is the list of all web pages which should
be available at this address (i.e. from this
server), arranged by language (in 8 languages).
It represents a more frequently updated version
of "Menu 1". Choose below the page that interests
you by dragging scroll bars, then click on this
web page to run it:
(The same list can also be displayed
from "Menu 1" by clicking
Menu 2.)
Here is the list of addresses of all
totaliztic web sites that still worked
at the date of the most recent update
of this web page. At each of these addresses
should be available all totaliztic web pages
listed in "Menu 1" or
"Menu 2",
including also their different language versions
(i.e. versions in languages:
Polish, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian,
Greek or Russian.) Thus firstly select
the address which you wish to open by dragging
scroll bars in small window below, then click on
this address to run it. When opens the web
page which represents this address, then choose
from its "Manu 1" or
"Menu 2"
the web page which interests you and click on it
to view that page:
(The above list can also be displayed
from "Menu 1" by clicking
Menu 4.)
According to data from the
Bible (the inspiration of which content God confirms),
the physical world was created by God just only around
6 thousands years ago. But according to the supposed
"body of evidence" that was dug out by the Earthly
scientists, our universe is already around 14 billions
years old. So one out of these two ages of the world
must hide an error. (Which one out of these two ages
of the physical world is actually true, it is explained
and supported with reliable evidence in caption under
"Table #A1" and item #B2 from my web page named
as well as in a paragraph from item #E2 of another
my web page named
From the point of view of philosophy and theory of probability
it is also impossible that the nature could demonstrate just
by pure coincidence all these supernatural phenomena
and miracles that we can register on the Earth.
Thus, statements of the Bible cannot be untrue.
Furthermore, considering the role which God
performs towards people, we should NOT be
suspecting that God would tolerate any error
in the holy book that He inspired - i.e. in the
Bible. Even if this God is just a "God-youngster" -
just 6-thousands years old, who still may like
to play jokes. But simultaneously we should
NOT suspect that this 6-thousands year old
omnipotent God is completely deprived a sense
of humour. Thus, with an equal easiness as
around 6 thousands years ago this God created
the physical world and humans, to e.g. inspire
people to carry out research and seek truth,
He could additionally invent, create, and
introduce to the world that He created,
"various evidence" on the basis of which
scientists may wrongly estimate the age
of the universe to be around 14 billions years.
After all, if God was able to create every living
creature, He was also able to create e.g. petrified
skeletons of dinosaurs feigning them so that they
look as if they were extinct several millions years
ago. Since this omnipotent God was able to create
atoms of all chemical elements, with an equal
easiness He could also create geological layers
and provide them with such attributes that they
may allow to make errors during carrying out the
"conventional dating" by Earthly scientists. Since
this God needed to experiment on, and continually
improve humans that He created - as this is explained
in item #A1 below, with an equal easiness He could
also allow that His experiments and improvements
the official atheistic science interprets as an existence
of a "natural evolution" and inspire Darwin to publish
his misleading theory of it. This web page analyses
items of evidence for just such a possibility - which
so-far was NOT considered nor verified, as yet, by
anyone. Means it analyses the possibility that omnipotent
God for important reasons firstly formed during His own
experiments and improvements of the physical world,
this currently non-existing because "subsequently
changed", the history of the universe and man (i.e.
the initial history, which God briefly described in
the first chapter of Bible). But later, during the
improvements continuously introduced to our world,
God changed this initial history into the present one.
But the present scientists on the Earth are unaware
of the change and thus are taking this initial history
changed later by God, for the true history of the physical
world, our planet, and the humankind. (Notice here,
that our human languege is still very primitive to
express correctly ideas described on this web page -
thus some expressions used here may be too clumsy
to do justice in proper explaining ideas which I am
trying to address.)
(Notice that what today's "luminaries of science"
call "universe", in the totaliztic publications I call
our "physical world" - because according to the
findings of the scientific "Theory of Everything
of 1985" - whch I developed in the year 1985 and
at that time named the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
the universe is infinite in size and in time of existence.
Hence, that limited and supposedly still expanding (only
according to the claims of "official atheistic science")
space filled with the substance which we call "matter" -
means the space which the present "official atheistic
science" calls the "universe", in fact represents only
our insignificantly small "physical world" in the infinitively
large true universe. Therefore the entire unlimitedly
large "universe" must be defined quite differently by the
philosophy of totalizm
and by my scientific "Theory of Everything of 1985",
than it is defined by the present official science -
for details see item #D4 from my web page named
The content of this web page is authorized by
Jan Pajak,
means by a researcher of New Zealand and Poland, and
WorldCat Identity
(see the web page,
who in the early part of 21st century stand out
from the crowd of still-living discoverers and
inventors of these two countries and he became
among them the most widely known in the world,
most variously interpreted, and at that time the
most productive - in spite of conducting his research
without funding and on the principles of a scientific
"hobby" forced by official disapproval of his research
area, although, unfortunately, about his existence
and results of research almost no-one wants to know
in New Zealand, while to annul, deny and mute down
his discoveries and inventions many inhabitants
of Poland conspire into gangs that act as monopolies
distorting the truth and trying to leave for future
generations only lies, trash, poisoned water, polluted
air, destroyed fertility of soil, and devastated nature.
Part #A:
Introductory information about this web page:
There is information encrypted in Bible verses and
conclusively confirmed by empirical evidence, that
after the creation of the human race God perfected
it many times - which practically means that in His
management of human development God uses a
principle of improvement similar to the principle
of "evolution" with which atheistic scientists try
to deny the role of God:
In 1985, a landmark intellectual event took place.
Namely, the first and until today still the only in the world, the scientific
"Theory of Everythingof 1985" was created and immediately published in the same
year. Hence, in an ideal world where
truth and reliable information would prevail
(which kind of world our world should be) after
correctly entering in any search engine e.g. the keywords
Theory of Everything or the keywords
Theory of Everything of 1985, in answer
should appear the information about that first on
Earth true scientific Theory of Everything. Unfortunately,
so-far this information is disclosed only to these
people who pre-programmed for themselves the
"custom search"
taking the form of, for example, the following search command:
In turn the rest of the world, e.g. on 2019/12/3 when
I did the "fine tuning" of this text - means already
after 34 years elapsed since the formation and first
publishing of this scientific Theory of Everything of
1985, is still notoriously kept in ignorance about the
existence of so desperately searched for by humanity
scientific theory and knowledge. (Actually, the people
searching on the internet still are notoriously deprived
links to the majority of my research results - for example
links to such extremely important keywords as:
healing mental depression by earning moral energy;
earning totaliztic nirvana; increasing moral energy;
making morally correct decisions; counter-matter;
moral Boomerang Principle;
reversible software time; perpetual motion motors;
formal scientific proof for the existence of God, soul,
counter-world, UFOs; formal scientific proof that God
created the first couple of people; formal scientific
proof that humanity lives in the world created and
wisely ruled by the almighty God; formal scientific
proof that God authorized the Bible; plus many other
important results and discoveries indicated to me by
this Theory of Everything of 1985 - links to which results
of my research reveals the above search command
if only in the search box that appears at the top
of screen after entering this command, the already
pre-programmed into this box keywords "Theory
of Everything" are replaced with any other keywords
for the links to descriptions of which someone is
searching and if one omits these first, NOT mine,
links still pushed at the top to create a "smokescreen".)
It is also worth noting, that even after using that
"custom search", at the beginning of the answer
being generated, the search engine "pushes" a
persistent information about the film made 29 years
after the development of my scientific Theory of Everything
of 1985 - in spite that just to avoid the getting information
about that "smoke screen" film, the special "custom search"
is used. (Notice that this "custom search" from the address
was pre-programmed in August 2009 on the blog of Mr
"Jacek K" linked from item #A2 of my Polish web page named
skorowidz.htm -
as I believe in order to facilitate the finding of information
which during "normal" searches the search engines notoriously
refuse to show - like the information where to find descriptions
of that existing since 1985 the true scientific Theory of Everything.
The curious people may sometimes be intrigued, that
the above address of this "custom search" in a "strange"
way occasionally can "transform like just by itself" into
an erroneous address preventing the correct work of this
search command - as I explained and illustrated this in item
#E3 and on "Fig. #E3c" from my Polish web page named
However, in our imperfect
world full of hypocrisy, deception, pretending, acting
instead of truth, claiming to oneself the achievements
of others, etc. (which kind of the world
our present world actually is), after entering
in any search engine the keywords Theory
of Everything, in spite of the fact that this
is the name of a scientific theory - means NOT
the name of a product of actors and filmmakers,
almost the only result that appears, is an information
about the persistently promoted film just having the title "The
Theory of Everything" -
only which film until today is emphasized by all
existing search engines. The reader may notice
an example of this emphasizing after clicking at the address,
and then comparing the received display with the information
provided by the same search engine when one types
through the keyboard the same keywords theory
of everything - as due to still another "coincidence"
both these ways of searching sometimes may generate
different results.
In the discussed here descriptions of my scientific Theory
of Everything of 1985, I deliberately emphasize the word
so that it can be clearly distinguished from that
film entitled
"The Theory of Everything".
At the time of creation and first publishing, my
scientific Theory of Everything of 1985 was named the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
(in Polish:
Koncept Dipolarnej Grawitacji).
The reason was that being a scientist well trained in the
pedantic sticking to facts and truth, at the moment of its
development I did NOT know yet that soon afterwards it
would demonstrate all the features of the scientific Theory
of Everything. It wasn't until a couple of months later that
I discovered that the emergence of this theory could be
compared to the intellectual equivalent of producing the
first optical lens. This is because similarly as the production
of the lens with the passage of time allowed to build
microscopes - which opened for people an optical
insight into the internal structure and composition of
everything that surrounds us, also this scientific Theory
of Everything of 1985 opened for people an intellectual
insight into the truth about the internal structure and
composition of reality that surrounds all of us. Moreover,
similarly like the creation of the lens later allowed to
build telescopes that give to people a visual insight into
the configuration of our huge physical world, also the
creation of the scientific Theory of Everything of 1985
opened intellectual insight into the structure and
operation of the entire universe. Furthermore, the
scientific Theory of Everything of 1985 also provided
people with a kind of "intellectual ladder"
in the form of a new and pedantically moral philosophy named
For whoever wants to practice this philosophy, it allows
his/her climbing to increasingly higher levels of awareness.
Two aspects stand out during the almost half a century
since the development of this scientific Theory of Everything
of 1985. (1) The first of these is the "scientific aspect" -
means descriptions of almost unlimited
potentials for knowledge-generation by this scientific Theory
of Everything and for finding out the truth about almost
everything that surrounds us. This scientific
aspect is published already since 1985 in various monographs,
web pages and videos - e.g. on the web page named
and in publications linked from that web page. (2) The
second among them is the "human aspect"
of the scientific Theory of Everything -
means descriptions of my
ongoing almost half-century-long battle of urging people
to stop the sponsored by various powerful institutions
further blocking, ignoring and hiding the scientific
Theory of Everything and to stop "rejecting knowledge"
contained in this theory, but rather to began the use of
benefits that this scientific theory opens to humanity.
This human aspect I started to publish simultaneously
with the entry #316 to blogs of totalizm based on the
content of this item #A1, means starting from 2019/11/17.
I published that human aspect (initially only in the Polish
language) on the web page named
In turn that "intellectual ladder", means the pedantically
moral philosophy which I created and named
Totalizm -
because it represents the philosophical side of the scientific
Theory of Everything explaining "the whole of everything",
and thus allows people to climb to higher levels of consciousness,
I have been publishing since 1985 in numerous publications,
for example on the web page named
However, when someone is searching for this modern philosophy
using Internet search engines, one must be very careful that its
name always is spelled with the letter "z". This is because the
letter "z" clearly distinguishes the philosophy which I created and named
from "Totalitarianism" - means from a philosophy completely
opposite to my Totalizm, which among some people lazy in writing,
or perhaps defiant towards my Totalizm, by strange epidemic
of "sheep's momentum" suddenly began to mistakenly call
only that this totalitarian Totalism is typically spelled with the letter "s".
Interestingly, this "sheep's rush" for creating "smokescreens"
by calling various products of other people's activities (which
are furthest away from the results of my scientific research)
with names that I assigned to the results of my scientific
research, does NOT end at the name of The Theory of Everything
for a film, or name Totalism for Totalitarianism. After all, for
example my most important invention published back in the
year 1980 - means developed already near 50 years ago, i.e.
my starship in Polish named "Magnokraft" (which
I described on the English web page named
also in past used to have such an internet "smokescreen"
in the form of a music band named "Magnokraft", which
band in past completely hide my starship, although
(fortunately) by now on Google it has stopped
monopolising the results of searches for descriptions
of my starship "Magnokraft". Currently, the information
about this band is only mixed up in the internet with
the information about my starship - for example see the search
and compare the obtained results with the search .
So let us hope that over time in a similar way my knowledge-generating
Theory of Everything of 1985, in search engines will be clearly separated
from the movie entitled the Theory of Everything, and that from search
engines will be removed the "clever program" which always eliminates
my explanation Theory of Everything from the searched for
information - in spite that this key information I am always adding
in front of the used in my publications old name the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
Due to various premises resulting from
these existing since 1985: (1) the scientific
Theory of Everything of 1985 named the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
and (2) the
philosophy of totalizm -
I managed to discover, that already after the creation
of humanity God introduced into the software of
bodies and souls of the human race a whole range
of significant improvements from which we benefit
today. These improvements, along with a summary
of the most important lessons that result from
them to humanity, I will briefly describe in this
item #A1, while I will discuss in more detail in
the rest of this web page.
Because learning about the existence of the improvements
introduced by God into software of souls and bodies of
people and described in this item #A1, as well as learning
the philosophical lessons that these improvements open
to humanity, can completely change our lives, if only
I can find the assistants to filming work - the skills of
whom I described in more detail in C1 and C2 from my short
Polish publication [18] available through the web page named
then on the basis of this item #A1 I will also try to prepare
a script for the free YouTube video described in that [18],
whose goal would be to familiarize viewers with the knowledge
about divine software improvements of our souls and bodies
that have the potential to lift people to the next level of
awareness and worldview.
Until the time of writing the content of Polish version
of this item #A1 on 3rd October 2019, supported
by premises resulting from the philosophy of totalizm
and from my Theory of Everything of 1985 (also called
the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity"), I was able to discover
three breakthrough improvements that from the moment of the
original creation of people God introduced to software of human
souls and bodies, while the information which confirms the introduction
of these improvements God has encrypted in Bible verses - as God
always does in the case of knowledge, which people first have
to discover by themselves as a result of the progress in their
knowledge and philosophies, and only after the discovery of it
people are to find it in the Bible and decipher its role as the
confirmation of truth. In addition to Bible verses, I also discovered
considerable empirical evidence, some of which is already widely
known to people, which confirms the existence of each of these
improvements to human souls and bodies. In turn finding
descriptions in the Bible and finding also completely independent
of them empirical evidence, which mutually confirm compliances
of each other with the objective truth, provide us with the
required "two witnesses", regarding which - according to
verses from the Bible quoted in item #C5 from my web page named
and commented in item #J4.1 from another web page named
it is required that "on the credentials of two or three
witnesses must be based every matter" about which
(matter) we are very interested in obtaining confirmation of
its correctness and truth. So let us first list here these three
improvements of the human race directly confirmed by Bible
(1) Switching to the "reversible software time" intelligently
pre-programmed by God, the course of life and the process of aging
of people. This was the first among improvements that I learned,
which God has introduced already during the biblical Great Deluge,
or more precisely when the biblical Noah ("soldier of God") took
aboard Noah's Ark those creatures that after the Flood were to
live and grow old under the control of reversible software time.
Namely, on that ark God switched then the souls and bodies of
people and animals transported in there, from the living and from
aging controlled by the flowing smoothly the so-called "irreversible
absolute time of the universe" - in which now only God lives
and all inanimate matter ages, into the living and aging in intelligently
and intentionally pre-programmed by God just then, at least
365x1000 times slower, passing in short jumps, the "reversible
software time" which does NOT exist in the natural constitution
of the universe (see verse 3:8 from the Biblical "2nd Letter of St. Peter
the Apostle" and verse 90:4 from the Biblical "Psalms"). At the
same time, taking advantage of the occasion of that change, God also
reduced human bodies from the antediluvian sizes currently considered
to be giants (i.e. about several times taller than today's people: e.g.
in ancient myths, biblical Adam was supposed to be 15 feet tall - i.e.
about 4.57 meters, and Noah - 12 feet - or around 3.66 meters), to current
sizes - by the way introducing also several further minor anatomical
changes (e.g. removal of the second row of teeth existing in jaws of
antediluvian human giants). A wider explanation of this change and
the empirical evidence which confirms it, is presented on numerous
my web pages - for example (amongst others) in item #C4.1 from
my web page named
Therefore readers can find this evidence on my web pages linked
to index entries provided on my Polish web page named
In addition, to the topic of antediluvian human giants is devoted
the content of a huge number of free educational films that are
currently available on -
most of which are in English (e.g. see the hobby video entitled
TALL NOAH WAS 12 FEET" and available at the address
In turn more information about both types of time mentioned
here was included in the "introduction" and in item #G4
(and briefly also in item #D4) from the web page named
Descriptions of these two existing types of time contained therein
are later further elaborated and continued in item #D3 of the web page
and in items #J5 and #J6 of my web page named
while in one complete whole they are presented in a relatively new
(because published since December 2018) Polish
monograph [12].
(2) Introduction of different than "ULT" human
spoken languages. This was the second improvement
that I discovered during my research. God introduced it
during the construction of the Tower of Babel by people
(see verses 11:1-9 from the Biblical "Genesis"), that is, at
the time when Babylon was ruled by King Nebuchadnezzar
the Second, and around the time when Biblical prophet
Daniel lived and worked in there (see "Daniel" in the
Bible). This improvement depended on separating and differentiating
the language "ULT" in which people think and which is used
by souls in the counter-world, from spoken language used
in human voice speech and in our physical world. The
advantages of such separation and differentiation of languages
were also understood by the creators of human computers
in the recent times, when they created the "programming
languages" - with which people communicate with
computers in our world, and when they clearly separated
these "programming languages" from the different
"machine languages" used in the computer "virtual
worlds" - in which today's computers perform their
"thinking" processes. Before this separation of the
"ULT" language from spoken language, people used
the "Universal Language of Thoughts" (i.e. "ULT")
also for voice speech - means used the language that
God uses today and that is still used for communication
between souls from the counter-world and also in the
processes of human thinking. Initially, means right after
the creation, people communicated with each other,
using the "ULT" - in the same way as they use present
spoken languages, i.e. both among themselves, as well
as in conversations with God. However, just like the
first computer builders, much earlier God also quickly
discovered numerous advantages of replacing the verbal
version of "ULT" language with spoken languages that differ
from it. In turn because God accomplishes a number of
different goals at once with every His move, He separated
these two languages during the construction of the Tower
of Babel, limiting "ULT" to only conducting human
thought processes, and in human voice speech replacing
it by a whole range of different native languages, which
later have evolved separately for each of the human nations.
A wider discussion of the subject of that separation of human
spoken languages from ULT (and "confusions" that it may
cause), plus an indication of empirical evidence which confirms
that separation, I presented on numerous web pages - for
example (amongst others) in item #F11 from my web page named
Thus readers can find this evidence on my web pages
linked by index entries from the Polish web page named
In addition, to the topic of the Tower of Babel is devoted the
content of a large number of free educational films that are
currently available on -
most of which are in English (e.g. see the video entitled "Some
Very Compelling Evidence the Tower of Babel Was Real", available from the address
(3) Supplementing the human soul with software
of the counter-organ of "conscience". This was the third
improvement of the human race by God, which I managed
to discover so-far, while the direct confirmation of which I
found in the Bible. It was carried out during Jesus' mission
on Earth and depended on the introducing to our souls
the special programs of a "hot line" for communicating directly
between minds of people and God. We currently know this
communication connection as "conscience". Namely,
when God determined beyond all doubt that people tend to
be highly immoral, then firstly He wrote for them on tablets
of stone the so-called "10 Commandments", then
He ordered that each of the people learns what these commands
require and fulfil all of them. However, He quickly discovered
that the majority of people put laziness over learning, and thus
are NOT very eager to learn and obey these 10 Commandments.
It was then that God decided to introduce into the soul of every
person that program of "counter-organ of conscience" - which
is much better than the learning of 10 Commandments, because
in every situation it whispers (prompts) directly to the mind of
its bearer, whether what the bearer thinks that he/she intends
to do, or that even he/she has already done, is agreeable with
God's commandments and requirements, or is breaking these.
The fact of introducing at that time the organ of conscience to
people's souls, known as the "New Covenant", was
encoded into verses 10:16 from the biblical "Letter to the Hebrews",
while I explain this groundbreaking improvement in several
totaliztic web pages and publications linked by the keyword
"New Covenant" from my Polish web page named
Unfortunately, today's priests that "reject knowledge"
(see verses 4:4-9 from the Biblical "Book of Hosea") do NOT
want to know about this fact.
In the descriptions of all three of the above improvements, our
eyes are striking their repetitive features and philosophically
lifting people consequences. To understand their repeatability,
let us firstly list here the most important examples of these
repetitive features. And so, (1) these improvements were
always introduced when human disobedience to God's
10 Commands and other requirements began to reach a crisis
level. Also always (2) during their introduction on Earth
was working a messenger of God who played
an important role in explaining to people why they had
to occur.(I.e. worked: Noah from times of Biblical Great
Flood, the Prophet Daniel from times of Babel Tower,
and the God's Son Jesus in times of religious "Pharisees"
and the introduction of "conscience" to human souls and bodies.)
In turn, as the reader probably already knows
from the content of my web page named
and the Polish YouTube film entitled
"Zagłada ludzkości 2030"
(meaning "The Great Purification of 2030s") - currently on Earth
is just intensifying (1) the period of the next crisis caused by people
turning away from God, from their neighbours and from respecting
nature. Interestingly, (2) from the
prophecies of the Hopi Indians
about "Pahana" meaning the "White Brother", as well as
from Bible verses (e.g. see verse 9:12 from the Biblical "Gospel of
St. Mark") is also known to us, that another messenger of God is
working somewhere on Earth - which fact is more comprehensively
explained in item #H1 of my web page named
Means according to the regularities described above and always
repeated during every crisis of human disobedience to God's
10 Commandments and other requirements, most probably just
the next time is approaching, when God introduces another
significant improvement to bodies and to souls of people.
Although for our imperfect human mind it is currently difficult
to predict on what principle this next divine improvement will
work and what will be the manifestations and results of its action,
seeing what is happening in our world today, it can be deduced
that it will probably come down to the introduction into the
human souls of some new software causing in people an
increased sensitivity to, and the urge to resist of, such
previously un-emphasized immoral behaviours of others as:
corruption, cronyism, injustice, inequality, exploitation and
oppression of some by others, cruelty to people and animals,
lack of respect for nature, etc. I wonder whether the current
growing wave of opposition, demonstrations and rebellions
of people from completely different countries, all of which are
directed against this type of immoral behaviour of governments,
elites and individuals, is not by a chance the indication that
an increasingly large number of people already have in their
soul such software introduced in our times to further improve
the souls and bodies of people. It is a great pity that because
of stubborn turning their backs to God, other people, and to nature,
only a few of those who currently live in the world will personally
experience the benefits and blessings of this next divine improvement
to human souls and bodies.
The above should be supplemented with the information
that I have empirically discovered also an another,
different category of improvements to souls and bodies
of human race, which were also introduced by God
NOT earlier than during the Biblical Flood, but either their
characteristics required that they were introduced, tested
and improved for a long time, or so-far I did NOT manage
to find a direct description in Bible verses that would allow
me to determine the exact time and other details of their
introduction. Examples of most important improvements
in this another category could be defined as follows:
(4) The pre-programming of
the phenomenon of the "moral field", the action of which is similar
to the action of the gravitational field, then such alteration of
programs of all laws governing over the fate of people, that
into every agreeable with the commandments and requirements
of God (means moral) human action it was necessary to put
the effort and energy of climbing the uphill in this "moral field",
while every human action breaking the commandments and
requirements of God (means immoral) would just slide down
in this "moral field" and thus would come easily and in a way that
generates some kind of pleasure. Since the moment
when God introduced the phenomenon of the "moral field",
everything moral that someone does, requires putting into
it the amount of energy and effort that is proportional to the
moral significance of a given action, while everything that
is immoral comes to people effortlessly and pleasantly - for
more details see links for the keywords "moral field" (i.e.:
pole moralne) on the Polish web page named
From the descriptions in the Bible it can be easily concluded
that the phenomenon of the "moral field" was introduced,
tested and improved for a long period of time after the
"Biblical Flood". After all, for example from verses 4:1-16
of the biblical "Book of Genesis", means regarding times
before the Biblical Flood, it clearly appears that the criterion
of receiving God's recognition was then only the compliance
with God's personal wish, means NOT the amount of effort
and work of climbing uphill of the "moral field" which in present
times must be put into a given action in order to make it
morally correct. Also described in item #J5 from my web page named
the "growth pattern" known under the name "tree of life" -
which God made available to people in the 9th century B.C. through
the prophet Elijah of the Biblical Old Testament, did NOT yet have
a "test copy of Omniplan (11)". This in turn means that then God
still carried out improvement works over the phenomenon of the
"moral field". The final proclamation of the existence and operation
of the "moral field" was made by Jesus, e.g. with this famous statement
from verses 16:24-26 of the "Gospel according to Saint Matthew" -
I quote from the Bible: "If anyone wants
to follow me, let deny himself, take up his cross and follow me."
However, putting so prolonged work, thoughts and improvements into
the phenomenon of the "moral field" proved worthwhile. Because
of it, people who act morally begin to accumulate in their souls a
moral equivalent to "potential energy" from climbing uphill in the
gravitational field. So the accumulated amount of such "moral
energy" (which now can be estimated in people, while in the future
probably can be easily measured) allows to judge instantly the
moral level of a given person. Furthermore, the accumulation
of this moral energy changes the frequency of vibrations emitted
by a soul and by counter-body of a given person - while these
vibrations NOT only control the speed of the elapse of time,
but can also be felt and observed already at a great distance.
This in turn means that e.g. morally living people can be felt
from afar - which, among others, causes that immoral people
like to deal with only immoral people, while they dislike morally-behaving
people, and vice versa. Furthermore, cities or countries inhabited
by morally living people in the counter-world "shine" with different
vibrations than areas with immoral people. From this, a simple
mechanism leads to cataclysms which hit only into immoral areas,
and to life problems which continually bother mainly immorally
living people.
(5) Embedding into human
souls the software that adds subsequent portions of "moral
energy" to the amount of this energy already accumulated in
this soul - if the owner of a given soul performs actions that meet
all the requirements of "moral work", while which deflates from
the soul appropriate amounts of this energy - if the carrier of a
given soul performs immoral actions or indulges in anything that
generates in him/her feelings of pleasure, plus the subsequent
supplementing these programs that manage moral energy, with
procedures that enforce returns of
totaliztic karma.
After pre-programming of the phenomenon of "moral field" described
above into the so-called "Omniplan" that manages the operation of
reversible software time, it became possible to embed into each human
soul additional software, which, depending on how the current behaviour
of a given soul-carrier moved him/her in the "moral field", either added,
or subtracted, the appropriate amount of "moral energy" to or from
the pool of this energy already previously accumulated in the soul
of this person - as I explained this in items #D2, #D3 and #C6
from my web page named
In turn the level of this "moral energy" allows e.g. to "judge" the
moral state of this person with one "glance of eye", and also allows
to obtain effects described below with the next improvement. In
turn, when soul programs already distinguish how a given action
of this person moves in the "moral field", it also became possible
to embed into human souls the software of
totaliztic karma
the work of which is described more thoroughly on the web page named
and also to create the first and most important "moral law" on
which "totaliztic karma" is based, and which in subsections I4.1
and I4.1.1 from volume 5 of my
monograph [1/5]
is described under the name of "Boomerang Principle". (After
this "Boomerang Principle", further out of numerous moral laws that
currently govern over the fate of people were developed.) The
software of totaliztic karma was first implemented close to times
when people were also informed by warnings described in the
Bible and explaining the work of karma, like the Old-Testament
"they wind sow, they will gather a storm" (see Biblical
"Book of Hosea", verse 8:7), or New-Testament "what a man
sows, he will reap" (see biblical "Letter to Galatians", verse
6:7) - such warnings based on karma there are quite a few in
the Bible (an extended list of them is presented in #2I4.1 from
subsection I4.1 of volume 5 of my
monograph [1/5]).
Nevertheless, karma software is repeatedly improved practically
until today. For example, just nowadays it is clearly visible that
so-called "karma return time" since the advent of the
"neo-medieval era" on 2001/9/11 is accelerated for
many immoral human activities - see items #B2.1 to #B2.3 from
my web page named
(6) The dependence of states
(conditions) which experience individual intellects described in item
#D3 of my web page named
on the level of "E" or "µ" (mi) of "moral energy" ("life energy") which
these intellects managed to accumulate in their souls from the
counter-world. On the above web page "nirvana.htm"
I explained my empirical discovery that both, the individuals (i.e.
"individual intellects"), as well as the entire institutions and even
entire countries (i.e. "group intellects") experience increasingly
positive and happier feelings as well as executive capabilities
(i.e. the increasingly large "free will" or "zwow"), when in their
souls and counter-bodies increases the amount of so-called
"moral energy" (which can also be called "life energy" or "zwow").
These states (conditions) I named: (1) nirvana, (2) adoration,
(3) friendliness, (4) provocativeness (i.e. the beginning
of mental depression), (5) apathy, (6) destruction, (7)
death through "moral suffocation". In 1997 I myself managed
to increase my amount of "moral energy" to a level exceeding
the value of "µ=0.6" (i.e. the value of around "E= 1200 [hps]",
where units [hps] represent "hours of physical struggle" - as
explained in #D2 from my web page "nirvana.htm"), until it
appeared in me and lasted for the next around 9 months the
highest among these states (conditions), namely the stunning
state of "(1) nirvana" - which previously
was NOT experienced nor studied or described by
any other scientist - which state I named the
totaliztic nirvana
to distinguish it from the "Hindu nirvana".
(The "totaliztic nirvana" feels
approximately like an endless orgasm - which
feeling I explained in more details in item #B1 of my web page named
As I was aware that I am the first scientist in the world who not only
personally experienced the "totaliztic nirvana" but who also researched
it thoroughly, I described it later in great detail - as my information
originates straight from the proverbial "horse's mouth",
or the "first hand".) But if the amount of this "life energy"
begins to fall, people become increasingly grim and unhappy, and
after it falls below the value of "µ=0.3 "(i.e. below approximately
"E=600 [hps] ") they fall into an almost chronic state of mental
depression, then after reaching the level of "µ=0" (i.e. approximately
"E=0 [hps]") they die because of some self-inflicted death. It is a great
pity that today's "official atheistic medicine", which until now has not yet
been able to work out the definition of mental depression, while
because of the lack of such definition - is NOT able to effectively
treat this "illness of soul", still ignores my research on depression
and nirvana, nor does want to know about the definition of
depression that I quoted in item #C6 of my web page named
After all, if the medical sciences knew and accept the definition of
depression and understood the mechanism of the emergence of
this "illness of soul" as a result of lack of moral energy, then the
official atheistic medicine would also be able to cure it effectively.
This is because the requirement to generate this "moral energy"
(i.e. "life energy") in oneself turns out to be, that instead of
swallowing chemicals and tablets, one needs to generate moral
energy through performing the "moral work" (preferably
anonymously, means as states verse 6:3 from the biblical
"Gospel of St. Matthew": "... don't let
the left hand know what the right hand does").
