How to choose a "smart" TV worth buying for yourself
(bilingual, in Polish
and English)
(Some parts below are still in the process of translating into English)
is the list of all web pages which should
be available at this address (i.e. from this
server), arranged by language (in 8 languages).
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you by dragging scroll bars, then click on this
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from "Menu 1" by clicking
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Here is the list of addresses of all
totaliztic web sites that still worked
at the date of the most recent update
of this web page. At each of these addresses
should be available all totaliztic web pages
listed in "Menu 1" or
"Menu 2",
including also their different language versions
(i.e. versions in languages:
Polish, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian,
Greek or Russian.) Thus firstly select
the address which you wish to open by dragging
scroll bars in small window below, then click on
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page which represents this address, then choose
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"Menu 2"
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to view that page:
(The above list can also be displayed
from "Menu 1" by clicking
Menu 4.)
In 1985 I published an extraordinary scientific
theory, which a few months later turned
out to be the scientific
Theory of Everything
that was sought after since centuries.
At the time of its development and
the first publication, I named it the
"Concept of Dipolar Gravity".
In turn its second name the
"Theory of Everything"
(of 1985) I started to add to its descriptions
a few months later - i.e. when I was
surprised to discover that it has the
power to answer practically all possible
questions. In 1997,
using the opportunities created by
my professorship
on the close to nature tropical island
of Borneo, I decided to experimentally
test the postulate of my "Theory of
Everything of 1985", which suggested
that there exists an intelligent counterpart
for stupid forms of energy that we know
from the findings of physics. Initially,
I called this intelligent energy "zwow" from
the Polish words "zasób wolnej woli"
(meaning "capacity of free will"). And so,
in Borneo I undertook the implementation
of an extraordinary empirical experiment,
the aim of which was to raise in myself
the level of this particular kind of intelligent
energy - the existence of which was strongly
suggested by my scientific "Theory of Everything
from 1985". In turn, when in order to fulfill
the requirements of this experiment, I was
already doing a "heavy physical toil"
motivated solely by the good of our "neighbors"
for a number of months, means a labor which
I pedantically tried to fulfill all God's commandments
and requirements written in the Bible, while
being in the middle of the task that I imposed
on that particular day on myself as part of this
toil, and having muscles that were already
significantly painful from effort and fatigue,
while my shirt was wet with sweat squeezed
out by hard work in the middle of a hot day
in the Bornean tropics, suddenly I felt as
if I was struck by some "lightning bolt of happiness".
My body almost fainted and unspeakable
happiness burst from somewhere inside
me with such force that I had to sit down
and wait for my body to get used to this
extraordinary feeling of happiness and a
kind of spiritual pleasure with an intensity
that is simply impossible to describe.
In turn when this strange happiness did
NOT disappear for the next days and then
weeks, I started to fall into a kind of "panic".
In my youth I read that there is an
African "tsetse" fly,
a bite of which caused the disease of perpetual
"coma" which ended in death. So because
the tropical island of Borneo on which I
carried out this my private experiment
with physically performed heavy "moral
work" is full of strange insects and
extraordinary diseases, I started to fear
that perhaps I was bitten by some local
"fly" related to the African "tse-tse", which,
however, instead of a constant "coma",
caused a lasting feeling of happiness.
So I started to frantically search in the
literature of the university in which I
worked then as a professor of mechanical
engineering, to find out what is this
extraordinary happiness that I constantly
experienced. In this way I discovered
that the performed in my experiment
hard physical
work for highly moral motivations (which
in order to emphasize the role of these
motivations I started to call then the
"moral work"), generates in people an
increase in intelligent energy initially
called "zwow" (later its name I renamed
to "moral energy") - the exceeding with
the level of which intelligent energy the
"threshold value" of around 1200 [hps]
causes the phenomenon of long-term happiness ofearned nirvana.
As a result of further research and experiments
with this personally experienced
totaliztic nirvana
that lasted continually for around 9 months and
ended only because ended my professorship in
close to nature island of Borneo, I managed to
collect a whole range of discoveries and facts
about the very phenomenon of
earned nirvana.
Thus, after my return to New Zealand, I understood
that the intelligent "moral energy" which, due to the
physical performance of heavy "moral work", accumulates
in such a working person, and then its outflow through
"chakras" causes the phenomenon of feeling the overpowering
happiness of nirvana,
most probably was pre-programmed into souls and bodies
of people to replace the currently used "money" as
compensation for hard work done with morally correct
motivations. In this way the idea of a new political system
was born, which I named the "nirvana
political system", while detailed descriptions
of which I published in a number of my publications,
including that item #C7 from my web page named
publications linked from that item #C7, and also
blogs of totalizm.
Unfortunately, the publishing of descriptions of the
"nirvana political system" brought to me mainly various
hidden persecutions and institutional blocking and
disgusting results of my research. After all, the goal
of the "nirvana political system" is to completely eliminate
from the use of the to-date "money" scarcely allocated
to working people by imperfect human superiors and
by "elites", and to replace "money" with "moral
energy" extremely justly generated by programs prepared
by God. This in turn will cause the equalization
of all people and the disappearance from Earth of the
so-called "elites" and "rich". Meanwhile, some people,
for whom having "money" enables easy and sluggish
lifestyle spent at banquets, intrigues, controlling and
dictating to others, etc., do NOT really enjoy the chance
to replace their wealth with "moral energy" that needs
to be generated by many "hours of physical struggle"
[hps]. Nevertheless, I recommend the reader to look
at the descriptions of that item #C7 because it will
immensely extend the understanding of the world
in which we live.
The reflections and analyzes that I carried out in
order to develop this "nirvana political system"
designed for us by God, allowed me to discover
that all existing political systems on Earth, including
the present capitalism and communism, operate
on the principle of "forcing"
("extortion") of labour from people through the
use of "money" or "fear". On the
other hand, the "moral energy" and the
happiness of nirvana
that it induces, allows for shifting the country or
even the entire humanity from this "forced" labour
into completely "voluntary"
work - without simultaneously reducing its efficiency,
quality, etc. But most importantly, the idea of "nirvana
political system" allows us to understand, that the
most important goal of the ruling elites in every
political system to-date (including NOT only capitalism,
but also communism) is to "force" and to "exploit"
the rest of the population in various clever ways.
In turn one of the first victims of this "extortion"
and "exploitation", which is already chronic in our
civilization, is that e.g.
we are increasingly
often "forced" to watch in today's television only
what the elites decide that it is in their interest
that we watch it, and at the same time we are
forced to additionally "pay" for this watching.
Unfortunately, this "forcing" increasingly distances
us from what God commands us to watch and do -
see verse 4:8 from the Bible quoted in items #B1
and #E1 of this web page. Therefore, it is in our
interest that we take care of preserveing our human
beliefs, views and preferences and instead of watching
on TV what is "forced" upon us by elites
distorted by the wealth and what distances us from
God's commandments (e.g. from the commandment
"You shall not kill" -
see verse 20:13 from the Biblical "Book of Exodus")
we can begin to watch what the "organ of conscience"
tells us, or what we want and consider appropriate to
watch. But in order to be able to switch our viewing
in such a way, we need NOT a TV set that shows
only propaganda programs produced by the elites
in order to be able to "force" them onto us and
"sell" them for an additional fee, but we need a
TV set which nowadays is sold under the name
of "smart" TV - as some of the versions
of such "smart TV allow us to watch without
additional payment whatever we consider appropriate.
(However NOT every "smart" TV actually meets
the requirements of being "smart" - see item
#E1 below.) This web page describes how to
find and choose for purchase such a "smart"
TV. After all, in order to be able to continue
deceiving us, under the name of "smart" TV,
are also sold TV sets, which still secretly force
us to watch what and still exploit us by forcing
us to pay additional fees for whatever we watch.
Part #A:
Introductory information about this web page:
Goals of this web page:
The main goal of this web page and the illustrative
material that I have shown here to the reader,
is to advise on what to pay special attention to
when choosing which model of "smart" TV one
should buy, so that on the one hand this TV allows
the buyer to use all the achievements of television
to access everything that may interest him/her
in the Internet and that is still open to viewing,
on the other hand, it allows to prevent various
corporations from "exploiting" the viewer by
charging additional fees for what is also available
for free, and from "forcing" the user what he/she
should, or should NOT, be allowed to watch.
except for item #E1 from "part #E" below,
the rest of descriptions of this web
page still await translation into English.
Until I find the time required to complete
this precise translation, the reader can
gain a rough idea as to what this web
page is all about by having a look at the
links provided above in "Preface", or at
items-headings, captions under illustrations,
videos, as well as the English introduction
to this web page (already in English), or
by using one of these free online programs
for translation between languages to
personally translate into the reader's
native language the content of the Polish
version of this web page already published
under the named (and address) of
(which in future may be translated below). Alternatively,
the reader may have a look at post with number
#329E published in the "blogs of totalizm" (available
at addresses provided in item #Z2 below
on this web page) and also re-published in
"volume R" from my publication [13] available
through the Polish web page named
tekst_13.htm -
in which publication [13] the post (in
English) based on content of this web
page, may be published some time before
I have a spare moment to adapt it as
the text published below.
Part #B:
The role of television in the formation of
"patterns of behavior" for people watching
it - that is, what is really all about buying
your own "smart" TV set:
"What programs you watch on your TV, this
is the kind of person you are" - means the
influence of "patterns of behavior" on our lives:
Anglicy mają to sprawdzone w tysiącletnim
działaniu przysłowie, stwierdzające że
"You are what you eat".
Jak się jednak okazuje, przysłowie to utrzymuje
swoją ważność NIE tylko w odniesieniu do tego
co dosłownie zjadamy swymi ustami, ale także
w najbardziej ogólnym zrozumieniu naszej
konsumpcji - w tym w odniesieniu na co
patrzymy, jakich ludzi podziwiamy, jakie
programy telewizyjne ogladamy, jakie gry
komputerowe nas bawią, jakie zabawki
kupujemy sobie lub naszym dzieciom, co
na siebie ubieramy, itp. Wszystko to bowiem
spełnia dla nas rolę "wzorców postępowania".
