Research and development of telekinetic machines
(bilingual: in English
and Polish )
7 July 2013
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The term "telekinetics" from which the name of
this web page is derived, means the "scientific
discipline about devices for the generation of
continuous and self-propelling motion carried
out on principles of telekinesis". According to such
a name, this web page presents a report from
experiments on research and development and
on implementation to the serial factory production
the first on the Earth devices of telekinetics, means
devices which generate perpetual motion while they
do not require for this purpose the supply in any
form of energy or fuel.
Part #A:
Introductory information of this web page:
What are goals of this web page:
The main goal of this web page and the illustrations included into it, is to present
a report from research and development carried out so-far to obtain and implement
to a serial factory production first on the Earth devices of telekinetics.
Simultaneously this web page is so designed
that it can serve as a kind of guidelines for
these hobbyists which undertake the development
of devices of telekinetics. This is because the
page reveals NOT only what was already established
experimentally on the subject of these devices
by other researchers, but it also explains what
is the correct procedure of initiation the construction
of these extraordinary devices.
This web page also extends and clarifies Part #D
of a separate web page
free_energy.htm - about telekinetic generators of free energy,
in which the design and operation of one amongst
first prototypes of such telekinetic devices was
described. This prototype is known under the
name of "Thesta Distatica". Thesta-Distatica
belongs to a larger group of telekinetic devices
the principle of operation of which originates from
electrostatic machines, in German called the
Part #B:
Philosophical premises which indicate that the completion of telekinetic devices for energy generation is possible:
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
reveals, that the continuous and friction-free "motion"
of the ever-moving "counter-matter" is a fundamental
behaviour in the universe:
On a number of totaliztic publications, for
example on the web page named
and also in subsection A1.1 from volume
1 of my newest
monograph [1/5],
it was explained that our "physical world" is
only a "half" of the universe. The second half
is occupied by the so-called "counter-world",
which religions call "the other world". This
"counter-world" is filled-up with an unique
substance called the "counter-matter".
In turn an unique attribute of that counter-matter
is, that otherwise than the static and inertial
matter from our physical world, the "counter-matter"
is a kind of inertia-free and friction-free liquid,
which exists in the state of continuous motion.
In turn, because this inertial and static "matter"
from our "physical world" was created just due
to appropriate pre-programming of motions of
that "counter-matter", in fact the
everlasting motion
is the most fundamental behaviour in the universe.
In other words, the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
reveals, that the continuous motion and self-sustained
supply of energy are natural behaviours of the universe,
while inertia, motionless, and the need to generate
the energy supply, are states artificially forced and
prevailing only within the body of our "physical world".
The above explanations that the everlasting motion
is a "natural behaviour of the universe", while the
motionlessness is a "state artificially forced",
introduces immensely vital philosophical implications.
Namely, they mean that it is just a matter of time, until
the "totaliztic science" finds some "war around" the
"blockade" that makes for the humanity impossible
to benefit from that "everlasting motion" of the universe,
and from the "unlimited amounts of free energy"
that this everlasting motion is able to supply to us.
In turn that finding of the "way around blockades"
is to open for the humanity an unlimited access
to any amounts of free energy. But there is a
"catch" with finding and with technical implementing
that "walking around the energy blockade". This
catch is indicated by findings of the "totaliztic
science" - means the science which is described
more comprehensively in item #C1 below on this
web page, and which researches the reality according
to the approach "from the cause to effect". Namely,
in order the "cause of everything" (means "God")
allows the humanity to acquire the access to such
unlimited amounts of free energy, firstly the humanity
must learn how to live and how to behave in the
"moral manner" - so that its immoral leaders and
politicians do NOT utilise later this unlimited amount
of energy for the continuation of present exploitation
of poorest nations, destruction of nature, and
for repetitive murdering with wars this part of the
population of Earth which escapes from their control.
Therefore, all signs on heaven and Earth indicate,
that the humanity gains the access to this unlimited
energy only after on the Earth is established officially
the "totaliztic science" described below in item #C1,
and also when this "totaliztic science" manages to
change principles on which work subsequent nations.
Unfortunately, because of the stubbornness with which
people refuse to get the message from moral lessons
served to them, there is a significant probability that
before such a new "moral order" is established on
the Earth, firstly a significant proportion of the
present humanity perhaps needs to be destroyed
with cataclysms - similar to these described in
item #M1 below on this web page, or described
in the web page named
An example of the simplest device for
"clean energy generation from self-renewable and incessant natural phenomena":
In order to reveal here, that actually there
are ways of tapping to this inexhaustible and
eternal motion of the universe, I am going to
describe below a simple technical device
which illustrates that such machines which
generate everlasting motion in fact are possible
to build. The device which I am presenting
here is already described on a number of
my publications, for example in item #G2
of the web page named
or in item #A2 of the web page named
But the most of descriptions of this device
was send to many universities from various
countries of the world, when in years 2005
to 2011, I fruitlessly tried to find a research
post which would allow me to research and
to develop prototypes of such devices for
generation of unlimited amounts of free energy.
This is because many universities, which at
that time were advertising posts for research
of new and unconventional sources of energy,
required that together with the application,
candidates supply also a proposal of research
intended for the completion after getting their
post. As a part of my research proposals for
these universities, I used to include also the
description of the device that I am going to
provide below in this item. I do not need to
add here, that unfortunately, all those my
job applications and efforts to find a research
position that would allow me to build this device,
turned out to be fruitless. But lately I discovered,
and described thoroughly in item #I1 from the
web page named
that God intentionally organised those my offers
of research and development of the device described
here, to give an initial "warning" and a "fair chance"
for these countries and nations which in the future
are going to be punished by an "energy crisis" that
is to paralyse their entire life. This is because lately
it turned out, that exactly on the same principle
God also directed my sending-out of other proposals
of research and development of the "warning device
for the advanced detection of impending earthquakes",
so that my offers of building this warning device were
received by all these countries and cities which soon
afterwards were to be destroyed by powerful earthquakes -
about this I also wrote in the abovementioned item #I1
of the web page named
So here is the presentation of the section from my
research proposals included into my job applications
posted to universities from many countries of the world,
which proposals contained the description of the device
for harvesting everlasting motion - I am quoting it from
one amongst my old job applications:
* * *
A further device the research and development
of which I would like to propose as an example
of my future research project, is an energy device
which I already opened for the public inventiveness
and experimentation by placing descriptions of
it in the "public domain" of my web pages.
This device illustrates perfectly, amongst others, the possibility of building an entirely new class of "devices for clean energy generation from self-renewable and incessant natural phenomena". Namely, let us assume for a moment that there exists an invisible kind of “wind” about the existence of which present science still does NOT know. If this (yet unknown and invisible) "wind" blows continually, steadily, and strongly for, let's say, one million years, then the "windmill" which such a "wind" would propel, would become a device which could be named with this extremely “unfashionable” now terminology of classical energy researchers, i.e. named the “perpetual motion device”. After all, this invisible and unknown to the present science “wind” would propel the “windmill” perpetually for countless number of years, while present science would NOT know why this device works and why it generates energy. Unfortunately, we also know that NO present scientist would ever have the courage to carry out any research on such a supposed “perpetual motion” device - simply because he would be “lynched” by his professional colleagues who believe in the statistic predictions called the “laws of thermodynamics” (which state that a “perpetual motion” device cannot be build). After all, with present traditions of “peer reviews” in the science, there is NO chance that any research paper on a “perpetual motion” device would obtain a favourable reference and could be published or presented on a scientific conference. Therefore, such a “windmill” which would work on invisible and yet unknown “wind” cannot be researched and developed by any paid scientist, as for such a scientist it could means the “professional suicide”. But the research on such “invisible and yet unknown winds” can easily be carried out and scientifically supervised by projects like my “public domain” research project - and this exactly what my project is doing. Then, when such a project is successful, the outcomes of it can be transferred to the domain of official science. Interestingly, the above example of a “windmill” on invisible and yet unknown “wind” is NOT as purely hypothetical as it may sound. Various sciences already know numerous "winds" that "blow" continually and steadily for millions of years. To indicate here some examples of such "winds", these include: the rotation of our planet Earth, the motion of Moon around the Earth, the magnetic field of the Earth, waves of a "cosmic noise", temperature differences between surface of the Earth and e.g. the absolute zero of cosmic space or coolness of upper atmosphere, various behaviours of elementary particles, a reversal of friction, and many more. The only problem is that so-far no-one had the courage (and knowledge and motivation) to develop principles and devices with the use of which energy could be harvested from such incessant natural phenomena. But the human inventiveness has no limits. Thus, for each such a phenomenon a principle can be invented, which would generate energy or everlasting mechanical motion from it. The only barrier is that people (and scientists) need to firstly overcome the psychological barrier which obstruct their thinking and which keeps them “looking backward” for principles and for phenomena, instead of “looking forward” into the future. So let us explain here a simple example how we could generate e.g. “perpetual rotational motion” from one of such incessant and invisible "winds" - i.e. from the gravity field and the Earth’s rotations. If, for example, we construct a mechanical "flywheel", which meets following technically easy-to-fulfil conditions: (1) it has the so-called "momentum of inertia" larger than its "friction torque", (2) it is perfectly balanced - so that the gravitational field of the Earth does NOT influence its angular orientation, and (3) it is so assembled in a given location that the axis of rotation of this flywheel is exactly parallel to the axis of the Earth’s rotation; then such a flywheel should create an everlasting motion in relationship to the Earth, with the speed of one rotation per day (or more strictly, this flywheel would remain motionless in relationship to our solar system, while the Earth would rotate around it once per each day). So such a flywheel - if constructed and provided with an appropriate gearbox linked to a pointer, could prove empirically that a “forward looking” synthesis is able to develop principles of operation which allow the harvesting of motion and energy from the rotational motion of our planet. In turn, when further such “incessant natural phenomena” (or invisible “winds”) are identified and principles are developed which allow the generation of clean energy from them, this would have enormous implications for all areas of science and technology. For example, it would provide the society with a rather illustrative example that vast amounts of energy can be generated without causing any pollution. It would also change our entire civilisation, as it would pave the way for the development of various principles that would allow to draw free clean energy and everlasting motion from various perpetual "winds". In turn implementation of these principles would allow the humanity to generate vast amounts of energy without any consumption of fossil or nuclear fuels (and thus also without causing pollution) from phenomena for which currently no scientist have an inspiring example nor courage to investigate because for innovative ideas in energy technologies the present tradition orders us to rather “look into the past” instead of “looking into the future”.
Part #C:
Which irrational reasons until today are making impossible for
the humanity to get around the building of "energy-generating
devices of telekinetics":
How to eliminate the progress-obstructing "monopole for knowledge"
of the "atheistic orthodox science" to-date, and how through the priori
breaking this monopole with the creation of the new "totaliztic science"
it becomes possible to finally learn truths and undertake the development
of safe and beneficial for people "devices of telekinetics":
"Nations begin revolutions, rebellions and popular uprisings if they
are forced to live under rules of just a single dictator, single military
junta, or just one monopolistic party, but NO-ONE moves even
a finger in spite that all humans already for centuries are suffering
under the dictatorship of a single monopolistic science which erroneous,
deviated, and irresponsible claims are the most primary reason for
the entire evil which we see around, source of torment for practically
every person, and the cause of gradual destruction of our planet."
From the lessons of economics, as well as
from everyday lives, we all know perfectly
well, that "monopoles" are extremely detrimental
for the humanity. For example, only in New
Zealand where "everyone knows everyone",
because of the tendency of its population
(and thus also its politicians) to form monopoles
in every possible area, from the country
which before the introduction of present
monopoles enjoyed one of the highest
standards of living in the world, within just
around 20 years since it unleashed monopoles
from control, turned out to be a country which
has one amongst the lowest standards of living
in the developed world.
In spite of this common knowledge that "monopoles"
are seeds and the lair of social evil, in the most
vital matter such as the development of progress
and knowledge, the humanity tolerates the "monopole
for knowledge" of the present "atheistic orthodox
science". In turn this science jealously guards this
its monopole and do NOT give voice to anyone who
can take it away. On the other hand, the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
described above, created scientific and philosophical
foundations for establishing a completely "competitive"
science, which in item #A2.6 of the web page named
is called the "totaliztic science".
This newly-born "totaliztic science" explains to
everyone in item #A2.6 of the web page named
that the complete and balanced knowledge
can be accumulated only if every topic is researched
from at least two opposite points of view.
Such a two-directional approach to research is well
illustrated in abovementioned item #A2.6 with
examples that use, amongst others, the analogy
of looking at a landscape, when one passes the
"route to" and the "route from". Namely, when a
landscape is watched while we drive in one direction
only, e.g. "to", then we see only a half of views
through which we are driving. The second half
remains hidden from us, because in order to
see it, we need to look at it from a completely
opposite direction. Thus, only after looking at
the same landscape during the "route to" and
then during the "route from", we receive a full
and balanced knowledge of what along this road
is located. Exactly the same happens with scientific
research. Every problem can be researched with
at least two different philosophical approaches,
namely research "from the effect to causes",
or research "from causes to effects". Unfortunately,
the present "atheistic orthodox science" researches
everything exclusively from the approach "from
effects to causes". After all, "it assumes in advance"
that the "cause of everything", means "God", does
NOT exist at all. Therefore, in order the humanity
received a full and balanced picture of the reality,
it is necessary to create a "competition" for the
present "atheistic orthodox science", in the form
of a completely new "totaliztic science" which is
founded on the formal scientific proof of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
that "God does exist", and thus which researches
everything from the opposite to that of the current
science approach "from the cause to effects" (means
"from God" to the "reality which surround us").
This new "totaliztic science" has a completely
opposite approach to accumulation of knowledge
than the to-date "atheistic orthodox science".
After all, when the to-date orthodox science researches
everything according to the philosophical approach
called "a posteriori" - means "from
effects to the cause", this newly-born "totaliztic
science" researches everything from the philosophical
approach called "a priori" - means "from
the cause to effects". In the result, already until
now this newly-born "totaliztic science" acting completely
without any financing for its research, and continuously
being exposed to the multitude of persecutions and
bans from the "atheistic orthodox science", it still already
managed for example to formally prove that "God
does exist" (this formal scientific proof for the
existence of God is presented e.g. in item #G2 of
the totaliztic web page named
and also managed to prove that "telekinetic 'free
energy devices' can be build, while after being
completed they are able to save our civilisation
from the 'death by lack of energy' ".
Opposite to the "atheistic orthodox science" to-date,
which only egoistically takes care of its own
interests, while completely neglects the good
of the humanity which it supposed to serve,
the newly-born "totaliztic science" as its goals
selected the service to "morality, truth, knowledge,
progress, and the humanity". This is because
of these goals, that the "totaliztic science"
states that the old "atheistic orthodox science"
must NOT be replaced by the new
"totaliztic science", but only for this old science
we need to create a competition in the
form of the new "totaliztic science", and then
this "competition" should be maintained by
similar financing and promotion of both these
sciences simultaneously. The point is, that
if an old "monopole for knowledge" is replaced
by a new "monopole for knowledge", with the
elapse of time would happen exactly the same
as it typically happens when an old corrupted
government is replaced by a new government -
namely the new also with the elapse of time
gets corrupted. Therefore, in the vital interest
of the humanity lies NOT only to establish as
soon as possible and begin to finance the new
"totaliztic science" that is based on the scientific
foundations of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
and on the philosophical foundations of the
philosophy of totalizm,
but also during the creation of that new science
to still make sure that the old "atheistic orthodox
science" still existed and operated - only that
finally it has a "scientific competition" in the result
of which both sciences started to mutually "watch
hands of each other", mutually check, verify, and
correct each other, and continually challenge
each other's scientific findings (all this in turn
would serve for the good of morality, truth,
knowledge, progress of development of the humanity).
After the formal creation of the new "totaliztic science",
one of the first research projects of this new science
should be the research and development of "energy-generating
devices of telekinetics" described on this web page.
Only when the humanity enters finally the period of
possession of such devices, becomes possible to
avoid further catastrophes of the kind of nuclear
pollutions of the Earth and the humanity, such as
this from Chernobyl or from Fukushima in Japan
(as this is described in item #M1 near the end of
this web page).
Of course, "telekinetics" is not only interested in
the "energy-generating devices of free energy",
but also in a whole range of other devices, the
research of which I already initiated and currently
continue - for example in
Oscillatory Chambers of all three generations,
telekinetic vehicles,
and even in
time vehicles.
Therefore, when the new "totaliztic science" already
masters and implements for the use of the humanity
the "telekinetic devices of free energy" described on
this web page, the turn comes for the research and
development of these further devices of the future.
Thus, for researchers of this new "totaliztic science"
there will be enough work for many generations to come.
So it really is worth that societies and mass media force
their reluctant governments and complacent educational
institutions for establishing the new "totaliztic science" -
preferably still during my lifetime (so that it would be me
who gives to it the correct initial direction and the right
intellectual and philosophical climate). It is also worth
already at present to start fight actively and perseveringly
to give to that science the official status, own schools
and universities, own scientific journals, and the required
governmental financing which would be completely
independent from all monopolistic institutions of the
old orthodox science. I personally estimate, that a
fast establishing of such new "totaliztic science" in
any country, would bring equally far-reaching consequences
for that country and for that nation, as historically for Poland
had the establishing of the "National Educational Commission"
(in Polish called the "Narodowa Komisja Edukacyjna"), which
by being established before Poland went through the partition
to three different super-powers, after many years still managed
to cause that the renew Poland was later restored from these
three separate countries.
Practically every nation with the elapse of time
starts to rebel if it is forced to live under the
terror of just a single dictator, under oppression
of just a single military junta, or under the rules
of just a single monopolistic political party. But
practically no-one moves even a finger so-far,
in spite that the entire humanity for centuries
is terrorised, pushed down, and deprived of
truths, by just a single "science" which holds
an absolute "monopole for knowledge", while
errors, deviations, double standards, the lack
of responsibility, etc., of which, are the primary
cause and the primary source of the practically
entire evil which currently we see around, and
the starting point for every suffering that at
present torments people. So it is about the
time that everyone amongst us rolls up
sleeves when it is still NOT too late, and
add his or her own contribution into the
abolishment of this detrimental for the
humanity and for the Earth "monopole for
knowledge" of the old "atheistic orthodox
science", through an official establishing
and separate financing of a new (another)
science, "competitive" towards this old one, which
is going to be based on the morally correct
philosophical foundations of "totalizm",
and on intellectually correct
scientific foundations of the "Concept of Dipolar Gravity".
In my opinion the official establishing of the "totaliztic
science" is so immensely important for the entire our
civilisation, that it is going to decide whether this
civilisation manages to climb onto the higher level
of development, or rather initially freezes its progress
on the present level, and then either disintegrates
or becomes "disposed of" by God. Therefore,
the matter of this establishing is reminded and
discussed from various points of view in a whole
range of totaliztic web pages and monographs.
Independently from this web page, and also from
the indicated above item #A2.6 of the web page named
the same topic is also discussed e.g. in items #F1 to #F4 of the web page
in item #A4 of the web page named
in item #C5 of the web page named
in item #C1 of the web page named
in item #B1 of the web page named
in item #J2 of the web page named
in item #A2 of the web page named
and on several further web pages and publications of totalizm.
The reason for corruption, inefficiency, errors and distortions
of today's official "science" is a deliberately erroneous definition
of the term "science" that this ancient atheistic institution disseminates among the people:
'Tell me how you define the term "science", and I will indicate to you
where come from your blindness to corruption, incompetence, errors,
distortions, monopoly, etc., which have overgrown this ancient institution
and which from a "progress maker" transform the "science" into a "progress braker".'
The most serious problems with today's
official "science" are stemming from
the fact, that this science deliberately
defines itself in a way that deceives
people. For example, the typical definition
of "science", which can be found e.g.
in textbooks, dictionaries, and in today's
search engines,
says roughly the following:
"science is
a branch of knowledge or study dealing
with a body of facts or truths
systematically arranged and showing the
operation of general laws".