Therefore, people, crews, institutions, countries, etc., who
currently do NOT perform such "moral work", suffer from
increasingly stronger mental depression - which is just a
symptom of practicing mainly immoral actions characteristic for the
philosophy of parasitism,
and thus is also a symptom of caused by these immoral actions the
decrease in the level of "moral energy" which has the potential to
lead then to death through the "moral suffocation". Knowledge of
the relationship between depressive states in people and in group
intellects, and the practicing of immoral behaviours, allows, among
others, to read from the Bible that before the Biblical Flood, the
improvement described here God has not yet introduced, because
antediluvian people did not suffer from depression, they enjoyed
life, they got married, etc. - in spite that in their lives they behaved
drastically immoral. Unfortunately, further descriptions of the Bible
so far did NOT allow me to decipher from when this improvement
was introduced and what circumstances accompanied it. However,
I will continue to decipher the Bible and if I find anything about it,
I will try to add and explain the required information here.
(7) The validation of people's
impression that they have full "free will", by adding the executor
"test copy of Omniplan (11)" to the "tree of life" (from Kabbalah)
described in item #J5 and illustrated in "Fig. #J5b" from my web page named
petone.htm -
which the "test copy of Omniplan (11)" allows God to quickly test
the future consequences of any human action. The
name "Omniplan" is assigned to a software entity that does NOT
exist naturally in the universe but was artificially programmed by
our God. The function of Omniplan is to manage the elapse of
"reversible software time" in our entire physical world and to
control the course and effects of all events that take place in
our physical world. Omniplan is described more extensively
in items #C3, #C4 and #C4.1 from my web page named
and also in chapters D, G, L and O from the Polish monograph [12]
describing the work of time and time vehicles, available through web page called
In turn the manner of operation of this Omniplan causes that from the
moment when just during the Biblical Great Flood God programmed it
to be able to manage the course and effects of events controlled by
this human "reversible software time", everything that people
do is actually implemented NOT by "hands of people" but by unnoticeable
for people permission and work of "hands of God" - for details see item
#J5 on the web page named "petone.htm". (Because actually these are
"hands of God" which accomplish everything that people do, the "free will"
that people have is only partial, because all human actions are continually
"censored" by God, although God does everything in His power
that people have a psychological impression that they have the full "free
will".) In turn whether God decides to implement a given human action,
or to cause that for some reason He will make it unrealistic, decides the
impact that the effects of this action will have on the future of human
civilization. From the point of view of this impact, all human activities
are subdivided into only two categories, namely (a) actions whose
effects do NOT have any impact onto the future (e.g. such as:
which slice of bread we choose to eat, or what effects will bring
our efforts to kill a mouse that has nested in the kitchen and eats
all our unprotected food), and (b) actions whose effects have a
potential to exert some influence on the future of our civilization
(e.g. whose book will a publisher choose to publish and disseminate
around the world, or whether the specific politician will be able
to start another war). In the event that a person performs the action
of category (a) God implements it immediately. However, when an action
displays attributes of belonging to category (b), then God always checks
whether it will NOT cause changes in the future which would be contrary
to His superior intentions and plans for the future of humanity.
He checks this by using the "test copy of Omniplan (11)".
Namely, in relatively recent times God added this test copy as
another "executor" number (11) from the "growth pattern"
illustrated by the "tree of life" of Kabbalah in the abovementioned
item #J5 of the web page "petone.htm". This "test copy of
Omniplan (11)" is programmed as an exact copy of the original Omniplan,
i.e. it contains copies of our entire physical world and each one of us (so
you, the reader, also have in it your own copy that lives, thinks and works
exactly like you do) - only that in it "human time" passes several
hundred thousand times faster than in the physical world in which we
live. (Unfortunately, at the present "initial" stage of gathering my
knowledge about Omniplan, I can only assume that our civilization is
this "original" human civilization, while that other civilization with the
time elapsing several hundred thousand times faster than our time,
is just a "copy of our civilization." But in reality so far too little data
and evidence has been accumulated to decide whether it truly is so.
After all, the situation can be quite the opposite. Namely, at the
opposite than our end of the fourth dimension of the counter-world,
this "original" human civilization may be in the development, while
our civilization may perform only a function of "test copy of the Omniplan
(11)" for this other civilisation. Therefore, I will continue this research,
and I will inform about the results - if I make it on time.) The "test copy
of Omniplan (11)" is used to quickly test the future consequences of
any human action occurring in the original Omniplan. In turn knowing
the results of these tests (which, according to my research, typically
take about two weeks of our human time to obtain), even if God had
pre-approved and implemented some action from category (b), but
then the tests confirmed that the action in the future will cause
deviations from plans and intentions of God, then God is still able
to shift back a given person in time and erase the memory of the
removed fragment of his/her life - although sometimes leave in him/her
a "deja vu" (as on the basis of Bible verses I described
this in items #B4 to #B4.1 and #D5 to #D5.2 from the web page named
then in a new passage of a given person through time God cancels this
action without causing the person to be aware of this cancellation.
In turn, if already at the moment when a given person tries to
undertake a given action God immediately estimates that this
action is of category (b) and thus in the future may cause changes
that are NOT consistent with His plans and intentions, then
typically He somehow temporarily delays the execution of this
action until tests show what impact it will have on the future,
while when the test results are known, then He either implements
this action, or He prevents it completely. The problem we see
when (like me) we learn that the mechanism of implementing
human actions is actually carried out with "hands of God",
boils down to the question: why does God implements also
the actions of immoral people (i.e. criminals, rapists, exploiters,
murderers, politicians initiating wars, aggressive military, terrorists,
etc.)? Many answers to this question have been encrypted into the
Bible. One of them (expressed not directly - i.e. as if with its inverse)
states "to NOT provide people with evidence that their full "free
will" is only a psychological impression, NOT a fact. (E.g. nowhere
I found a definite statement in the Bible that each of the people has
a full, i.e. NOT censored, "free will" - but I came across a lot of verses
in there implying that absolutely everything that we think and do, God
judges and acts upon.) Unfortunately, the psychological impression
that people have the full "free will" to do whatever they want is
extremely important in the process of increasing the effectiveness of
"gathering knowledge" by people. In turn "gathering knowledge" is
of great importance to God - for explanation "why" see item #I6
from my web page named
and items from #B1 to #B3 and #C1 plus "introduction" from the
web page named
This psychological impression is easy to "break" - if e.g. people
become sure that their actions are completed only if their results
have been approved by God and learn that after which approval they
are implemented with "hands" of God. Therefore, in everything that
God does, He always attaches the primary importance to avoiding
the situation that a given person would become sure that his/her
"free will" was censored. Probably it is just to NOT create a situation
of such a certainty and hence to limit with it the "free will" of many
so-called "sceptics" and those "rejecting knowledge", for publishing
these explanations here was chosen a fallible man, means me, NOT
the Bible. After all, the fate of the results of my research has already
proved to us, that even a majority of those ones who believe in the
truth of the Bible, still considers the results of my research to be
erroneous and ignores them completely. On the other hand, if these
explanations were openly and clearly stated in the Bible, then many
of those "sceptics" and people "rejecting knowledge" would be
inclined to acknowledge them as representing truth and to limit
because of them own research on the subject of God. Other
answers to the above question "why does God implements
also actions of immoral people?" include, among others:
because God always protects the God-fearing people who
trust Him and who keep His commandments and requirements,
because justice always comes to fulfilment and the wrongdoers
are ultimately punished at the very end, and also because due
to the action of Boomerang Principle (i.e. the main moral law)
the victims of evil people's actions always are those who somehow
deserved it with whatever they did in their current or previous
passage through the reversible software time (for descriptions of
examples of this deservedness see items #C7 to #D3 on my web page
Let us summarize now the "improvement" described here. Due to
the introduction of the "test copy of Omniplan (11)" actions which
control the fate of people can be managed more precisely, and then
implemented without the need to break the "free will" of people -
which free will depends on having the psychological impression
that each person has a full "free will" to decide and do whatever
he/she chooses.
Of course, regardless of the above-mentioned major improvements
from the category described here, in my many years long research
I noticed a whole lot of various small improvements, which also
improve the perfection and justice of our physical world. As their
examples we can indicate here the so-called "printing imps" in
Poland called the
"chochliki drukarskie".
These were introduced on Earth at the time when "folded printing"
was invented and humanity began mass printing of the Bible.
These "imps" cause that no matter how carefully some print
is made or written, always there will be approximately the same
number of errors in it. As a result, readers who encounter such
printing errors react to them with emotions (which, in turn, God
easily controls) - thus enabling management of readers' emotional
attitudes to matters described in a given print, and hence also the
management of readers' decisions on what to do in the matters
described by given print. Slightly more advanced version of "printing
imps" are errors in computer programs. As the discipline of "Software
Engineering" already has discovered, every computer program used
by people hides a characteristic for it number of errors not discovered
yet - which errors in no way can be removed, because if one of them
is removed then the next one is unintentionally introduced. Because
these programs later e.g. control the operation of airplanes, space
rockets, nuclear reactors, etc. - by triggering one of the errors
contained in them at a critical moment, without breaking the
human so-called "free will" God obtains the intended effects that
look like "coincidences" or "accidents". Another small improvement
that I have already noted is the pre-programming of the so-called
"principle of reversals" in almost every currently existing
algorithm for educating people and in almost all the divine methods
of work - for details see descriptions of this principle provided,
amongst others, in item #F3 from my web page named
and in items #B1.1, #B2 and #M1 from the web page named
The "principle of reversals" probably was introduced at the same
time when people were given the organ of conscience, because
Bible verses referring to its operation (e.g. see "Galatians"
verse 5:17) appear only in the New Testament. Still another
improvement is the introduction of a "self-regulating"
algorithm into every mechanism of divine administration
of justice to people (e.g. into the action of the so-called
"curse of inventors" and "inventive impotence" or
into the "Boomerang Principle" and into mechanisms of work of
"totaliztic karma") -
these "self-regulating" algorithms and mechanisms are
described e.g. in items #B3, #B3.1 and #H1 (and also
partly in #B2.2, #B2.3, #B4.4, #H3, #I2 and #I5)
from my web page called
What a pity that today's politicians lack something (I wonder
if it is knowledge, life wisdom, courage, inspiration, motivation,
example, or yet something else) to write similar "self-regulating
mechanisms" into the laws and actions of their governments -
for example, just like as a small boy I read that it was done
by French politicians establishing the old "water law" (described
in item #L1 of my web page named
which required that sewage discharge outlet always had to be located
upstream in the river from the inlet to the collection of clean water from
the same river. After all, embedding such "self-regulating" mechanisms
into group laws and actions of people would solve many problems
that today are troubling our civilization. Already after the Biblical
Great Flood, God also made several improvements to our planet.
For example, in times just after the creation, the Earth did NOT
have underground caves. Thus, all underground caves and tunnels
were made by God's messengers (UFOnauts) using for this purpose
starships that utilise the principle of operation of my Magnocraft -
see descriptions and evidence from item #C9.1 of my web page named
Etc., etc. To summarize the above, although "rejecting knowledge"
present priests, scientists and politicians do NOT want to acknowledge
this, while ordinary people do NOT have the knowledge and perceptiveness
to notice it by themselves, and also although a selfish and
self-directed human understanding of the so-called "good"
does NOT coincide with God's absolute understanding of
"good", the physical world in which we live is constantly
being improved. In turn due to the continuous improvement
of our world, in fact there is also a process of continuous
improvement of the entire universe - as I described it more
thoroughly in "chapter O" from my Polish monograph [12]
explaining the operation of reversible time and time vehicles,
while available through the web page named
If you, the reader, are convinced by logical deductions
and evidence which I presented above, then I recommend
that for your own good and for your descendants you
should contribute your share into awareness of the
actual situation to people confused by lies of the official
atheistic science and by the ruling elites. The most
effective way to add this contribution is by taking a
personal part in creating a free educational film for
later posting it on YouTube - the proposal to create
that kind of film in cooperation with readers who are
enthusiastic about it and have the required skills,
is explained in (1) from subsection C1 of my short
publication [18] (in Polish) disseminated
through the web page named
All the improvements of the human race discussed above
bring great philosophical significance to each of us. After
all, they realize that people and the entire our physical
world is constantly improved, and that since the creation
of humanity and our physical world, God has developed
dozens of highly effective tools with which without
attracting our attention, e.g. through unintentional
breakage of someone's psychological belief in having
full "free will", God thoroughly controls the course
of and the results of every (even the least important)
event about which we all believe that we are the ones
who implement it. It is a pity, therefore, that
both priests and scientists, as well as many ordinary
people, stubbornly "reject knowledge" and
refuse to learn both the "improvements" described
here, as well as God's tools that resulted from them.
After all, everyone would benefit from knowing that
if something was encoded into the content of the
Bible about which, despite of it being written
thousands of human years ago, is scientifically
confirmed that the Bible contains "truth
and only truth", then this encoding in
the Bible is also the proof, that the almighty
God is vitally interested that the resulting
lessons voluntarily speak to the reasoning
and knowledge of all who are concerned.
For example, God surely is interested that
at the present technical level of humanity -
when almost everyone already knows
what a "program" is, each person
interested for his/her own good finally
stopped "rejecting knowledge"
which I concluded in item #A0 and also
throughout the rest of my web page named
and accepted that God, or more precisely
the Holy Spirit, is a kind of self-aware
"Program" which resides in (and controls
behaviors) of the contained in the
counter-world intelligent counter-matter,
from which about 6,000 "human years"
He created all matter and all objects of
our physical world. After all, the improvements
described above could NOT be introduced
to our bodies and souls, if God was NOT
a kind of "Program". These improvements
also prove that the human soul is also
a kind of self-aware, self-learning "program"
for which God is a "Programmer". They
also confirm my explanation of where all
God's powers come from, and how it
happens, that God knows the innermost
thoughts of each person. They also confirm
that what people call "laws of nature",
"energy", "time", and a number of
other concepts, are actually programs
extremely wisely designed by God - which
fact explains, amongst others, where God's
power of managing these quantities comes
from. Furthermore, they confirm that God
informs us in the Bible about His improvements
in His creations - only that He does this
in an encrypted manner to inspire people
to make the effort to seek knowledge and
truth. (So God is NOT like our present
"official atheistic science", which does
NOT have the courage to implement
the necessity of continually repairing the
imperfections of whatever it previously created
or claimed falsely, incorrectly, or NOT to
the end - e.g. repairing the directing
humanity towards depopulation and the
destruction of the nature, the stubborn
claim of this atheistic science about the
alleged impossibility of building and using
the engines working on the "perpetual
motion" principles and described in
item #J4.4 from my web page named
Furthermore, improvements of the human race also confirm
many facts about which humanity (or priests) so-far did NOT
have the slightest idea, but which I just discovered due to
premises resulting from my philosophy of totalizm and my
Theory of Everything of 1985 (i.e. from the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity), e.g. they confirm a lot of facts described below
in items #A1.1, #B3, #D4, #D7, or #M1 from this web page.
Is it possible that by fabricating the "big bang" and "natural evolution"
just played a joke on the pompously negating Him scientists?
"But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world
to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak
things of the world to confound the things which
are mighty; And base things of the world, and things
which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and
things which are not, to bring to nought things that
are: That no flesh should glory in his presence."
(Bible, 1 Corinthians, 1:27-29)
If God does NOT exist, while time would pass
irreversibly - as this is described by the
present science, then all past events would
occur just once only, while the universe and
man would have just a single history. In such
a case everything that scientists determine in
the result of researching the existing evidence
would be an objective truth. For example, the
truth could be that there is just a single history
of the universe, that the universe originates from
the "big bang", that in fact there was a past
which to people is told e.g. by petrified skeletons
of dinosaurs, and that man originates from
a natural evolution. But if there is the omnipotent
God while time has a reversible software nature -
as this is described by the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
(while illustrates the web page
immortality.htm - about the access of people to immortality and to the never-ending life),
then all past events can be changed by this God
any number of times, until God accomplishes with these
changes such outcomes which He needs. In turn the
universe and man can have at least two histories -
out of which only one is true, while the remaining
ones can be simulated by God in order to accomplish
some Godly goals. In such a case practically every
"fact" which scientists establish in the result of
research on the body of evidence present in the
universe could be just a fantastic simulation and
illusion passed off upon people by God for some
higher reasons. For example, the history which is
told by e.g. petrified skeletons of dinosaurs would
only be a kind of fantastic story which the omnipotent
God intentionally invented and for important reasons
simulated into the physical world that He was creating.
In reality packs of dinosaurs could never run over
our planet - although God could create one or several
of them from each species just to check whether their
bodies and bones are realistic and work correctly in
the physical world. (Of course, there is also a
possibility that God have NOT gone through the trouble
of verifying in action bodies of all dinosaurs. For example,
research described in the article "Answer to how giant
flying dinosaurs got airborne", from page A15 of the
New Zealand newspaper
"Weekend Herald",
issue dated on Saturday, January 10, 2009, reveal that
many scientists have serious doubts whether the weighting
over a quarter of ton flying dinosaurs from the family
called "pterosaurs" could at all become airborne.)
This web page is just about a second, simulated
(invented by God) history of the universe and man,
which in spite that it is confirmed by supposedly
"objective" evidence, in reality is untrue.
What vital reasons had
to create the "simulated history of the universe and the humanity" -
means to created an invented opposite to the "real history of
the universe and the humanity":
The introduction and the previous item of this
web page explained to us the shocking fact
which most clearly NO-ONE considered before,
and which to people was revealed only by the
most moral philosophy on the Earth called
(means the philosophy of discovering and stating truths).
This fact reveals, that the universe which
surrounds us in fact has at least two different
histories. This true one is described in the
Bible authorised by God Himself -
e.g. see the Biblical Book of Genesis (1:1 to 2:4).
Data contained in it allowed to determine that
the physical world is just around 6000 years
old, and that together with humans it was created
by God - for details see subsection JA1.3 in monograph
But for important reasons, independently
from this "true history of the universe
and mankind" God clearly created
also a completely different "simulated history
of the universe and man". This simulated
history of the universe is a kind of fantastic
story which God intentionally invented and then
"implanted" into His final product that He created,
means implanted into the Earth and into the physical
world. This story states approximately the same
that present scientists claim. In turn these scientists
claim that e.g. the universe is around 13.73 (with
the accuracy +/-0.12) billion years old, that the
man originates from an "evolution" - NOT from
a creation by God, and that before people on the
Earth horrifying and barbaric "dinosaurs" used
to live.
For some people the fact of the existence of two
different histories of the universe can seem to be
a kind of "Godly cheating". After all, these people
do not understand that only people "cheat",
while God just creates new paths and opens
for people increasingly wider perspectives. Whatever
God does, He always has for this extremely important
reasons. So let us now list most important reasons
which probably motivated God when He created
this second, untrue, simulated history of the universe
and the man.
(1) Inspiring people to scientific searches.
After all, if existed just only one history of the
universe and people, namely this true one, then
nothing would be for seeking and for researching.
This is because this history is described just in
several sentences by the
Bible authorised by God Himself.
As such, it does NOT inspire the interest in people,
neither it fascinates them. So no-one would wish to
research it. In turn without scientific research people
would NOT experience any progress. So in addition to
this true history, God was forced to invent and to
implant into His creation, a kind of fabulous history,
which leads people from one discovery to another
one, stimulating their imagination and inspiring
scientific research.
(2) Allowing the cultivation of atheistic view of the
world by some people. On several web pages
of totalizm it was explained, that if the humanity was
composed of exclusively people who deeply believe
in God, then the humanity would live in caves until
today and would NOT known even a secret of fire.
This is because people who deeply believe in God
are typically very passive, as their deep faith in God
deprives them the courage to carry out scientific
research. The explanation of this paradox the reader
can find, amongst others, in item #F2 of the web page
evil.htm - about origins of all evil on the Earth,
and in item #A2 in the web page
will.htm - about the impact of "free will" at fate of the entire human civilisation.
Therefore God is was forced to give to people also another
possibility of living according to the atheistic view of the
world. After all, such an atheistic view of the world inspires
people to research and to form a progress. So in order to
inspire amongst people such atheistic view of the world,
God was forced to create and to pass off upon people
various encouragements for creative scientific searches.
In His superior wisdom God gave to these encouragements
a form of alternative history of the universe and man,
which present human science considers to be a "scientific
(3) Illustrative demonstration to people the creative
power of God. If God does NOT introduce to the
world that He created an invented history of the kind
which is being "discovered" by the present science,
then the history of the universe would be uninteresting
and deprived the ability to inspire. It would just reflect
the fact that God created planets, lands, seas, living
creatures, and man. As such, it would NOT demonstrate
to people the creative power of God. In turn people
have tendencies to doubt and to negate the creative
capabilities of God. So in order to illustrate to people,
how immense is His creative power, into the world that
He created, God implanted this fantastic history
of the universe that He make up. So when people
finally recognise the findings of the philosophy of
and begin to understand that this "simulated history of
the universe and man" which is discovered by the human
science, is the untrue history, then they simultaneously
realise how huge is the power and capabilities of God
who was able to invent such a history and to implant it
into the fabric of the universe.
(4) Subjecting people to trials and to exams. For
reasons explained more extensively in item #F1 of the web page
evil.htm - about origins of all evil on the Earth,
and in item #C6 of the web page
god.htm - about the secular and scientific understanding of God,
God continually subjects every inhabitant of the Earth
to countless tests and exams. Then, depending on outcomes
of each such a test, God qualifies a given person to
appropriate category. Of course, in order to be able
to subject people to these trials and exams, God needs
to have a kind of "exam questions or exam problems"
which every person separately must then solve on his
or on her own. The existence of two contradictive histories
of the world (i.e. (1) religious history, and (2) atheistic
history) is just one amongst such questions-problems
to be solved during the Godly trial-exam.
(5) Challenging people to seek well hidden truth.
The main reason for which God created the man
is a more effective gathering of knowledge. This
reason I am explaining more comprehensively in
items #B1 to #B3 of the web page
will.htm - about the impact of "free will" at fate of the entire human civilisation,
and in item #C1 of the web page
god.htm - about scientific replies of the secular philosophy of totalizm to basic questions about God.
The need to increase the knowledge is even more
urgent because of the "young age" of our God. So
in order people could assist God in His searches
for knowledge, they must acquire specific kinds
of attributes. Therefore, in order to develop in
people these attributes that God needs, God
continually challenges people with ever-increasingly
ambitious challenges. One amongst these challenges
is the existence of two completely opposite histories
of the world, and the need that every person must
take and justify his or her own stand which one
amongst these two histories he or she considers
to be true. This web page in fact becomes a part
of such a challenge.
(6) Masking from some people the fact that God in
fact is still "inexperienced youngster". The
true history of the world reveals that our God is
still "inexperienced youngster" which still has a
great sense of humour and still likes to play jokes
on people. After all, He created the physical world
just only around 6 thousands years ago. Thus
He Himself probably finished His self-evolution
and gained the self-consciousness only shortly
before - as this is explained in "part #B" of this
web page. So even if several thousands of years
passed from the moment of the self-evolution of
God and acquiring His self-awareness, until the
creation of the physical world and man, still the
age of God probably does NOT exceed even
10000 years. I personally suspect that the
"software God", described in "part #B" of this
web page, is NOT older than around 7000
years. (Note that this "software God" in
Christianity is called the "Holy Ghost". We
should NOT confuse Him with the eternally
existing "God Father" which in the Bible is
also called the "Ancient of Days".) In turn
such a young age of God really qualifies
Him to the category of almost a "Godly teenager". Although in the
Bible authorised by God Himself,
God indirectly confirms the fact of His relatively
"young age", in fact in real life He is NOT very
inclined to brag about this to every human being.
Probably for this reason God "added years to His age"
in the "simulated history of the universe and man",
which He so invented and fabricated as if the universe
had already around 14 billions of years. After all such
an age inclines everyone to show respect.
(7) Documenting the God's sense of humour.
The entire body of evidence in existence, suggests
that God has a magnificent sense of humour.
Furthermore, in times when God initiated the creation
of the "body of evidence" which for scientists provides
a basis for formulation this "simulated history of the
universe and man", God already knew how pompous
and all-knowing human scientists are today.
So probably one amongst numerous motives of this
young God who still likes to play tricks on people,
was to make a mock on Godly scale of these scientists
who pompously refuse to recognise His existence
and who behave as if they "have swallowed all brains".
At this point it is worth to add, that the sole fact
of the existence of so many and so vital reasons
for the additional creation by God the "simulated history
of the universe and man", is also a confirmation
and a proof that God really gave to people these two
opposite histories of the world, namely (1) the true
history - means the one described in the Bible, and
(2) the simulated history - means the one that was
invented by God and then skilfully implanted into
the Godly creation. Therefore also this proof I
introduced to the list of proofs from item #E1
in the further section of this web page.
In order this web page could be written, God must approve it and support it with His inspiration:
In the universe nothing happens (nor can
happen) without the approval and silent
support from the omnipotent God. After
all, God controls the software time. So
even if in the universe any events occur
which would be against the God's will, then
God still can shift time back, while in the
new elapse of time do NOT allow these events
to take place. The existence of such a method
of correcting all errors and mistakes of the
past through shifting time back, is explained
more comprehensively in item #B3 of the web page
immortality.htm - about the access of people to immortality and to lives that never end,
and also in item #C1.1 of the web page
timevehicle.htm - about mechanism of time, shifting time back, and about time vehicles.
Of course, an event that in order to occur
it must receive NOT only a silent support
from God, but additionally His inspiration
and help, was writing of this web page.
This in turn immediately induces a question:
"why God inspired and supported the writing
of this web page which explains to people that
God created two opposite histories of the world,
and that this true history is the one that is most
thoroughly hidden?" After all, many people
who are going to read this web page may
feel grudge towards God that He intentionally
leads human scientists into a blunder through
creating the "simulated history of the universe
and man", which human scientists take for a
true one. So it is worth to answer this question
for a simple reason to understand that whatever
God does, He always have very important reasons
and goals regarding it. In case of inspiring this
web page, the main reason and goal is the need
to induce in people thinking over and taking a stand
in matters raised here. After all, we people are
created by God to seek truth, while coming
closer to truth always requires in-depth consideration
of every matter from many points of view. The
inspiring of this web page has several further
goals as well. For example, in eyes of God this
web page probably is to illustrate the "human"
attributes of God, which in our mechanical
prayers are revealed by words "on earth as in heaven",
but the meaning of which truly understand only
very sparse number of people. Furthermore, God
clearly wishes to unteach us the to-date adherence
to various fears (of the kind that with our search
for truth we may commit a blasphemy), "taboo" (i.e.
intentional silencing supposedly forbidden topics),
or discriminations of selected topics because these
could offend someone's authority. After all, if
someone really tries to find a truth, then he or
she must pursue this truth and seek it without
adherence to any prejudices. God wants that
all of us are devoted to search for truth and to
adherence to truth. This is even expressed in the
Bible authorised by God Himself - see John 4:23:
"...the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him."
After all, searching for truth is the requirement
of our path to knowledge, and also the main
criterion on the basis of which God judges all
of us.
Goals of this web page:
This web page tries to accomplish several
goals. The most important out of these is to
explain clearly why the universe
which surrounds us has as many as two
drastically opposite histories. Another goal
is to indicate to the reader which body
of evidence documents that in fact there
are two drastically different histories of the
world, out of which only one (this most thoroughly
hidden) is the true history. Still another goals
of this web page is to realise to the reader
that this true history of creation of the
physical world and man is extremely exciting,
and thus researching it is equally interesting
and full of adventure as the scientific researching
this simulated history of the universe that was
pieced together by people due to atheistic
scientific research. Only that in order to
experience the passion of scientific researching
of this true history of the creation of physical
world by God, it is necessary to learn at least
the knowledge which is make available, amongst
others, through this web page, through the web
page about the scientific
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
and through several other totaliztic web pages
which are related to them.
Fate of this web page and its editions to-date:
This web page was initiated on 23 June 2006.
The original goal of the first edition of it was
to realise that so-called "creationists" and
"evolutionists" should NOT argue and fight
with each other. After all, both these groups
in fact are correct - only that both are talking
on completely different subjects. But in 2008
I published a whole array of web pages which
document that in many matters God intentionally
"leads people astray" and makes them err, in
order to accomplish that way some His superior
goals. (For example, item #F7 of the web page
evil.htm - about origins of all evil on the Earth,
and also items #D2 to #D5 of the web page
ufo.htm - about scientific replies to fundamental questions about UFOnauts and UFO vehicles - e.g. whether they do exist, how they function, etc.
document that God intentionally simulates for
people a secretive occupation of the Earth by
evil UFOnauts, so that in this manner He can
use evil NOT under His own name as one
amongst His most effective tools for controlling
people.) Furthermore, I also published web
pages such as
immortality.htm - about the access of people to immortality and to lives that never end,
which document that God intentionally created
the reversible software time so that He can
shift that time back while in a new passage
of time so change the world that it best suits
the superior goals of God. Therefore, the situation
gradually has ripen to publish the second
edition of this web page on 25 November 2008.
In this second edition I decided to indicate openly
to the reader that the so-called "natural evolution"
and supposedly the "objective" history of the
universe that is laboriously pieced together
by present science, both describe just untrue
simulations that were invented and fabricated
by God and foisted off upon people by God in
order to accomplish a whole array of superior
goals of God.
Part #B:
The "true history of the universe and man" - means the natural self-evolution of
and the creation of man by God:
This part of the web page explains
with a down to earth method,
where we people come from and where
we are going. It does so by presenting
a new model of the origins of the
physical world and man. This model
is a result of findings of the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
It is completely opposite to the model
of so-called "Big Bang" disseminated
by official Earth's science. Simultaneously,
the essence of it is agreeable with
the model disseminated by religions - see the
Book of Genesis (1:1 to 2:4).
Only that it makes more unambiguous
and more scientific various ambiguities
which stem from the wrong way people
interpreted an old religious terminology.
What was the course of the self-evolution of
God -
means how everything has started:
Extremely long, long ago, there was no
Earth, no Sun, no matter, no our physical
world, and even no time which would
work in the manner in which right now we are starting to learn the work of time -
namely in form of working as the
"reversible software time" in which
people and all living creatures are ageing,
which allows old people to be repetitively
shifted back to years of their youth, and in which
my Time Vehicles
are able to work. That long ago the entire
universe was then just an infinitively large
single space having four linear dimensions.
However, according to findings of the scientific
theory of everything called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
the entire area of this infinitive space of
the universe was filled up with an extraordinary,
constantly moving liquid called counter-matter.
That "counter-matter" is an exact reversal
of "matter" which human science researched
so-far. Opposite to how the matter displays
the attributes of mass, inertia, friction, etc.,
this counter-matter is weightless, does
NOT show inertia, does NOT form any
friction, etc. Thus, it is continuously in a
state of perpetual motion - in the described
here initial stage of universe displaying all
the attributes of "chaotic motion"
(called "chaos"
in mythologies). The most vital, however, amongst
these opposite to our "matter" attributes of
"counter-matter", are the intellectual attributes
of it. As we know, in the natural state our
matter is "stupid". Thus, in the natural
state counter-matter
carries the attribute of "potential intelligence"
- similar to that displayed by present computer
hardware. Means, counter-matter is able to
accumulate and to store information, to
communicate, and to think in the natural
state. In the sense of its attributes,
this limitless ocean of counter-matter
was a kind of liquid computer at
the beginning of times. But initially
this computer did NOT have any
program inside. The perpetually
moving counter-matter which formed
it, at the beginning of times already
formed chaotic streams and whirls
which flew thoughtlessly from one
area to other areas of this initial
universe with infinitive dimensions.
Such period of initial "chaos" lasted
during the first half of the infinitively
long time of the existence of universe.
The above description of initial conditions
in which the self-evolution of God took
place is NOT taken from the ceiling.
In fact, there is a vast body of evidence
that it was like that. If someone is
interested in this evidence, it can be
found in volume 1 of my newest
monograph [1/5]
and in volumes 4 and 5 of my slighly older
monograph [1/4].