Z kolei owe wzorce podświadomie potem stają
się wytycznymi dla naszego postępowania -
co nieco szerzej i dokładniej opisałem w (7f)
z punktu #C7 swej innej strony internetowej o nazwie
Biblia jest bardzo precyzyjna jakim "wzorcom
postępowania" powinniśmy poświęcać
swoją uwagę. Przykładowo, w wersecie 4:8
z "Listu do Filipian" rekomenduje nam ona -
cytuję z katolickiej "Biblii Tysiąclecia":
"wszystko, co jest
prawdziwe, co godne, co sprawiedliwe, co
czyste, co miłe, co zasługuje na uznanie:
jeśli jest jakąś cnotą i czynem chwalebym -
to miejcie na myśli". Podobne
zalecenie przekazuje ludzkości słynna
Maksyma Konfucjusza: "NIE patrz na to co jest przeciwstawne do przyzwoitości, ...".
wyjaśniona dokładniej w podpisie
pod "Fig. #A1" ze strony
Czy jednak dzisiejsza ludzkość przestrzega tych
budujących postęp wzorców postępowania jakie
wskazują właściwy kierunek dla naszego ucywilizowania?
Wystarczy spojrzeć na ekrany naszych telewizorów
w dowolnej chwili aby znaleźć na to odpowiedź.
Nieustające "wymuszanie" czegoś od bliźnich,
oraz ich straszenie, zamęczanie i zabijanie, wojny,
strzelaniny, niemoralność, przestępczość, gwałty,
poniżanie, pieniądze, eksploatowanie innych,
bogacenie się, niszczenie natury - to są
"wzorce postępowania" jakimi
jesteśmy karmieni na codzień przez naszą
TV! Wyniki zaś są doskonale widoczne - coraz
bardziej boimy się wyjść na ulicę, oraz coraz częściej
nasze tam wyjście kończy się tragicznie. Największy
więc czas aby zmienić "wzorce postępowania"
jakie oglądamy w telewizji na codzień? Jak zaś
to uczynić wyjaśnię w punkcie #E1 niniejszej
strony, zaś szerzej przedyskutuję w reszcie tej
Part #C:
The history of my struggles to have a TV set
that would allow me to decide and choose
what I will watch in high-quality image without
being a victim of "forcing" or "exploitation"
by multimedia corporations:
The struggle for the ability of comfortable viewing
in good quality TV what I choose without being
"exploited" with additional fees for what I watch,
for me began in 2013 when I purchased my first
"smart" TV from LG and started programming my
own (easy to be replicated by other people) "Apps"
that allowed me to use that TV efficiently and freely:
W dniu 16 listopada 2013 roku zakupiłem swój
pierwszy "smart" TV. Był to 42-calowy TV koreańskiej
firmy LG typu 42LA6230-TB. Miał on wszytkie cechy
i możliwości jakie opisałem w punkcie #E1 poniżej
na tej stronie. Jego wyszukanie i zidentyfikowanie
zajęło mi kilka miesięcy. Jednak wysiłek ów był
warty włożenia, bowiem telewizor ten pozwalał
mi na "NIE narzucane" przez nikogo
ani na "NIE eksploatowane" dodatkowymi
opłatami oglądanie tego co ja sam wybrałem,
a NIE co siłą "narzucają" ludziom dzisiejsze elity.
Telewizor ten działał poprawnie i pomagał mi w
moich badaniach aż do dnia 2020/8/8 - czyli przez
6 lat 8 miesięcy i 25 dni. Część historii swych
zmagań dokonywanych z jego użyciem opisałem
na stronie internetowej o nazwie
Powinienem tu dodać, że gdyby w NZ sprzedawano
telewizory tak jak czyniono to w komunistycznej
Polsce, mianowicie gdyby telewizory dostarczano
wraz z kopiami dokumentacji (schematami) połączeń
i parametrów ich podzespołów elektronicznych,
a ponadto gdyby w NZ podobnie jak w komunistycznej
Polsce każdemu wolno było zakupywać podzespoły
elektroniczne nawet jeśli NIE posiada "licencji" elektronika
ani własnego przedsiębiorstwa elektronicznego, wówczas
zapewne NIE byłbym zmuszony zezłomować tamtego
telewizora LG już po niecałych 7 latach - przyczyniając
się jego nie recyklinowalnym w NZ "wrakiem" do
dodatkowego zaśmiecania naturalnego środowiska.
Sam bowiem zapewne byłbym w stanie go naprawić.
Wszakże jeszcze w Polsce sam byłem w stanie naprawiać
posiadany wówczas TV, a od tego czasu moja wiedza
się powiększyła wykładaniem elektroniki na
poziomie uniwersytetu technicznego. Jednak w
NZ istnieją takie prawa i warunki, że jeśli TV się
zepsuje, normalnie NIE pozostaje żadne inne wyjście
poza jego wyrzuceniem na śmieci. Oddanie go bowiem
do naprawy wcale się NIE opłaci z powodu wysokich
kosztów robocizny, która powoduje iż koszta naprawy
są w NZ bliskie kosztów zakupu nowego TV - zaś po
naprawie nadal ma się już tylko skłonny do zepsucia stary TV.
W NZ nie daje się też zdobyć schematu połączeń dla
posiadanego TV a ponadto zakup części zamiennych
przez normalnego obywatela jest trudny jeśli nie
niemal niemożliwy - o czym się przekonałem kiedy
chciałem zakupić "programator" dla swojej
zepsutej pralki, dla wymiany którego potrzebny był
jedynie śrubokręt, jednak niestety aby mi go
sprzedano musiłbym najpierw udowodnić iż
posiadam "licencję elektryka" -
tak jak opisałem to szczegółowiej na końcu
punktu #C5 swej innej strony o nazwie
Wymóg posiadania "licencji" był też podstawą
sytuacji jaką raportowały wiadomości telewizyjne
na NZ kanale "Prime" o godzinie 17:40 w dniu
2020/11/22, a jakiej opisy krótko po tamtym
raporcie można też było znaleźć w internecie
używając rozkazu wyszukiwania ze słowami kluczowymi
(znaczącymi: "kobieta z Northland wytwarza
protezy dentystyczne"). W widomościch tych
raportowano sądowe oskarżenie kobiety, która
przez około 10 lat zatrudniona była jako technik
dentystyczny wytwarzając i naprawiając protezy
dentystyczne, które zakładane były potem
pacjentom przez lekarzy-dentystów. Niestety,
dla wielu członków jej rodziny i znajomych
uzyskanie tych protez od dentysty było zbyt
kosztowne - w programie owym ktoś narzekał,
że taka "oficjalna" proteza kosztowałaby go
około $1000. Stąd w szopie przy swym domu
kobieta ta zdecydowała się wykonać też kilka
protez dla swej rodziny i znajomych. Niestety,
NIE miała ona oficjalnej "licencji" jaką uzyskują
jedynie lekarze-dentyści po ukończeniu uczelni
wyższej. Stąd oczekuje ją siedem oskarżeń
sądowych z jakimi wystąpiło Ministerstwo
Zdrowia, jedna z których oskarżała ją o
twierdzenie iż praktykuje usługi zdrowotne,
zaś sześć innych iż wykonuje zakazaną działalność
(w oryginale angielskojęzycznym: "one
charge of claiming to be a health practitioner
and six charges of performing a restricted
activity" - o tym szczególe wyczytałem w
dniu 2020/11/24 z artykułu pod adresem
Chociaż więc nikt z osób jakim ona pomogła
NIE wniósł żadnej oficjalnej skargi, a wręcz
przeciwnie, wszyscy oni zbierali się aby
zamanifestować swoje poparcie dla jej
działalności, ciągle tej 40letniej matce pięciu dzieci
grozi kara pięniężna w wysokości do $190000,
zaś w czasach nadawania owego raportu właśnie
oczekiwała ona rozprawy sądowej. Tak oto ludzkie
prawa nieprzemyślanie zaprojektowane i wdrażane
przez niedbale rządzących polityków "zapominających"
o nakazywanej nam przez Boga miłości bliźniego
(patrz Biblia, werset 12:31 z "Ew. św Marka",
zacytowany poniżej w podpisie pod "Fig. #E1a"),
a powodujących bezduszne "wymuszanie" tego
co służy zwiększaniu nierówności społecznych
i bogacenia się już i tak bogatych ludzi kosztem
ich znacznie biedniejszych bliźnich, zbyt często
wyrządzają krajowi więcej szkód niż pożytku.
W przypadku NZ takie prawa "wymuszające"
nielegalność "domowego" dokonywania napraw
lub świadczenia bliźnim usług ułatwiających
im życie przykładowo powodują: (a) brak wzrostu
technicznej wiedzy i umiejętności u ludności kraju;
(b) coraz wyższe koszta napraw powodowane
"monopolem" wąskiej grupy "licencjonowanych
naprawiaczy"; (c) zaniżanie stopy życiowej
i wzrost kosztów życia mieszkańców kraju
powodowane zbyt wysokimi cenami napraw
oraz jednoczesną niemożnością zwykłych
ludzi aby finansowo nadążać ze zakupami
i z wymianą na nowe za coraz częstrzym psuciem
się posiadanego sprzętu; (d) brak możliwości ponownego
wykorzystania sporej proporcji popsutego już sprzętu
(wszakże np. w zepsutych TV czy radiach popsuta zwykle
jest tylko jedna ich część, reszta zaś nadal może być
używana albo w nich samych po naprawie, albo też
jako części zamienne dla innych); (e) wyniszczanie
natury powodowane coraz krótszą żywotnością urządzeń
technicznych i brakiem możliwości ich "recyklingu" ani
naprawy; oraz kilka jeszcze innych niszczycielskich szkód.
Swój drugi "smart" TV zakupiłem w dniu 2020/11/11 -
czyli w ponad 3 miesiące po zaprzestaniu działania
mojego pierwszego "smart" TV. Ten 3-miesięczny czas
przeznaczyłem jednak na analizy moich potrzeb i preferencji,
sprzętu dostępnego na rynku jaki umożliwia lub zastępuje
"smart" działanie telewizorów, oraz na poszukiwania w sklepach
telewizora jaki jest mi potrzebny. Telewizor jaki w końcu
zakupiłem odznacza się wszystkimi cechami i możliwościami,
które opisałem w punkcie #E1 tej strony, a które moim
zdaniem pozwalają na najmniej pracochłonne i jednocześnie
najbardziej efektywne osiąganie celów dla jakich "smart"
TV uważam za potrzebny zaś opisowi jakich poświęciłem
tę stronę. Zdjęcie skromnie wyglądającego pudła w jakie
ów "smart" TV był zapakowany pokazuję poniżej na
"Fig. #E1a". Już po jego zakupie przypadkowo
dowiedziałem się, że panuje powszechna opinia iż
firma jaka go wyprodukowała, w czasach zakupu
była nieformalnie uważana za wiodącą na świecie
w swej branży - jakiego to faktu z dziwnych
dla mnie powodów w żadnym ze sklepów TV nikt
mi jakoś NIE powiedział.
