursop" fruit looks like.)
A diameter of a typical fruit of "soursop" is
around 20 cm.
If it is eaten raw, this fruit has a sour-sweet taste.
I personally do NOT like it much, as for me it is
too sour. But my brother, who likes sour fruits,
always is impressed by it. Fortunately, the sweetness
of "soursop" compensates its sourness, so I am
able to eat it - although I am not crazy about it.
It is eaten after being cut into thick slices. One
eats with a spoon the pulpy, watery content that
fills up the interior of it. Edible is the entire content
of it, with the exception of a green skin. This content
has a consistency of a white custard, only that a
custard usually is not sour-sweet, while this fruit
is - rather strongly.
The "soursop" fruit is also used for making various
juices which in tropics delight most courageous
visitors. These juices typically are sweetened,
thus they do NOT taste so sour. If someone
makes them in own home and from fresh fruits
(as for Europeans is recommended for hygienic
reasons), then they taste best when sweetened
with honey from tropical wild bees. (Juices
purchased on streets are sweetened with
sugar.) The most tasty are juices prepared
from the mixture of "soursop" fruits and
"guava" fruits.
In 2009 I got hold of one amongst these "open
letters" that are circulated in internet. This particular
letter refers to research which supposedly were
published in the "Journal of Natural Products" and
also verified in the "Catholic University of South Korea".
According to it, chemicals contained in "soursop"
fruit supposedly are capable to, quote "selectively
kill colon cancer cells at '10,000 times the potency
of (the commonly used chemotherapy drug) Adriamycin' ".
Thus, the text of this letter contains the encouragement
"The Next Time You Have A Fruit Juice, Ask For A SourSop".
Of course, I am NOT a medical doctor, and I do NOT
have conditions to verify the claims of that circular
letter. (A copy of this letter I have in my computer
and am able to make it available on request.)
Therefore, I am unable to confirm or deny, whether
claims it contains describe scientific facts, or just
are e.g. clever advertisements of an owner of a plantation
of "soursop" fruits. But I know that juice from "soursop"
fruits tastes delightful (especially if sweetened with
honey and mixed with the guava juice), thus even
just for that reasons I recommend to drink it whenever
the reader has opportunity.
From the energy content point of view, "soursop"
belongs to the category of "neutral" fruits. Chinese
claim that one may eat any amounts of it without
causing undesirable consequences.
Fig. #E3: A stall with tropical fruits named
"soursop". This fruit is a favourite of my
brother. The brother almost worships the
taste of it when eaten raw. The fruit has
a powerful sour-sweet taste. I am not crazy
about it, although I can also eat it. But
I love juice from “soursop” fruits sweetened
with honey from wild tropical bees - especially
if this juice is mixed with the juice from
"guava" fruits.
* * *
By the way, it is very interesting why two
brothers (means myself and my brother),
who supposed to have the same genetic
composition, and who both are brought
up on the same meals of their mother,
have so different taste preferences. After
all, according to all theories of present
orthodox science, both with my brother
we should like or dislike exactly the same
Ciku (chiku):
"Ciku" fruits (old spelling of this
fruit was "chiku") is the size of "kiwi" fruit (which probably is known
to the majority of people), or a middle sized pear. It is extremely sweet.
The sweetness of it is so powerful, that myself personally I am not able
to eat it - for me it is too sweet. In fact, during eating the sweetness
of it almost burns our mouth - similarly like selected varieties of Turkish
sweets also tend to almost burn our mouth. But locals, who from the childhood
are used to this indescribable sweetness, love the taste of this fruit.
It also has quite a strong taste of a wild fruit. Therefore, to the taste
of this fruit one needs to get used, before one begins to appreciate it.
A box full of ciku fruits seen on a stall resembles
a box full of unwashed, muddy potatoes of quite
regular sizes and shapes.
(Click here to see how a box full of "ciku" fruits looks like.)
Only that their like "muddy" appearance results
from the natural (masking) coloratura of skins
of these fruits.
From the energy content point of view, "chiku"
belongs to the category of "neutral" fruits. Chinese
claim that one may eat any amounts of it without
causing undesirable consequences. This neutral
character of this fruit, combined with the extreme
sweetness, causes that local people who like it,
usually eat a lot of it.
Fig. #E4: Indescribably sweet tropical fruits now called "ciku",
while in past called "chiku". At the top of this photograph one whole
fruit is shown. Below another fruit cut horizontally in two halves is
shown, while one of these two halves is further cut vertically into
two quarters. This fruit looks like a miniature ball for rugby. The
size of it is similar like the size of a "kiwi" fruit, "passion fruit",
or a middle-sized pear. The interior of it is juicy, with a nice brown
colour, looking like syrup or honey. It is sticky from the sweetness.
The fruit contains also black, hard, inedible seeds (one of these seeds
is visible on the photo above) that look like black pumpkin seeds.
Guava is a kind of round tropical pear.
The surface of it is almost always uneven and grooved, like the one on left
side of the photo. If a smooth guava is born, like the one on the right side
of the photo, locals are reluctant in buying it, as a smooth surface means
uninteresting taste. Guava not only has a size of a large, round pear, but
also a strong taste of an unripe but aromatic pear. During eating is hard,
but highly aromatic. However, just by itself is not good for eating.
Therefore, it is eaten always after being peeled from the skin and cut
into small segments, when each segment is sprinkled with a thick layer
of grated sweet-sour dried Chinese aromatic plum. This grated
preserved plum adds very interesting flavour to guava fruits. Similarly
like the taste of majority of tropical fruits, the taste of guava is
very difficult to be described. In the Pacific region people eat
quite a lot of guava because it is so aromatic, quite inexpensive,
and also because it is the fruit "neutral" from the energy point
of view.
From the energy content point
of view, "guava" belongs to the category of "neutral" fruits. Chinese
claim that one may eat any amounts of it without causing undesirable
Fig. #E5: An interesting fruit called "guava".
Shown are two fruits lying in the back part of the saucer.
Just by itself this fruit is NOT pleasant for eating. But
it takes an interesting taste if one sprinkles it with
the grated aromatic Chinese preserved plum. In the lower
part of the saucer three such preserved plums from China
are visible. After these plums are grated (on a grater)
usually they are sprinkled over pieces of guava that
before were peeled from the skin and cut into small segments.
The plums (used for sprinkling guava) are also very
tasteful, and Chinese frequently give them as a snake
to their guests. They have a sour-sweet taste, and
high aroma. After being dried out, their surface
becomes covered with sugar. This sugar represents the
crystallised form of their own, natural sugar, NOT a
sugar added artificially during drying.
Dragon fruit:
To me personally "dragon fruit"
resembles one of Polish beets, in which leaves grow out from a kind
of head-like lumping. It is of a size of an average cabbage, and has
a rounded shape. After it is peeled from an inedible skin, it is
white inside with black, poppy-seeds like seedlings spread over the
volume of it. It has a very unnoticeable taste. Thus one needs to get
used to it in order to seek taste in eating it. During a first eating
it appears to have no taste at all.
"Dragon fruit" is also
planted in tropical Americas, especially in Mexico. It is known over
there under a different name of "Indian fig".
From the energy content point
of view, "dragon fruit" belongs to the "neutral" fruits. Chinese claim that
one may eat any amounts of it without causing undesirable consequences.
Fig. #E6a: Favourite fruit of Vietnamese, called "dragon fruit".
Fig. #E6b: Here is the appearance of the fruit called
"dragon fruit", after it is peeled from the skin and prepared for
eating. To me it resembles a cotton sprinkled with poppy-seeds.
In fact, also during eating, for me it tastes like a "wet, soft
cotton", deprived of any taste or flavour.
Part #F:
Descriptions of "cooling" fruits from the area of Pacific - means fruits which neutralise consequences of eating modern deep fried foods:
Tropical fruits named "mangosteen" have
very interesting taste and amazing attributes.
(Click here to see how "mangosteen" fruit looks like.)
They are one of these tropical fruits, the trying
of which I would vigorously recommend to everyone.
Mangosteen fruits from outside look like typical
wild blueberries from Polish forests enlarged to
a size of typical European apple. However, the
visible on photographs, the violet-brown outer
shell of these fruits is thick at around 5 mm
(means like a thick orange skin). So after we
peel mangosteen from this very thick shell, we
are left with the white edible kernel which is only as big as a pigeon
egg. This kernel is the edible part of the fruit. It is composed of
several small segments, similarly as the fruits of "mandarins" do. Each
such segment contains inside a green, soft, inedible seed of the size of
a bean or a pea, which after being crushed leaves in mouth rather unpleasant
taste of a green bean. So mangosteen needs to be eaten carefully, to
not crush with our teeth these green seeds. Mangosteen have sour-sweet,
quite refreshing taste, slightly similar to the taste of mandarins,
although much more pleasant and much more refreshing. It tastes superbly.
If someone goes to tropical countries, I highly recommend trying these
fruits. But one needs to remember to buy a lot of it, as from one kilo
of it, after peeling only a handful of edible kernels is left for us.
During peeling and eating
mangosteen, one needs to remember about an unpleasant attribute of
it. Namely the juice. In spite that it has a white colour, it displays
the ability of a permanent brown paint. Also, there is nothing that
would be later able to erase it. Therefore this fruit must be peeled
and eaten very cautiously, to not stain our clothing with the juice
of it. This is because such brown stains of mangosteen juice will
stay on the clothing forever.
The dried and powdered skin from "mangosteen"
fruits is considered in folklore of tropical
countries to be a medicine for practically
every illness. So this skin supposedly has
properties similar to the famous in Poland
before the Second World War, Polish medicine
good for every possible illness, called then
"kuramina". I personally never tried
on myself the healing properties of mangosteen
skins, for a simple reason that I had NO
access to the dried and powdered version
of it, nor during my vacations in tropics I had
conditions to dry and powder it myself. However,
I heard descriptions how extremely simple is
the preparation of this skin for medical purposes.
Namely, before eating just purchased "mangosteen"
fruits one needs to cut off with knife their thick,
green tails and thick leaves, so that only whole
mangosteen fruits in blue skins are left. Then
these whole fruits need to be washed thoroughly
(several times) - because typically their skin is
very dirty on the outside. After washing one needs
to peel the fruits from the skins and eat the tasty,
white interior, but leaving the empty skins. Then
pieces of skin need to be split onto smaller fragments,
to facilitate their faster drying. Finally these need
to be dried, and powdered. For powdering any
method can be used, e.g. milling or pounding
in a mortar. The powdered form of such skin
can be preserved for long periods of time in
order to be used for medical purposes whenever
such a need arrives. After an illness strikes, some
people eat a table spoon of this powder a day
in a dry state. But such dry powder is unpleasant
for swallowing and very bitter. Therefore, in order
to improve the taste, many people mix it with any
kind of juice that they have at hand, and then drink
with this juice. When mixed with a juice this skin is
much more pleasant for swallowing.