In order to provide here at least a
small example of this evidence, one
amongst numerous items of evidence
that the universe is an unlimited space
with no boundaries filled up evenly with
invisible for humans counter-matter
(instead of e.g. an unlimited space
filled up entirely with visible galaxies
and clouds of matter), is our imagination.
According to finding of the
philosophy of totalizm and the
Theory of Everything called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity -
which finding in my publications ussually is expressed
with the principle "everything that is possible
to define in our thoughts, is also possible to
accomplish in the physical reality - we only have
to contribute the appropriate hard work and
wisdom to find a way of accomplishing it",
we are unable to imagine anything that does
NOT exist in the universe - because such
a thing does NOT have a "name" nor a definition in the language of the universe called ULT -
the "Universal Language of Thoughts".
(Descriptions of the ULT language are
provided in item #B4 of the separate
web page about
as well as in subsection I5.4 from volume
5 of my newest
monograph [1/5]
and also slightly older
monograph [1/4].)
As it turns out, no-one amongst us is able
to imagine infinitively large universe filled
up entirely with "something visible for
humans", e.g. with galaxies. But everyone
without a difficulty is able to imagine a
space of infinitive dimensions entirely
filled up with something that is invisible
for humans (i.e. "counter-matter"), means
filled up with "emptiness".
During the first half of the infinitively long time
of flowing of this liquid-counter-matter from
one area of that infinitively large space
into another area of it, the counter-matter
kept learning. After all, counter-matter
is a potentially intelligent liquid. This learning
of potentially intelligent counter-matter resulted
in various kinds of natural programs being formed
inside of the memory of it. (This memory for
programs and data, which is contained
inside of the counter-matter, in fact forms
still another separate world, called the
"virtual world". The virtual world,
together with "counter-world" filled
up with the potentially intelligent "counter-matter",
and our "physical world" filled up with
the "stupid" matter, is one amongst three
separate worlds of the universe. It is in
this virtual world that God resides, means
that resides the primary program of
the universe - the evolution of which
is described in this item of the web
page. It is also this virtual world where
of us all land after our physical deaths.)
These intelligent programs started to gain
self-awareness. Means, they started to
know that they do exist and that they
are they. They also learned how to move
inside of counter-matter. They gained
the means to instigate counter-matter
in which they resided into carrying out
any motion that they wanted. These
natural programs that eventuated inside
of counter-matter gradually formed a
kind of self-aware creatures. Only that
these creatures had no body, but simply
were programs that resided in liquid
and intelligent counter-matter. So these
programs could be called "brotherly spiritual
beings". With the elapse of time these brotherly
spiritual beings mutually learned about the
existence of other beings, similar to themselves,
that resided in the same area of the counter-world.
A brotherly competition started between them.
This brotherly competition gradually converted
into a fratricidal fight. In this fight the winner
was only one program, which managed to
destroy or absorb all other programs similar
to itself due to the greater wisdom
that it previously accumulated. This
only remaining program which survived
from times of the fights, is our present
Thus, the superior being,
which currently is called God, is simply a single
huge self-aware program, which in a natural
manner self-evolved inside of the intelligent,
ever-existing counter-matter - for
the additionally perfected version of the above
definition of God, and for explanations of it,
see item #A0 from my Polish web page named
What is the most interesting, it appears that in the
Bible authorised (inspired) by God,
most probably God describes this His fratricidal
fight, and His victory accomplished due to
the wisdom. For example, in verses 10:1-3
from the Biblical "Book of Wisdom" (chapter
"Wisdom Preserves Her Followers"), is written -
I am quoting here verses from the US Catholic
Bible, which in July 2013 was available, amongst
others, at the internet address
"She [i.e. the Wisdom]
preserved the first-formed father of the world
when he alone had been created; And she
raised him up from his fall, and gave him power
to rule all things. But when an unrighteous man
withdrew from her in his anger, he perished
through his fratricidal wrath."
The above verses 10:1-3 from the "Book of Wisdom",
as well as other Bible verses symbolically explaining
the same situation (e.g. verses about the fight of
David with Goliat from both "Books of Samuel", i.e.
from 1 verses 17:1-54, while from 2 - 21:15-22),
are written similarly like the entire Bible - namely in
the manner requiring knowledge and wisdom which
allow the decoding of their true message. In verses
10:1-3 the key figure is: unrighteous "man".
This figure various versions of the Bible translate
in many different ways - sometimes in meaning
of a "human", the other time in the meaning of
an (miscreant) "supernatural being". But who
this figure really represents, it can be deduced
from directly or indirectly referring to it the
statements "fratricidal wrath" and "[the Wisdom]
preserved the first-formed father of the world
when he alone had been created".
Although the verses 10:1-3 are very short, still
the events described by them exerted enormous
impact onto our God, and as a result of this
impact in fact defined the entire reality that
surrounds us. After all, these events initiated
the idea of everlasting fight between evil and
good - which idea is at the essence of practically
every religion in the world, and the essence of
all life on Earth. It were also the events described
in them, which warned God at the very beginning
of the out-of-chaos times, that it would be a
considerable risk to create intelligent, self-aware
spiritual beings living in the same as God "virtual
world". Hence, in order to create self-aware
intelligent beings (such as are people) that
with elapse of time may degenerate to the
level of miscreants ("wicked people"), firstly
has to be created for them from them counter-matter
a whole separate "physical world" over which
God extends absolute power, and only then
can those intelligent beings be placed in such
a separate world. The events from these verses
probably also made God realize that in the
depth of the dimensionally infinite "counter-world"
at some stage may self-evolve other self-conscious
god-like spiritual creatures, with which God
can be forced to fight - as I explain this in
item #B1.1 from another of my web page named
Therefore, as part of preparations for a possible
future fight, it is desirable that God would
gradually create for Himself and carry out the
appropriate upbringing for this purpose, a whole army of
"soldiers of God",
who would acquire, among others, the following attributes:
high intelligence, a habit of learning and pursuing knowledge,
logical and rational conduct, diligence, seeking and telling
the truth, discipline, obeying God's commands and principles
of morality, modesty, loyalty to God, respect for all God's
works, love for fellow men, hardening in overcoming
difficulties, etc., etc. - see the Bible. (Notice that these
"soldiers of God" are us, "people" - only that they are
properly raised by God, for example in accordance with
the "principle of reversals" recommendations.
Features and educational requirements which the "God's
soldiers" should exhibit and should experience, apart
from the above item #B1.1 (and partly also item #M1)
from the web page named
I also described e.g. at the end of item #A3 from my web page
in item #D4 from yet another my web page named
in item #F3 from the web page named
and in a several yet other publications linked through
the key words "soldiers of God" (in Polish: żołnierze
Boga) from my Polish web page named
This is also from these events that the fundamental
principle of formation of our physical world originates,
according to which "There
is NO such good that would NOT generate some
evil", and "There
is NO such evil that would NOT generate some
good" - for explanations what this
principle mean, see item #F3 from my web page named
or see links to web pages with other explanations
of this particular principle, provided under Polish versions
of the both above statements (i.e. under the "NIE ma
takiego dobra, które by nie zrodziło sobą jakiejś formy
zła" and "NIE ma takiego dobra, co by NIE wygenerowało
sobą też jakiejś formy zła") from the Polish web page named
The events described in the verses 10:1-3 discussed
above, bring also equally revolutionary consequences
to awareness of those people who understand their
meaning and consequences. After all, these events
confirm, for example, that the model of the
surrounding us reality, established by the
Theory of Everything called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
is the correct model also described in the Bible -
and hence supported by the authority of God
who inspired the content of the Bible. They additionally
confirm that the findings of the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity on the subject of reality that surrounds
us, in the most of its parts is consistent with the
content of the Bible. In other words, they describe
for us also whatever stemms from the logical deductions
presented in item #D4 from my web page named
dipolar_gravity.htm -
namely, that the initial (original) world of the universe,
which the philosophy of totalizm and the Concept of
Dipolar Gravity call the "counter-world", is infinitely
vast and exists for an infinite length of time (see also
verse 3:24-5 from the biblical "Book of Baruch",
discussed in the above-mentioned item #D4, which
as well confirms the infinitive extent of the "house
of God" means the "counter-matter" from the
"counter-world"). They also make us aware that
in this infinitely vast counter-world, in the future
may evolve the infinite number of spiritual beings
similar to our God - with some of which one day our
God may come to fight for life or death. This in turn
should affirm us in the understanding that God's
efforts of upbringing people into resilient, experienced
and hardened "soldiers of God" are right, and we
should without murmuring participate in the "hard
school of life" to which upbringing action God treats
us now. (After all, every fight of our God, will also
be our fight for existence and survival.) They also
confirm that out of the three components (persons)
of God, one very important component (person) that
is the carrier of self-awareness, knowledge, and memory,
by the Christian religion most often called the "Holy
Spirit", is actually a Program (and at the same time
is the Programmer), which self-evolved from the
"chaos" of counter-matter relatively shortly before
the creation of our physical world - as it is defined
and explained in item #A0 from my Polish web page named
while more broadly described, for example,
in subsection A1.1 from volume 1 of my
monograph [1/5]
(especially see in there the descriptions based on
sources: [1A1.1] and [3A1.1]). Out of the other
two components (persons) of God, the kind
of "body of God" - because in every particle
of it, on the highest 12th memory level resides
the self-conscious program of God (in the Bible
this "body of God" is called "the Ancient of Days",
and sometimes also "God the Father"), namely
the intelligent counter-matter, has existed since
endless long time (i.e. for eternity). In turn, the
created by God from the counter-matter the third
component (person) of God, i.e. the entire "matter"
from our physical world, symbolically represented
by body of Jesus (including the matter of our bodies -
which bodies, because they contain self-aware
program of God in the 12th level of memory from
each particle of counter-matter forming our matter,
in the Bible are called "temples of God" -
see verse 6:19 in Biblical "1 Corinthians"),
exists only for around 6000 years - i.e. since the time
when God created our physical world and everything
what is in it, including us, people.
There is a significant body of evidence
in support of the finding that God originates
from the process of natural evolution
described above. For example, in support
of the fact that initially several spiritual
beings come to existence, which later
fought with each other, stands the
fact of inscribing by God exactly the
same competition and fight in life of
practically every living creature.
In turn, in support of the fact that
God is a huge natural program which
self-evolved in intelligent (liquid)
counter-matter, stand the fact that
a program is a relatively easy for
self-evolving inside of an intelligent
computer which in an unaware manner
carries out some physical activities.
The detailed description of this evidence
for the self-evolution of God is provided
in item #B3 below.
After God self-evolved, He learned how
to control absolutely the behaviours of
liquid counter-matter in which He resided.
Lonely existence induced in Him the longing
for creating from this counter-matter
similar creatures which would be on His
image, but which would also be inferior
towards Him - so that they would not
compete with Him and He would not need
to fight with them. Furthermore, lonely
God soon discovered that His capability
to learn are also limited - means when
acting alone He is NOT able to learn and
discover as much as He would be able when
He acts in a larger group. In this manner
He come to the idea of creating our "physical
world", and creating the man.
* * *
Independently from this item, the process of
the self-evolution of the second component
of God described here, means this huge
natural program which religions call the
"Holy Ghost" while the philosophy of totalizm
calls the "universal intellect", is presented
on a number of totaliztic web pages and
publications, for example in item #C2 from
"part #C" of the separate web page named
in item #I2 from "part #I" of the separate web page
dipolar_gravity.htm - about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
in item #B8 of the web page
god.htm - about God,
and also in subsections A1 and A2 from my newest
monograph [1/5].
In turn, the most vital consequences which for us
bears this self-evolution of God, including into this
also the necessity for upbringing the people into
hardened in battle and moral "soldiers of God"
is explained in item #B1.1 from the web page named
I highly recommend having a look at these
web pages. After all, they extend information
provided in this item.
Why a "natural evolution" in fact did occur
in the universe, only that the product of it was
not man:
"The existence of God is NOT at all contradictive to the official human science. It is the
official human science that still insist to remain in contradiction against truth and reality."
I wonder whether the reader ever asked
himself a question as to "what has a greater
chance to happen just by a pure accident -
something that is simple, or something that
is complicated"? For example, let us assume
that there is already a self-learning computer,
and also an empty ocean. What is to happen
first just by a pure chance, i.e. a program is
to appear first in this self-learning computer,
or a living creature is to appear first in this empty
ocean. I thought already about this problem.
In my opinion, the more simple something is,
the greater chance it has to happen by a pure
chance. After all, everything that is complicated
requires the simultaneous appearance of a
much larger number of phenomena that are working
for the benefit of it. Therefore, for example dropping
down a coconut from a coconut palm and hitting
someone into head has a much higher chance
of accidental occurrence than someone's climbing
a coconut palm and splitting his head there by
accidental hitting a coconut. So if this logical
finding we relate to the previous question
about what is to appear first: a program in
a self-learning computer, or a creature in
an empty ocean, the reply must be a program.
The reason is that a program is incomparably
simpler in the structure than even a simplest living
creature. A walking proof of this fact are present
scientists. After all, almost every present scientist
is able to make programs for a computer.
But in fact no present scientist on Earth is able
to synthesize from a zero even a smallest
blade of a most primitive grass.
The question from previous paragraph has
a huge merit in the matter of origins of man.
In fact, the reply to it conclusively confirms that
humans do NOT originate from the process of
a purely accidental evolution, but in fact were
created by
But simultaneously it is God who originates from
an accidental evolution of the same type which
present scientists attribute to the origins of man.
The logical and evidential basis from which the
finding was deducted that God himself
originates from a natural evolution, in turn
after he come to existence this God created
initially the physical world, and then man,
are described more comprehensively in
"part I" of the separate web page about the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
I recommend this web page to readers who
are interested in a deeper investigation of
this matter. At this point it suffices to explain,
that God is a huge program which in a
completely natural manner evolved inside
of a "liquid computer" called "counter-matter.
This character of God as a huge natural
program contained inside of self-learning
and thinking counter-matter is explained
in more details on the separate web page about
god.htm - about scientific replies of the secular philosophy of totalizm to basic questions about God.
In turn, being a huge program, God represents
a simple structure which is much less complicated
than any living tissues. As such a simple structure,
God had a much larger probability than a living
creature to evolve in a natural (accidental)
evolution. In turn, when God once came to
existence, then all the further accidental
evolution ceased to happen. This is because
everything that came to existence after God,
was intelligently and purposely designed and
then created by this already existing God.
After all, God had no difficulty with creating
even the most structurally complicated physical
world as well as man. The process of evolution
of God, and the later creation of the physical
world and humans by this God, is described
more comprehensively in the abovementioned
"part #I" of the separate web page about the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
But because the reader may not have an
access to this separate web page, repeated
below are most vital descriptions from it.
Sources of our difficulties with acceptance
of the above model of natural self-evolution of
together with examples of evidence for the
correctness of this model:
"In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. He was
with God in the beginning.
Through him all things were
made; without him nothing was
made that has been made. In
him was life, and that life
was the light of men. The
light shines in the darkness,
but the darkness has not understood
it. There came a man who was
sent from God; his name was John."
(Quotation from the
Bible, John 1:1-14.)
The majority of people have significant
difficulties with logical and comprehensive
acceptance of anything that differs
from their habits, that runs against
their interests, that is based on the
existence of infinity, etc. Therefore,
in the model and explanation provided
before for the natural self-evolution
of God, the majority of people is to
reject this explanation under the excuse
that it contains infinity. But real
sources of this rejection are going
to originate from any amongst following
Thinking in finite categories.
Everything that surrounds us and that
we can examine with the use of our
senses, has a finite character. Means
everything has a beginning and an end,
limited size, specific duration, etc.
Therefore, the majority of people acquire
the habit of thinking exclusively
in finite categories. So if we tell
such people, that something is infinitively
large, or is lasting infinitively,
then they ask curiously "but what
is behind this". In turn when we
inform them that something lasts
infinitively long, such people ask,
"but what was before it", or "what
is to be after that". On the other
hand, the existence of infinity is
a fact. It exists in mathematics.
It also exists in our imagination
(e.g. the majority of us can imagine
infinitively long life, or infinitively
long love). It also exists in the
reality of the universe. The infinitively
wide universe is a fact and in order
to understand it one needs to just
shift his or her thinking to the
category of infinity. In turn when
someone gets into the considerations
of the type presented in previous
item, then such a someone never
would be able to reach any valid
conclusions unless accepts the
existence of infinity. Without
accepting it, he or she is going
to trot in one place, unproductively
trying to solve a dilemma "what
was earlier - an egg or a hen".
(After all, in the finite world
before an egg a hen must exist,
while before a hen an egg needed
to be. Only in the infinitive universe
which includes God, one can precisely
define that after all an egg needed
to be created first - means program
and information, and only then a hen
could develop from this egg.)
Religious indoctrination. This indoctrination
pre-programmed all faithful with the
belief, that it was God that existed
infinitively long, NOT that infinitively
long existed some space called
"counter-world" which is uniformly
filled up with the extraordinary, ever
moving substance by the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
named the "counter-matter" - which
chaotic movements caused the final
self-evolution of the software component
of God (i.e. caused the self-evolution
of the so-called "Holy Ghost"). The problem
is, however, that this indoctrination does
NOT explain which precisely amongst
God's Trinity existed infinitively long,
namely whether it was God Father,
or Holy Ghost, or perhaps God Son -
after all according to the Christianity,
God is composed out of these three
Holy Components, similarly like present
computers are composed of the
hardware, software and peripherals.
People deeply religious,
for which God is the matter of faith,
not the matter of knowledge, will reject
the previous explanations from item
#B1 on the basis, that supposedly
these explanations contradict their
religious upbringing. Of course, they
will be completely wrong in this. After
all, if one analyses carefully explanations
from the previous item #B1 about the
self-evolution of God, then it turns out
that these explanations state exactly
the same as every religion does. Only
that they do this much more precisely
and that they explain everything scientifically
in terms of logic and knowledge, not in
terms of belief. After all, they explain that
the component of God, which by Christianity
and by the Bible is called "God Father"
or "Ancient of Days" (means the "counter-matter"),
in fact existed infinitively long - means existed
always. Thus, to the self-evolution was
subjected only this software component
of God, which Christianity and the Bible calls
"Holy Ghost" or the "Word", about which
the Bible also states that it does NOT exist
since the infinity, but exists only since the
beginning - see John 1:1 (after all, when
something exists infinitively long, then it
does NOT have its beginning nor its end),
while which the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
named the "universal intellect" - means
which is the natural program that resides
inside of this counter-matter. So the
rejection of the previous explanations
on the basis of religious indoctrination
is simply fighting about terminology
without analysis the merit of the matter.
Suppressing the findings of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity by makers of evil.
A serious problem with the free
dissemination of findings of the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
is that humans are subjected to the "simulations"
of a powerful terrorist-occupational
organization which supposedly acts
secretly on the Earth. More information
on the subject of this "simulation" is
provided in item #L2 from the web page named
This highly realistically "simulated"
organization, with all its powers and
at any cost tries to suppress, hold back,
scoff, neutralize, sabotage, scare, silence,
or overpower with noise, the dissemination
of this concept. Thus such sections of
this concept which still manage to
break through barriers that this organization
raises, are vigorously fought out. This
fighting is clearly visible in the
smearing campaign which is currently
carried out about this concept e.g. in
the internet. Notice, that main reasons "why"
such an organisation is "simulated" on
the Earth, are stemming from the need
for upbringing tough "soldiers of God"
explained in item #B1.1 of the web page
* * *
Because of the action of the above factors,
the model of the development of the universe
and the evolution of God, explained
previously in item #B1, meets a lot of irrational
and sinister resistance on the path,
before it is able to break through to
the awareness of humans. Fortunately
for this model, there is a sufficient
body of evidence which confirms the
correctness of it, and the agreeability
of it with truth. Therefore, for the use
of these readers who wish to cement their
rational knowledge, or who need evidence
in order to defend the model presented
here against attacks of e.g. the "makers
of evil", I am going to provide below at
least the most representative examples of
this evidence. Here are the most known
examples of it:
Information contained in religions which
confirm the correctness of the model
provided here. In spite that
these are highly religious people
who have significant reluctance to
accepting the self-evolution of God,
actually in statements of religions
the highest number of confirmations
of the correctness of the model
described here is contained. The
only problem is, that so-far
was no key for a correct
interpretation of these information -
such as e.g. the key provided
presently to us by the Concept
of Dipolar Gravity. Therefore,
people interpreted these information
in a wrong manner. Let us list below
several amongst such confirming
statements of religions, together
with explanations how one should
interpret them:
"In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. He was
with God in the beginning.
Through him all things were
made; without him nothing was
made that has been made. In
him was life, and that life
was the light of men. The
light shines in the darkness,
but the darkness has not understood
it. There came a man who was
sent from God; his name was John."
(Quotation from the Bible, John 1:1-14.)
In times when religions were formed,
people did NOT know present terminology
such as "program" or "computer".
So in order to express somehow,
that on the very beginning of
everything a "program" come to
the existence, they needed to
use a different terminology that
was known to them, and that was
closest to the idea of program.
This closest term was "word" -
means information, means algorithm
and program. Notice, that if something
had a "beginning", this means
that it did NOT exist since infinitively
"God exists as a Holy Trinity" (in three parts).
For example, the Christian religion
clearly distinguishes (1) "counter-matter"
(means "God Father" or the "Ancient
of Days" - i.e. a liquid computer
in which the program of God resides),
from (2) the "natural program of God"
(means from the entity that Christian
religion calls the "Holy Ghost", while
the philosophy of totalizm
calls the "universal intellect"), and from (3)
the "physical world" which was created
by this God (means from what is
symbolised by the idea of "God Son").
(It is worth to add here, that Hinduism
also distinguishes a similar "Holy Trinity" -
as this is explained more comprehansively
in item #C6 from the web page
Only that this (1) "liquid computer" means
the Christian "God Father" or the "Ancient
of Days" it calls the "creator" - means the
God Brahma. In turn (2) the "universal
intellect" means the Christian "Holy Ghost"
it calls the "sustenance" - means the god
Visnu. Finally (3) our "physical world"
means the Christian "God Son" it calls
the "destroyer" - means the god Siva.)
So the Christian religion already for
around 2000 years, as well as some
other religions for even much longer,
see in the universe three main components
which present human science managed
to recognise only in modern days on
the example of computers. After all,
only in modern computers we learned
to also distinguish (1) "hardware", from
(2) "software", and from (3) "peripherals".
Regrettably, modern scientists still
refuse to recognize, or at least to
notice, the presence of these three
components e.g. in people or in
animals. Means the official science
refuses to recognise such components
of every living creature as (1) "spirit",
(2) "soul", and (3) "body".
"God always existed". (Ps 45:7)
The model described here states
exactly the same as religions do,
namely that "God existed since
eternity". Only that the model
makes this statement even more
clear and unambiguous. This is
because it informs that for eternity
existed this component of God,
which is called "God Father" or
the "Ancient of Days" by
Christianity and which is
called the "liquid (universal)
computer" or the "gigantic droplet
of counter-matter" by the Concept
of Dipolar Gravity.
"God created the world and man".
This in turn means, that before the
creation of the world and man God
was incomplete - he had NO the part
which was created later. In turn such
an incompleteness means, that God
learns, develops, and gets more
perfect as time elapses. In turn his
learning and development means that
there was a time when God had no
knowledge yet that is required for
God, means that when his self-evolution
as God was started.
The existence of words and definition
in the ULT language, which confirm the
correctness of the explanation provided
previously. In spite that our
thinking habits block us from accepting
the fact that something (e.g. the universe)
exists since infinitively long time
and had no beginnings not end, on the
level of our intuition - which utilizes
definitions and words from the ULT
language, such an infinitive existence
of the universe is easily acceptable.
In a similar manner our intuition accepts
also other infinitive concepts, such as
infinitive love, infinitive existence
of our soul, or the possibility of
infinitively long life after people
overcome the deaths. So in order to
understand the fact of infinitively
long existence of the universe together
with this initial gigantic droplet of
counter-matter, we need to resort to
our imagination with our intuition,
means to definitions contained in the
ULT language.
The existence of the evidence which indicates
that God continually improves himself and the
entire universe. In turn if God continually
improves himself, this means, that there must
be such a moment in time, when his knowledge
was near zero, means when still there was NO
this component of God which increases his
knowledge. In turn the fact that God continually
increases his knowledge is indicated by a whole
range of evidence. Some examples of this
evidence include, amongst others:
The software structure of "timespace" ("omniplan").
This software structure is so designed,
that God can continually re-program and improve it.
This in turn means, that God continually
learns - means that His knowledge
does NOT remain on the same level
all the time. In turn when He learns,
He introduces subsequent improvements
to the "timespace". (This "timespace" or
"omniplan" is described more comprehensively
in item #C3 from the web page named
It s also described briefly on the web pages about
time vehicles
and about the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
The manner on which God shaped the
physical world. This manner
indicates that the intention of
God was continuous improvement of
this world. Only the need for such
improvement justifies why in the
physical world there are such
things as suffering, illnesses,
death, evil,
simulations of UFOnauts, etc.
The fact that every truth needs to
break through the sea of false.
In this way God tests the value of
this truth. In turn the only reason
which logically explains the need
of carrying out an infinitive number
of such tests, is the requirement of
learning and increasing the knowledge.
The imposing the need for improvement
onto the imperfection of man. God intentionally
created highly imperfect humans - as this
is explained in item #B2 from the web page named
But He could create a perfect man. This means
that the imperfection of man contains
a requirement of continuous improvement
and learning being imposed onto it.
The need of learning and perfecting may
be for God a condition of his survival.
After all, even on our low level of knowledge,
it is already known, that in other areas of the
infinitively large counter-world, self-evolved
similar to our God, although different, superior
software beings analogous to our God.
So it cannot be excluded that one day a
situation may raise, when our God will be
confronted with some of such beings - as this
is described in item #B1.1 from the web page
The existence of a body of evidence which directly
confirms the timeless existence of the chaotically
moving counter-matter constantly flowing through
infinitive space of the counter-world". Here are
most commonly known examples of such evidence:
The symbol if infinity (i.e. digit eight in a
horizontal position). As this is explained
in item #D6 of a separate web page about
our civilization repetitively receives telepathic
messages from other totaliztic civilizations of
a higher from people level of technical advancement.
In old times such messages used to be called
"divine revelations", while in present times
these are called "automatic writings" or
"messages from contactees". In these messages
humanity receives knowledge, which on our low
level of advancement humanity still is unable
to work out just be itself. One amongst such
information send to us in a telepathic manner,
was the information about the infinity of
the universe, and also the symbol of infinity.
This symbol turns out to be a "lying digit eight".
As every person is able to verify it easily,
this symbol models trajectories along which
the circulation of information (e.g. the circulation
of natural programs) must take place inside
of such a finite "gigantic droplet of
counter-matter" that hovers within the infinitive
emptiness of the universe and subdivided into
the physical world and the counter-world. On
the other hand, if this "gigantic droplet of
counter-matter" has a shape that differs from
a kind of gigantic droplet of finite dimensions,
for example it has spread infinitively and
had no end, then the symbol of infinity would
also be different - for example would take a
forms of lying X letter instead of the lying
digit eight.
The "Ancient of Days" from the Christian religion.
In the Christian tradition, for example
in the Bible, an information is recorded
that one only component of God existed
infinitively long. The most correct name
of this component translated into English
as the "Ancient of Days". References to
to this component are, amongst others, in
the Bible - see Daniel 7:9, 7:13, and 7:22.
But more exact interpretations of this
component of God require other old-Christian
sources to be researched, for example old
psalms from Presbyterian Church. These more
exact interpretations of the name the "Ancient
of Days" for the "infinitively old droplet
of counter-matter" are presented in subsection
S5 from volume 14 of
monograph [1/4].
The existence in the model described before
a similar number of elements of infinity,
as are also contained in every other explanation
for the problem of origins of the world and man
that are known to humanity.
Whatever explanation for the origins of universe
one would consider, always it is going to have
the same problem of "what was before it".
Also always some point of this explanation
must suggest the "infinity". Such a problem
appears immediately if someone carefully
analyses e.g. the imprecise religious
explanation that "always there was God"
(but not explaining which exactly component
of God did existed since infinity). After
all, without the acceptance of infinity
immediately a question emerges of the type
"did this infinitively existing God had
always the entire knowledge that He has
since the very beginning", "if God existed
since eternity, then why He needed to
create the physical world and man, instead
these also had to exist infinitively",
"if God created man, why He did it so
relatively recent", "what God was doing
before He created the physical world and
people", etc., etc. It is also going to be
like this in case of the claims of present
Earth's science, that at the very beginning
was a "Big Bang". After all, also then
inquisitive people are going to ask questions
of the type "what was before the Big Bang",
"what caused the Big Bang", "where this
entire energy and mass of the Big Bang came
from", "what lies behind borders of the
expanding Universe", "why each one out
of supposed "evidence" for the Big Bang
can also be interpreted as an evidence
for the self-evolution of God", etc., etc.
Therefore, the inability to accept an
infinitive existence of the "gigantic
droplet of counter-matter" boils down
to the revealing exactly the same thinking
habits, which in other people generate
the inability to accept an infinitive
existence of readily-formed God, or
impossibility to accept the Big Bang.
In fact, whatever someone would postulate
that something existed infinitively long,
always these people whose minds are working
exclusively in categories of trivial
habits of finite physical world, try
to undermine his statement by asking
"but what created this something that
existed from the very beginning".
Therefore the key for finding an
explanation for the origins of the
physical world and man, that is
holding truth, is NOT the avoidance
of considering a form of infinity
in this explanation. The considering
of infinity cannot be avoided. After
all, infinity is a component and a
true reality of the universe. So the
key is to find such a scenario and model,
which contains an infinity in itself,
but which simultaneously has the highest
probability of taking place in practice,
and the correctness of which is supported
by the greatest number of evidence.
The scenario and model described
previously in item #B1 has the highest probability
to take place in reality.
If one considers all possible
scenarios and models of the creation
of world and man which include
infinity inside of themselves, then
some amongst them are going to have
greater chances of being true from
others. These more correct must display
two attributes, namely (1) they must
be supported by the greatest number
of evidence, and (2) they must have
the highest probability of occurring
in reality. In fact the scenario and
model of origins of physical world
and man described in this part of
the web page is supported by the
highest number of items of evidence.
It also is the most agreeable with
the known principles of the operation
of universe. Thus this scenario and
model has the highest probability of
taking place in reality out of all
scenarios known to humanity so-far.
created firstly the physical
world and then the man:
The chief goal of God is to increase his
own knowledge and to cause the continuous
development of the universe to ever more
perfect form. But no development is possible
if whatever is to be developed does not
interact with something different. So in
order to increase his own knowledge, and
to cause the development of the universe,
God decided to create something that is
completely different from himself. This
something that God created was the
physical world in which we live, and
also intelligent beings which inhabit
this physical world - means us, people.
After the creation of the physical world
and people, God can now increase his
knowledge through carrying out on us various
experiments and then watching what happens
in the result of these experiments.
Of course, while creating the physical
world and humans, God still remembered
his unpleasant experience from the past.
After all, at the beginning of his
existence he was forced to fight for the
domination over the universe with a similar
to him perfect and timeless spiritual
beings. Therefore God decided to design
us and our world in such a manner, that
we fulfil several requirements that He
imposed onto his creation. Some of these
requirements included:
Imperfection and unreliability.
In order to maintain his superiority
and advantage over us and over our
world, God created our world and us
as imperfect and unreliable.
Of a limited lifespan. Means our
time is predefined and limited.
"Absolutely everything in the entire universe is only a manifestation
of intelligent counter-matter and natural programs which reside in this
counter-matter and which control behaviours of it" - means, as it is
stated in Hebrews 11:3 from the Bible: "what can be seen was made
out of what cannot be seen".
In order to create the physical world and man,
God completed 6-phases long process of
creation, which briefly is described in the Bible
(see the Book of Genesis, 1:1-31).
