(Here is the list of all web pages from this
server, arranged by language (in 8 languages).
Choose the page that interests you by
dragging scroll bars, then click on this
page to run it:)
(The same list can be displayed from
"Menu 1" by clicking over there on
"Menu 2".)
Here is the list of addresses of all
totaliztic web sites that still worked
at the date of the most recent update
of this web page. At each of these addresses
should be available all totaliztic web pages
listed in "Menu 1" or
"Menu 2",
including also their different language versions
(i.e. versions in languages:
Polish, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian,
Greek or Russian.) Thus firstly select
the address which you wish to open by dragging
scroll bars in small window below, then click on
this address to run it. When opens the web
page which represents this address, then choose
from its "Manu 1" or
"Menu 2"
the web page which interests you and click on it
to view that page:
(The above list can also be displayed
from "Menu 1" by clicking
Menu 4.)
Sorry, but the translation of German version
of this web page still was NOT started yet -
thus please read it either in English (from
this web page), or in Polish (from the
Polish web page),
or visit this page again after a few months.
Niestety, tłumaczenie niemieckiej wersji
tej strony NIE zostało jeszcze zaczęte -
proponuję więc albo czytać ją po polsku (z
polskojęzycznej strony),
lub po angielsku (z tej strony), albo też
zaglądnąć tu ponownie za kilka miesięcy.
Notice that until 17th of May 2016,
at the address
www.pajak.org.nz -
which now runs this web page, there was
available a different web page named
It reported my experience gathered during
standing as an "Independent" candidate
for the New Zealand parliamentary election
of 2014. Both language versions of that
my 2014 election reporting web page (i.e.
English and
are still available, only now they are shifted
to the background - you can view them by
clicking on this (green) link.
In the year 2015 were also developed two
further equivalents of that web page
relating to the NZ parliamentary
elections of 2017 - see web pages
pajak_re_2017.htm and
However, in August 2016 my attention was
directed at verses in the Bible, which forbid
believers in God to assume an active role in any
governing - these verses, and also my reaction
to getting them know, are described in the
"Introduction" and in "part #J" from my web page named
Introduction: I sincerely invite the reader to watch
at least one out of a whole series of videos
available for free on the Internet and objectively
reporting on my life's scientific achievements.
The most important among these videos,
which I especially recommend to view, is
around 35-minute long free film on
entitled "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio". It is available
in English,
in Polish (po polsku) and also
in German (auf Deutsch).
If you use the browser "Google Chrome", then in case
of problems with the above green links, the same film
(and also the working links for it) is displayed by the web page
pajak.org.nz/dju.htm, or web page
Detailed description of this film is provided in item
#B1 from this web page.
In addition to the film "Dr Jan Pająk portfolio",
also has several other videos which I co-authorize
and which I affirm as objectively presenting my
scientific accomplishments, and hence the viewing
of which I recommend here as well. Their descriptions
and links are provided in items #A4 and #A5 of
this web page (out of these, I would especially
recommend watching a 4-minute long video entitled
"How Big is the Magnokraft").
Unfortunately, independently from these positive videos,
the Internet is also overflowing with negative products
of various individuals, whom
the Bible
calls "goats" or "chaff" for reasons that I explained at
the beginning of "part #A" from the web page named
These "goats" or "chaff" try to pop out of their skins to
disgust, sabotage, block, or even just ridicule every
my scientific achievement. If anyone is curious as
to how the products of their "minds" look like, then he/she
can look at some their "fruits" with the help of (green)
links that I quote in items from #B2 to #B2.3 of the web page named
The film "Dr Jan Pająk portfolio" was produced
by my friend to commemorate the occasion
of my 70th birthday. It summarizes, reports,
animates and illustrates most important
scientific achievements of my life, namely
my discoveries, inventions, theories, formal
scientific proofs (including the
formal scientific proof for the existence of God),
subsequent professorships in 4 different universities
of the world, etc. So together with descriptions from
this web page, the film has the potential to positively
influence the life of the viewer. Furthermore, since it
informs about the existence of technical devices already
proven in work, but ignored by official science and by
decision makers, which (devices) have the potential
to solve most dangerous problems of our present
civilisation, the film may inspire someone to build
these devices for the good of his/her own nation
and the entire humanity. This web page was prepared
mainly to provide links, internet addresses, and more
detailed descriptions of this excellently-designed and
produced HD and HQ film. Furthermore, it records
for future generations the descriptions of every-day
problems and realities faced by inventors and
discoverers who altruistically try to introduce
true progress to our civilisation.
Part #A:
How to find this film (and interviews that accompanied it) in
Links to the film:
As many as three language versions of the film
are already available on
since 5 May 2016 at the following addresses
(click on any (green) link to the address, and
the film will run automatically):
www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXr2OzVsMp4 (the English version),
www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3MuZec4jGM (the Polish version - po polsku),
www.youtube.com/watch?v=RX-FwUXOs98 (the German version - auf Deutsch).
At the same time detailed descriptions of the
content of this film are available below in the
devoted to them "part #B" of this web page,
while short summaries of these descriptions
are also provided in item #H1 from my web page named
item #J9 from the web page named
item #K7 from the web page named
and item #L5 from my autobiographical web page named
From this autobiographical web page
readers can also learn descriptively further details about the
course of my life and about my research, which are to extend
and complement the information presented visually in film
discussed here.
Of course, the running and watching this excellent
film does NOT require to remember nor to copy
the above links, but just suffices that to the separate
searching window which shows up in the top
part of each
web page, or search engine
one enters the title of this film, used as searching
keywords - i.e. one enters the title
"Dr Jan Pajak portfolio"
(but typed without quotes).
The leaflet promoting the film:
Developed already is a two-side leaflet of A4 format,
which encourages to see the film discussed here.
This leaflet is available in all three languages, in which
is also available the film "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio". Below
in "Fig. #A1" is shown the English version of this leaflet.
In turn the Polish and the German language versions of
this leaflet, the reader is able to see, or to download to
his/her own computer, from "Fig. #B1" and "Fig. #B2"
in "part #B" of this web page, or from repetitions of
these figures provided under items #H2 and #H3
of my web page named
All these three leaflets are also displayed
in the similar areas of the
Polish and
versions of this web page.
Fig. #A1: Here are both sides of a leaflet that
encourages viewing the
film entitled "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio". This leaflet
is available in a highly secure format "JPG" used for
transferring photographs (i.e. which cannot be
used by computer viruses), and the copying of it
is NOT blocked. Therefore, the reader can easily
download it to own computer. After such downloading
the reader can also print it for own reading or for
giving it to friends. Moreover, it can be attached
to emails and posted to people whom the reader
wants to convince to view the film discussed here.
If the reader knows about
an unused notice-board somewhere in the place
of work, learning, meetings, in club, etc., that is
cluttered with antique advertisements or with
outdated notices, and the reader is able to print
this leaflet and to post it in there, then it would
be worth doing so to introduce a bit of life, truth
and escape from the everyday triviality.
The leaflet summarizes briefly the most important
information provided in the discussed film, provides the
link to the English language version of this film,
and also explains how this film can be searched
in YouTube using its title for "keywords". Since
neither the leaflet, nor the film promoted by it,
provide literature references which would describe
in detail the ideas presented in the film discussed
here, links to the English-language descriptions
of these ideas the reader is to find in "part #B"
of this web page, especially in items #B1 and #B2.
(Click onto any page of this leaflet to see it
enlarged or to save it on your computer's hard disk!)
My current problem - the New Zealand custom office makes
impossible for me to distribute in NZ free paper copies of this leaflet:
As a scientists who researches topics that
may save our civilisation from the incoming
self-inflicted destruction, I have special
obligations toward New Zealand. After all,
I live in New Zealand. Also New Zealand is
specially prone to problems for which my
inventions and discoveries provide effective
solutions. For example, I worked out the design
and operation of the
Zhang Heng Seismograph,
which telepathically senses impending
earthquakes and long in advance provides
remotely warnings of the incoming disaster.
Thus, such a device would be very handy
in New Zealand so frequently troubled by
earthquakes - for examples see my web page
All what is needed to have this extraordinary
device, is just someone with the "golden hand"
skills (in which skills New Zealanders supposedly
are good), who with the assistance of my scientific
knowledge and advice would make it again almost
2000 years after it was first build in China.
My friend from Germany (the same who printed
for me the gift of 9999 elections flyers for 2014
parliamentary elections), volunteered to print for
me free paper copies of the leaflet shown above
in item #A2. Unfortunately, when in 2014 the same
friend posted to me the free gift of 9999 election
flyers, I had a lot of problems with NZ custom officers
who wanted that I hire a custom agent, and that
I pay the import duty for this free gift - for details
see (2014/6/19) in item #N3 and (2014/5/28) in
item #M2 of my election-reporting web page named
So I asked my friend to wait with the printing until
I check with the custom office for what number of
printed leaflets I could avoid having similar problems
with the above leaflet.
On Thursday, 19th of May 2016, around 12:20,
I entered the scary to me building of New Zealand
customs offices in Wellington. For me it is a very
scary place to go in there, as visitors already at
the entrance are warned that this is the high
security area, thus presumably numerous hidden
TV cameras are watching and recording every
move (i.e. probably they also recorded the entire
my visit, and the discussion with the custom
officer). I feel in there as if somewhere behind
curtains armed guards are only waiting ready
to pounce at, or shoot, a wrongly behaving client.
I explained to the female custom officer the
situation (i.e. that I am retired scientist and
have no spare money to print this leaflet myself,
but my friend from Germany would print it for
me for free, and post to me as a gift, so that
I could distribute it also for free to people around
my area of living - hoping that the leaflet reaches
hands of someone who has a potential to build
my inventions in New Zealand). I gave her the
printouts of both sides of the above leaflet together
with the address of this web page, and asked
her how many such leaflets my friend could print
for me and post to me as a “printed matter” free
gift, without the need for me to pay the import duty.
After some time spend in a different room, presumably
for checking the legal side of my case, she returned
and replied that “none”, because my leaflet bears
attributes of an "enterprise" (although I was clear
that I am retired and I do NOT own any company
that could in any way benefit from the distribution
of this free leaflet), so I must pay the import duty
for any number of them, and also if such a shipment
of leaflets arrives to New Zealand, I would also need
to hire a custom agent (about which agent I know
since 2014 elections, that it would cost me enough
much, to make the free printing of my leaflets overseas
unaffordable, while the price of printing leaflets in
NZ is so high that I also cannot afford it). The custom
officer did NOT provide me with any advice
as to how I could appeal for making for me
an exception from these harsh custom "laws"
that suffocate such a way of free promoting
of progress in New Zealand. So sorry New
Zealanders, but probably I will NOT be able
to find a way that the offer of my friend to
print this leaflet for free could be accepted,
as it looks that during the shipment to
New Zealand the leaflet would be stopped by
customs - so that it could NOT be distributed
for free around my area of living and, perhaps,
reach someone with appropriate skills of
"golden hands" who after learning about
my devices could build them for the good
of people and country of New Zealand.