Unfortunately, both - the above definition,
as well as all other official definitions
of the term "science" previously disseminated
by the same "science", demonstrate a high
primitiveness, obsolescence, and in addition
also errors. As such, they deliberately
mislead people - means they actually "lie".
Therefore, the term "science" needs to be redefined
(or "reformed") today in the same way as
Karl Marx once redefined ("reformed") the
term "capital" - thus opening the eyes of
people to the imperfections of the capitalist
societies and political systems. Similarly as
in past the redefining (or "reforming") the
term "capital" caused revolutions and speed-up
the process of improving the lives of many
people, let us hope that the today's redefinition
of the term "science" will also improve
and simplify access of people to the
so-called "truth". The main shortcomings
of the above sample definition, as well
as all other official definitions of the
term "science" disseminated so-far by the
science itself, are as follows:
This definition does not reveal that the "orthodox
science" to-date really is "an exploiting
institution living from taxes of citizens",
which in order to achieve its selfish goals in
an easiest way, forces onto the people and
now jealously guards, its absolute
"monopoly for knowledge
and for the formation of human views".
The fact of keeping secret in
official definitions, that the science is
the "monopolistic institution living from
exploitation of taxpayers", which institution,
to gain its monopoly, deliberately and systematically
destroyed the other similar institution called
"religion", hides from the sight of taxpayers
a whole range of adverse effects arising from
this secrecy. For example, it hides from the sight
of taxpayers that the science only pretends to
"promote progress", but actually it focuses itself
only on the multiplying its own benefits, on
caring for its own selfish interests, and on
meeting its own needs (instead of meeting the
needs of humanity - from taxes of which it is
maintained). Furthermore, as a monopolistic
institution it actually is NOT interested
in ascertaining the truth, in bearing the
responsibility for its own claims, nor in
correcting its own distortions. Thus, the
"truth" it tells only when it is forced
to it. It is just for such reasons that
nearly everything that the official
science claims today, after some time
will be announced to be untrue and
replaced with some other its lies.
This definition does NOT emphasize the fact that
the whole "science" and all the "scientists"
do NOT generate any physical product, thus
regardless of where comes from and how is
called the funding for their existence, this
funding is always a form of "tax". In
turn by being paid from "taxes" of citizens,
this institution really "exploits people",
means it represents an "exploiting institution".
Of course, some readers, especially if they
come from the circle of "atheistic orthodox
scientists", are going to argue here, that
there exist also scientists who are funded
by industry or by various private institutions,
e.g. by the private universities. To those,
however, persons, I would advise to consider
"where come from" and "what consequences cause"
such principles of financing of these
supposedly "non-tax" sources of livelihoods
for some scientists. As it turns out, these
sources always have the character of a "tax
which is only called with a different name".
For example, the funding of some scientists
by the industry causes that products of this
industry must be sold on the market at more
expensive prices than necessary. Thus, the
buyers of these products actually pay kinds
of hidden "taxes" which are directed to upkeep
of these scientists. The same is true of other
"non-tax" scientists, such as those employed
in private universities - they also raise the
cost, but this time of education, and therefore
they also impose onto people an additional
kind of "taxes", only that officially these are
NOT called "taxes".
This definition does NOT emphasize the fact that
the "science" is built on the philosophical
foundations which force it to exist only as
an "atheistic institution". These atheistic
scientific foundations of the official science
to-date, are described relatively well, amongst
others, in items #F1 to #F3 of the totaliztic web page named
This definition does NOT emphasize the fact that
the "science" has built permanently into itself
such lasting traditions, culture, and rules of
conduct, which ensure that for completely false
reasons it will never be able to cast-away
its "atheism" - no matter what facts and
truths come-out in the meantime. Perfect
examples of just such traditions, culture and
rules of conduct, are traditions and principles
of "peer reviews" of research papers by other
scientists, and the tradition and the principle
of allocation promoters to young scientists
writing their masters and doctoral thesis -
which both traditions prevent researchers
to "go beyond" the generally accepted line,
and hence they also prevent any new ideas
to get out from under the oppression of
this science. This in turn means that
the science has permanently embedded into
itself such mechanisms that prevent change
of its philosophical foundations. This
means that the official science is
forced by its inner structure and inner
mechanisms (i.e. not by outcomes of its research
or by the situation in the world around us) to
always remain the "atheistic science".
This definition does NOT disclose the fact that
there is a whole range of different approaches
to research, from the group of which the official
science to-date utilises only one approach which
by philosophers is called "a posteriori" - means
"from effects to the cause". But this approach
allows for the introduction of a variety of errors,
distortions, misinterpretations, etc., during "the
long road of research" that leads from the "knowledge
of the effect" to "determination of the actual cause
for this effect". Therefore, in this science the
learning of the truth about the "real causes" for
given effects becomes almost impossible. In turn,
without knowing the real causes, it is NOT possible
to undertake any defence. It is for this reason,
that in spite of the existence throughout millennia,
the old "atheistic orthodox science" still has not
yet managed to work out, and indicate for the use,
of even a single effective way of preventing harms
or cataclysms, such as numerous ways that by the
new "totaliztic science" are documented for example
in item #I3 of the web page named
in item #J1 of the web page named
or in item #G1 of the web page named
This definition does NOT reveal, that for other
approaches to research, such as the approach
called "a priori" (means "from the cause to
effects", or "from God understood as the
superior cause of everything, to the
reality around us which represents an effect
of the action of this God"), almost all
the phenomena explained by the official
science in a way known to us today, receive
a completely different explanations - the
correctness of which is also confirmed by the
existing evidence. This in turn causes,
that for the humanity is revealed by the
official science only considerably less
than half of the "truth" about the universe
around us - as this is explained more comprehensively
e.g. in item #C2 from web page named
Meanwhile, the opposite philosophical approach
to that used by the science to-date, called
"a priori" approach (means "from the cause to
effects" or "from God understood as a superior
cause of everything, to the surrounding reality
understood as effects of the activities of
this God"), i.e. the approach used in practice
by the new "totaliztic science", explains
every phenomenon and every object in a completely
different way than it is done by the official
science. To learn some more drastic examples
of differences in these explanations, it is
enough to learn explanations of the new "totaliztic
science" for the process of creation of the
physical world - described in subsections A1
to A9 from volume 1 of my newest
monograph [1/5],
or an explanation of the mechanism of the tornadoes'
formation - described in the totaliztic web page named
Best of all, these new persecuted explanations
of the new "totaliztic science", are equally well
confirmed by the existing evidence, as the official
explanations disseminated by the old official
science. As it was discovered only by the new
"totaliztic science", in the world created and
governed intelligently by omnipotent God (i.e.
in such a world that is described by items
#B1 to #B3 from the web page named
the origins of every event and every object is
confirmed by at least three (3) mutually different
(and seemingly contradictory) groups of evidence -
this fact is explained in more details in
abovementioned item #C2 from the web page named
This definition does NOT reveal that in order
to maintain its atheism and achieve its selfish
goals, the "science" to-date in the intended manner eliminates
from its research the exploration of the impact
that any events on the Earth have onto the level
of so-called "group morality" of people affected
by these events. On the other hand, in the
"world created and governed intelligently by
omnipotent God" (i.e. in the world defined in
items #B1 to #B3 from the web page named
the "morality" turns out to be the primordial
cause of all disasters that affect both individual
people and whole communities. At the same time,
"morality" is the only factor known to people,
which can be subject to change and arbitrarily
shaped by the people themselves, and thus which
allows for communities and individuals to effectively
defend themselves against disasters that affect
them - i.e. defend from sorts of "natural cataclysms"
described e.g. in items #I3 and #I5 from the web page named
or from "premature deaths" described e.g. in items
#G1 to #G8 of the web page named
(For the totaliztic definition of "morality"
see item #B5 from the web page named
Some definitions of the term "science" (in this
number also the definition quoted as an example
at the beginning of this item) tell us that the
"science" supposedly can also be a kind of
"abstract" whose existence in the physical
world is NOT dependent on the physical existence
of an institution that generate products of
a given "science". This their claim is
similar to claims that supposedly the "religions"
can exist without the existence of a "religious
institutions" that have implemented and carried
out a given kind of faith and the accompanying
rituals. However, any rationally
thinking person who knows how many drastically
different religions and cults human imperfections
already managed to multiply only in a small group
of Christian religions, after the analysing of
this matter must begin to understand, that
neither the "science" nor "religion", or
in fact any other "abstract", is able
to consistently exist if the existence
of it is NOT supported and NOT implemented
by a physical institution.
Of course, apart from these listed above,
there are also further problems and
imperfections built into the current
official definition of the term "science".
But those other ones are no longer quite
as important as those indicated above.
An example of these other ones is the
fact that virtually all the official
definitions of the term "science"
disseminated around the world by the
old "atheistic orthodox science"
actually "disagree" with what ordinary
people understand by the name "science".
With all this in mind, the new "totaliztic
science" advocates that the term "science"
should be redefined ("reformed") urgently.
Of course, as is always the case with the
definitions, such a new "totaliztic"
definition of the term "science" can
be expressed in a number of different
wordings, all of which can still turn
our attention to the urgent need of
elimination the shortcomings of "science" -
as indicated above. One such possible
totalizticaly "reformed" totalizticaly
definition of "science", could for
example be expressed with the following
The reformed by totalizm definition
number #1 of the term "science",
developed on the basis of past experience
of mankind collected along the road on which
this "science" pushes itself and the entire mankind: "Science" is an exploiting
institution which lives from taxes of citizens,
whose actual purpose is to meet its own needs by
forcing onto the people, and later jealous guarding,
of its absolute "monopoly" for the knowledge and
for shaping human views, and which as a tool to
achieve its selfish goal uses, amongst others:
(1) its own (not subjected to independent and
external verification, and thus inherently false)
claim that it supposedly learned and disseminates
the "truth" about the universe around us; (2) only
the accepted by itself philosophical foundations and
doctrines about which it has already found-out that
they best serve towards its selfish goals (instead of
serving for the whole of humanity) - such as
"atheism", "Occam's razor", the elimination from
research the impact that "morality" has on the
course of events in our world, etc.; (3) the
approach to research of its own choice, that confirms
in the easiest way the supposed correctness of
its claims - e.g. the approach called "a posteriori"
(instead of any different approach, e.g. "a priori");
(4) the developed by itself traditions, culture,
methods of operation, etc., which turn to be most
favourable to its own interests - such as "peer
reviews" (by its own representatives) of all academic
publications, the forcing of promoters to supervise
work of young academics, the elimination of the
research-topics that would lead to the discovery
of truths that turn out to be dangerous to its
interests (for example, the truth about the
existence of God, the truth about simulation
of UFOs by God, the truth about the possibility
of "fabrication" by God of geological layers and
e.g. "bones of dinosaurs", that accelerate the
activeness of the humanity in the "pursue of
knowledge" - as described in the example from
item #H2 of the web page named
etc.), the disclosure of only that portion of
the reality that surrounds us, which seems to
confirm its own claims, ignoring or purposely
overlooking these facts and theories already
being developed (e.g. the so-called
"Concept of Dipolar Gravity")
that turn out to be contradictory to its claims;
etc.; etc.
In the above definition have either been
named directly (and thus indicated for
elimination) these imperfections of the
"official definition" of science which
were previously listed, or these imperfections
are to be revealed indirectly - as a
consequence of work of this definition.
Primitivism and the inadequacy of the
current "official" definition of the
term "science" is the direct cause and
the reason for a multitude of disasters
that recently plague the mankind. After
all, by lying to the mankind, the science
actually directs people astray and into
an abyss. To indicate here the mechanism
by which the incorrect definition of the term
"science" causes the currently occurring
downfall of the mankind, it suffices to
explain that this official and monopolistic
"science" disseminates amongst the people
cardinally wrong the so-called "scientific
morality" described, among others,
in items #B2 and #B6 from the web page named
In turn for practicing this wrong "scientific
morality" God severely punishes today's
communities with cataclysms - as it is
explained e.g. in item #I5 or item #I3
from the web page named
How the new "totaliztic science" defines the old official
"atheistic orthodox science" (i.e. the old scientific
institution which still dictates what we learn in schools
and at universities, and which still has a monopoly on shaping our views):
"Human imperfections are so powerful, that if they are
unleashed from control and supervision, then over time they
are able to corrupt completely even the most noble institution."
Developing a reformed definition (No. #1)
for the term "science" - i.e. the one cited
in item #C2 above on this web page, opens
now the possibility to formulate a range
of specific definitions for various
"sciences". The first of these definitions,
a reformed version of which is needed
the most urgently at present, is the
definition of official human science
to-date, which for the valid reasons
a lot of people calls already the "old
atheistic orthodox science" (after all,
this science is actually "old" - because
it lived for thousands of years, it is
also the "atheistic" and "orthodox").
Here is the reformed by the new "totaliztic
science" definition of that old science:
Totaliztic definition No. #2 for
the old official "atheistic orthodox
science" (i.e. the old scientific
institution, which still dictates what
we should learn in schools and at
universities, and which retains an
absolute "monopoly" for shaping our views): The old "atheistic
orthodox science" is an exploiting institution
living from taxes of citizens, the actual goal
of which is to meet its own needs due to the
success it has achieved in forcing onto the
people and then jealously guarding of its
absolute "monopoly" for the knowledge and
for shaping the views of people, which as
tools for achieving its selfish goals uses,
amongst others: (1) its own (not subjected
to independent and external verification)
claim that it supposedly learned and
disseminates the "truth" about the universe
around us; (2) only accepted by itself the
philosophical foundations and doctrines
which have already convinced it that they
best serve towards its selfish goals (instead of
serving for the good of whole humanity) - i.e.
such as "atheism", "Occam's razor",
elimination of the research on impact of
morality onto the course of events in our
world, etc.; (3) the selected by itself approach
to research, which in an easiest way confirms
the correctness of the claims it makes - i.e.
"a posteriori" approach (instead of any other
approach, e.g. "a priori"); (4) the developed
by itself traditions, culture, methods of
operation, etc., which turn out to be the
best for its own interests - of the kind of
"peer reviews" of all academic papers by
its representatives, the forcing of promoters
to young academics,
the elimination of the research-topics that
would lead to the discovery of truths that
turn out to be dangerous to its own interests
(e.g. truths such as about the existence of
God, about simulation of UFOs by God, about
the possibility of "fabrication" by God of
geological layers and e.g. "bones of dinosaurs",
which accelerate the activeness of the
humanity in the "pursue of knowledge" - as
described e.g. in item #H2 from the web page named
etc.), the disclose of only that portion of
the reality surrounding people, which seems
to confirm its claims, the ignoring of facts
and theories already being developed (e.g.
the so-called
"Concept of Dipolar Gravity")
that appear to be contradictory to its statements;
etc., etc.
An absolute "monopoly for knowledge and for
the shaping of human views" that holds
and jealously guards this old "atheistic
orthodox science", is the original source
of practically almost all the evil and
suffering that we see on Earth today.
Therefore, the overthrow of that monopoly
is becoming nowadays one of the most urgent
tasks for the entire mankind. However,
in order that monopoly could be overthrown,
we must first define exactly the new
"totaliztic science" which has all the
features that are necessary to successfully
refute the monopoly of that old science.
How the new "totaliztic science" defines itself,
means defines this new "science" that already has
started the struggle to overthrow the "monopoly
for knowledge" of that old "atheistic orthodox science":
"The only known to the humanity method of preventing a corruption
is the replacement of static monopolies by dynamic competition."
Both reformed definitions of "science",
i.e. the definition number #1 for the
term "science" (provided in item #C2
above) and also the definition number #2
for the term "old atheistic orthodox
science" (provided in item #C3 above),
allow us now to define precisely what
is meant by the term "new totaliztic
science". Here is the definition of
the new "totaliztic science" developed
by this new science itself. (Notice,
however, that this definition describes
the new "totaliztic science" in its
present state and situation. So if
one day actually the new "totaliztic
science" will be officially transformed
into an institution which also
lives from taxes of citizens, then this
definition will require updating.)
The totaliztic definition number #3
for the new (and still eventuating) "totaliztic
science", self-developed by this new science:
The name "new totaliztic
science" has been assigned to a set of science-creating
tools, means to a set of ideas, scientific and
philosophical foundations, objectives, principles,
methods of conduct, etc. (such as "theory of
everything" called the
"Concept of Dipolar Gravity",
the philosophy called
the philosophical approach to research
called "a priori" - means "from cause
to effects" or "from God understood as
a superior cause of everything to the
surrounding reality which represents
the effects of the actions of this God", the
formal proof for the existence of God,
the rules of conduct which require that
to the description of each fact and object
is included an answer to questions of the
type "how", "why", "what is the evidence
which confirms this", and still several
further ones), which science-creating tools
are almost exactly opposite to those practiced
by the old "atheistic orthodox science",
and thus which (if they are implemented
in the officially established scientific
institution) will supply the moral strength,
philosophical foundations, scientific
and theoretical basis, and motivations,
to overthrow the existing "monopoly for
knowledge and for the shaping of human
views" held so-far by that old "atheistic
orthodox science", and thus will unleash
natural mechanisms of "competition" that
facilitate fast human progress along the
path of truth.
At this point it should also be emphasized
that the reason and goal for which humanity
should urgently establish and fund officially
a new "totaliztic science", is the overthrow
of the monopoly of the old science and the
replacement of this monopoly with the dynamic
state of equilibrium and mutual interaction
between these two sciences (or mere strictly -
the reciprocal "looking the competition at
its hands" and the validation of whatever
this competition is trying to "feed" to the
humanity). In turn only the existence of
such a dynamic equilibrium and mutual competition
is to eliminate the corruption, errors,
distortions, lies, etc., with which will
overgrow every science that works on principles
of "monopoly". Therefore, in the vital interest
of the truth (and thus also the entire humanity)
is that the new "totaliztic science" was
established "in addition" to the old science,
and also that through the establishment of
the new "totaliztic science", or as a result
of the current struggle for the establishment
of it, this old "atheistic orthodox science"
was NOT accidentally destroyed (as that old
science already destroyed the institutions
of "religions"). This is because after such
a destruction, the new science soon would
become a "monopolistic institution" and would
start again overgrowing with various destructive
defects which are characteristic to all "monopolies".
Of course, regardless of the performing
towards the old "atheistic orthodox science"
the function of "competition" - so immensely
needed by the humanity, such an official
establishing of the new "totaliztic science"
would perform also a number of additional
functions, the potential and opportunities
of which in the present times we are not
even able to imagine. For example, it would
complement the knowledge of our civilization
by that missing "second half" of knowledge,
the existence of which the to-date research
of our reality from "a posteriori" approach
simply is unable to notice. In these people
who are ready to accept God, this new science
would allow to replace
the "belief in God" with the "knowledge of
God". After all, it is known that
religions at most are able to offer to people
the "belief in God". But the new "science"
is able to offer the reliable knowledge,
confidence, verifiable evidence, explanations
of "why", "how", "since", etc. Moreover, it
is also known that one can always stop
"believing", however, one NEVER ceases to
"know". It is also worth noting that
the success of a situation of "competition"
in the taming of errors, distortions,
corruption, etc., in the institution of
science, would inspire the humanity to
seek similar solutions based on "competition"
in a number of other areas susceptible to
corruption, distortions, errors, etc. - for
example, in the area of governance of country,
in local governments, in the administration
of businesses, in the institution of marriage,
etc. (for details see e.g. the entire web page named
and item #J2.2.2 on the web page named
Furthermore, when the new "totaliztic science"
is officially established, it will make sure
that it builds and puts into service for the
humanity, NOT only my
and my
Oscillatory Chamber,
but also my
Time Vehicle -
thus opening for people almost unlimited prospects.
(After all, as this is clearly visible from the
to-date course of events, the corruption and
faults of the old "atheistic orthodox science"
cause, that this old science will never be able
to undertake the completion of my devices.)