Unfortunately, the biblical description of the
process of creation uses a very archaic
language, and also is very brief. For example,
in times when it was written, by the word
"earth" was understood both the "chemical
elements" as well as "soil". In turn the world
"water" was then describing the extraordinary
liquid from the counter-world, which the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
calls the "counter-matter", as well as
the real water from our physical world.
In the biblical descriptions the same
words are used in various sentences in
such drastically different meanings.
Therefore, in order to really understand
how the creation of the physical world
and man was carried out by God, it is
necessary to translate biblical descriptions
into the present scientific terminology.
This translation is published on the
abovementioned web page about the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
(see there "part #I"). But because the
reader may not have an access to this
separate web page, repeated below are
most vital descriptions from it. So
here are the subsequent phases of this
six-stage process of the creation of
physical world and the evolution of
humans - if these phases are described
with the use of present terminology.
The creation of the earth and light.
The first phase of the creation of our
physical world that fulfils the requirements
and conditions described in previous item
#B3, required development of natural
programs which transformed liquid
counter-matter from the counter-world
into solid matter from our world.
Counter-matter is an intelligent everlasting
liquid, which exists infinitively long, and
which is in perpetual motion. So it was
necessary to so transform this counter-matter,
that it would displays attributes which
are exactly opposite to natural attributes
of this extraordinary liquid. Therefore
these natural programs which God then
developed, needed to cause such behaviour
of counter-matter, that attributes of this
liquid were reversed into exactly opposite.
The effect of reversing of attributes of
counter-matter God accomplished through
such re-programming it, that it formed
two opposite kinds of semi-permanent
whirls. These whirls are described
under the names of "low-pressure whirls"
and "high-pressure whirls" on separate
web pages about
hurricanes and about
as well as in subsection H4.2 from volume
4 of monograph
Due to such a reprogramming, the continually
moving counter-matter formed semi-permanent
objects in the form of such whirls. In turn
from these whirls controlled by such natural
programs, liquid counter-matter which obeyed
these programs formed semi-permanent "objects"
all chemical elements (means
"earth" - as in old terminology these elements
were called), and also
software "objects"
which represented all basic phenomena of
the physical world (means - mainly various
kinds of electromagnetic radiation, or
"light"). Thus "earth" and "light" were
formed from such natural programs and
from counter-matter which implemented
commands contained in these programs.
These "objects" are simply natural programs
and appropriate clusters of whirls of
liquid counter-matter which implement
the content of these programs. Their
description is provided, amongst others,
in item #G4 on the web page about the theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
and also on a separate web page about
time vehicles,
where these objects are explained as basic components
of the so-called "space time". In general, these
"objects" can be compared to objects from
present OOP (i.e. "Object-Oriented Programming"),
e.g. to an object of a "button" which appears
on the screen of our computer. This is because
these "objects" are very similar to such computer
images (e.g. the image of a "button"). For example,
on a computer screen such a "button" look as
if it is a solid form, on which one can implement
various manipulations, e.g. can shift it into a different
area of the screen, change colour of it, enlarge
or shrink it, etc. But in reality this button is still
a program and an image formed by this program
with the computer's hardware. Similarly these
"objects" formed from natural programs contained
in counter-matter, and from images formed by
hardware of this counter-matter, also look as if
the are solid, they can be subjected to manipulation
and shifting, etc.
The creation of a dome which divides two fluids (waters).
After God created the semi-permanent matter and
basic physical phenomena of the physical world
from whirls of liquid counter-matter, God decided
to separate this matter and these physical
phenomena, from counter-matter and from phenomena
of the counter-world. He accomplished this
separation through placing the matter and
physical phenomena inside of a completely
separate world. In this way God created
then an entire "physical world" - which
the Christian religion calls
God Son.
(This is a very accurate name, considering that
this religion calls "God Father" the counter-world,
while it calls "Holy Ghost" the natural program of
the so-called "universal intellect" that evolved
inside of the "virtual world". This virtual world
is simply the "program storing" capability of
counter-matter.) Then God created an impenetrable
barrier which separates this physical
world from the counter-world. Through this barrier
almost nothing can pass, apart from these natural
programs that reside in the counter-matter.
Although in the description provided here this
second phase of the creation of the physical
world may appear to be a simple and easy,
in fact it required the carrying out the complete
reconfiguration of the counter-world. After all,
every object from the physical world received
then its counter-material duplicate in the counter-world.
Furthermore, the maintaining of the existence
of this impenetrable barrier between both worlds,
and also the software communication through
this barrier, required the preparation of a huge
amount of indescribably complex software,
which maintains the cooperation of both worlds
while physically separating them from each other.
The clarification of lands and seas and the evolution of plants.
After the separation and enveloping the physical world
with the use of appropriate software, God began to
define, using a different kind of software, the subsequent
laws that prevail in this physical world. These laws gradually
allowed God to subdivide matter into different consistencies
of gases, liquids, and solid matter, separate these
kinds of matter from each other, and also begun
to experiment with creating first living organisms -
which by the nature of things needed to belong
to plants during that phase of creation.
The creation of stars and planets.
After the laws established by God for the physical
world were programmed out and tested, God
decided to enlarge and extend the developed
then (small) prototype of the physical world.
This enlargement and extension depended
on the creation of an entire present physical
world and the entire "time space". In this way
the volume of the entire universe was formed,
which included all stars, galaxies, planets, etc.
The creation and evolution of living beings in seas.
After the basic principles of work and development
of plants were mastered, God began to gradually
introduce and evolve various animals. At the
beginning he did it mainly within waters of oceans.
The creation and evolution of land animals and a gradual
creation of human beings. After all details
of genetic codes and principles of evolution were
programmed and tested, God finally could
proceed with gradual development of increasingly
more perfect land animals. In the final stage he
could also evolve human beings. How he accomplished
the evolution of humans it is explained in further
parts of this web page about the
evolution of man.
It is worth to notice, that
accumulated in man that he created the
essence of an entire experience from the
process of God's own evolution. For example,
a human child immediately after the birth is like
a self-programming, intelligent counter-matter
was in times before God evolved in it. After
all, a child is like an empty, self-programming
computer. Only the later life of this child
is to program into it the knowledge of an adult human.
In turn the mutual contradiction between the
persuading people by their numerous feelings,
to do whatever later is going to turn bad for
them, and simultaneous logical letting them
know by their organ of conscience what later
turns out to be good for them, is a memory written
into people and expressing the fight between good and
numerous forms of evil, which (the fight) at the very
beginning of his existence God was forced to
complete with other intellects similar to him
that also evolved in the counter-matter almost
simultaneously with God. In turn the principle
that "ontogenesis repeats the filogenesis' way",
(i.e. that the "development of an individual
repeats the development of the entire specie") -
described in item #F2 (5) of this web page about the
intelligently controlled by God creation of humans,
is an illustrative demonstration to people of the
entire history of their species.
Rest? Although the Bible calls "resting" the
present, seventh phase of the creation of the
physical world, in fact God all the time is perfecting
his creation. This perfecting is possible, because
the software of the so-called "time space"
(described amongst others in item #G4 on the web page about the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity)
was so wisely accomplished by him, that it
allows to introduce continuous improvements
to practically everything that God wishes to improve.
In turn, after any such an improvements is introduced,
immediately the power of this improvement
is extended to the entire "time space". On the
basis of watching what happens in the universe
and on the Earth, I am reasoning that God
currently experiments with a self-perfecting
organization of so-called "human swarms".
Such a "human swarm" is simply any civilization
composed of a huge number of imperfect humans
and living in separation from other similar
civilizations. "Human swarm" differs from
insect swarms or animal flocks - the advantages
of which over individual creatures God already
experimentally tested long ago. Namely, human
swarm does NOT have a "queen", while
all participants of it obtained approximately
similar characteristics and rights, and all of
them obtained the free will. The present
goal of God seem to be the development of
a system of moral and social laws, which are
going to cause that such a "human swarm"
as whole can become a creation much better
than each single member of it. (In other
words, God tries to improve the physical
world in such a manner, that these
"human swarms" which live according
to laws established by God, as whole
become much better quality in every
aspect than is each person constituting
such a swarm considered separately.)
After all, only by such a kind of experiments
various facts can be explained, e.g. a fact
that God created conditions on the Earth
in which the goodness and morality must
break free through barriers placed in front
of them by
evil doers,
or the fact that in recent times a clear drop in
level of average intelligence and average
perfection can be noticed, as it occurs both
in people and also in human
relatives from the space.
(For example, the present generation is at
average significantly less intelligent and decisively
less perfect than was in average the generation
which lived only around 50 years ago.)
I will not mention here, that this present
goal of God, as usual, runs against all
believes of Earthly scientists who claim
that "a whole is always as good as the
weakest link of it". Unfortunately, as always,
orthodox scientists who spread these kinds
of claims do not take under consideration
the experience of God in making impossible
* * *
At this point it is worth to emphasise, how
incomparably more realistic is the above
"religious" description of creation of the
"physical world" and man, from a completely
absurd description of the origins of the
universe that is disseminated by present
atheistic human science. After all, e.g. the
Bible, states in Hebrews 11:3: "... the universe
was created by God's word, so that what can
be seen was made out of what cannot be seen."
Means, the Bible states that the visible "physical
world" was created from an invisible "liquid
computer" (means from the "counter-matter")
due to the use of the "program" (means the
"information" or "word") - for more details
see item #C12 on the web page
bible.htm - about the Bible authorised by God Himself.
On the other hand our official science insists
on telling us that the universe was formed from
"nothing". So if we analyse the present official
scientific explanation for the origins of the
universe, then we are to discover, that it supposed
to come to the existence in the result of a "big
bang" before which NOTHING existed. Means
before the "big bang" did NOT exist neither
mater, nor time, nor space. But after this "big
bang", from this "nothing" rapidly a whole
universe was formed. To make this absurdly
claim of science even more absurd, the same
official science overlooks that in many other
areas it tells people that from "nothing"
never can "something" be formed.
God created man in the last (sixth)
phase of the creation of physical
world. After all, in order to create
man, God had to firstly accumulate
the appropriate body of experience,
means carry out an infinitive number
of empirical experiments.
Similarly as every other fact regarding the human
history, also the place where humans were created
by God have two locations, namely (1) true, and
(2) simulated. The true place where the process
of creation of man was carried out, is the Earth.
However, for important reasons explained in
item #A2 from the beginning of this web page,
for some time now a situation is simulated - as
described in "part #J" of this web page. This
simulation tries to convince some people that
the act of creation or "evolution" of humanity
supposedly took place on the already non-existent
planet called "Terra" - located within the
Vega system in "Lute" (Polish
"Lutnia") star constellation.
(The description of this planet Terra
is provided to people by UFOnauts.
It is repeated in the Polish treatise
and also summarised in subsection V3
from volume 16 of the English version
of monograph
Then God supposedly destroyed
this planet Terra, in order to not
deprive people the free will of
speculating about their origins.
But the destruction of the planet
Terra was supposed to be carried
out only after the humanity managed
to spread around the universe,
carrying with them onto other
planets also all other vegetation
and animals that God supposedly
created earlier on Terra. According
to claims of "UFOnauts", supposedly
all intelligent beings (UFOnauts) from
the present universe supposed to be
descendants of these first people that
firstly appeared on the planet Terra.
Similarly as in the process of creation of
every other living creature, also in the
process of creation of man God used
experiences which he accumulated previously
in an empirical manner. These experiences
God had written down in the form of so-called
"genetic code" - means in a program written
in a special kind of "programming language"
which God uses for expressing details of
the life and fate of a given creature - see
item #I1 below. As this is going to be
explained in further parts of this web
page, the creation of man was carried
out by God through slight alterations
of the genetic code taken from the
water-land creatures which already existed
before man - and which we know from
mythology under the name of "sirens".
Unfortunately, this creature got extinct
completely on Earth a long time ago.
But because sirens were an improved
version of whales and dolphins, after
it got extinct on Earth the whales and
dolphins remained the only still alive
animal relatives of humans.
It is worth to notice here, that the process of
creation of man did not end on the phase number
6 described in the Bible, but lasts until today.
At this moment God implements phase 7
which is mentioned in the Bible, but to which
people usually refer as to a "rest". However, in
reality the present phase 7 of creation of man
is in fact the experimentation regarding "human
swarms". (These "human swarms" are kinds
of huge group organisms, which opposite to
insect swarms and to flocks of animals, are
composed of individuals who have the so-called
"free will" and also have the ability to think logically.)
The goal of this present experimentation of
God is to create such conditions, in which
these "human swarms" live and develop
themselves in such a manner that as a
whole each of them displays much better
qualities than the quality of every individual
member of these swarms. It is worth to notice,
that at the time when the present, 7th phase
of the creation of man finishes with a success,
God is going to initiate the 8th phase. It is to
be the transformation of best human swarms
into gods who are permitted to create their
own worlds. (In that 8th phase the human
swarms who are NOT meeting the quality
requirements imposed by God are to be
annihilated. After all, they will not be needed
any more.) Further details on this subject
are explained in item #I4 of the separate
web page about the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
So who, or what, we humans actually are in the light of the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity:
Knowing how and from what we are created,
we are able to define now who, or what, we
humans actually are. So here is the definition
of us, humans, provided by the Concept of
Dipolar Gravity: "a name human is assigned
to a pyramid of natural programs which reside
in counter-matter and which shape this counter-matter
into a pyramid of structures and manifestations
that we perceive as our self-awareness, conscience,
history, body, and our sensual perceptions".
To explain this in other words, we humans,
in fact are in over 99% just kinds of natural
programs - similar like these in present computers.
Means over 99% of us is just information.
Then less than 1% of us is this continually
moving and everlasting, computer-like liquid
called "counter-matter", which these natural
programs shape into forms of various physical
structures that constitute our physical body.
The variety of these structures made of
counter-matter includes miniature toroidal
whirls described in subsection H4.2 of [1/5],
or in item #3 of the web page about
hurricanes -
several of which must cling together to compose
a single elementary particle, then it includes also
elementary particles, atoms, molecules, tissues,
etc., up until forming our entire physical body
and our senses. Illustratively we could
explain ourselves as a kind of computer
which is formed from a specially obedient
intelligent liquid, and thus which can take
any shape, any color, and any operation
that programs contained inside of it order
it to take.
The above explanation realizes to us that we in
fact are composites combined from as many as
three separate components. The first of these
components is our physical body. Because
of the close similarity between our own design and
operation, and the design and operation of present
computers, the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
compares our physical bodies to a picture which
is formed on screens of present computers - and
which can be perceived by our physical senses.
In fact, similarly as these pictures on screens of
present computers, our physical body as such
does NOT exists at all - it is just an illusion formed
in a software manner and posted to us via our
software senses. Our second component
is the counter-body which is formed from
the eternally existing and continually moving
liquid called "counter-matter". This counter-body
in fact does exist. However, it represents less
than 1% of what we really are. The main task
of it is to act as a computer memory which stores
programs of our soul.
Finally the most vital our component is the
most important natural program which stands
on the very top of this pyramid of programs that
is called a “human”. It is this program that religions
call the soul. This program contains our
self-awareness and our memory. More about
the natural program of "soul" is explained in
subsection I5.2 from volume 5 of monograph
Everything that does exist can be proven. Therefore
we people are able to prove that we have these
three components of ourselves listed above, i.e.
that we have: (1) a physical body, (2) a counter-body,
and (3) a soul. The proof for having the physical
body does NOT need to be shown here - it suffices
that we just "pinch" ourselves to know that our
physical senses confirm the software existence
of our body. The fact, however, that we also have
a counter-body should be proven formally. For the
appropriate proof suffices the one presented in
subsection H1.1.4 from volume 4 of monograph
and also in item #D3 from the web page about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
In turn the formal scientific proof for the existence of
eternal soul is presented in item #C1.1 from the web page about nirvana,
and also in subsection I5.2.1 from volume 5 of monograph
The above descriptions and explanations, but
provided from a different point of view, are also
presented in item #C1 from the web page about nirvana.
A formal scientific proof of
which confirms that "God created the couple of first people",
formulated according to principles of mathematical logic:
Formal scientific proofs are logical structures
which were developed according to a system
of very strict logical rules. They prove the truth
of specific theorems. These proofs turn our
believes into certainty. In the sense of their
character they are equivalents of physical
equations, only that instead of being formulated
and transformed in the form of mathematical
symbols, proofs are formulated from worded
assertions. The development of formal proofs
is extremely difficult and risky. This is because
apart from the need to fulfil rigorous logical principles
and also fulfil proving requirements, proofs additionally
carry in themselves the authority of their author
(i.e. the "prover"). So if they contain an error,
and thus someone invalidates them in a rational
(expert) manner, then this someone invalidates
also the authority of theie author (i.e. the "prover").
Therefore today such proofs are being developed
only in some areas of human knowledge, such as
mathematics or physics - where for a long time
exists a large pool of basic proofs on which further
proofs can be based.
But there are areas of human knowledge, e.g.
biology, astronomy, or religion, which so-far had
none formal proofs. So these areas
do NOT have initial pools of basic certainties,
on which further proofs could be based. Therefore,
these areas of human knowledge in fact are
composites of assumptions and speculations,
not reliable areas of science.
Nothing is known for sure in them. Also in them
officially are disseminated various outrageous,
strange, erroneous, and separated from real life
speculations of the type of the supposed "theory"
of random ("natural") evolution, or the "theory"
of pulsating universe and escaping galaxies,
or wild claims of adherers of atheism, etc., etc.
After all, everything that is claimed in these
areas, according to local tradition does NOT
require to be proved. The formulation of proofs
is especially difficult for these areas. After all,
people who are attracted to these areas,
love chaos and wild speculations, thus do
NOT wish anyone tries to introduce order
and accountability to whatever they are claiming.
The proof that I am going to present here belongs
just to these areas.
In 2007, during my
professorship at a university in South Korea,
I had a special honour, and simultaneously a special
responsibility, to develop, to publish, and to disseminate
several formal proofs, each one of which is extremely
important both, individually to each one of us, and
collectively to the entire our civilization. One of
these is the formal proof presented below for (3)
the creation by God of the first couple of people, i.e.
the first woman and the first man. This proof is
a component in a set of four similar formal proofs.
These formal proofs include:
The formal proof stating that "the counter-world
does exist" (this "counter-world" is actually
another world existing parallel to our "physical
world" and it is filled with the continually moving
substance called "counter-matter" which displays
attributes of liquid computer hardware) -
is presented in item #D3 of the web page about the
dipolar_gravity.htm - about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
and also in subsection H1.1.4 from volume 4 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
The formal proof stating that
"God does exist" also completed with
the use of methods of mathematical logic, is
presented in item #B3 of a separate web page
god.htm - about scientific replies of the secular philosophy of totalizm to basic questions about God
and also in subsection I3.3.4 from volume 5
of my newest monograph marked
The formal proof from here, which proves
that the first man and the first woman were created by
God - presented below and also in subsection I1.4.2
from volume 5 of monograph
The formal proof that "the humanity
lives in the world created and wisely ruled by
omnipotent God" - presented in item #B3
from the web page named
The formal proof that people have
eternal souls - presented in subsection
I5.2.1 from volume 5 of monograph
and also in item #C1.1 of the web page about nirvana.
The formal proof stating
that "God authorised the Bible" - is
presented in item #B1 of the web page named
and also in subsection M7.1 from volume 11 of the monograph marked
The formal proof stating that "DNA are
most simple forms of natural computers which
control the passage through time of cells in
which these DNA reside, while this control
of the passage of cells through time they
accomplish by a sequential running of
software 'programs of life and fate' contained
in memories of these DNA" - is presented
in item #D7 of the web page named
and also in subsection M1.6 from volume 11 of monograph marked
The formal proof that "UFO vehicles
do exist objectively and they are already operationalMagnocrafts" -
which the formal proof is historically the first proof
that I developed and published for the area of knowledge
intentionally ignored by the old official "atheistic orthodox
science" - for details see item #G3 from the web page named
This proof for the objective existence of UFOs
is presented on the web page named
and also in subsections P2 to P2.17 from volume 14 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
In the description that follows, a full version of
the formal proof for the creation by God of the
first couple of people is presented. But before
I formulate this proof, a few more words of this
The formal scientific proof for the creation by God
the first woman and the first man, was developed
in initial days of October 2007, when I was on
my professorship at a university in Southern
Korea. This proof was carried out with methods
of mathematical logic. It is based on the well-known
assertion (fact), that in order a given species
of creatures can multiply further all by themselves,
they need to exist as at least two representatives
of this species, namely - in case of people, as at
least one woman and one man. (In case of other
creatures, as at least one female and one male -
e.g. one cow and one bull, one hen and one rooster,
one sow (pig) and one hog, etc., etc.) The fact of
this simultaneous creation by God as many as two
creatures from each species, is so important that
it is especially confirmed in the Bible - see the Genesis, 1:27
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."
In turn the so-called "natural" (i.e. completely
random) evolution, which is promoted by present
science to explain the origins of humans, is only
able to cause a rapid appearance of a single
creature of new species, not two simultaneously.
Thus, in case of people, this "natural-random evolution"
could only cause the appearance of a single male,
or a single female, not both simultaneously. (The
probability that both would appear simultaneously
and rapidly, combined with the speed of evolutionary
changes in nature observed presently (which
is indistinguishable from zero), is so low that it
excludes any such appearance within the duration
of existence of present universe.) In turn just a
single individual would NOT be able to multiply
further just by itself. So such a "natural evolution"
in NO case could be able to give beginnings
for new species of living creatures.
So here it is, the entire formal proof for the
creation by God the first woman and the
first man, completed with the use of methods
of mathematical logic:
"The first woman and the first man were created by God."
Basis propositions:
Speaking just theoretically, every new species
of living creatures, including humans, could be
initiated either by the appearance of just one
such a new creature, or by the appearance of
a couple of new creatures. The fact that practically
all species of living creatures that populate the
Earth are able to multiply further by themselves
only when there exists simultaneously a couple
of them, means a male and a female, eliminates
completely the possibility that at the very beginning
could appear just a single such a new creature,
instead of the required couple, e.g. just one person
instead of a couple of people which included a man
and a woman - capable of further multiplying just
by themselves.
(2) The simultaneous appearance of a couple
of people, i.e. the first male and the first female,
could either happen in a rapid manner,
i.e. this couple of new people appeared rapidly
in its final form which differed significantly from
the nearest creatures that are related to it, or
in the smooth manner, i.e. this couple
was shaped gradually over a significant period
of time, from other creatures that are related to
it. The fact that scientists neither are able to find
any evidence for the existence of intermediate
forms between humans and other creatures
which could be close relatives of humans,
or that in present times the science was unable
to find even a single example of a full cycle of
such a smooth transformation of one species
of creatures into another species of creatures,
eliminates completely the possibility of a smooth
evolution of humans and proves conclusively that
the first couple of humans appeared on the Earth
in a "rapid manner" - i.e. rapidly and without any
intermediate forms.
(3) The first couple of people, means the first female
and the first male, either evolved randomly ("naturally"),
or this couple was created by God. The fact that
the first couple of people appeared rapidly eliminates
completely the possibility that the people originate
from a random ("natural") evolution.
(Explanation complementing this 3rd set of premises:
if the appearance of the first couple of people, means
the first woman and the first man, and also the appearance
of the first couple of any other living creatures, originates
from a "natural" (random) evolution, then it would display
the presence of a whole range of attributes, which in spite
of intense searches the human science was unable to
locate. For example, (a) it would leave traces in the form
of a whole array of the intermediate forms between the
starting species and the finishing species - while such
traces are absent on the Earth NOT only for human
beings but also for all other species of living creatures.
(b) Similar natural processes would need to
also occur in a continuous manner at present - thus
scientists would be able to find many other examples
when in recent times such an evolution of one
species into another species actually takes place -
and they would be able to document these examples
in their complete cycles of transformations. But the
science is unable to indicate even a single example
of such a full cycle of transformations of one species
into another species. Furthermore (c) such a smooth
evolution would need to have some effective propelling
mechanisms. But apart from wild speculations which
are NOT supported by any evidence, human science
is unable to prove the existence of such an effective
mechanism that propels a random evolution, nor
indicate an example (and a proof) that this mechanism
in fact does work in nature.)
(1) The first basis proposition is to be transformed
with the use of tautological form of the method known
under the name of "disjunctive syllogism". This
form can be written as [(p || q) && !p] => q,
in which the assertion "p" says "every new
species of living creatures, including humans,
are initiated by the appearance of just one
such a new creature", while the assertion "q"
says "every new species of living creatures,
including humans, are initiated by the
appearance of a couple of such new creatures",
in turn the assertion "!p" states "the fact that practically
all species of living creatures that populate the
Earth are able to multiply further by themselves
only when there exists simultaneously a couple
of them, means a male and a female, eliminates
completely the possibility that first could appear
just a single such new creature, instead of the
entire couple, e.g. just one person instead of a
couple of people that included a man and a woman -
capable of further multiplying just by themselves".
The transformation of these propositions leads to
the conclusion that "the humans were initiated by
the simultaneous appearance of a couple of people
that included a man and a woman - capable of further
multiplying just by themselves".
(2) Accepting this previous conclusion for an assertion
in the next phase of inference, and using the method
of "disjunctive syllogism", the tautological form of which
can be written as: [(p || q) && !p] => q, we obtain a
next conclusion which states that "the first couple of
people appeared on the Earth in a "rapid manner" -
i.e. rapidly and without any intermediate forms."
(3) The last couple of propositions allows us to derive
the final conclusion also with the method called the
"disjunctive syllogism", the tautological form of which
can be written as: [(p || q) && !p] => q. In this form the
assertion "p" says "the first couple of people, i.e. the
first woman and the first man, evolved randomly ("naturally")",
while assertion "q" states "the first couple of people
was created by God". Thus the final conclusion
states "the first couple of people, i.e. the
first woman and the first man, was created by God"!
The above inference chain unambiguously and conclusively
proves the truth of the theorem that "the first couple of people,
i.e. the first woman and the first man, was created by God".
* * *
For the use of these readers who are NOT
familiar with the notation that is applied in the
above proof, I would like to explain that
symbols "p", "q", and "r" mark subsequent
"assertions" utilized in this proof as logical
variables. In turn symbols "&&", "||", and "=>"
mark logical operators "and", "inclusive or",
and "implies" (if ... => then ...").
It is also worth to mention about the validity of
the above proof. Because this proof utilizes
exclusively tautological forms of subsequent
methods, it remains valid for all values of
variables it uses. Thus practically it is error-proof.
If someone would like to undermine it, he or
she would need to undermine first the validity
of mathematical logic. In turn this logic is a
foundation for countless mathematical proofs
which with a large success were used by the
effective and precise discipline of mathematics.
Thus, since so strong proof for the creation
by God of the first couple of humans, means
the first woman and the first man (and also for the
creation by God first couples of all other living
creatures) we finally were able to develop,
it introduces for us huge implications. Because
of the existence of this proof, and also three
further proofs mentioned at the beginning of
this item, it becomes really important that
everyone of us verifies his or hers attitude
towards God, other world, moral life, etc., etc.
After all, without the verifying this attitude,
we may inflict ourselves the biggest harm that
one is able to inflict himself or herself.
Especially vital in the above proof is that it is a
component of several other important proofs,
similar to each other by proving methods used,
but different by evidence that they utilize, that
coexist in
monograph [1/5],
while briefly summarised above in this item, as
well as in item #G3 from the web page named
These author's formal proofs in fact formulate
the foundation stones for the entirely new
scientific discipline about another world,
God, act of creation, soul, etc. In order to
illustratively realize here to the reader the weight
of the appearance of so many proofs simultaneously,
it would be good to compare ourselves to old
time Maoris that inhabited New Zealand and that
had no idea of the existence of farm animals,
such as horses or cows. (Before first Europeans
arrived to New Zealand, these islands were inhabited
mainly by birds and by lizards.) So when these Maoris
saw the first horse, probably they suspected that
it is just a mirage or a freak of nature. When
they saw two horses, they started to be puzzled
and convinced that some new quality is just
entering their lives. When they saw three horses,
they could be absolutely sure that horses do
exist and that they need to take notice of them.
In turn when they saw four horses, they needed
to revise completely their view of the world that
surrounded them. (By the way, now Maoris are
biggest appreciators of horses and they cannot
live without these animals.)
A shocking results gives also the comparison
of arguments of so-called "evolutionists" with
so-called "creationists", in the light of the above
proof (and also in the light of other formal proofs
discussed here). The evolutionists generate
in science so loud noise, as if all evidence was
in their hands. In the result of this noise, and also
hysteria that these noise created in human science,
amongst present scientists almost no-one has the
courage to admit that he or she is a "creationist".
However, if one carefully examines the supposed
"evidence" which stands behind this noise, then
it turns out that it is just this proverbial noise of
"empty pots that make the most of noise". This
is because the evolutionists actually have no
even a single documented case of so-called
"missing link" - means the intermediate evolutionary
form of any amongst millions of species of
creatures that inhabit the Earth in the process
of changing into another species. And we are
talking here not only about the "missing link"
for human beings, but also the missing links
for horses, cows, dogs, etc. After all, amongst
these millions creatures which populate the Earth
the human science is unable to indicate the
"missing link" to any of them. This means that
the pool of evidence in disposal of evolutionists
is actually equal to zero. Evolutionists also do
not have documented even a single case of
seeing a full cycle of changes of one species
into another species on the Earth. Means that
also the principle of the development of new
species which is promoted by them is wrong,
as it has no precedence in a real life. Finally
evolutionists still are unable to indicate a
mechanism that would propel the random
evolution. They speculate that supposedly in
nature is working the principle of the "survival
of fittest", but still again the empirical evidence
eliminates this survival as a mechanism that
propels the evolution. After all, there are known
cases when the oldest animals survived in the
unchanged form until today. A well-known example
of just such oldest animal that exists on the Earth
until today are trilobites which I saw myself
(with my own eyes) as they are sold today on fish
markets of Malaysia as so-called "king's crabs".
So how the "survival of the fittest" could be a propelling
mechanism of the evolution, when it allows to survive
until today even these oldest animals in spite of
"most modern competition" and in spite that they
represent the most primitive living organisms.
On the other hand creationists have on
their side the sea of evidence and confirmations.
For example, the scientific theory called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
has proven formally that God does exists, and
even indicated the space (i.e. a separate world
scientifically called the "counter-world") in which
God resides far from the reach of our prowling
eyes. Thus creationists have the intelligent creator.
The same theory indicated also the mechanisms
that propels the creation (i.e. the need of this
intelligent God to develop and to improve the universe).
Finally this theory indicated also the specific
examples of evidence which confirms the act
of creation taking place. This means that acts
of creation are confirmed practically by everything.
Thus the only reason why creationists are unheard
of in science, is that they are deafen and terrorized
by these creatures called "Pajak's serpents" - the
description of which is contained in item #D2.2
of the web page about the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
(Who actually are these noisy creatures that block
the progress of knowledge on the Earth, it was
explained more comprehensively in item #E2
of the web page about
evil.htm - about origins of all evil on the Earth.)
Interestingly, since the speculation about the
"natural" (random) evolution started to clearly
crumble down, these noisy creatures which
in item #D2.2 of the web page about the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
are called the serpents of Pajak immediately
come up with another atheistic explanation for
the origin of man. (Clearly the "theory of natural
evolution" also originates from these "serpents".
This is why after the fall-down of the theory of
"natural" evolution, "serpents" suggest now
another atheistic explanation which is very
similar to their previous theory.) This time
the "serpents" claim that the mankind was
intelligently designed by themselves. The
serpents call the "theory of intelligent design"
this their usurping to themselves the credit
for the creation of the mankind - that we
really own to God. Of course, this claim is
even more preposterous than their previous
claim about the "natural" (random) evolution.