Fig. #F1: Two fruits called "mangosteen" shown in a
close up. In the sense of energy content these fruits represent
an opposite of "durian" (i.e. durian contains the male energy
"yang", while mangosteen contain female energy "yin"). Therefore,
if someone after eating durian still wishes to sleep at nights,
he/she must neutralise the male energy "yang" from durian by
eating a similar amount of the mangosteen fruit. Mangosteen
are also recommended for eating for balancing our everyday
intake of male energy "yang" which is contained in large
quantities in the majority of food and drinks, which in
present times we typically are consuming every day.
Notice, that the fruit "mangosteen" is also shown
on photograph from "Fig. #I1".
* * *
From the point of view
of their energy content, "mangosteen" belong to fruits strongly
"cooling". In old times Chinese used to recommend a moderation
in eating them. They also used to recommend that eating of this
fruits is balanced by eating an equal amount of something "heating"
- especially if the eater is a woman. However, in present times
of the excessive eating of "heating" junk food, this old recommendation
does not need to be obeyed so pedantically - as I explained this
in the introduction to this web page.
Custard apple (Malaysian name "buah nona"):
It is quite an unusual fruit. In fact, the consistency
of it inside is very similar to a "custard" - hence
the English name "custard apple". In turn local
name for it in Bahasa Malaysia is "buah nona"
which approximately means “feminine fruit”.
"Custard apple" has two basic varieties, a "wild"
Malaysian variety, and a "domesticated" variety
which in the area of Pacific is planted mainly in Australia.
The "domesticated" variety is shown in "Fig. #F2a",
while two "wild" Malaysian examples are shown
in "Fig. #F2b". This fruit is of a size of a typical apple.
Both varieties are similar in size. But the surface of
the "wild" Malaysian variety looks like the surface of an
European wild "blackberry" enlarged to the size of an
average apple. It can be eaten ripe in two colours, blue
or green. In turn the "domesticated" variety has rather
a smooth skin, which has a slight "blackberry"
pattern on it. It has only a green colour. The "domesticated"
variety has also less seeds inside and more this edible
custard-like substance. The taste of this fruit is
sweet, with a refreshing sour but very pleasant flavour.
This fruit is very tasty and very pleasant in eating.
Fig. #F2a: An interesting fruit called "custard apple".
Shown here is a "domesticated" variety, which in the
area of Pacific currently is planted mainly in tropical
part of Australia. This "domesticated" variety of the
"custard apple" has more edible substance and less
seeds than "wild" varieties grown in Malaysia. However,
the taste of all of these varieties are almost the same.
Fig. #F2b: Here is the "wild" Malaysian variety of "custard apples",
similar to the ones shown below on "Fig. #F2a". As one can see
from the above photograph, in Malaysia two varieties
of this fruit are available. They differ amongst themselves
by colour. One variety obtains a blue colour while becomes
ripe. The second variety stays green even when it is already
ripe. Both these varieties taste almost identical, and very
similar to the Australian variety shown part "a" of "Fig. #F2".
Starfruit is sourish.
It also has a powerful taste of "green grass". I personally
do NOT like to eat this fruit raw. But I like to drink
juice made of starfruit - if this juice is sweetened enough.
This is because such a juice has a refreshing aroma,
that is pleasant during drinking, although it leaves
in mouth this characteristic taste of a "green grass".
Starfruit is famous
from its ability to lower the blood pressure. Therefore it
is a favourite fruit of people with high blood pressure.
From the point of view
of their energy content, "starfruit" belong to fruit strongly
"cooling". In old times Chinese used to recommend a moderation
in eating them. They also used to recommend that eating of this
fruit is balanced by eating an equal amount of something "heating"
- especially if the eater is a woman. However, in present times
of the excessive eating of "heating" junk food, this old
recommendation does not need to be obeyed so pedantically - as
I explained this in the introduction to this web page.
Fig. #F3: "Starfruit". The name "starfruit" for
it, originates from the shape that it has. Especially if
it is cut into slices in direction perpendicular to the
central axis of it. Then such slices look like golden
stars of the diameter of our slice from an average apple.
The colour of this fruit is also very nice. It is golden,
similar to the colour of a typical honey. Because of the
beautiful, star-like shape and golden colour of slices
of this fruit, in restaurants from tropical countries
it is used for decorating other dishes. Of course, apart
from decorative value, it is also edible.
Air jambu:
Air jambu from outside resembles a red
variety of conical apples.
(Click here to see how "air jambu" fruits look like.)
But after cutting them half, it turns out that
apart from thick solid skin, the entire interior
of these fruits is filled with like white, loose
cotton. The closest that in my opinion would
described the taste of these fruits are Polish
sour cherries (so-called "wiśnia"). Only that
during eating air jambu one has an impression
as if we chum edible cotton with the taste of
sour cherries. I personally do NOT appreciate
this fruit, although I know that there are connoisseurs
who love it.
From the price point of view, air jambu belongs
to the group of middle-priced fruits. (I.e. in spite
their not much interesting taste, still they are NOT
so cheap.)
From the energy content point of view, "air jambu"
belongs to the category of "yin" means "cooling"
fruits. Because in present times people typically
eat too much unbalanced "heating" foods (i.e.
"young" type of foods) frequent eating "cooling"
fruits, to which "air jambu" belongs, is healthy
and recommended.
The name "petai" is assigned to a kind of
green fruits that grow in long green strings
which for me resemble strings from acacia
(Click here to see how a box full of green pods of "petai" fruits look like.)
In these long strings green been-like
fruits are growing, of the shape of elliptical
discs, or typical medical pills.
(Click here to see how peeled beans from "petai" fruits look like.)
This fruit can
be eaten raw - but the majority of people eat
it after cooking. For me the taste of it resembles
a kind of large beans which in Poland is called
"bob". Petai fruits belong to the group of strongly
smelling ones, only that otherwise than e.g. the
durian fruit, the smell of "petai" is felt only after
we bite it. (I.e. a fresh fruit seems to NOT smell,
until the time we eat it or boil it.) The heavy smell
of this fruit later penetrates into the urine and stool
of the eater. Therefore getting into the toilet in
which some petai eater earlier urinated or had
a stool is almost impossible. This fruit also causes
a powerful colourisation of the urine. These are
probably reasons why the folklore is claiming
that "petai" fruits cleanse thoroughly the body's
Petai fruits are eaten more for medical reasons
than for the taste. Reasons for this significant
consumption of petai for health are explained
in a very interesting article [1#F5]
about this fruit. The article is entitled "Petai
power". It appeared on pages U6 and U7 in
the supplement named "Streets" to the Malaysian
New Straits Times,
issue dated on Saturday, July 26, 2008.
According to this article [1#F5], petai
fruits have a whole array of components
which all are extremely beneficial for human
health. For example, this fruit contains
three kinds of natural sugars that boost
energy, i.e. sucrose, fructose, and glucose.
So it is excellent for sport people. Furthermore,
if it is compared to e.g. an apple, petai fruits
contain 4 times more protein, 2 times more
carbohydrates, 3 times more phosphorus,
5 times more A vitamin and iron, and 2 times
more of other vitamins and minerals.
According to the above article [1#F5], the true
power of this fruit lies in its ability to heal
various illnesses. The long list of illnesses
that according to this article petai fruits either
heal or ease, include amongst others: (1)
depressions (for which petai helps because
contain, amongst others, "tryptophan" - a kind
of protein which is converted by our body into
"serotonin" that helps us to relax, improve our
mood, and induces the feeling of happiness),
(2) PMS (pre-menstrual tension) - the vitamin
B6 contained in this fruit regulates the level of
glucose in blood, this in turn improves mood,
(3) anaemia - its abundance of iron stimulates
the production of haemoglobin, (4) blood pressure -
high concentration of potassium combined with
a low level of salt bits down the blood pressure,
(5) concentration of attention - potassium from
this fruit increases the concentration and facilitates
learning, (6) constipation - beneficial for our digestive
system fibrous structure eliminates constipations,
(7) hangover - a cocktail of "petai-milk-honey"
eliminates hangovers, (8) heartburn - petai
eliminates acidity, (9) morning sicknesses -
eating petai also eliminates these, (10) nerves -
the vitamin B calm down nervous system,
(11) obesity - high content of carbohydrates in
petai prevents obesity, (12) ulcers - its soft
texture and smoothness helps also in this problem,
(13) SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) - petai
helps because it contains tryptophan - i.e. natural
improver of mood, (14) stresses - potassium helps
normalise the heartbeat thus lowering the feeling
of stress, (15) strokes - supposedly research
indicated that regular eating petai eliminates the
risk of death by stroke by 40%, (16) mosquito bites -
rubbing the affected area with the inside of the
petai skin eliminates swelling and irritation, (17)
warts - it is enough to stick a piece of petai on
a wart to kill it. So the above suggests that petai
fruits represent a folklore remedy for almost
From the energy content point of view, "petai"
belongs to the category of "yin" means "cooling"
fruits. It means that petai is able to lower down
both the physical, as well as emotional temperature,
e.g. pregnant women. Supposedly in Holland
pregnant women eat petai so that their children
could be born with cool temperature.
Part #G:
Descriptions of "heating" fruits from the area of Pacific - means fruits which should be eaten in moderation:
Durian - means officially the most tasty fruit of the world (but also the "most smelly fruit of the world"):
Malaysian "durian" is
officially considered to be the "most tasty fruit of the
world". In Malaysia it is called the king of fruits.
Durian is a fruit
of the size of a human head. From external appearance it
resembles approximately the appearance of a green, spiky
shell of an unripe European chestnut. Similarly like a green,
spiky shell of a chestnut can be split into two or three
segments, also durian can be split into three to six
segments. In each such a segment resides like an European
chestnut, which is surrounded by a pulpy, yellow substance
of the consistency of ice-cream. Edible is just this pulpy
substance. It has a sweet, superb, heavenly taste. However,
the taste of durian cannot be described, simply because
there is nothing else that would have a similar taste,
thus to which the taste of durian could be compared.
Apart from really
heavenly taste, durian has also this attribute that it smells
terribly. The smell of durian is so intense, that the majority
of hotels and airlines from tropical countries forbids bringing
durian inside. To people who are not used to this smell, the
fragrance of durian is so terrible, that usually they are unable
to force themselves to take this fruit into their mouth. But if
someone manages to get through this initial repulsion, and manages
to try this heavenly fruit, the taste of it is so superb, that
later this terrible smell stops matter. In fact, with the elapse
of time people get used to it. This smell is also not unpleasant
- similarly like a smell of our garlic is not so unpleasant if
one gets used to it. Only that it is extremely powerful.