It is also worth adding here, that in
spite of its existence for over 37 years,
i.e. since 1985 - when the ground-breaking
for eventuation of the "totaliztic science"
theory of everything called the
"Concept of Dipolar Gravity"
was created, until August 2012 - when the
author this site formulated and published
this item (and maybe even until today),
the whole new
"totaliztic science" still consisted
of only one scientist who privately
and at his own expense carried out
all research completed by this science,
i.e. consisted (and possibly may
consist until now) only the author
of this web page - links to whose
autobiography the reader is able to
find in item #N4 below. The necessity
to sustain the existence and operation
of the whole new "totaliztic science"
through the effort and skills of only
one scientist for so long, reveals
how widespread and deep is the terror
sown in the society by the vengeful
institution of old "atheistic orthodox
science", and how much other scientists
are afraid to speak on the side of truth
and morality for the fear of harassments,
bullying, removals from work, accusations
of mental illnesses, etc., that await everyone
who for the good of all people dare to do
today what is actually required from him
by his conscience, knowledge, and the sense
of responsibility.
Why it is the "myth" that science and scientists generate the
progress of humanity, and it will always remain only a false "myth":
In August 2012 I took part in the
English-language online discussion
(the reader will find this discussion at the addresses: and,
in which an "atheistic orthodox
scientist" insinuated that these are
scientists who build the progress on
Earth. However, I managed to prove to
him with evidence which is verifiable
by any reader, that these are NOT
professional scientists paid from our
taxes, but hobbyists-inventors spending
their private savings, who actually are
those ones that carry out on their
shoulders all the technological progress
of mankind. Professional (paid) scientists
enter into the action only when everything
is ready, and when they can earn well on
given inventions. In turn if professional
scientists voluntarily express publicly
any views, then they always do it in such
a way, or in such a matter, that no-one
is able to check if they are correct.
The only way to repair the situation with "science" is to
establish officially yet another, "competitive" towards
the old, based on drastically different philosophical
foundations, the new "totaliztic science":
"Only where a 'competition' does exist, a given absolute
power is deprived the capability to 'corrupt' absolutely'."
Ową palącą już niezbędność ustanowienia
na Ziemi jeszcze jednej, "konkurencyjnej"
wobec starej, oraz opartej na drastycznie
odmiennych fundamentach filozoficznych,
nowej "nauki totaliztycznej" opisałem już
na całym szeregu totaliztycznych stron.
Przykładowo, na niniejszej stronie opisałem
ją w punkcie #C1. Z innych zaś totaliztycznych
stron temat ten omawia np. punkt #A2.6 strony o nazwie
punkty #F1 do #F4 strony
oraz jescze kilka innych stron wskazywanych
powyżej na końcu owego punktu #C1. Warto
przy tym zwrócić też uwagę, że taką "konkurencję"
koniecznie musi stwarzać jeszcze jedna "nauka",
czyli jeszcze jedna "instytucja żyjąca z
podatków obywateli" - jako że tylko jeszcze
jedna nauka stałaby na tym samym poziomie
intelektualnym, poznawczym, metodologicznym, itp.,
na jakim stoi owa stara "ateistyczna nauka
ortodoksyjna" dla której konieczne jest
stworzenie konkurencji. Tylko też jeszcze
jedna "nauka" używałaby tych samych narzędzi
i metod naukowych oraz cieszyłaby się
takim samym uznaniem, respektem społecznym,
posłuchem, itp., jakim cieszy się stara
nauka. Wszalkie zaś inne instytucje
obarczone zadniem stworzenia konkurencji
dla "nauki", nawet gdyby była ta armia czy
policja, NIE wypełnią warunku równorzędnego
konkurenta i dlatego z upływem czasu też
zostaną przez starą naukę "zniszczone" -
podobnie jak nauka ta już zdołała zniszczyć
tak potężną i wszechwładną kiedyś "religię".
Part #D:
Design and main components of devices of telekinetics
explained on examples of telekinetic influenzmaschines:
Main components of telekinetic influenzmaschines:
In the sense of principles involved in their
operation, telekinetic influenzmaschines
are actually devices composed of three
mutually cooperating components. Let us
discuss here separately each one amongst
these three main components.
Electrostatic motor. It is the first component
of the telekinetic influenzmaschines. The electrostatic
motor works on principles of electrostatic influence.
Means, this motor uses principles of operation that
are exact reversals of principles utilised in either
the Töpler electrostatic machine, or in the electrostatic
Wimshurst electrostatic machine. As the reader
probably knows, in principles of electricity the motors
and the generators are mutually reversible. This
means that principles applied in every electric motor
can be reversed so that they produce a generator
of electricity. Also principles of every electricity
generator can be so reversed that they produce
an electric motor. This reversibility applies to
principles utilised in the Töpler and the Wimshurst
electrostatic machines.
Telekinetic cell. This one is the second vital
component of telekinetic influenzmaschines. The
telekinetic cell is described relatively well in item
#C1 of the web page named
free_energy.htm - about telekinetic generators of free energy,
and also on a separate web page named
fe_cell.htm - about the approach to research and development of telekinetic cells.
The telekinetic cell generates free electricity which
is then used for sustaining the motion of the electrostatic
Analogous controller of rotational speed of discs
(dynamo-motor). One amongst significant
problems of electricity generation and correct
operation of devices of telekinetics is the problem
of maintaining a constant rotational velocity of
the rotating discs (in the Thesta-Distatica this velocity
is kept continually at the value of 60 rotations per
minute). After all, from the precision of this constant
velocity depends the frequency of the current that
is generated by the device. In order to solve this
problem special "analogous controller of rotational
speed of discs" must be added to the design of our
electrostatic motor. This controller is obtained through
the mechanical linking of the electrostatic motor that
is used as the main component of the telekinetic
influenzmaschine, with a small spindle which propels
a miniature "dynamo-motor". The "dynamo-motor"
has an "opposite" electrical conenction to the electrostic
motor. This means that it is connection to the electrostatic
motor in the so-called "positive feedback loop".
All three above components, means the
(1) electrostatic motor, (2) the telekinetic cell, and
(3) the analogous controller of rotational speed of
discs, together form a telekinetic influenzmaschine
which not only produces a visible mechanical
motion without the need for any energy supply,
but also produces a significant surplus of free
electricity which later can be supplied to other
electrical appliances in order to power them.
At this point we should explain names assigned
here to the machines of telekinetics.
After all in literature and also in Internet these
machines are named with the use of several
different names. For example Methernitha assigned
a different name to each of these machines. Thus
names Thesta-Distatica and Testatica
are of these machines used by Methernitha. In turn
Bela Brosan, and after him also probably Vene,
used a different name influenz-machines
for his machines. I adopted his name to honour
his accomplishments, and I use it widely in my
publications. Only that I added a qualifying word
"telekinetic" (this is where the name telekinetic
influenzmaschines, that I frequently use on this
web page, comes from). Still another group of researchers
of these machines calls them the M-L converter.
Many investigators call them simply generators
of free energy. In turn I believe that in sciences
they should carry the general name "machines of
telekinetics". But all the above names in fact refer
to one and the same kind of machines - described
on this web page.
Fig. #D1 (LA4 in [1/5]): The "Thesta-Distatica"
from the Swiss religious commune Methernitha,
means two-disc "telekinetic influenzmaschine".
This one is the most advanced
free energy device
which was build on the Earth so-far, which
actually works, and which produces an
abundance of free energy. A relatively full
description of this device is presented in
item #D1 of the web page
free_energy.htm - about telekinetic generators of free energy.
Please notice that Methernitha has also
two smaller such devices working on the
same principle, which use a single disk
and which are called "Testatica".
(The above photograph originates from
monograph [1/5]
where it is shown on Figure LA4.)
* * *
The free energy device from "Fig. #D1"
above (or from Figure LA4 in monograph [1/5])
is called Thesta-Distatica.
It belongs to general category of so-called
"telekinetic influenzmaschines". The word
"influenzmaschines" originates from the
German language. It designates a whole
class of machines, which utilise the phenomenon
of electrostatic induction in their operation.
This phenomenon is called "influenz" in
German. (One needs to distinguish between
the phenomenon of "influenz", and other
phenomena that also can be utilised in
various electrostatic machines. For example
the Van de Graaff Generator utilises the
phenomenon of "friction".) Historic examples
of influenzmaschines include the Töpler
electrostatic machine with a single disk,
or the Wimshurst electrostatic
machine with two disks. In turn "telekinetic
influenzmaschines" are more advanced
versions of influenzmaschines, which for
their operation utilize additionally the phenomenon
called the Telekinetic Effect. (Means they
utilize telekinesis in addition to effects of
electrostatic influence.)
Principles of operation and design of telekinetic
influenzmaschines are described in details in
subsection LA2.3 from volume 10 of
monograph [1/5].
These principles are also briefly summarised
on the web page
free_energy.htm - about telekinetic generators of free energy.
Therefore here these principles are not going
to be discussed. After all, this web page is aimed
at explaining how to build this machine, not how
it operates.
The telekinetic influenzmaschine "Thesta Distatica"
shown above was build by the Swiss Religious
Community calling itself the Methernitha.
The Thesta-Distatica generates around 3 kW AC
50 Hz electrical energy at around 600 Volt. From
the operational point of view, it is actually an "AC
motor" operating on principles of electrostatic influence.
This motor runs because free electrical energy
is supplied into it by a "telekinetic cell" that is embedded
into its design. (The design and operation of such
a telekinetic cell is summarised in item #C1 of the
web page named
free_energy.htm - about telekinetic generators of free energy,
while discussed in more details on a separate web page
fe_cell.htm - about telekinetic cells.)
The first two such telekinetic influenzmaschines called
"Testatica" (with single disks, based on principles of the
Töpler machine) were build NOT to produce free electricity,
but to produce free mechanical motion. The goal of their
construction was to illustrate visually to highly sceptical
people and to orthodox scientists, that because these
machines can produce physical motion without any
form of energy supply, they actually prove that the
building of perpetual motion machines (also
called "perpetual motion") is really possible.
* * *
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Part #E:
How to start the completion of a telekinetic influenzmaschine:
Main stages of development of telekinetic influenzmaschine:
The simplest manner of building a telekinetic
influenzmaschine boils down to constructing
firstly, and then gradually testing them independently,
all three its basic components described previously
in item #D1 of this web page. Then these three
components need to be so integrated with each
other, that they form a complete working telekinetic
influenzmaschine. Let us discuss now what this
building and independent testing of three
basic components is all about:
Construction of the "electrostatic motor for alternating
current". From this step we need to start the
building of our telekinetic influenzmaschine. Such
an "electrostatic motor for alternating current" must
work on principles of electrostatic influence. This
means that the motor needs to be simply a reversal
of either the Töpler electrostatic machine, or the
Wimshurst electrostatic machine. Actually such
a motor could be purchased almost ready made,
as many countries, including Poland, offer brand
new, two-disk Winshurst electrostatic machines for
sale in shops. These ready-made machines look
as it is shown in "Fig. #E1" below (or Figure 11 in
monograph [6]).
There is, however, a small problem with such factory-made
machines. Namely the Töpler and the Wimshurst
machines both work as electrostatic generators.
This means that they produce static electricity while
consuming mechanical motion. To convert them
into influence motors, it is necessary to reverse
their principles of operation. So they must be able
to produce motion when their capacitors are
supplied with AC electricity of 50 Hz. Furthermore,
in order they later are able to work effectively as
telekinetic infuenzmaschines, they must fulfil a whole
array of additional design requirements. For example,
for practical reasons it is desirable that their rotational
velocity was constant and amounted to 60 revolution
per minute. This is because such a rotational velocity
can later be easily controlled, as its speed boils down
to 1 rotation of the disc per second. In turn the machine
generates AC electricity of frequency 50 Hz for Europe,
(or 60 Hz for America), the number of its electrodes
must be equal to the local frequency of the electricity
(i.e. 50 electrodes in Europe, while 60 electrodes in
Americas). In this way the number of electrodes on
its discs multiplied by the rotational velocity of these
discs provides e.g. 50 Hz in impulses for the Europe.
Therefore, although it is good to have at hand a new
(purchased) machine of Töpler or Wimshurst as a
model for experimenting and for designing, still in
order to build the telekinetic influenzmaschine we
need to design our own completely new "electrostatic
AC motor", starting the design of it from a very beginning.
Construction of the "telekinetic cell". After we have
such an "electrostatic AC motor" working, we need to
use one induction head (brush) from it as a pulser for
the "telekinetic cell". Means we need to catch the 50 Hz
electric impulses that this motor generates, with the
brush marked "ho" on illustrations "Fig. #D2" and
"Fig. #D3" in the web page
free_energy.htm - about telekinetic generators of free energy
(i.e. on Figures LA5 and LA6 from monograph [1/5]).
Then we feed these impulses to the entry of a separate
"telekinetic cell" that we integrate with our motor.
These impulses are going to make our telekinetic
cell work. So we can feed now the output from this
telekinetic cell back into the capacitors of our
electrostatic motor. In this way we receive a duplex
operation of the resultant device, composed of the
electrostatic motor, and the telekinetic cell. In this
duplex operation the rotation of discs of the electrostatic
motor produces electric impulses which induce the
operation of the telekinetic cell, in turn the telekinetic
cell generates electricity which sustains the operation
of the electrostatic motor. So the resultant device is
going to operate exactly the same as does the "Thesta
Distatica" shown previously in "Fig. #D1" (or Figure
LA4 in monograph [1/5]). (This practically means that
the description that I am providing here for my telekinetic
influenzmaschines is also a description of the true
operation of the "Thesta Distatica" constructed by the
Swiss religious community "Methernitha".) Our device
is to produce a small but visible "perpetual motion",
plus plenty of free electricity, the excess of which can
be utilised by us for a free supply of other electrical
appliances into electrical power.
Construction of the "analogous controller for rotational
speed of discs". If we build our telekinetic influenzmaschine
in such a manner that it does NOT have such a controller,
then the rotational velocity of it (and thus also the frequency
of the current that it generates) become erratic and strongly
dependent on the outside environmental conditions.
For example, in dry hot days it will rotate fast, while in
other days - slow. Therefore to the electrical circuitry of
this machine we need to add a small like "dynamo" (or
more strictly a "dynamo-motor") which is also going to
work as a small electrical motor. This "dynamo-motor"
we need to link via a belt transmission with rotations of
disks of our machine. In turn the electrical current which
it is going to generate we need to connect to the current
that is generated by our telekinetic influenzmaschine. This
connection we need to make on a "contradictive" principle
(means with the so-called "positive feedback"). So when
the external conditions are such that they cause discs of
our machine to slow down and thus generate current of
less than 50 HZ frequency, then this "dynamo-motor"
will start to work like a "motor" and it is to "speed up"
rotational velocities of disks to the required velocity. In
turn when the external environmental conditions cause
that discs of our machine rotate too fast to generate the
current of the 50 Hz frequency, then this "dynamo-motor"
begins to work as a "dynamo", means it begins to consume
mechanical motion and to produce the electrical current.
This in turn is going to "hold back" the discs to a required
rotational velocity.
Fig. #E1 (11 in [6/2e]): Wimshurst electrostatic
machine. It represents a starting point for constructing
"telekinetic influenzmaschines", means for
constructing devices of telekinetics the first
working prototypes of which already were
constructed on the Earth.
In 1989 I completed extensive research on so-called "free energy devices".
These devices utilise the reversal of friction for generating free electricity.
In the same way as friction spontaneously converts motion into heat,
free energy devices spontaneously convert thermal energy contained
in the environment into motion of electrons in a wire. Thus they
cool down the environment, while simultaneously they generate electricity
literally for free - means without any need for supplying them into fuel or
into any other form of energy. I invented my own free energy device,
which in volume 10 of my monograph [1/5] is described under the name
"telekinetic cell". Principles employed in the operation of this
telekinetic cell are explained on my web pages on
"free energy"
accessible via the Menu. I also worked out principles of operation
for another entire class of free energy devices, which carry the
general name "telekinetic influenzmaschines" (for example, the famous
Thesta-Distatica from Switzerland, which at the moment is the most
successful free energy device on our planet, belongs to this class
of telekinetic influenzmaschines).
Then I decided to build these devices. However, as soon as I completed
their detailed designs and purchased components, by a strange "coincident"
I lost my university job (in 1990). This loss of lecturing job at the university,
make completely impossible any attempt at the completion of free energy
devices that I invented. After all, in such a situation, the finding of
a next job and survival became the first priority. Ironically, the same
administrators of science who condemned my research and actively stopped
me from developing my free energy machines, may soon experience dealing
with electricity blackouts and energy shortages, as New Zealand is just
approaching an energy crisis.
The photograph above
shows me holding in hands the brand new Wimshurst electrostatic machine,
which is the main component for constructing telekinetic influenzmaschines.
Just behind my back, at the height of my shoulder blades, a cluster of
buildings from the university campus is visible in which I worked at that
time. I hoped to complete in there a telekinetic influenzmaschine - unfortunately
in 1990 I lost my lecturing job before I managed to accomplish this goal.
Slightly further on the horison one can see a conicall hill - this is the famous
"Saddle Hill" in the body of which supposedly exists a cave in which almost
permanently supposed to reside a UFO vehicle (for wider descriptions of
this hill, and also for Maori legends linked to it - see item #F2 on the web page
Please notice that principles of operation and design of telekinetic batteries
of my invention, as well as telekinetic influenzmaschines (means the
another class of free energy devices into which the famous Thesta
Distatica from Switzerland belongs), is elaborated in details on my other
web page which, amongst others, can be viewed at the following addresses:
free_energy.htm, and
At the moment of making the decision about starting the construction of the telekinetic influenzmaschine
it is worth to know that the task of accomplishing this device is the "most difficult technical task of the world",
although simultaneously it is a task to be completed by a single ambitious hobbyist:
An attempt to build the telekinetic influenzmaschine
is an enormously ambitious task. Actually in present
situation on the Earth this is the most difficult task
in the world. After all, in order to accomplish a
success, one needs to overcome a whole series
of various obstacles. For example, in oneself
the builder must overcome a kind of curse of
present civilisation, which is the custom of sitting
on ones back side (or on "own hands"), watching
television, eating sandwiches, and doing NOTHING
to improve the situation of others and one's own.
In oneself also overcome must be the philosophically
erroneous belief, which is imposed onto all of us
by present science and education, and which
claims that such machines cannot be build at all.
Also overcome must be the standard thinking
habits and one needs to thing in a manner
called the "lateral thinking". In addition to all these,
the construction of these machines must be done
with correct moral motivations, described in part
#K of this web page, which must be aimed at the
true good of our civilisation, and which must be
manifested by avoiding the secrecy over anything.
All this must be complemented with "down to earth"
thinking, excellent and wide knowledge, and the
ability to find on one's own the information that one
requires. The only favourable circumstance in all
of this is that telekinetic influenzmaschines can be
constructed just by an individual hobbyist alone in
a typically equipped home workshop or garage.
So the builder of these machines does NOT need
any large developmental team nor expensively
equipped laboratory. Also the favourable in this
construction is that
is very interested in the development of this device
and is going to supervise every single step we take
on the path to realize this extraordinary device.
Actually, while building this device one becomes
a builder sponsored directly by God Himself.
Because the building this machine is actually the
most difficult task in the world that is accomplishable
by a single person, on the attempts of constructing
this device "broke their teeth" numerous people.
Only on this web page in item #J2 is explained
that the defeat in attempts to build this device
experienced Paul Baumann himself together with
his large developmental team (and this in spite that
that had for templates three already working prototypes
of such machines), and probably also Nitschel himself
that worked under the name "Vene" (and this in spite
that he previously constructed three such working
machines). I know also about several further people
who were defeated in their attempts of constructing
a telekinetic influenzmaschine, but there is NO need
to indicate here all of them.
Fig. #E2: One amongst a whole series of prototypes
of machines constructed in various countries of the
world, which tried top duplicate the design of telekinetic
influenzmaschine called "Thesta-Distatica" and build
by the Swiss religious commune Methernitha.