Thus, when e.g. a next earthquake strikes
(as usually without a warning - since inertial
seismographs which the humanity developed
so far are triggered only during the earthquake, thus are NOT able to give a warning sufficiently
long time in advance for an effective escape), and some of you are
to be trapped under rubbles, then perhaps you
should consider ringing to NZ custom officers
and convince them to make room for exceptions
in import duties for free leaflets and in the requirement
of hiring a paid "agent" to push "printed matter"
parcels through the border bureaucracy, so that
such exceptions could help future generations
in situations like the one that I tried to prevent!
I believe that the distributing the above leaflet
for free, in order to inform NZ potential builders
of my devices about the inventions shown in the
film and also about fact that these inventions
do exist and their proper work was already proven
in practice, is morally, patriotically and legally
correct thing to do. Therefore, in ways that to
my imperfect human knowledge are both, legal
and morally correct, I will try to continue my
efforts of overcoming obstacles that are appearing
in that matter. In turn outcomes of my efforts I will
thoroughly report in "Part #D" of this web page -
so that followers of my philosophy may gain some
educational benefits from my experiences (similarly
as they may gain from my reports on other difficult
cases that I tried to solve accordingly to principles of the
philosophy of totalizm,
and that I reported on totaliztic web pages - e.g. on the web page
Links to my interviews (via Skype,
in Polish) for the Polish Radio in London:
On my 70th birthday, i.e. on 25th of May 2016,
at 9:00 am of NEw Zealand time, I gave a long
conversation-interview via "Skype" for the Polish
Radio in London. This conversation-interview (in
Polish) was later subdivided into two approximately
35 minutes long segments, then both, broadcasted,
as well as uploaded onto YouTube. On Tuesday,
7 June 2016, also at 9:00 am NZ time, took place
second conversation-interview, also through the
Skype. Before uploading into YouTune it also was
subdivided into parts maked by adding "/2" to their
numbers. Subsequent conversations-interviews
took place: third on Tuesday, 6 July 2016, fourth
on Saturday, 8 October 2016, while fifth on 26
November 2016. Here are links and internet
addresses of those segments that have already
been uploaded onto
and thus that interested readers can view (in Polish):
Conversation-interview 1 (on Wednesday, 25 May 2016):
www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_FXfYTd1Wc (since 2016/6/03: 'Audycja "Przebiegunowani" - rozmowa z Dr. Janem Pająkiem cz. 1'),
www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0fZ_LnvTSE (since 2016/6/10: 'Audycja "Przebiegunowani" - rozmowa z Dr Janem Pająkiem cz.2'),
Conversation-interview /2 (on Tuesday, 7 June 2016):
www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnzGURyuIVc (since 2016/6/24: 'Dr. Jan Pająk - Druga rozmowa w audycji "Przebiegunowani" cz.1/2'),
www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWM1-F5HFr0 (since 2016/9/6: 'Dr. Jan Pająk - Druga rozmowa w audycji "Przebiegunowani" cz. 2/2').
Conversation-interview 3 (on Tuesday, 6 July 2016):
(Still in the processing)
Conversation-interview 4 (on Saturday, 8 October 2016):
www.youtube.com/watch?v=51pMoxHPpCk (since 2016/10/14: "Dr Jan Pająk - Telekineza"),
Conversation-interview 5 - in Polish but with English subtitles (on Saturday, 26 November 2016):
www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuxEu_kQPpY (since 2016/12/10, trailer in English: "Jan Pająk - Polish scientist, who changed the importance of modern science"),
www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALZJJp1uJao (since 2017/1/17 (with English subtitles: "Dr. Jan Pająk - Philosophy of Totalizm")
Have a lot of fun if you decide to watch these conversations-interviews.
Notice that there is an interesting history linked
to these interviews for the Polish Radio in London.
However, because the interviews are in Polish, I am
NOT presenting it on this web page. Those readers
who know also the Polish language, can the history
of that interview read from "part #E" of the
Polish version of this web page.
To celebrate my 71st birthday, my friend Dominik
Myrcik has prepared another 4-minute long free
video available on
and having the bilingual (German and English) title
"Wie groß ist der Magnokraft?/How big is the
Magnocraft?". The video is a computer animation
of the appearance, size and dimensions of all eight
types of discoidal Magnocraft of my invention. Thus,
in an animated (motion) manner this video compares
appearances, sizes and dimensions of all eight types
of discoidal Magnocraft, which through a similar
computer-generation of their appearance, are illustrated,
among others, on "Fig. #A2" to "Fig. #A5" (and also
in further sections) of my other web page named
The video is distributed for free at the address
starting since 26th of April 2017.
The video discussed here ("How big is the
Magnocraft") does NOT contain a speaking
commentary, but only images, music and sounds
that simulate the whistle of air caused by the
fast flights of Magnocrafts. Hence, it can easily
be viewed and understood by people of virtually
every nationality - no matter which language they
know and use. In the "introduction" of it, is only
provided a short information written in German
and English, the content of which states, quote:
"Our civilisation is approaching
a collapse. Men turning away from each other.
Everything we do is against Nature, Morals and God.
A painful breakdown is arriving, but also the advent
of our civilisation into a new golden era of Magnocraft.
The country, which will build the first Magnocraft
in the world, will be the leader of renewed civilisation.
An old Polish prophecy foretells that the new leader
will be an Asian Dragon - most probably South Korea.
Immoral oppressors and destroyers will be thrown
on their knees by dint of the mighty military power
and the breathtaking greatness of the Magnocraft."
Thus, the information from this introduction tries,
among others, remind us what I explained in more
detail in items from #H1 to #H3 of a separate web
page named
and what I hinted in the caption under "Fig. #A2(K3-K4)"
from the web page named
while documented on two entire web pages named
military_magnocraft.htm and
On my web page named
a formal scientific proof is presented, which
documents that "UFOs are already built
and operational Magnocraft". Thanks to
this proof, people whose minds are able to
accept the truth about UFOs (so stubbornly
negated by present official science), the video
discussed here NOT only allows to recognize
which type of discoidal UFO someone has sighted
or photographed, but also to determine the
precise dimensions and size of that UFO.
Video #A1: Here is the starter for the
video discussed here entitled "How big
is the Magnocraft". Note, that independently
from the above item #A5 of this web page,
a comprehensive description of this video
is also provided in caption under "Video #A0"
from top part of the web page named
Part #B:
Descriptions of the portfolio film:
Publications that in greater detail discuss ideas
presented visually in the film "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio":
In order to NOT "torment" the viewers with
unnecessary information, the film "Dr Jan
Pajak portfolio" limits itself to the visual
presentation in the shortest possible way
the most important "ideas" that represent
the most vital scientific achievements of my
entire life. In turn the precise descriptions
of these ideas are provided on my numerous
web pages and scientific monographs.
So in order to indicate to people viewing this
film, where precisely they will find more detailed
descriptions of the ideas from the film, I prepared
this item. This item provides the (green) links
to my web pages, by just clicking the mouse
on which (links) the reader will be immediately
transferred to the appropriate web pages where
in items indicated here he/she will find the
descriptions in which he/she is interested.
In a series of sub-items which I am providing below,
I am to describe the main "ideas" that make up the
film discussed here, i.e. I am to describe my scientific
discoveries, theories, inventions, formal proofs, etc. -
which are illustrated and discussed in the film.
For each of these ideas, I will cite here only the
links to web pages and to my monographs, where
the given idea is more accurately described.
Many among ideas shown on the discussed film
introduce the potential to solve almost all the
problems crippling the human civilization of today.
That is why already in the next items #B2 and
#B3 I am to explain for my inventions and for
other important among my ideas, these their
aspects which in their descriptions are the most
vital, and thus to which during their deeper study
the reader should pay particular attention. For
example, during the descriptions of all my technical
inventions, the most vital aspect is whatever explains
item #B2 below, namely that all these inventions
have already been build by someone, and thus that
it is absolutely certain that their design and operation
are correct and can be completed technically also
by people. Except that those ones, who already
have built my inventions, for various reasons, either
do NOT want, nor are unable, to share with us the
know-how stemming from the completion of these
inventions, nor share with us the knowledge, how
to most effectively build these inventions. Thus
in order to be able to recognize
amongst the massive number of phenomena which
surrounds us, that these my inventions were actually
build already by someone and that they were previously
used, or even that they are used until today, I firstly
had to re-invent them, and only after their re-inventing
I could theoretically learn their design, operation, and
phenomena that their work induce, and thus which
allow us to recognize them. All these most
vital aspects of my discoveries, inventions, and new
ideas, I am to explain in more detail in separate items
#B2 and #B3 from this web page. But here I am limiting
myself to providing only links to web pages and descriptions
of all the "ideas" illustrated in the film "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio".
So here are successive sub-items 1 to 30 of this
item #B1, in which sub-items I am to list now the
most important "chapters" or "milestones" presented
in the film (along with the year in which I developed
the knowledge discussed in these "chapters"), while
in the content of each of these chapters of the film
I am to provide (green) links and the exact details
of my web pages and free monograph (that also are
available online), in which the main "ideas" of these
"chapters" have been discussed in more detail. Here
are these sub-items:
Introduction (1946 to 2007). In introduction to the
film the viewer is informed about the place and about
the environment of my birth, the course of my education,
the topic of my doctoral dissertation, my professorships
and major places where I lectured, and also is provided
with a list of the most important new "ideas" that make up
scientific achievements of my entire life. The broadest
publication that provides a written version of these
information is my autobiographical web page named
and a shortened version of it named
Villages of my origin, birth and residence are also described
in a series of web pages dedicated especially to them, for example in
wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm and
Places of my education are described on web pages
rok_uk.htm and
A lot of information about my life is also included into my newest
monograph [1/5] -
especially in subsections A18 to A20 from volume 1 and in
subsection W4 and Annex Z from volume 18 (all 18 volumes
of my monograph [1/5] are available for free online through
the web page named
My Periodic Table (1972). My Periodic Table (which
sometimes I call also the "Cyclic Table" - because
it illustrates the cyclical repetitiveness in developments) is a table very
similar to the "Periodic Table of the Elements", only that
instead of chemical elements my Periodic Table reveals
the regularities existing in inventions and in developments
of various propulsion systems. These regularities
stemming from that table indicate, among others,
that around the year 2036 the mankind will be able
to build the starship of my invention called the
The more detailed descriptions of my Periodic
Table are provided on the web page named
and (more precisely) in chapter B from volume 2 of my
monograph [1/5].
Notice also that in 2015 I developed a different "Periodic
Table for Historic Epochs" (I also call it the "Cyclic Table
for Historical Epochs"), which reveals that even in managing
the human history, God also uses rules of repetitive
cycles. This different table, that is also shown near end
of the film "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio", is discussed in sub-item
26 of this item #B1, while it is shown as "Table #K1" on
my web page named
as well as "Table #A1" on my web page named
The Magnocraft (1980). The Magnocraft is an invincible
starship of my invention, that uses magnetic propulsion
system, and thus that is able to fly with near-light speeds.
To its description is devoted a lot of my web pages, the
most important out of which is named the
However, the most complete description of the Magnocraft
is provided in chapter G from volume 3 of my
monograph [1/5].
There are two old Polish prophecies, my interpretation of
which seems to imply that soon powerful and deadly tribulations
are to arrive to our planet, from which the country of Korea
is to emerge as the next leader and superpower of the world.