Because of this powerful smell, various writers are comparing
eating durian to relishing themselves with the most tasty cream
of the world in a public toilet. Others describe experiences of
eating durian as similar to eating garlic-flavoured ice-cream
(understood in sense of intensity of smell, as the taste of
durian has nothing in common with the taste of garlic, similarly
as the smell of durian has nothing in common with the smell of
garlic). I personally love eating durian. Thus I know, that it
is impossible to describe sensations that one experiences during
eating this fruit. Durian simply must be tried by us - only then
we know how it tastes.
With the smell of durian
is connected an interesting phenomenon of extinguishing this smell.
As it turns out, in order to suppress the spreading of smell of durian
over the jungle, and attracting to it too many animals, the shell of
this fruit produces an enzyme which eliminates this smell completely
in a chemical manner. Therefore, after we finish eating durian, it is
enough to drink water which previously was poured into an empty shell
of this fruit, and stirred. (We drink this water directly from the shell
of durian.) Immediately after drinking this water durian stops smelling
in us. We could only dream that there is a similar remedy for the smell
of garlic, i.e. that it would suffice to drink water from a shell of
garlic to cause that garlic does not smell in us any more.
From the point of view of energy
that it contains, "durian" belongs to fruits that is strongly "heating".
Chinese recommend to eat it in moderation. Also we need to make sure, that
after eating durian, we immediately neutralise its "yang" energy by eating
an equal amount of something "cooling", e.g. an equal volume of fruits
called "mangosteen".
Fig. #G1a: A market stall with officially the most tasty fruit
of the world, means with the Malaysian "durian". Photographed in January
2004 in KL. Durian frequently is called the "king of fruits". In fact, does
not exist any other fruit in the world, the taste of which would be equally
famous, as the taste of durian from Malaysia. But we must remember, that
apart from Malaysia, durian is also planted in several other countries,
e.g. in Thailand, or in Australia. However, it somehow so happens, that
otherwise than fruit from Europe, all tropical fruits drastically change
their taste when they grow in different locations. Therefore other than
Malaysian varieties of durian, are NOT so tasty as the most famous Malaysian
durian (actually some of these varieties may taste really awful). For
example, I myself got so disappointed to the Thailand variety of durian,
that after several attempts, I completely ceased purchasing this variety
- I simply consider buying it to be a waste of money. Therefore, if someone
decides to try the taste of durian, I would highly recommend to firstly
start to try the Malaysian durian - shown above and on "Fig. #G1b". I
personally guarantee that the taste of it is NOT going to disappoint
anyone. In turn other varieties of durian, e.g. from Thailand or from
Australia, one may try only after already knows how the real durian
supposed to taste.
Fig. #G1b: Here is how I
(i.e. Dr Jan Pajak)
look like, when I relish myself with Malaysian "durian" - means when
I enjoy the officially most tasty fruit of the world. Of course, if I ate
myself so much durian as it indicates the number of empty shells shown
on the above photograph, probably I would NOT be able to sleep entire
night, while the energy of this fruit would carry me to roofs of nearby
Attributes of fruits of durian:
This is because durian contains enormous amount of energy,
which after being consumed tries to blow the eater apart. This energy
has such an opinion amongst locals, that if miniature and extremely
shapely Malaysian ladies see a man eating durian, then they start
laugh openly, probably imagining what is to happen soon afterwards.
The fruit of durian is an
"aphrodisiac". Means that it acts similarly as "viagra" pills.
In Malaysia there are folklore believes about it, that if a lady
starts to feed her man with a durian, then she has something frivolous
in mind. This fruit contains so much energy inside, that after eating
several segments of it, one needs to forget about sleeping. Simply
this energy makes us restless the entire night through - unless the male
energy "yang" of the durian is neutralised by eating an equal amount
of female energy "yin" contained e.g. in the fruits named "mangosteen".
Durian increases the danger of sore throat.
Therefore it should NOT be eaten when someone
is NOT feeling well - especially if have a sore
Durian is also famous from its
lack of tolerance for alcoholics. If someone eats durian, he/she is
not allowed to drink any alcohol, and vice versa. In case when someone
does NOT respect the anti-alcoholic inclination of this fruit, and e.g.
after eating durian drinks beer, or after e.g. drinking vodka eats durian,
then this person has a guarantee of an adventurous future. In the least
intense case durian will cause in such a person powerful vomiting which
almost throws his/her intestines inside out, and dehydrates his/her body.
In more powerful cases, after vomiting a sore throat appears, similar to
the one which people with the excess of heating energy "yang" develop
after they ate fried food (i.e. ate the food which is also saturated
with the heating energy "yang").
Is there a connection between
durian and my family village named
- the page of which is available via the "Menu 2"?
Yes, it is! When as a small boy I used to run around Wszewilki, I dreamed
that when one day I become an adult, I will fly to distant tropical
countries, where I will eat exotic fruits like durian. The mysterious
power that is contained in Wszewilki, or in the "Earth's chakra" located
near this village, caused that - similarly as all other powerful dreams
from Wszewilki, also this one come true. So now I am eating not only durian,
but also many other exotic tropical fruits, which I am illustrating on this
web page. (By the way, notice from descriptions on the web page
that this extraordinary village, or the "Earth's chakra" located near it,
has a mysterious power which makes all strong dreams to come true. This
fulfilment of strong dreams happened not only to me, but also to all
these who lived in Wszewilki at some stage of their lives, or who just
come to Wszewilki to trigger in this extraordinary village the fulfilment
of their life dreams.)
Compendium of most vital information about Malaysian varieties of durian:
In Malaysia durian is fruiting usually between
June and August. A good crop for Malaysian
durian appears in years when in March and
April, means in times when this fruit is blooming,
sunny weather prevails and there is NO rain.
If a given year yields a bumper harvest, then
prices of durian may be as low as 1 Ringgit
for a single fruit of "kampung durian". ("Kampung
durian" is a name for a wild variety of this fruit.)
When the crop is NOT so good, then one fruit
can cost around 20 Ringgit. (Notice that one
Malaysia Ringgit is approximately USA 30
cents.) But typically one pays around 10
Ringgit for one fruit. For the first time eater purchasing
one fruit is enough. But if it turns out that we like
this fruit, then one person usually eats two to
three fruits on one go. One durian fruit weight
typically between 600 grams and 3 kilograms,
but it contains only around 60 to 300 grams of
edible pulp. Durian fruits are purchased unopened,
when they are still contained in their spiky shells.
Therefore their purchasing can be compared to
purchasing "cat in a bag" - what one purchased
can only be learned when the fruit is opened
and we start to eat it. So the picking a tasty durian
from the entire pile offered on the stall typically is
a skill in which Europeans are always hopeless.
Therefore the best idea is to ask someone local
(e.g. the stall owner) to pick for us the most tasty
fruit available on his stall. Furthermore, we should
also ask him to "open" the fruit for us with his
"parang" (chopping knife in Bahasa Malaysia),
as if we try to open it ourselves, then we may
broke several knifes before we manage
to accomplish such an "opening".
In item #C2 above is explained that the taste
of practically all tropical fruits is strongly depended
on the area where these fruits were grown. Because
Malaysia is a large country, depending where
a given durian was grown, a taste of it is going to
be slightly different. For this reason, amongst
fruits of durian which can be purchased in Malaysia
w whole range of so-called "varieties"
is distinguished. The Malaysian Department of
Agriculture has even a special office, in which
owners of durian plantations can register their
fruits - of these display clearly different taste from
taste of other durians that are already registered
in there. Since 1934, when this office was established,
until 2008, over 190 varieties of durian were
registered in it. Each new registered variety
receives an "official name" which is composed
of the subsequent number from this national
register of durians, which is prefixed with the
letter "D". Thus "official names" of Malaysian
durians are: D1, D2, D3, ..., D190, etc. Apart
from such an "official name", some Malaysian durians
have also their local "folklore names". Therefore,
when one purchases durians, typically has a choice
between several different "varieties" sold on a given
stall. Of course, one amongst these "varieties" will
be this cheapest so-called (0) Kampung durian
- means a variety the taste of which still remains
officially unregistered ("kampung durian" means
"village durian"). After opening this variety
can turn out to have any taste. In turn amongst
varieties which are already registered, the most
commonly known are as follows: (1) D13
of the deep burnt orange, the taste of which is sweet
and not very strong (therefore it is good for these
trying a durian for the first time), (2) D101
of the orange colour and relatively sweet and creamy
taste, (3) D1 of the pale yellow-green colour
and milky taste, (4) D24 (also called "Sultan")
of the pale yellow colour and slightly bitter but creamy
taste, (5) XO of the pale yellow-green colour
and bitter although delicate taste as if it is alcoholised,
(6) Mao Shan Wang of the bright-yellow colour
and bittersweet taste with sticky creamy texture,
(7) Red Prawn of the orange-red colour
and slightly sweet and creamy taste. Of course,
above are just some varieties of durian. As this is
explained before, in Malaysia is officially registered
already over 190 taste varieties of this fruit.
An excellent article which comprehensively
describes durian fruits appeared under a
cheeky title "Get thorny" on pages 4 and 5
from the "LifeStyle" supplement to Singaporean
The Sunday Times
(by Singapore Press Holdings Limited Co.),
issue dated on Sunday, July 13, 2008. This
title uses "playing on words" which refers
suggestively to aphrodisiac qualities of durian,
although directly it only describes the highly
thorny outer shell of large durian fruits.
(Singapore imports huge quantities of durian
from Malaysia. For example, in 2004 Singapore
imported 26300 tons of durian, while in 2007 - 17360 tons.)
"Mutton bird" - means still another heavily smelly delicacy (this time from New Zealand):
In New Zealand there is a kind of tasty wild
sea bird the size of a medium-sized chicken,
which is called the "mutton bird" (supposedly
during a flight it makes sounds similar to
"baaing" of mutton). The smell of this bird
is equally powerful like the smell of durian,
only that the bird smells fish, while the smell
of durian cannot be compared to anything.
The smell of this "mutton bird" is so powerful,
that locals are joking that around it even flies
die in flight from this heavy smell. The bird
can be purchased (already cooked) in fish
shops of southern part of New Zealand,
mainly in Invercargill - where I used to live
in 1983 to 1988. But after I emigrated to
New Zealand in 1982, I did not know that
this bird smells so terribly. So I bought
one for myself in Invercargill in order to
try how it tastes. I brought it to my flat
where I consumed it. In spite that I ate
it immediately (in fish shops of Invercargill
it is sold already cooked, hot, and supplied
with hot potato chips, so that it is ready
for eating) during around 10 minutes that
it took me to eat it, my flat was so saturated
with a heavy smell of fish, that it took me later
many months to get rid of this smell. This
"mutton bird" also tastes superb. Furthermore,
the rare micro-elements that it contains
and that our body needs badly, cause that
when we eat it once, our body starts to
demand that we eat it again (i.e. after the
first trying, eating "mutton birds" becomes
almost addictive). So whenever I had an
opportunity (e.g. whenever I visited Invercargill)
I used to buy one such bird for eating.