Explanations of the most important terminology
that is worth knowing for an effective understanding
of the importance of choosing the right "smart"
TV for yourself:
Istnieje zbiór cech i zdolności, jakimi faktycznie
"smart" TV powinien się oznaczać. W niniejszym
punkcie wyjaśnię też pojęcia jakie opisują i te
cechy oraz zdolności.
(1) "Smart TV". (2) "Internet". (3) "Wyszukiwarka internetowa". (3a) "Okienko wyszukiwania w wyszukiwarce". (3b) "Okienko urachamiania stron w wyszukiwarce". (3c) "Bookmark" w wyszukiwarce. (4) "YouTube" i wymogi jakie powinna ona spełniać. (5) Kilka tzw. "App" ułatwiających użytkowanie telewizora,
w tym co najmniej jeden "prywatny App danego użytkownika" - jaki
opisałem w "części #F" tej strony. Słowo "app" jest skrótem
od angielskiego słowa "application" i w komputerowym użyciu
oznacza: program jaki umożliwia stosowanie, działanie, użytek.
W literaturze i na tej stronie jest ono używane w liczbie pojedyńczej
jako słowo "app", oraz w liczbie mnogiej pisanej "apps" a oznaczającej
"wiele app". Szersze opisy łatwego wykonania prostego "app"
działającego na własnym "smart" telewizorze i pozwalającego
nam pojedyńczym kliknięciem "pilota" do telewizora powtarzalnie
uruchamiać wszystko co w nim sobie zaprogramujemy opisałem
w "części #F" (szczególnie w punkcie #F1) tej strony. Z kolei
linki do przykładów takich prywatnie wykonanych dla siebie
prostych "apps", działanie jakich czytelnik może wypróbować
na własnym "smart" TV lub na własnym komputerze PC,
przytoczyłem poniżej w punkcie #E1 tej strony.
(6) Oprogramowanie podobne do
słynnego "Skype" i do innych programów
darmowej konwersacji wizualnej za pośrednictwem
internetu (np. do "WhatsApp" używanego
w telefonach komórkowych).
Part #D:
Trends of "forcing" and "exploiting" of viewers
which are becoming increasingly dominant in the
direction of development of "smart" television:
We live in times and in the world in which
the goal of all actions is to "extort" and "exploit"
for "money" or for power or gaining a monopoly:
Owo coraz nachalniejsze "wymuszanie" i "eksploatowanie"
bliźnich opisałem szerzej w punkcie #C7 swej strony o nazwie
oraz skrótowo podkreśliłem też we "wstępie" do niniejszej strony.
Part #E:
What to pay attention to when choosing a "smart" TV for purchase:
If you buy a "smart" TV, look for a model that has
all the features described here thus being able to
minimize your fees and to NOT "force" you to find
on the Internet and watch only the kind of films that
are to tarnish your soul and destructively impact your fate:
"In today's world increasingly more full of forcing
(extortion) and exploiting fellow humans, "smart"
features and actions are needed to fulfil God's
commandments and laws but at the same time
NOT to land under the proverbial "bridge" for the
homeless and have money to buy everyday bread.
(Summary of the increasingly sharply outlined "trend" towards
the development of the situation of people against whom
"money" or "fear" are used to "force" them to work - which
trend is described in item #C7 from the web page named
Do you remember from the "good old days" those
wonderful feelings that you could experience when you
laughed to tears
together with people you love at the positive film
comedies, for example laughed at the English
"The Mouse That Roared"
from 1959 or at even older classic comedies by
Charlie Chaplin -
i.e. films of the kind which today are almost NOT
shown either in cinemas or on official television,
probably because they lose profitability and show
the truth which is opposite to the image of the
world that is "forced" onto us by the "propaganda"
of TV and other mass media? Or do you still
remember the soothing effect which on our
well-being had such watching a good comedy
or a positive and uplifting film story on our
home TV in the comfort and safety of family
and friends? Do you feel sorry for those experiences
now, when the comfort and feelings of watching
such positive and uplifting programs on your
home TV set have already passed into the distant
past? This item #E1 of the web page provides
just the information that allows to restore for you
the possibility of watching such programs again
on high-quality TV. This is because this item
#E1 describes how to choose the so-called
"smart" TV set, which will bring back
into your own hands the power and the ability
to choose and watch the positive, edifying and
disseminating the truth and knowledge films and
programs that you want to see yourself, instead
of films and programs that the "powers" which
"extort" human work and impose on people behaviours
in order to easier implement their exploitative
and enslaving goals and intentions. (Note
that "synonyms" for the English word "smart"
are, among others: wise, skilful, showy, clever,
ingenious, resourceful, brilliant.)
In the meantime the reader probably already noticed,
that our civilization "got lost" and is now in the process
of increasingly faster collapse. After all, we forget
about God, love of our neighbour and care for nature.
So does NOT matter much
that many of us consider ourselves believers in God
and that we all have access to a
Bible inspired by God
which clearly explains how to live, while simultaneously the majority
of us do NOT practice what God commands us to do!
In turn, as I explained it in item #C7 from the web page named
and am repeating in items #B1, this one, and in the
"introduction" to this web page: a
large proportion of the blame for this faster and faster
collapse of our civilization can be traced to television
additionally reinforced by ungodly actions of the entire
multimedia conglomerate (including producers of films,
computer games, comics, magazines, books, etc.) all
of which are oriented almost exclusively toward "money",
profits and spreading profitable propaganda. Problem
of all of them is that instead of drawing "patterns
of behaviour" from real characters with a positive
and upbuilding nature (because they lived in past and
hence imbued with experience, wisdom and life truth),
nowadays almost everything (apart from the increasingly
gloomy and alarming "news" on television) that television
and other multimedia show to people, is based on
"fictional patterns of behaviour" which do
NOT work in the real life (but actually are harmful)
because creators of movies, games and programs
fancifully invented them. No wonder that if someone
would count the "killing of how many people is
shown on television every day", and objectively
assessed how the behaviour of the heroes of the
films shown on television relates to the positive
and building patterns we know from history, then
our hair would stand up on our heads. Nowadays
even comedies are illustrating killing of people and
breaking God's ten commandments - e.g. consider
the sarcastic comedy filmed in 2014 and entitled
"A Million Ways to Die in the West".
No wonder that what they show on television
is also starting to happen increasingly more on
streets of our cities.
The main source of the above problems with our
television are "money" -
which has become the primary source of practically
all "evil" on Earth, because more and more frequently
it is used as a "weapon" and "tool" which allows to
accomplish increasingly more evil goals.
But instead of completely eliminating "money" from
use, by replacing it with "moral
energy" which the physical performing
of so-called "moral work" pedantically
and justly rewards with the feeling of indescribable
happiness of earned nirvana -
as this is briefly explained in the summary from
item #C7 of the abovementioned web page named
while in detail is described in items #A1
to #A4 from the web page named
our civilization recklessly insists on continuing to
use money. As a result, irrespective of the political
system in which someone lives, still reality is that
typically the "elites" of his/her country force (extort)
from him/her the work through the use of "money"
or "fear". In turn, in order for this forcing (extortion)
to be increasingly more effective, television programs
that televisions broadcast around the world increasingly
show the "propaganda" which by using words much
nicer and less direct than mine "diplomatically" keeps
persuading people that "money", "extortion", "exploiting"
people, or keeping entire nations in "fear" and serfdom
is absolutely necessary for our well-being, safety and life.
As a result of the above situation, the content and
propaganda forced into television programs and
films diverge increasingly further from the positive
"patterns of behaviour" expressed e.g. by the famous
"Maxim of Confucius"
described in more detail in the caption under
"Fig. #A1" from my web page named
or by the mentioned in there verse 4:8 from the
Biblical "Letter to the Philippians" - I quote this
verse from the King James Bible: "...
whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are
honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things
are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever
things are of good report; if there be any virtue,
and if there be any praise, think on these things."
However, it is within capabilities of each of us to
remedy this situation of decline. After all, it is enough
to stop watching what official television programs
force upon us, and to comfortably and
in high quality start watching what we choose for
ourselves. But in order to do this, we need to
buy and learn to use a special type of television set,
which is sold under the name "smart" TV and
which is able to receive programs broadcast by television
stations as well as find and view films, news and
descriptive information that are NOT disseminated
by television stations any more, but only are available
via the Internet (including even those which in recent
times are secretly blocked from dissemination - although
in order to uphold the fiction of the alleged "freedom
of speech", they have NOT been removed from
the Internet yet).
Unfortunately, similarly as today's society is already
subdivided into three different "classes", names and
roles of which I explain in more detail in the final part
of this item #E1, i.e. it is already subdivided into the
following classes: (I) "elites", (II) "middle class", and
(III) "labour"; also three classes of these "smart"
TVs are sold, i.e. (i) elite "smart" TVs, (ii) medium
class "smart" TVs, and (iii) labour "smart" TVs. So
let's summarize each of these TV classes separately:
- Class (i) elite "smart" TVs. These are
huge, expensive, in 2020 their resolution already had
and they are filled with many unnecessary additions -
the need for them is as useful as the usefulness of
colourful ornaments on trucks in India. In November
2020, when I wrote this item, in NZ they cost from
around $2000 to around $9000 (I do not know how
much they cost in other countries). Thus, the majority
of "normal people" have neither funds needed for their
purchase, nor a place in their flat where they could
put them, nor amount of free time needed to learn
how to use all additions that are included into them.
So I am NOT going to discuss them here.
- "Smart" TVs class (ii) - "middle".
Usually these have screens of about 43 inches (although
they are also available in larger screen versions) and
their resolution is currently typically of the order of
In NZ their price "now" (i.e. at the time of creating
this web page) amounts to around $1000. The
packaging (i.e. a cardboard box) of an example
of such a "smart" TV of "middle class" that I purchased
on 2020/11/11 is shown below in "Fig. #E1a".
It is just how to choose for oneself the most appropriate
TV set from this class is described in this item #E1, while
its use is discussed on the entire this web page. The
problem, however, is that in this "middle class" of TVs
one can find a wide range of quality and functional
features. So in order to choose for ourselves such a
"smart" TV set, which will give to us the highest freedom
from "forcing" on us what we have to watch and freedom
from being forced by the creators of their software to pay
additional fees for whatever we watch, while at the same
time which is the easiest to use, has a good and sufficiently
large screen, and it is relatively cheap, we need the knowledge
that I am going to present below in this item #E1.