If one analyses just a single aspect of the
amount of labour needed to design and to
complete these millions of creatures that
populate the Earth, then the consumption
of labour turns out to exceed capabilities of
even a largest civilization. Everyone who
had ever anything to do with the design and
with implementation of anything new, knows
jolly well how much labour, effort, thinking, and
people (i.e. staff) requires the development
of even the simplest thing, e.g. just an ordinary
toothbrush. (And still every now and again it
turns out that this toothbrush is imperfect yet
and that it can be improved further.) Thus for
every person who is familiar with the labour
of any creation, the claim that some civilization
would be able to develop ideally millions of
living creatures that populate the Earth, is simply
an ignorant bundle of nonsense. And one needs
to remember that every single one out of these
millions of creatures from the Earth is incomparably more
complex than a toothbrush. Also each single one of
them is developed perfectly for their role on Earth.
Thus the gigantic task of creation of new life on the
Earth could be only met by the being of efficiency
and capabilities of God himself. In no circumstances
it could be completed by lazy cosmic bandits and
robbers that practice the philosophy of
which actually are UFOnauts (i.e. "serpents of Pajak").
I will not even elaborate here about the fact that if these
atheistic "serpents of Pajak" (UFOnauts) designed
and implemented creatures that populate the Earth,
then who in such case would design and implement
them - means these serpents? In turn if we accept
that it was God who developed serpents and other
living creatures of the universe, then it is obvious
that God does NOT need assistance of these
clumsy and mischievous serpents in perfecting
also humans from the Earth.
At this point I would like to appeal to other lecturers
of logic. Namely, I propose to take notice of the
lack of meaning, motivation, and the absence
of engagement in examples of proofs presented
in textbooks of logic - as an example consider
the textbook proof "modus ponens" of the kind,
quote: "Samson is strong", and "If Samson
is strong, then it will take a woman to do
him in." We can conclude "It will take a
woman to do Samson in." (End of quote.)
So instead we use in our lectures such
examples deprived of actuality and sense,
I would rather suggest to use for example
of proofs e.g. the proof explained above, or
other proofs indicated in this item. After all,
these proofs are to inspire students to thinking
and to searches for truth, give more sense to
their lives, will be agreeable with indications
of our conscience, and in a non-imposing
manner are going to add our own contribution
to the fight for the prevalence of truth.
Independently from subsections of the
monograph [1/5]
indicated before, and also independently of this
web page, further formal scientific proofs similar
to this one, are also presented on other totaliztic
web pages listed above and also in abovementioned
item #G3 from the web page named
In fact there was no "natural evolution" at all - there was only the "completion of ecosystem" by God:
"The oldest creatures are equally perfect as the newest creatures - this definitively contradicts a natural evolution."
On a separate web page about the
authorization of the Bible by God himself,
in items #F1 and #F2 is listed a long
specification of items of scientific evidence
for the existence of God, soul, another world, etc.
Representatives of physical and biological
sciences conceal this huge body of evidence
from the society. In this manner they deprive
people the opportunity to make an "informed
decision" regarding their relation with God.
One amongst such carefully concealed cases
of evidence for the existence of God that is
discussed on that web page, is the empirically
striking us fact that the oldest creatures
(animals) on Earth are equally perfect
and equally well adjusted to present conditions,
as the newest creatures (animals).
Examples of such oldest creatures, which organisms
are equally perfect as organisms of most recent
creatures, are "trilobites". Trilobites belong actually
to the oldest creatures on Earth. But they still live
until today in sea waters of Malaysia. In Malaysia
these are eaten as so-called "kings crabs". In spite
of their impressive age, their organisms are equally
perfect as organisms of the newest creatures.
A similar case is with lizards and crocodiles, and
also with sharks. In spite of their impressive age,
their organisms are equally perfect as organisms
of most recent creatures.
According to the model of evolution, creatures
most recent should be significantly more perfect
than these oldest creatures. But according to
the model of creation of creatures by God, all
creatures were created in their perfect form.
After all, in case of creation the chronology
of their appearing in the physical world depends
only on the function that according to the God's
will they are to perform in the entire ecosystem.
Thus the fact that organisms of the oldest creatures
are equally perfect as organisms of the most recent
creatures, proves that in fact there was never
such thing which the science to-date describes
under the name of "natural evolution".
In this way the existing evidence indicates that
in reality the "natural evolution" never took place.
In fact, what science incorrectly interprets as a
"natural evolution", in reality was only a completion
of the ecosystem by God. God simply
completed the ecosystem gradually. Initially
He created only these most needed creatures,
then creatures less required. Some creatures,
e.g. "dinosaurs", God introduced only temporary,
then replacing their role with a whole range of
other creatures, while eliminating dinosaurs.
In His completion of the ecosystem God
acted similarly as young owners of new flats
complete their furniture. I.e. since they are
unable to introduce everything at once,
they firstly introduce whatever is the most
important. Then gradually add the equipment.
Some items of furniture they introduce only
temporary - only till the time when they are
able to replace it with a series of other items
which are more specialized.
God works silently and invisibly - but we can see effects of His work:
The wind is invisible. So is God. Since we
can't see this God, the claims are made that
He doesn't exist. Then the same people should
say that neither does the wind exist. But we
know the wind does exist, because of the effect
it has on things (smoke for instance). Likewise,
the God exists and works because of His effect
on things, such as bringing into existence very
complex life forms, things which nature has never
been able to produce by just random chance.
Summary of the "true history of the universe and the humanity":
The "real history of the universe and the humanity"
is the one for which most vital facts are described
in the Bible. Unfortunately, the main role of
the Bible is to provide people with only the
most fundamental information, and thus inspiring
people to carry out their own research that would
extend this information. Therefore the Bible
does NOT reveal the whole "real history of
the universe and the humanity", but only some
key points of it. This is because God expects
that the remaining sections of this history people
will find out on their own through research.
Therefore the relatively new scientific
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
worked out some amongst these missing sections
of the "real history of the universe and the humanity".
These sections were published, amongst others,
on this web page. Let us remind ourselves most
key points of this true history.
(0) The infinitively long existence of self-learning
"counter-matter". Counter-matter displays
attributes of a "liquid computer". Means, attributes
of this substance are exact reversals of attributes
of matter which we already know so well. Counter-matter
exists infinitively long. But only relatively recent,
just on itself, it evolved in its memory the self-aware
natural program which we popularly call "God". The
evolution of this program finished only slightly over
6000 years ago. More on this subject is presented
in items #B1 to #B3 of this web page.
(1) The self-evolution of God. The course and
effects of this self-evolution of God were determined
through analyses carried out by the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity. Their descriptions are provided in item #B1
of this web page. This self-evolution of God was
completed slightly over 6 thousand years ago, when
our God accomplished (developed) its own self-awareness.
(2) The creation by God the physical world, living
creatures, and humans. It is described by the
Bible. The interpretation of this biblical descriptions,
carried out according to findings of the Concept of
Dipolar Gravity, was published in items #B5 and #B6
of this web page. According to data provided in the
Bible, this creation took place around 6 thousands
years ago.
(3) Period of the open coexistence of God and humans.
In the first period of around 1000 years after the
creation of the physical world and people, God linked
His own mind to human-like bodies that He temporally
simulated on the Earth. (These simulations were
carried out on principles identical to these with which
presently God simulates UFOnauts and UFOs - means
on principles described in item #J1 of this web page.)
In this way God could interact with people directly and
teach them the basic principles of living. Descriptions
of these times survived until today in the form of
mythology and sparse descriptions from holy books.
It is from these times that various mythologies originate,
e.g. Egyptian, Greek, or Roman, as well as texts from
the Biblical Old Testament.
(4) The giving of religions and holy books to people.
Because direct interaction of God with people turned
out to be impractical and creating undesirable effects,
around 5000 years ago God ceased to influence
people openly. But in order to still provide people with
a set of most vital rules of living, God decided to create
what presently we call "religions". Probably the oldest
religion that God created, was what we presently call
"Hinduism". On the occasion of creating Hinduism God
gave people also a written form of hugely voluminous
guidelines and fundamental information - which
with the elapse of time formed these numerous
"holy books" of Hinduism. But it turned out that
people do NOT use these holy books because
of their too-voluminous size. Thus practically only
very few people read them. In the result God decided
to give to people further religions for which holy books
were increasingly shorter and more condensed.
One amongst these religions was the Christianity,
the holy book of which (i.e.
the Bible)
turned out to be the most perfect holy book
authorised by God Himself.
(5) The inspiring in people the development of increasingly
more perfect social systems, and also the development
of culture, science, and technology. This inspiring
boiled down to forming amongst people a whole series
of increasingly more perfect social systems, starting
from (1) tribal communities, through (2) slavery, (3)
feudalism, (4) capitalism, until the present form of (5)
socialism, and the future forms of (6)
totaliztic systems.
Simultaneously God inspired in people the development
of culture, science, and technology. This stage of the
history of humanity lasts until today and is going to
Part #C:
Evidence which confirms that the universe and
man were created by God:
Which evidence confirms that
the man was purposely created by
and that God uses the "intelligently
controlled evolution" in order to
continually improve the universe:
For the fact that not only people, but also God
utilizes the process of gradual improvement
(means the "evolution") in His continuous
effort of forming the increasingly more perfect
universe, is indicated by the ever growing
body of evidence. Let us review now some
more significant examples from this evidence:
The symmetry of the universe - means the use by
God the same methods of action which with the
elapse of time people will also develop for their own use.
The universe is very symmetrical on many different
ways. One of the manifestations of this symmetry is
that when a method produces the desired outcomes
in one discipline, the same method will turn also
equally productive in a related discipline. Scientists
are benefiting the most from this manifestation of the
symmetry of the universe. It allows them to shift and
adapt most effective methods of action from one
discipline to another. In spite however, that people
benefit from the outcomes of this symmetry since
a long time, they still insist to not recognize that God
also utilizes the same methods of action that they
use (or more strictly, that these are them who mimic
in their actions the methods which were developed
and used by God since long time ago).
Such a pre-programming of all laws of the universe,
that they guarantee almost a continuous development,
improvement, and evolution of practically everything.
For example, let us consider the principle of natural
selection prevailing in jungles, which amongst others causes
that the fittest survives. If one analyses this principle
thoroughly, it was introduced on purpose by some
superior intellect in order to promote the health
amongst animals. After all, if it would be formed
by the nature itself, then it would take the form of
the "survival of the most intelligent", or the "survival
of the most hansom" - means the one who enjoys
the biggest favours from the opposite sex.
The existence of genetic code. The sole fact that
there is such thing as a genetic code, is also a very
powerful evidence in support of the fact, that behind
the process of gradual evolution some superior
intelligence stands, means stands what we call
This is because from the theory of communication
we know, that the formation of any code is
only possible if there is an intelligence which
developed it and uses it. Expressing this
in other words, behind every code must stand
some sort of intelligence. It is impossible to
develop a code, if there is no intelligence
which participated in the development of it. Since
there is such thing as a genetic code, this also
means that there is an intelligence which
created and uses this code. Because the genetic
code appears and is used in practically all
living creatures, this intelligence which created
it must represent someone who is superior to
all living creatures. Means, it must represent
the universal intellect which we call God.
At this point it is also worth to notice, that
the existence of genetic code is both, the
evidence for the existence of God,
as well as the evidence for the use of evolution
by this God as a basic tool of improvements
of the living part of the universe. After all, because
of the genetic code, God in a very simple way
is able to program the evolutionary improvements
and the development of new species. It is
enough that God makes intelligent changes
in this genetic code, while the evolution of
given species is going to follow the improvements
that God pre-programmed and expressed with
the use of this code.
The presence of genes in genetic codes of some creatures,
which document the formation of these codes in a similar
manner as human programmers prepare new programs.
When a human programmer generates a new program,
usually he does it in such a manner, that he takes an
old program which does a similar job, and adopts it to
a new task. In the result, sometimes such an adopted
program contains a sequence of code which is not
needed in the new application of it. As it turns out, God
sometimes does the same during the creation of new
species. In order to create them, He takes a genetic
code of an already existing creature, then He adopts
this code for performing a new task. In the result,
American researchers who analyze the genetic code
for the creature called the California purple sea urchin,
with the scientific name "Strogylocentrotus purpuratus",
discovered with a shock, that this primitive creature
shares over 7000 genes with humans. These include
genes that help people see, as well as genes for
the human sense of smell (what this sea creature
needs the smell for?). It practically means,
that this completely dissimilar to people sea urchin,
in the genetic sense shows a significant proportion
of similarity with humans. So far scientists assigned
only to monkeys so significant similarity to humans -
for details see item #H2 in the further part of this web
page. More information about this genetically similar
to people sea creature, is provided in the article
"Secret life of sea urchin reveals intriguing mystery"
from page A19 of New Zealand newspaper
"The New Zealand Herald",
issue dated on Wednesday, November 15, 2006.
(This article is based on a scientific article from
the issue of the Journal "Science" which proceeded
it most closely.)
The existence of moral field and conscience.
These are described on a separate web page about
In fact their existence and operation completely
contradicts the natural (random) evolution.
After all, conscience and moral field for
example forbids to kill and to cheat, means
makes more difficult the "survival of physically
fittest". As an example consider how conscience
could help, e.g. lions, in their survival.
Unless it supposed to turn them into grass-eaters.
One should realize here, that animals in
fact also do have conscience at a level of
small children. In past I had a highly
sympathetic cat named Teecee - the photograph
of it is shown on the web page about
bandits amongst us.
The cat's nature of my Teecee always tempted
him to steal food that a neighbour put out
for his cats. I always was telling off Teecee
for stealing this food (although I never
punished him physically for it), because
whatever the neighbour put out, usually
was not very clean, full
of flies, and
partially rotting. So I was afraid
that Teecee gets some disease from
this food. Teecee knew that he NOT supposed
to steal this food, but somehow he never was
able to resist the temptation of trying it.
But each time when he did this, after the
return to home with his appearance and
behaviour he displayed such enormous feeling
of guilt, that the only thing that was
equal to his conduct then was the appearance
and behaviour of small children which not
only ate all sweets that they were told
to NOT touch before a dinner, but in addition
they broke the vase in which these sweets
were stored.
The existence of the ULT language. This
language is not only a proof for the existence
of God - as without God it would NOT be able
to eventuate just on its own. It is also a proof
for the purposeful creation of man by God - as
in a purely accidental manner it would NOT be
able to be formed in our minds just by itself."
(For more data regarding the ULT language -
see item #B4 of the separate web page about
Unimaginably higher structural complexity of
the human body in comparison to the structural
simplicity of the natural program of God,
combined with the higher chance of evolution
of the simpler structure first. The best
proof of the incomparably higher structural
complexity of living organisms - including
human body, in comparison to the simplicity
of programs, is that almost every scientist
currently is
able to form programs. However,
there is NO scientist on Earth who would
be able to synthesize from zero even a
simplest living organism. In turn this huge
difference in structural complexity of living
organisms in comparison to the natural program
of God, means that since there was in the
universe such thing as a natural evolution,
the outcome of it needed to firstly be the
structurally simpler God, not the unimaginably
complex man. (Of course, the natural evolution
must occur in the universe, otherwise it would
NOT have the definition in the ULT language,
while people would NOT be able to invent it
just on their own.) In turn, since God once
eventuated, nothing in the entire universe
could happen without his participation and
will. Means, in case of the existence of
God, man had no right to evolve on its
own and just by a pure coincident - means
without the approval and intentional
action of this God.
* * *
Of course, to the evidence discussed here also
facts belong which were presented in
item #D7 of this web page. For example, belongs
here rather allegorical than literal significance
of biblical descriptions of the creation of mankind,
and also belongs the fact that laws of the universe
limit and shape the actions of everyone in the
same way - no matter who this everyone is.
Which evidence confirms that the physical
world was really created by God:
In reality there exists an immensely large
body of evidence which confirms that
the physical world was created by God.
Of course, the presentation of this huge
amount of evidence would exceed the
humble size of this web page. Therefore
here I am only going to indicate the most
meaningful examples of it. Here these are:
(1) Evidence and proofs that God really does exist
and that He controls the fate of the physical world.
These evidence and proofs are presented, amongst
others, on the internet web page
god_proof.htm - about scientific evidence for the existence of God.
One amongst such evidence and proofs is this formal
scientific proof that God really created the first couple
of people, i.e. the first man and the first woman - which
(the proof) is presented in item #B8 above.
(2) The software (reversible) nature of time which prevails
in the physical world. Time could NOT be reversible
and have software nature if it was NOT formed that way
by intelligent God. In turn an empirical proof (accessible
for everyone) that time has a software nature and passes
in short jumps, is described in item #D2 of the web page
immortality.htm - about the access of people to immortality and to lives that never end.
How the
theory of everything named the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
adds its own findings about the
fact of the creation of man by
Previously the fact of the creation
of man by God was postulated only by
religions. All what science would do,
is to contradict it. Science was unable
to find and to indicate evidence in
support of the process of creation.
In turn without knowing such evidence,
scientists believed that they have
a duty to stand "against" the creation
of man. (In spite that they also
had no clear evidence on the
impossibility of the creation of man.)
Initially against the claims of
religions about the creation of man
stand up only the Darwin's Theory
of Natural Evolution. Sarcastically
it was a "theory" only from a name.
After all, the data on which it was
based were collected in a single
small area. So the "evidence" that
it used was taken out of the context.
For a significant period of time
this "pseudo-theory" was all that
the official human science managed
to sweat out about the origins
of man. So it generated a lot of
bad air. After all, it practically
instigated the entire human science
and almost all human scientists
to stand "contra" towards statements
of religions. But starting from
1985 a different scientific theory
named the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
started to be disseminated. This different
theory also have its own findings
regarding the origins of the physical
world and origins of man. This time the
the findings of this other theory are
"pro" - means they reveal that man
was really created by God. So there
is a chance, that this theory of
dipolar gravity manages to repair at
least a part of the ocean of evil
that the Darwin theory generated.
So the situation on the present
moment is such, that already two
scientific theories do exist. Each
one of them states something exactly
opposite. Thus the matter of the
creation of man by God ceases to
be just a matter of a "roller of
science bulldogging through statements
of religions", and becomes a matter
of two opposite scientific theories
which coldly analyze arguments and
evidence available. Of course, for
various reasons, for example because
of the so-called scientific inertia,
or because of reasons discussed on
a separate web page about
carriers of evil,
the official Earth's science still for
a long time will try to silence whatever the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
tries to realize to everyone. So in
order that people receive a chance
of making their own mind about findings
and evidence about the origin of man,
which are indicated by this Concept
of Dipolar Gravity, in part B of this
web page is explained what exactly
this concept states. So through
reading this web page readers have
a chance to make up their own opinion
on this subject. Because from the
scientific theory named the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
a new philosophy of life grew up, named
moral totalizm,
the findings and evidence presented
in part B of this web page express
also the official stand of the
philosophy of totalizm
in the matter of origins (creation)
of man.
Part #D:
The "simulated history of the universe and man" - means
a kind of fantastic story invented by God and then
implanted into the physical world that God created:
What states the "simulated history of the universe and man" - means
this history which present human science laboriously pieces together
from the "evidence" that was implanted by the omnipotent
into the very fabric of the physical world that surrounds us:
Already for several centuries human scientists
research the physical world that surrounds
us. On the basis of material evidence that
they discovered in this material world, they
try to laboriously piece together the history
of the universe and man. But, as this web
page clarifies this, the history that they piece
together is the "simulated history of the universe
and man" - means a kind of a fable invented
by God in order to accomplish His superior
goals described in item #A2 of this web page
and then implanted into the physical world that
surrounds us. We all approximately know this
history from lessons in our schools and from
our textbooks. So it is NOT necessary to
repeat it here. Thus let us only remind here
the most key components of it.
The most vital point of this "simulated history of
the universe and man" is that according to it the
universe supposed to come to existence around
14 billions years ago in the result of a big bang.
In turn the only known so far evidence that this
"big bang" supposedly appeared, is so-called
"red shift" in light of stars. Of course, scientists
do NOT consider facts described in items #D2
and #D2.1 of the web page
dipolar_gravity.htm - about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
especially that this "red shift" of light of stars
in fact results from propagation of this light
"against current" of the gravity field of these
Another key point of this "simulated history of
the universe and man" is that according to it all
living creatures, including into this also humans,
originate from a natural (i.e. purely accidental
and random) so-called evolution. But
as this is revealed by the item #D3 below, there
is evidence available which contradicts the origins
of life and living organisms from such an evolution.
The name "evolution" most frequently is
assigned to a scientific theory developed
by Charles Darwin, which (the theory) in 1859
was published for the first time in relationship
to the animal and plant kingdom in the book
by Darwin entitled "On the Origin of Species
by Means of Natural Selection", while in 1871
was extended also on the origin of humans
in another book by Darwin entitled "The
Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation
to Sex". (Darwin lived from 12 February 1809
to 19 April 1882.) There are numerous definitions
of this sensitive word "evolution". After all, this
word can be defined from many different points
of view. Probably the most popular definition of
it is provided in the encyclopaedia - I quote
it here after "The New Encyclopaedia Britannica",
15th edition, 1996, ISBN 0-85229-605-3, Volume
4, page 623: "Evolution: theory in biology that
postulates that the various types of animals and
plants have their origin in other preexisting types
and that the distinguishable differences are
due to modifications in successive generations."
According to disciples of the theory of evolution,
the mechanism which propels it is the process
of natural selection (the survival of fittest). According
to them, it is this mechanism that caused that
with the elapse of time the man evolved on Earth.
But before the man appeared, on Earth supposed
to live a still unknown ancestor of the man, to
which usually scientists refer as to a "missing link".
This ancestor supposed to be common to both,
people and monkeys. Therefore the disciples of
evolution claim that the closest relative of the man
in the animal kingdom are monkeys. (Usually they
indicate chimpanzees.)
Which evidence suggests that present
disciples of evolution in fact are tricked by
Unfortunately, the blind insisting of the followers
of the theory of evolution, that only laws and forces
of nature provide the direction and the propelling
force for evolution, is NOT able to explain a whole
array of paradoxes and puzzles from the universe
which surrounds us. Let us list here some examples
of such paradoxes which confirm that living creatures
could NOT originate from a "natural (random) evolution".
(1) Theory of probability - i.e. according to it, the
origins of life through a purely random "evolution"
is completely impossible. The complete
improbability of the random occurence of the
first stage of "natural evolution" is the most
strong argument for "creation". Actually so-called
"evolutionists" are unable to abolish or contradict it.
This argument states roughly that we all have within
us protein molecules, which are necessary for our
life processes. So what are the odds that 1 protein
molecule would randomly form out in the very initial
stage of evolution from a primitive mineral "soup"
which long ago existed somewhere in oceans of
our planet? Evolutionists admit that it would be
about 1 in 10 to the 113th power (i.e. 1 followed
by 113 zeros). According to mathematicians,
any event that has just one chance in 10 to the 50th
power (1 followed by 50 zeros) is dismissed as never
happening. To get a sense of that number with 113
zeros, it would be greater than the estimated total
number of all the atoms in the universe. But we are
only talking about 1 protein molecule. Some proteins
are used as structural materials, and others as enzymes.
Around 2000 enzyme proteins are needed for a cell's
functions. What are the chances of all of these happening
at random? 1 chance in 10 to the 40,000th power
(i.e. 1 followed by 40,000 zeros). The famous astronomer
Fred Hoyle commented on this figure: "An outrageously
small probability, that could not be faced even if the whole
universe consisted of organic soup... If one is not
prejudiced either by social beliefs or by a scientific
training into the conviction that life originated [spontaneously]
on the Earth, this simple calculation wipes the idea
entirely out of court." ("Evolution From Space", p. 24.)
[above information taken from the book "Life - How Did
It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation?"]
The above is simplified in the
through words:
"For every house is built by someone, but the
builder of all things is God." (Hebrews 3:4).
(2) Final products - independently from conditions
in which the evolution takes place, final products of
it seems to be the same. Thus, for example bacteria -
the evolution of which took place in Mars, and
which have fallen to Earth in Antarctic, have the design
and characteristics almost identical to bacteria from
Earth. But on Mars the prevailing conditions are
drastically different than these on Earth. Thus they
should lead to the evolution of creatures which are
different from these on the Earth.
(3) Intelligence of particles. Another example
of paradoxes discussed here is that the evolution
does NOT explain why intelligence is displayed not
only by the behaviour of people, but also e.g. by the
behaviour of elementary particles (i.e. components
of atoms). So is it possible that these particles also
are subjected to a natural selection which forced them
to evolve intelligence?
(4) So-called "missing links" - or rather the lack of
these. In addition to the above paradoxes,
as so far, in spite of intense searches, the present
science is unable to find even a slightest sign of
this "missing link" - this in turn seems to suggest
that such a link either does NOT exist on Earth,
or the disciples of the evolution seek it in completely
wrong places.
* * *
Therefore it is necessary to search for different
mechanisms and different propelling forces for
the development of the universe, than just such
a "blind" evolution. So far, the most significant
out of these different mechanisms is indicated by
the disciples of the creation, who unnecessary
consider themselves to be a competition to evolution.
Also an increasingly larger number of people is
attracted to the theory of an "Intelligent Design".
The disciples of this theory believe, expressing
this with a large simplification, that the man from
Earth was designed and farmed by intelligent
aliens through the use of genetic engineering.
(Note that this just shifts the problem onto distant
stars, because it still does NOT explain who
designed and farmed these intelligent aliens.)
This web page adds still another view to the
discussion about the origin of the man. The
view presented on this web page originates
from findings of a scientific theory called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
It links together claims of both, the evolutionists
and disciples of the creation. This is because it
states that God utilises the process of evolution
in the gradual improvement of the universe,
and that the present form of people is just one
amongst numerous stages in this infinitive evolution.
It also indicates where most probably hide remains
of this "missing link" from the human evolution.
The origins of each amongst these two opposite histories
of the universe and man must stem from the actual
existence of two groups of convincing evidence and
proofs that supports the correctness of each one of
them - although only one of these histories can be true:
All groups of people never insist on claims
without some fact basis. Thus, there
must exist some items of evidence which
support the increasingly intense exchange
of arguments between disciples of two basic
views about origins of the universe and man.
It is known that the main part of views of
so-called "creationists" results from the
Bible authorised by God Himself.
But the Bible is NOT the only source of their
perseverance and determination. In turn the
fact basis for another view adhered by
so-called "evolutionists" results from findings of
modern science. The disciples of each one out
of these two basic views present their arguments
in a manner, as if only one of them is based on
evidence - and thus was correct, while the other
one is imagined - and thus is false. Unfortunately,
such stand in equivalent to accusation of the other
side to be blind and unrealistic. After all, it implicates
the lack of evidence at the other side. On the other
hand both sides have the evidence and proofs which
should NOT be allowed to be ignored, and which
should be considered and researched. Therefore
the relatively new scientific theory of everything named the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
commands to stop this mutual negation of the evidence
of the opposite side, and concentrate exclusively
on researching the merit of this evidence.
In other words, logical and philosophical analyses
carried out within the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
indicate that in fact both
camps which unnecessary argue with each other
have the fully valid evidence. After all, there are various
premises and evidence which suggest that the
man is really a product of a chain of gradual
improvements which are called "evolution" - as this
is correctly discovered and researched by Charles
Darwin. On the other hand there are also items
of evidence which confirm that the course and
goals of this "evolution" is continually controlled by
In fact God did NOT create everything in a single
go, and everything in already a final version of it.
In reality God also utilises the gradual evolution,
means God improves the Universe slowly although
continually - similarly as people do this with their
long-term developments and products. Therefore,
in reality the followers of both mutually arguing
views are right. So instead of wasting energy
and resources for this academic arguing, the
disciples of both views should rather join their
forces in order to determine how exactly God
controlled the evolution to create the man, and
in which way in his infinitive process of creation
He used, and still uses, the process of intelligently
controlled evolution as his basic tool.
The merging of forces of both these camps would
allow to explain many puzzles. For example, it
could reveal that direct ancestor of humans
from the past of human family, in fact could
be the creature so well know to all of us and
usually named the "siren" (e.g. a creature
similar to the "Little Mermaid" - the well-known
statue of which adorns the harbour in
Copenhagen, Denmark, while a relative of
her adorns the city of Warszawa in Poland),
and also that remains of these our ancestors
in fact can be hidden on bottoms of seas and oceans,
not on lands - where they are unsuccessfully
searched by present scientists. The merging
of forces of both these camps could probably
also verify the extensive body of evidence that
the closest still alive relatives of humans are not
monkeys, but whales and dolphins - as this is
described in item #F2 below.
The existence of the evidence and proofs which
confirm the creation of the physical world and man
by God automatically invalidates merit of evidence
on which the present official science based its
piecing together its version of history of the universe
and man:
The logical and philosophical researching
the merit of evidence presented by both
"evolutionists" and "creationists" gives out
extremely interesting results. For example,
if the truth lies on the side of "evolutionists",
i.e. when the universe and man really originated
from some natural phenomena and powers - e.g.
purely random evolution, then never in such
universe would have right to appear evidence
in support of claims of "creationists". Means,
if "evolutionists" are correct, than there should
NOT exist evidence in support of "creationists" -
a part of which describes this web page. But if
the truth lies on the side of "creationists", then
in the universe could exist both these items of
evidence which is used by "creationists", as
well as items of evidence used by "evolutionists".
After all, if the physical world and man were
created by omnipotent God, then God in order
to accomplish His superior goals could also
invent, create, and implant evidence that
supposedly support the existence of random
evolution. Because in fact there is a body of
evidence in support of simultaneously both
these sides, this conclusively certifies that
the true is only the version of "creationists".
In turn evidence on which is based the official
science in its piecing together a "natural" version
of history of the universe, are simply invented
by God and then created for accomplishing
some Godly goals. So we can jocosely state
that present human scientists are victims
of a joke of God who simply "have them on".
The lesson which God serves to us through the fabrication of this untrue "simulated history of the universe":
God decisively is grooming people to be
"hardened in fire" and determined seekers
of truth. Therefore, in the light of what I have
presented in previous items, there is a burning
need to replace the stubbornness to-date
in matters of the origins of man, with logic
and with reasoning
based on evidence and facts. To accomplish
this, the discussion between religions and
science needs to be replaced by the discussion
between adherers of two scientific theories,
namely the Darwin's theory which stands
"contra" the creation of man by God, and the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
which stands "pro" creation of man by God.
Due to such a replacement, the topic of
creation of man by God is to be
shifted from the present area of
squabble between two similarly
close-minded sides, into the area of rational
discussion about the evidential value of
arguments, logic of deductions, true state
of things, creative experience of people, etc.
Therefore, a basic goal of this web page is
to cause just such shift in accentuation of
this vital discussion
Of course, the accomplishments of this web
page hopefully serve towards the turning of
present arguing into a future constructive
discussion. One of these accomplishments
is the indication as to how the matter of origins of
man is explained by the theory of everything named the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
Furthermore, another accomplishment of this
web page is to indicate the body of evidence
which the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
accumulated in support of its findings.
Still another accomplishment of this
web page is to reveal how the Concept
of Dipolar Gravity places the fact of the
creation of man by God within the entire
process of formation of our present reality,
means in relation to the process of self-evolution
of God and the later process of creation of
our physical world by God.
Time to realise that the followers of evolution, and the disciples of the creation of the man by
are divided mainly by stubbornness, emotions, and the lack of will to find a common ground:
The disciples of the evolution behave in their
arguments as if they were sworn enemies of
the disciples of the creation, and vice versa.
However, if one analyses thoroughly arguments
of both sides, then it turns out that there is more
stubbornness and intentional building of walls
around own views, than the actual logic and
accord with empirical data on the world around
us. For example, the disciples of the natural
evolution (E) on purpose do not want to take
notice of the following facts:
The process of gradual improvement of objects already
existing, which is described by the word "evolution", in
fact is the only manner in which intelligent beings are
able to improve the level of perfection in their products.