Only that later I used to eat it in a park.
(Unfortunately, this bird is unavailable
in northern parts of New Zealand, where
I live presently.) Thus, I am so used to
eating highly smelly delicacies, that
when in Malaysia I tried durian for the
first time in my life, the heavy smell of
it did not make almost any impression
on me.
These "mutton birds" are described also in items
#K3 and #K4 from a separate web page
newzealand_visit.htm - about message that God coded into hostile for humans conditions of Antipodes.
Together with a number of other most "smelly
delicacies of the world" that I know of, mutton
birds are described in those items #K3 and #K4
as kinds of "tourist attraction" of New Zealand.
Langsat grows in bunches like grapes.
Actually the photo from "Fig. #G2" shows several loose fruits (i.e. which
were separated from a bunch) on the foreground, and also an entire "bunch"
of these fruits placed on back part of the saucer. Each individual fruit of
such a bunch is of a size of a middle-sized plum. After being peeled from
a thin, white skin, inside segments similar to these from mandarins can be
found. These segments are composed of a transparent, dried-like jelly.
Inside of these edible transparent segments, green seeds are contained.
These seeds are of the size of average pea. One should not bite these seeds,
because they have a bitter taste. During eating, the edible part of this
fruit is sweet, although is also slightly sour. Tastes very good and
refreshing in a hot climate of tropics.
From the energy content
point of view, "langsat" belongs to the category of "heating"
fruits. Chinese recommend that one should display a moderation
in eating it. It is also recommended, that after eating it one
should neutralise its heating energy by an immediate eating
an equal amount of something that contains the "cooling" energy.
Fig. #G2: Very tasty Malaysian fruit called "langsat".
* * *
Langsat is only one amongst several different
tropical fruits which are available in Malaysia,
and which look quite similar to each other,
although the taste of which is different.
These fruits include:
1. Langsat -
described above in item #G2. It has a white, very thin skin.
The taste of it is very pleasant, sweet-sour.
2. Duku -
see item #G3 below. It also looks similarly to langsat, although
it has a slightly pinkish and relatively thick skin. It is very sweet
and tasty.
3. Longan
berry - see description in item #G4 below. By Chinese
it is called the "dragon eye" (one should not confuse the white,
grape-like fruits "dragon eye" with red, vegetable-like "dragon
fruit", shown in photograph from "Fig. #E6". Longan berry is
of a half of size of langsat. The skin of it is thin and crispy.
It also has inside a large, black seed with a smooth, glossy
surface, of the size of an European cherry seed.
4. Lychee -
described in item #G5 below. These fruits are slightly larger than
all described before (i.e. larger than "langsat", "duku", or "longan
berry"), are almost ideally round, while their cracking shell also
looks also slightly different. So even by their appearance "lychee"
indicate that they belong to a different family.
4. Rambai -
described in item #H5 of this web page.
(Click here to see how "rambai" fruits look like.)
It has a sweet-sour taste like European red-currents. Otherwise than
all similar fruits described previously (i.e. otherwise than "langsat",
"duku", "longan berry", or "lychee"), which we can eat by kilograms
and we feel NO different afterwards, the "rambai" fruits contain substances
and minerals which exert a clearly noticeable influence onto the
human body. I am describing this influence in item #H5 below.
Duku, dukong, duku-langsat:
There is a whole family of very similar fruits,
each one of which tastes slightly different.
To this family belong such fruits as "duku",
"dukong", and "duku-langsat".
The "duku" fruit in turn looks almost identical
to "langsat".
(Click here to see how "duku" fruits look like.)
But it is much sweeter, although it has very
thick skin.
The "dukong" fruit in turn looks very similar to
"duku", and thus also to "langsat".
(Click here to see how "dukong" fruits look like.)
After all, all of them belong to the same family.
For me personally "dukong" and "langsat" from
the outside look undistinguishingly similar. I
differentiate them only by their irregular seeds
which look like deformed seeds of unripe (green)
pea. The seeds of "langsat" are green and
bitter (thus unpleasant after biting and impossible
to swallow), while seeds of "dukong" are yellow
and sour (thus tolerable after biting and even
acceptable when swallowed). But "dukong"
is more sour, refreshing, and contains more
juice than "duku".
I should add here, that there is also a hybrid
called "duku-langsat". It is a fruit obtained by
crossing of "langsat" with "duku". It has slightly
thicker skin than "langsat" (although thinner than
"duku"), while it is much sweeter than "langsat" (although
more sour than "duku").
Dragon eye or "longan berry":
It also grows in bunches as
European grapes. It belongs to a larger group of tropical fruits
from the "berries" category (similarly as "langsat" discussed
previously). But is smaller than "langsat". It is of a size of
typical European "sour cherry". The skin of it is hard almost
like a shell from an egg. On the left side of the saucer (on
photo) several pieces of this hard shell-like skin are shown.
Inside, under the hard skin, the fruit has jelly-like, very
sweet edible part, with a black round seed inside. This seed
has size of a seed from a cherry fruit. Because this seed has
a perfect black colour and smooth, glossy surface, in old times
this seed was used for eyes of dragons in imitations of dragons
used in traditional Chinese dance called the "dragon dance".
This is because of such use of these seeds, the fruit itself
is called the "dragon eye".
Dragon eye is very tasty
fruit. It is very sweet, crispy, and juicy. Eating it is a great
pleasure. It is also easy to peel from this crunchy, egg-shell
like skin, which cracks under the pressure of fingers like
shell from small eggs.
From the energy content
point of view, "dragon eye" belongs to the category of "yang"
type of fruits, means a "heating" one. Chinese recommend that
one should display moderation in eating it. It is also
recommended, that after eating this fruit one should neutralise
their heating energy by immediate eating an equal amount of
something that contains the "cooling" energy.
Fig. #G4: Very tasty Malaysian fruits called
"dragon eye" or "longan berry". I.e. the "dragon eye" is
a name given to it by Chinese (it should NOT be confused
with the name "dragon fruit" given to the vegetable-like
fruits shown in photograph from "Fig. #E6" of this web page).
Longan berry (dragon eye) is smaller from langsat by
a half of size. The skin of it is thin and hard - but easy to crack.
It also has inside a large seed. The seed is black, with smooth,
glossy surface. It has the size of an European cherry fruit seed.
The above photograph
shows the appearance of the fruits "dragon eye", as well as the
appearance of all ingredients of this fruit. And so, on the
top of this photo whole fruits are visible. They have the
light-brown colour with like brown stripes running through
them. Their size is similar to size of European sour cherry.
In the lower, left part of the photograph, skins taken from these
fruits are shown. In the centre "dragon eye" already peeled
from the skin are illustrated - the top one of them is cut
horizontally to show the seed of it. On the right, two black
seeds from this fruit are shown. The seeds of "dragon eye"
are inedible.
This is the kind of tropical fruits which world
knows best from their canned version.
These fruits are sweet and they are very
suitable for industrial canning.
From the energy content point of view, "lychee"
belongs to strongly heating fruits. Some people
claim that the heating power of it related to an
unit of weight is even stronger than in durian.
Part #H:
Descriptions of "wet-heating" fruits from the area of Pacific - means fruits the excessive eating of which may cause an illness:
Mango is a large fruit
very similar to a giant yellow plum. It has a large seed
surrounded with a lot of hard fibres. It also has an inedible
thick skin. Therefore before eating, is must be peeled from
this skin, while the large fibrous seed must be removed from
it. Whatever remains, is edible.
Mango is very sweet
fruit. It is widely known from its ability to make people
fat quickly. Because I love the taste of it, usually during
vacation in tropics mango is the major reason why I gain
weight in there. It is very tasty while eaten fresh and raw.
It is even more tasty (and more fattening) when it is poured
with fresh, sweet cream.
Inhabitants of tropics
claim that eating mango fruits causes watery stools in eaters.
Therefore frequently it is eaten on purpose, as a kind of mild
medicine - if someone has a constipation. Of course, it is also
eaten in normal circumstances. However, people avoid eating it,
if they have a runny stool. After all, then it turns this
runny stool into a regular diarrhoea.
Mango fruit
does not need to be illustrated. This is because everyone
knows the appearance of a yellow European plum. So if we
increase in our mind the size of this yellow plum, so that
become equal to the largest tomatoes that we know of, then
we obtain the appearance of a mango fruit.
From the energy content point
of view, "mango" belongs to the "wet-heating" fruits. Chinese recommend
that one should display a moderation in eating it. It is also recommended,
that after eating it one should neutralise the undesirable consequences
by eating immediately an equal amount of something that contains the
"cooling" energy.
The fruit named "chempedak"
belongs to the group of most tasty tropical fruits. I highly
recommend trying how it tastes.
This fruit is relatively large.
In fact, the one shown on the photograph here is one of the smallest I
met so-far, and it still extends beyond edge of a large fruit saucer.
In normal cases, this fruit is around a half of meter long, while
the diameter of it may exceed 30 cm. After being opened it looks as if
it is filled with wet wood powder, while in this powder every now and
again there are these edible "chestnuts". Each such edible "chestnut"
in fact does look like a light-coloured, unripe horse chestnut, only that
on outside it is surrounded with edible fibrous substance of a brown
colour. This soft edible substance is to be separated from the "chestnut-like"
seed, and eaten, while the seed typically is being thrown out. (This hard,
large seed is also edible, but NOT in a raw form.) The taste of this
fruit is rather unique and cannot be compared to anything else. It is
very sweet and extremely exotic. Tastes superbly and literally melts
in mouth. It is so tasty, that when I start eating it, then independently
how much of it is there, I am unable to stop eating until everything
is eaten up. The fruit has almost no fragrance, but only a very slight
aroma which is unique for it and very difficult to describe.
After eating chempedak fruits in a raw form, a
lot of hard seeds remains. These seeds look like
European chestnuts. They are also edible, but
NOT in a raw form. In order to eat them, one
needs to either roast them in hot charcoals - in
the same manner as the sweet European chestnuts
are roasted, or cook them - in the same manner
as mixtures of vegetables are cooked. This in turn
is connected with appropriate level of effort - so
in most cases people simply throw out these
large seeds. But if someone takes the trouble of
roasting these large seeds, then they are even
more tasty, while their smell more aromatic, than
that of European sweet chestnuts. In turn if someone
cooks them with mixtures of vegetables, then they
taste like delicious mushrooms of a hard consistency.
Cooking these large hard seeds is more difficult than
roasting them, as they need to be cooked in two stages.
Firstly they are cooked in water, in the form as they
come out from chempedak fruits. After being cooked
they need to be peeled from the hard shell and cut
into slices. Then they need to be fried again on a
frying pen, mixed with various vegetables and spices
(e.g. mixed with cauliflower, cabbage, carrot, etc. -
means with a mixture of vegetables which Chinese
typically eat) and in a bit of water. Only after this frying
with a mixture of vegetables and spices the seeds
are suitable for eating together with these vegetables.