- Class (iii) labour "smart" TVs (i.e. the origin of
names of which, e.g. "labour", is explained near
the end of this item #E1). Typically these also
have screens with sizes from about 32 to about 43 inches
(although they can also have larger screens), they can also
have "4K" image resolution, but their price will be relatively
low - e.g. in NZ new such a TV also called "smart" "(but
NOT very "smart" from the point of view of users' interests)
one can buy for around $500 to $700. Their curious feature,
to which I draw the attention of readers in the caption under
"Fig. #E1a" below, is that their packages are flashy and
colourful, and completely filled with "clever names". However,
when their operation is tested (which in NZ can be done
in TV stores where "display TV sets" especially intended
for testing by buyers can be made available to interested
clients) then it turns out that all software (apps) they contain
was especially designed for how to exploit their
users the most effectively by extorting (forcing)
from them the payments for almost everything that they
want to watch apart from the official programs of TV stations,
and by extorting (forcing) from the owners the
choice of the types of films and programs that they are
allowed to find in Internet and to watch on these TVs -
because these films or programs either represent the
"propaganda" serving the interests of the "powers"
that currently rule over the Earth, or because they
promote the film-production of someone linked by
interests to the owner of a given software (apps),
means to someone who is quietly associated with this owner
by some system of mutual adoration and mutual support.
For example, in spite that these are supposedly "smart" TV
sets which have their own "apps" acting as "internet search
engines", their search engines have only one window
to search for films (movies) or programs by using "keywords",
but they lack a second necessary window that is used
to run films or programs the Internet addresses of which one
already knows. Simultaneously, their search engines are
subject to some secret "limitations", which cause their
owners to find on the Internet and to be able to run only what
the ruling "power" deems appropriate. This is why, for example,
when I searched with their search engines for any among the
films that I personally co-author, then it turned out that it was
NOT possible to find or run with their Internet search engines
(or with their "YouTube App") any among the films created with
my participation. In addition, neither their Internet search engines
nor their "YouTube App" have the so-called "bookmark"
(i.e. auxiliary memory which, after clicking on it, remembers and
keeps the addresses of websites and movies, which we want to
be able to repeatedly run with one click of the "remote" TV controller) -
which makes their use very difficult, time-consuming, ineffective,
user-unfriendly and highly annoying. To be honest, the motivations
for creating such TV sets and their user-hostile software (i.e. the
"apps" installed in them), the existence of which motivations can
be guessed from the principles of operation of these television
sets, remind me with their trend the motivations followed by
pharmaceutical companies producing
"medicines which make
patients dependent on taking them instead of healing"
- as described in "part #I" (especially in item #I1) of the web page named
As a result, knowing life, I believe that after purchasing
such a TV, people who purchased it will use it only as
ordinary TV set displaying only programs broadcast by
TV stations (i.e. these people will NOT have the patience,
time, or necessary knowledge to use their "smart" capabilities
for free viewing of increasingly, though secretly, banned
films and disclosures of truths, now available only through the Internet).
So let us now try to explain at what one needs
to pay special attention, that the "smart" TV
one is to buy has all this built in (embedded into it),
when one is to choose a TV receiver to buy for own
use from the wide range of "smart" TV models currently
available on the market. I will omit discussing their
prices and the size of their screen, because it depends
on the possibilities and preferences of a given buyer,
and I will only focus on what is most important for
their "smart" operation and easy and effective use.
(I will only add here that I personally determined
empirically that for the distance between the eyes
of the viewer and the TV screen amounting to about
2 to 3 metres, which is a typical distance for many
modern apartments and their furnishings, the size
of the TV screen which already gives a relatively
good feeling of being right size, is in the order
of 43 inches - which, for example, for NZ means
that the price of a "smart" TV with such a screen
and the features and possibilities that I describe
here will be in the order of (about) $1000.) And
so, if you want the "smart" TV you buy to meet
your most important needs and at the same time
do NOT turn you into an arrogantly exploited slave
of restrictions, "extorting" and "imposing", the
submitting to which lies in the interests of elites
and multimedia corporations - make sure (e.g.
by personally testing a "displayed TV set" in a
store for viewing and testing by buyers) that it has:
(1)! Internet search engine (e.g.
"Google App" or
"Bing App", etc.).
It is absolutely necessary for this search engine
that it has the following features and functions:
(1a)! Two windows (i.e. that it has both
a middle window to search for addresses
with a given content using the so-called keywords,
and it also has a second window, usually located
at the top edge of the screen, which is used to
"run" web pages or films/movies that have
addresses already known to us). In addition,
for this search engine it is necessary that it also has:
(1b)! Well-functioning so-called "bookmark".
This "bookmark" allows that with one click of the
remote control the user can save in the memory
of the "smart" TV the Internet address of something
that is currently browsing on Internet or launched
from the Internet, so that in the future this "bookmarked"
something can be viewed again quickly and easily
with just one click of the "remote" for the TV on the
bookmark's "icon" representing this remembered
something. In today's "smart" TVs, this "bookmark"
usually causes remembering the address of what
we just watch from the Internet, if we click on a
small "bright colour star" located in the
search engine on the right side next to the window
for launching movies or websites, addresses of which
we already know. Then, if we want to come back and
see again what we saved on the TV with the "bookmark",
it is enough to click again on the same star, then find
the icon (button) with the description of what we previously
"bookmarked" and click on this icon (button). This ability to
"bookmark" in Internet search engines and in YouTube search
engines from "smart" TVs is therefore highly useful and
necessary, among others, for creating programs of our own
private "apps" - which programs are stored outside the
TV memory, while after remembering their address in
"bookmark", the programs of these private "apps" allow
for quick access with a single clicks of the "remote" to
all movies, websites and Internet programs that the
owner of these "apps" intends to run frequently on
his/her "smart" TV. Examples of just such "apps",
which I programmed for my own use, and which
the reader is welcomed to run and to check how
they work, are all my song "playlists" (I programmed
and use several dozen of them) - e.g. see my "playlist" called
that allows one to listen to songs that are sung by the
background of the so-called "Inca Walls" -
the manner of erecting which walls by programming of
"counter-matter" I discovered due to prompts from my scientific
Theory of Everything of 1985 (also called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity)
and then together with my friend we illustrated this
manner on about half-hour long free YouTube video entitled
"Future Propulsions" -
only 17 seconds long fragment of which film, showing
just how looks like such a formation of "Inca Walls" by
programming of counter-matter, is disseminated on
YouTube under the name
"Wall 4K",
while the principle of such formation of the "Inca Walls"
is described in more detail in item #J4.6 from my web page named
Another example of my own "app", which allows to run on
my "smart" TV the films (movies) and programs from
the Internet that I browse the most, the reader
can find and browse under the name
In turn, how practically almost everyone with a bit
of stubbornness and good will is able to learn to
prepare their own "apps" - I describe it in detail
and illustrate it with examples in "part #F" below
on this web page. These self-programmed "apps"
allow for more effective, simpler, and much easier
use of our own "smart" TVs that have all the features
and possibilities which I am describing here.
(2)! Movie and video search engine (e.g.
"YouTube App",
or some other program to search for movies and videos
efficiently). For the "YouTube App" it is also necessary
and advisable that this search engine has:
(2a)! Two windows similar to an internet
search engine (i.e. one window for searching and
the other one for launching movies addresses of
which we already know).
(2b) A second "bookmark" similar as the
one in the "Google App" described above in (1b)!.
While the existence of this second "bookmark" is
useful and advisable, it is NOT absolutely necessary,
because in the absence of this one, the "bookmark"
from (1b)! can be used for the same purpose - which
must be present in an internet search engine for a
TV worth buying. But if a given "smart" TV has also
such a second "bookmark", then having it is beneficial,
because it facilitates the use and increases the convenience
and "user friendliness" of a given TV.
(3)! Several different wireless and wired ways
of connecting to, and exchanging information with
files, programs or other common electronic devices (e.g.
with internet, mobile phones,
devices, computers, speakers, etc.). For example,
a "smart" TV should have several of the currently
used connections to memories and other devices
(i.e. several sockets for plugs). So it is good to have
at least two sockets for HDMI - to be able to connect
it with sources or receivers of audio and video; at
least three USB sockets - so that the displayed content
can also be derived from our own computer (flash)
memory devices, and in addition other plug sockets
currently in use.
(4)! The so-called "user friendliness" -
means "friendliness towards the user", i.e. everything
in it should start easily, quickly and without jamming
or any other difficulties, while its "remote" should be
well thought out, easy to understand, use long time
powering it standard batteries that are easy to buy,
and it should also work precisely without jamming
the keys or other surprises or reasons to irritate the
user - just like work the "ergonomic" remote control (model:
which impressed me, and that I showed and described
under number (3) in "Fig. #E1b" below.
(5) Two buttons (- % +) to reduce or enlarge
web images. The point is that the images of films
or materials available on the Internet will rarely match
the size of the TV screen. Therefore, the "smart" TV
should have in the upper (control) part of the images
displayed from the Internet, two buttons (usually marked
with minus, % and plus signs), clicking which with the
"remote" increases or decreases the image taken from
the Internet up to the size at which the image coincides
with the size of the TV screen. These buttons also allow
the user to increase texts written in very fine print to the size
at which we will be comfortable reading them. Thus having
these buttons immensely increases the user-friendliness
of a given "smart" TV.
(6) In addition, the "smart" TV should also have
everything that allows it to function as a large and comfortable
screen, including situations when we are talking over
long distances through some program similar to the famous
"Skype". Requirements that for this purpose the
"smart" TV should meet, are described in "part #G" below
on this web page.
(7) Other features that satisfy our preferences
and likes (e.g. the screen of size we like, 4K, 3D,
easily understood instructions for use, etc.). For example,
my experiences with the previously owned "smart" TV
from LG, which had a built-in 3D option (i.e. had the
ability to display three-dimensional images), showed
that I almost never used this 3D for the simple reason
that it is still very difficult to find on the Internet any
material actually shot and available in 3D. It is worth
remembering that the fulfilment of our preferences
and likes should NOT be "squashed" because of the
price of a given TV set. After all, due to the present
situation in the world, we will probably watch our
TV every day for several hours. So apart from
sleeping, it will probably be the second most
important source of our rest and relaxation from
the stresses of present everyday life. In addition,
it is also worth remembering the Polish saying:
I am too poor to buy easily perishable cheap
goods (in Polish original: "jestem zbyt ubogi
aby kupować łatwo psującą się tandetę").