The above two-disk "telekinetic influenzmaschine"
was constructed by the Swiss group called "Vene"
from the nearest to Methernitha town Thun. However,
similarly like many other attempts of this kind,
the above machine never was working. Experts
would claim that most clearly the builder of this
machine was lacking the technical expertise and
manufacturing power that were in disposal of
the developmental team from Methernitha. But
I would state, that for reasons described below
in item #K1,
just refused to allow to construct this machine without
priori fulfilment of conditions explained in item #K2
of this web page. After all, even the developmental
team from Methernitha failed in its efforts to build the
fourth (gigantic) technical version of their telekinetic
influenzmaschines, in spite that it had to its disposal
this entire technical expertise and three previously
constructed (and working) prototypes of these machines.
Part #F:
Construction of the "electrostatic motor for alternating
current" - means the research and development of the
first basic component of the telekinetic influenzmaschine:
Construction of the reversible version of the
electrostatic machine:
As I explained it in item #J3 of this web page,
in 1990 - means in time when I still had a job
of an university lecturer, I seriously prepared
the undertaking in New Zealand the serial
production of telekinetic influenzmaschines
described here.
...(the translation of this item is to be finished later)...
Wszakże wiedziałem wówczas
już dokładnie jaka jest zasada działania owych
telekinetycznych influenzmaschine. Na
uniwersytecie miałem też dostęp do urządzeń
pomiarowych i do laboratorium badawczego
w których zamierzałem zmontować razem
i dopracować w szczegółach prototyp
produkcyjny owej potrzebnej ludzkości
maszyny. Chociaż więc po mojej
utracie w 1990 roku pracy wykładowcy owego uniwersytetu
zmuszony zostałem zrezygnować z tamtych
planów, plany te nadal istnieją i nadal ich
najważniejsze szczegóły jestem teraz w stanie
zrekonstruować i opublikować. Ponieważ
zaś były one realistyczne, wykonalne przez
niemal każdego, oraz naukowo zoptymalizowane
pod względem łatwości ich urzeczywistnienia,
każdy kto nosi się z zamiarem zbudowania
tej maszyny ma największą szansę sukcesu
jeśli będzie postępował zgodnie z tamtymi
moimi planami. Dlatego postulując tutaj
zbudowanie "elektrostatycznego silnika na
prąd zmienny" w ramach pierwszej fazy budowy
telekinetycznej influenzmaschine, faktycznie
nawracam do tamtych swoich starych planów
i wyjaśniam tutaj ich szczegóły.
Zbudowanie "elektrostatycznego silnika na prąd
zmienny" w ramach pierwszej fazy budowy
telekinetycznej influenzmaschine faktycznie
sprowadza się do wykonania tzw. "modelu Dra Pająka"
maszyny elektrostatycznej Wimshursta. (Nazwa
tego modelu wywodzi się z czasów kiedy negocjowałem
podjęcie jego seryjnej produkcji z fabryką w Nysie.
Inżynierowie owej fabryki jego dokumentację i opisy
nazywali wówczas właśnie "modelem Dra Pająka".
Potem ta nazwa do niego już przylgnęła i była
używana w moich dalszych publikacjach.) Model
ten zaprojektowałem jeszcze w 1990 roku na
uniwersytecie, w czasach kiedy zabierałem się
za podjęcie budowy telekinetycznej influenzmaschine.
Esencja owego "modelu Dra Pająka" sprowadza
się do tego, że stanowił on odwracalną wersję
maszyny elektrostatycznej Wimshursta, która
została tak zaprojektowana, aby mogła pracować
zarówno jako elektrostatyczny generator elektryczności
(czyli jako maszyna Wimshursta) jak również jako
silnik elektrostatyczny (tj. jako podstawowy podzespół
telekinetycznych influenzmaschines). Mianowicie,
ów "model Dra Pająka" miał w sobie wszystkie elementy
zarówno maszyn elektrostatycznych, jak i silników
elektrostatycznych. Dlatego był bardzo łatwy do
testowania i do dopracowywania jego szczegółów.
Kiedy miał on pracować jako maszyna
Wimshursta, jego tarcze napędzane były ręcznie
krobką, podczas gdy generowany przez niego
ładunek elektryczny mógł być zbierany z jego
terminala wyjściowego. Aby zaś przetransformować
go w silnik elektrostatyczny, wystarczyło zdjąć pasek
który łączył jego korbkę z tarczami, dostarczyć
prąd elektryczny do jego terminala wyjściowego,
oraz zakręcić wstępnie jedną z jego tarcz. Jego
tarcze następnie obracały się już same napędzane
dostarczanym do niego prądem elektrycznym.
Ów "model Dra Pająka" stanowił więc już gotowy
pozespół bazowy dla telekinetycznej influenzmaschine.
Moim planem było wówczas, że zlecę polskiej
fabryce maszyn elektrostatycznych w Nysie
seryjną produkcję owego "modelu Pająka".
(W owym czasie adres tamtej fabryki był jak
następuje: Fabryka Pomocy Naukowych w Nysie,
ul. Słowiańska 43, 48 300 Nysa, Poland; Tel: 2491.)
Po zaimportowaniu zaś do Nowej Zelandii serii
maszyn owego "modelu Dra Pająka" domontuję
do nich jedynie "baterię telekinetyczną" i "sterownik
prędkości tarcz", oraz zintegruję wszystkie części
w jedną pracującą całość. Otrzymane zaś w ten
sposób telekinetyczne influenzmaschines będę
upowszechniał (sprzedawał) po świecie jako gotowe
telekinetyczne generatory darmowej energii.
W ramach realizacji owego planu zdołałem nawet
przekonać óczesną dyrekcję fabryki w Nysie do
podjęcia seryjnej produkcji "modelu Pająka".
Niestety, moja następna utrata pracy na
uniwersytecie, bezrobocie, oraz konieczność
tułaczki po świecie "za chlebem" zrujnowały tamte plany.
The "model of Dr Pajak" is described relatively
well in subsection 5.4 from the Polish
monograph [6/2].
It is also explained in subsection LA2.3.4
from volume 10 of
monograph [1/5] -
only that in this [1/5] it is NOT called anymore
the "model of Dr Pajak". But because the reader
may not have the access to these monographs
[6/2] or [1/5] or is unable to understand these
descriptions, I am going to briefly explain this
model here. So the reader just needs to implement
the first stage of building the telekinetic influenzmaschine
by building for himself just such a "model of Dr
The most vital technical details of the reversible version
of the electrostatic machne which in factory-made version
is called the "Dr Pajak model", together with justification for its design:
Before we start this project, we shuld firstly
prepare a full design documentation of that
machine, and make sure that from the work
and dimensions point of view everything is
checked and correct.
...(the translation of this item is to be finished later)...
W dokumentacji tej przewidzieć i rozrysować powinno się współdziałanie, położenie, wymiary, konstrukcję, sposób zamontowania, oraz sposób późniejszego regulowania i udoskonalania wszelkich elementów konstrukcyjnych jakie wymagane będą w budowanym przez siebie telekinetycznym agregacie prądotwórczym. Szczególnie dobrze w dokumentacji tej powinno się rozpracować następujące aspekty:
5A. Konstrukcję, wymiary i wzajemne rozmieszczenie wszystkich części budowanego ageregatu. Przykładowo dla ułatwienia późniejszych udoskonaleń obie tarcze agregatu powinny posiadać co najmniej średnicę 55 cm, tj. nie mniejszą niż średnica tarcz w Thesta-Distatica (w maszynie Wimshursta V5 43 posiadają one tylko średnicę 250 mm). Zasada jest przy tym, że im większa jest maszyna i jej tarcze, tym łatwiej przyjdzie potem wprowadzać do niej poprawki i udoskonalenia. Jednak po przekroczeniu przez średnice tarcz wartości około 1 m, maszyna staje się już zbyt ciężka i nieporęczna.
5B. Przy budowie maszyny z dwoma tarczami - wymuszanie przeciwbieżnego ruchu obu tarcz. Wymuszenie to najlepiej uzyskać przez pojedyńczy pasek który jednocześnie napędza wrzecionko (Ts) - jak to pokazano na rysunku K5 (e). Pamiętać przy tym należy o mechaniźmie napinania tego pasa. Ponadto rekomendowałbym, aby wrzecionko (Ts) umieszczone było ponad obu tarczami, nie zaś poniżej nich - jak to ma miejsce w Thesta-Distatica. Powodem jest, że w dalszych etapach prac rozwojowych wrzecionko to, oraz współpracujący z nim dynamo-motor (Dm) wymagały będą najróżniejszych przeróbek i udoskonaleń, a także nieustannego regulowania. Stąd powinien istnieć łatwy dostęp do wrzecionka i dynamo-motoru, tak aby nie było konieczne odmontowywanie obu tarcz za każdym razem kiedy trzeba dostać się do wrzecionka. (W Thesta-Distatica dostęp ten jest bardzo utrudniony.) Z kolei umieszczenie wrzecionka u góry agregatu nakłada wymóg aby głowica (ho) oraz np. magnesy (Mo) i (M) znajdowały się u dołu tarcz.
Wrzecionko (Ts) będzie utrzymywało 6 lub 8 magnesów, współpracujących z elektrodami obu tarcz oraz z dynamo-motorem. Stąd obroty tego wrzecionka powinny zostać tak dobrane, aby umożliwiały one współpracę indywidualnych magnesów z indywidualnymi elektrodami. To zaś oznacza, że przełożenie prędkości pomiędzy wirującymi tarczami i wrzecionkiem powinno być odpowiednio 1:8 albo też 1:6. Gotowe rozwiązanie dla tego wrzecionka oraz współpracującego z nim dynamo-motoru uzyskać można ze starych motocykli, np. WFM. (Ich dynamo budowane było wszakże jako wirująca tarcza z ośmioma magnesami współpracująca z cewkami dynama.)
5C. Napęd i rozruch tarcz. Podczas prób, tarcze często będą musiały być napędzane. Należy więc przewidzieć i rozwiązać sposób tego napędzania - albo za pomocą korbki, albo małego silniczka elektrycznego (zasilanego z sieci). W przypadku rozwiązania z korbką, napęd przykładowo podawany może być tylko na przednią tarczę za pośrednictwem pojedyńczego (zrzucalnego) paska i korbki. Korbka zaopatrzona powinna być w balast przeciwwagowy, jaki zabezpieczy jej wyważone wirowanie inercyjne po zaprzestaniu jej napędzania ręką. Z przedniej tarczy na tylną napęd ten przekazywany będzie za pośrednictwem przeciwbieżnej przekładni pasowej opisanej już w punkcie 5B.
5D. Zasadę minimalizowania oporów ruchu poprzez zastosowanie łożysk kulkowych (tj. zamiast łożysk ślizgowych stosowanych w tradycyjnych maszynie Wimshursta, np. maszynie V5 43). Na łożyskach tych powinny być osadzone wszystkie części wirujące (tj. obie tarcze, wrzecionko (Ts), koła pasowe, oraz ewentualna korbka). Rozwiązania techniczne i gotowe podzespoły jakie tu mogą zostać użyte daje się łatwo podpatrzeć i zaadoptować z konstrukcji rowerów.
5E. Liczbę elektrod (e). Liczba ta powinna być podzielna przez 8 (tj. przez ilość pozycji kątowych głowic), zaś po pomnożeniu jej przez szybkość obrotową tarcz (n) powinna dać częstotliwść roboczą baterii telekinetycznej (R) wbudowanej w tą maszynę, równą częstotliwości prądu z sieci, tj. f=e•n=50 [Hz]. Stąd dla średnicy obu tarcz d=55 cm (najłatwiej i najbezpieczniej wykonywanych z przeźroczystego pleksiglasu), najlepiej aby uzyskały one po 48 drabinkowatych elektrod rozmieszczonych równomiernie na ich obwodzie (zamiast po 30 elektrod istniejących w maszynie V5 43). Każda z tych elektrod posiadałaby wtedy długość około 190 mm. Knoby stykowe (w kształcie pinesek) osadzone powinny być po wewnętrznej, osiowej stronie elektrod (a nie jak w V5 43 po ich zewnętrznej stronie).
5F. Bezpieczeństwo eksperymentującego i obserwatorów. Już na etapie projektowania należy zwrócić uwagę, aby budowana maszyna była bezpieczna podczas eksperymentowania. Należy wszakże pamiętać, że wytwarzane na niej napięcie czasami przekroczy 700 Volt, przy mocy około 3 kW. To zaś oznacza, że jest ona w stanie zabić nieostrożnego dotykalskiego. Wszystkie przewody i podzespoły na jakich panowało będzie owo napięcie powinny więc być starannie zaizolowywane od zewnątrz i zabezpieczone przed przypadkowym dotknięciem. Ponadto bezpieczniki przeciążeniowe powinny zabezpieczać przed zwarciem. Problem jest też z tubą w jakiej panuje próżnia i wypełniona jest trującą rtęcią. W dotychczasowej konstrukcji łatwo spowodować jej pęknięcie i rozprysk rtęci. Wszakże w szwajcarskiej Thesta-Distatica tuba ta umieszczona jest na górze maszyny, co czyni ją szczególnie podatną na przypadkowe uderzenie. Aczkolwiek jest to spektakularne umieszczenie i zapewne w wersjach tej maszyny przeznaczonych na rynek migotliwe jarzenie się tej tuby będzie dodawało maszynie atrakcyjności, jednak w wersji przeznaczonej do eksperymentowania sugerowałbym aby tubę schować w środku płyty podstawowej i dobrze osłonić przed przypadkowym stłuczeniem. Oczywiste powinny być też takie "dodatki bezpieczeństwa", jak uchwyty do łatwego przenoszenia maszyny, pokrywy osłaniające, zamek/stacyjka zabezpieczające przed przypadkowym uruchomieniem przez dzieci, itp.
5G. Dodatkowe nieruchome płyty uchwytowe i półki z pleksiglasu wprowadzone z obu stron tarcz. Umożliwiają one późniejsze montowanie głowic indukujących, grzebieni zbierających, przewodów doprowadzających, itp.
Fig. #F1abc (LA5 in [1/5]):
The mechanical design and main
components of the telekinetic
my original drawings of this machine
were lost, the above illustration
represents only their reconstruction
from my memory, supported with
descriptions quoted in subsection
LA2.3.3 of [1/5] that were saved
in my personal computer. The
dimensioning of drawings was
done in an approximate manner,
means without using any scale.
(Click on any above drawing to see it enlarged, or to shift it to another area of the screen.)
Fig. #F1a (left):
The telekinetic Influenzmaschine shown
in the frontal view. The mutual positioning of
subsequent vital components are shown. The
components are marked with symbols described
in subsection LA2.3.3 of [1/5].
Fig. #F1b (middle):
The Influenzmaschine in side view that
reveals the head of spindle (Ts), for showing
of which the capacitor (L-) that usually hides
it was removed.
Fig. #F1c (right):
Telekinetic Influenzmaschine shown in view
from the back. On this drawing also are marked
with symbols subsequent components vital for
its operation.
* * *
Fig. #F2 (LA5c in [1/5]): Carrying structure (frame) of the telekinetic influenzmaschine.
To this frame components of telekinetic influenzmaschine are later assembled.
(Click on the above drawing to see it enlarged, or to shift it to another area of the screen.)
Part #G:
Construction of the "telekinetic cell" - means
the completion of the second basic component
of the telekinetic influenzmaschine:
How to build the "telekinetic cell":
The "telekinetic cell" (also called "telekinetic
battery") is that component of the telekinetic
influenzmaschine, which generates the
electricity with the efficiency of over 100%.
In past prymitive versions of such a cell were
already produced. They were called "crystal
radios" - for more details see descriptions from
the web page
fe_cell.htm - about the construction of telekinetic cell.
The design and operation of the "telekinetic cell"
is described quite comprehensively in subsection
LA2.4.2 from volume 10 of the newest
monograph [1/5],
and also on a separate web page
fe_cell.htm - about the construction of telekinetic cell.
Thus the major thing one needs to do, to complete
this second stage of the development of telekinetic
nfluenzmaschine, is to build and to test just such
a "telekinetic cell".
When the "telekinetic cell" is integrated with the
"electrostatic motor" described previously, one
receives the roughly rorking "telekinetic
infuenzmaschine". Only that its operation still is
rather eratic and highly dependent on the external
conditions. Thus, in order to make its work more
reliable and repetitive, it is necessary to add the
"controller of the rotational speed of discs" described
in the next part of this web page.
Part #H:
Construction of the "analogous controller for
rotational speed of discs" - means the completion
of the third and last basic component of the
telekinetic influenzmaschine:
How to build the "analogous controller for rotational speed of discs":
The only function of the "analogous controller
for rotational speed of discs" is to maintain
a constant rotational velocity of disk (or disks)
of the entire this machine always on the same
value of 60 rotations per minute (or 1 rotation
per second).
How to build the "analogous controller for rotational
speed of discs" is described relatively well in
subsection LA2.3.3 from volume 10 of
monograph [1/5],
and also is roughly summarised on the separate
web page
free_energy.htm - about telekinetic generators of free energy.
So only thing that the reader needs to do in order
to implement also this third and last step in
building a telekinetic influenzmaschine (means
to build a "analogous controller for rotational speed
of discs") is to construct and test this component,
and then integrate it with the remaining components
of the telekinetic influenzmaschine.
Fig. #H1 (LA5d in [1/5]): Kinematical diagram of telekinetic influenzmaschine.
Illustrated are components that carry out rotational motion , i.e.
two disks - frontal (dc) and back (dg), two belt rollers for both
discs - frontal (Pc) and back (Pg), belt (B), and spindle (Ts) for
the "analogous controller for rotational speed of discs" with its
two belt rollers - the rotational (Pb) and fixed (Pr). Notice that
the axis of rotation of the spindle (Ts) is located in the plane that
is perpendicular to the axis of rotation of both glass disks (dc) and (dg).
This spindle (Ts) is practically the spinning part of the "dynamo-motor"
which controls the work of this machine.
(Click on the above drawing to see it enlarged, or to shift it to another area of the screen.)
Part #I:
Facts which unambiguously prove that devices
of telekinetics can be build after all - means the
philosophical foundations for devices of telekinetics:
Present "scientific laws" that supposedly rule energy,
are like warnings of medieval Inquisition about the
trip to the edge of world:
"By formulation of 'laws' which supposedly rule energy,
but without earlier working out the 'definition' of energy,
present human science pushes itself into a kind of
"vicious-cycle" which closes for the humanity an access
to unlimited sources of energy that are offered to us by
attributes of natural programs called 'energy'."
Although it can shock us enormously, so-called
"laws" which according to present science supposedly
rule energy, are equally absurd like warnings
of monks from early medieval times about the
travelling to the edge of world and falling down
from a cliff there directly to the "hell". After all,
these laws were formulated before the science
was able to earn the knowledge as to what
actually this "energy" is. On the other hand,
without knowing what energy actually is, the
science had no either logical basis, nor
required data, to discover the true laws that
rule over energy. In turn erroneous assumption
of scientists that the "laws", which the science
formulated much earlier, still are supposedly
correct, make it impossible for the science to
determine what really "energy" is, and what
laws really rule over this energy. In the result,
in matters of energy the official human science
pushed itself into the situation of a "dog that
tries to bite its own tail", means in a kind of
"vicious-cycle" which has no end. In this item
I am going to justify the above finding.
A problem with medieval monks that provided
e.g. staff for Inquisition, boiled down to issuing
judgements and warning exclusively on the basis
of their own imagination, instead on the basis of
confirmed facts. For example, these monks had
no even a slightest idea about the shape of Earth.
However, they still issued definitive and authoritative
judgements about trips to the edge of world. While not knowing
the definition of the Earth which would, amongst
others, inform about the true shape of our planet,
these monks imagined that the world is flat like
a pancake, while at edges it finishes with a cliff
that leads straight to a "hell". So according to their
claims, everyone who in medieval times would
attempt to sail e.g. to present New Zealand or
Australia, at some stage of the trip would fall down
from the edge of Earth and would land in the "hell".
So in order to save such impudent travellers from the
"hell", monks just in case burned them on stake
immediately after they expressed the wish to go
sailing for such a distant trip. However, the most
shocking is that this strange medieval behaviour
is copied exactly by present "modern" scientists
in all matters relating to energy.