They taste then like delicious crunchy mushrooms.
From the energy content point of view, "chempedak"
belong to the "wet-heating" fruits. Chinese recommend
that one should display a moderation in eating it.
It is also recommended, that after eating it one
should neutralise the undesirable consequences
by eating an equal amount of something that contains
the "cooling" energy.
Fig. #H2a: Tropical fruit called "chempedak".
Similarly as in case of durian and many other tropical
fruits, also the taste of this fruit strongly depends
on the area when it is grown. The most tasty "chempedak"
grow in the vicinity of "Genting Highland". However,
these most tasty ones are very difficult for getting
and one needs to have good connections to be able to
purchase one of them. But their taste is worth trouble,
because they literally melt in mouths. Unfortunately,
the same kinds of fruits grown in other regions have
already an average taste and cannot be even compared
to these most tasty ones.
Fig. #H2b: The entire fruit of a tropical
"chempedak" after being opened. Visible are edible
parts (chestnut-like fruit) contained inside of the
Fig. #H2c: Fruit of tropical "chempedak"
after being taken from the shell and served on a saucer
in a form ready for eating.
Jackfruit or "nangka":
Fruits named "jackfruit" are relatively similar
to the fruits named "chempedak".
(Click here to see how "jackfruit" fruit looks like.)
But they are less tasty from "chempedak",
although cheaper and more common.
In Malaysia they can be bought practically
everywhere, means on fruit markets, in
supermarkets, and also already fried in
food stalls on the side of roads. The edible
parts of "jackfruit" are orange (while the
edible parts of "chempedak" are brown).
Fruits "nangka" or "jackfruit" have average taste,
although quite pleasant and I personally like eating
them. They taste completely different than "chempedak" do (i.e.
incomparably less interesting and exotic). Their attribute is that they
are very difficult for digesting, thus after being eaten they remain in
the stomach for days as if someone ate bricks. In Malaysia they can be
purchased practically at almost every fruit stall, so there is no
difficulty in tasting them. However, one need to take notice to eat
them immediately after taking from their cocoon, because then they
fast go bad - for an European eating such old-bad fruits usually
means food poisoning and the necessity to spend the rest of
vacation in a toilet (as described in item #J1 below).
From out-of-culinary attributes of "nangka"
or "jackfruit", our attention deserves their
ability to heal a persisting cough.
No many people know about this their
ability. Furthermore, this healing ability is
strongly denied by Chinese people, who
believe that healing sore throats, coughs,
and colds requires "cooling" energy "yin",
which "nangka" fruits do NOT have. This
opinion of Chinese seem to be confirmed
by my cough of 2014 described in item
#C7 from my web page named
which just eating "nangka" fruit was unable to heal.
On the other hand, the Malay folklore
supposedly claims, that noting heals a persistent
or a chronic cough so fast, as eating a large
portion of these fruits. A person in Malaysia
whom informed me about this folkloristic
claim reassured me also, that she had in past
a persisting (chronic) cough which resisted
all medicines and all her attempts to heal,
and that she healed it in the duration of two
days just by eating two 100-grams portions
of these fruits - immediately after she
accidentally learned about this their healing
property. Supposedly the requirement of
maintaining their cough-healing property
is that "nangka" ("jackfruit") fruits are eaten
immediately after being taken out of their
cocoon, and that they are NOT washed before
eating (normally many people after buying
them firstly wash them for hygienic reasons,
and only then eat them).
Out what I remember, in Europe typically we
rarely eat fruits in form other than raw. Apart
from processing them for making soups, compotes,
marmalades, jams, or for fillings in various cakes,
only apples we eat sometimes after previous frying
them in a form of like-pancake. Sometimes scouts
fry carrot above open fires. In turn in tropical countries,
independently from eating fruits described here in raw forms, and
also independently from processing these fruits for purposes similar
as Europeans do with their fruits, almost all fruits in tropics are
also eaten after being cooked or fried. One kind of fruits frequently
eaten after frying, is the "jackfruit" described here - it is eaten
in many different fried forms. For example, in Malaysia it can be
purchased on stalls after it is dipped in flour and then deep-fried
like potato chips. It tastes quite good. Similarly, dipped in flour
and deep-fried like potato chips, are sold over there "chempedak"
fruits described in previous item, various kinds of bananas, as well
as several other kinds of fruits described here.
After eating "jackfruit" a pile of large hard seeds
remains. These seeds are also edible, but NOT
in a raw form. They need to be roasted or cooked
in the same manner as seeds that remain after
eating "chempedak" fruits described in previous
item. After roasting or cooking these seeds taste
almost identical to seeds from "chempedak"
Fig. #H3: A road-side stall in Malaysia which sells
tropical fruits called "nangka" or "jackfruit". ("Nangka"
is the name of this fruit in Bahasa Malaysia - means
the language of Malays, in turn "jackfruit" is the English
name of the same fruit.) Actually tropical fruits called
"nangka" or "jackfruit" are very similar to other fruits
called "chempedak" - shown in "Fig. #H2". Both these
kinds of fruits are so similar to each other externally
and internally, that an average European usually
is unable to distinguish them from each other. "Chempedak"
have like small, bold spikes, in turn "nangka" or "jackfruit"
have the skin smooth, without spikes, although it looks like
a skin from snake. In turn the edible interior of the chempedak
is brown, while the nangka is orange. (Click on the above
photograph to see it enlarged.)
Apart from the shapely Malaysian lady and an
appearance of typical street in Kuala Lumpur,
on the left side of the above stall (and photograph)
one can see two halves of the huge fruit "nangka" -
which is just being sold. On the right side of the same
stall, piled up are pieces of inedible skin and
inedible interior of the shell. In turn at the top
part of the stall a row of plastic bags with ready
to eat nangka fruits are hanging. (The price of
one of such a bag weighting around 100 grams,
amounted to 2 Ringgit in 2008.)
After being open,
"jackfruit" look almost identical as "chempedak" shown in
"Fig. #H2b" and "Fig. #H2c". The only difference in appearance
is their orange colour. But the difference in taste is
more noticeable.
* * *
From the energy content point
of view, "jackfruit" belongs to the "wet-heating" fruits. Chinese recommend
that one should display a moderation in eating it. It is also recommended,
that after eating it one should neutralise the undesirable consequences
by eating immediately an equal amount of something that contains the
"cooling" energy.
Rambutan and "pulasan":
"Rambutan" grows inside of a "spiky" shell,
similar to green shells that European chestnuts have. It also has approximate
size of an European chestnut contained inside a similar green spiky shell.
Only that shells of rambutan change their colour into dark-red after ripening.
After peeling from this red shell, inside a jelly-like, transparent fruit can
be found, of a size of a pigeon egg. Inside of the fruit a prolonged seed is
contained, quite similar to a seed from fruits of dates. This seed is crispy
and edible. One may eat it. Some people like the taste of it, although the
majority of eaters of this fruit simply dispose the seed. They eat only this
jelly-like, transparent fruit.
Rambutan has a relative, which
is very similar to it. This relative of rambutan is a Malaysian fruit
named "pulasan". The word "pulasan" in Bahasa Malaysia means "torque".
It originates from the fact, that in order to get inside of the fruit
contained in the spiky shell, this shell must be split with a "torque"
from both hands. After such "torque" is applied, this shell cracks,
opening the access to edible fruit inside of it. The shell of the fruit
"pulasan" can be distinguished from the shell of the fruit "rambutan" by
this, that pulasan has thicker "spikes". In rambutan these "spikes" are
as thin as hair. Notice however, that these "spikes" in both these fruits
are soft and they do not damage hands during opening the fruits. The taste
of both these fruits (means the rambutan and pulasan) is almost identical,
and for Europeans remains practically indistinguishable. However, locals
are claiming that "pulasan" is sweeter and more endowed. Therefore usually
it is more expensive.
From the energy content point
of view, "rambutan" and "pulasan" belong to "wet-heating" fruits. Chinese
recommend that one should display a moderation in eating any of them.
It is also recommended, that after eating any of them one should neutralise
the undesirable consequences by eating immediately an equal amount of
something that contains the "cooling" energy.
Fig. #H4: Tropical Malaysian fruits called
"pulasan". They belong to the same family as "rambutan"
do. In fact, for an European the appearance and taste
of pulasan usually is indistinguishable from the fruits
called "rambutan". Inside of the saucer 3 complete fruits are
visible. In a lower part 2 fruits are shown after being
peeled from their spiky shell (similar to the shell from
an European chestnut). At the uppermost part of the photograph
two empty such shells are visible, after fruit was removed
from them.
The "pulasan" fruit
shown on this photograph is very similar to another Malaysian
fruit named "rambutan". Only that "spikes" on the shell of it
are slightly thicker than spikes in a rambutan. Rambutan is
a highly popular fruit in tropical countries from the Pacific
Rambutan and
pulasan are seasonal fruits. (Similarly like strawberries
are in Poland.) This in turn means, that one is NOT able
to buy them in every month of the year. They are available
only during their season. If one is in tropics in their season,
then it is worth to try them. They have a nice, quite unique,
sweet-sour, refreshing taste. They can be purchased in almost
every stall at fruit markets.
"Buah rambai" is a tropical fruit extremely
difficult for purchase.
(Click here to see how "buah rambai" fruit looks like.)
Locals in Malaysia call it "buah rambai",
because the word "buah" means "fruit" -
thus "buah rambai" means "rambai fruit".
I must admit that in spite that I "hunted"
many years for it, for the first time I managed
to try it only in August 2008. The taste of it
me personally resembled the taste of sweet
Polish "red currents" - i.e. it is sweet-sour
with this characteristic pleasant red-currents
aftertaste. Unfortunately, in this fruit is NOT
much to eat. Almost the entire interior of it
is filled by two large, flat stones similar to
hardened seeds from pumpkin. These
seeds are just covered with a thin layer
of edible, milky jelly. Thus local connoisseurs
eat it together with these hard stones. But
these seeds have two sharp ends, which
do NOT encourage eating them. Therefore
people like myself, who wish to try the taste
of this fruit, but have NO courage to swallow
its sharp seeds, must be prepared that they
rather can lick it, NOT eat it. In addition,
this edible jelly is like sawn to the seeds with
some fibrous substance. So if one tries NOT
to swallow it together with seeds then have a
lot of fun with tearing this edible fibres and
jelly from the seeds.
In the external appearance for me the "rambai"
resembles dirty, old grapes - the inside of which
is filled with like milky jelly and two flat, hard stones.
Thus on the outside it is very similar to "langsat".
(Click here to see how "rambai" fruits look like.)