I should add here, that nowadays there are actually
available "smart" TVs which have all the above features
and capabilities, although (unfortunately) they are
surrounded by a crowd of other TVs which do NOT
have these features, although they are also called
"smart" by their manufacturers. This is why, when
buying, you have to put in the trouble of finding
this special TV which will have all the absolutely
necessary ones among these features (above
underlined with an exclamation mark, e.g. as (1)!,
next to their numbers) and also has the highest
number of desired ones among these features
(those shown above without the exclamation mark).
I actually already have a second "smart" TV which
displays all these features - it is the one, the box
from which I showed below in "Fig. #E1a". My
previous "smart" TV, also having all the above
features, is described in item #C1 above on this
web page. I should add here that in the meantime
I also experimented with imparting "smart" features
to a regular TV by connecting it to a computer and
using it as a large high quality computer screen.
But as I learned empirically, in order to be successful
with it, both the TV and the computer must also meet
various compatibility requirements (which meeting
does NOT always happen), and also we must overcome
a whole range of specialist obstacles of various kinds
(e.g. how to reprogram our "laptop" in order to be
able to close it and it still continued its operation),
NOT to mention the labour-consumption of ceaselessly
connecting them together and then disconnecting
them. Hence, the purchase of a "smart" TV is an
incomparably more practical solution.
When looking for a "smart" TV that is most suitable
for purchase, DO NOT be afraid, nor be ashamed
or embarrassed, to personally check and test in
the store that the "smart" TVs that they offer
have everything you need and that you can
use it. Also, do NOT be afraid to show sellers
that you do NOT know something, e.g. by
asking them questions and asking to illustrate
or explain to you something that you do NOT
understand, do NOT know, or was unsure
whether you are able to use it.
Unfortunately, the times have come to Earth when
the main goal, propelling force and motivation to
start the production of TV sets, software used in
"smart" TV sets, and whatever is shown on TVs,
becomes the propaganda
"moulding" of people and "forcing" (extorting) from them
possibly highest profits. In turn to be able
to accomplish all this, various clever features are secretly
encoded into "smart" TVs and into their software (i.e.
into so-called "apps"). For example, both the "internet
search engines" used in them and their "movie and
video search engines" may have only one window
used for searching, while the second (upper) window
for launching whatever Internet addresses we already
know, in a strange way already has disappeared from
them. In turn, in the software of these search engines,
which is invisible to users, procedures may be contained
that make it impossible to find with their searches those
publications, web pages or films which, in order to NOT
openly contradict the alleged existence of "freedom
of speech", are still officially available on the Internet,
but which are already on the created especially for them
the "black lists" used by owners of a given search
engine or "powers" that rule over these owners (which situation
already has happened with so cleverly persecuted and blocked
almost all web pages and films created by the author of this
web page - for details see item #A5 from my web page named
This hidden software may also contain procedures that are
mainly used to increase the income or monopoly of the owner
of a given search engine. In turn, in order to mask the fact
that a large part of web pages and films is already included
in the secret "black list", in the composition of so
prepared supposed "smart" TV sets, typically also are installed
(and loudly advertised) various programs that offer to us
many other films and sources of information which constitute
only the costly prepared "propaganda" of elites for "shaping"
our views and beliefs and for "milking" as much "money" as
possible from us. On the other hand, making impossible to
find secretly forbidden websites and films, combined with
the simultaneous secret surrounding them with the huge
number of websites and films which only serve as a spread
of "propaganda" with the content opposite to them, in effects
is tantamount to deceitful "hiding", "blocking" and "disgusting" -
several next examples of which deceitful behaviour is also
indicated on my Polish web page named
where examples of such behaviours are linked with e.g. the
Polish keywords "jeśli chcesz
ukryć drzewo, posadź wokół niego cały las"
meaning "if you want to hide a tree, plant a
whole forest around it".
So in order to somehow defend ourselves against
the above "forcing" on us what we are allowed to watch
and for what we have to pay extra, a "smart" TV with the
features described above is very useful. This is because
such a television set allows us to search and watch (mainly
for free) everything that we want and that is still available
on the Internet - including (if we consider it appropriate)
also these "propaganda" films and information typically
provided for an additional fee. After all, most of them
also have a free version available on the Internet - for
searching for which, one can use, for example, these
noisily advertised "apps" which are already included in
virtually every "smart" TV, developed for the purpose
of "milking" additional fees from us. (So-far, with the
help of some of these "apps" it is still possible to search
for films and programmes without an additional fee - while
the fee has to be paid in them only when one wants to
run a given film or programme.) So these noisily advertised
"apps" may allow us to find the title and descriptions of
a paid movie that interests us, in turn with a little practice,
software such as "TouTube App", or "Google App", or also
our "PC computer" will allow us to quickly find in the
Internet a free version of this movie. In turn, after
finding this free version, we can run it repeatedly
(and at no extra charge) as many times as we want
on our "smart TV", e.g. with the help and use of
"bookmark", "YouTube App", or our private "app".
(Programming, updating, installing and using such
our private "app" is described in "part #F" of this
web page - while older descriptions of its preparation,
as well as an example of making of such "apps"
serving as "playlists", are provided in item #C1
from my web page named "p_instruction.htm"
available, for example, on the web page at
It is also worth adding here that avoiding
viewing "propaganda" for "extorting" on people
and for "forcing" views that are contrary
to God's commandments, or finding ways
of viewing it free of charge if we want e.g.
to critically learn what it tries to "force" and
then morally subject its content to comparative
analyzes revealing how this "propaganda"
deviates from God's commandments, NOT
only teaches us to pedantically follow the
commandments and recommendations of
God inscribed in the Bible (e.g. those from
the verse 4:8 quoted above), but it is also
a form of manifesting our disapproval
of ideology from this propaganda - similar to
avoiding the purchase of morally unapproved
goods in stores.
Since from the content of my scientifically irrefutable
formal proof that God does exist,
and also from the results of my research on
karma programs
which judge and return the behaviour of every intellect,
it clearly follows that we all
are fairly accountable for practically everything that
we do in our physical life, let us explain
here also "why?" such a "smart" TV is worth
having. The answer is simple and states: because the
Earth and humanity is
the battlefield of the never-ending, eternal battle between
"evil" and "good", while participants of two most numerous
"classes of people" fighting with each other in this battle
are completely confused, hence they either
fight on the wrong side, or they do NOT have
the slightest idea about the strategic goal at
accomplishing of which their fight should aim. Simultaneously,
a significant proportion of the responsibility for this
disorientation of as many as two most populous
fighting classes is borne from the "propaganda"
programs, almost exclusively which currently can be
viewed on ordinary TV sets. In turn, because for present
people who are used to easy learning about the
situation in the world, television is the main source
of their knowledge, it is worth trying to acquire
a proper "smart" TV, which opens to its owners
access to programs, movies, and knowledge, which
start to dissipate this confusion. Even more urgent
this need for access to proper knowledge is made
by the situation that starting since 2001/9/11 -
when the present
epoch arrived, this battle entered its final phase, which
if "evil" prevails in this battle, then (unfortunately) the
battle will end with the "extermination of the majority of
people in the 2030s" (see the Polish half-hour film entitled
"Zagłada ludzkości 2030" - which illustrates prophesized and impending "The Great Purification of Humanity in 2030s")
and will start the multi-century long further continuation of the
to-date ignorance, lying, injustice, immorality, extortion,
exploitation, etc., for those people who survive the
extermination. After all, in order for this battle to end
with the beginning of the gradual ascent of humanity
towards the light, truth, justice, morality, volunteerism,
prosperity, wealth and health for everybody, etc. - it
is necessary that "good" prevails in that battle. At the
same time it is worth remembering, that
separately each
one of us people will be held accountable
if he/she helped the wrong side in this battle
between good and evil. On the
other hand, the problem with the majority of today's
people gazing into TVs or practice evil at computer
games, lies in the fact that the majority of them
still do NOT notice that this eternal battle is continually
being fought and is just approaching the time of
its next resolution (reset). While NOT knowing about
its existence, they typically either succumb to the
omnipresent propaganda of "evil" and take the
anti-human side, or knowing only that
the lives of themselves and their relatives are
becoming "increasingly worse and more
difficult", they mindlessly protest and expose
themselves to the brutality of people who support
power of "evil", but while protesting they have
NO clear views as to "achieving of what?"
should be the goal of their actions (nor how
to "achieve" such a goal) to be able to tip the
tide of the struggle towards a lasting victory
for "good". (While this goal is so simple, namely:
it is necessary to permanently
eliminate from the Earth the most important "weapons"
used by evil, for example, must be eliminated the
use of "money" which for millennia is the source
of power and the most powerful weapon of "evil" -
as I explained it, for example, in item #C7 from
my web page namednirvana.htm.)
After all, in order to hide from people the existence
of this battle and also to prevent the people hurt
by "evil" forces from realizing how this battle can
be won, the "evil" side uses a wide range of "propaganda"
ways, the main tool for disseminating of which recently
has become television, reinforced by computer
games, the Internet, monopolistic search engines
hiding the truth (see item #A5 from the web page
etc. So if more and more people learn to recognize
this "propaganda" and cease to be influenced by it,
the scale of the struggle will gradually begin to tilt
towards the victory of "good". This is because in
this battle three "classes" of people clash with each
other, the distribution of forces of which is NOT
beneficial to the forces of "evil". So let us now
discuss each of these three classes of people,
explaining its role and situation.
-Class (I) "elites". It is that unfortunate class, the fate
of which is emphasized by words of Jesus from the Bible
(Matthew 19:24, Mark 10:25, Luke 18:25) that state - I
quote from the Catholic Bible": "It
is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for
a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven."