Let us consider how and why the claims of present
human science about energy, copy exactly the
behaviour of these medieval monks. Well, in
spite that scientists still have NOT earned
a definition that would explain what actually this
"energy" is and how energy works, the science
insisted long ago on the formulation of "laws",
such as the "principle of energy conservation",
or so-called "laws of thermodynamics".
Thus, the only thing on which these "laws"
were based, were believes and views -
very similar to these ones which people from
the early medieval times had about the shape
of Earth. After all, without knowing the definition
of energy that would explain exactly what this
"energy" really is, the official science does NOT
have any rational basis for the formulation of
"laws" which would describe behaviours of that
energy. This is because claiming how the energy
behaves, when actually we do NOT know
what this energy is, actually copies such medieval
opinions of monks about what happens when
someone goes into a trip to edges of world -
announced in the situation when in fact no-one
had a slightest idea what shape this world really takes.
In order to illustrate here how absurd are opinions
of present science about attributes and behaviours
of energy, let us consider an example of the definition
of energy which the official science provides today.
Although depending on the textbook which one uses,
these definitions may utilise slightly different wordings,
basically all of them are going to state something
along the lines that "energy is an ability to complete
work". In other words, present scientific definition
of energy is a copy of medieval definition of the
planet Earth, which stated something along lines
that "the Earth is a place where godly creatures
can live". Means none of these definitions teaches
us about the attributes and work of whatever it
describes. For example, in case of energy, the
present official scientific definition still does
NOT explain characteristics
of energy nor allows to deduce how energy works.
In turn, in case of the planet Earth, the medieval
definition does NOT explain anything about the
shape of Earth nor allows to deduce how one
can travel safely across the Earth. Furthermore,
none of these definitions allows to deduce anything
about "laws" that rule over whatever is defined.
Of course, scientists can also attempt to define
energy on the basis of "laws" which supposedly
rule over the behaviour of it. For example, from the
content of the "conservation of energy principle"
it would appear that "energy" is a kind of "indestructible
substance or liquid", and thus it fulfils the "law of
balance" called the "principle of energy conservation".
But the formulation of definition on the basis of
"laws" which were formulated without having these
definition, is logically wrong. It resembles the attempt
to "lift ourselves by pulling our own hair". In other words,
both the understanding of energy as an "indestructible
liquid", and also the "principle of energy conservation"
announced to supposedly be obeyed by this
"indestructible liquid", are just a big nonsense.
For me personally it is difficult to understand why
rationally thinking scientists treat both these as
sure truths. After all, these both represent just
speculations and empty words which are based
just on themselves - means on the same speculations
and empty words, while they are NOT based on
the reality that surrounds us.
The nonsense of scientific "laws" related to energy,
and formulated in the situation when the science
does NOT know the correct definition which would
explain what this "energy" actually is, is well illustrated
by the definition of energy formulated by the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
(Notice that so-far the Concept of Dipolar Gravity
is NOT recognised by the official human science.)
This definition states that "energy is a kind of
most elementary natural program that resides in
the counter-matter and that describes the behaviour
of matter in every situation to which this matter can
be subjected". The more comprehensive
description of this definition is contained in publications
which explain the Concept of Dipolar Gravity - for
example in item #E2 from the totaliztic web page
dipolar_gravity.htm - about the Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
or from subsections H4.1 (see "C1" in there) and
H9.2 in volume 4 of
monograph [1/5].
The difference between the definitions to-date
disseminated by the official science, and the
above definition of energy formulated by the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity (which is still ignored
by the official human science), is enormous.
After all, the Concept of Dipolar Gravity explains
to us exactly what actually this energy is. In this
way the Concept of Dipolar Gravity provides us
with scientific foundations for rational deducing
attributes and behaviours of energy. As it turns
out, energy actually is a "natural program" and
thus it displays all attributes of a "program" - not
attributes of an "indestructible substance or liquid"
that so-far were given to it by "laws of science".
Of course, differences between behaviours of a
"natural program", and behaviours of an
"indestructible substance or liquid", are huge.
For example, into a program can be imprinted
an algorithm of such a behaviour that the "principle
of energy conservation" is fulfilled in the majority
of cases. But due to the complexity of this program,
which must correspond to already learned algorithms
of complex behaviours of energy, it will inevitably have
both, some intentionally introduced sections, as well
as algorithmic paradoxes, which are going to allow
that this "principle of energy conservation" in special
circumstances is going to be replaced by a completely
different principle - sometimes even by an exactly opposite one.
In turn this hypothetic "indestructible substance or
liquid" that results from "laws of science" to-date,
always must fulfil the "principle of energy conservation".
In other words, because of defining "laws" that rule over
energy, before the "energy" itself was defined, the official
human science put itself into a kind of misleading
"vicious-cycle". This vicious-cycle closes
the science from the capability to notice and to seek
non-typical capabilities which true attributes and
true behaviours of energy offer to people.
Trapped inside of the "vicious-cycle" which it
created for itself, the present official human science
refuses to consider a whole range of capabilities
of energy generation which are created by the
true attributes and true behaviours of energy.
Examples of such capabilities include the
construction of devices that have over 100%
energy efficiency, and also the construction of
devices presently called the "generators of free
energy", while in past simply named "perpetual
motion". In spite that working prototypes of these
devices were already constructed and tested on
the Earth, and in spite that these prototypes actually
do work - as this is described on the totaliztic web
free_energy.htm - about telekinetic generators of free energy,
the official human science trapped inside of a
"vicious-cycle" that it created for itself, stubbornly
refuses to recognise the existence of these devices
and these capabilities. What is even more interesting,
the present science takes such a definite stand
in spite that everything it states about "energy" in
fact is "sucked from a finer" (or taken from a ceiling)
and does NOT finds confirmation in the existing reality.
It is shocking that these claims of "modern" scientists
regarding energy copy so closely statements of
medieval monks about the shape of Earth. This is
even more painful, because similarly as medieval
monks utilised tortures to impose their views on the
rest of society, also present official human science
utilises modern versions of medieval tortures in
order to also impose their wrong views onto the
entire human civilisation. Only that instead of
"burning on stake", present science uses e.g. blocking
from access to employment and from source of income,
public accusations, calling names, scoffing, throwing
mud, etc., etc. (For examples of "tools of torture"
used by modern science and scientists - see fates
of inventions discussed on the web page
mozajski_uk.htm - about fate of inventors of first airplanes,
or see examples of reactions of scientists to major
inventions and discoveries summarised in subsection
JB7.3 from volume 7 of
monograph [1/5].)
* * *
Let us summarise here the major point that
the above findings try to make. Namely, the
appropriate use of "natural programs", which
presently we call "energy", promises an easy
access of humanity to unlimited resources of
free energy. The exploitation of this free energy
would NOT cause any damage to the natural
environment. All that people need to do to harvest
these unlimited energy resources is to initiate
a mass industrial production of so-called
"free energy devices" which have over 100%
energy efficiency, and which work similarly as
the so-called "perpetual motion" devices described
in past. There are already working prototypes
of such "free energy devices" - described on
the totaliztic web page
free_energy.htm - about telekinetic generators of free energy.
Furthermore, findings of the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
prove that these "free energy devices" truly can
be build. Unfortunately, the humanity has a
"philosophical problem" with undertaking
the building and industrial production of devices
which accomplish over 100% energy efficiency,
and thus which in past used to be called "perpetual
motion". (For more details regarding present
philosophies of people see the totaliztic web pages named
totalizm.htm and
Namely, as this is explained above, the official human science
placed itself into the situation of as a "dog which tries
to bite its own tail". This is because it postulated
"laws" which supposedly rule over energy, while
the science still does NOT know what this energy really is.
Furthermore, presently the science uses these baseless
(supposed) "laws" to define attributes of energy and
behaviours of energy. In this way the science closes
the circulation of empty speculations putting itself
into a "vicious-cycle" which disallows it to learn
what energy truly is. This "vicious-cycle" stops
the science from attempts to develop correct "laws"
that would described the true behaviour of energy.
In addition to the above, present science is atheistic.
This in turn places in front of its adepts an additional
"philosophical obstacle" which in the real universe
does NOT exist nor work. Namely, the atheism makes impossible
for scientists to understand, that the universe created by
was intentionally designed so intelligently, that
"everything that can be invented can also
be completed" - as more comprehensively
it is explained in the next item #I2 of this web page.
According to the philosophy of
"everything that can be invented can also be completed" -
including also devices of telekinetics:
"Certain things would be impossible only in the
'atheistic universe' which evolved randomly. But
in the universe created and ruled intelligently by
'every pure goal is physically accomplishable
if it can be mentally defined and if it is NOT
imposing the requirement that the universe
must operate in a specific way that is contradictive
to the way God make it operate'."
The major problem that present people have
with actual building machines of telekinetics which are able to
accomplish over 100% energy efficiency, is of a
philosophical type.
Namely, as this is explained in item #D1 of a
separate web page
god_proof.htm - about scientific proofs that God really does exist,
the atheistic scientists believe (and together with them
the rest of present society also believes so), that in an
accidentally formed universe the majority of goals
and intentions is impossible to accomplish or implement.
So they even do NOT try to accomplish some goals
that they decided to consider impossible. However,
it turns out (as this is explained by the philosophy of
on the web page devoted to it), that the real
universe created by God was on purpose designed
so intelligently, that "everything that is possible to mentally
invent, is also possible to accomplish". Thus the
construction of machines of telekinetics of over
100% energy efficiency is also possible - we just
need to contribute to this building the effort of
finding a way how these machines can be accomplished.
The philosophy of totalizm is described on the
separate web page
totalizm.htm - about the most moral, progressive, peaceful, and fulfilling philosophy of the world.
It was this philosophy that derived logically such
extremely vital postulate, which states:
"every goal that is possible to envisage is also
possible to accomplish". The description of
logical deduction that leads to deriving this
postulate is contained in subsection I5.4 from
volume 5 of the newest
monograph [1/5],
and also in item #B4 of the web page named
telepathy.htm - about telepathy and devices which utilise telepathic waves.
(Notice that monograph [1/5] is disseminated
free of charge via this web page.)
Expressing the above in other words, since
devices of telekinetics can be invented, defined,
and described, and since they are a pure goal
which does NOT impose the manner how the
universe supposed to operate, according to
findings of the philosophy of totalizm these
devices can also be completed.
Part #J:
Unofficial history of research and development
of telekinetic machines:
The history of development of new inventions
on the Earth illustrates an intriguing although
always repeated pattern. Namely, when the
humanity reaches the level of the development
in which it becomes ripe for building a new type
of devices, then these new devices appear on
our planet in several copies simultaneously.
Means, they are invented simultaneously and
independently by a number of creative individuals
who do not co-operate with each other, and thus
who do not know details of the developments of
others. (It is worth to notice, that just such a
simultaneous appearing on the Earth several
new inventions of the same device certifies that
the development of technical creativity on the
Earth is "remotely controlled". Therefore it is
highly desirable that people start to investigate
whether this "remote control" over the inventiveness
is inspired by God described on the web page
god.htm - about the scientific and secular understanding of God,
or by inhabitants of some more than humanity
advanced and friendly towards people extraterrestrial
"totaliztic" civilisation described in caption under
"Fig. #2" and in item #D6 from web page
telepathy.htm - about telepathy and about devices that utilise telepathic waves.)
A perfect example of such an invention that was
developed simultaneously by several creative
people is an airplane the appearance of which
on the Earth is described on the web page
mozajski.htm - about the inventor of the first airplane on the Earth.
Such a multiple and completely independent
inventing also seems to be the case with the
telekinetic influenzmaschine. Until that moment
I am aware of the existence of three inventors
of the telekinetic influenzmaschine, each one
of whom either build this device independently
of the others, or just independently worked out
the operation and the design of it. These inventors
are (chronologically): Adalbert Béla Brosan of
Linz (Austria), Paul Baumann of Linden (Switzerland),
and me - the author of this web page (New Zealand).
Just at that period of time we all participate in the
formation of the history of these immensely vital
for our civilisation devices of telekinetics. Simultaneously,
unfortunately, the official human science displays
a very bad and philosophically totally unjustified
attitude towards these particular devices.
Therefore almost no-one neither writes the
history of these devices, nor officially researches
this history. On the other hand, it is quite important
that this history is somehow recorded for the use
of next generations of humans, and that the moral
conclusions that are drawn from it could finally
serve to humanity. Therefore I decided to write
down these sections of the history which are
known to me. But because I do NOT have funds
for the scientific verification of the correctness of
whatever come to my knowledge, the history which
I am presenting here is based on scientifically
unverified information acquired during private
discussions, and sometimes even heard on
principles of curiosities, rumours, or gossips.
However, such a character of the history described
here still reveals to us the general course of fate
of these extraordinary machines of telekinetics.
In turn the knowledge of these general fate of
the machines allows us to draw conclusions listed
in part #K of this web page. In turn every history
is just about this, means about the ability to draw
constructive conclusions which are applicable
to our current situation.
The first in the world devices of telekinetics invented by Adalbert Béla Brosan of Linz, Austria:
About the first inventor of the telekinetic influenzmaschines
almost no-one knows. Also his name cannot be find anywhere.
I learned about him by "pure coincidence" only in 1991.
(According to the philosophy of moral
described in chapters JA and JB from
monograph [1/5],
there is no such thing as "pure coincidence", and all events
that affect us are purposely designed by the "universal intellect"
(God), so that always is a clear goal for them to happen.)
In 1991, means in the period of the most intense research
on my theory of the Telekinetic Effect and on telekinetic
generators of free energy, I met an Austrian couple
They emigrated to New Zealand in search of an alternative
(natural) lifestyle. The information and facts this couple provided
could not be verified because of technical reasons. Therefore
I only repeat it here in the form as it was reported to me.
The couple, at some stage in their life, observed the fate of the
invention of their acquaintance named Adalbert Béla Brosan
(address in 1965: Schiffmeisterplatz 5, Ybbs/Donau near Linz,
Austria). He got into the possession of the design for a wonder
device of the "perpetual motion" type, which represented an
improved model of the Töpler's electrostatic machine. When
put by hands into the motion, his device kept rotating infinitively,
while simultaneously it produced electricity. Brosan described
his invention in the brochure [1K2.3.1] "Weltfrieden durch
Kostenlose Energie", published in 1965 by Karl Schenenberger
Verlag (address in 1965: Stapfenstrasse 187, Helden, Switzerland).
The Austrian couple had in New Zealand a copy of this brochure
and familiarised me with the content of it. Unfortunately, Adalbert
Béla Brosan did not provide any diagram nor technological details
of his machine in his brochure. Because Brosan was a theoretician,
he had no technical skills nor tools or equipment required to build
his device himself. Therefore, to complete a prototype of his invention,
he formed a partnership with the local "golden-hand" named Nitschel
that originated from the area of Linz. (It seems to be the vital detail,
that Nitschel was known not only for his ability to make everything,
but also from his radical religious convictions, for which he came
to the notice of the local authorities.) With the assistance of Nitschel's
technical skills, Brosan built two small prototypes of his device.
Brosan managed to show the operation of his prototypes to a few
friends and acquaintances, including the couple who reported the
whole story to me. According to descriptions, both these prototypes
were of an appearance and size identical to models of the "Testatica"
currently owned by the Methernitha. Unfortunately, soon afterwards
Brosan died. In turn Nitschel, together with both operational devices
supposedly shifted to Switzerland to the Apenzell area (CH-9050),
tel: (071) 914110. The further fate of Nitschel, as well as the Brosan's
devices, has been impossible to establish for me. But it should be
noticed, that two small devices called the "Testatica", which according
to existing descriptions look identically to these constructed by Brosan,
are currently in the possession of the Swiss religious community calling
itself "Methernitha". This is the end of the story (as I heard it) about the
first inventor and builder of the telekinetic influenzmaschine.
Devices of Paul Baumann from the Swiss religious
commune called Methernitha (means two "Testatica"
machines, and also the world famous
According to the information which come to my
attention, the person which is commonly believed
to be the inventor of telekinetic devices which work
on principles of telekinetic influenzmaschines, in
reality is only the second inventor of these machines.
This person is the late Paul Baumann (1917 to 2001)
from the Swiss religious commune called Methernitha.
In the Internet, and also in almost all publications,
he is the one indicated as the first builder of these
machines. On the other hand, Paul Bauman himself
NEVER claimed that it was him who build these
machines. What even more, rumours which I have
heard on this subject claimed that simply when one
day for some reason he landed in a prison, he returned
to Methernitha from this prison with two devices of
telekinetics already working, namely with two small
"Testatica" machines. Furthermore, the appearance
of these two "Testatica" was identical to the appearance
of two machines build by Bela Brosana. Thus the
question for which it would be worth to find an answer
one day, is whether in this prison he met the helper
of Bela Brosan, means this "golden hand" named Nitschel.
Paul Baumann was born in 1917 in a multi-children
farming family near Linden, Switzerland. Even as a
pupil of local primary school he demonstrated unusual
technical talents, building various experimental devices.
At an older age he become known for his clock-making
capabilities. Around 1950, together with twelve of his
farming friends, he organized in Linden the religious
community Methernitha. (Address in 1991: Methernitha,
CH 3517 Linden bei Bern, Switzerland.) The principles
of this community recreate and implement the life of first
Christian communes. When in 1991 I visited Methernitha,
Baumann was one of the leaders of this commune.
Everything seems to indicate that due to his religious
involvements he get in touch with Nitschel (Brosan's
helper), who also adhered to radical religious believes.
In the Internet I encountered an information that Paul
Baumann died in winter 2001. After his death telekinetic
machines which previously were under his control become
properties of individual members of his developmental
team. But in spite that some amongst these members still
carry out research and development on these machines,
and in spite that they have working prototypes, as so-far
no-one was able to build another (fourth) working prototype
of such a machine. Most clearly the construction of this
fourth prototype must wait until I manage to find appropriate
conditions for their research and development.
The interest of Paul Baumann in telekinetic influenzmaschines
began already around 1965, means in times when
Bela Brosan constructed his machines. But the first
two operational prototypes of these machines come
to his ownership only around the year 1978. He called
these first machines Testatica. However, the
manner and the place in which these machines were
constructed are wrapped in the mist of secrecy and
mystery. Also I never heard that Paul Baumann himself
ever claimed that he invented Testatica or that he build
them by himself - although other people assigned the
invention and construction of these machines to him.
"Testatica" were built as small, single-disk, telekinetic
free energy devices, whose principles of operation were
based on the Töpler's electrostatic machine (i.e. these
free energy devices had only a single disk, whereas the
function of a second disk was performed by stationary
electrodes). Two copies of "Testatica" were built. They
are operational until today, kept in the confines of the
Methernitha community. They produce around 200 Watt
of electric energy each.
Around 1983, this time supported by seven men
from his new developmental team at Methernitha,
Paul Baumann built the third model of his free energy
device. It remains unknown for sure whether a member
of this developmental team was the helper of Brosan,
means this mysterious Nitschel. However, gossips
that I heard seem to suggest it. The machine constructed
this time had two counter-rotating disks. He called it the
Thesta-Distatica - see the appearance of it
shown below in "Fig. #D1". The explanation for this
name given to me was that "Thesta" means "prototype
for testing", "Di" means "having two disks", whereas "statica"
means "based on electrostatic interactions". The operation
of this new free energy device seems to copy the two-disk
Wimshurst electrostatic machine, although in reality it
is very far from that machine. In Methernitha it was claimed
that the use of two disks allowed for a better induction
of electrostatic charges, thus increasing the output from
this free energy device. However, this claim is NOT
true nor is supported by the principle of operation of
this machine (described in subsection LA2.3.3 in monograph
[1/5]). After all, according to this principle of operation,
this output depends on the efficiency of the "telekinetic
battery" that is embedded into this machine, not on the
number of diameter of discs. I personally believe that
Paul Baumann intentionally introduced these two discs
for psychological reasons. Namely he wanted to visually
emphasize the difference of the machine that he build,
from both "Testatica" machines which he just got somehow
already constructed by someone else. However, because
he has NOT knew what is the principle of operation of this
machine, in his design he so solved the operation of the
back disk, that it is an exact copy of the operation of the front
disk. In turn both these disks faithfully copy the operation
of a single disk from the "Testatica" machine. Means, in
spite that "Thesta-Distatica" uses two disks, in reality its
operation models the work of two "Testatica" machines,
only that integrated with each other into a single machine.