It is explained in item #G2 of this web page that
there are numerous fruits in tropical countries
which have the appearance very similar to
"rambai". Apart from "rambai", these other
fruits can be eaten by kilograms while our
body does NOT feel any difference. However,
"rambai" fruits are different. They contain
substances and minerals, which exert a
clearly noticeable influence onto our body.
I would NOT consider this influence to be
negative. For example, folklore claims that
a manifestation of it is a relaxing sleep. Supposedly
"rambai" works like a natural "sleeping tablet".
I personally put a lot of mental effort into my
creative work. The outcome is such that my
sleep does NOT belong to the best ones.
So I tried the work of "rambai" as a natural
"sleeping tablet". As it turned out, this fruit
did NOT throw me down and make me
fell asleep immediately. In fact after eating
it I had difficulties with falling in sleep as
usual. Also as usual I woke up several
times during the night. But in spite of all
this a next day I felt rather more rested
than usual, while my mind worked much
better. So something is in this "rambai".
I personally would recommend to try "buah rambai"
(with a caution) because of its strange impact
at the digestive system. This impact is best
expressed by Chinese who have this habit to
name everything directly and straight to the point.
In a colloquial Chinese this fruit is called "osi son" -
means it has the name which diplomatically could
be translated as a "sour stool". Well, after eating
this fruit actually one has a feeling that his or
her stool is "sour". And it is NOT necessary for this
feeling to eat the hard seeds at all. Strange, because
this fruit neither hardens nor softens the stool.
It also does NOT cause an additional running
e.g. to the toilet. But still, after going to the toilet
one actually has this feeling that the stool becomes
"sour". Thus, even just to experience this strange
feeling, it is worth to try this non-typical fruit.
After all, it is the source of many sensations
and fun of rather unusual kind.
Part #I:
Fruits of temperate climate countries (not necessarily "tropical" ones), the attributes of which also is worth to learn:
Fruit named "persimon" are NOT liked by
everyone. The reason is, that many of them
have quite uninteresting taste - especially if
they were grown in a country which does not
have the required amount of sunshine (e.g.
in New Zealand). Such persimons from a
low-sunshine areas, usually taste quite similar
to European red carrot which was roasted
on an open fire. However, if they grow in an
area which has enough sunshine, e.g. in
Israel, their taste becomes superb.
"Persimon" fruits grow in countries from the
areas of temperate climates, not from tropical
ones. For example, they grow in China, Taiwan,
Korea, New Zealand, Israel, USA, Italy, and in
a whole range of other countries. However,
tropical countries from the area of Pacific import
a large quantity of "persimons" as these were
promoted in there by Chinese who eat a lot of
these for medical reasons.
"Persimon" fruits have the ability to regulate (harden)
products of our digestive system, to make
these products more solid and hard. Their
special advantage is that they solidify the stool,
but never cause constipation. So they work
opposite to bananas and mango. Therefore
in past, if someone had a deregulated stomach
and irregular, or too watery stool, such someone
usually was eating a lot of dried persimons. (The
reason why dried, not fresh, is that dried can be
purchased at any time of year, while fresh are
available only during their season.)
From the energy content
point of view, "persimon" belongs to the category of "heating"
fruits. Chinese recommend that one should display a moderation
in eating it. It is also recommended, that after eating it one
should neutralise their heating energy by an immediate eating
an equal amount of something that contains the "cooling" energy.
Fig. #I1: A mixture of tropical fruits. It includes
(counting from the left): (1) greenish "pomelo" which is as
huge as a human head ("pomelo" is shown also in "Fig. #E2"),
(2) apple-sized, round "mangosteen" (these below pomelo,
i.e. ones which look like gigantic European blueberries of
the size of average apples), and (3) fruit named "persimon"
(these above, on the right, which look like pumpkins of the
size of typical apples). One of the most tasty varieties of
"persimon" fruits, imported from Israel, is usually called
the "shanon fruit".
"Kiwi fruit" - also called "Chinese gooseberry":
In fact the "kiwi fruit" is called the "Chinese
gooseberry". This is because it originates
from China. However, because New Zealand
does NOT have its own edible fruits - as this
is explained in item #C1 of the web page named
New-Zealanders "pinched" the "Chinese
gooseberry" fruit for their own and renamed
it "kiwi fruit". Now they pretend that this is
"their" native fruit. Similarly like "persimon"
from the previous item #I1, also "kiwi" is a
fruit of temperate climate countries, e.g.
China, New Zealand, Italy, etc.
Similarly like the European "gooseberry", in nature
also "kiwi fruit" appears in two "natural" varieties,
namely in the "golden" variety - which is very
sweet, and in the "green" variety - which typically
is rather sour. Unfortunately, it is also prone to
generating numerous mutations via the use of
so-called "genetic engineering". Thus, New Zealand
with the use of this genetic engineering lately
started to multiply various "unnatural" verieties
of kiwi fruits - for example the "blue" variety.
Plantations of "kiwi fruits" typically have large crop
yields. Therefore in countries where this fruit
is grown it belongs to cheapest fruit products. For
example, in New Zealand in its "season", one can
purchase a kilogram of "green" variety (this more
sour one) of "kiwi fruit" for below one local dollar.
(But outside of the sezon it is rather expensive.)
The "golden" variety - this more sweet, usually
costs at least twice as much as the "green" variety.
Kiwi fruit works really excellently in stool regulation
(softening). No other fruit is so effective as kiwi
in elimination of constipations. Also, eating kiwi
fruit does NOT intruduce any undesirable side
effects. This is why I already mentioned its
work in item #D3 above about bananas. So if
one has frequent constipations, nothing eliminates
them so fast, so effectively, and so naturally,
like eating significant amounts of kiwi fruits.
Kiwi fruit is also packed with
C vitamin and with various vital for health microelements.
This, in combination with not high price of it, causes
that it is worth to eat a lot of it when we have a chance.
In turn when we have a health need in time when
there is a lack of this fruit, instead of it we can also
use the European gooseberry which induces similar
From the energy content point of view, "kiwi"
belongs to the category of "yin" means "cooling"
fruits. Because in present times people typically
eat too much unbalanced "heating" foods (i.e.
"young") frequent eating cheap "cooling" fruits,
such as "kiwi", is healthy and recommended.
Part #J:
Other extraordinary fruits and roots from the Pacific area,
the beneficial properties of which it is worth to know:
Life-giving tapioca:
Tapioca in fact is NOT a fruit. It is a kind of
edible root, means like a tropical version
of sweets or horse carrots.
(Click here in order to see how a tapioca root looks like.)
Almost only thing that links tapioca with
tropical fruits, is the fact that on fruit markets
of tropical countries, tapioca is usually
sold on the same stalls on which fruit
shown previously is also sold. Only that
in some parts of the world it can be
called by a different name (e.g. in
Fiji "tapioca" is called "cassava").
But the tropical tapioca root has one chief
advantage, which decided that I am
describing it on this web page on fruits
so extensively. Namely, tapioca is able
to save us from a lot of suffering. This
is because in an almost instant manner it heals even
the most powerful diarrhoea. In turn diarrhoea in tropical
countries is one of the most sworn enemies of Europeans.
One may get it practically from anything, e.g. from
drinking unboiled water, from the use of local ice, from
pouring our drink to a glass that was washed by locals,
or even from eating a fruit that was opened a few hours
earlier (therefore Europeans should not eat fruits in tropics
which were NOT opened in their presence, means just before
they consume them). In turn micro-organisms which cause
diarrhoea in tropics, are rather nasty. In old times they
were able to even kill an incautious visitor from Europe.
So if one gets a diarrhoea in tropics, it usually is so powerful
that pulls our intestines inside out. Also it spoils
completely our stay in tropics. After all, afterwards we spend
in a toilet practically the rest of our vacation, and usually
also the entire trip back. In face of such a tropical diarrhoea,
European modern medicines usually are hopeless. They are unable
to heal it. But tapioca can. I personally own to a tapioca
root a lot of suffering it saved me from, if not many visits
in hospitals, and perhaps even saved my life. This is because
during my professorships in tropics I had many times nasty
food poisonings and extremely powerful diarrhoeas. In one case
I even considered writing my will. But tapioca always finally
healed it, and this healing was always instant. Therefore
I am writing here about this extraordinary, life-giving
root. This is because it is worth to let to know everyone
the life-giving attributes of tapioca.
If I ever
get a diarrhoea in tropics, I immediately do as follows.
I go to a nearest fruit market and purchase one tapioca
root of a middle size (e.g. around 1 kilogram). After
returning to the place of living, I wash and then pill the
root from dirt and skin - exactly the same as I normally
do with potatoes. Then I cut the root into smaller pieces,
similarly as I do it with potatoes before cooking them.
After I place these pieces in a pot with water (similarly
as I do this while cooking potatoes), I add salt to make
it taste nice. Then I boil tapioca until the majority
of it dissolves into a kind of liquid, dense, jelly-like
"soup". (In the Polish language this kind of soup is called
"polewka". After adding various spices and fresh cream to
it, such a soup can be made extremely tasty. Of course, in
order to just heal a diarrhoea, I do not need to make
it superbly tasty, and it is enough if I add to tapioca just
pure water and salt.) After I check that the "polewka" is
salty to my taste (if not, I can additionally add a
bit of salt), I drink this soup, and simultaneously I
eat the remaining, non-dissolved parts of the tapioca
root that are left after the boiling. (Notice that normally
such a "polewka" soup with non-dissolved parts of tapioca
turns out to have a very nice taste - unless I overdone
with salt, or I forget to put salt into it.) In order
to effectively heal a powerful diarrhoea, it is enough to
drink and eat around a half of litre of this dense "polewka"
with parts of undissolved tapioca, means I need to consume
around a volume equivalent of tapioca for a single my
meal. Soon after I drink this tapioca "polewka" and
I eat the remaining parts of undissolved tapioca root,
my diarrhoea disappears as if "someone shut down a tap".
In order to make sure that it is healed permanently, I
may repeat the cure after several hours - means when I
again feel hungry. For this repetition I do everything
exactly the same way as for the first portion of tapioca
Of course, there is
an English saying "prevention is better than cure". In tropics
it is definitely better to prevent food poisoning, than to
later heal one. In turn prevention of a food poisoning is
easy. One just needs to be extremely careful what one eats
and drinks there. For example, in spite that every year
I spend my vacation in tropics, and in spite that I eat
local delicacies as much as I feel, I personally have not
had food poisoning and diarrhoea since I adopted a principle
that I eat and drink over there only these things that the
logic tells me that they must be sterile. Means: (1) I eat
now only whatever I know for sure that it was boiled or
fried just before it was given to me for consumption,
(2) I make sure that I eat fruits that were opened or cut
just before eating - preferably in my presence, (3) I do
NOT consume local cold water nor ice made locally, (4) out
of locally made drinks I drink only hot, just boiled liquids,
bottled or canned liquids, or coconut water (which sterile
attributes I am describing in item #D1 of this web page).