This in turn seem suggest, that such a transformation
of a small Korea into the next leader and superpower
of the entire world would require that Korea develops
something that is invincible and thus that would give
to Korea a significant advantage over the rest of world,
for example something like my starship
that cannot be shot down by any weapon in existence
at present, and that would fly with speeds close to the
speed of light. Two old Polish prophecies from which
this my interpretation of the future is derived, as well
as the reason why in my opinion Korea will probably
be the country, which as the first in the world is to build
my Magnocraft and with the help of this invincible starship
is to become the next superpower and leader of mankind, are
described in items #H1.1, #H1, and #H3 from my web page named
The formal proof that "UFOs are already operational
Magnocraft" (1981). This proof confirms to us that the
construction and operation of the Magnocraft are invented
correctly, because they have already been realized by someone,
and it also allows us to make it easier for us to build our
Magnocrafts by copying the most difficult parts of their
designs from solutions sighted in UFOs. The best (brief)
presentation of this proof is presented on my web page
In turn the full version of this proof is presented in
subsections P2 to P2.15 from volume 14 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
An additional evidence, which supports the validity of this
formal proof, is also provided in a number of my other web
pages, e.g. in
shuttle.htm, or
The Oscillatory Chamber (1984). This is kind of a
"electromagnet" that generates ineffably powerful magnetic
field. Because the magnetic field binds huge amounts
of energy, it is simultaneously a kind of battery capable
of storing the unlimited amounts of energy. Therefore,
in Magnocrafts these Oscillatory Chambers will be performing
functions that in present propulsion systems are performed
by both, the propulsors and by the fuel tanks. The shortest,
although relatively accurate description of the Oscillatory
Chamber contains my web page named
In turn a complete description of this chamber
presents chapter F from volume 2 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
The unfulfilled promise of Senator McCain, on the
funding of the prize in the amount of 300 million US
dollars to the inventor of the device with the features
of my Oscillatory Chambers, is described, amongst
others, in item #D2 from my web page named
The Concept of Dipolar Gravity (1985). My ground-breaking
theory of everything called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
is briefly described on the web page named
In turn the full description of it contain two
volumes 4 and 5 of my
monograph [1/5].
It is based on a shocking discovery that I made as the first scientist
in the world, and which states that the
gravitational field is a dipolar field, and NOT the monopolar
field for which it is erroneously assumed to be by the old
official science. Later the truth of this my discovery
(i.e. that gravity is a dipolar field) I proved formally with several
different scientific methodologies - all of which formal proofs
I published in subsections H1.1 to H1.2 from volume 4 my
monograph [1/5].
The most important amongst these proofs, completed with the
use of the method of mathematical logic, is also described in
item #D3 from my web page named
Explanation for the mechanisms of "telekinesis" and
"telepathy" (1985). It is a kind of "by-product" of
the development of my
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
In the best way these two mechanisms are explained
on web pages dedicated to them, namely on pages
The invention of "Telekinetic Vehicles" (1985). The
Telekinetic Vehicles are to use for propulsion purposes
the phenomenon of telekinesis described on my web page
But because this technological phenomenon can be
released by slightly enhanced version of my "Oscillatory
Chamber" used to drive my
hence these Telekinetic Vehicles will simply be my
"Magnocrafts of the Second Generation". Their detailed
description is provided, among others, in item #F1.2 from
my web page named
and also in a whole chapter LC from volume 10 of my
monograph [1/5].
The philosophy of Totalizm (1985). Totalizm is probably
the most important by-product of my groundbreaking
theory of everything called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
Briefly Totalizm is summarized in the web page
dedicated to it and named
while partly also on the web page named
The full descriptions of Totalizm are
provided in volumes 6 and 7 of my
monograph [1/5].
In turn the "moral field" on work of which is based
the existence of the philosophy of totalizm and which
provides it with the most important so-called "indicators
of the moral correctness", is described in a number
of my web pages, e.g. in item #C4.2 from the web page
or in item #H2 from the web page
My Time Vehicles (time machines), means Magnocrafts
of the Third Generation (1985). The work of Time
Vehicles of my invention is briefly described on web pages
To their full description is devoted the entire volume 11 of my
monograph [1/5].
In turn features and the work of the "reversible
software time" of a jumping (discrete) nature,
which was artificially programmed by God, and in which
people are ageing, as well as the work of the divine
"Omniplan" (i.e. the mechanism with the use
of which God governs over that "reversible software time"),
and also features of the elapsing in a continuous manner
"irreversible absolute time of the universe" which
elapses around 365,000 times faster than our human time,
and in which lives only God, independently from these
items #C3, #C4 and #C4.1 of the above web page
are also described in the introduction and
in item #G4 from the web page named
The model of brain as an input-output device (1987).
This model is described in subsections I5.4 to I5.4.2 from
volume 5 of my
monograph [1/5].
The finding and research of the "Tapanui Crater" (1987).
The Tapanui Crater briefly describes my entire web page named
To its exact descriptions is devoted a separate
monograph [5/3]
available at the Internet address
(this monograph has also the
and the
The invention of the "Telekinetic Cell" (1989). It is
described on several web pages, e,g. on
as well as in subsections LA2.4 to LA2.4.3 from volume
10 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
The explaining of principles of operation of the Swiss
"Thesta Distatica" (1991). These principles briefly
explain the web pages
while in detail discuss them subsections LA2.3 to LA2.3.3
from volume 10 of my
monograph [1/5].
Learning about and describing the "Davey's sonic boiler"
(1992). To the description of this boiler is devoted
my entire web page named
It is also discussed in subsection LA3.3 from volume
10 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
The research of the destruction of ancient city of Salamis
in Cyprus and related to it my discovery of the particularly
harmful for people "telepathic noise" as well as my forecasting
of the not-too-distant arrival on Earth of the "neo-medieval"
epoch (1993). All these findings describes the best item
#54 from subsection W4 in volume 18 of my
monograph [1/5],
and also in item #K1 from my web page named
In the local newspaper from the capital of Northern Cyprus
I also published a long (two-part long) article (in Turkish)
which, among others, discusses these discoveries. This
article bore the following editorial data: "Salamis'in yekeme
Yeni Zelanda'dan me?" (Ie. "Salamis: could the destruction
come from New Zealand"), Kibris daily magazine (Dr. Fazel
Küçük Bulvare, Yeni Sanayi Bölgesi, Veteriner Dairesi Yane,
Lefkoşa, North Cyprus, Mersin 10, Turkey), No 1404 on
29/06/1993, page 18; and No 1405 on 30/06/1993, page 18.
The empirical discovery of the existence of "telepathic
waves" and the principles of "telepathic communication" -
including the construction and principles of operation
of the "telepathysers" (1994). The empirical discovery
of "telepathic waves" best describes #60 from subsection
W4 in volume 18 of my
monograph [1/5].
On the other hand, the history of telepathysers is briefly
described in item #E1.1 from my web page
One among telepathysers, that was donated to our
civilization by a mysterious creature and called the
"Telepathic Pyramid", is described in
treatise [7]
(this treatise has also the
Polish and the
and in treatise
treatise [7/2]
(which has also the
The discovery of "moral energy" - i.e. another among the
so-called "indicators of the moral correctness" (1996).
The best description of "moral energy" is provided in item
#C4.3 from my web page named
and in subsection JB3.2 from volume 7 of my
monograph [1/5].
These descriptions are further extended in other totaliztic
web pages, e.g. on my web pages named
The experiencing personally, and explaining, the phenomenon
of "totaliztic nirvana" (1997). My personal experiencing of
"totaliztic nirvana" is described on the web page named
and also in subsections JE1 to JE9, as
well as JG8 and JG10, from volume 8 of my
monograph [1/5].
The invention of "Telepathic Telescopes and Projectors"
(1998). To the descriptions of construction and
principles of operation of "Telepathic Telescopes and
Projectors" are devoted subsections K5 to K6 from
volume 9 of my
monograph [1/5],
and also the entire
treatise [7b] (available only in Polish).
The discovery of the principle of work of feelings and
motivations (2001). It is best described in subsection
I5.5 from volume 5 of my
monograph [1/5].
The telepathic explanation for work of the "Zhang Heng
Seismograph" (2003). It is the most widely described
on the entirely devoted to it my web page named
and in subsection K6.1 from volume 9 of my
monograph [1/5].
Furthermore, it is also presented in several papers at
scientific conferences (the text of some of these papers
is available on the Internet), for example in the paper
authored by myself and entitled Signal processing
in the "Zhang Heng Seismograph" for remote sensing
of impending earthquakes, The International Conference
on Sensing Technology (ICST 2005), Massey University,
Palmerston North, New Zealand, 21 to 23 November
2005, published on pages 669 to 673 in the Proceedings
of this conference (ISBN 0-473-10504-7) - the full text
of which was still offered on the Internet on June 2016 at the address
or in the paper authored jointly by Jan Pajak and Kihyun Chung
and entitled Design of an experiment for principles
verification in remote sensing of impending earthquakes
with hydraulic version of the "Zhang Heng Seismograph",
5th International Conference on Information Technology,
sponsored by Institute of Information Technology Assessment,
organised by Ajou University, Suwon, Korea, November 16,
2007. Published in the conference Proceedings, pages 55-61.
The formal scientific proof that "God does exist" (2007).
This proof is formulated for (and with the use) of several
different scientific methodologies of proving. Its description
for the methods of mathematical logic is provided in item
#G2 from my web page named
and in item #B3 of my web page
Another method that scientific proving that God does exist,
is also presented in item #B3 of the web page named
while with several different methods, in subsections I3.3
to I3.3.4 from volume 5 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
Notice here, that this formal proof that "God does exist"
is only one among a whole series of similar proofs that
have a direct link with it, for example, with the proof that
"there is an intelligent counter-world". All those associated
formal proofs are listed, and linked, in item #G3 from the web page
The invention and the description of the "Telepathic Phone"
(2013). The most complete description of this telephone
is provided in items #D1 and #D2 from my web page named
Standing as an "Independent" candidate in the NZ parliamentary
elections of 2014 (2014). The widest description of this
my standing is provided in the web page which reports that
my candidacy, named
The Periodic Table for Historical Epoch (2015). This
table is shown, make available to downloading by readers,
and discussed thoroughly, on "Table #K1" from the web page named
as well as on "Table #A1" from my web page named
The explanation of reasons, and the forecast, of the collapse
of present human civilization (2015). In the best way
this explanation is discussed in item #K1 from my web page named
A significant amount of information about it is also provided
in items #T1 to #T8 from my web page named
My correction of official scientific statements that LIGO
has received a "telepathic signal", NOT the
"gravitational waves" (2016). This my correction
results from the finding that LIGO is actually a
large-scale copy of the construction and operation
of the "telepathic pyramid" already described in section
17 above. My rectification of this significant error
that the official science has made, is widely explained
in item #E1.1 from the web page named
while extended on the web pages indicated in that item #E1.1.
The question "why?" The answer to this question the
reader should probably find himself, e.g. by looking in the
mirror and asking himself "how much I myself helped to
bring about the realization of any of these ideas?"
Whether I, for example, managed to do as little as the
recommendation of the film "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio" to
a few people among my family and friends? Or rather
I intend to continue the current passivity that directly
affects the vicissitudes of my life via matters discussed
at the web page
After all, if everyone is to leave to other people doing
whatever is morally correct and is good for the humanity,
then NO ONE will be left who would carry out this doing.