Putting this in other words, if a superior being called
God wishes to improve the level of perfection of whatever
He created, then in fact He must utilize the process of
introducing gradual improvements, which our science calls
the "evolution". Evolution is also used by people in their
continuous effort of constructing the increasingly more
perfect technical devices, intellectual products, descriptions,
accomplishments, etc. For example, if people were
invisible like God, but some scientists who arrived to
Earth from the space could watch e.g. our cars or
computers (without seeing people), then he also would
formulate the theory of evolution for them, claiming that
cars and computers on Earth are developing on
principles of gradual evolution.
Principles of logic and methods of action remain exactly
the same, no matter who uses them.
Expressing this in other words, if the only method of
action which allows to accomplish increasingly more
perfect products, depends on gradual improving them
step-by-step - as this is done by people in subsequent
generations of their houses, cars, or computers, then
this method must be used by every kind of intelligent
beings, including God.
* * *
In turn disciples of the creation (C) of man,
not only that overlook the above facts, but in
addition do not take under account that:
Many expressions and descriptions in the Bible have
purely allegorical meaning. In fact the Bible is
full of descriptions which should be taken allegorically,
not literally. For example see the "Revelation" 19:15,
which describes the arrival of Second Jesus to Earth,
quote "Out of his mouth come a sharp sword, ...".
(How one can take literally the description that
someone would hold a sword in his mouth. So this
description must be interpreted allegorically as a
statement, that words and ideas disseminated by
Second Jesus will cut enemies similarly as this is
done by a sword.) So it is just a blind stubbornness
to claim that the biblical description of the creation
of world and man must be taken literally.
These who wrote the Bible used an archaic language,
which still lacked many ideas and terms present in
today languages. So how, for example, in times
of writing the Bible could be explained, that there
were seven evolutionary periods in the process
of creation of the world and man - if these who
wrote the Bible did NOT know yet the terminology
"evolutionary period" or "era". Of course, in such
case they used the word "day", which (the word)
in meaning lied the closest to these two terms that
they did not know. So it would be an absurd to insist
now on the literal taking the description that God
created the world and the man during 6 days (while
on 7th day He rested). Especially that somewhere
in the Bible itself is written, that in each place
where in the Bible the word "day" is used, one should
understand it as 1000 years. (I encountered this
statement in Bible sometimes ago, but presently
when I tried to find it again and refer it here,
I was unable to find it fast. But indirectly the
same is expressed by following words from "2 Peter 3:8" -
quote "But do not ignore this one fact, beloved,
that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years,
and a thousand years as one day." Exactly the
same is expressed in psalm 90 "A Prayer of Moses,
the man of God" - quote from verse 4 "For a
thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday
when it is past, or as a watch in the night.")
In order to be even more interesting, in Biblical
times the number 1000 was not meaning the same
as today number 1000. This is because then it
was the largest number that existed in the
Roman numbering system. (Romans marked it
with the letter "M", and they did not know any
larger number.) Thus the biblical expression
"thousand years" in fact can mean the same as
"so many years as it only is possible to express
with the largest number that we know". After all
present people also say "millions" while they think
"as many as only our numbers are able to express it".
One needs to remember as well, that for God -
who exists for eternity, the elapse of time
has a completely different meaning as for
people. More comprehensively this is explained
on separate web pages
god.htm - about scientific replies of the secular philosophy of totalizm to basic questions about God,
and web page
timevehicle.htm - about mechanism of time, shifting time back, and about time vehicles.
Thus, in the God's system of the elapse of time,
whatever for human historians will represent an
entire era, for God can be an equivalent of a
single day.
For more data about the creation of the physical
world by God see "part I" from the web page about
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
or see subsection P6.1 from volume 13 of monograph
* * *
If one considers the above facts in his deductions,
then rapidly it turns out that both, the followers
of the evolution, and disciples of the creation, in
fact describe the same general mechanism of
the origin of man, only that they pay a whole
attention to just a single small detail from a whole
range of details and aspects of this mechanism.
So in fact there is no difference in claims and views
of either of these groups, but only there is a human
stubbornness and the someone's evil attempt to "divide
and rule" amongst others through the use of such
different views on the origin of mankind. Furthermore,
everything seems to indicate that the true message
which the disciples of the evolution are trying to secretly
disseminate via their views, is the message that "God
does NOT exist". In turn the only message which
the disciples of the creation of the man try to disseminate
with their arguments, is the claim that descriptions from
the Bible are NOT allowed to be treated allegorically
nor interpreted from the point of view of the advancement
of knowledge and the making of human language increasingly
precise, but should be taken literally up to every single
letter. However, it is worth to notice, that the philosophy
in fact abolishes the validity of both these claims.
(I.e. it formally proves the existence of God, and
also it redefines more precisely with modern strict
language many ideas which in the Bible are
presented loosely with an ancient language.)
Part #E:
The body of evidence which confirms that really
two histories of the universe and man do exist,
namely (1) the true one (described in the Bible),
and (2) invented and simulated by God (the one
disseminated by scientists):
Which evidence confirms that in fact two
histories of the universe do exist:
If we carefully look around, then it is easy
to notice that in reality there is a lot of scientifically
verifiable evidence which confirms the fact
described here, that the universe and man
have two different histories of their origins
(although only one out of these two is true).
Here are examples of this evidence:
(1) The lack of conclusive evidence which would
undeniably prove that the "simulated history of the
universe and man" (i.e. the history pieced together
and adhered by present atheistic science) is the
true history. For example, there is a lack of this
"missing link" for humans, as well as the lack of similar
"missing links" for all other animals which we see
around us, e.g. for a horse, cow, goat, pig, etc.
In addition, for example the so-called "red shift" in
light of stars - which supposedly is the "major proof"
for the existence of the "big bang", also turns out
to be highly ambiguous and have a more correct
explanation that confirms the creation of the physical
world by God. (I provided this explanation in items
#D2 and #D2.1 of the web page
dipolar_gravity.htm - about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity.)
If the evolution and scientifically promoted history
of the universe were true, then evidence which
confirm them would be easily accessible. But such
evidence is missing. On the other hand, if God
invented and passed off upon human scientists
this additionally simulated history of the universe
and man, then God would never create and allow
to find a conclusive proof which would confirm
this make up history. After all, in case God creates
such a conclusive proof that confirms an untrue
history, than with this creation He would simultaneously
contradict the truth of His own words which He
included into the Bible authorised by himself.
Furthermore, He would make impossible to future
generations of people to find the truth on this subject.
(2) The "evidence" which scientists "discover" and
use for the formulation of this "simulated history of
the universe and man" did NOT exist from the very
beginning. Means, there is the lack of confirmation
that e.g. skeletons of dinosaurs existed and were
found lets say 2000 years ago (in times of Jesus).
In other words, the items of evidence which scientists
research today, was created by God only on the
relatively recent stage of the human history, when
God realised that in addition to the true history of
the universe and man there is also the need to
create this additional, untrue, "simulated history of
the universe".
(3) God really indicates in His actions the lack of
experience and imperfections of His methods of
action which well illustrate the activities of a slightly
over 6-thousands years old "God-youngster".
If one analyses more carefully the methods of action
which God uses at present, then it turns out that
some amongst these methods could already be much
more perfect. As an example let us consider the
treatment which God serves to human discoverers
and inventors. This treatment is so contradictive to
the "universal justice" which God represents, that
on many web pages of totalizm I call them the
"curse of inventors" - for examples of it see item
#G6 on the web page
eco_cars.htm - about progress in the development of pollution-free cars,
item #H1 on the web page
newzealand_visit.htm - whether God supports the populating of Antipodes by people,
and also item #K3 on the web page
fe_cell.htm - about the telekinetic cell, means about the source of unlimited amounts of free energy.
On the other hand accomplishing scientific discoveries
and new inventions is the activity with the highest level
of morality. After all, God created man so that humans
could further the knowledge, means so that they make
discoveries and inventions. Simultaneously the iron
rule of God is that in the name of the "universal justice"
He rewards all morally correct actions. Thus inventors
and discoverers also should be rewarded by God.
However, God treats them with this "curse of inventors".
It means God punishes them for carrying out morally
correct activities. This in turn means that His methods
of action towards people are NOT as yet perfected to
the end. Similarly imperfect methods of action of God
can be found more after thorough analyses (e.g.
consider reasons behind the saying "good dies young").
Only that the goal of this web page is NOT to point
them out.
The well known to totalizm reason for which God
treats every discoverer and inventor with this "curse
of inventors", is the "moral law" which states that
everything must be earned. Unfortunately,
there is a huge disproportion between whatever
inventors and discoverers would have to endure
if they just "earned" for themselves the benefits
that they ripe from their accomplishments, and
what they really is brutally served to them taking
the form of clear repressions and punishments.
Besides, practically none inventor or discoverer
accomplishes any tangible benefits out of his or
her contribution to the humanity. Simultaneously
is so severely treated as if he or she benefited
from his or her accomplishments the entire life
through. Therefore, according to the principle of
the universal justice it would be more righteous if
the inventors and discoverers were make to "earn"
just whatever benefits that themselves gain from
from their accomplishments. In turn other people
also would be make to "earn" for themselves for
their own share of benefits drawn from a given
invention or discovery. In capabilities of God lies
such a reforming the reality. An example how it
can be accomplished, is the requirement of earning the
nirvana -
if someone wants to gain an access to
In this way the present highly unjust situation would
be repaired, when e.g. an inventor dies from hunger
and exclusion only because he was make to "earn"
everything that his invention brought to the entire
humanity. Simultaneously other people later glen
benefits from his invention without any effort - although
they never earned these benefits.
Fortunately, I managed to learn methods and
principles with the aid of which inventors can
self-defend themselves from effects of the
"curse of inventors" (and also from effects
of "inventive impotency" which stems from
this curse) - although, unfortunately, for me
currently it is too late to apply these in case
of my own inventions. But just in case I already
described these methods and principles on
my web pages - for the benefit and information
of other inventors. Explanations how to implement
such defences, the reader can find e.g. in item
#H1 to #H3 of the totaliztic web page named
(4) The existence of many important reasons which
motivated God to invent and implant to His creation
the "simulated history of the universe and man"
in spite that there is also a "true history of the
universe". People are motivated to actions
by a whole range of different factors, e.g. because
they want either power, or money, or pleasure,
or love, or revenge, etc. But if we analyse actions
of God, then it turns out that His motivations are
different. Most frequently God undertakes an action
because appeared reasons for which He should act.
Frequently God also acts in a specific manner in
order to teach and inspire people. A vital motivation
for actions of God is also maintaining the universal
justice. (Of courser there are also further motivations.)
Thus analysing actions of God we can state that if
reasons appeared, for sure after some time always
action of God follows these reasons. So since there
are these extremely vital reasons for inventing,
creating, and implanting the untrue, "simulated
history of the universe and man" (described in
item #A2 at the beginning of this web page), this
means that God really took actions to satisfy these
Why every item of supposed "evidence" for a purely
random evolution, in reality with the same power
proves also the fact of the creation of man by
"Every item of supposed 'evidence' which by the
adherers of a purely random evolution is indicated
as a proof of a 'natural' evolution of man, in
reality with at least the same power proves also
the fact of the creation of man by God. There is
even no single item of evidence which would support
exclusively the process of a random evolution of
man, and would contradict the intentional creation
of man by God. On the other hand there is a wealth
of evidence which supports the fact of the purposeful
creation of man by God, but which simultaneously
contradicts the possibility that man is a product
of a purely random evolution."
The dark force of
makers of evil
mentioned already earlier on this web
page, unleashed on Earth a hysterical
campaign in the style let us all
attack religions, that ruthlessly
attacks and destroys adherers of the
creation of man by God. But it turns
out that this noisy campaign is in fact
a "colosus which stands on legs of clay".
As it turns out, practically every out
of supposed "evidence" indicated by
adherers of the purely random evolution
of man, that it supposedly certifies
for the "natural" (means purely coincidental)
evolution of man, in fact with at least
the same power proves also the fact that
man was created by God. Only that this
double-sided attribute of evidence for
the origins of man, so-far was NOT revealed
nor explained to the society. There is
several reasons for the silence about
this double-sided sward of supposed
evidence of evolutionists. The most
vital of these is that before the
formulation of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
adherers of the creation off man by
God had no tool which would indicate
in what manner these supposed evidence
for the random evolution in fact also
support the purposeful creation of
the man. Another reason is this loud-mouth
hysteria of the adherers of random
evolution, and also the ruthless methods
that they use to destroy their opponents.
It causes that there is no many scientists
who would have a courage publicly reveal
the shabbiness of the supposed 'evidence'
of the adherers of a random evolution.
However, in reality there is NO even a
single item of supposed 'evidence' which
by the adherers of a purely random evolution
is indicated as a proof of a 'natural'
evolution of man, and that in reality
would NOT support also the fact of the
creation of man by God with at least
the same power. There is also even no
single item of evidence which would
support exclusively the process of a
random evolution of man, and would
contradict the intentional creation
of man by God. On the other hand, there
is a wealth of evidence which supports
the fact of the purposeful creation
of man by God, but which simultaneously
contradicts the possibility that man
is a product of a purely random evolution.
This evidence which in the unique manner
supports exclusively the truth about
the purposeful creation of man by God,
is indicated and discussed in item
#C1 of this web page. In turn this item
summarizes the manner in which supposed
'evidence' of the adherers of coincidental
evolution is in fact also an evidence for
the purposeful creation of man by God.
Here is a list of most vital 'evidence'
indicated by the adherers of supposedly
random evolution of man, together with
explanations how this "evidence" in fact
with at least the same power support also
the fact of purposeful creation of man
by God:
Principle of the survival of fittest.
Adherers of the random evolution indicate
this principle as their "crown evidence"
that supposed to explain the mechanism
behind the manner in which new species
of creatures are developed. However, if
one analyses the self-evolution of God
described in item #B1, then it turns out,
that also in case of a purposeful creation
of animals by God the same principle
fulfils a whole range of functions.
For example it: (a) memorizes the fact
of the fight for survival which God also
needed to endure during his own evolution,
(b) continually reminds the possibility
of a similar fight for survival to take
place in the future, (c) for all it is
a factor that motivates the growth,
development, increase of knowledge,
and putting an effort, (d) it provides
a foundation for the formation of so-called
moral laws,
(e) it promotes health amongst animals
(see item #F2 below), etc., etc.
Ontogenesis repeats the filogenesis' way.
(I.e. that the "development of an individual
repeats the development of the entire specie".)
This principle is described in items #C2 (5)
and #B5 (6) of this web page about
intelligently controlled evolution of man.
In fact it is one amongst mechanisms in '
the general principle which God applied
during the creation of the physical world,
namely that every event and every process
must leave some permanent traces that it
occurred. The principle that "ontogenesis
repeats the filogenesis' way" is just a
manner of recording trails of the history
of the development of a given specie.
Since God promotes two histories of the universe and man, i.e. (1) the true one (religious), and
(2) simulated (scientific), then what stand we people should take in the matter of these two histories:
Well, our choice is simple. Since the omnipotent
God promotes two different histories of the
universe, this means that God wants us to
learn both of them equally thoroughly and
treat them both equally. It seems that God
wants us to train our learning capabilities
and skills of finding the truth on both of them.
Therefore our (people) task is to treat both
of them equally seriously and both of
them research in details and with fervour,
so that both of them gain equal attention and
consideration. Also none of them can be
discriminated only because e.g. it does NOT
agree with our view of the world. Only in our
statements and in our thinking we should
clearly distinguish between them both, e.g.
through adding to each one of them some
qualifiers in order to emphasize about which
history of the universe or man we just talk
or write.
Part #F:
Dolphins and whales - means the closest relatives of people:
If people are products of the "evolution directed by God", then which still alive creatures on Earth are most probably the closest relatives of man:
If one accepts the fact, that God in fact utilised
a process of controlled evolution in order to
develop present humans, then somewhere in
the universe creatures did exist at some stage,
from which humans were created (evolved).
Although until today probably these creatures
got extinct, still their close relatives must exist
somewhere. So which creatures still alive on
the Earth are in fact closest relatives of humans?
Means are these monkeys (e.g. chimpanzees) - as
this is indicated by disciples of the "natural evolution"?
I personally believe, that increasingly significant
evidence indicates that the man evolved from a
water creature, or more specifically from a kind
of a "siren" or a "nymph". In my opinion,
everything indicates that these extraordinary
water creatures, which in legends are described
under the name of "sirens" or "nymphs",
are the "missing link" which is searched
for so stubbornly on lands by the official human
science. Only that these creatures got extinct
already several thousands years ago, while
anthropologists do not carry out diggings on
bottoms of seas to be able to detect their remains
over there. Fortunately, close relatives of
this creature survived on Earth until today.
These are sea animals belonging to a
general group of "cetaceans", to which
belong "whales", "dolphins", and
"porpoises". Thus, in my personal
opinion, from the point of view of
true genealogy, whales, dolphins
and porpoises are much more close
relatives of people than e.g. monkeys.
(Perhaps this explains why in recent times there
must be such a vicious battle over the saving of
whales from a complete hunting down by
Japan, Norway, and Island. Probably these
nations which fight for the right to kill
whales do not wish to have alive on Earth
any animal relatives.)
Evidence which indicates that people evolved from "water creatures", e.g. similar to
mythological sirens, and that the closest still alive relatives of humans are whales and dolphins:
In item #H2 of this web page explained is
the fact shocking for some people, that
the "holistic" comparison of genetic codes
is completely useless for establishing the
genealogy of given species. This is because with the
entire genetic codes is similar to entire technical
diagrams of cars in different factories, from
which (the entire diagrams) also it is impossible
to determine the genealogy and mutual
relationship of separate types of cars.
(Although, if someone knows exactly what and
where to look in such technical diagrams, then
the relationship of subsequent types of cars he
or she can determine from brief comments
which designers of cars write in small sections
of these diagrams, e.g. on their corners or frames -
for details see item #H4 of this web page.)
For example, whole technical diagrams of a
bus produced by Mercedes will suggest,
that this bus is a relative to the bus produced
e.g. by Hyundai or Daewoo, but will NOT
show that it is a relative the limousine from
the Mercedes factory. (However, in reality
with Mercedes and Hyundai or Daewoo
is exactly opposite. But in order to discover
this, someone who does not know these buses
would need to learn how to read small writings
well hidden in corners of technical drawings of
these buses.) The "holistic" analysis of genetic
codes illustrates only details of the design,
operation, and conditions in which given species
are living, coded in a special "genetic language"
which human science still has not decoded.
So these scientists who claim that e.g. whole
genetic codes of e.g. monkeys
are proofs for the proximity of blood between
monkeys and people, simply do not know
what they are talking about. In turn if one accepts
this inconvenient truth about the entire genetic
codes, then at our present level of knowledge,
completely different facts must be used for
the indicators of alliance of separate species
of creatures. Below I am listing a whole series
of such indicators. In my opinion they prove,
that from the point of view of true genealogy,
the closest still alive animal
relatives of people are whales and dolphins.
Simultaneously monkeys have the same in
common with people, as frogs' tadpoles have
in common with fish. Here are these indicators:
The lack of hairs in almost the entire body, but the
presence of hairs on the head. All mammals,
the last stages of evolution of which took place on
lands, are covered with fur. In turn all creatures, the
last stages of the evolution of which took place in
waters, have a naked skin. The man has skin
deprived of the hairs on almost the entire body,
like his water relatives which still live until today,
e.g. like whales and dolphins. Almost the only
area where the man maintained the hairs, is the
top of his head - most clearly his evolutionary
ancestors used to swim with heads sticking out from
The standing pose, which is also attempted by e.g.
sea lions after they enter a hard ground. Land
animals rarely develop a standing position in the
process of evolution. In turn when they are forced
by something to take this position, then usually
this causes in them the degeneration of their upper
limbs, with a simultaneous doubling of power and
size of the lower limbs (as an example consider
kangaroo or two-legged dinosaurs). But water
mammals, instinctively tend to assume on land
the standing position which reflects their position
in water during breathing. Thus after they emerge
on lands they still show the tendency to maintain
this position - as an example consider the position
instinctively assumed by sea lions after they stand
on a seashore.
Human feet similar to flippers, e.g. in frogs, means
feet completely different from the "hands" on legs of
monkeys. Human feet have the shape more
resembling the flippers of water creatures, e.g. frogs
or seals, than paws of land animals. All signs indicate
that human feet are evolutionarily transformed flippers
similar to these from backs of seals.
The similarity of skeletons in frontal flippers of some
whales and dolphins, to skeletons of human hand-palms.
Some whales and dolphins have bones in their front
flippers, which are almost identical to bones from human
(hand) palms. In fact bones in their frontal flippers are
much more similar to bones in human hand-palms,
than are bones in hand-palms of monkeys. Actually
does not exist on Earth any other creature, the bone
structure of frontal limbs of which would be more similar
to bones in hand-palms of humans than this takes place
in flippers of some whales and dolphins.
The instinctive skill of swimming in human babies.
According to the evolutionary principle developed in
XIX century by the German evolutionist, Ernst Haeckel,
which states that the "ontogenesis repeats the filogenesis'
way", (i.e. that the "development of an individual repeats
the development of the entire specie"), if people evolved
from a water creature than human babies should be able
to swim instinctively. And in fact everyone knows perfectly
well, that human babies in the age when they still are
unable to walk, actually have an instinctive ability to
swim. (What even more interesting, this ability to swim
disappears in them immediately after they learn how
to walk.) In this first period of life, human babies swim
and regulate their breathing instinctively like small
dolphins. Thus practically this instinctive ability to
swim displayed by babies who still do not know how to
walk, is another evidence in support of the fact, that
ancestors of the man evolved from a water creature
(e.g. similar to sirens). (I am not going to deliberate
here on the well-known fact, that through a significant
section of the foetus development the human children
look like small dolphins.)
A similar taste of flesh in whales and humans.
A folklore of these nations,
which practiced cannibalism and also simultaneously
ate whale flesh (for example, as this was the case with
New Zealand Maoris), claimed that the taste of human
and whale flesh are very similar to each other, although
simultaneously very different from the taste of other
creatures, especially these living on land. In turn the
folklore of these nations, which used to eat both, people
and monkeys, e.g. like head hunters from Borneo, state
that the taste of monkey flesh is very different from the
taste of human flesh.
The preference of human body for the diet made of fish
and other sea or freshwater organisms. When the
evolution of any living organisms develops them to take
a specific kind of food, then this food turns out to be the
most suitable for them from every point of view. In turn
a shift towards eating any other kind of food always induces
various health problems in them. As it turns out, for people
the most suitable food seem to be fish and other creatures
and vegetation of seas and freshwater. In fact, present
scientists keep discovering increasingly larger number
of reasons for which fish, shellfish, crabs, seaweeds, and
other products of seas and freshwater, as well as individual
biological components contained in fish, shellfish,
crabs, seaweeds, and in other gifts of seas or waters,
turn out to be especially beneficial for human body.
Simultaneously they keep discovering increasingly
more reasons, for which diets other than these originating
from seas or from freshwaters induce various problems
in human bodies.
Instinctive preference of the taste of salted food.
Man is practically the only creature living on
land, which instinctively prefers eating salted
food over unsalted food. All other creatures,
although can voluntarily leak pure salt when their
bodies have a deficit of it, however they do not like
the taste of salted food nor eat such food. This is
best known to producers of e.g. cat food, and also
to owners of e.g. cats. After all, in normal cases cats
do not touch salted food. In turn e.g. salted grass or
fodder for cows, makes them intensely bloated and
may finish with their death. The only explanation for
this instinctive preference of people for the taste of
salted food, is that creatures from which humans
evolved, developed such taste because they ate
food mixed with salty sea water. Thus, their food
was always salty. This explanation is even confirmed
by quantitative facts. For example, the amount of
salt which people most prefer in their food, in typical
cases is equal to the amount of salt contained in
sea water.
The maintaining by people until present times the characteristic
"smell of fish" in intimate places. In turn this characteristic
"smell of fish" is unique to all sea creatures.
The existence in people of some remnant genetic codes
of sirens, which lead to cases of so-called "mermaid
syndrome". On Thursday, 13 March 2008, in
channel 2 of the New Zealand television, at 9:30 to
10:30 pm, a program named "20/20" was broadcasted.
In this program, amongst others, was a report about
a girl which was born with the so-called "mermaid
syndrome" which is extremely rare on the Earth.
This syndrome depends on a given person (usually
a girl) being born in the form when instead of human
legs and human internal organs, it develops a siren
tail, and internal organs which are more similar to
these from a siren than from a human. In this program
was shown, amongst
others, a scan of the foetus of this girl. This scan
show, that as a foetus for a long time she was
more similar to a foetus of a dolphin than to a foetus
of a human - e.g. she had flippers of a dolphin. Of
course, present medicine treats these rare cases
of the "mermaid syndrome" as coincidents. But we
cannot exclude the possibility that these are simply
genetic echoes which reveal to us the appearance
of creatures (i.e. sirens) from which God evolved
later the human genetic system. Such a possibility
of the "genetic echo of sirens" is confirmed by the
fact that this syndrome appears repetitively in non-related
people and that victims of it always have anatomic
details similar to each other.
The lovemaking while turned with bellies towards each other.
None out of the present land mammals (apart from the man)
is making love while being directed with their bellies
towards each other. However, just such a manner of
lovemaking is a standard in water mammals, e.g. in
Abstract thinking, the use of language, and the sense of
morality, appearing both, in the intellectual development
of people, as well as in whales and dolphins. In
fact the language, the process of thinking, and even
the sense of morality, are most developed and most
close to humans in water mammals, i.e. in dolphins
and in whales. It appears that the water environment
instigates the development of intelligence and speech.
For example, the comparison of richness of expressions
of the language used by dolphins, to voice signals used
by monkeys, is the same as the comparison of a language
of some primitive humans, e.g. from jungles of New Guinea
or Amazon, to voice signals of dogs. Whales and dolphins
have also human-like self-awareness, are able to recognise
themselves in mirrors, organise themselves in complex
societies, etc. For example, sperm whales demonstrate
even the sense of morality, when they e.g. do NOT use
their powerful fish-finding sonars at full blasts when other
whales are nearby, nor they use these sonars as weapons -
as these sonars would permanently deafen other whales
with full power blasts. Because of the all above attributes
of whales and dolphins, participants of two-day conference
at a University of Helsinki, who belong to the organisation
called the "Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society
(WDCS)", said in a declaration of 24 May 2010,
that, quote: "We affirm that all cetaceans as persons have
the right to life, liberty and wellbeing". The topic of that
declaration of "human rights" to whales and dolphins is
discussed, amongst others, in the article "Call to give
whales 'human rights' " from page B2 of New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Tuesday, May 25, 2010. Summarising the
above, even sceptical scientists admit, that there are NO
other animals on the Earth which would be so close to humans
in every possible aspects, as are whales and dolphins.
The existence in dolphins and whales human-related social behaviours.
In turn such related behaviours confirm that people
and dolphins and whales originate from the same
evolutionary chain. It is because only these two groups
evolved identical social behaviours, which are NOT
demonstrated by any other creatures. I provide here
the most drastic examples of such behaviours.
Departing to other world together with the respected
leader. The evolution provided people with an unique
impulse. Namely, if someone loved or respected dies,
then the ones who are emotionally linked with the deceased
commit suicides to go together to the other world. Spectacular
examples of this impulse include, amongst others, self-burning
of wives in old India together with corpses of their husbands,
burying in ancient Egypt important people together with
their entire court, fate of Romeo and Juliet, or present
"suicidal pacts" of some teenagers. Well, whales and
dolphins do the same. If e.g. the leader of a pack of
whales is sick and dying, then an entire pack commits
a suicide by "beaching" themselves.
Organising meetings for socializing, which are not justified by needs
of survival. Whales and dolphins organise repetitive
socializing gatherings in selected areas of the ocean.
These gatherings are not motivated by needs of survival,
e.g. are not for reproduction nor for gathering food.
So these are mainly for entertainment and for socializing -
as this takes place during human festivals and gatherings.
A place where e.g. whales meet, is a vicinity of the town
Kaikoura in New Zealand. Only people and whales and
dolphins developed evolutionary these kinds of meetings
which are not justified by the requirements of the survival.
Recognition for intelligence. Out of all creatures on
our planet, only people, whales, and dolphins are able
to recognise and respect intelligence in other creatures.
It is because of this recognising that e.g. dolphins treat
people as equal to themselves, sometime save ones who
could drown, and even sporadically volunteer to join human
groups - as this was the case with the dolphin called
from the New Zealand settlement of Hokianga, which since
the summer 1955 until 8 March 1956 behaved like a human
until was mischievously murdered with a blast of "gelignite"
most probably by
who would not allow it to illustrate the truth about
evolutionary relationship of people and dolphins.
(About a similar case of a dolphin, which at Hippo
in ancient Rome also behaved like a human, wrote
the historian Pliny the Younger around 100 A.D.)
The demonstration of awareness of being related to people.
Dolphins and whales are only animals, which demonstrate
that are aware of close relationship to people. They
demonstrate this awareness quite frequently, e.g. through
helping people or defending people. A description of
an extremely unusual case of such demonstration I have
found in the article "Tale of rescue by dolphins inspires film",
published in the New Zealand newspaper
"The New Zealand Herald",
issue dated on Wednesday, October 18, 2006, page A17.
In the article was described how on November 2004 four
members of the New Zealand lifesaving organisation
named "Whangarei Heads Surf Lifesaving" swam
around 100 meters into sea, where it become hunted
by around 3 meters long shark. Seeing that their lives
are in danger nearby group of dolphins surrounded these
4 people in a circle and for around 40 minutes risked
their own lives by scaring the shark, until rescue arrived.
The article lists names of these people rescued by dolphins:
Rob Howes, Nicky Howes, Karina Cooper, Helen Slade.
It also provides the name of the lifesaver who witnessed
from a close range this huge man-eating shark: Matt Fleet.
According to this article, now a film about the entire event
is prepared (the event was originally published in the New
Zealand "Northern Advocate"). Let us hope that this film
is to contribute to a better protection of still living dolphins,
the number of which is rapidly decreasing lately.
The existence of traits in whales and dolphins, which
apart from these animals appear only in people, e.g.
recognising themselves in mirrors, use of tools, showing
complex feelings, or having own culture. A British
man named Mark Simmonds, who is the director of
"the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society", in
October 2006 published a very interesting scientific
article which discusses results of newest research
on whales and dolphins. Although I had no access
to the article itself, a summary of it carrying the title
"Whales and dolphins show distinctive human traits"
appeared on page A11 from the New Zealand newspaper
"The New Zealand Herald",
issue dated on Friday, October 6, 2006. In this
article Mr Simmonds points the attention of the
reader to a huge similarity between behaviour of
whales and dolphins, and the behaviour of humans.
Many areas of this similarity do not appear even
in monkeys. In order to mention here some of these,
whales and dolphins use tools like people do. With
easiness they recognise themselves in mirrors.
Furthermore, they show a whole range of complex
feelings known only in people - starting from joy
or grief, up to attentive care of the hurt. They display
also social behaviours, such as cooperative behaviours,
exchange of information, social learning and teaching,
or the use of common form of language. Furthermore,
they also have their own culture, which manifests itself,
amongst others, through complex songs, cultural life,
mutual assistance and accompanying in troubles,
etc., The article points the notice of readers onto
an overlooked previously danger of current push
for initiation of hunting whales and dolphins. Namely,
if accidentally leading individuals amongst
these animals are killed, then destroyed is
also their culture and knowledge which keep
them all alive. This in turn may cause their
complete extinction.
The use of some form of "language" which allows dolphins
a fast and unambiguous communication with whales.
On Wednesday, 12 March 2008, in television news of
New Zealand and Australia was presented an extraordinary
sighting of the New Zealand scientist. The scientist with
his own eyes saw how fast a dolphin called "Moko"
communicated with two strangled whales that wandered
between sandy dunes during the sea tiding-out.