These simple rules, linked with pedantic maintaining
hygiene and cleanness through e.g. thorough washing hands
before eating, washing fruit before opening it, dipping
in hot water, or at least careful wiping out with serviettes
all dishes and utensils in public places before I use them,
effectively prevents against food poisoning and stomach
Please notice that healing properties of tapioca
are described also on the web page on
healing.htm - about folklore methods of natural healing,
which shows photographs of these roots as well.
The web page about
briefly mentions them too.
Fig. #J1: No, it is NOT "tapioca".
Tapioca roots are shown on photograph
"Fig. #B1" from a separate web page about
healing(click here in order to see how a tapioca root looks like).
The above photograph shows "persimons". Three out
of them are fresh, means these are the same fruits
which also in a fresh form are shown in "Fig. #I1"
above. In turn next two persimons from the above
photograph are shown after being dried out. (As we
can see this, after being dried out they turn into
white, round, "pancakes" covered with their own natural
In such dried form they can be purchased in food shops
of tropical countries. They are common in these shops,
as dried persimons are used by Chinese for medical
purposes. Namely, they regulate and solidify the stool.
So they work quite similar as tapioca does, only that
their action is less rapid than that of tapioca.
I try to photograph tapioca for a long time, so that
I could show it on my web pages. Unfortunately,
always for some reasons it becomes impossible.
Therefore I am going to just describe here the
appearance of it. The appearance of tapioca resembles
an European white beet, or tipped in mud a huge
horse carrot. It has a conical shape roughly
resembling a huge carrot. After all, it grows
in the soil like our carrots or beets do. But it
is larger than a typical carrot. In the most
wide end the diameter of it may exceed 10 cm.
The surface of tapioca is dark-grey, like mud.
It is covered in a very rough, dark-grey skin,
and usually covered with roots (that are thin
like hair) and with residues of the soil in
which it grows.
The name for
"tapioca" in Chinese (Cantonese) reads "mook si" - means
"wood". Because tapioca grows in the soil like our beets,
for Chinese it symbolises "buried wood" - means someone's
coffin. For this reason, in the vicinity of auspicious
times, such as Chinese New Years, Chinese do not like
the view of "tapioca". They consider then the sight of
tapioca to be a "bad omen" which suggests someone's death.
So in the vicinity of Chinese New Year, Chinese merchants
do not sell tapioca on their stalls. On the other hand,
because they are only ones who actually sell tapioca,
while lately I stay in tropics always during the vicinity
of Chinese New years, this explains why I am not able to
show a photograph of tapioca here.
Tapioca is a
tropical root. In Europe probably one cannot buy it in
a fresh state, to make a good use of these amazing
abilities of tapioca to heal diarrhoea. Fortunately,
the dried and powdered tapioca is exported from tropical
countries to many countries of the world (e.g. for sure
to New Zealand). Only that it is known in these countries under
a different name. It is called in there the "tapioca starch".
In New Zealand, such a dried and powdered form of tapioca
imported from Thailand I purchased recently under the
name of "Tapioca Starch". I did so when, after returning
from my 2004/2005 vacation in tropics - during which I
managed to save myself from getting even a slightest
food poison, I unexpectedly got a powerful food poison
and diarrhoea while already in New Zealand. (It happened
after I ate something in a "Mac Donald" restaurant.)
So after a few days spend in a toilet, I decided to use
the proven in action healing power of tapioca to get rid
of this powerful diarrhoea. But firstly I needed to
find tapioca and buy it. I looked desperately in various
New Zealand shops in search of this life-giving root.
Finally I got it under this secretive name of "Tapioca
Starch". Immediately I boiled several spoons of it
dissolved in water. I received a kind of jelly soup,
almost identical to the Polish "polewka" soup which
is received after boiling fresh tapioca root - as
described to the right from here. After I drunk around
a half of litre of this jelly soup, again my diarrhoea
disappeared as if someone shut down a tap. Means
that this "tapioca starch" turned out to be
equally effective in healing diarrhoeas as fresh
roots of tapioca are. It is worth to know about this
life-given attribute of tapioca roots and tapioca
starch. It may save us a lot of suffering and troubles.
has a whole array of advantages over methods of
healing bad diarrhoeas by present (official) orthodox
medicine. For example, effects of tapioca are instant
and very spectacular. Practically I do not know any
other medicine that would heal diarrhoeas so fast
and so effectively like tapioca does. It is also a
"natural" medicine, for which I never noticed that
it would leave me with any side effect. (For comparison,
e.g. about "carbon" it is known that it is carcinogenic.
However, this "carbon" is simultaneously one of "medicines"
that orthodox medicine offers us for diarrhoea.)
Furthermore, tapioca does not taste like a medicine,
but like a nice Polish soup "polewka", which can be
tolerated by even the most delicate mouth.
From the energy
point of view, "tapioca" belongs to strongly "cooling"
food. In old times Chinese used to recommend a moderation
in eating it. They also used to recommend that eating this
food should be balanced by eating an equal amount of
something "heating" - especially if the eater is a woman.
However, in present times of the excessive eating of
"heating" junk food, this old recommendation does not
need to be obeyed so pedantically - as I explained this
in the introduction to this web page.
Extraordinary West-African "miracle fruits" which turn sour into sweet:
In West Africa an extraordinary fruit grows.
If one eats it, then it changes in mouth of the
eater the taste of everything that is sour into
a sweet taste. Therefore after eating this fruit
we can drink vinegar in litres having a feeling
that we drink a sweet wine, or we can eat lemons
in kilos having an impression that we eat sweet
mandarins. This extraordinary fruit is called the
synsepalum dulcificum. It can be ordered
via Internet, through which it is sold in ever increasing
quantities. I found the description of it in an article
"Miracle fruit can sweeten lemons", from page
A18 of the New Zealand newspaper
"Weekend Herald",
issue dated on Saturday, June 7, 2008.
The "miracle fruit" described here has the shape
and the size of a small European acorn.
Means, it has a shape of a prolonged ellipsoid
of a bright red colour. Photo showing how this
fruit looks when it grows on a shrub, and when
it is held in my hand, the reader can see by
clicking on this (green) link,
which will cause it to load into a separate window.
This photo of myself with the fruit was clicked
on Sunday, 31st July 2016 in KL by my friend,
Jonathan - who is pasionately interested in this
particular plant. The photo has a very high resolution,
so the reader can freely enlarge it in order to closely
see the fruit captured on it and leaves from a bush
on which this fruit grow. On the same day I personally
experienced the work of this fruit. It is because
I ate then one "miracle fruit" and afterwards I also
ate almost a whole lemon - which after eating that
fruit tasted to me as nicely as a sweet (but slightly
sourish) mandarin. What is even more interesting,
because I ate it about noon, probably the change
in my taste extended to the rest of that day, as
when I had my lunch, and in the evening when
I had my dinner, all dishes and drinks in
both these meals tasted unusually sweet.
It is worth to notice that in typical cases eating
large quantities of sour food is very good for
health. There is even a number of highly effective
slimming "diets" which are entirely based on
eating large quantities of some sour (usually
fermented) food. One such a slimming diet is
described in item #B2 from my web page
korea.htm - about mysterious, fascinating, moral, and progressive Korea.
Another slimming diet depends on drinking
every day a specific amount of vinegar or lemon
juice. But there is a serious problem with these
diets. After all, our sense of taste does NOT
accept everything that is sour. Therefore such
a fruit which changes sour into sweet is like
gold in present world full of over-weighted people
who would be happy to use a "sour diet" - but
they hate the taste of sourness.
From what I have heard, this fruit is also eaten
as a kind of "repairer of taste" by people who
have lost their natural (positive) sense of taste
as a result of so-called side effects from the
"chemo-therapy" used in the treatment of cancer.
Extraordinary root of Chinese
White Radish
which for me heals coughs much
better than antibiotics:
In item #B2 from my web page named
I described the concoction made of roots from the Chinese
White Radish,
which I use on myself to heal coughs (even chronic) -
since I learned about their powerful cough healing
capabilities. As I have experienced, in my body
this concoction works much better than antibiotics.
Part #K:
Summary, and the final information of this web page:
Summary of this web page:
In the European culture we got used, that
if someone is sick, then he/she goes to a
doctor, who pumps antibiotics into such a
person. If these antibiotics do not help, then
one either spends the rest of his or her life
coughing, sneezing, complaining, and
constantly using inhalers, or one departs
on an invalid rent and shifts to a hospital.
However, in tropical countries the model
of life does not look like this at all. Even it
could not be like this, simply because people
over there usually have no money for doctors,
antibiotics, nor hospitals. Therefore, in the
majority of cases people over there take
notice of what they eat. After all, the majority
of illnesses originate from eating. As it turns
out, they are much more healthy, and much
more happy than Europeans. So perhaps it
is worth to start take notice of their philosophy
of eating and their methods of healing through
eating. This internet web page provides the
first basic information about philosophical
foundations and about curious attributes of
their eating.
Polish letters:
In text of this web page in various places
Polish characters (letters) may appear.
Unfortunately, some servers and some
browsers tend to deform the display of
Polish letters, replacing them with some
other character sets. In a spontaneous
manner computers seem to display
correctly these Polish letters only when
they use Windows XP (or higher), or
when their Internet Explorer is set for
displaying them. (In order to set your
"Internet Explorer" on the correct
displaying of Polish letters, you need to click on the position "View" (i.e. "Widok"
in Polish) in the pull-down menu of this browser, then you need to click onto the
command "Encoding" (i.e. "Kodowanie" in Polish), finally click on "More" (i.e.
"Dalsze" in Polish). In turn when the submenu "More" (i.e. "Dalsze" in Polish)
opens, which contains various alphabets, you need to choose, and to click the
alphabet marked "Central European (Windows)" (i.e. the "Srodkowoeuropejski (Windows)"
in Polish). But if in any chance such settings do not help, just in case I would like
to inform, that if in someone's computer various strange characters do appear, then
this probably means that his/her computer does not display correctly Polish letters.
In such a case it is good to know, that displayed characters have following
"ą" = "a" with a tail, "Ą" = "A" with a tail,
"ć" = "c" with ' above it, "Ć" = "C" with ' above it,
"ę" = "e" with a tail, "Ę" = "E" with a tail,
"ł" = "l" crossed, "Ł" = "L" crossed,
"ń" = "n" with ' above it, "Ń" = "N" with ' above it,
"ó" = "o" with ' above it (means another Polish "u"), "Ó" = "O" with ' above it (means another Polish "U")
"ś" = "s" with ' above it, "Ś" = "S" with ' above it,
"ź" = "z" with ' above it, "Ź" = "Z" with ' above it,
"ż" = "z" with a dot above it, "Ż" = "Z" with a dot above it.