(Note, however, that even these words are so formulated
that they convey also the important principle: "there
are exceptions for every rule".) That class (I) is in
the unfortunate situation that in order to make last the
riches it accumulated and to be able to lead opulent lives,
it must do everything in its
power to hold back any change to occur on Earth so that
it can continue "extorting" of work and "exploiting" of other
humans with the use of methods that this class introduced
and maintain on Earth. Unfortunately, both
the disallowing of any changes to occur, as well as the
continuation of "extortion" of work and "exploitation" of
other humans, place this class (I) in the battlefield
discussed here on the side that battles for the prevalence
of "evil". But fortunately for the rest of humanity, this class
(I) consists of only a small number of individuals, all of which
are usually called with the word "elites" - although
within these "elites" various deeper classifications can be
distinguished, an example of one of which is presented
from (7) to (7h) from item #C7 of the web page named
Unfortunately for other classes of people, "elites"
perfected the methods with which they enslave
the rest of humanity through continuing on Earth
the process of "extorting" and "exploiting" due to
use of "money" and "fear" as their "weapons" and
tools of oppression. For example, they cause that
officially on Earth
instead of truth and knowledge, currently almost
exclusively lies and propaganda are disseminated,
which glorify the existing evil and induce the use
of force in order to insist on the continuation of
the present regrettable situation of the majority
of humanity. Furthermore, by using
their most powerful "weapon", which is "money",
these elites "buy for themselves" the
entire "pyramid of extortion and forcing" represented
by the "middle class" (II) and including either still
unaware of their actual role in the society or
"forgetting" about morality and deaf to their
conscience (means unscrupulous) helpers -
who help the elites in "extorting" and "exploiting"
their "neighbours", thus staining their records
in God’s chronicles and drawing upon themselves
unwanted karma. This is why if we hear in the TV news
that in some area of the Earth there are growing
unrest and social protests, then in spite that these
messages clearly indicate that the reason for these
unrests and protests is either inventing new, or
intensifying old methods of "forcing" and "exploiting"
already poor people, and therefore the source
of these problems are only the "tightening the screw"
actions of the elites, still those who often abuse
the protesting class (III) of the "labour" sometimes
even using very brutal methods, are participants
of NOT the elites themselves, but this "pyramid of
extortion and forcing" composed of the "middle
class" (II) bought for "money" by these elites
and serving elites in performing a function
that is contrary to God's commandments.
-Class (III) "labour". Against themselves,
"elites" have huge masses of people, whom they
"force" to work either with the use of "money" or
"fear", and also "exploit", keep them in poverty and
ignorance, lie (e.g. that God does NOT exist), force
them to serve in the army, teach how to use force,
fight and kill, send to war as the so-called
"cannon fodder", etc. These abundant masses
of people can be called variously, for example after the
"Capital" of Karl Marx
they can be called "labour" or "proletariat", while
historians of wars and sarcastic military men can
also call them, for example,
"cannon fodder" -
after all, "elites" send these masses of people to
perish and kill similar people in numerous wars,
which serve only to increase the wealth, power
and area of influence of these "elites". Unfortunately,
when I was browsing for the Polish keywords
mięso armatnie -
which means "cannon fodder", in the Polish-language
search engine I noticed that "propaganda" even hides
the truth (i.e. spreads lie) as to what these keywords actually mean.
Only the English-language search engines give the
truth about it, e.g. on 2020/11/20 stating - quote:
"Cannon fodder
is an informal, derogatory term for combatants who
are regarded or treated by government or military
command as expendable in the face of enemy fire"
(shortly: "soldiers regarded merely as material to
be expended in war") - which loosely translated
into Polish means:
"Mięso armatnie
jest to nieformalna, obraźliwa nazwa dla walczących
którzy są uważani lub traktowani przez rząd lub
dowódców wojskowych jako zbywalni w sytuacji
ostrzału sił nieprzyjaciela" (krótko zaś:
"żołnierze uważani tylko jako materiał do
pozbywania się podczas wojny"). So in order
to give these masses a goal of their fight against
the present evil, it is necessary to make them
aware of how "smart" viewing of the truth so
far still available on the Internet (although
increasingly frequent hidden in there by
monopolistic Internet search engines that
support the "evil" side of battle) can protect
them from being confused by the "propaganda"
of the powers of "evil".
-Class (II) "middle". It is the most confused
of all the classes involved in the eternal struggle between
"evil" and "good". Meanwhile, it depends on it whether
the present battle will be won by "evil" or by "good" -
for example, the labour
won the October Revolution in Russia only because
and only when a large proportion of the rational "middle
class" of Russia of that time has decided to stand up
on their side. This is because the "middle
class" is situated between these few "elites" and the
masses of the "labour" exploited by elites and
kept in ignorance and poverty. It used to be small
and hence well "fed" with what the Polish proverb
calls "scraps from table of wealthy" (in Polish:
"ochłapów z pańskiego stołu"). However, in recent
times it has become enormously expanded in terms
of numbers, and thus already is lacking for all of it the
proverbial "scraps". It is formed into an entire
pyramid which is officially called the "middle
class", and which actually is make use by
elites in "forcing" to work and in "exploiting" these
masses of "labour", means which so-far is on
the "evil" side of the battle. In this "pyramid"
currently only the layers closest to "elites" still
benefit from sticking to the "evil" side, while
the remaining layers are treated identically as
the "labour". But still almost all participants of
the "middle class" are well educated and well-read,
probably knowing the Bible and thus having
access to the knowledge how to distinguish
evil from good, and also "smart" enough to
understand that "evil" must NOT be eliminated
by escalating other evil, e.g. by undertaking
a physical fight, sabotage, revolution, or fruitless
protests only exposing people to the brutality
of "evil" henchmen, but it must be wisely diminished
through eliminating the "weapons" that "evil" uses
(e.g. by eliminating "money", propaganda, injustice,
not charging authorities for "evil" they done, "privacy
laws" allowing to officially hide the truth, atheism,
corruption, wars, etc.), revealing the truth, informing
about the existence of scientifically irrefutable formal
proof for the existence of God, supporting the "freedom
to express own opinion", reducing exploitation and persecution,
etc. While doing all of this, one should try it to be done
with the very wise and safe method of Jesus suggested
in the Bible in verses: Matthew 22:21, Mark 12:17, Luke
20:25, the biblical suggestion of which is interpreted in
more detail and openness in item #L3 from my web page named
So if, thanks to the use of "smart" TV, the representatives
of these "middle class" started to learn the truth about
the battle described here and understand that the
"propaganda" of "evil" power turns them into what
in (1), (8) and (9) from item #C7 of the web page
is called the "pyramid of forcing"
(or "pyramid of extortion"), and if they realized that
for their active participation in the activities of this
"pyramid of forcing" both God and the work of
will soon make them accountable for what they have
done, then for sure they would stand on the side of
"good". (Notice that the scientifically irrefutable formal
proof for the existence of God, carried out by the method
of mathematical logic and empirically confirmed by the
findings of today's "genetics", while which formal proof
arose from the fundamental finding stating that:
all codes are versions
of languages while all languages are formed
by intelligent beings, which finding was derived and proved by
"The theory of Communication" of Claude E. Shannon,
is presented in item #G2 from the web page named
This formal proof is impossible to scientifically refute,
because in order to undermine it would be
necessary to formally prove that the empirical
discoveries of present "genetics" and this
fundamental finding of "The Theory of Communication"
are untrue, which would correspond, among
others, to proving that the successful "genetics"
as well as the successes of present disciplines of
Informatics and Computer Sciences founded on the
"Shannon's Theory of Communication", allegedly
are only deceptive "mirages" because they supposedly
arose from the foundations of lies - i.e. they allegedly
are similar deceptive "mirages" as in fact is the "big
bang theory" that really is grown on the foundations of lies -
yet which is still propagating the propaganda of atheism,
although the fundamental error of it is shown, among
others, by my scientific
Theory of Everything of 1985.)
In turn the change of side by "middle classes" from "evil"
for the domination of which at present are still fighting almost all
participants of these classes, into the future standing on the
side of doing "good" to themselves, to their descendants,
and to their "neighbours" (to which goal middle classes
should devote themselves), would ultimately tilt the scales
towards the victory of "good", and thus towards
humanity taking the path to light, good, truth, justice,
equality , prosperity, scientific, technical and civilization
growth, health, cognition of the world, etc. In other words,
it is the time for the "middle classes" of our planet to
understand that we are surrounded by an ocean of
lies and to get out of the paralyzing blindness - in
which helpful can be e.g. the purchase of a "smart"
TV with the features described here, which TV allows
one to watch the truth-revealing, moral and edifying
films and programs deprived of emphasis on "money",
exploitation, getting rich at any cost, lying "propaganda",
injustice, violence, killing, wars, etc.
Finally, let us summarize here at least only those
of the most important components of the truth
that can be easily learned e.g. due to the proper use
of "smart" TVs with the features described here, and
which generate numerous benefits of awareness for
people who learn them because they reveal and
correct the most harmful among lies officially and
so far uncritically disseminated due to the monopoly
of "evil" powers. The components of truth summarized
below were established and confirmed by a significant
body of evidence thanks to guidelines revealed by my scientific
Theory of Everything of 1985 (also called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity).
In spite that so-far their availability on the Internet
is still secretly blocked, denied, and disgusted by the
powers of "evil", "smart" television sets create a
technical possibility for their owners to search for
them and learn about them from high-quality images.
In turn, each truth and its learning brings the
miraculous power of freeing people from the bonds
of being stuck in lies by which they are enslaved,
what symbolically tells us verse 8:32 (and the surrounding
verses) from the biblical "Gospel according to St. John" -
I quote this verse 8:32 from the Catholic Bible:
"and you will learn the
truth, and the truth will set you free."
So here are the most important components of
truth that are already available for learning, while
getting to know of which has the power to correct
the avalanche of officially disseminated lies that
overwhelms our consciousness:
(A) The scientifically irrefutable formal
proof for the existence of God, available since 2007,
which complements and strengthens a whole range of
empirical proofs that since 1985 are disseminated
around the world by my "Theory of Everything" and
that prove the existence of God with their iron logic
and the possibility of them being checked by everyone
(but, unfortunately, whose learning by humans is
still secretly blocked and disgusted). This irrefutable
formal proof is described in item #G2 from the web page named
while the further empirical proofs of the importance
of which this formal proof additionally strengthens, are
presented in publications linked in (2) from item #G3
of that web page. A short summary of this formal
proof is also presented in an approximately half-hour
free YouTube video (in three language versions: English, German and Polish) entitled
"Dr Jan Pajak portfolio",
the English version of which is disseminated free of charge at .
So in spite of lies which are officially disseminated, and
which state that supposedly there is NO formal proof
for the existence of God, such a proof exists since 2007
and cannot be scientifically refuted, because it is based
on a solid evidence and thus its proving power makes it obligatory for everyone.
Moreover, every inhabitant of the Earth endowed with
common sense and logic should easily deduce for himself
or herself, that since there are phenomena and devices
which could NOT exist in the world without God, official
claims that there is NO God are only lies aimed at obscuring
and facilitating the exploitation of people. On the other
hand, my "Theory of Everything of 1985" indicates
to us a shockingly large number of such occurrences,
which would NOT exist in the world without God, because
"natural evolution" is unable to cause their appearance.