Some kind of curiosity can raise the fact that
Thesta-Distatica displays a few details which are
at least an unusual "coincidence". For example,
the nominal diameters of both disks of the Thesta-Distatica
are 0.548 meter, i.e. are exactly equal to the unit
of length which in monograph [1/5] is called the
"cosmic cubit" and used by
UFOnauts who secretly occupy the Earth
for the dimensioning of their Magnocraft-like
UFO spaceships - see the web page
In turn one amongst components of this machine
is the "tube" (see "T" in "Fig. #D2" and "Fig. #D3" from
which is identical to the one that also appears in
the "telepathic pyramid" given to the humanity
by a totaliztic cosmic civilisation that is friendly
towards people. This "tube" gifted to us is shown
in "Fig. #2" from the web page
All signs on heaven and earth indicate that after
building "Thesta-Distatica" for some reasons
Nitschel left Methernitha. Probably it was him
who in the nearby town Thun established the
one-man competitive group called Vene
the name of which was an abbreviation from words
Vereinigung Erforschung Natürlicher Energie
(address in 1991: Vene, Postfach 334, Ch-3606,
Thun, Switzerland). Later there was a visible
rivarly between Vene and Methernitha.
The "Vene" group tried to start a serial production
of two-disk telekinetic influenzmaschines similar
to Thesta-Distatica, and to make money on selling
these machines. However, for some reasons,
which scientifically probably could be explained
e.g. by the lack of capital and the poor developmental
capabilities which were much lower than these
of Methernitha (or these provided earlier to Nitschel
by Bela Brosan), caused that the Vene group had
NOT managed to produce completely even a
single such working machine. (It is known that
the Vene group attempted the construction of
several different prototypes of such machines -
see "Fig. #E2" from further part of this web page.)
In 1991 Paul Baumann together with this time
a new developmental team began the completion
of his next, third model, while fourth device of
such telekinetic influenzmaschines. The construction
and most of technical details of this new machine
remain unknown to me at the present stage. However
I have heard various rumours spread around which
said that it was a giant machine. For example,
its two disks has supposedly had the diameter of
around 2.2 meters (i.e. 4 "cosmic cubits"). Unfortunately,
as I have heard, the building of this huge device of
telekinetics never was finished with a success. So
in spite that Methernitha had in its ownership two
working devices of telekinetics, means two small
"Testatica" and one bigger "Thesta-Distatica", and
also in spite that the developmental team was directed
by Paul Baumann himself, who is considered to be
the inventor of these devices, the Methernitha
developmental team was unable to make this
fourth device to work. (I.e. it managed to build it,
but was unable to fine tune it sufficiently to make
it work.) So this fact seems to suggest that in
times of building this fourth device of telekinetics
in the Methernitha team clearly was missing the
knowledge and experience of this mysterious
Nitschel (i.e. Bela Brosan helper).
My own theoretical research and development
on the telekinetic generators of free energy -
means the research and development carried out by
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak:
As I mentioned it before, I am the third inventor
of the telekinetic influenzmaschine. My invention
was initially born not from the attempt to build
it myself, but from a need to describe this free
energy device in the first edition of monograph
monograph [6].
Only after I developed theoretically all technical
details of this machine and after I became sure
that I know exactly how to build it, I decided to
prepare an attempt to start a serial factory
production of it - as I am describing it in item
#F1 below. Unfortunately, the fate interrupted
this my preparations just before I begun
the building of the first production prototype.
So here is the history of my invention of this
In 1989 I developed the first edition of my monograph
[6] about generators of free energy. When writing this
monograph I considered it to be my duty to also describe
in it the famous Testa-Distatica. Unfortunately, I had
no access to any description of this device apart from
the earlier mentioned very brief item [2K2.3.1] from
the Raum & Zeit, (nr 34, Juni/Juli 1988, page 94).
However, knowing the action of the "Telekinetic Effect",
the general design of free energy devices, and the
operation of Wimshurst electrostatic machine, I managed
to work out and to describe in my monograph [6] how
the telekinetic influenzmaschine should look and operate.
The subsequent visit to the Methernitha almost three
years later (i.e. in 1991), reassured me that all the
key technical features of my invention, which I envisaged
and designed, were almost identical to those already
implemented in the existing model of the Thesta-Distatica.
This repeated invention of the telekinetic influenzmaschine
by myself still again confirms the regularity, that when the
right time arrives for a specific invention to be made, then
many people is inspired by some mysterious force to
formulate this invention completely independently from
each other. This in turn can be interpreted as a confirmation,
that inventions represent a kind of gift that is addressed
to the entire humanity, not just to people who developed
them first. At present times, when because of the
dark forces which simulate a secretive occupation of the Earth
the dissemination of information about telekinetic machines
of Methernitha is successfully blocked, I understand that it
is my duty and responsibility to disseminate the idea, principle
of operation, and the design of these telekinetic machines,
thus saving them from becoming forgotten and inspiring
other people for undertaking their development.
After I invented and described in
monograph [6]
the design and operation of the telekinetic
influenzmaschine, I also started preparations
for building a prototype of it and for subjecting
this prototype to a serial factory production.
Unfortunately, when everything was ready
for the initiation of the development of this
prototype, unexpectedly I lost my job of a
scientist. So my plans were forced to be
abandoned - as I described this in item
#F1 from the further part of this web page.
Fortunately, these old preparations to
building the prototype were NOT lost.
This is because presently I have ready
plans as to how initiate the building of
this machine. So I can now publish these
plans here, on this web page.
I should add here, that I do NOT belong to a
group of individuals who were "defeated" in
attempts to build the telekinetic influenzmaschine -
as this is described in item #E2 of this web page.
After all, I never got the chance to even start this
building. I always was by someone intentionally
stopped against the initiation of such building.
The dark powers which continually and
persistently hold me back from the
undertaking the building of numerous devices
of my invention, in item #11 of the web page
are called impersonally the "curse of inventors".
But in reality it is not just an impersonal curse,
but specific people and well-known institutions
which I am able to name and to pinpoint. In case
of New Zealand and Australia their activities are
much stronger than in any other highly developed
country in the world. It is because of the continuous
action of these forces that hide behind the "curse
of inventors" that neither New Zealand nor Australia
managed to contribute so-far any breakthrough to
the technical development of our civilisation, that
would be developed completely on the soil of these
countries. And all this in spite that in both countries
surprisingly many new ideas are born. Either creators
of these new ideas are forced by these dark powers
to leave their country and to develop their ideas overseas -
as this happened with the New Zealand genius named
Ernst Rutherford. Or these creators try to accomplish
something in their own countries, but because of this
"curse of inventors" they are defeated from hands
of their own countrymen - as this happened with
Richard Pearse described on the web page
mozajski_uk.htm - about the creator of the first airplane on the Earth,
and with Peter Daysh Davey described on the web page
boiler.htm - about the creator of an extraordinary heater.
This strong operation in Australia and in New Zealand
of this power behind the "curse of inventors" is also
one amongst factors which caused that on the web page
tfz.htm - about the need for establishing the "telekinesis free zone" on the Earth
I propose that such a "telekinesis free zone" is established
in these two countries. (This zone would be an area on the
Earth where, to NOT repeat the mistake that the humanity
make in past with antibiotics and with pesticides, the use
of all telekinetic devices would be forbidden. This would
also include the ban on the use of "machines of telekinetics"
described on this web page.)
Methods and principles with the aid of which
inventors can self-defend themselves from
effects of the "curse of inventors" (and also
from effects of "inventive impotency" which
stems from this curse) are described already
on my web pages - for the benefit of other inventors.
Explanations how to implement such a defence
the reader can find e.g. in item #H1 to #H3 of the
totaliztic web page named
The main difference between myself and other
developers and researchers of devices of telekinetics,
depends on this that I already learned principles
of operation of these devices. I also know well
main phenomena that are vital for the operation
of these devices. Furthermore, my professional
experience as a scientist and a university lecturer
allows me to describe exactly this design and
operation of these devices. In this way I am capable
to inspire other people to undertake the building
of these wonder machines. Finally the philosophy of
to which I adhere allow me to do all this on completely
altruistic principles, means allow me to honestly and
thoroughly describe the design and operation of
machines of telekinetics just for the good of humanity,
without making secret anything and without expecting
to draw any material benefits from this description.
Part #K:
Let us draw useful conclusions from the lessons of the history which
was kind enough to give to us through the shaping of fate
of telekinetic influenzmaschines in the way this is described above:
What lessons stem from the to-date fate of the telekinetic influenzmaschines:
Our religion presents to us
as a kind of 2000-years old, humanly looking oldie,
who is mainly preoccupied with forgiving us our
sins and has no much time to direct correctly the
fate of the entire universe. Therefore, according
to religions, the supervision of the majority of
matters of this physical world this God-oldie
delegated to the Earthly religious institutions.
However, the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
discloses to us a completely different picture of
God. According to this "theory of everything"
is fact is a kind of a huge unforgiving natural
program, with the "iron hand" controls
practically everything that happens in the
entire universe. His control extends starting
from behaviours of elementary particles in
atoms, through the creation, giving life, and
control over the fate of every living organism,
and finishing on the creation and destruction
of huge galaxies. A relatively good picture as
to how this God from the Concept of Dipolar
Gravity actually looks like and operates, provide
descriptions that start in item #J1 from the web page
evolution.htm - about the truth regarding evolution.
Of course, according to the "theory of everything",
this true and omnipotent God not only that controls
the fate of everything, but additionally makes this
in such a manner that amongst many possible
courses that fates of everything can take, always
implemented was the course which to us people
provides the most educational lessons for analysis.
In turn such a maximum "educational" course
of everything means, that also the fate to-date
of the "telekinetic influenzmaschine" were intentionally
directed by this God in a manner in which we currently
see this fate. So our task is now to learn the moral
lesson which via the fate of this machine the omnipotent
and omni-knowledgeable God decided to serve to us.
God was able to direct the fate of telekinetic
influenzmaschines on many different ways.
But in His infinite wisdom God shaped the fate
of these machines into a very intriguing pattern
which I described in part #J above. Of course,
by just such and not other shaping this fate, God
definitively intended to pass to us some important
moral lesson. In order to learn what this lesson
is, let us analyse now the main components of
this fate.
1. Consequences of maintaining the secrecy about
technical details of these machines. In fact each
single one amongst original builders of telekinetic
influenzmaschines maintained secrecy about the
vital technical details of machines that he constructed.
Therefore neither Bela Brosan, nor Nitschel, nor
Paul Baumann did NOT leave for humanity detailed
guidelines as to how these machines should be
constructed. Apart for several general statements,
and apart of several photographs, in fact our
civilisation completely does NOT have any
production documentation for these machines.
What even worse, each one amongst these
original builders of telekinetic influenzmaschines
died not later than several years after building his
devices. In turn together with deaths of these
original builders, also the secret of the design
and operation of these extraordinary machines
disappeared completely. The above indicates
that the first moral lesson which
tries to give us is that "these creative people who
develop completely new inventions have the
moral duty to inform fully the rest of our civilisation
about every vital detail of their inventions". In
turn in cases when they are going to maintain
in secrecy any vital details of their invention,
then their invention will be taken away from
the humanity.
2. Such directing my own fate that I reinvented again
the telekinetic influenzmaschines and other devices of
telekinetics. In my opinion it is NOT a coincidence
that God so directed the fate of telekinetic influenzmaschines,
that it is me who has the honour and responsibility
to reinvent again and to disseminate the design and
principles of operation of these machines. After all
my views about inventions are characterised by
several canons, which so-far were NOT understood
nor respected on the Earth. The most vital amongst
these canons is that "exact technical descriptions of
every invention on the Earth should be made available
without any limitations to every person who wishes
to learn it". The justification for this canon I provided
in item #G1 of the totaliztic web page
boiler.htm - about the creator and fate of extraordinary telekinetic heater.
Another also relatively important canon is that
"the true goal of life of every person is to accomplish
happiness". Therefore the goal of governments
of individual countries should NOT be present
"guarding the existing status-quo", but should be
"assisting people in the maximisation of their
happiness" - as I explained this more comprehensively
on the web page
partia_totalizmu_uk.htm - about the ideology of everlasting happiness of all people.
In turn to allow people to be independent from
despotic governments and tyrannical politicians
which try to forcefully hold the humanity tided
to old ideologies, it is necessary that every
person on the Earth is able to build by himself
devices of telekinetics which will supply this
person into all energy which this person needs.
(All this in addition to the wide availability of
such devices produced in factories.) Thus
another moral message which God reveals
to us through giving the fate of telekinetic
machines into my hands is that the exact
descriptions of the operation, as well as
guidelines for constructing these devices
of telekinetics, should be accessible without
any obstructions for practically every person
on the Earth.
3. The giving this machine to members of the religious
community Methernitha. In my opinion, it is also
NO coincidence that all original telekinetic influenzmaschines
landed in the religious commune Methernitha. In my
opinion this fact is a kind of symbolic message from
God telling us what these machines should be used for.
Namely, as I explain this on the web page
nirvana.htm - about the replacement of present rewarding work with money by rewarding work with totaliztic nirvana,
the goal of God in the giving to people machines
which are to provide abundance of free energy,
is that these people change drastically the principles
on which societies do operate. Namely, instead
of present societies that are based on centralised
governing, politicians, forcing labour from people,
and money, God commands us to begin the life
modelled on the first Christian communes, in which
work for others would have a voluntary character,
while the rewards for this work would be the accomplishment
of totaliztic nirvana. The machines of telekinetics
discussed here just provide to the humanity technical
means for carrying out such a change. In turn the
model for this change is the religious commune
Methernitha to the use of which God gave these
extraordinary machines.
The above components of moral lesson which
God tries to give us via the machines discussed
here, reveal exactly what we need to do in order
God allowed us to build these machines and to
benefit from goodness which these machines
bring to our civilisation.
So how we should carry out the research and
development of telekinetic machines so that
allows us to build these much needed devices:
The recipe for adopting such an approach
to the construction and research of telekinetic
influenzmaschine that the development of it
finishes with a success, is very simple. Namely,
it is enough that from the fate to-date of this
machine we draw conclusions as to how
wishes we build this machine. Then in our
approach to the research and development
of this machine we simply implement whatever
God demands from us regarding it,
a co implikuje opisanym w poprzednim
punkcie #K1 sposobem na jaki pokierował
On jej dotychczasowymi losami.
The analysis of fate of telekinetic influenzmaschines
carried out in the previous item #K1 of this web
page, indicates that these machines will be allowed
to be constructed on the Earth if (a) none
of their vital technical details is kept secret, but
every information about the design and principles
of operation of these machines is made accessible
to every interested person, (b) descriptions
of manners of building these machines are so precise
and so easy for accessing that everyone who wishes
to build them in order to get free from any form of
oppression will be able to handmade them without
any technical difficulties, and (c) that via
these machines people are reminded that they
have a duty to support and to implement such
social systems which serve the maximisation
of happiness of people and parting of humanity
from rewarding work with money (means to support
ideologies and social systems that are aimed at the
"maximisation of happiness" and described on the
web page
partia_totalizmu_uk.htm - about the ideology of eternal happiness of all people).
Part #L:
The "telekinetics" researches not only "telekinetic cells"
and "free energy devices":
The discipline called "telekinetics" is a path to an entire ocean
of scientific and philosophical benefits, which the humanity is
to harvest from the mastery of technology that is based on behaviours of the "counter-matter":
On a separate web page named
is explained, that independently from "our physical
world", on the other end of gravity dipole exists an
entire huge "counter-world" filled-up with the unique,
ever-moving liquid called the "counter-matter".
The "totaliztic science" described in item #C1 of this
web page is to open the technical utilisation of that
"counter-matter" for constructing extraordinary devices
of our future, such as
Oscillatory Chambers of all three generations,
telekinetic vehicles,
or even
time vehicles.
Therefore "telekinetic cells" and "devices for generation
of free energy" are just a beginning of a new discipline
of the "totaliztic science", called the "telekinetics".
Part #M:
What tragedies our civilisation is to avoid, if it makes effort to officially establish
two "mutually competing" sciences, i.e. if it complements the "atheistic orthodox
science" to-date with a competition in the form of newly formed "totaliztic science"
which is to develop and implement energy-generating devices of
Avoiding any further nuclear catastrophes - of the kind of explosion of four nuclear
reactors from Fukushima in Japan after the earthquake on Friday, 11 March 2011:
In present times "nuclear reactors" are the
most dangerous technical devices of
"everyday use" that exist on our planet".
How dangerous these reactors are, this was
proven by several "accidents" they caused,
for example by the catastrophe in Chernobyl near
Kiev in Ukraine on 26 April 1986, or by the recent
catastrophe in Fukushima, Japan, after the earthquake
on Friday, 11 March 2011. So if someone builds
so dangerous devices, all would expect, that the
"safety" is to be the most vital goal to be fulfilled
during the development of their design. However,
when I analysed the design of these four Japanese
nuclear reactors which exploded after the earthquake
on Friday, 11 March 2011, then in spite that
I am NOT an expert in atomic energy, still I
detected in them several cardinal design errors,
which are so elementary and so obvious, that
they inspire to asking the question "what kind
of an 'engineer' designed these nuclear reactors".
This is because these cardinal design errors
look as if someone intentionally designed
these reactors to make sure that they eventually
are to cause a disaster. If we would impose a
condition "how to build nuclear reactors to make
them the most dangerous possible and to make
sure that one day they explode", then this condition
would be met in these Japanese reactors. In
the result, these reactors were just "an accident
awaiting to happen". So just sufficed the earthquake
described more thoroughly in item #C7 of the web
page named
to make this accident come true.
I am explain now what are these most cardinal
design errors committed during the design of
the abovementioned Japanese nuclear reactors.
Namely, in design sciences exist something that
we could call the "most important principle of
all dangerous devices designing". In "my times"
this principle was lectured in Poland to every
student of engineering. It states that "the
operation of dangerous devices must always
be so designed, that in case of any breakdown,
the work of this devices must self-cease immediately
just because of the action of its design, laws of
nature, and forces of nature". It is because
of this principle, that for example dangerous
pressing and spinning machines, which can
tear-off hands of their operators, must be so
designed that their dangerous action can be
switched-on only if the operator keeps pressing
two separate buttons with both his hands
simultaneously. It is also because of this
principle, that the water in modern dams
is hold back solely by the weight and by
the stable shape of these dams. Applying this principle
to nuclear reactors discussed here, their design
and operation should be so designed, that in case
of any breakdown, solely the design of these
devices, gravity forces, and laws of nuclear
reactions, would just by themselves stop their
operation. However, even a brief analysis of
designs of these reactors reveals, that they were
so designed, that in case of a breakdown, their
design, gravity forces, and laws of nuclear reactions
caused the escalation of their operation, instead
of stopping them. Therefore, I personally do NOT
understand for what is the so-called "Atomic
Energy Agency" with all these well-paid "experts",
that it did NOT check and identify these cardinal
design errors, and did NOT stop the building of
so faulty reactors.
In order to remind here the operation of a nuclear
reactor, it depends on the inserting nuclear "fuel rods"
into a special casing which is called the "core".
After their inserting, the entire mass of the nuclear
fuel begins to exceed the so-called "critical mass" -
thus self-initiating a nuclear reaction. In turn to be able
to control this nuclear reaction, independently from
"fuel rods", to the same "core" are inserted also
additional "control rods" which absorb neutrons
and thus which stop nuclear reaction. So in order
to intensify the nuclear reaction, the operator needs
to insert "fuel rods" into the "core" while needs to remove
from it the "control rods". In turn to extinguish or stop the
nuclear reaction, to the "core" needs to be inserted
"control rods", while removed "fuel rods".