At the same time certainly will increase the number of
people who, in their ignorance of work of moral mechanisms
will try to satisfy their own greed by deepening the corruption
and moral decay - which the increase, in the final count must
end tragically for all people, including you (the reader),
and also your loved ones.
Funny pictures. In past I had more of them - unfortunately
I lost most of them during my constant travels around the world
"in search of bread".
* * *
Fig. #B1. Here are both sides of the Polish language
version of the leaflet that encourages people to watch the
film entitled "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio." This leaflet is also
saved in a safe photography format "JPG" which is used
to transfer images, while the copying of it also is NOT
blocked. Therefore, the reader also can easily download
it to own computer, after which he/she can read it, or print
it for giving to friends, or even attach to an email and sent
it to Polish-speaking people whom the reader wants to convince
to watch the film discussed here. If the reader has an access
to a bulletin board which read also people who know the
Polish language, e.g. in the place of work, study, meetings,
in a club, etc., then the reader may also print this Polish-language
leaflet and place it in there, so as to introduce some fun and
discussuion regarding ideas presented in the film. (Click onto
this leaflet to see it enlarged or to save it on your computer hard disk!)
Because neither the leaflet, nor the film promoted
by it, provide literature references which would
describe in detail the ideas presented in the film
discussed here, links to the Polish-language
descriptions of these ideas the reader is to find
in "part #B" of the Polish web page devoted to
the description of this film, which (web page) is named
(i.e. the web page which is the Polish version of
this web page) - especially in items #B1 and #B2 of it.
The evidence which proves that all my technical inventions
described in the film "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio" were (or
are) already build by someone, thus that their correctness is guaranteed:
Another problem of humanity which I have solved,
and which was illustrated on the described here film,
are futuristic technical devices
that will eliminate today's destructive behaviours of
mankind, because their principles of operation, design,
and use do NOT break any moral criteria (in a way as
moral criteria are brutally broken e.g. by nuclear power
and by the rocket propulsion systems - for details see
3 in item #D4 of this web page), and thus they have a
potential to protect a large part of the mankind from a
mass extinction - if only some country has enough time
to build them before the destruction arrives. Examples
of most important among these devices are: the
Magnocraft described on my web page named
the Oscillatory Chamber described on my web page named
the Telekinetic Magnocraft described in item
#F1.2 from my web page named
the Time Vehicle ("time machine) explained
on my web page named
the Telekinetic Battery described, among others,
in subsections LA2.4 to LA2.4.3 from volume 10 of my newest
monograph [1/5],
and on my web page named
the Thesta Distatica described, among others,
on my web page named
the Davey's Boiler described on my web page named
the Telepathic Pyramid described on my web page
Telepathic Telescopes and Projectors described,
amongst others in subsections K5.1 and K5.2 from volume
9 of my newest
monograph [1/5],
the Zhang Heng Seismograph described on my web page
and the Telepathic Phone described in items #D1 and
#D2 from my web page named
An interesting fact which should be stressed here
is that in spite of deceptive claims of a variety of
liars, all of the above my
devices are, or were, already built and used (or
working) - except that for various
reasons their owners are not willing (or able)
to exhibit in the centre of Warsaw or London
their demonstration models, while through the
loudspeakers announce to all politicians, policy
makers, scientists and sceptics, that YES,
their principles of operation and general design
correspond exactly with what Dr Jan Pająk
developed and described, hence the humanity
(or specific nations) should start as urgently as
possible the constructing of them to have the
time to save the humanity from a self-destruction.
After all, such a lack of exhibiting somewhere of
already built version of my devices and the lack
of these loudspeakers' announcements, causes
that the immorality, selfishness, greed, jealousy,
ignorance, pettiness, etc., of many among today's
scientists, politicians and decision-makers, urges
them to proclaim around the world these deceitful
allegations that supposedly so-far no-one has built
my devices and that supposedly these devices are
not feasible and impossible to materialize. However,
in reality, about absolutely all future devices that
I invented myself, or that the principles of which
I worked out, it turned out some time after my
inventing and describing them in my publications,
that someone previously already built them, and
thus that their working version already exist, or
existed, on Earth. After all, in order to recognize
the existence and use, e.g. by someone alien to
us that avoids showing us what he have, of some
technical device previously unknown to people,
one must firstly invent this device oneself so that
he gets to know its operation and features.
In other words, it is a notorious lie that none of
my futuristic devices has yet been built. The truth
about this actually says: each
of the futuristic devices which I invented, or which
the principle of operation and general design I
developed, has already been build by someone
and its working prototype does exist, or existed,
on Earth - only that the knowledge about it has
NOT been popularized among the people and NOT
entered permanently to accomplishments of the
whole humanity, and thus each of these devices
I had to invent from the scratch, while the building
of each of them will need to be re-performed from
the very beginning.
Below in sub-items I am to show specific examples
of "who", "where" and "how" revealed that he/she/it
currently has (or had in past) the already working
technical device, which I then had to invent again.
In front of these examples I provide numbers of
sub-items in the previous item #B1 of this web
page, in which sub-items I provided (green) links
to detailed descriptions of a given device. And so:
My "Magnocrafts" almost every day are seen
by someone somewhere in the world, only that they are
then called "UFOs". After all, already in 1981 I developed
a formal scientific proof (which no-one could refute,
though many have tried), that "UFOs are already
operational Magnocrafts" - for descriptions of this
proof, see sub-item 4 from item #B1, or see my web
page named
"Oscillating Chambers" which I invented, NOT
only that have already been seen on the UFO decks
and reported by many UFO abductees, but were also
photographed and left on earth many permanent
burn marks. For examples of these see "Fig. #H1"
from the web page
or see "Fig. #C9abcd" from the web page
My "Telekinetic Vehicles" (means the "Magnocrafts
of the Second Generation"), similarly as my magnetic
"Magnocraft of the First Generation", are already seen by
people in the form of UFOs that operate on the principles
of telekinesis. These UFOs can be identified by the
use of hexagonal Oscillatory Chambers, by the white
"extraction glow" that surrounds them, by the ability to
disappear from the human field of view due to the so-called
"telekinetic flickering" (see "Fig. #I2" from the web page
and by their ability to penetrate through walls and through
solid objects. There are also numerous reports of people
abducted on such telekinetic UFOs.
My "Magnocrafts of the Third Generation", means my
"Time Vehicles" ("time machines"), are also often
sighted on Earth, while people are abducted into them.
For examples see item #G1 from my web page
or item #F2 from my web page
or see the report of Miss Nosbocaj from the abduction to
just such a "Time-Vehicle UFO" provided in subsection
UB1 from volume 16 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
The "Telekinetic Battery" of my invention turned out
to be built-in each of the three free energy machines owned
by the Swiss religious group named "Methernitha".
I mean, this battery is already built-in both, the two-disc
"Thesta Distatica", as well as in both single-disc machines
"Testatica". Actually, all these three machines in the sense
of principles of their operation are actually electrostatic
motors, the only task of which motors is to generate a
series of electrical impulses which initiate the work of
embedded into them "telekinetic cell" - which I just invented.
That working Thesta Distatica, along with two
similar to it machines named "Testatica", probably still
are owned by the Swiss religious group called Methernitha
(after 1991 I have NOT visited again this group, so I do
not know what happens to the machines which are in
the possession of it). Also the old "crystal radios"
had embedded into them a version of my "Telekinetic Battery"
which supplied them into the energy required to their work -
for details see item #G1, #C1 i #E1.4 on my web page named
A version of my "Telekinetic Battery" is also one amongst
components of the "Telepathic Pyramid" - the history of
which I described in item #E1.1 from my web page named
The "Davey's Boiler" also was built by Davey himself.
I saw it in his house, and even photographed it at work
(although Mr Davey did NOT permit me to carry out the
measurements of the energy efficiency of his boiler).
It was also tested and checked in work by a number
of New Zealand scientists. Several DIY enthusiasts
were reporting to me also, that they managed to recreate
the construction and operation of this boiler - the only
thing I am NOT sure is whether in this re-creation they
managed to properly "fine-tune" it (apparently, it is able
to work even without fine-tuning - but non-tuned boiler
demonstrates a higher losses of energy).
The large-scale version of the "Telepathic Pyramid"
has already been built in the United States under the name
of LIGO (see sub-tem 28) and it started to work in 2015.
The history of it is described in item #E1.1 from the web page
Only that for various reasons does NOT lie in the interests
of LIGO creators the public confession, that the operation
and the general design of their installation, copy exactly, or
exactly coincide with, the principle of operation and the
overall design of the Telepathic Pyramid, nor confess
that LIGO intercepted "telepathic signal", NOT the
"gravitational waves". (After all, it is more beneficial
for them to claim what they claim.)
The "Telepathic Telescopes and Projectors" must
already exist and work, because only with their assistance
Daniela Giordano could remotely receive descriptions of
how to build the Telepathic Pyramid. In other words,
the mysterious giver, who explained to Daniela Giordano
how to build the Telepathic Pyramid, have to use for this
purpose a Telepathic Projector.
The "Zhang Heng Seismograph" was built and
operated some 2,000 years ago. The proofs for that
are Chinese historical chronicles. In turn the only reason
why today's scientists fail all attempts to reconstruct it,
is that these scientists do NOT want to accept my
explanation that this "seismograph" works on the principle of
telepathy -
as I explained it to them in a number of my publications,
e.g. in the paper
Metal remains of the "Telepathic Phone", which
I re-invented, were rescued by someone from the original
place of use, and after a series of subsequent transfers
and rescues, they landed at the end in the Marian Basilica
from Polish Gdansk. I wonder if their researching (for
which I, unfortunately, do NOT have funds nor the instrumentation)
would show that originally this phone comes from one of
the churches in the rich city-island of Vineta, which city
in a manner similar to today's Singapore, once existed on
the coast of Baltic Sea, near the present-day Polish Świnoujście -
as this is described in items #H2 and #G2 from my web page named
(Notice from the descriptions in next item #B3, that Vineta,
as well as a number of other cities described
in items #H2 to #H6 from the web page
was deliberately destroyed as a punishment because of the
highly immoral behaviour of their citizens - as warn us about
this the descriptions of biblical cities of Sodom, Gomorrah
and Nineveh.)
Let us summarize still with other words the above
list of examples of already built and certainly working
devices, which principles of operation and general
design I invented, or worked out, as the first scientist
on Earth, but the existence and work of which are
falsely denied by many present scientists and policy
makers. Namely, the actual existence of already built
and working examples of these devices is the further
evidence for the profound truth of words stated in
the Bible (see the Gospel of St. Mark, verse 6:3-6) -
I quote: So they began
to stumble at him. But Jesus went on to say to them:
"A prophet is not unhonored except in his home
territory and among his relatives and in his own
house." So he was able to do no powerful work
there except to lay his hands upon a few sickly
ones and cure them. Indeed, he wondered at
their lack of faith."
* * *
Fig. #B2. Here are both sides of the German-language
version of the leaflet which encourages people to see the
video entitled "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio." This leaflet is also
saved in a secure format of photographs "JPG" that is
used to transfer the images, while the copying of it also
is NOT blocked. Therefore, the reader also can easily
download it to own computer, so that then he/she can
read it, or print it for giving to friends, or even attach to
an email and sent to the German-speaking people whom
the reader would like to convince to watch the film discussed
here. If the reader has an access to the bulletin board
that can be read by persons familiar with the German
language, e.g. in the place of work, study, meetings, in
a club, etc., he/she may also print out this German-language
leaflet and place it there, to introduce some discussion
and excitement to the proverbial "stagnant pond
with sleeping fishes." (Click onto this leaflet to see it
enlarged or to save it on your own computer's hard disk!)