As examples of them consider: "illnesses of the soul" -
descriptions of the most representative of which, i.e.
the "Foreign accent syndrome", are described in item
#F11 from my web page named
nirvana and its wonderful happiness -
described on the web page named
the above-mentioned "Inca Walls" erected by programming
"counter-matter" in the manner described in item #J4.6 from
the web page named
and illustrated with a 17-second-long film available at the address
(who and how stores the programs that run such work
of "counter-matter" is explained in items #K1 and #K2
from my web page named
which presents the image and composition of "God Drobinas");
"perpetual motion" described and illustrated with
videos in item #B3 from my web page named
So when the moment comes when every person
is finally accounted for the dirty things he/she
did to his/her "neighbours", he/she will NOT be
able to use the excuse "I did NOT know". After
all, since independently
from the Bible, for over 13 years also there is
already available to everyone a scientifically
irrefutable formal proof for the existence of
God, it imposes on all of us the responsibility
for implementing in our lives of whatever God
commands us to do. So we will NOT get away
with being satisfied just with the certainty of
God's existence, but we have also a duty to
learn from the Bible what God requires from
us and to practice it in our everyday life!
This in turn should make many present people
to think and reflect. After all, we should ask
ourselves: is it worth depriving oneself of the
chance to spend all eternity experiencing
happiness, prosperity and productivity of
the future life in order to receive a few
proverbial "scraps from table of wealthy"?
(B) Explanations of the "group
nature" of our God, i.e. the nature
emphasized even in the Bible, although
the consequences of which are NOT
explained (but completely ignored) by
present religions. In this "group nature",
God is actually NOT a single person, but
the whole family, means Father, Son and
Holy Spirit. This family makes decisions
and acts on the "democratic principles"
of group consent. And experiences from
practically even our everyday life make
us realize that the decisions, treatments
and methods applied by the superior
"group" always differ in many respects
from the decisions and treatments of
the superior individual. This "group"
nature of our God is best explained
and illustrated by descriptions of male
and female so-called "God Drobinas"
(means by "drobinas of intelligent counter-matter" -
note that the positive Polish word "drobina"
means "very small much loved thing", and is a
positive counterpart to negative term "particle"
used by present "official atheistic science").
In turn the descriptions and illustrations of
male and female "God Drobinas" reader can
find in items #K1 and #K2 from my web page named
Getting to know these "God Drobinas" in turn
makes us realize: how little we know about
reasons why our God puts so much emphasis
on "volunteerism" and on group
karma/fate, and why God acts as we
probably noticed it and uses the methods
of action that describe for us the
Bible and the
philosophy of totalizm.
Furthermore, the fact of the existence of male
and female "God Drobinas" explains the entire
range of the to-date puzzles of nature regarding
mechanisms about which the official atheistic
science does NOT have even the proverbial
"tiniest bit" of clue. For example, it explains
how the weather, and also how
tornadoes and
are formed by gigantic whirls of "God Drobinas",
and how the displacement of these whirls from
west to east propels and regulates the rotation
of our planet. In turn the shape and appearance
of male and female "God Drobinas" confirm the
truth of verse 1:27 from the Biblical "Book of Genesis"
which states - I quote it from the Catholic Bible:
"So God created man in
his image, in God's image he created him, created
him male and female". (C) Descriptions from the Bible and "empirically"
established facts which confirm that already after the creation
of man, God several times improved the structure and operation
of human bodies. For example, it reduced to around
one-third the dimensions of human bodies and the length
of human life in the "reversible software time", and
equipped souls of people with an organ called "conscience".
Descriptions that present the verses of the Bible and
the evidence which confirms this, include (amongst
others) item #A1 from the web page named
item #C4.1 from the web page named
and several other my publications that can
be searched with the Polish web page named
(D) Totaliztic descriptions
of how in this physical life work the
"karma" programs
which implement the moral law called the
"Boomerang Principle".
In turn examples of evidence confirming the
work of "group karma" are described, amongst
others, in item #F2 from the Polish web page named
while for "individual karma", e.g. in item #C4.2
from the web page named
The existence and work of "karma" programs
realize in turn that every evil committed
by someone and pain inflicted on "neighbour"
are returned still in the present physical life
according to the operation of the moral "Boomerang
Principle" informing: "whatever feelings
you will cause in someone, the same feelings
you will experience yourself after the required
payback time". So let us not be surprised
when in some matter about which "privacy laws"
have NOT managed to hide the truth from us,
the person about whom we know that for example
"forced" personally, will himself be "forced" to do
something, while the one who e.g. "exploited" -
himself will be "exploited".
(E) Principles of the still newest
and the most moral in the world
philosophy of totalizm (i.e. the one spelled through "z").
These principles indicate and explain the
laws and methods of God's action which,
in addition to those commonly known (e.g.
in addition to the "ten commandments"),
should be pedantically fulfilled and paid
special attention still in the present
physical life. This philosophy is
described on my web page named
It is also briefly discussed in the
above-linked film "Dr Jan Pająk portfolio"
and in several other films linked from the
end of the "introduction" to my web page named
(F) The work of the "nirvana political system"
already pre-programmed by God into our souls, but still
unrealized by our sluggish bodies and sceptical minds.
The to-date wrongful distribution of "money" causing
all evil on Earth because it is carried out by imperfect
people, the "nirvana political system" is able to replace
by the justly dosed life-giving "moral energy".
This is because moral energy is generated in people by
the voluntary
performance of heavy physical labour named the
"moral work" - which is measured fairly and then quantitatively
rewarded with this moral energy by God's programs.
Brief descriptions of the "nirvana political system" and
huge benefits resulting from it are presented in item
#C7 from my web page named
In turn for more complete descriptions of this
political system and for its advantages see items
#A1 to #A4 from my web page named
and from the publications linked in there. The
"nirvana political system" in fact guarantees
to each of the people a difficult to even imagine
increase in happiness, prosperity, scientific and
technical development, security, equality and
social justice, learning about the world, health
and physical fitness caused (among others) by
increase in physical activities of people, etc. Only
the result of people's blindness and widespread
daze causes insistence on the continuation of
deceptive and destructive political systems (e.g.
capitalism or communism), the existence of which
lies only in the interests of the elites - because only
elites benefit from the riches "forced" from people
with "money" and "fear".
(G) The "Theory of Everything of 1985"
which opens to creative minds access to the
knowledge that corrects lies about the surrounding
reality. This theory is described in a number
of publications, the reading of which is worth
starting from the web page named
and then continue from the publications
that are linked in there.
(H) Infinite dimensions and infinite existence
of the universe originally filled with only "potentially
intelligent counter-matter" and supplemented with
"matter" created by God only around 6,000 "human years" ago
(i.e. years measured with units of the "reversible software time"
in which people age) which "human years", according to the
information in the Bible, elapse over 365 thousand times slower
than the "irreversible absolute time of the universe" in which
age atoms, isotopes, minerals, fossils, coal, etc.
Notice that mathematics (e.g. the operator "lim")
informs us that such a universe of infinite dimensions
does NOT border with any space already existing outside
of it thus it is unable to expand or contract - which fact
is empirically confirmed by the stability of the so-called
"laws of nature" (and hence the continuity of life) that
would be ruined by any change in the parameters of
"matter" caused by a possible change in the dimensions
of the universe. An explanation informing how this truth
about the infinity of the universe is revealed by my
"Theory of Everything of 1985", is provided in item
#D4 from my web page named
In turn the drastic opposite of this truth is the lie from
foundations of the "official atheistic science" - which
illogically claims that the universe has finite dimensions,
currently is still expanding, and is filled only with "stupid"
matter. Because this lie in foundations impacts the rest
of official knowledge, it suggests that practically everything
that the "official atheistic science" derived from these false
foundations and claims about the reality surrounding us
is either lies or errors in research or inference. Examples
of the most important out of such lies of the "official
atheistic science" are indicated and discussed on the Polish web page
under headings containing the Polish keyword: kłamstw (meaning "lies:").
(I) The appearance and operation of our physical
world, similar to a thin "pancake", and the infinite size of
the counter-world, which allow God to program the course
of human life in the "reversible software time". All this
is described e.g. in item #D3 from my web page named
item #J5 from my web page named
and items #G3 and #I2 from my web page named
and also in a whole separate Polish
monograph [12].
In turn our life in the "reversible software time" enables
God to more precisely educate some (promising) people
through repetitive shifting them back in time (confirmed
both in the Bible and e.g. with the phenomenon of "deja vu")
while for people it allows to build
Time Vehicles
of my invention and also to lead infinitely long lives
achieved through being shifted back by time vehicles
to the years of youth after each reaching an old age.
(J) Descriptions of
"Cyclic Tables" for propulsion systems,
which reveal the level of technical advancement,
principles of operation, and capabilities and powers of
propelling devices of the future still waiting to be built.
These are best illustrated by the half-hour long film entitled
"Future Propulsions"
the English language version of which is available free of charge at .
In turn verbal descriptions of the Periodic Table and propulsion
systems which it announces are presented in items #J3 and
#J4.1 to #J4.6 from the web page
(K) Illustrations and descriptions
of the starship of my invention called the
"Magnocraft" -
the most advanced of the three generations
of which will be the "Time Vehicle".
This starship is shown in action on the film entitled
"Wie groß ist der Magnokraft?/How big is the Magnocraft?"
and on a 26-second-long soundless excerpt from
the previously linked film "Future Propulsions" -
the looking like "real life filming"
excerpt from which film is entitled
"Alien Planet 4K"
and is available at the address .
In turn descriptions and illustrations of Magnocraft
are provided in my entire web page named
(L) Illustrations and descriptions of the
already completed and correctly operating "generators
of clean free energy" and motors of "perpetual motion".