So if someone designs a nuclear reactor, then
in order to fulfil the abovementioned "most important
principle of designing all dangerous devices", he
or she should arrange the components of this device
in such a manner, that "fuel rods" are inserted into
the core "from "below", while "control rods" are
inserted into the core "from above". This is because
in case of any breakdown, when the devices which
control such a reactor refuse to work, ordinary
forces of gravity will cause, that "control rods"
will just by themselves slide down into the "core" -
thus extinguishing and stopping the nuclear reaction.
Simultaneously "fuel rods" are to also slide down
due to the force of gravity and heat, thus exiting
the core and additionally extinguishing or stopping
completely the nuclear reaction.
Design diagrams of these four reactors from
Fukushima which exploded in Japan, was published
in the article [1#M1] "Growing terror"
from page A2 of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Wednesday, March 16, 2011.
What hit me immediately in these diagrams, was
that in Japanese reactors the insertion of both
kinds of rods was designed in an opposite to logic
manner. Namely "control rods" were inserted in
there "from below", while "fuel rods" were inserted
in there "from above". In the result, when the earthquake
damaged the hydraulics of devices which inserted
and removed these rods, forces of gravity and heat
caused that "control rods" slid-out just by themselves -
thus intensifying the nuclear reaction, while "fuel
rods" additionally slid into the reactor - thus still
intensifying this reaction. In addition to this, another
"cardinal design error" of these reactors was that
the "core" itself was designed in the form of a vertical
cylinder with the concave rounded bottom. So when
this uncontrolled intensification of the nuclear reaction
caused the melting of nuclear fuel and flowing it to
the bottom of the "core", the rounded bottom of this
cylinder caused the merging together all melted fuel -
so that this fuel exceeded the "critical mass" and
turned the reactor into a "nuclear bomb" of slow action.
No wonder that consequences were such as were. Of course,
disasters caused by these reactors could be decreased,
if the bottom of the "core", instead of being designed
into a spherical concave shapes that merge together
the nuclear fuel, were designed into shapes of convex
stars which would separate this fuel into several under-critical
What I am puzzled by, is who verified the design
of these reactors containing in themselves so
many "cardinal design errors" and who allowed
that so faulty reactors were build at all. Although
there is so-called "Atomic Energy Agency",
whet this agency really is doing it remains a secret
for an outside person. When I was visiting Poland
soon after the nuclear catastrophe in Chernobyl
from Ukraine on 26 April 1986, in Polish television
and newspapers of that time was carried out an
intense campaign which argued that this " Atomic
Energy Agency " is a too-secretive organisation,
which is hermetically closed, avoiding revealing
the truth, hiding countless errors being committed,
and in total acting to the detriment of humanity and
nations to which it supposed to serve. As having
such traditions, it was argued that this agency should
be immediately dissolved. But as we know, the
agency was NOT dissolved. In turn articles of the
kind [2#M1] "Secretive nuclear industry
hard to trust" from page A15 of the newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
(issue dated on Thursday, March 17, 2011)
reveal that it still operates on its old ways. In
the result, one can meet extremely rarely a
person, which would actually support the
development of nuclear energy. After all,
this energy was born from war, secrets, and
In other words, atomic energy is the most perfect
illustration for the burning needs explained in
item #C1 of this web page, that for the "atheistic
orthodox science" to-date, as soon as possible
should be created a more moral "competition"
which would "look it at hands" and open for the
public insight its immoral and lying ways of
When I studied in Poland in the communistic times,
students of my time used to "make fun" of so-called
"party courses for diplomas" which for the carefully
selected "VIPs" provided diplomas for Master and
Engineer degrees after just a very short course.
In fact, if someone analyses some Western
educational systems - as this is done e.g. in
item #E1 from the web page named
then it turns out that these are just like such "party
courses" from the time of communism - i.e. they
"give" engineering diplomas to undereducated
students after even a shorter training than the
one which in Poland was required to gain just
rights of a "draftsman", not an "engineer".
I personally have an impression that these
Japanese nuclear reactors were designed
and verified by "engineers" just after finishing
such a kind of "engineering education".
After discovering that these Japanese nuclear
reactors hide so cardinal design errors, I looked
at the design of a "typical Western nuclear reactor"
published on page 585 from volume 14 (for the
letter "N" and keyword "Nuclear Energy") of the
American encyclopaedia [3#M1] entitled "The World
Book Encyclopaedia" (World Book, Inc., Chicago,
USA, 2003, ISBN 0-7166-0103-6). With a huge
shock I realised from there, that the Japanese
design of nuclear reactors is just a "typical" design
of these devices, and that the world is literally
swarming with identically faulty atomic reactors.
This fact of mutual similarity of faults in all
reactors is also confirmed by a different nuclear
catastrophe which took place on 28 March 1979
in the reactor from the "Three Mile Island" in
Harrisburg near Washington DC. Over there also
the course of catastrophe was almost identical as
that in Fukushima from Japan - only that it was
initiated by different than earthquake reasons.
In other words, that nuclear cataclysm from Japan
is NOT the last one, and on the occasion of a
next significant earthquake, or any other cataclysm,
we may expect next similar nuclear disasters in
a range of further countries.
I should add here that the "cardinal design
errors" described here, which a number of
present reactors from Western countries turn
into "nuclear bombs that just await to explode",
are also summarised in item #C7 of the totaliztic
web page named
Fig. #M1: A photograph of the "plastic duck"
which myself (i.e.
Dr Jan Pająk)
found on 29th April 2011, washed out by storm
waves on the beach in Petone, New Zealand,
not far from my flat. (More exact explanation
where Petone is located can be found in item
#I3 of my web page named
For reasons that are to be explained below, this
extraordinary "duck" is an illustrative proof how
false and how erroneous are claims of present
politicians, supported by passiveness and silence
of scientists, that the nuclear catastrophe from
Fukushima in Japan has exclusively local range
and supposedly is NOT detrimental to inhabitants
of other countries. In order to reflect the size of
that duck, together with it is photographed also
a New Zealand 2-dollars’ coin of the year
2002, that has the diameter of 26 mm.
The history of the above duck is really extraordinary.
Namely, in 1992 an ocean storm broke a container
from the merchant ship that carried around 29000
such ducks from the producer in China to shops in
the USA. Thus, 29000 such ducks found themselves
in waters of the Atlantic Ocean near eastern coasts
of the USA. From over there, ocean currents, especially
the so-called "Gulf Stream", drifted these ducks over
the entire world. Soon people started to discover them
in most unexpected places of the world. This caused
that "ducks" become famous in the entire world. Until
today on their subject appeared in the internet millions
of items of information. For example, when on 1 May
2011 I wrote to the
the keywords
plastic duckies floating in ocean,
in response I received as many as 2,140,000 replies.
In the result of this enormous publicity, scientists from
the USA which research sea currents also became
interested in these plastic ducklings. These scientists,
this time on purpose, thrown to the ocean several further
similar plastic ducks, each one of them carefully marked
and numbered, so that after receiving the information
where they were found, they could establish "how" and
"to where" ocean currents have drifted them. My internet
research suggest, that practically all these ducks released
intentionally be scientists, also started from eastern coasts
of the USA. One amongst these scientists, someone named
Dr Curtis Ebbesmeyer,
offered 100 dollars to everyone who finds his duck. These
ducks induced also interest of collectors of unusual items.
For example, in May 2011 I found an information on the web page,
that collectors from United Kingdom paid at least 500 pounds
sterling for an authentic such duck. The duck which I have
found, displays several identification features, such as a
colourful emblem on the front (partially visible on the above
photograph), "Made in China" writing located on the base,
and subsequent number written on its base. These features
should allow to identify it exactly. Unfortunately, such an
identification requires a "detective work" - for which
I myself do NOT have time. So perhaps someone else
would feel as to complete it. I have found my duck on Friday,
29th April 2011 - i.e. on the day of marriage of the future
King and Queen of England. (Notice, that such a date of
its finding gives to my duck the status of a "lucky omen".
After all, for the duck this date suggests that linked to it
are equally "far prospects" as for the couple of future King
and Queen of England. In turn for that pair of future King and
Queen of England my duck provides a prophecy, that their marriage
is "equally far-reaching" as the path of this duck through
oceans.) My finding of this duck occurred when I walked
along the beach in Petone soon after the break in a powerful
and long-lasting storm. It was washed out on the beach not
far from the place of taking a photograph shown in "Fig. #C1"
of the web page named
The duck lied in a thick layer of debris washed onto the
beach in Petone by the sea waves of that powerful storm,
which raged in the North Island of New Zealand for three
days preceding that find, and then still raged for several
further days. Descriptions of consequences of that storm
can be found e.g. in the article [1Fig_#M1]
"Gale-force fury", from page A1 of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Wednesday, April 27, 2011. The same
powerful storm is also described more extensively in
(9) from item #I3 of my web page named
That destructive storm battered Wellington with powerful
winds from the south, as if directly from Antarctic. Most
clearly these winds blown the discussed "plastic duck" in
the narrow entrance (directed towards the south) which
links the Wellington Harbour with the Pacific Ocean.
Thus, in order to drift from the eastern coasts of the
USA to the beach in Petone and to be washed out
on the solid land in there, this duck must travel the
distance equal to almost the circumference of the
Earth. After all, it drifted in its path through the entire
Atlantic Ocean, then drifter around the coasts of
Africa, then drifted through the entire Indian Ocean,
then drifted between Australia and Antarctic, finally
propelled by the southern winds of the abovementioned
storm, it went through the narrow entrance to the
Wellington Harbour and landed on the northern
beach from that harbour - means in Petone. In
other words, this duck, by a "pure coincidence",
demonstrated an "accomplishment " which in the
theory of probability appears to be impossible for
occurring. Therefore, this duck is also an illustrative
proof that in the nature events can happen which
contradict logic and rationality. As such, this duck is
bringing also to science a significant philosophical
For me, of course, the highest evidential value
of that duck has a link to the nuclear catastrophe
from Fukushima in Japan. This stems from the fact,
that if the "duckling" managed to drift from the USA
as far as New Zealand, propelled and controlled just
by coincident and by mechanisms of the nature,
this means that also radioactive pollutions from
Fukushima in several years are to appear in practically
every corner of the world. In other words, in spite
of what is said officially, Fukushima - similarly as these
ducks, also is going to have a "global range", and
thus is to induce mutations and birth defects in
newly-born children, as well as is to induce a surge
in cancer fatalities amongst inhabitants of practically
every continent and every country in the world.
Because of the
extraordinary nature of fates of the above duckling,
its still relatively good technical state, its status
of a "talisman which brings good luck", and also
because for me this duckling already fulfilled its
destiny, perhaps some hobbyist would be interested
to include it to his or her collection. (Or perhaps
some museum would be interested in having it.)
This duck I am able to provide with my personal
certificate which confirms that it was washed out
on the beach in Petone, near Wellington, New
Zealand, and also provide a panoramic photograph
on which I am holding this duck on the background
of the place where it was found. I do NOT need to
explain here, that the extraordinary nature and the
value for collectors of this "plastic duck" is additionally
increased by the fact, that it was found personally by
Dr Jan Pająk -
means by the creator of the
philosophy of totalizm
and the "theory of everything" called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
the first scientist on the Earth who has
formally proven the existence of God
the existence of immortal soul,
and also the inventor of
Oscillatory Chambers,
Time Vehicles,
and a whole range of other futuristic devices.
So if there really is such a hobbyist (or a museum)
interested in having this "yellow duckling", then I am
ready to start negotiations regarding conditions
of purchasing this extraordinary "collector's item",
which - as we can see, originates from a family
that is very famous in the entire world.
The "scenario" of nuclear catastrophe from Fukushima, deduced
just from the influence which on the behaviour of Japanese atomic
reactors must exert their "cardinal design errors":
"Totalizm warns us that 'most harmful errors are committed by highest-paid experts',
cynics claim that 'in the vital interest of those living from termination is the multiplying of whatever they should exterminate',
while Malays summarise all these with the brief proverb 'your fences eat your rice'."
If we watch television or read newspapers,
then there is no way to understand what
actually has happened with these nuclear
reactors from Fukushima in Japan. After
all, present politicians, even if they know
what happens in there, are not prepared
to inform the humanity about a real state
of things for the fear that then their political
enemies use this information to remove
them from the power. Scientists also,
even if they know, still will be silent for the
fear that they may loose cushy and well-paid
posts - as this is explained in item #C1 on
the beginning of item #A2.6 from the web page
The "Atomic Energy Agency" keeps everything
in secrecy - so for sure will be silent also in
this matter. In turn journalists, surely would
love to explain what is "going on" in there, but
have NO chances to find anyone in the position
of authority, who would not be afraid to inform
them properly. In the result, present humanity
is like a family of gravely ill people, whom doctors
feed only with information about "symptoms",
but keep secret the knowledge about the illness
itself - i.e. feed the information of the kind:
your relatives have fever, blood flows from
their eyes, etc. After all, to the category of
just descriptions of "symptoms" one needs to
classify all the information which keeps arriving
to us from Fukushima - for examples see
the information contained in the article
[1#M1.1] "It's time to pray, says
nuke expert", from page A1 of newspaper
The Dominion Post
(issue dated on Friday, March 18, 2011); the article
[2#M1.1] "WHO says contamination of food
worse than thought", from page A16 of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald
(issue dated on Wednesday, March 23, 2011);
the article [3#M1.1] "Fukushima workers
hospitalised", from page A15 of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald
(issue dated on Friday, March 26, 2011);
the article [4#M1.1] " 'Ten million times higher'
radiation forces workers to flee", from page A1 of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald
(issue dated on Monday, March 28, 2011);
article [5#M1.1] "Leaking plutonium adds
to problems at plant" from page A19 of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald
(issue dated on Wednesday, March 30, 2011);
the article [6#M1.1] "Radioactive dust
circles Earth - but health risk low" from page A11
of the New Zealand newspaper
Sunday Star Times
(issue dated on Sunday, April 3, 2011); the article
[7#M1.1] "Radioactivity in breast milk"
from page B9 of the New Zealand newspaper
Weekend Herald
(issue dated on Saturday, April 23, 2011); or the
article [8#M1.1] "Radioactive beef sold
in Tokyo" (i.e. which describes the detection of
beef on sale which contained radioactive caesium
that exceeded 6.5 times the legal limit) from page
B6 of the New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post
(issue dated on Friday, July 15, 2011); etc., etc. -
for more information see also items #F1 to #F4
from the web page named
On the other hand, just on basis of "cardinal
design errors" of these Japanese reactors -
as described above, already now it can be
deduced what probably happened in Fukushima.
In fact, for a correctly educated engineer,
this catastrophe did NOT need to happen in
order to correctly predict the "scenario" of
the incoming disaster already after a single
glance at so obviously erroneous design
of these reactors - thus it is really pity that before
these reactors are build, Japanese did NOT
ask for an opinion from any Polish engineer.
For me this obvious scenario of the catastrophe
come to mind immediately after on 16 March
2011 I saw in the abovementioned article [1#M1]
design diagrams of these faulty Japanese reactors.
Of course, it took me some time after realising
this scenario from the analysis of design errors
of these Japanese nuclear reactors, to describe
everything thoroughly on this web page and to
upload the web page on my web sites.
Therefore, my descriptions (presented below)
as to how in my "understanding of a correctly
educated Polish engineer" most probably
look-like the "scenario of nuclear disaster" from
Fukushima - worked out exclusively on the basis
of design errors committed in these reactors, I
presented to the general public on this web page
on 30 March 2011. Four days later, means
already on 3 April 2011, these descriptions were
also presented in the post number #197E from
my "blog of totalizm" (addresses of this blog
are indicated in item #N2 below). Of course,
while reading this my "scenario", we still need
to remember, that it represent just my theoretical
engineering deductions, NOT the actual "scientific
report" from the site of disaster (which report should
be presented to us by experts which are well-paid,
amongst others, for informing the nation what
actually did happen in there). So here is my
theoretically-deduced "scenario" of this Japanese
nuclear catastrophe, which was predicted for me
already on 16 March 2011 by my knowledge of
engineering principles:
A powerful earthquake on Friday, 11 March 2011,
damaged the hydraulic system which carries out
the "moving into" and "removing from" the reactor
control rods and fuel rods. In the result, gravity forces
caused the slipping of control rods out from the reactor.
This in turn caused the intensification of nuclear
reactions. Simultaneously, the same gravity forces,
combined with the damaged hydraulics of control
systems, make impossible for the crew to remove
fuel rods from the "core" (to stop the reaction) - so
that the crew completely lost the control over what
happens in the reactors. A rapid intensification of
nuclear reactions caused a fast increase of temperature,
evaporating explosively water in cooling systems
of reactors. The exploding steam torn apart the
"core" containers of reactors, and blown roofs of
buildings with reactors - thus allowing radioactive
products and vapours, including the deadly-poisonous
"plutonium", to freely escape to the environment. In
the exploded "core", fuel rods were deprived their
mechanical tides. So they started to slide gravitationally
into the lowest, hemispherical bowl of the "core"
container. In this concave bowl, melted nuclear fuel
merged together thus forming a kind of "atomic bomb
of a slow action" with over-critical mass. This bomb
started to melt and evaporate materials that surrounded
it, while produced vapours started to emerge outside
in the form of a black, radioactive smoke rich in
deadly-poisonous "plutonium", which then fall-out on cities, fields,
and rivers of Japan and surrounding countries and
seas - polluting everything with their radioactivity
(i.e. polluting soil and fields with crops, grass eaten
by cows that produce milk, drinking water, etc.)
In the result, surrounding drinking water, milk, and
all other local food products, were poisoned with radioactivity.
The liquidised nuclear fuel gradually melted itself
increasingly deeper into the ground under reactors,
forming next clouds of radioactive vapours raising
from reactors. Simultaneously this fuel and the deadly
"plutonium" started to spread in the ground in various
directions, thus loosing its "critical mass" - this
gradually self-ceased the force of reaction and
the amount of radioactive vapours and gases being
emitted. Thus, authorities and "experts" could start
to claim that "the situation was under control". But
the murderous nuclear fuel, together with the soil
that surrounds it, that this fuel also makes radioactive,
still will leak to water and to nearby environment for
next hundreds (or perhaps even for thousands) of
The above scenario of Japanese nuclear
catastrophe is so obvious and so easy to predict
just through the analysis of designs of these reactors,
that experts properly educated in engineering should
prevent it a long time before this disaster
has happened. The fact that they did NOT prevent
it, confirms the message which is explained by
item #C1 of this web page, and item #A2.6 of
the web page named
totalizm.htm -
namely that the present "atheistic orthodox science",
and also the present orthodox education, urgently
need a formal totaliztic "competition" which is going
to "look at their hands". The same message is
additionally confirmed by this "collusion of
secrecy" which seems to be at work about this
event (the highly-detrimental consequences of
which "secrecy" the humanity should still remember
from Chernobyl). Here we have a nuclear catastrophe,
for which it suffices to be able to count to four
to realise that it is at least 4 times bigger, more
destructive, and more dangerous than that one from
Chernobyl, however rapidly all "experts" and all
"agencies" are almost completely "neglecting"
consequences of it. After all, even a child should
be able to count, that in Chernobyl just one reactor
has exploded, while in Fukushima four reactors
have blasted - each one of which displays much
higher level of destruction than that one reactor
from Chernobyl. In the result, while my web pages
and blogs already for many days provided "gratis"
information to their readers about the level of
destructiveness and danger of this catastrophe,
the crowd of highly-paid nuclear "experts" and
numerous official "agencies" took over 3 weeks
before they managed to inform the general public,
that Fukushima perhaps can be bigger than Chernobyl.
For example, in spite that I intentionally sought in
the mass media available in my corner of the
world, when the official revealing of this particular
truth is going to occur, the first and still highly
"shy" information, that this Japanese explosion
perhaps is bigger than Chernobyl, I managed to
find only on 3rd April 2011 - in the abovementioned
article [6#M1.1]. But that article still reassured its
readers that Fukushima is NOT detrimental to anyone's
health - which reassurance sounded quite strange
taking under consideration that the same article
informed about radioactive pollution already confirmed
even in Iceland and near the North Pole of Earth.