Then the scientist saw also that dolphin saving lives
of the whales by leading them to a deep sea.
The next day these saving actions of the dolphin
were described in the article "How Moko the friendly
dolphin saved whales", from page A3 of the New
Zealand newspaper
"The Dominion Post",
issue dated on Thursday, March 13, 2008. Here is
a quotation of most vital sentences from that article:
"The whales were on the surface but when Moko
arrived all three submerged and swam out to sea.
'It was quite decisive, the change in their attitude.' ...
She communicated in some way with the two whales,
escorted them along the beach and a right-angle turn into
the channel, and we haven't seen the whales since."
Of course, the article is long and describes thoroughly
how people tried to save these two whales in a fast
tiding-out water, how the whales did show the disorientation
and distress resulting from the fact that they did not know
how to come out to a deep sea from a labyrinth of
shallow waters that surrounded them, and how after the
arrival of the dolphin the whales immediately learned from
her that there is an exit from this sandy trap, stopped
show the distress and vigorously followed the dolphin
which show to them where hides the channel that
leads to the deep sea. This sighting proves that
dolphins and whales intelligently communicate with
each other with even more ease that it is done by
people of different races and languages. It also indicates
that the reason for the so-called "beaching of whales" is just
the direction in which run echoes of the deep sea sounds
that bounce off the beach bank. (I.e. if we could eliminate
these echoes, whales would stop beaching themselves.)
The existence of many other examples when two separate
evolutionary chains leads to similar final products.
This in turn means, that in spite of apparent similarities
to monkeys, people could also evolve from the same
ancestor from which evolved dolphins and whales.
After all, in order to develop a similar final form,
various creatures do not need to be relatives. As
examples of similar, although completely unrelated
creatures, consider bats and birds, and also frog
tadpoles and fish, or eels and sea snakes.
In reality the fact, that there is an apparent similarity
of the shape between monkeys and people, does
not mean that from the point of view of genealogy,
monkeys and people are truly related, nor that they
are linked together by anything more than are e.g.
eels and sea snakes.
In the foetal development of dolphins limbs appear
similar to these in humans. As it turns out, in
the foetal development of dolphins a stadium does
exist, in which dolphins' foetuses develop humanly
looking limbs. Only that in next stages of their
foetal development these limbs convert into
The existence of a mutation amongst dolphins, which formed
almost human hand palms. On Monday, 6 November
2006, I was shocked to hear in television news of New
Zealand - from two different channels, that near Japan
divers filmed dolphins with almost human palms.
A section of the film on these dolphins was shown that
day around 17:43 in news from TVNZ "Prime", while
around 18:23 at TVNZ channel 1. (But there was almost
nothing visible on it.) For several next days I sought in
newspapers anything on the subject of these extraordinary
dolphins, but I found nothing. However, I found sparse
information in Internet - under the keywords
dolphins with fins like human palms.
Although our knowledge about these unusual dolphins
is still too sparse in order to claim something for sure,
it appears that the genetic code of dolphins contains
a fault which allows the mutation of almost human hands.
Perhaps it were just such dolphins that at some stage
gave a beginning to creatures which in folklore are
called "sirens". Then a similar genetic code error caused
that in turn humans evolved from sirens. So all signs seem
to indicate, that dolphins not only are our living animal
relatives, but they also occasionally mutate almost
human organs.
* * *
A just brief skimming through the above evidence
already realises, that in spite of uselessness
of the present knowledge of genetic codes for
proving the genealogy
and relationship of separate species of creatures,
still numerous other categories of evidence are
available, which document that the man evolved
from a water creature, similar to mythological
sirens, and that the closest still alive relatives
of the man are NOT monkeys, but are whales
and dolphins. Even a laymen who is unfamiliar
with laws of nature and with theory of probability,
should be alerted by such large number of
common attributes, which are uniquely repeated
only in people and only in water relatives of
people - means in whales and in dolphins.
After all, according to the calculations of probability
provided in subsection P1 from volume 13 of
[1/4] -
on the occasion of a formal scientific proof for
the existence of UFOs presented there, the
existence of at least 12 such unique attributes
in common, excludes the possibility that the
similarities result just from a coincident, and
conclusively confirms that these similarities
represent the evidence that the given
species are mutually related.
Thus, the existence of the above number of
attributes in common for people and for water
relatives of people, is an equivalent of a formal
scientific proof that humanity in fact do originate
from a water creature related to present whales
and dolphins.
* * *
Fig. #F1: The skeleton of a baleen-whale exhibited for
a public viewing in the museum from Dunedin, New Zealand.
The evidence and logical deductions presented on this
web page document, that out of all creatures which populate
the Earth, just whales and dolphins, NOT monkeys, after
thorough research will prove one day to be the closest
relatives of the man. (Probably it is for this reason that
in recent years such countries as Japan, Norway, and
Island, do not spare resources nor efforts to be officially
allowed to hunt down and to eat these still alive relatives
of humans.)
Fig. #F1a (top):
A photograph of the entire skeleton taken from
the direction of the head. In this skeleton it is
worth to look at bones of the front left flipper visible
on side of the above skeleton just behind the end
of head of the whale, where it sticks out from almost
a human-like shoulder blade. A side view of this
left front flipper is shown on the photograph (b).
Fig. #F1b (down):
A photograph of bones from the left front flipper.
These front flippers in some whales are like
equivalents to human hands and fingers. In
fact, if someone had an opportunity to look
carefully at bones from front flippers in some
whales and dolphins, as this is shown on the
above photograph, then probably would notice
that they show a shocking similarity to bones
in hand palms and in five fingers from human
* * *
Notice that you can see the enlargement
of each illustration from this web site. For this, it suffices to click
on this illustration. Furthermore, most of the internet browsers that you may
use, including the popular "Internet Explorer",
allow also to download each illustration
to your own computer, where it can be looked at, reduced or enlarged to the
size that you may want, or printed with your own graphical software.
Where is hiding this "missing link" - means where we lost the evolutionary ancestors of humans:
Deductions from previous items of this web
page begin to indicate increasingly clear,
where is lost this "missing link" from the evolution
of mankind. As these deductions indicate,
this missing link most probably hides where
no-one was seeking it before, namely on the
bottoms of seas and oceans amongst remains
of sea and water creatures.
This missing link in the evolution of man most
probably is the water creature popularly called
a "siren" or a "nymph", which still lived on
Earth in the initial period just after mankind was
settled in there. But then it either got extinct
by itself, or was destroyed on purpose in
the same manner as we know that e.g. was
destroyed the Neanderthal Man at the time
when God was settling humans on the Earth.
A whole range of data which we know from
mythology, points to the fact that creatures
which in human myths are described under
the name of "sirens" and "nymphs" most
probably are these "missing links" - means
are evolutionary ancestors of the man. For
example, we know that these creatures had
a high intelligence, and that they developed
beginning of the speech. After all, the mythology
frequently indicates that these sirens used
to "sing" loudly. (From this singing probably
the name for present warning alarm sirens
was coined.) It is also known that these creatures were
very similar to humans. Supposedly female sirens
had the shape, appearance, and sexual organs
so similar to these from human women, that
old time sailors used them as substitutes for
women. Furthermore, these sirens are NOT at
all products of human imagination, because they
exists in mythologies of almost every nation on
Earth. In turn, on the example of the German
archaeologist-hobbyist, Heinrich Schliemann,
who in 1870 managed to locate the ancient
Troy just on basis of mythology, is already
known that mythology is in fact a spoken history,
only that for some reasons these evil powers
mentioned in item #J3 of this web page do
not want people consider the historic truths
which spoken mythology tries to pass to us.
Part #G:
Consequences of determining that dolphins and whales are closest still alive relatives of humans:
If whales and dolphins are the closest still alive animal relatives of humans, then
how we should respond to people and countries which kill and eat these relatives:
I personally believe that according to criteria
of scientific proving, the logical structure of
this web page in combination with the evidence
presented in item #F2, are practically
equivalent to a proof that dolphins and whales
are really closest still alive animal relatives of
humans. In such a situation one may wonder
how to treat these people and countries, like
Japan, Iceland, or Norway, which hunt whales
and dolphins and eat their meat. My reply
is simple. The killing and eating of these our
animal relatives is the same expression of
savagery and insensitiveness, as killing and
eating people. Thus practically a duty of every
inhabitant of the Earth is to persuade these
countries and such people which kill whales and
dolphins, to stop such practices. In this persuading
we should not refrain from any steps which
lie in our capabilities, e.g. from writing,
demonstrating, boycotting, etc.
The discussed countries murder a huge number
of these our animal relatives every year.
For example, in the article "Call to halt annual
dolphin slaughter", published on page B5 of
the New Zealand newspaper
"The Dominion Post",
issue dated on Wednesday, November 22, 2006,
is explained that in autumn and winter 2006 fishermen
in Japan are going to kill for meat around 21000
dolphins (in previous years a similar number
of these intelligent relatives of people probably
was killed over there). In turn, in the article "NZ joins
global action on Iceland's whaling", published on
page A11 of the New Zealand newspaper
"The New Zealand Herald",
issue dated on Thursday, November 2, 2006,
is revealed that in 2006 Iceland intends to kill 9
fin whales and 30 minke whales. (Iceland officially
returned to whale hunting in 2006, although
it hunts whales already since 2003 "for scientific
purposes" (similarly like Japan). Before for two
decades Island refrained from whale hunting.)
Part #H:
Why genetic codes are useless in proving the relationship of people to dolphins and whales:
What really are genetic codes:
Genetic codes in fact are kinds of algorithmic
records expressed in a special language,
which inform how exactly a given individual
should be formed. Illustratively they could
be described as Godly equivalent to present
technical drawings used by today industry
for documenting designs of specific products.
Why in genetic codes we still see relation of people to monkeys instead of relation of people to whales or dolphins:
At this point the reader probably asks himself a
question, why a possible close relationship of people
to whales and dolphins is not indicated to us
by experts in genetics. As it turns out, the reason
for this lack of indication from genetics is the
very nature of genetic codes, and also the "holistic"
manner in which present experts of genetics
determine the relationship of species by comparing
entire structures of their genetic codes. If one
analyses the manner on which genetic codes
are used today for establishing blood relatives,
it turns out that it is similar to a "holistic" manner
in which present people are establishing relationships
between two songs, paintings, products, etc., (e.g.
during arguments about plagiarism), instead
of being similar to the decoding and analysing
of the content, utilised e.g. when scientists try
to establish mutual relationship of two copies
of ancient Bibles. Namely, considered is only
the similarity of the entire genetic codes, means
the similarity of their entire structure, instead
of the decoding and analysing these sections
of the codes which contain the records of
genealogies of given species. In turn such
"holistic" comparison of codes hides in itself
a basic definition error. Namely, compared are
only the final products of the evolution, instead
of comparing with each other the paths by
which the evolution arrived to these final
products. On the other hand, someone's
true blood relation is the result of the same
evolutionary path, not the result of final
similarities at the end of this path. (For
example, Mr. Smith is related to Mr. Brown
only if the historic documentation confirms
that they have common ancestors,
grand-ancestors, etc. - not when by a
coincidence they are looking alike.)
I am going to explain now on several analogies
and examples, the nature of the error which is
hidden in such a "holistic" comparison of genetic
codes. From their definition,
genetic codes are simply descriptions of all
details of the design, appearance, and operation
of bodies of given creatures, expressed in a special
"genetic language". Thus, they are natural analogies
to e.g. present design documentation (technical
drawings) used by subsequent factories to document
exact design and production of, let say, cars.
As I explain this illustratively in next paragraph,
genetic codes are a kind of program, written
in a special genetic programming language,
which (the program) expresses precisely how
a given individual supposed to look like, what
should be the design and the operation of every
tiny detail of his or her cells, how his or her body
supposed to operate and behave - e.g. age, etc.
Means, these codes are, amongst others, shaped
by conditions in which a given individual lives,
and also by the appearance and by the design
of this individual, however not by its genealogy.
For this reasons, entire genetic codes can be only
a basis for establishing the relationship (and only this
close one) within a given species (e.g. how
father and children are related). But these entire codes
cannot be used for establishing the blood relationship
(or genealogy) between separate species (e.g. how
closely eels relate to water snakes). Especially
if these separate species have a similar appearance
and operation of their bodies, and also if they
live in similar conditions. In case of separate
species, entire genetic codes more reflect the similarities
of their design, appearance, and the environment
in which these species prefer to live, than their
actual blood relationship which result from their
genealogy. Expressing this in other words, the
fact that genetic codes of e.g. monkeys and people
are very similar when compared "holistically", does
NOT mean that both these creatures are truly related
to each other. The similarity of their entire genetic codes
simply means, that because of the evolutionary formation
of similar final shapes, and also because of their lives
in similar environments and conditions, as well as
because of having similar behaviours, monkeys
and people completely independently from each
other developed genetic codes which when compared
"holistically" look very similar. But if anyone in
fact undertook an effort of comparing genetic
codes in e.g. eels and in sea snakes, which
also indicate many mutual similarities - although
originate from drastically
different evolutionary chains, then would discover
that their entire genetic codes are almost the same
close to each other as these in monkeys and
in humans. The reason for this state of things I
am going to explain on the following illustrative
In a similar manner as the entire genetic codes
are the reflection of anatomy and the behaviour
for subsequent species of creatures, also e.g.
in computers the so-called "source programs"
prepared in a specific programming language
are the reflection of the anatomy and operation
of these programs. So if someone analyses "holistically"
such a source program written in a given programming
language e.g. for an editor from "Macintosh"
computers, and also analyses such a source program
for e.g. an editor from "PC" computers, then would come to a
conclusion that these two editors are more mutually
related than they are related to e.g. operating systems
in their own computers. Of course, this would be not true.
After all, the only thing that really is related between
these two editors, are first computers on Earth from
which evolved their computers and then their codes.
So in fact the source program e.g. for an editor in
"PC" would be more related to the operating system
in this "PC" than to an editor in "Macintosh". However,
the similar operation of both editors, and similar
circumstances in which both these editors are used,
and also a similar manner in which the programming
language reflects this operation and circumstances,
causes that both these editors look as if they are
mutually related. Similarly is with the entire genetic codes
of monkeys and whales. The similarities of entire genetic
codes of monkeys and people results mainly from
the "genetic language" in which these codes are
expressed, and from the similarities of the anatomy
and behaviours of monkeys in comparison to humans.
But if we could establish the true genealogy of these
creatures, then it would turn out, that the closest
alive relatives of humans still remain whales and
dolphins - in spite that because of the different
anatomy, operation, and behaviour this is not
reflected in holistic structure of their genetic codes.
Let us summarise here the above presentation.
It puts forward a highly intriguing thesis of vital
consequences for our knowledge about the
origins of humans, which was overlooked so-far
in matters of genetics. This thesis states that
the present holistic treatment of genetic codes
of people, which avoids the learning and decoding
of the content of these codes expressed in a
special "genetic language", reveals only similarities
in the design (e.g. anatomy) of a given individual, but
fails to indicate useful information about the history
of development (genealogy) of the entire specie to
which this individual belongs.
Is there any evidence which confirms the truth
of the above thesis? As it turns out,
there is such evidence. For example,
it is a close similarity of genetic codes in all people
who live on our planet. As it is revealed by the
research of genetic codes of people, all humans
who populate our planet presently have codes so similar to
each other, as if all people on Earth are descendants
of one person who lived only around two to three
thousand years ago. (A popular summary of
scientific articles on this subject, which appeared in
the Journal "Nature", supplemented with interviews
with authors of these articles, was published in the
article "Tie that binds us all", which appeared in the
New Zealand newspaper
"The Dominion Post",
issue dated on Monday, July 3, 2006, page B1.)
This in turn means, that the structure of entire genetic
codes of subsequent people is NOT able to transmit
any useful information about the genealogy beyond
the time-span of around three thousand years. So
this structure do not contain any data
about the genealogy of people from times when the
evolution of people took place (after all, this evolution
was much earlier than 3 thousand years ago). Thus the
holistic comparison of genetic codes cannot be used
for defining the blood relationship of subsequent species
(i.e. genealogy of species), but only can be utilised for
defining close relationships within given species - and
only under the condition that the time-span between
periods, when the investigated individuals were alive,
is not too large.
If the "holistic" treatment of genetic codes to-date disqualifies their use for for establishing relation of species, then where we should seek evidence for the relation of people to whales and dolphins:
Because, according to the explanations
from item #H2 above,
until the time when people learn exactly the
"language of genetic codes", the genetic
codes treated "holistically" cannot be used
for determining the genealogy and mutual
relationship between different species, at
the present level of our knowledge we need
to seek various other indicators of this
genealogy and relationship. In item
#H4 I try to point the attention of the reader
onto several commonly known such indicators.
These indicators document that actually people
are related the most closely to whales and dolphins.
Simultaneously, these indicators exclude the possibility
that monkeys and people are related as closely
as present evolutionists claim this. (Of course,
we cannot forget that ALL mammals are somehow
related to each other.)
Is there a possibility, that in the future a tiny section of the genetic codes
will be discovered, which contains the record of genealogy of given species:
In item #H2 of this web page is explained
that at the present level of our knowledge
one cannot use "holistic" comparison of
genetic codes for establishing genealogy
and relationship of subsequent species. But this
explanation does NOT try to claim, that genetic
codes will never be used for establishing this
relationship and genealogy. Rather opposite,
in item #H3 of this web page a clue was indicated,
that these codes contain a tiny section, in
which the history and genealogy of a given
species of creatures are recorded. This
section still remains unknown to present
scientists. It causes that for every species
the "ontogenesis repeats the filogenesis'
way" - for details see (5) in item #F2 of
this web page. Only that to decode this tiny
section of the genetic code, the fulfilment
by researchers of two conditions is necessary.
Namely, firstly they need to learn exactly the
unique "language" in which genetic codes
are formulated. Secondly they need to concentrate
on the exact decoding of the descriptions provided
in the genetic language for the genealogy of
given species recorded in this specific tiny
section of the genetic code. The truth about
the origin of someone cannot be simply
established just by a comparison of entire
genetic codes of subsequent species, but
requires laborious decoding of this tiny
and well hidden section of the code.
This tiny section of the genetic code, in which
the records of the genealogy of a given species
is provided, can be compared to a small inscription
in the corner of technical diagrams for e.g. a car,
in which the genealogy of this car is explained
(e.g. which states from which other car a given car
originates). Or it can be compared to a small
comment in a source code of an editor, which
(the comment) explains the history of this editor.
I personally believe that
intentionally left for us such a message written in
the "language of genetic codes", and also that
He intentionally provided us with the clue where
to look for it, in the form of this principle that
"ontogenesis repeats the filogenesis' way".
Only that, similarly as God always does this
with every truth, He thoroughly hide this
truth from our sight. (We need to remember
the Polish proverb, that "truth hides on
the bottom of well" - meaning that one
firstly needs to draw a lot of useless "water"
before one gets to the truth hidden beneath it.)
I personally believe that humanity just approaches
the time when this special tiny section of the genetic
codes is decoded. After all, only by this can be
explained the stubbornness and determination
with which
evil powers
that hide from people the truth about origins
of the mankind, in recent times try to destroy on
Earth the last relatives of humans (i.e. whales
and dolphins). It is probably because of this,
that servants of these evil powers push so
hard to be allowed to hunt whales industrially,
and also probably for this reason dolphins are
destroyed so fast and quickly seem to disappear
from the entire our planet.
Part #I:
The role of "genetic codes" in shaping future of given living creatures:
"Genetic codes" as carriers of "programs of life and fate" for all living creatures:
Time which prevails in our physical world
is in fact a kind of reversible software time.
This is why this time can be shifted back.
In item #B3 of the web page
timevehicle.htm - about mechanism of time, shifting time back, and about time vehicles,
this software reversible time is defined in
the following manner: time is the flow
of execution control through sequence of
elementary commands in natural programs
of our lives. In living creatures these
"natural programs of life" are contained in
the double helixes of their DNA (i.e. in the
genetic code of a given creature). As we know
from mechanics, the helixes are extremely
interesting mechanical forms - especially
susceptible for vibrations and for resonances.
After all "springs" known to everyone is just
a material representation of just such helixes.
And we know how susceptible is every "spring"
to vibrations and to falling into resonances.
Perhaps the reader saw sometimes a kind
of a large and very flexible spring, as under
the influence of its ability to resonate it just
by itself "walks in rhythmical steps" down of
stairs. Well, the double "spring" of DNA has
just the same ability. Means, it can like "walk
down of stairs" - but it does NOT need any
staircase for this walking. In the result of this
like "walking down stairs" the double helix of
DNA is exciting to resonance with the so-called
"timespace" atom after atom from its own
structure. In turn the resonating a given atom
of DNA causes that a section of the "program
of life" is executed which is stored in a given
atom of DNA. In this manner, step-by-step,
our program of life is executed in jumps. In
turn the consequence of this "jumping" execution
of the program is that we ourselves "pass through
time in short jumps". Therefore if someone wishes
to shift his or her time back, it is sufficient to shift
back own vibratory resonance to the initial atoms
of the DNA. This shifting back vibrations depends
simply on subjecting a given person (or other living
creature) to action of the magnetic field which
vibrates with the precisely controlled frequency
and curve of changes in time. The device which
generates just such a magnetic field is called the
"time vehicle". Description of principles of operation
of this device is presented in item #C2 of the web page
immortality.htm - about the access of people to immortality and to lives that never end.
The above descriptions have this attribute, that
they explain also, amongst others, what exactly
are so-called "genes" in the light of the
theory of everything called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
This theory defines "genes" in the following manner:
genes are finite sections of natural "programs
of life and fate" which completely define closed
periods in the life of a given creature.
So in the sense of their function, "genes" represent
equivalents of what the area of computer sciences
called "Software Engineering" names "subprograms"
or "procedures". This means, "genes" are composite
"modules" in a much larger "program of life and fate"
for a given creature. While natural "programs of life
and fate" describe the entire life of a given creature,
individual "genes" describe clearly distinguishable
"stages" or "periods" in this life and fate. God utilises
these "genes" as kinds of ready-made "building blocks"
from which He automatically pieces together the modular
course of the entire life of a given creature. Because
these "subprograms" called "genes" describe specific
sections of the life and fate of every creature, depending
what according to this section of the fate is to happen
then to a given creature, present scientists assume that some
"genes" are responsible e.g. for someone's heart attack
or for a specific form of cancer, other "genes" - for
becoming a drug addict or for a mental disorder. However,
one day in the future scientists will also discover with
a shock, that there are "genes" which are "responsible"
e.g. for someone being hit by a car, getting shot, or
drowning in a river. Of course, as so-far scientists did NOT
drop yet onto the idea of carrying out genetic comparisons
in victims of specific categories of accidents or deaths.
The reason for which I am explaining all this above,
is to realise that genetic codes are NOT at all the
description of mutual relationships between subsequent
living creatures, but carriers of "programs of life and
fate" for these creatures. Of course, these programs
of life and fate describe also, amongst others" parents
of a given creature, and also illnesses which are to
affect it and imperfections in its body. As such, these
programs of life and fate can also serve, amongst
others, to determine the closest relationships between
given creatures.
Part #J:
Yet another joke and simulation of God, i.e. the "cosmic origins of humanity":
Cosmic relatives of people - means another makeup story (or joke) of God, that is being passed off unto people:
As it turns out, the imagination and creative
ability of God are incomparably more exuberant
from these in people. Also God clearly likes
to "treat" people with makeup stories. It turns out
that the "simulated history of the universe and man"
described on this web page is NOT the only
invented story which God presently spreads
amongst people. Still another such a story
concerns UFOnauts. Although so-far people
do NOT want to officially notice it, there is
a huge pool of evidence which documents
that the appearance of UFOnauts and UFOs
on the Earth is also simulated by God.
Examples from this huge pool of evidence
is shown on totaliztic web pages
ufo_proof.htm - about scientific proof that UFOs do exist objectively and are already completed Magnocrafts,
evidence.htm - about the body of evidence for the real activities of UFOnauts and UFOs on the Earth, and
explain.htm - about scientific interpretation of authentic photographs of UFOs.
As it indicated the research carried according
to totalizm, these UFOnauts, and also everything
that is linked to them (e.g. UFO vehicles), are
also simulated by God with a supernatural realism.
Descriptions of these simulations are presented,
amongst others, in items #F7 and #F8 of the
totaliztic web page
evil.htm - about origins of all evil on the Earth,
and in items #D2 to #D5 of the totaliztic web page
ufo.htm - with scientific replies to fundamental questions regarding UFOnauts and UFO vehicles - i.e. whether they do exist, how they function, etc..
So it is clear, that in His efforts to groom the effective
seekers of truths, God prepared a whole series of
various simulations, the goals of all of which is to teach
humans to distinguish between truth and shams
or simulations. To be honest, this simulation of
UFOnauts and UFOs by God is so realistic, that
myself I was fooled by it for many years.
The research of totalizm indicates, that all the
"evidence" about the supposed origins of
humanity from the distant planet "Terra", that
is described in further parts of this web page,
is simulated by God and manifested to people.
It probably supposed to convince us, that all
creatures which exist on the Earth were brought
to Earth from the planet Terra. Means, all the
Earthly living creatures supposedly represent
only creatures that used to live on Terra,
means which in times when they were brought
to the Earth represented the final links from their
evolutionary chains. This in turn supposed to
suggest to hardened atheistic researchers, that
even if we do NOT have these so-called "missing
links" still the "natural evolution" is possible. In turn
the direct ancestors of the man, means sirens,
were brought to the Earth. But the ancestors of
these ancestors, means creatures from which
evolved whales (and dolphins), as well as sirens,
not necessarily needed to still exists on Terra
at that time and be brought to Earth in time of
the supposed preparation of Earth for colonisation.
Due to such a clever "simulation", "atheists"
receive a "scientific" justification, that the
ancestors of these "missing links" in fact
never appeared on Earth, but disappeared
when the first humans supposedly blasted
apart their home planet "Terra".
What makeup "evidence" is passed to us in order to suggest that the humanity originates from the planet "Terra" not from the Earth:
The matter of origins of the mankind is made
even more complicated by information that
originates from UFOnauts. It turns out that
UFOnauts arriving to the Earth claim that they
are close relatives of humans. They also insist
that the human race does not originate
from Earth, but was brought here from the
planet "Terra" which already does not exist
(by some of them the name of this planet
is also pronounced as "Nerra"). This planet
Terra was located in the Vega system from
the constellation of the Libra. An example
of one out of such "leaks of information"
from UFOnauts is provided in subsection
B3 from the Polish treatise
[3b] -
see in there paragraph numbered {5500}.
Humanity, and also animals and plants,
supposedly were brought to the planet
Earth from the planet Terra in order to
colonise the Earth. But in the result of
man-made cataclysms which supposedly
were induced by cosmic relatives of
humans after the colonisation of Earth,
people apparently lost the knowledge about
their true roots and ancestors. Here is
the list of the most important categories
of evidence which again seems to be
passed off upon us, and which supposed
to convince us to the claims of UFOnauts
that the humanity originates from the planet "Terra".
Gravity equations and attributes of humans described by them.
In subsection JE9 from volume 9 of monograph
several equations were derived and interpreted, which
carry the general name of "gravity equations". They
express the relationship between the gravity of the
planet on which a given race of creatures does live,
and such attributes of these creatures as their
size (height), weight, feelings, intelligence, or longevity.
For example, according to these equations, when the
man would evolve on the planet with gravity around
4 times greater than the gravity of the planet from which
humanity originates, then his height would be around
16 times lower than the height of people, while the intelligence
would be around 16 times higher than the intelligence of
people on Earth. And as I explained this in subsections
P6.2 to P6.4 from volume 13 of monograph [1/4],
all parameters of the human body (e.g. the non-utilised
potential of the human brain, and also the longevity of
Adam and Eve), seem to document that the humanity
could originate from a planet the gravity of which was
over 4 times greater than the gravity of Earth.
The arrivals of UFOnauts with anatomy almost identical
to anatomy of typical people. By now in the UFO
literature a huge body of evidence was collected, which
document the fact that on UFO vehicles, amongst others,
beings apparently arrive to Earth, who look undistinguishingly
identical to people from the Earth. Practically almost every
UFO book which reviews several cases of close encounters
with UFOnauts, indicates this surprising similarity to humans
of the anatomy of some UFOnauts. The best example of just
such a documentation is an excellent book [1T1] by Professor
John E. Mack, M.D., entitled: "Abduction - human
encounters with aliens", Ballantine Books - a division
of Random House, Inc., New York, May 1995,
ISBN 0-345-39300-7, Library of Congress Card Number
93-38116, volume 464 pages (available also in translation
to Polish under the title: "Uprowadzenia - spotkania
ludzi z kosmitami"). Several examples from this area
are also presented in subsection T4 from volume 14
of monograph [1/4], as well as in the mentioned before
Polish treatise
[3b] -
both these publications are available for free downloading
via this web page.
The use of name "Terra" in ancient languages, e.g. in Greek.
In languages of antiquity, e.g. in the Greek language,
the name "Terra" was assigned to the planet on which
humans live. This may suggest that the name "Terra" was the
remainder from times when the humanity still was aware
of the supposedly cosmic origin of people from the planet Terra.
Folklore and mythology, which describes the supposed
origins of humanity from the planet "Terra" and the settling
expedition of humanity through cosmos which proceeded the
colonisation of Earth. Such legends and stories
exist in many races and corners of the Earth. Their
examples include mythology of New Zealand Maoris,
or legends of the African tribe of Dogons.
An apparent counter-evolution of humanity that supposedly
took place in antiquity, when the human knowledge went
from the technical advancement towards the wilderness.
For example, initially people knew how to build pyramids,
shift mountains, and build flying machines (vimanas),
but with the elapse of time they forget even how to
produce metals. For more details see subsection
P6.5 from volume 13 of monograph [1/4].
The description of Eden which coincides with the design
of a telekinetic UFO type K7. If one thoroughly
analyses the mythology about the Eden, then it turns
out that the name "Eden" was assigned to a flying
vehicle similar to the
(and a UFO) type K7. The same mythology indicates
simultaneously, that relatives of humanity who
originally brought Adam and Eve to Earth in this vehicle
called "Eden", in fact had towards them very bad intentions
which are described more extensively on the web page
For more details see subsection P6.1 from volume 13 of
monograph [1/4].
Much more information about the possibility
revealed to us by a rapidly growing number
of "facts", that man was supposedly brought
to Earth from a different planet "Terra", is
provided in subsections JE9 and P6 from
volumes respectively 9 and 13 of monographs
[1/4] or
I recommend having a look at these subsections.
How the to-date history of humans would look like, if people really originated from the planet Terra:
If in fact one takes under account and
synthesises into a single body all these
fragmented information about the origin
of mankind, which are passed off upon
us from various independent sources,
then it turns out that this origin of humans
looks much more complicated than either
the disciples of evolution, or disciples of
creation, explain this in the simplicity and
naivety of their imaginations. Namely,
according to this evidence that is passed
off upon us, the humanity supposed to
"evolve" on the planet called "Terra" -
which already does not exist. (First
humans who inhabited it have blown
it up during one amongst numerous their wars.)
Then people supposedly colonised a whole
chain of further planets, until finally they
arrived to the Earth. Before the colonisation
of the Earth, humans prepared it to their
arrival by sewing on it almost all living organisms
which still existed on the planet Terra. But after
the arrival to Earth, humans supposedly were
exposed to many destructive cataclysms which
supposed to be induced technically by our
relatives. In the result of these cataclysms, the
humanity supposedly lost the knowledge of its
own roots and history. Only presently humanity
supposed to rebuild this knowledge. (In order
to increase the realism of such a "simulation", as
this rebuilding of knowledge takes place on Earth, the
relatives of humans treat this rebuilding as a serious threat to
their exploitation of Earth, so they again unleashed
all these destructive cataclysms which supposed to
repeat the destruction of our present human civilisation.)