Here is the list of Polish letters that
may appear in my texts:
ą ć ę ł ń ó ś ź ż (lower-case uniquely Polish letters)
a c e l n o s z z (Latin and English equivalents of lower-case uniquely Polish letters)
Ą Ć Ę Ł Ń Ó Ś Ź Ż (UPPER CASE uniquely Polish letters)
A C E L N O S X Z (Latin and English equivalents of UPPER CASE uniquely Polish letters).
I should add here, that after I noticed
very humble effects of my use of Polish letters, usually my Polish text I still
write with the use of English (Latin) alphabet. This is not a big error, as the
majority of Polish words anyway use the Latin alphabet only.
How to
this web page in your own computer:
For some readers that work
on problems addressed on this web page, it would be highly
beneficial to have a replica of this web page together with
all the illustrations, texts, links, etc., in their own
computer. After all, in case of having such a replica, one
can later view this web page, or print it, directly from
his/her own computer, not from the Internet. Thus one becomes
independent from the access to Internet in each situation
when he/she wishes to have a good look at this web page or
at illustrations that this page displays. Waiting for
opening a web page is then also incomparably shorter
than waiting for opening an Internet page. It is then
also not needed to put up with all these subtle obstructions
which seem to plague my web pages almost as it these are
purposely sabotaged by "little green UFOnauts" of some sort.
So for these readers, who wish to make a "source replica"
of this web page in their own computer, below I am describing
step-by-step how to accomplish this. This description reveals
thoroughly how to prepare the so-called "source replica" of
the web page, means a replica prepared in the programming
language called "HTML" in which this web page was originally
coded. Note that such a "source replica" is much better than
an "image replica" that almost every browser allows to make
in quite a simple way. For example it allows to gradually
complete all missing components of a given web page (e.g.
missing illustrations or text files) from other servers.
It allows to update separately each selected component of
the web page as soon as we meet in Internet their better
versions. It also allows us to learn principles of web
page programming, thus it can be for us a first step towards
later making our own web pages. Here is the instruction
of producing such a "source replica":
#0. Ready-made source replica?
(without advertising banners). One brief information before in items
#1 to #8 below I explain the exact procedure of preparing for yourself
a source replica of this web page. Namely, under some addresses listed
in "Menu 3", such a source replica of this web page, together with
all files, folders, illustrations, etc., but without advertising
banners, already awaits in the ZIP format, ready for downloading
to your own computer. So all what you need to do in order to download
it to your own computer, is to click in "Menu 1" on the menu item
"Source replica of this page".
So try to click, because this source replica may be available here
(i.e. at this address) and it would be handy to have it in your
own computer. In turn, when such a ZIPped source replica downloads to
your computer, all what you need to do is UNZIP it onto your hard disk.
After UNZIPing, it forms a separate folder in which you will find
a folder named "a_pajak" with all files, subfolders and illustrations
inside, ready for the running and displaying this web page. (In case
you already have on your hard disk a folder named "c:\a_pajak" with
my other source web pages, it is enough if you transfer all files and
subfolders from this new folder "a_pajak" to the already existing one
named "c:\a_pajak".) After this brief information, let us now return
to this procedure of making (all by yourself) a source replica of this
web page. Here it is:
#1. Create a folder
named "a_pajak" (or "archives_pajak") on your hard disk "c:".
This folder is to hold this web page (and possibly also any
other my web pages). To create such a folder, run a utility
program named "Windows Explorer" or "My Computer", choose
"Local Disk (C:)" for the "Address" in this utility program,
then click on "File" in the pull-down menu from this "Windows
Explorer", then click "New", finally choose the command "folder".
Type the name "a_pajak" to the new folder that you created
on you hard disk. Later you are to use this folder "a_pajak"
for storing all my web pages, monographs, and illustrations
that you wish to keep in you own computer.
#2. Create sub-folders
inside of this main folder named "a_pajak". These sub-folders are
to contain subsequent kinds of texts and illustrations displayed
or accessed through this web page. Here is the list of sub-folders
that are used by this web page:
fruit - it contains almost all the illustrations of fruits
which are used by this web page.
images - it contains several illustrations which are used
both, by this web page, and also by the web page named
flags - it contains images of flags (i.e. German, Spanish,
French, Italian, Polish, and English) used in my web pages. These
images of flags are contained in files named de_flag.gif, es_flag.gif,
fr_flag.gif, it_flag.gif, pl_flag.gif, uk_flag.gif. Any flags
scanned into "*.gif" files with the above names, can be used for
this purpose.
In order to create such sub-folders, again it is enough to shift
the "Windows Explorer" inside of the folder "a_pajak" and then
generate them one by one.
#3. Save the source code of this web page
in your folder "a_pajak". For this, "right click" on your mouse while pointing
it any text area of this web page (e.g. pointing right here). A small menu
should appear, which is to have the option "View Source". Click on this menu
option, and the source code of complete this web page appears in your text
editor named "Notepad". Click on the "File" pull-down menu from this "Notepad"
and choose the option "Save As...". Save the source code from your "Notepad"
using the "fruit.htm" for the "File name" of this code, while for the
"Save in" pointing at the folder "c:\a_pajak" that you created earlier.
Notice that pages called via links from this page, should be saved
under slightly different names assigned to them, namely: "oscillatory_chamber.htm"
for the web page on the "Oscillatory Chamber", "fruit_pl.htm" for the Polish
version of this web page, etc.
#4. Save illustrations. Right click
separately on each illustration from this web page, then choose the option
"Save Picture As". The majority of illustrations you need to save in the
subfolder "fruit". Notice that each illustration indicates at the bottom of
the screen the subfolder in which it is to be saved.
#5. Run this web page in your computer.
After you save this web page, you can run it in your own computer whenever
you wish, by simple pointing at the file "fruit.htm" (i.e. the one with
the source code of this web page) using the "Windows Explorer" for this pointing,
and then double clicking at this file. (You can also run this file by pointing
the "Windows Explorer" at it, and then pressing "Enter".) Pages linked with this
one via hyperlinks can also be displayed through clicking on these hyperlinks
while viewing this page, or can be displayed through clicking via the "Windows
Explorer" at their names, means e.g. at "oscillatory_chamber.htm", or "pajak_jan_uk.htm".
#6. (Optionally) remove banners. Free
servers on which for the understandable reasons I display all my web sites,
usually insert codes of banners to the source code of web pages that are
displayed on them (frequently codes of these banners contain various irritating
errors which try to make viewing my web pages quite difficult). If these banners
irritate you, you can optionally cut them out from
the source code of this web page, after you save this code in your own computer.
To cut the banners out you need to identify their code (either by addresses
referred in this code and starting from "http://...", or by seeking the
comment type "banner insertion ..." which appears at the beginning and
at the end of the banners' code).
#7. (Optionally) update your source replica of this
web page. If someone is especially interested in descriptions contained on this
web page, then it would be desirable to check in Internet every let say couple of
months, whether description from this web page are updated and improved. If so, then
it is worth to replace the old version of this web page with this improved version.
For this, it is enough to rename the old replica kept in your computer by adding
the word "old_" in front of it, and then copy from the internet a new version
to store it under the original name that it has.
In case of any doubt regarding making
such a replica of this web page, it is worth to see a separate web page that is
entirely devoted to the explanation of the replication procedure of my internet
pages in your own computer. This additional web page is run from
"Menu 2",
where it is listed under the name
How with the web page named
one can find totaliztic descriptions
of topics in which he is interested:
A whole array of topics equally interesting
as these from the above web page, is also
discussed from the angle that is unique to
the philosophy of totalizm. All these related
topics can be found and identified with the use of
content index
prepared especially to make easier finding
these web pages and topics. The name "index"
means a list of "key words" usually provided
at the end of textbooks, which allows to find
fast the description or the topic in which we
are interested. My web pages also has such
a content "index" - only that it is additionally
supplied in green
which after "clicking" at them with a mouse
immediately open the web page with the topic
that interest the reader. Even more complete
content "index" is provided on the Polish web page named
It can be called from the "organising" part of
"Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would
recommend to look at it and to begin using it
systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds
of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to
of this web page (i.e. Dr Jan Pająk):
I have a pleasure to inform readers of my
web pages, that to commemorate the 70th
birthday of the author of this web page (i.e.
there was produced and published around 35
minutes long film by Dominik Myrcik, which
since May 2016 is available for free viewing in
The film is entitled
"Dr Jan Pająk portfolio"
and it presents graphically most important among
my scientific accomplishments. I am inviting readers
to view it. The working
green links,
Internet addresses, promotional leaflets in three
languages, and complete descriptions of all three
language versions (i.e. English, German and Polish)
of this excellently designed and produced HD and
HQ film, are available on my web page named
portfolio.htm -
which was especially prepared for describing the film.
Current email addresses to the author
of this web page, i.e. officially to
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
at which readers can post possible comments,
inquiries, or replies to questions which I ask on
my web pages, are provided on the web page
about me (Dr Eng. Jan Pajak).
That page also provides other commonly used
contact details to the author.
The author's right for the use of courteous
title of "Professor" stems from the custom that
"with professors is like with generals", namely
when someone is
once a professor, than he or she courteously
remains a professor forever. In
turn the author of this web page was a professor
at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them,
from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998,
as an "Associate Professor" from English-based
educational system, while on one university as
a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till
31 December 2007 - means at the last place
of employment in his professional life).
However, please notice that because of my
rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly
reply to emails which contain JUST time
consuming requests, while simultaneously
they document a complete ignorance of their
author in the topic area which I am researching.
Therefore, if the reader sends a request to me,
I suggest to let me know somehow that he or
she actually went through the trouble of reading
my web pages and learning what these pages
try to say.
This web page is also available in the form
of a brochure marked [11], which
is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document
Format") - currently considered to be the
most safe amongst all internet formats, as
normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This
clear brochure is ready both, for printing,
as well as for reading from a computer
screen. It also has all its
green links
still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer
screen connected to internet, then after clicking
onto these green links, the linked web pages
and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because
the volume of it is around a double of the volume
of web page which this brochure publishes,
the memory limitations on a significant number
of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to
offer it from them (so if it does NOT download
from this address, because it is NOT available
on this server, then you should click onto any
other address from
Menu 3,
and then check whether in there it is available).
In order to open this brochure (and/or download
it to own computer), it suffices to either click on
the following green link
or to open from any totaliztic web site the
PDF file named as in the above green link.
If the reader wishes to check, whether some other
totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying,
is also available in the form of such PDF brochure,
then should check whether it is listed amongst links
from "part #B" of the web page named
This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic
web pages, which are already published as such
brochures from series [11] in PDF format.
I wish you a fruitful reading!
If you prefer to read in Polish
click on the flag below
(Jeśli preferujesz czytanie w języku polskim
kliknij na poniższą flagę)
Date of starting this page: 26 December 2004
Date of the latest updating of this page: 5 October 2019
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)