Because neither the leaflet, nor the film promoted
by it, provide literature references which would
describe in detail the ideas presented in the film
discussed here, links to the German-language
descriptions of these ideas the reader is to find
in "part #B" of the German web page devoted to
the description of this film, which (web page) is named
(i.e. the web page which is the German version of
this web page) - especially in items #B1 and #B2 of it.
Destructions caused to our civilization by the official
science because of insistence to NOT accept the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
philosophy of totalizm,
nor any other futuristic achievements presented
in the film "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio":
"Monopoly is good for a few, competition is good for everyone."
Let us consider for a moment, how the reader
would judge a scientific article published in a
journal of the world fame, in which a group of
highly successful scientists financed e.g. by
banana producers, summarized results of their
research on time-lengths of walks in the open
air by people with a variety of personal features.
To perform the research the fairest as they can,
these scientists would have taken into account
people's features resulting from the Darwinian Theory
of Evolution. And so, they would study the influence
on the time-length of walks of such alternative
personal features as having a bald head or full
head hair, the use of artificial teeth or their own
jaws, the having or not having a rheumatism, and
of course, the fact of eating, or not eating, every
day at least one banana - after all, their research
would be financed by producers of bananas.
To also conduct research in line with the current
trend of social and political correctness accepted
by the today's world, that all humans are supposedly
equal and therefore none people are allowed to
be discriminated, these scientists do not distinguish
between the races of people nor between different
sexes or kinds of transvestites - declaring that these
differences are irrelevant to results of their research.
As a result of costly and deep research on a sample
of several thousand of walkers, they would arrive
to the final conclusion, which thoroughly and
scientifically they would describe in their article,
namely that the longest duration of walks in the
open air show people who are bald, with artificial
teeth, with rheumatism, and who eat the daily minimum
of one banana (probably enriching their level of
potassium). The question that is worth to ask
here of ourselves, is whether on the basis of such
an article the reader should try to quickly acquire
these features, which the article proves to be inducing
very healthy lifestyle, namely the bald head, false teeth,
rheumatism, and the habit of eating every day
at least one banana, because these features
will help him/her to spend the most time while
walking in the open air - which walks are highly
healthy and therefore very desirable? Of
course, everyone who knows the truth about life,
would immediately shout "nonsense" and "pure
absurdity"! The reason is that these scientists
have NOT taken into account in their research the
"weather", while all the conclusions to which
they arrived are actually products of the weather.
After all, the fact that people who are bald, with
artificial teeth, rheumatism, and who eat a daily
portion of at least one banana, spend so much
time while walking, is because they are old retirees
on pensions, so they can always choose the time
of their walk when there is NOT raining. Meanwhile,
the rest of the people are young, most of the day
they must work to earn a living, and when at last
they could go for a walk, typically is just starting to rain!
The above example I purposely invented so that
in a best and humorous way I could illustrate
with it the non-compliance with the moral criteria
of activities of professional researchers and
decision-makers of today's official atheistic
science, and the resulting from this non-compliance
the nonsense and falsity of conclusions to which
they keep arriving. This is because the extrapolation
of such behaviours of present scientists and
decision-makers onto the scientific achievements
illustrated and discussed in the
film entitled "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio", i.e. onto the
theories, philosophies, scientific discoveries,
inventions and formal scientific proofs presented
in this film, perfectly explains a lot of problems
that encounters the researching, dissemination
and implementation of these achievements. For
example, it explains why several scientific decision makers
tried to remove me from their university immediately
after they discovered what topics I am researching
and popularizing in my spare time and with my own
funding. It also explains why none academic institution
in the world openly endorsed nor adopted the research
and development of any among my inventions - even though
the proposals and projects of starting such a research
and development were posted out to almost all research
and development institutions in the world that are dealing
with topics of an interest to me. It also explains why
research policy makers and the entire official science
secretly block, while openly ignore and boycott every
scientific idea which derives its origin from my
theory of everything called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
and from my
philosophy of totalizm -
though for the good of all humanity, this theory and philosophy
should be already taught in virtually every high school and
university to balance with it the atheistic worldviews, falsely
forced on youth in there, while the new ideas derived from
this theory and philosophy should be earnestly implemented
in everyday life.
Although the example of research discussed at the
beginning of this item was just invented, it perfectly
reflects the today's situation with scientific research.
In research carried out at present, professional scientists
seem to routinely ignore what actually is most important
for the results, namely the "level of morality" in the
people affected by work of whatever is the topic of given
research, and also the reaction of God on this level of morality.
On the other hand, in our world, for which it already has been
formally proven that God does exist, absolutely everything
must be dependent on the level of human morality and
on the response of God to this level - means on the level
of human obedience in fulfilling the requirements and
precepts of God and on the principles of the God's response
to such a level of obedience. (For the totaliztic definition,
stating that "morality is the level
at which humans obey God's commandments and
requirements", see item #B5 from my web page named
in turn for the most important among formal scientific proofs
that God exists - see item #G2 on my web page named
Therefore, without taking into account the morality and
methods of God's acting as the factors that determine
the fate of humans, virtually everything that scientists
of today are researching leads to conclusions as absurd
as in the above my invented example of researching
walkers! The absurdity of such conclusions of the official
science is proven best by my findings published on
totaliztic web pages, which reveal the existence of a strong
and actual interdependence, between the fate of individual
people and also the entire so-called "group intellects",
and the level of morality that characterizes their lives.
For example, in item #G1 of my web page named
I described my discovery which once shocked me immensely,
but which then opened the door to next very important discoveries,
namely that people who already in
their youth learned to not listen to the voice of their conscience,
and hence who from an early age entered the path of immorality,
are dying at a relatively young age. A similar fate meets
also group intellects. For example, in item #D3 of this web page
is described what happened to the state company "P. P. Drainage"
which harmed farmers from the
village of Wszewilki.
In turn in items #I3 and #I3.1 from my web page named
are described results of my research on disasters and calamities
that plagued neighbouring human settlements, but always spared
the New Zealand town of
near which lived these required by the Bible at least 10 people
with especially moral behaviour, which the Bible calls "righteous".
On the other hand, in items #H2 to #H6 from the web page named
I described the destruction of a number of cities that were famous
in their times because of the highly immoral conduct of their residents -
means such cities as Vineta on the Baltic Sea, Salamis in Cyprus,
Saeftinghe in the Netherlands, Port Royal in Jamaica, and Kororareka
in New Zealand. Of course, my web pages contain much more similar
examples - for further of them see the index provided on the web page named
The point that I am trying to make here for the reader,
is that if in research of fates of individual people and
the so-called "group intellects" is completely omitted
the taking into account their "morality" and the response
of God to a given level of human morality, then the conclusions
that are derived from such research represent a complete
nonsense. This in turn leads to findings that I described
at a whole range of totaliztic web pages, namely that NOT
only some of the statements of the official science (such
as statements about the discovery of "gravitational waves" or
"Higgs boson" -
which I described in item #E1.1 from my web page named
but practically everything about
which speaks officially the monopolistic science (i.e. that
science which still jealously guards its monopoly on research
and on education) is a notorious lie and a deceiving people
"hoax on wheels", and thus entrusting such lies and
deception of science already led our world to immorality, chaos,
misery, exploitation and injustice which we see now around us, while
if the humanity do NOT repent on time and do NOT cease doing
of whatever the official science directs it to, then this is to lead the
humanity to the self-destruction.
On totaliztic web pages I described numerous examples
to what misery and destruction leads distortions and lies
disseminated by the present official science - for examples
see items #T1 to #T8 from my web page named
items #M1 to #M2 from the web page named
items #A1 to #A5 and #F5 from my web page named
the entire web page named
the entire web page named
the entire web page named
and several yet further totaliztic web pages. In turn
how numerous are these distortions and lies, and
how deeply they are nested already in the very
foundations of the old official science, also explains
the whole range of totaliztic web pages and publications -
for examples see subsection H1.3 from volume 4 of my newest
monograph [1/5],
or item #C4.7 from the web page named
or item #D4 from the web page named
or item #K1 from the web page named
or the entire web page named
Frankly speaking, it was only when I realized all
the consequences of this deliberate avoidance
by the official science of taking (in practically all the research)
into account the impact of human morality (and
also the response of God to the human immorality),
that I started to understood what was actually God
having in mind when in the Bible He explained what
I more specifically developed in item #C4.7 from
the web page named
namely (see the Bible, Matthew, verses 7:17-18),
quote: "every good tree
bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.
A good tree can not bear bad fruit, nor can a
bad tree bear a good fruit." After all,
one of the purposes of this explanation is to warn
people, amongst others, what is to happens in
situations like with today's science, for example,
what happens if the humanity entrusts the findings
of the present official science and continually implements
in real life whatever these findings suggest.
The reason for which the official science got lost
and already since a long time leads the humanity
directly toward a self-destruction, is that we allowed science
to become a monopolistic institution. In turn
each monopolistic institution quickly falls deeper
and deeper into "corruption" described in more
detail, among others, in item #E3 from my web
page named
On the other hand with
the elapse of time the corruption of monopolistic
institutions quickly reaches 100% level of advancement,
at which given institutions in practice are starting
to serve the goal which is an exact opposite of
the goal for the fulfilment of which these institutions
were originally established. In fact, right
now increasingly more institutions in the world are reaching
the level, and the situation, of such 100% corruption -
in this number many governments of entire countries.
(It is extremely hard to find nowadays a government
that would not operate as a monopolistic institution.)
It is also almost an irony, that the humanity long ago
had developed an effective method for balancing monopolies,
which method prevents the achievement by monopolies
of this highly destructive 100% level of corruption.
This method is known as the "competition".
Unfortunately, in recent times, this method is applied
increasingly less in the public life. For example,
in order to repair present errors,
distortions and lies of the official science, it would be
enough to officially create for it a competition in form of
the new "totaliztic science" - as this is explained
more comprehensively in item #C6 from my web page named
However, the old, official, atheistic science, is to defend
itself as it can against the loss of its monopoly, that is,
against the official establishing of the new "totaliztic science".
After all, my theory of everything called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity and the
philosophy of totalizm
were created in 1985 (means as long ago as 31 years prior
to producing in 2016 the discussed here film "Dr Jan Pajak
portfolio") and they are continuously published and disseminated
throughout all that long time. In spite of this, still even now
the official science insists that neither my "theory of everything"
nor the philosophy of totalizm is officially recognized, and the
spread of them is blocked - although in contrast to the "erroneous"
theories and philosophies disseminated by the old official
science, for my Concept of Dipolar Gravity and for totalizm
their accuracy and compliance with reality have already
been proven. That insistence of the official science causes
untold destruction and losses for our whole civilization -
to what I am trying to draw the reader's attention in
descriptions from this item. On the other hand, the
official establishing of such a new competitive "totaliztic
science" would force the old official science to start the
responsible telling of truth and to put more attention
and actual research into whatever now this old science
does profitably, irresponsibly and in an almost mindless
manner. After all, if there is a competitive towards the
old, new "totaliztic science", then in every case of spreading
lies by the old science, the new science would make these
lies corrected (as indeed, in spite that I work alone, still
I am trying to do already). Therefore, such an official
establishing of a new competitive "totaliztic science"
must be imposed forcefully by people and by governments,
and NOT left to luminaries of science and scientific policy
makers to make this establishing by themselves voluntarily.