In past I contributed my own effort to the development
of just this line of thinking. But now I do hope that this
web page is going to be my contribution towards
realising "what really is going on".
In order to learn more about this passed off upon
us "simulated history of mankind", it is worth to read
subsection V3 from volume 16 of monograph
Part #K:
Evidence for the absurdity of the
lies spread lately, that these were
(i.e. "intelligent designers") who
genetically fabricated humans:
The power behind UFOnauts has several "hidden agendas" in spreading on the Earth the lie that these were UFOnauts who genetically fabricated the man:
If "intelligent designers" fabricated the humanity, then who fabricated these "intelligent designers",
which fabricated "designers" of these "intelligent designers", etc., etc.
Item #J1 this web page explains to us the
finding of totalizm that the so-called "UFOnauts"
are simply software "simulations" temporary
materialised on the Earth in order to accomplish
specific goals. Thus, we even more should
be beware of the situation, that in recent
years increasingly more so-called
"authorities" started to promote a deceiving
lie, that these
(not God) fabricated the mankind.
Supposedly UFOnauts used "genetic
engineering" for this purpose.
But if someone traces origins
of this another fable, then it turns
out that it is spread by these "simulated"
UFOnauts. For example, the movement
promoted on Earth by UFOnauts and called
openly admits that the information
about the genetic engineering of
people by UFOnauts these Raelians
received from UFOnauts themselves.
Unfortunately, even if we overlook the fact
that UFOnauts are just "simulations", still
the existing evidence contradicts that
they were able to genetically fabricate humans.
For example, the only thing that UFOnauts
can do, is to leave a bloody trail on the
Earth, through occupying and exterminating
humanity from the beginnings of times.
They also are famous from chronic lying.
Not without valid reasons old-timers used
to call them "devils" - as this is revealed
on a whole range of web sites of totalizm,
e.g. on web pages
evil.htm - about origins of all evil on the Earth,
ufo.htm - about evil UFOnauts,
military_magnocraft.htm - about destructive uses of UFO vehicles,
evidence.htm - about evidence of UFO activities on Earth,
changelings.htm - about UFOnauts-changelings,
day26.htm - about tsunami on 26 December 2004,
predators.htm - about predators,
wtc.htm - about collapsing WTC,
landslips.htm - about causing destructive landslips and mudslides,
hurricane.htm - about making hurricanes,
tornado.htm - about technically induced tornadoes,
katrina.htm - about technically induced hurricane Katrina,
tapanui.htm - about explosion near Tapanui,
katowice_uk.htm - about collapsing the hall in Katowice,
shuttle.htm - about downing the space shuttle Columbia,
malbork_uk.htm - about castle in Malbork, etc.
Therefore every information which
originates from UFOnauts themselves
always needs to be treated with
a special caution and suspicion.
Especially that in the case of
this another lie disseminated
lately by UFOnauts themselves,
that supposedly UFOnauts fabricated
humanity, a whole list of nasty
"hidden agendas" is embedded.
For example, through disseminating
this lie UFOnauts accomplish
following hidden goals:
Cunningly pass with it the warning to humans,
which scares people what happens if the humanity
tries to free itself from UFOnauts' hidden occupation
of the Earth. This scaring takes the form of a
following threat "since in past we were able to
create you, if you are naughty then we create
another race with which we replace you."
UFOnauts add a significance to their hidden
occupation of the Earth and humanity.
After all, this their fable that they fabricated
humans, has the significance of saying
"look folks, we created you, so you are
owning us a thanks that you exist at all."
They scare humanity with the level of their
knowledge. This fable about the fabrication
of humanity contains also a hidden information
that "we are powerful like gods - do not
dare to stand up against us."
They indirectly tell us, that UFOnauts are
different from people. So this statement
is a kind of condemnation of reports of people
abducted to UFOs, who claim that in these UFOs
they saw creatures undistinguishing identical
to people. After all, in the relationship to
people the lie that UFOnauts fabricated humans,
has a meaning identical to stating that
"these people who report what they saw
in UFOs must lie, because we created
people - so we cannot be identical to
Adding the merit to claims spread
by UFOnauts all over the Earth, that
supposedly does NOT exists. UFOnauts
put a lot of effort in spreading atheism
on the Earth. Thus their claim that these were
them who created people, is equivalent to
the claim that "God does NOT exist, because
it was us who fabricated people".
Evidence spread all over the Earth which documents
that if UFOnauts really carry out any genetic engineering,
they are able to genetically mutate only monsters
which are physically deformed and highly unhappy:
If someone carefully analyses traces of
supposed "genetic" creativity of UFOnauts
implanted all over the Earth, then results
are shocking. Namely, it then turns out
that there is a large body of evidence
implanted all over the Earth that UFOnauts
supposedly experimented with genetic
engineering on people in past.
But products of these experiments
are simulated as deformed and unhappy
monsters with enormously twisted
psychology. For example, one of
such a monster is shown in "Fig. #K2"
below. It is a female genetic composite
of a human, in which normal human
hands and legs were replaced with
genetic implants from clawed legs
of some lizards of pray - perhaps
from a specie of crocodiles or "comodo dragons".
As it turns out, these human composites
with "clawed paws" are manifested
on the Earth for thousands of years,
"helping" UFOnauts in the secret exploitation
of our planet. In old times they
used to freely shown to people.
Therefore their images are
known in practically all cultures
of the world. Presently they are
stopped from being shown to
people on the Earth. However, they
are still manifested on UFO decks
quite frequently. Because of the
kind of snake-like or crocodile-like
pattern that they have on their
skin, people abducted to UFOs
usually describe them as "lizards".
The race of these monsters is manifested
for a long time. It is simulated as if it already
multiplies all by itself on the planet that it
supposedly occupies. It is also shown as
if it is too late to rectify now the supposed
error of UFOnauts with the creation of this
race. But from the physical point of view,
this race is shown to us as a very clumsy
creatures, mentally highly unstable, deviated,
and unhappy. For example, in all other
creations, the both sexes of which make
love to each other, try to be kind to
each other during the intercourse and
soon afterwards. However, these unhappy
creatures are extremely brutal to their
lovers. Before the intercourse and during
the course of it they fight a real battle,
while after the intercourse they try
to physically mutilate each other.
The folklore of the "Berawan" tribe
from jungles of Borneo describes these
females with crocodile's claws (called "kokelir"
by them) that they already during the
intercourse scratch and tear apart their
lovers, while after the intercourse they
bite their balls off. In turn the folklore
from Italy calls them "wild women-cats".
It claims that after the intercourse these
female "women-cats" typically tear apart
their lovers - if these lovers do not
manage to run away fast. In turn Greek
myths describe extremely dangerous
"Harpies", the all attributes of which
also correspond to the behaviour of these
clawed "devils" and their female versions.
Sources for the physical clumsiness and
mental unhappiness of these monsters, supposedly
created genetically by UFOnauts, is the short-sightedness
of their creators. Giving them crocodile's
claws may seem to be an excellent idea
to the genetic engineers in times when
these creatures still lived on trees and ate
bulls alive - which they torn apart with
their claws. But these claws become
redundant in later times. After all,
as it happens to all intelligent beings,
the civilization level of these monsters
gradually must raise with the elapse of time.
In turn, it is not comfortable to walk on
streets of cities on eagle's clawed legs,
nor operate a machine with three-finger
clawed hands. So in spite that theoretically
speaking such highly advanced UFOnauts
can acquire the ability to implant genetically
to people organs of selected animals, still these
UFOnauts always will lack the far-sightedness
and wisdom of God. So whatever UFOnauts
are going to design, it is to be short-sighted -
means good only for a short time, and
for specific environmental conditions
only. In turn when times or conditions
change, the monsters created by UFOnauts
turn out to be just that, means clumsy
and unhappy monsters.
Of course, the list of monsters supposedly generated
genetically by UFOnauts does NOT finish
on these "three-finger devils with crocodile's
claws". In medieval times a whole range
of other kinds of them were manifested on
the Earth. For example, then also existed hoofed
monsters, and similar goat-horned monsters.
Hoofed monsters from the belt upward had
appearance of people, while from the
belt downward had the appearance of
goats. To their examples belong, amongst
others, "hoofed devils" widely known
in the medieval times, and also
"satyrs" from the ancient Greek.
The ancient Greek knows also the
goat-footed god "Pan". In turn
horned monsters include, amongst
others, medieval horned devils.
Furthermore, horned was also the
German god Wotan, and the god of
Vikings named Odin which travelled
on the "flying horse" called
Sleipnir (a UFO vehicle?).
Horns had also Moses (the one
which took Israelis from Egypt) -
which the fact is immortalized even
on the sculpture of Michael Angelo
"Moses" (to be seen in the church
San Pietro in Vincoli in Rome).
Furthermore, on one English documentary
film about Alexander the Great it
was claimed that this Macedonian
monarch also had small horns - the
fact of which is supposedly recorded
even in Koran. (Such information
induces in us a question, who actually
was Moses and Alexander the Great - i.e.
were they horned versions of present
Every place on the Earth knows further
mutated monsters of a partial characteristics
of a human. However, all of them were
just clumsy monsters. UFOnauts are
simulated as being too stupid to successfully
play God!
Fig. #K2: Genetically engineered mutant which
supposedly is a result of short-sighted genetic
experiments of UFOnauts. It represents genetically
mutated monster which is a cross between
a human with genes of selected animals.
For example his hands and foots are
replaced with paws of a lizard of pray -
perhaps from a version of crocodile or
comodo dragons. Practically in all cultures
of the world this creature is known as a
"devil with cock's claws" - as an
example I suggest to recall the
poem "Pani Twardowska" of the Polish
poet named Adam Mickiewicz "... chicken
legs and cock's claws he had. ..."
On the above sculpture reflected is
a "female version" of this "devil".
In order to allow a better examination
of her wings and system of 3+1 clawed
fingers on hands and legs, she is
photographed from two directions.
Please notice that these "bat-like
wings" which this female devil has,
in fact are appropriately designed
"pelerines" which only assume the
shapes of wings when during the
flight this creature lifts her
hands up. The purpose of these
"wings" is to manoeuvre better
during flights in the air with
the use of a special so-called
personal propulsion system.
More information about this genetic
monster is presented on separate
web pages about the
church of St. Bobola in Milicz, and about the
castle in Malbork.
I should also mention here that soon after
I published the above photographs, UFOnauts
who secretly occupy the Earth removed
the above sculpture. Descriptions of this
unjustified removal are provided on the
web page about the
church of St. Bobola in Milicz.
The above figure of a "female devil"
originates from the culture of Pacific.
(I.e. a far east of the Earth.) But in
Poland just such creatures that have only
3+1 clawed fingers, were also known.
Descriptions of these are included into
folklore of practically every place on
From every point of view the above creatures
are just clumsy monsters. For example,
mentally they are unstable and very unhappy
because they know that they are animal-like
humans. (Their psychology is explained
quite well in a novel and in a film based
on this novel, about a man who was created
by an evil doctor by sawing together organs
taken from dead people.) It explains why
these creatures irresistibly love raping
people. But after finishing such rapes
they mutilate their former lovers.
Therefore, e.g. intimidating warriors
of the tribe "Berawan" from tropical
jungles on the island of Borneo are
panicky afraid of these evil females
(called "kokelir" over there). They
know that when such females get hot
after seeing a human male, after the
sexual act they have a bad habit of
biting off balls of their former lover.
Which evidence reveals that if even if UFOnauts really were our cosmic relatives, still they would be unable to fabricate humans genetically:
"A creation never can replace the creator."
In spite of dissemination of lies by simulated
UFOnauts themselves that these were UFOnauts
who genetically designed and created
present inhabitants of the Earth (i.e.
that UFOnauts created humans), even
just a brief analysis proves that
these lies are complete nonsense.
So let us look now on the most
vital examples of evidence which
unambiguously documents that UFOnauts
never were able, and never will
be able, to create humans. Here
are examples of this evidence:
From the anatomy point of view UFOnauts
are in every aspect indistinguishably
identical to people - the fact of which
is supported by a huge body of evidence.
This means that UFOnauts could NOT create
humans, because then people would be
different from them. So in reality
their claimed "creation of humans"
looked that way, that one day they
simply caught several children of
isolated their own farmers and
shifted them to the Earth.
The structure and functioning of the human
body shows a huge far-sightedness of which
UFOnauts are incapable. The human body
proves itself to be optimal and practical
in all conditions and in all times. Thus
the human body shows the wisdom and far-sightedness
of the one who controls the time - means
God. In turn whatever UFOnauts design
and what they form genetically through
compositions of genes stolen from various
God's creatures, always is a kind of
monster which is good just for one times
and for one kind of conditions. When the
time changes or conditions change, these
monsters become clumsy and unhappy.
If it is true the claim of UFOnauts that
God does NOT exist and that these were
UFOnauts who created humans, then immediately
a next question rises, "who in this case
created UFOnauts". UFOnauts do NOT
provide, and in fact are unable to provide,
an answer to this next question.
The entire body of evidence about genetic
engineering of UFOnauts documents, that
the only thing they are capable of, is to
form genetic composites of already existing
creatures. Means, UFOnauts were only able
to insert genes stolen from already existing
creatures, between human genes. For example,
by adding to genes of humans another genes
stolen from goats, they formed "Satyrs"
and "horned devils". But UFOnauts were
unable to evolve completely new kinds
of creatures, that never existed before.
This in turn means, that they were only
secondary "copying cats", and that they
are very far from skills of the original
creator. So for sure, they were unable to
create humans.
Part #L:
Similar simulations and jokes our young God plays much more for people:
Let us count only these untrue simulations and jokes of God
that were analysed in the previous parts of this web page:
Only on this web page listed were and documented
numerous fabricated simulations and jokes played
for people by God. Let us try to count these here:
(1) Inventing and implanting into the physical
world the second (untrue) history of the universe
that includes, amongst others, the "big bang" and
the so-called "natural evolution".
(2) Inventing and passing off unto people the
"cosmic origins of the humanity" and the existence
of cosmic relatives of humans.
(3) Inventing, simulating, and periodical confronting
with people the extraordinary flying machines
which are called "UFO vehicles", as well as the
supernatural beings that control these machines
and that in past were called "devils", "dragons"
"serpents", "witches", etc., while presently are
called "UFOnauts".
(4) Periodical creation and passing off upon people
the clumsy monsters with shocking habits, an
example of which is shown on the sculpture from
"Fig. #K2" above.
So if we draw some general conclusion from the
above review, this conclusion would reveal a
rather humorous findings that our young
God likes to play jokes on people and
likes to confront people with highly inspirational
puzzles which He temporally simulates especially
for this purpose. Moreover, our God does
all this because He wants us to grow intellectually
through solving His puzzles, and He shows a great
disappointment when we do NOT respond to His
inspirational challenges.
"Printer's imps" - means another large family of
continuous set-ups and jokes played on people
by God for important reasons:
My acquaintance from Germany (Rainhard)
is a professional printer that originates from
a family of many generations of printers. One
day he complained to me, that if an important
publication is printed, in which NOT supposed
to be any error, then no matter how thoroughly
it would be checked and improved, never all
errors can be eliminated from it. If a printer
removes one group of errors, then by the action
of some magical powers another group immediately
appears. This regularity Rainhard knew NOT
only from his own experiences, but also from
findings of past generations reported by his
father. Practically the matter of these printing
errors looks as if in printing shops secretly
acted some mischievous supernatural creatures
(in past called printer's imps) which
intentionally play tricks on printers.
Myself in my research also frequently encounter
this phenomenon. But because I write everything
on my computer, which also stores my works, in
my case the tricks of these "printer's imps" take
the forms of changes introduced to my texts after
I finish writing and close my computer. In past
these tricks of "printer's imps" used to make me
really upset and angry, as they used to leave
physical traces as if some "evil UFOnauts" at
nights secretly kept breaking into my computer.
But presently, when I discovered WHO really
hides behind these changes intentionally
introduced to texts that I am writing, I ceased
to worry and get upset about them.
In the computer discipline called "Software Engineering"
it is commonly known that the number of errors
contained in every computer program remains
approximately at the same level (i.e. is proportional
to the length of this program) - no matter how much
this program is tested and improved. This is because
when someone removes several out of these errors,
later it turns out that mysteriously in the same program
almost an equal number of new errors do appear.
So we could say, that these "printer's imps" act
also in computer programming. Practically their
mischievous activities can be detected in everything
that is vital for people, and that depends on writing.
Illusive and perfectly masked evil-doers with
supernatural powers that act currently in Internet:
If someone takes part in any Internet discussions,
then he or she knows that also in Internet
act some exceptionally mischievous creatures
with supernatural powers. The existence of these
creatures I discussed in past in the
Google discussion group
(see topic number (1) from the item #E2 of the web page
where it is worth to look in order to read more
about them.
Manifestations of all these tricks and simulations played on people
by God, represent most noticeable physical evidence in support of the fact that
God really does exist:
Each one of us seeks a confirmation whether
really does exist. These manifestations of
jokes and tricks played on people by God
represent one amongst most clearly noticed
physical evidence for the existence and
activities of God.
Part #M:
What we can learn from findings of
elaborated on this web page:
Not only us, humans, but also God Himself is "relatively imperfect", thus He is continually learning and improving His methods:
A vital finding of the philosophy of
elaborated on this web page, is the fact
that God is still very "young", because He
is "only" around 6000 years old, and thus
that God is also "relatively imperfect".
If we consider this thoroughly, such
"relative imperfection of God" introduces
"revolutionary" consequences. On one
hand it reveals to us the "human aspect
of God", which so-far was either overlooked,
or kept hidden, by religions. After all, as we
all probably are aware of it, all religions tell
people that "God exists since eternity and is perfect".
Only the philosophy of totalizm points our
attention at the information provided in the
Bible, which reveals to us that God self-evolved
just slightly more than 6000 years ago, and
that He is "relatively imperfect". In turn the
assumption of "eternal and perfect God" blocks
the humanity from an aware self-development,
deprives people justification for reasons they
exist, and hides the goal (i.e. "increasing the
knowledge") to the fulfilment of which people supposed
to serve. In turn God which utilises us people
for self-development and for the increase of
perfection of the entire intelligent universe,
is not only the concept highly innovative,
but also a concept which justifies our existence,
explains our own imperfections, and also
which inspires us to increase our efforts towards
accumulation of knowledge and lifting level
of our civilisation. Furthermore, the knowledge
of the fact that God is "young" and still "relatively
imperfect" explains to us many phenomena
which we notice in our surrounding, for example
it explains: (1) a kind of "continuous experiment"
which God completes with people, (2) the lack
of perfections in methods of God's governing
over human societies, (3) the need to create
people as highly imperfect creatures, (4) the
necessity to inspire people for work and to
creativity via almost a "deception" of the type
of "simulated history of the universe and man"
described on this web page, or via methods
of the "carrot and stick" type described in
item #D1 of the web page
god.htm - about scientific answers of secular philosophy of totalizm for basic questions regarding God,
(5) the need to maintain people in the lack of
certainty about the God's existence - described
in item #D1 of the web page
ufo.htm - with answers to fundamental questions regarding UFOnauts and UFO vehicles - e.g. whether they do exist, how they function, etc.,
and a whole array of other, previously
misunderstood, phenomena.
Of course, while stating that "God is relatively imperfect",
we also have the duty to exactly define, what the
terminology "relative imperfection" actually means
in His case. After all, if we compare quantitatively
e.g. the knowledge of God to the knowledge of let
us say "the most wise human", then the difference
is so immense that mathematicians probably would
describe it as "infinitive". This is because God
knows much more than knew in total all people
together that so-far lived on the Earth. But if we
compare quantitatively the entire knowledge which
God has today, with the entire knowledge that
the same God had 6 thousands years ago (i.e.
around the time when God created the "physical
world" and man), then it turns out that during last
6000 years the knowledge of God at least doubled,
if not increased many fold. Proofs for this fact
are, amongst others, statements of the Bible, and
also the content of holy books of Hinduism. In other
words, by a "relative imperfection of God" this
web page understands the imperfection which God
would display today if we could compare the present
knowledge of God with His knowledge that is going
to appear in a distant future - let us say after one
million years. A comprehensive discussion
how exactly we should understand the "relative
imperfection of God", together with examples of
evidence that "God created man to be able
continually increase His knowledge", is presented
in item #B4 of the totaliztic web page
will.htm - about impact of "free will" on fate of the entire humanity.
Knowing the above it is also worth to remember,
that in spite of displaying this "present imperfection
in relation to Himself after one million years", in
comparison with the imperfection of people God
is so immensely more perfect, that for the use of
humans with a simplified understanding of the world
He can also be described with the highly imprecise
word "perfect".
What is most interesting, God does NOT hide
from us His "relative imperfections". E.g. He
openly admits His "imperfections" in the
Bible (which, after all, is a kind of "autobiography" of God).
For example, in Genesis 18:20-21 is stated, quote:
'Then the LORD said, "The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous
that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know".' (NIV)
Clearly, God did not know the full scope of the
"goings on" in Sodom and Gomorrah at that time,
except what He had heard. So He was going to
"go down" and find out the facts for Himself,
then, He said, "I will know". The first information
for us that the above verses clearly indicate,
is that "God increases His knowledge continually".
After all, as those verses above state it, if God
initially doesn't know something, then God knows
something, that is an "increase of knowledge".
The second information for us that the above
verses also clearly reveal, is that God does NOT
"know everything". Again, as those verses above
from the book of Genesis show to us, God at
times chooses NOT to know certain things. Thus
"God choose not know all things all the time",
thereby having the potential to increase His
knowledge at times. In other words, "God
does NOT know everything".
This surprising for some people fact, that also
God continually learns and improves his methods
of action, is additionally confirmed by deductions
and evidence presented in item #D5 of the
totaliztic web page
The "relative imperfection of God" introduces
many hefty consequences to our everyday
lives. Most vital amongst these consequences
I am going to present gradually in my web
pages and monographs - only that because
of the limitations on sizes of web pages I will
present these in other web pages of totalizm
(i.e. not in this web page). An example of one
amongst such consequences is addressed
in items #B4 and #B5 of the totaliztic web page
will.htm - about the impact of "free will" on fate of the entire humanity.
Benefits which we can reap by realising and accepting that humanity evolved from "water creatures" and that it arrived to Earth from the planet "Terra":
Everyone who managed to yield an effort
to learn the controversial theory about the
origin of mankind presented on this web
page, reaps from this a number of benefits.
Because these benefits carry in themselves
the potential for introducing positive changes
to our view of the world, and thus to the quality
of our lives, it is worth to list and to describe
at least the most important amongst them.
Here are these out of them, the influence of
which on our view of the world, and thus also
on our lives, can be experienced by practically
everyone amongst us:
A completely different view on the searches for the
"missing link", on the archaeological puzzles, and
strange megalithic structures such as pyramids, etc.
This realises to us how much energy, force, and
resources the administrators of the science are
pouring into telling people that black is white. (As
an example of the wastage of resources in order to
spread lies in the society, I would suggest to consider how much
costs the idle CETI program - i.e. searches for extraterrestrial
intelligences, while simultaneously destroyed are
systematically on Earth all these researchers who try to
investigate UFOnauts that for thousands of years
secretly keep arriving to Earth from the space.)
The less emotional, but the more philosophical
approach to the arguing about the origin of mankind,
about teaching evolution in schools, etc.
In fact, the realising what actually is going on, causes
that one stops putting emotions into the arguing
about the origin of the man. This is because one
begins to understand that these arguing is induced
on purpose along the principle "divide and rule".
The gaining of awareness of greater peace, someone's
protection, a sense of life, which is provided by an invisible
protection and supervision of God over everything that
happens around us. By knowing that God created
us, one has also an understanding that in eyes of God
our existence counts and our lives are under His protection.
Displaying the greater understanding for reports from
UFO abductions, from UFO sightings, etc. In
the result of knowledge of what actually is going on,
one begins to see differently someone's attempts
to scoff and hide the truth about the hidden activities
of UFOs on Earth.
The actual understanding what secretly is going on
around us. In turn due to understanding what is
secretly going on, one gains a better skills for living
in the world which is really governed by such hidden
Research projects which are worth pursuing in order to extend further our knowledge about the evolution of man:
No view or theory is perfect and completely
finished on any stage of their existence.
After all, the views and theories, similarly to
people and everything that surrounds us,
are subjected to a continuous evolution. In
fact the formulation, publication, and bringing
to public attention of a view or theory is only
a beginning of work on the further refining
and developing them to even the greater
perfection. Similarly is also with the
theory on the origin of humanity described
on this web page. The publishing of this
theory on this web page only initiated
a whole series of detailed research and
discussions on the specific findings
which stem from it. These discussions and
research actually will allow to gradually
improve and polish this theory. Many
potential topics of the research are still
awaiting to be completed. Below I am
indicating several examples of such
topics for research and discussions,
into which readers are able to contribute
their own findings:
Finding the greater number of points in common,
which link views of evolutionists with views of disciples
of the creation of man. Such points in common
may serve towards the shortening the non-productive
arguing and starting instead the constructive research
and determining the true course of events.
Finding further highly evidential indicators that people
are related to whales and to dolphins. These indicators
complement and extend the evidence which is discussed
in item #F2 of this web page. They also make the evidence
more convincing.
The revealing of further "facts" about the true history
of mankind.
Such facts allow to learn a higher number of details
about the true of history of humanity.
Part #N:
Summary, and the final information of this web page:
The summary of this web page:
Science is formed by people, not by kind
of errorless beings. In turn to err is
human. So we are not allowed to
assume, that something is true only
because it originates from scientists.
Especially in such important matter
as the origins of man. So in spite that
present scientists spread very professionally
sounding fables about our origins,
and in spite that they additionally
present various "evidence" which
supposedly support their claims,
each single one of us still has a
moral duty of thorough checking
and judging with our own conscience
the logic behind these fables, and
also the evidential value of whatever
scientists use to support these fables.
It is worth to remember then, a
sarcastic joke about the logic of
scientists and about the value of
"evidence" which scientists sometimes
use. This joke was widely repeated
in 1970s. Here is the content of it.
"A scientist carried out two experiments
with a flea. In the first experiment he placed
a flea on a table and ordered 'jump'.
The flea jumped. Then he cut off the
flea's back legs and again ordered
'jump'. The flea did not jump. So he
wrote in his thesis 'fleas have ears in
their back legs'."
On this web page presented are outcomes of
my own research into the origins of man.
(I.e. results of research about the origins of
man, worked out by
Dr Jan Pajak.)
These results are based on findings stemming
from the theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
If one summarises these investigations briefly,
they state that otherwise to
God -
which is simply a single huge natural computer,
the structure of human body is too complicated
to be able to come to existence in a result of purely
accidental evolution. Therefore all facts described
in more details in "part I" of the separate web
page about the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
indicate that it was God who come to the existence in
a result of natural evolution. In turn this God, after
he already existed, created initially the physical world,
and later created also humans. So humans are
products of the method of creative development
of unknown earlier things, which typically is called
a "method of a trial and error". But if this method of
creating is related to the origin of humans, then
it can be called the "intelligently controlled evolution".
The creation of man, similarly as the creation
of everything else, God based on outcomes of
whatever he created earlier. In case of humans,
the creature which God transformed in order to
obtain the required qualities of the body, was a
sea creature related to present whales and dolphins.
Therefore whales and dolphins in the light of
findings presented here are closest still alive
animal relatives of humans.
Blogs of totalizm:
It is also worth to check periodically any blog
of totalizm (currently there are 3 of them),
e.g. the one available at address (posts from #89 - 2006/11/11) (posts from #293 - 2018/2/23) (posts from #293 - 2018/3/16)
(Notice that all these addresses hold the
same blog with the same content of messages.)
On this blog I always present results of
my most recent research. Thus many
matters discussed here are explained
with additional details and usually in two
different languages (i.e. English and Polish).
Notice also that in 2019 the number of posts in
blogs of totalizm exceeded 300. Moreover, there
is a book-like "publication [13]" that I prepared
in two sizes of fonts (i.e. in the "large print" 20
pt, and in "small print" 12 pt) and also in two
languages - in which all posts to blogs of
totalizm published so far are collected together and
supplied with detailed lists of content. This publication
[13] is also instantly updated each time a new post
to blogs of totalizm is published. The "publication [13]"
is available free of charge from the following web page:
of this web page (i.e. Dr Eng. Jan Pająk):
I have a pleasure to inform readers of my web
pages, that to commemorate the 70th birthday
of the author of this web page (i.e.
there was produced and published around 35
minutes long film by Dominik Myrcik, which
since May 2016 is available for free viewing in
The film is entitled
"Dr Jan Pająk portfolio"
and it presents graphically most important among
my scientific accomplishments. Its English version
can be viewed at the address
or run it from the web page named
which provides links to the list of all YouTube videos
in the preparation of which I participated in person.
(The web page "djp.htm" I programmed to be run
on the "smart" TVs of the Korean company LG, and
on PC computers - preferably having the "Google Chrome"
search engine.) I am inviting readers to view it. The working
green links,
Internet addresses, promotional leaflets in three
languages, and complete descriptions of all three
language versions (i.e. English, German and Polish)
of this excellently designed and produced HD and
HQ film, are available on my web page named
portfolio.htm -
which was especially prepared for describing the film.
Current email addresses to the author of
this web page, i.e. officially to
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
at which readers can post possible comments,
opinions, descriptions, or information which in
their opinion I should learn, are provided on the web page named
(for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named
(for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf"
in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions
of further web pages by the author can also be
downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named
The author's right for the use of courteous
title of "Professor" stems from the custom that
"with professors is like with generals", namely
when someone is
once a professor, than he or she courteously
remains a professor forever. In
turn the author of this web page was a professor
at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them,
from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998,
as an "Associate Professor" from English-based
educational system, while on one university as
a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till
31 December 2007 - means at the last place
of employment in his professional life).
However, please notice that because of my
rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly
reply to emails which contain JUST time
consuming requests, while simultaneously
they document a complete ignorance of their
author in the topic area which I am researching.
How with the web page named
one can find totaliztic descriptions
of topics in which he is interested:
A whole array of topics equally interesting
as these from the above web page, is also
discussed from the angle that is unique to
the philosophy of totalizm. All these related
topics can be found and identified with the use of
content index
prepared especially to make easier finding
these web pages and topics. The name "index"
means a list of "key words" usually provided
at the end of textbooks, which allows to find
fast the description or the topic in which we
are interested. My web pages also has such
a content "index" - only that it is additionally
supplied in green
which after "clicking" at them with a mouse
immediately open the web page with the topic
that interest the reader. This content "index"
is provided on the web page named
It can be called from the "organising" part of
"Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would
recommend to look at it and to begin using it
systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds
of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to
This web page is also available in the form
of a brochure marked [11], which
is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document
Format") - currently considered to be the
most safe amongst all internet formats, as
normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This
clear brochure is ready both, for printing,
as well as for reading from a computer
screen. It also has all its
green links
still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer
screen connected to internet, then after clicking
onto these green links, the linked web pages
and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because
the volume of it is around a double of the volume
of web page which this brochure publishes,
the memory limitations on a significant number
of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to
offer it from them (so if it does NOT download
from this address, because it is NOT available
on this server, then you should click onto any
other address from
Menu 3,
and then check whether in there it is available).
In order to open this brochure (and/or download
it to own computer), it suffices to either click on
the following green link
or to open from any totaliztic web site the
PDF file named as in the above green link.
If the reader wishes to check, whether some other
totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying,
is also available in the form of such PDF brochure,
then should check whether it is listed amongst links
from "part #B" of the web page named
This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic
web pages, which are already published as such
brochures from series [11] in PDF format.
I wish you a fruitful reading!
If you prefer to read in Polish
click on the Polish flag below
(Jeśli preferujesz czytanie w języku polskim
kliknij na poniższą flagę)
Date of starting this page: 23 June 2006
Date of the latest updating of this page: 7 December 2019
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)