In the result of so obviously intentional "neglecting"
of this catastrophe, there seems to be no official
information disseminated to ordinary people, where
radioactive clouds and sea-currents are going, nor
above which countries they currently are, population
is not informed nor warned how people should protect
themselves from radioactive rains and from radioactive
farming products, apart from the Japan itself, nowhere
else can be seen anyone officially checking streets,
water, and food for the level of radioactivity, medicines
that alleviate effects of radioactivity are not disseminated -
e.g. in many countries potassium-iodide pills still
cannot be purchased, etc., etc.
However, for me personally the most disappointing
and painful is, that all these consequences and
disasters probably could also be easily avoided,
if I would be allowed to build my
Oscillatory Chambers
or allowed to build any amongst my "telekinetic devices
for the generation of free energy" - that are described,
amongst others, on this web page. After all, proposals
for the research and development of these devices
I forwarded together with my job applications to
literally hundreds of universities from the entire
world (including many Japanese universities) -
as this is explained more comprehensively in
item #I1 from my web page named
So how it possibly happens, that having a choice
of either sticking to immoral and murderous nuclear energy,
or trying to follow "new paths" indicated to us by the
philosophy of totalizm
and by my discoveries and inventions, people
with the determination of suicidal maniacs insist
stubbornly on implementation only these old
technologies which are immoral and most dangerous.
Scandalously late after the harm, facts about the catastrophe in Fukushima
are slowly starting to be revealed - in this way confirming the truth of my
"scenario of the catastrophe" described several months earlier in the above item #M1.1:
On 18 May 2011 I encountered the first small
article which quite carefully started to reveal
the truth about the catastrophe in Fukushima.
The article appeared over two months
after I initiated the described above decisive
steps for public disclose of the true scenario
from the course and consequences of that
dangerous catastrophe. This first article
[1#M1.1.1] with a true scenario was
entitled "Nuclear plant 'suffered fast meltdown' ".
It was published in the New Zealand newspaper
The Press
(issue dated on Wednesday, May 18, 2011).
The article reveals, that already in 6 hours
after the earthquake, fuel rods from Fukushima
reactors started to melt and flow down into the
rounded concave bottoms of the steel flasks
that protected cores of these reactors - i.e.
exactly as I explained it earlier after analysing
design errors of these reactors. In turn, already
in 16 hours after the earthquake, entire melted
nuclear fuel gathered in the rounded bottoms
of these steel flasks. It means, that exactly as
I explained it two months earlier, this melted
nuclear fuel really formed on the bottoms of
the steel flasks kinds of atomic bombs of
over-critical mass. The article states also,
that the management of the nuclear plant
previously kept secret all these facts, because
supposedly it was afraid of public panic.
In other words, this management claims
that it "did bad things in the name of good".
But this claim does NOT change the fact,
that according to the findings of the
philosophy of totalizm
"doing evil always remain evil - no matter in the
name of what this evil is done". It is interesting,
how many equally dangerous truths - the
existence of which can be deduced from
analyses of causes and scenario of this
catastrophe, the management still keeps
secret from the society with the silent approval
from scientists responsible for this subject area.
In this way the above article confirmed the truth
of the most vital part of my warnings and explanations
concerning that catastrophe. Unfortunately, people
still are too preoccupied with gathering money
and with consumption, to begin take notice
of warnings about the necessity to protect
ourselves against dangers which, perhaps,
this catastrophe may brought to us, and
which slowly and in minimal doses are gradually
being revealed - starting from the abovementioned
article. It is interesting "whether" and "when"
is going to be revealed also the truth about
radioactive pollution from that catastrophe.
After all, without revealing this truth, inhabitants
of the entire world may unknowingly be swallowing
radioactivity, thus bringing on themselves infertility,
genetic mutations, cancers, and many more problems -
which the orthodox scientists may even be afraid
to explain to people. This only increases the urgency
of establishing the new "totaliztic science" described
in item #C1 of this web page, as one of the goals
which this science posted for itself, is to reveal and
to repair errors and failures committed by the old
"atheistic orthodox science" to-date.
The nuclear catastrophe from Fukushima seems
to be the last God's "injunction" and "urging"
for the humanity to change its ways and philosophy
in matters concerning atomic energy:
"From everyday life we all know jolly well, that if after some problems one does NOT change
his ways from which these problems resulted, then soon these problems return with a much
greater force. Exactly the same principle rules over cataclysms."
In item #B5 of the separate web page named
was explained, that if
disapproves something that people do, then He
sends increasingly powerful ill-fates or cataclysms,
which are linked to this something. Thus, firstly
God sends a "warning" disaster - such as in the
matter of atomic energy was Chernobyl. If people
do NOT change their ways and philosophy, then
God sends a next, much more powerful "urging"
disaster - such as in the matter of atomic energy
becomes the one from Fukushima in Japan.
If also this "urging" disaster does NOT work,
then God sends the final "annihilating" disaster
which kills the most of people linked to a given
activities or area about which God has reservations.
Such three levels of increasingly more powerful
disasters or ill-fates can be noticed practically in
every matter which God disapproves, but which
people stubbornly pursue.
Notice here, that the sole fact that cataclysms,
similarly like all other human ill-fates, have such
"intelligent" character of gradual "intensification",
is a proof that they are intentionally "arranged"
by the intelligent "superior being" (means by God).
These attributes of cataclysms prove also, that
their goal is to "persuade people" to abandon
practices, ways, and behaviours, that this superior
being does NOT approve.
For various reasons the Fukushima nuclear
catastrophe took place in Japan. But the "message
from God" send to us via this event was clearly
addressed to the entire humanity. After all,
consequences of that catastrophe are affecting
all countries and all nations from our planet. For
me personally the "message" embedded into this
catastrophe is very clear: 'the atomic energy
belongs to the group of "immoral" energies and
therefore the humanity is disallowed to even try
to utilise it'.
Knowing the stubbornness of the "atheistic orthodox
science" to-date in following the suicidal paths,
I am sure that even the Fukushima disaster does
NOT stop this science from the continuation of
usage of the "immoral" atomic energy. Therefore,
I personally believe, that the only way to
neutralising the danger, that soon the humanity
is to be affected by the "annihilating" nuclear
catastrophe which is to kill the significant
proportion of the inhabitants of our planet,
is to create officially the totaliztic "competition"
for the present "atheistic orthodox science" -
as this is explained in item #C1 of this web
page. After all, after being created, such a
competitive new "totaliztic science" not only
is to start "watching the hands" of the old
"atheistic science", but it also is to begin the
vigorous research and development on indicated by the
philosophy of totalizm
new sources of safe energy - of the kind
described on this web page (which sources
of energy the "atheistic orthodox science"
stubbornly refuses to investigate - as this
is explained in item #I1 of the web page named
This in turn is to remove the "energy crisis" and
is to make obsolete the further use of immoral
atomic energy. Therefore, it is worth that
also you, the reader, in the interest of your
own survival, and survival of your descendants,
start to do everything in your powers, to make
such competitive "totaliztic science" officially
established as soon as possible.
Stopping further mutations of deadly "super-bacteria" resistant to antibiotics - i.e. bacteria similar
to that killer E.coli which mutated in Germany after the atomic explosion in Fukushima, Japan:
Perhaps the reader knows an old Polish prophecy
described in item #H1 of the web page named
which states that one day comes the time of such
depopulation of our planet, that "when a man
sees footprints of another man, he will be so thrilled
that from the happiness he is going to kiss these footprints".
If one considers which factors could cause such
a mass extinction of humans, then one amongst first
places on the list of "culprits" probably would be taken
by "super-bacteria" which so mutated, that they become
resistant to antibiotics and to other commonly used
medicines. About the deadly threat to the humanity
on parts of these super-bacteria are already aware
even these most devoted supporters of the "monopole
for knowledge" hold by the "atheistic orthodox science"
to-date (as described in item #C1 of this web page) - which
monopole pushes the humanity towards the extinction.
Also increasingly more frequent we see manifestations
of public "panic" caused by the mass spread of these
super-bacteria, and combined with the visible lack of
idea amongst "atheistic orthodox scientists" how to
prevent the catastrophe which the arrival of which
these super-bacteria is unavoidably bringing about.
(Examples of such growing public "panic" are
articles of the kind [1#M2] "Bacteria on brink
of victory" from page A3 of the New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post Weekend
(issue dated on Saturday April 9, 2011) - which states,
amongst other, that "many common infections will no
longer have a cure". As usually in case of a crisis,
the "atheistic orthodox science" to-date is unable to
indicate to us replies to two hugely important questions,
namely (A) "how we can stop further mutations of these
super-bacteria?", and (B) "how to heal people
who already fell victims of infections with these super-bacteria?".
On the other hand, the new "totaliztic science", as usually,
is already able to indicate to people where to seek replies
to both above questions - suggestions of most probable
out of such replies I am providing below:
(A) The reply to question
"how to stop further mutations of super-bacteria?"
the new "totaliztic science" is able to find through
seeking the most critical link in the mechanism of
mutations of these bacteria - which seeking is
to be deprived of prejudices and holding backs of
old atheistic science that result from its efforts to
keep its 'monopole for knowledge' ". As it seem to
be indicated by the to-date development of these
"super-bacteria", probably such a
"critical link" for mutations
of super-bacteria is the "radioactivity" which for the
mechanism of mutations of bacteria fulfils the same
function as a "trigger" fulfils in firearms - so if people
cease to spread radioactivity, super-bacteria ceases
to mutate. In other words, if the humanity
manages to stop further spread of radioactive
elements over the Earth, then micro-organisms
would NOT be able to absorb them, thus future
mutations of super-bacteria would cease just by
themselves. Of course, the stopping of further
spread of radioactive elements over the Earth is
NOT so difficult - it suffices for this purpose to
stop completely carrying out on the Earth these
highly immoral nuclear reactions (means to cease
completely the further immoral "nuclear tests", and
also to cease completely the use of immoral nuclear
reactors - which so-far declared only governments of
Switzerland and Germany). In fact, there is already
known a significant body of evidence which quite
unambiguously seem to illustrate a direct link between
the spread of radioactive elements over the Earth and
the appearance of deadly mutations of super-bacteria
and killing viruses. Let us review here at least several
examples of this evidence:
One can find a correlation between various nuclear
catastrophes which spread over the Earth significant
amounts of radioactive elements, and waves of appearance
of new "super-bacteria" resistant to antibiotics.
In item #B1 of the web page named
is provided a list of most dangerous mutations of bacteria
and viruses which in the last over quarter of century started
to trouble the humanity. If one compares dates of these
waves, then they seem to coincide in time with periods
when various nuclear catastrophes and tests spread
radioactive elements over the surface of the Earth.
Radioactivity is already well known for its capability to
cause genetic mutations. After all, already sites
of first nuclear explosions become locations of shocking
mutations. Thus we should NOT be surprised, that when
in 2011 the radioactive fallouts from the catastrophe in
Fukushima (Japan) were spread over vegetable, fruits,
farming products and drinking water of the entire world,
soon afterwards a new wave of mutated "super-bacteria"
appeared in several different countries. After all, the
presence of radioactive elements on vegetables and
other food products eaten for example by inhabitants
of Germany and Europe, created ideal conditions for
mutating in digesting systems of people various
mischievous strains of bacteria which always are present
in humans. In this way probably in Germany mutated
the deadly E.coli which later started to spread death
and illness through the Europe.
The origins of German E.coli turned out to be extremely
difficult for unambiguous establishing - this additionally
suggests that actually that bacteria mutated in digestion
systems of the victims in the result of eating radioactivity.
As this stemmed from news in press and in television, the
origins of German plague from deadly super-bacteria E.coli
turned out to be extremely difficult for an unambiguous
establishing - which message was emphasized by numerous
statements of experts (as an example see the article
[2#M2] "E-coli bug made deadly by rare 'glue' "
from page B12 of New Zealand newspaper
"Weekend Herald",
issue dated on Saturday, June 4, 2011). At the beginning
it was suspected that the epidemics of this super-bacterium
originates from Spanish cucumbers - for example see the
article [3#M2] "Spanish cucumbers cleared
of causing deaths" from page A17 of the newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Thursday, June 2, 2011. Then there was
a suspicion that it is spread by "beansprouts" originating
from a German farm near the town of Uelzen (located
between Hamburg and Hanover) - see the article [4#M2]
"Beansprouts likely source of Germany's deadly bug"
from page B3 of the New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Thursday, June 7, 2011. But soon they
cancelled also this suspicion. According to findings of
the "totaliztic science", such simultaneous appearance
of many different "traces which lead to 'chase of wild goose' "
is typically characteristic for cases when people deal
with the "Act of God which corrects immorality, or releases
group karma". This is because in such cases God typically
releases simultaneously the action of so-called "canon
of ambiguity" described in item #C2 of the web page named
In turn that "canon ambiguity" causes that e.g. this German
plague of deadly E.coli would contain in itself attributes
which would allow for a simultaneous explanation of origins
of it from a whole array of independent sources. Thus
for the causing this epidemics authorities could suspect
subsequently a number of different "culprits" (Spanish
cucumbers, German beansprouts, etc.) - which, of course,
does NOT mean that these "culprits" are really responsible
for that "epidemics". After all, in all cases of such "Acts of
God that correct immorality, or release a group karma"
the true responsibility for a given cataclysm lies on the
morality and karma of the affected "group intellect" - as this
is explained in e.g. items #B5 and #I1 of the web page named
or item #B4 of the web page named
Simultaneously with Germany, similar deadly micro-organisms
mutated also in New Zealand - soon after radioactive
fallouts from Fukushima could reach it. This fact
is probably one amongst most strong premises that suggest
mutations of that German deadly "super-bacteria" E.coli
as the outcome of spread over the world of radioactive
elements in the result of nuclear catastrophe in Fukushima.
Regarding these New Zealand equivalents for the deadly
mutation of German E-coli, many newspaper articles
already appeared in New Zealand - for example see
the article [5#M2] "Stomach bug hits ferry
travellers" from page A3 of New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Thursday, April 7, 2011. This article
informs that in the vicinity of Wellington appeared at
that time a new "epidemics" of rather unpleasant stomach
bug (in articles called "gastroenteritis"). It caused illnesses
in dozens of people, and even poisoned a whole crew
of a sea ferry through the Cook's Straight that links
Wellington with the South Island of New Zealand.
I also got ill at that time on this "bug" - my case is
described in item #G2.2 from a different web page named
Yet another article [6#M2] "Deadly virus closes
upper harbour to shellfish gatherers" from page A9
of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald
(issue dated on Tuesday, May 31, 2011) revealed also
that approximately at the same time in New Zealand
sea shellfish mutated some previously non-active virus,
which after being eaten by people turns out to be
deadly. All the above taken together seem to confirm
quite clearly, that simultaneously with Germany,
various deadly micro-organisms mutated also on
another end of the world, i.e. in New Zealand, soon
after that country most probably was generously
"sprayed" with radioactive fallouts from Fukushima.
When I fell ill for this new mutation of the New Zealand
"super-bacteria", I was unable to heal it for as long, until
I stopped drinking city water that was susceptible to
radioactive fallouts from Fukushima. During that
New Zealand "epidemics" of the nasty "stomach bug",
I also fell ill at the beginning of April 2011. I was able
to heal this my bug with the highly effective method of moral
"self-healing" described in item #G2 of a different web page named
only two weeks later after I ceased to drink city water
from local waterworks and started to drink water from the
underground well. Thus, I believe that the city water
which I was drinking previously, is stored in the "water
catchments" and is exposed to atmospheric fallouts.
Thus, if any radioactive clouds managed to arrive from
Fukushima, their fallouts could pollute easily these
"water catchments", while myself probably was drinking
"mutation triggering" elements contained in these radioactive
fallouts. On the other hand, water taken from the
underground spring was filtered through the soil, and
thus it has NOT contained any particles from such atomic
fallouts. Of course, all the above is just my "hypothesis"
for the testing of which I do NOT have means nor the
required equipment. However, the similarities between
the situation in Germany with their mutation of deadly
E.coli, and the situation with my powerful illness from
a nasty "stomach bug", suggest that in both these cases
probably worked just one and the same globally spreading
factor. In turn, the only such a global factor which could work
simultaneously in both these cases located on opposite
ends of the Earth, was the radioactivity from Fukushima,
Japan, which could trigger mutations of mischievous
micro-organisms simultaneously in a number of countries.
(B) In turn the reply of the new "totaliztic science"
to the question "how
to heal people who fell victims of infections with these
super-bacteria resistant to antibiotics?" is already
provided, while I personally tested it in an effective work.
It is described in item #G2 and #G2.2 of a separate web page named
Let us summarise here the essence of it. This reply
states that in order to start
healing effectively victims of "super-bacteria" resistant to
antibiotics, both - the entire humanity, as well as each
individual person, must vigorously facilitate the development
and implementation of "moral" methods of healing that
are based on what the present "atheistic orthodox medicine"
calls the "placebo effect" - of the kind of method of
"self-healing" described in item #G2 of the web page named
while simultaneously people should stop completely
the continuation of to-date immoral principles of healing
based on fighting bacteria with chemicals (to which
chemicals new mutations of these bacteria always
eventually become immune as time elapses).
Part #N:
Summary, and the final information of this web page:
Summary of this web page:
This web page challenges practically the
most difficult task of humanity, i.e. the task
of constructing a telekinetic device which
generates continuous motion although it
does NOT require the supply in any form
of external energy.
How with the web page named
one can find totaliztic descriptions
of topics in which he is interested:
A whole array of topics equally interesting
as these from the above web page, is also
discussed from the angle that is unique to
the philosophy of totalizm. All these related
topics can be found and identified with the use of
content index
prepared especially to make easier finding
these web pages and topics. The name "index"
means a list of "key words" usually provided
at the end of textbooks, which allows to find
fast the description or the topic in which we
are interested. My web pages also has such
a content "index" - only that it is additionally
supplied in green
which after "clicking" at them with a mouse
immediately open the web page with the topic
that interest the reader. This content "index"
is provided on the web page named
It can be called from the "organising" part of
"Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would
recommend to look at it and to begin using it
systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds
of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to
The blog of totalizm:
It is also worth to check periodically the
blog of totalizm available at addresses and
(Notice that both these addresses hold the same
blog with the same content of messages.)
On this blog many matters discussed here
are also explained with additional details
written as new events unveil before our eyes.
Current email addresses to the author of
this web page, i.e. officially to
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
at which readers can post possible comments,
opinions, descriptions, or information which in
their opinion I should learn, are provided on the web page named
(for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named
(for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf"
in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions
of further web pages by the author can also be
downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named
The author's right for the use of courteous
title of "Professor" stems from the custom that
"with professors is like with generals", namely
when someone is
once a professor, than he or she courteously
remains a professor forever. In
turn the author of this web page was a professor
at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them,
from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998,
as an "Associate Professor" from English-based
educational system, while on one university as
a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till
31 December 2007 - means at the last place
of employment in his professional life).
However, please notice that because of my
rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly
reply to emails which contain JUST time
consuming requests, while simultaneously
they document a complete ignorance of their
author in the topic area which I am researching.
try to say.
This web page is also available in the form
of a brochure marked [11], which
is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document
Format") - currently considered to be the
most safe amongst all internet formats, as
normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This
clear brochure is ready both, for printing,
as well as for reading from a computer
screen. It also has all its
green links
still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer
screen connected to internet, then after clicking
onto these green links, the linked web pages
and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because
the volume of it is around a double of the volume
of web page which this brochure publishes,
the memory limitations on a significant number
of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to
offer it from them (so if it does NOT download
from this address, because it is NOT available
on this server, then you should click onto any
other address from
Menu 3,
and then check whether in there it is available).
In order to open this brochure (and/or download
it to own computer), it suffices to either click on
the following green link
or to open from any totaliztic web site the
PDF file named as in the above green link.
If the reader wishes to check, whether some other
totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying,
is also available in the form of such PDF brochure,
then should check whether it is listed amongst links
from "part #B" of the web page named
This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic
web pages, which are already published as such
brochures from series [11] in PDF format.
I wish you a fruitful reading!
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Date of starting this page: 17 June 2008
Date of the latest updating of this page: 7 July 2013
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)