However, it is worth the effort, because it can save the
humanity from impending doom that is arriving now rather
quickly - that is, dear reader, it perhaps may, among other
things, save your own life and lives of those whom you
love the most.
Unfortunately, knowing the today's biggest weakness
of humanity, which is the "passivity" and
"complacency" described in item #N2 from my web page named
we should know in advance what will happen with
the official creation of the new "totaliztic science".
Namely, people will ruminate over it, and perhaps
even debate it, but they will NOT act - as they are
currently also doing regarding the "global warming".
They will be reeling over it until about 2040, when
arrives the destruction of humanity predicted in
the discussed here film from
entitled "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio". In turn, after that destruction,
everything will be destroyed - including the official science.
Thus, these few people who are to survive the calamity, will
need to start building again everything from the very scratch.
Of course, knowing already that it was the previous official atheistic
science that pushed the mankind to destruction, they are to rebuild
NOT the old official science, but the new "totaliztic science".
However, there will be a problem again. Namely this problem
will then lay in the fact, that even the new "totaliztic science",
if it existed and operated without any competition, with the
elapse of time will also fall a victim of the "corruption" - thus
the current problems with the monopoly of science will over
time be repeated again. Therefore, most preferably would be,
if already now people stopped briefly that passive viewing of
television and chumming sandwiches, and rather already now
have created a new "totaliztic science" - when the old science
still has NOT been destroyed (so that both of these sciences,
from now acting in the situation of competition with each other,
would stop each other from falling into claws of corruption,
and thus would busily tend towards the good of the entire
human civilization). After all, the appointment of such a new
science is NOT difficult at all. It is just enough that in a country,
e.g. in Poland, New Zealand, or Korea, at the beginning would
be open at least one state institution of higher education
(e.g. a university), which would employ only scientists
already practicing the
philosophy of totalizm
and hence able to pass the "entrance exam" from the knowledge
of this philosophy, as well as all universities and schools of the
country would begin to balance the current imbalance in the
atheistic teachings by starting the compulsory teaching of the
philosophy of totalizm
and my theory of everything called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
General information about the film "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio":
The film described hare is approximately 35
minutes long. The designer of its scenario,
the author of animation, and the producer
of it is Dominik Myrcik. The film is entitled
"Dr Jan Pajak portfolio".
The film "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio" in a very interesting,
lively and eloquent manner documents, animates and
explains these ones among the most important results
of my research and inventiveness, which should be of
interest to almost everyone. For example, it discusses,
among others, the quickly incoming
mass extinction of our
civilization, that the most of people alive
currently on Earth will soon have the dubious privilege
of personal experience on themselves - if in the
meantime the humanity will NOT try to implement
in real life those NOT violating moral criteria future
technical devices which are described in the film
discussed here. The reasons for the scenario of this
mass extinction of people I described in more detail,
among others, in items #H1 to #H3 from my web page named
Moreover, the fact that this mass extinction is already
coming, independently from me is noticing a growing
number of people open to the truth. After all, it is enough
to carefully look out the window today, to note that
we are like passengers in a speeding train, which
rushes along the tracks that are ending to an already
visible cliff, but the pleadings of which passengers
directed to the engine drivers that control the train
go onto deaf ears. My personal report on the
progress of humanity in approaching towards this
mass extinction, the reader can find e.g. in items
#T1 to #T8 from my web page named
in items #A1 to #A5 of the web page named
as well as in pages that I am pointing above in items
#G1, #F2, #E3 and #A1 from my web page named
The film "Dr Jan Pająk portfolio" can be viewed
on almost every device with a screen connected
to the Internet and with access to
(including on PCs). Hence, I would recommend
to watch it several times, including pre-watching
(first time and fast) on the screen of your home
computer. In turn after such preliminary learning
of what this film shows, you can better understand
and appreciate its detailed descriptions from this
web page. Thus, soon after that first viewing, I
would recommend to read the film's descriptions
from selected items of "part #B" of this
web page. In the end, i.e. after learning descriptions
in which we are interested, it is worth to see the
film again, this time seeing it in more detailed way and with
greater understanding.
For this repeated, detailed viewing of the film I
would recommend to use a large screen of the
modern TV - e.g. in own home, or in home of
your family or friends. (Of course, if the reader
has such a TV readily available, then he/she can watch
this film in TV already for the first, initial time.) After all,
if the reader wishes to experience and appreciate
the artistry of the images and sounds, as well as
learn details of its story, and wonderfully designed
and constructed its images and animations, then
it is best to see it just on a big screen of a modern
TV. Such a modern TV is to fully emphasize its
qualitative features, such as high definition (HD),
high quality (HQ), and excellent colors and sounds.
Hence, the best for watching it would be a so-called
"smart" TV which, by definition, has a direct connection
with the Internet (I watch it on my 42-inch "smart"
TV from LG company – i.e. the same one, for which I programmed
my "playlists", for example the "playlist" available at
or would be a TV that is connected to a computer,
and that computer is in turn connected to the Internet.
The film discussed here is really designed and
produced superbly (after all, its production took
half a year of work and lasted since November
2015 till May 2016). Thus, although those fierce
enemies and critics, many of which my discoveries
and scientific achievements still have, probably
immediately accuse me here of bias, I believe
that it is the best film presenting anyone's scientific
achievements which so far has been made and
placed on YouTube - if anyone believes otherwise
then I challenge him or her to indicate to us any
better film of this type. In fact, I consider it to
be a huge honour and pleasure for me, that so
perfect film shows the most significant "milestones"
of my current scientific achievements. I could NOT
get a more precious gift on my 70th birthday than
this film is!
What makes me particularly happy is that this film
was designed, animated and produced by a Polish
person, or more specifically by an Upper Silesian.
In this way, it also proves how talented and perfectionist
are those people originating from Poland. So it cannot
surprise us the saying, which I described in item #E1.1
from my web page named
for some time disseminated in England and
stating something along the lines "hire a Polish
emigrant, and he will complete a given job four times
faster and for only about one-fourth of the price of an
English professional". What a pity that all this talent,
knowledge and capabilities of people born and educated
in Poland are now serving for other nations. Hopefully,
my efforts described (in Polish), amongst others, on the web page
are to redirect to the progress of Poland these all Polish
intellectual accomplishments derived from Poland, and
thus over time will result in the restoration to Poland of
its former moral power, size, prosperity and strength
proverbially inspiring other nations from a sea to a sea.
Images of the discussed film create a perfect visual
foundation for descriptions from almost all the totaliztic
web pages, while the emotional charge contained
in them moves to depth. Thus, in connection with
the explanations and evidence shared on this and
on other totaliztic web pages, the film has the
potential to provide that breakthrough impulse
which changes the course of life of the viewer.
From the feedback opinions, which on this film
reached me so far, it stems quite clearly that it
has just such an effect on the viewer.
Part #C:
How the film "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio" was received:
Quantitative data on viewing the film:
This film "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio" was uploaded
to YouTube in evening on 5th of May 2016 (London time). On 19th of May
2016 NZ time (means after 11 days), around NZ midday,
the number of viewers of the Polish version of it
passed through the first milestone of 1000 views.
In the same day and time the English version was
viewed 75 times, while the German version was
viewed 166 times. (It is worth to add, that Poland
is inhabited by around 35 millions of people, while
almost the entire world speaks English - so the
number of people who potentially could view the
English version of this film is at least 100 times
greater than the number of Polish speaking people,
while on that 19th of May 2016 the real number
of English speaking viewers was less than one-tenth
of the Polish speaking viewers of this film. It explains
the present situation of the world which we can notice.)
Feedback opinions about the film:
Practically so-far the entire feedback is positive
and enthusiastic. The only matter which people
are unaware and thus ask about, is that all
my inventions illustrated in the film, actually
were already build by someone, and are, or
were in past, already working - only that
someone who build them either does NOT
want, or is unable, to give to us the working
model of these inventions. Unfortunately,
in order to recognise that they are, or were,
already build, I first needed to invent them from
the scratch, and only then I could recognise
them in objects which we see but NOT understand.
Therefore, I decided to develop in item #B of
this web page, the detailed description as to
"who" and "where" already build my inventions,
and also how we can be sure that they are
already build and working since we cannot
buy them in our shops.
Part #D:
The report from my efforts to be allowed to receive a
parcel with free gift of leaflets shown in item #A2, so
that I could distribute these leaflets around the area
of my living in a way which fulfils the "zero-dollar"
totaliztic principle (i.e. without involving any payments on any side):
(This "part #D" is the continuation of item
#A3 from this web page.)
Why in life we need to try to overcome obstacles:
In item #C4.2 of my web page named
I described the work of so-called moral
field - means the field similar to gravity,
but acting on work of our intellects. This field
works in two stages, namely a short-term, and
a long-term. If we do something that is morally
correct, needed, beneficial, and agreeable with
God's requirements, then in the short-term
work this moral field places obstacles in front
of a person (or a group intellect) who is making
a given effort of doing good deed. Only in
its long-term action (i.e. only after elapses the
so-called "time of return") moral field
starts to "reward" the good deeds that someone
carried out previously. Therefore, according to
recommendations of
totalizmwhenever we do something
that we believe is morally correct and good for all
parties involved, then obstacles for sure are to
appear and our duty is to attempt to overcome
these obstacles, as their existence is the proof
that whatever we try to accomplish is fulfilling
moral criteria and thus will be beneficial in the
long-term work of moral mechanisms.
The only situation when we should "give up" in
face of obstacles, is when from our judgement
stems that the chance of a success is equal to
that from the proverbial situation of a "bull
versus locomotive" (in the difficult case I
am describing here initially it may seem to
be just such a chance).
Report on the progress of my problem with free leaflets:
I must admit, that two days already elapsed
but I still do NOT see clearly how to solve
this problem to a satisfactory level in a way
which would be acceptable from the point
of view of the
philosophy of totalizm -
means which does NOT break any moral
criteria nor any law, and which would make
happy all sides involved. But I know that
at least one such a perfect solution does exist,
only that it is well hidden and thus one needs
to put a lot of effort to find it (totalizm calls this
special solution the "highway through the sea" -
for details see item #A2.4 from my web page
philosophy of totalizm,
item #C4.2 from my web page
or item #J3 from my web page
When I find such a way I immediately report
it here together with outcomes which it provides.
However, on the third day of my memorable conversation
with the NZ uniformed customs officer, I received
the advice what I could continue to do in this case.
This advice gave me someone, whose excellent
knowledge and understanding of life and the principles
of solving life's problems I greatly admire and greatly
respect. Namely, he started from making me aware
that firstly I should somehow find out, what should
be done to make the shipment NOT dutiable. Since
the NZ uniformed customs officer said that my leaflet
represents an "enterprise" (i.e. "the company"), she
has her opinion be based on some law. Thus it would
be good, that I firstly receive the information, or opinion,
of a lawyer, that's my activities, at least these private
ones, are NOT the subject to duties because they are
non-commercial, and I do NOT have any established
business, the existence of which requires the documentation
of a company such as a business or an enterprise.
So I would require a legal opinion, on which basis the
NZ Customs may require a payment from the person
who does not lead any gainful activity.
In order to receive such an opinion, the person
who advised me suggested that, as so-far, I cannot
yet "appeal" in the matter of leaflets, as such an
"appeal" could in fact be only my reaction to another
action of the NZ Customs Office. After all, so-far
that authority has not yet taken any action - only
their uniformed officer informed me about such
a possibility, but there was no official letter. For
this reason, I should firstly describe my visit to
their office (but without details), and inform the
office that I was during that visit told to hire an
agent and to pay customs duties during receiving
a package with PRIVATE leaflets (print) for a
person not carrying out business activities nor
having documentation of an economic activity,
and therefore I would like to seek the written
opinion of the authority, i.e. if they could show
me a legal basis to require the payment of such
a fee from a private individual, or if they could
send me an internet link to the text of the law
that then I could have read it, because I would
like to be sure, that the collecting such a fee
has a legal basis. Of course, this letter would
have to be written in the conditional toner, politely,
as a query, writing something like "inquiry regarding
the legal basis for requesting the payment of duty
from private individuals".
After receiving the above advice, I began to "attempt"
its implementation. This trying took me a few days,
because I have to admit here that I am NOT "strong"
in writing the official polite letters (in this case email)
in English. During this trying, I recalled that as a student
of one of the last years of my studies at the Technical
University of Wroclaw, Poland, I practically went already
through a very similar situation and experience. This is
because I got then into an exchange of similar official
correspondence with a kind of state-owned enterprise
(P. P.) existing then in
whose exact name I do not remember now, but because
it carried out the "drainage" of agricultural land, among
others in the village of
including the small, 3-hectare land belonging to my parents,
in my descriptions of that situation and experiences that I am
to provide below, that company I will call "P. P. Drainage".
That my correspondence with this "P. P. Drainage" is quite
educating, because it strongly suggests what most likely
would be the final consequences and final "achievements"
of any of my getting into a similar exchange of letters with
the New Zealand Customs Office. So let us firstly carry out
a "case study" of that historical event.
The historical "case study" of my struggle with "P. P. Drainage"
regarding the fair treatment, and what this case indicates:
"In collisions of 'a bull with a locomotive', instantly bull always loses, however, after the
'time of return' the moral mechanisms cause that the locomotive lands in a scrap metal yard."
This happened in the final years of my studies
at the Technical University of Wroclaw. In the
village Wszewilki
highly active was then the state-owned company,
to which the previous item #D2 refers under the
name "P. P. Drainage". The company carried out
the maintenance, and where it was needed - also
re-digging, an ex-German drainage ditch that near
the town of Milicz fell into the river Barycz, while
by Wszewilki it ran along the foot of raised sandy
slope on which extend the buildings of that village.
These works it carried out repeatedly, every few
years, already for a longer period of time. As a
result, the inhabitants of Wszewilki village had
a lot of time to compare effects of its work with
previous times when the company still did NOT
exist, and to notice the ecological consequences
of its activities.
I at that time did not live in Wszewilki any longer,
because I studied in
But during almost every my arrival to the family home,
my parents complained to me about this company.
Namely, it turned out that instead of increasing crop
yields and help farmers from Wszewilki, the company
actually hurt farmers, because the effects of its activities
significantly reduced the groundwater levels, causing
droughts and declining crop yields, and in addition, with
the elapse of time it began to demand from the farmers
additional fees for their alleged "services". (Although,
as a state owned company, it was funded at a sufficient
level by the state to pay from state funding for all its
activities. However, the splashy, wasteful and greedy
procedures of its management board, which today well
describes the word "corruption", caused that it
fell into a chronic deficit, which it sought to eliminate by
inventing and imposing additional charges on farmers
of Wszewilki village.) What was even more moving, is
that my father always thoroughly cleaned himself and
deepened the proportion of that ditch which ran along
the land of my parents. So the company almost never
did any work on the parents' section of that trench, but
still demanded from parents of the standard fees for
their alleged "services". (My father always thoroughly
deepened and cleaned his section of the ditch because
of the fish. Namely, such a deep and double-sided open
ditch formed a kind of prolonged pond, where the annual
spring floods poured in fish, which sometimes we were
able to catch before they were caught by the other neighbours
having taste for them, hence with which sometimes we
could supplement our meagre supply in meat that in these
times was very difficult to acquire by our poor family.)
In those days I did NOT know yet about the sign
of "reversed function" described in more detail in
(B1) from item #E3 of my web page named
Namely I did NOT know yet that
if the true functions
and goals of the current activities of a given "group
intellect" represent a complete reversal of functions
and goals for the achievement of which this intellect
was originally established, then that is a sign that the
intellect has already reached 100% level of corruption,
means that its behaviour is governed solely by the greed
and cronyism, while as such in its activities it already
ceased completely to guide itself by the rule of law,
justice , morality, the welfare of others, etc. On the
other hand, NOT knowing about this "sign of 100%
corruption", and often listening to endless complaints
of my parents about 'fruits' of the activities of this
company, I wrote to them a letter, in which I explained
all these reservations which to it had my parents.
I mean, I explained to them the reduction of crop
yields due to lowering of the ground water level
and due droughts caused by it, I reminded to them
that the drainage ditch running by the land of my
parents is always carefully dredged and maintained,
so that the company did not have to perform any
action on it, and I also have referred to a law, which
then I found, and which establishing this kind of
state-owned companies in Poland stated that their
services will be free of charge for farmers.
While writing this letter, I did not realize then yet,
that human laws can be "stretched" like a rubber,
i.e. that the familiar with twisting the laws lawyers
can "interpret" them in various convenient ways,
and thus ultimately for the person who has access
the best-paid lawyers they always allow to achieve
the result on which he/she counts. As a result, after
sending that first letter, for the next about two years
I was forced to laboriously write more and more letters,
trying to bring with them from the constantly slipping
out company some beneficial for my parents outcome
of this legal "ping-pong". In fact, if I could then transform
the time and effort devoted to these letters into some
paid work, then I would have earned more than the
fees required by that company from my parents. So
the only thing that in this way I got, was that when
this "PP Drainage" officially asked the local "citizen
tribunal" to punish all the farmers of the village Wszewilki,
who do NOT have paid the outstanding fees payable
to this company, it made an exception for my parents
and did NOT demanded punishment or delinquent
payment. However, the activities of the company was
still continued in the previous way, still harming the
productivity of agricultural land of my parents, and
still exposing the entire village Wszewilki to unwarranted
costs and losses.
For me, a relatively educational turns out to be the
later fate of that company and of its operations,
which took place already after the elapse of the
"time of return". Namely, when the "Solidarity"
toppled communist rule in Poland, in Milicz was
created some other company (this time NOT owned
by state) that instead of "drainage" of the land
of Wszewilki, most of the land turned into fish
ponds. But because these ponds already operate
on different principles of "hydraulics", NOT "drainage",
that, "PP Drainage" was "killed" by it - exactly like
the descriptions of signs (B) from item #E3 of my web page
explain, that after the "time of return" just to such
a killing are subjected all group intellects that are
corrupt already at 100%. In the case of that corrupt
at 100% group intellect "P. P. Drainage", it is even
possible to estimate roughly of how much was for
it this "time of return" - I roughly estimate this time
at approximately 25 years. Thus, if e.g. those my
struggles took place today, which is around 2016,
the killing of this group intellect would take place
around 2040 - i.e. in the years about tragic events
of which quite clearly speaks the film "Dr Jan Pajak portfolio".
The listing of reasons why I decided to refrain
from any further contacts with Customs:
My past experience in the Communist Poland
with "P. P. Drainage", seem to suggest, that
because of the ambiguity of human laws,
individual person does NOT have the slightest
chance to convince the accustomed to the use
of human submission large state institution,
to interpret the law in a different and more
consistent with moral criteria, than the
interpretation of these laws already practiced
by that institution. This in turn practically means,
that if I actually got into some form by mail
"ping-pong" with the New Zealand Customs
Office, then I lose my precious time, energy
and morale, while the matters still would not
change. In addition to this, a longer and a
deeper analysis of the situation revealed
to me also, that eventual my attempt to
obtain the consent of that Customs Office
for a duty-free, NO "agents" use, and "zero-dollar"
permission to receive the posted to me parcel
with a foreign shipment of free (gifted) leaflets,
does NOT mean that the leaflets would cause
change for which I counted. There is a whole
range of reasons for this. Let us now list at least
most important among them:
With my "zero-dollar" principle of conduct in life, these
leaflets I still would have to personally deliver to homes
from the area where I live. However, winter is coming
to NZ, means the time the cold rains, winds, lightning flashes
and storms. In addition, from my previous experience,
which I described in item #N4 from my web page
it appears that such distribution of leaflets is often associated
with rather unpleasant treatment, dog attacks, with the issuances
of exposing oneself to the action of elements, not to mention the
long hours of everyday systematic work and contribution of physical
fatigue. In turn my personal dedication to the distribution of these
leaflets, would cause that I would have to simultaneously neglect
other activities which I pursue, e.g. the further development and
popularization of the
philosophy of totalizm.
The unnecessary endangering of the idea of "telekinesis
free zone". After all, during a possible helping of
local "golden hands" I would have to consider the idea
of "telekinesis free zone". This is because in order to
avoid future commitment by mankind of a similar error
regarding telekinesis, that the humanity already committed
regarding pesticides and antibiotics, while currently equally
mindlessly scientists take to re-commit regarding the GE
(ie. "Genetic Engineering"), as the discoverer of "telekinesis"
and inventor and operating telekinetic devices, I suggested
in my web page named
that at the area of entire New Zealand, Australia and Antarctica,
was established the "telekinesis free zone". In turn the establishment
of such a zone practically means, that on this area may NOT
be tested, manufactured, or used any devices operating on
principles of telekinesis. This in turn also means that even if
a "handyman" from New Zealand, for example, wanted to build
my "telekinetic cell" and had every opportunity for doing so,
I still would be forced to refuse my advice and intellectual
support for his/her efforts and activities.
The need to avoid inducing a negative tradition around
my inventions. In several places of my web pages
I explained the fatal consequences of surrounding with
a negative (immoral) tradition of a direction of human
activities. For example, in the caption under "Fig. #1"
from my web page named
in item #C4.7 from my web page named
and also in item #K1 from my web page named
I explained that with such a negative tradition
already was surrounded the rocket propulsion
system. Hence the moral mechanisms cause
that this propulsion system will never be generating
"good fruit" that in its long-term action
would serve for the actual good of the humanity
(for the explanation as to what "good fruit" I mean,
see the quotation from the Bible discussed in item
#B3 of this web page). In turn last two above web
pages, as well as, among others, items #M1
and #M2 on yet another my page named
describe are similar immoral traditions with which
was surrounded the nuclear energy. This is why
nuclear energy, nor any of its "fruits" in its long-term
effect will ever serve for the actual good of humanity.
After realizing this, I find it hard to make myself to
get into into any further debate regarding the leaflets,
which would make me risking that through these
debates my inventions intended for the benefit of
entire mankind could be accidentally surrounded
by a similarly negative tradition.
A significant probability that the group intellect of country
New Zealand has already been punished by the "forced
passivity". In item #N2 from my web page named
I explained that intellects which practice a serial passivity,
in the long-term work of moral mechanisms may be
punished by the so-called "forced passivity". In turn
watching the current situation in NZ, I have an impression,
that this punishment has already been imposed onto it.
If this was really so, then any attempt to do anything that
would try to break this "forced passivity" before the events
discussed in the film only for around 2040, including e.g.
my attempts to persuade New Zealanders to undertake
the construction of one of my inventions, could NOT bring
any results. After all, by the consequences of this "forced
passivity" they would in advance be doomed to fail.
The danger that the fervour of the struggle could also
distort for the outside audience the clarity of goals
towards accomplishing of which I try to serve.
After all, there is a saying that
"the first victim of every
war is the truth". In addition, many people
have a tendency to judge the conduct of others through
the prism of their own worldviews. Meanwhile, future fate of the
philosophy of totalizm
depends mainly on how people will assess my conduct -
which fact is clearly visible from the consequences for
totalizm of these previous accusations that about me
and about totalizm all sorts of evil-doers have placed
on the Internet. So I should not be risking that struggling
in the name of human progress, I deliver simultaneously
ammunition to enemies of totalizm, who probably then
would have come out with attacks like "if he so persistently
struggles with that customs office, he is probably hoping
for some material benefit, e.g. from the sale of these leaflets".
After all, from the very beginning the uniformed female
oficer of the Customs Office stated that my leaflets bear
the characteristics of the "enterprise" - that is (implicitly)
that probably the hide in themselves some my intention
to 'make a fortune" with their help, after they are duty-free
delivered to me, about which delivery I dared to ask.
* * *
To summarize the above, my more thorough
considering of the matter of any further continuation of such
"Don Kichote" ("Don Quixote") struggle to obtain permission
for a duty-free, "agents-free" and "zero-dollar"
letting the parcel of leaflets to NZ, so that then I could
distribute these leaflets for free to houses in the
vicinity of my place residence, shows that taking
these efforts could bring effects that are exactly
opposite to these intended by me. So I decided
that I abandon the continuation of my efforts
in this matter, and also taught by the previous
experience, in the future I will avoid all voluntary
intentions and actions that would involve me with
the necessity of personal having anything to do
with the New Zealand Customs Office.
Part #E (and next parts):
Further information about the film to be designed and provided here later:
(This part and next parts yet to be designed and written -
thus it is worth to look here again at a later date.)
. . .
Part #J:
To conclude:
Currently there is a lot going on in our civilisation:
As the previous descriptions illustrated
this, there is a lot happening in our civilisation
right now. For example, technical devices already
exist and work, which practically solved all
current problems of our civilisation - including
the problem of energy (which the
telekinetic cells
generate for free by spontaneously absorbing
heat from our environment), the problem of
space exploration (which the starship called the
solves by using the magnetic propulsion system
that allows it to reach speeds of light), the problem
of electromagnetic waves that kill our bees and
induce cancers (which the device called the
solves by using telepathic waves instead of
electromagnetic waves), etc., etc. Since 2007
there is also published a formal scientific proof
which indicates beyond any doubt that
God does exist.
Unfortunately, neither the media, decision makers
of our official science, nor politicians and governments,
wish to acknowledge all this. Thus our civilisation,
like a train controlled by blind people, rushes straight
towards a cliff and own destruction. The film discussed
here illustrates well this highly puzzling situation.
Fig. #J1. Myself, means Dr Eng. Jan Pajak -
while for the duration of 1992 to 1998 and
2007: Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
On the above my most favourite photograph, I
am shown on the background of beautiful New
Zealand landscape at the age of 40 - i.e. when
I still had almost all hair. However, my most
recent appearance shows the passport photo
from Figures #A1, #B1 and #B2 of this web
page, as well as the video from my interview
(in the Polish language) recorded via "Skype",
links to which are provided in item #A4 of this
web page. In turn photographs that illustrate
how my appearance kept changing during 70
years and in a range of different periods of my
life to-date, are shown in "Fig. #1" from the web page named
By education I am a Mechanical Engineer with
the publicly defended degree of a Doctor of
Technical Sciences. However, in my latest
profession, which I practiced until 2005,
and then repeated for 10 months in 2007,
I lectured computer sciences and
information technology. I specialised
mainly in Software Engineering, Web
Technology and in Information Processing
(using the Web Technology). But my
hobby research, carried out until today
in my private time and on my private
cost, amongst others, includes development
of the new, moral, peaceful, constructive,
and uplifting
philosophy of totalizm
which is based on the operation of moral
field, moral laws, moral energy, and karma.
For more details about my life, research, and
work, it is worth to have a look at web pages
about me (i.e. Dr Jan Pajak), or
secular and scientific view of God,
listed in "Menu 1" or
"Menu 2".
One can also read subsection A4 from volume 1 of
monograph [1/5],
free copies of which are available, amongst
others, also via this web page.
How with the web page named
one can find totaliztic descriptions
of topics in which he is interested:
A whole array of topics equally interesting
as these from the above web page, is also
discussed from the angle that is unique to
the philosophy of totalizm. All these related
topics can be found and identified with the use of
content index
prepared especially to make easier finding
these web pages and topics. The name "index"
means a list of "key words" usually provided
at the end of textbooks, which allows to find
fast the description or the topic in which we
are interested. My web pages also has such
a content "index" - only that it is additionally
supplied in green
which after "clicking" at them with a mouse
immediately open the web page with the topic
that interest the reader. This content "index"
is provided on the web page named
It can be called from the "organising" part of
"Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would
recommend to look at it and to begin using it
systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds
of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to
I would suggest to return periodically to this web page in order to check further progress in research and development of totalizm:
The thorough knowledge of
presented on this web page, is immensely
vital for our lives. After all, depending
how well we learn this philosophy, this
is going to reflect on how moral, and
thus also how happy and fulfilled our
lives will be. This is the reason why I
created the web page that summarises
However, accomplishing a progress
in our knowledge of totalizm places
a requirement that I continually advance
research on it. Therefore, even at present
I carry out various experiments aimed at
determining further information about moral
laws, karma, etc. Results of this research are
to be published as soon as they are available
in the final form. Therefore the development
of this web page cannot be considered to be
completely finished, but must be carried out
continually. In future this web page will be
periodically updated, improved and
extended, as soon as any new information
becomes available and I finish verifying it.
So I am inviting to visit this web page again
at some stage in future, in order to check
what new becomes known to us regarding
totalizm, moral laws, moral field, karma, etc.
It is also worth to check periodically blogs
of totalizm some of which operate already
since April 2005, means since the time when
Internet discussion lists of totalizm experienced
a massive sabotage and needed to be replaced
with blogs. Blogs of totalizm are available under
several address, e.g.:
(Notice, however, that all these addresses hold
mirror copies of the same posts with the same
content of messages, and that public discussions
on topics presented on these blogs are NOT carried
out on them, but on Google discussion groups from
item #J6 below.) After all, on blogs of totalizm many
matters discussed on this web page are also explained
with additional details written as new events unveil
before our eyes. Furthermore, these blogs contain
links to most recently updated web pages of totalizm.
Readers who wish to discuss any topic
addressed on this web page, or on any
other web pages of totalizm, should be
interested to know that these topics are
discussed at a whole array of threads
from Google discussion groups. Topics
and addresses of these threads are listed
in item #E2 from the totaliztic web page named
I should also add, that from the beginning of
my work on totalizm and on other topics linked
to totalizm, every new topic which I am researching
I try to expose to a public discussion. I count
on receiving feedback. But because the official
science and the majority of scientists turned
their backs to whatever I am researching,
for the lack of scientific channels of receiving
this feedback I was forced to discuss these
topics in Internet. Unfortunately it introduces
serious drawbacks. E.g., for strange reasons -
which I also try to investigate, these Internet
discussions in the majority of cases occur
between some individuals which are well masked
and clearly feel safe behind the screen of their
anonymity. These individuals transformed recently
Internet discussions into kinds of verbal matches
the participants of which are competing in
throwing mud and spitting at every constructive
idea. This shocking phenomenon of abusing
and spitting instead of communicating
and discussing, is lately so widely spread,
that it is even discussed in newspapers -
e.g. see the article "Excuse me, could we
please be a bit more polite", from page B3
of the New Zealand newspaper
Weekend Herald,
issue dated on Saturday, January 3, 2009.
In spite of this escalation of the internet culture
of verbal abuse, for the lack of other channels
of gaining feedback regarding topics which
I investigate, I still try to expose each topic
researched to such Internet discussion. After
all, between abuses and personal attacks,
sometimes appear also single constructive
voices in the discussion which contribute
a new quality to a given topic. Therefore,
still is worth to scan these discussions,
seeking in them these rational and constructive
Current email addresses to the author of
this web page, i.e. officially to
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk
while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
at which readers can post possible comments,
opinions, descriptions, or information which in
their opinion I should learn, are provided in item
#L3 from other my web page named
(for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named
(for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf"
in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions
of further web pages by the author can also be
downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named
The author's right for the use of courteous
title of "Professor" stems from the custom that
"with professors is like with generals", namely
when someone is
once a professor, than he or she courteously
remains a professor forever. In
turn the author of this web page was a professor
at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them,
from 1 September 1992 until 31 October 1998,
as an "Associate Professor" from English-based
educational system, while on one university as
a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till
31 December 2007 - means at the last place
of employment in his professional life).
However, please notice that because of my
rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly
reply to emails which contain JUST time
consuming requests, while simultaneously
they document a complete ignorance of their
author in the topic area which I am researching.
This web page is also available in the form
of a brochure marked [11], which
is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document
Format") - currently considered to be the
most safe amongst all internet formats, as
normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This
clear brochure is ready both, for printing,
as well as for reading from a computer
screen. It also has all its
green links
still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer
screen connected to internet, then after clicking
onto these green links, the linked web pages
and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because
the volume of it is around a double of the volume
of web page which this brochure publishes,
the memory limitations on a significant number
of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to
offer it from them (so if it does NOT download
from this address, because it is NOT available
on this server, then you should click onto any
other address from
Menu 3,
and then check whether in there it is available).
In order to open this brochure (and/or download
it to own computer), it suffices to either click on
the following green link
or to open from any totaliztic web site the
PDF file named as in the above green link.
If the reader wishes to check, whether some other
totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying,
is also available in the form of such PDF brochure,
then should check whether it is listed amongst links
from "part #B" of the web page named
This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic
web pages, which are already published as such
brochures from series [11] in PDF format.
I wish you a fruitful reading!
If you prefer to read in Polish
click on the Polish flag below
(Jeśli preferujesz czytanie w języku polskim
kliknij na poniższą flagę)
Date of starting this web page: 17 May 2016
Date of the latest updating of this web page: 27 April 2017
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)
My apologies, because the SQL database on the server that supports counters
of visits with the logo of totalizm (such as above) is out of order since 2016/6/15.
Therefore on all of my web pages these counters of visits have stopped counting
the visitors and it is NOT in my means to rectify this situation. Currently these
counters of visits show only the traffic data for my web pages that occurred
between 1 January 2016 and 15 June 2016 (unless the server owner managed
to fix the SQL database after the date of the last update of this web page).