These miraculous devices are presented
e.g. in item #B3 from my web page named
and in item #J4.4 from my web page named
and in videos linked in there. It is worth adding
that, since the
"official atheistic science" has already formally
proved with the alleged "laws of thermodynamics"
which it invented, that in a hypothetical
world devoid of God
(about which world this "official atheistic science" falsely
claims that we live in it), the construction of devices
working on the "perpetual motion machine" principles
of operation would be impossible,
therefore the actual
existence on Earth of already constructed
and correctly operating such devices with the
principle of operation of true "perpetual motion
machines" provides people with another type
of empirical evidence for the existence of God -
which fact is explained more comprehensively
in item #D3 from the web page named
In turn links to further such empirical evidence,
the key words: istnienie Boga (meaning
"the existence of God") make available on
the Polish web page named
(M) "Rejection of knowledge" by today's
priests, caused by their conformist attitude towards
the conflicting with canons of their religions, and
hence the clearly visible to them deceptive statements
of "official atheistic science" and by their acceptance,
and sometimes even adding their share, to "evil"
which is spreading around. This "rejection
of knowledge" by priests is described, among others,
in items #T2 and #U1 from my web page named
on the basis of the quotation from verses 4:4-9
of the biblical "Book of Hosea". One of its manifestations
is that despite the continuous publishing since 2007 (i.e. already for over 13 years)
of the previously discussed scientifically irrefutable
formal proof for the existence of God, priests still
ignore the existence of this proof - while reminding
the faithful about its existence would drastically
reduce the spread of "evil" on Earth. In addition
to the above, this "rejection of knowledge" by priests
make impossible for them to notice very weighty findings
that would eliminate a lot of inter-personal accusations and
persecutions, because both the Bible as well as my "Theory
of everything of 1985" agreeably confirm the finding that:
"we people are the 'living, self-aware
and self-learning souls (programs) which received bodies',
not just bodies provided with software souls" -
for details see e.g. item #A1 from my web page named
and also agreeably confirm that: "each
soul receives own body only at the moment of breaking umbilical
cord and catching the first breath, NOT at the moment of conception" -
for details see item #C6 on that web page named
So it should NOT surprise anyone, if God disappointed
with such a stubborn rejection of knowledge by priests
decided in the near future to eliminate the need for their
existence by replacing the functions of present priests
with the inclusion to the programmes of universal
education the obligation to disseminate objective
and verified on extensive empirical evidence the
knowledge contained in the results of objective
research on God similar to the results already
achieved by the new "totaliztic science" based
on my "Theory of Everything from 1985" which,
in spite of being implemented by only a single
scientist, still slowly becomes a seeking truth
competition and a verifying party for the destructive
monopoly of the old "official atheistic science".
(Of course, much more components of truth, similar
to the above, are available - which are correcting the
officially disseminated lies. However, an attempt to
list all of them here would unnecessarily increase
the size of this web page, while links to a large
number of other out of them the reader may find
by himself/herself on my Polish web page named
Fig. #E1a: Here is the box (packaging)
from my "smart" TV, which displays
all the features that, on the basis
of my experience and knowledge,
I am looking for in a "smart" TV
set to make my decision whether
to buy it. The above box (package) comes
from the TV that I actually bought
on 2020/11/11. Notice that this TV
set was designed (and some of its
components were manufactured) in
Korea -
means in the country about which I
personally experienced and was empirically
ascertained during my 2007 professorship at
Ajou University in Suwon,
that the Korean government has
one of the greatest in the world (if
not the greatest) care for the welfare
of its citizens, while its population
shows one of the highest among
the group of nations well known
to me, the level of fulfilling of
God's commandment (see Bible,
"Gosp. according to St. Mark",
verse 12:31) I quote:
your neighbour as you love yourself."
Personally, I recommend the reader
to pay special attention to what is
happening in Korea, because soon
the world will probably be surprised
by it!
Notice how modest the packaging looks and how
devoid of flashiness its inscriptions are. This is
significant for the products of companies with
an excellent reputation. The point is that
"the worse
the product of a given company is, the more
flashy it must be packed for anyone to buy it" -
meanwhile, very
good quality products do NOT need flashy
packaging at all, because their purchase is
based either on the personal recommendations
of these previous buyers that have personally
convinced themselves how good the products
of a given company are, or on checks (e.g. on
tests performed in a store) of those who know
what to look for in perfect products of a given
type. This is why the packaging
of very good products is simple, yet strong,
highly functional and harmless to nature and
the environment. From what I heard that it
informally is spoken among experts of "smart"
TV sets, the above company actually offers
products of the highest quality in the world -
even if, due to market competition, some of
their production (e.g. final assembly) must
be made in factories from countries other
than Korea - e.g. in Vietnam.
Fig. #E1b: Here are three "remotes" sold
together with both "smart" TVs that I have
purchased so far, i.e .: (1) - the highest in
the photo because farthest from the camera
that took the photo, the remote control (model:
delivered to me with a 42 inch "smart" TV
of the Korean company LG (produced in
Indonesia) which I bought on 2013/11/16
and which TV was used by me until 2020/8/8
(i.e. it worked for 6 years, 8 months and
25 days) while which I described in item
#C1 of this web page; (2) - central
remote control made in Vietnam (model:
which I ordered having the skills of my wife in mind
for an additional fee of $39 as an alternative
to the "ergonomic" remote control (3)
supplied to me with the Samsung TV
described here; and (3) - the lowest
in the picture because the closest to
camera with which I took this photo,
is an "ergonomic" remote control (model:
delivered with a 43-inch "smart" TV
from the Korean company Samsung
that I bought on 2020/11/11 and
described in item #E1 above on this
web page. What is most interesting,
all these "remotes" have practically
identical functional capabilities (i.e.
each one of them can control over
all functions that require controlling
in the "smart" TV to which they are
designated). However, there is a
huge difference in their "ergonomics",
complexity and technical quality of
design and manufacture, and thus -
both in the ability of people to learn
how to use them, and in the level of
"user-friendliness" (e.g. in the number
of hands busy with their operation, the
need to look at them when in use, the
susceptibility of their buttons to jamming,
the frequency of battery replacement, etc.).
The LG remote control (1) (model:
is characteristic for the 2010s in which was
produced the TV for controlling of sets for which
it was designed. It has the following dimensions:
length 235 mm, width 48 mm, thickness
23 mm. So practically in order to control
all functions of the "smart" TV, it is
necessary to use both hands and eyes.
In one hand the user has to hold the remote
control, while with the finger of other hand
he/she needs to select and press its buttons -
while simultaneously looking carefully with
eyes at what is being done with it. After all,
it has 46 buttons, so only "from memory" or
just "by feeling" it is practically impossible to
find the button that needs to be pressed.
This in turn causes that its use absorbs
everything that we have at our disposal.
After all, with such a large number of buttons,
the user also needs to have an engineering
knowledge on how the TV works to learn
how to use all of them effectively. So although
I did NOT have any difficulties with its effective
use, I noticed that non-technical-thinking people
may have significant difficulties with remembering
what and how to control with it. Its design also
has an engineering error, which causes that when
pressed too deeply, the buttons jam and block the
operation of the TV set, and if you do NOT notice
their jamming - it becomes a source of significant
irritation and problems of use. The remote control
is powered by two AAA batteries, which means that
due to their low energy efficiency, these batteries
need to be changed relatively often. What shocks me
is that the majority of TV sets currently on sale are
still supplied with equally ill-considered and badly
designed "remote controls"!!!
Remote control (2) by Samsung (model:
in NZ supplied for an additional fee of $39
on special order for controlling the TV, packaging
of which is shown above in "Fig. #E1a".
It is a traditional kind of "remote" somewhat
similar to the previously shown LG remote
control (1). I also ordered this additional
remote control, because I was afraid that
my wife might find it difficult to learn to
use the "ergonomic" remote control (3)
supplied with the Samsung "smart" TV
that I had purchased. However, since this
second remote purchased "on request"
probably needed to be sent to NZ from
as far as Vietnam, I expected that it would
take some time for it to get to me. Hence,
I was pleasantly surprised when I could
pick it up on 2020/11/17 - i.e. after only 6 days.
The second pleasant surprise about it was
that since in the meantime its price in NZ had risen to over
$60, the shop selling me
TV covered the difference by itself. After
testing of this remote it turned out that
it works slightly better than the LG remote
control (1) - i.e. it can be operated with
only one hand, although it is still necessary
to look at it when doing so. For example,
its 44 buttons are better described, and
the buttons used to operate (a) standard
(broadcast) television programs, and (b)
movies and programs from the Internet,
are grouped together. Hence, although
for the use of the Internet it needs to
be inconveniently held by a tip that is
too short, all the buttons required to be
pressed are still within reach of a finger
from the hand in which the remote control
is held - hence it allows one-handed operation.
Unfortunately, due to the tight packing
of numerous buttons and the similarity
of their touch, it is also necessary to use
eyes (i.e. to look at the remote control)
to press them correctly. Fortunately, its
buttons can NOT be pressed so deep that
their edge would catch on the housing and
block the TV operation, as it happened with
the LG remote control (1). Its dimensions
are: length 74 mm, width 48 mm, thickness
25 mm. It is powered by two small standard AAA
batteries - which size indicates the need for
their frequent replacement.
The Samsung "ergonomic" remote (3) (model:
was delivered with the "smart" TV that I purchased
on 2020/11/11. I must admit here, that being a
retired professional scientist, especially trained and
used to objective assessing of the quality level of
everything that I encounter, I am personally very
impressed with all the features of this remote -
similarly as, for example, I am very impressed with
all the features of the "banana" fruit designed
by God, i.e. the features of which I described in items
#D3.1 and #D3 from another my web page named
Everything about this remote control is thoroughly
thought out and ergonomically close to perfection.
Its shape and dimensions change ergonomically and
in their highest values are: length 165 mm, width 35
mm, thickness 20 mm. These dimensions, and its
shape bent like an "ancient gun" or a "boomerang",
allow one to hold it comfortably in one's hand, and
then without the need to move it or use the other
hand, within the reach of one's finger from the hand
holding it one has all the buttons and is able to have
full control over all the functions of the TV set just
with one hand and while completely NOT looking
at the remote control when doing so. So its use only
absorbs the hand in which we hold it, while we can
use the other hand and eyes for another purpose.
It also has only 14 buttons, each of them so "hard",
that initially I thought that pressing it supplies the
"remote control" with electricity on the "piezoelectric"
principle. (Nevertheless, despite this "hardness",
my wife already on the 5th day of use was able
to cause an "error" of the Internet with the typically
female positioning of this "remote" on the table with
the buttons pointing downwards - which an inconvenience,
according to the engineering principle "everything
can be improved further", could be easy
to remove if instead of on the convex side of its
bend, the buttons were located on the concave
side.) At the same time each of these buttons
protrudes so slightly from the remote control
that it has NO right to jam. Also almost every
one of these buttons performs several different
functions and actions, depending on how it is
pressed with a finger. For example, two oblong
buttons arranged across its width at half its
length can be either pushed forward with one's
finger (which push at the left button increases
the volume of the sound, and at the right button
increases the number of the watched channel),
or one can push it backwards with finger (which
push reduces the previous values) or one can
press it down, which in the left button completely
mutes the sound, while in the right shows the
list of programs and their broadcasting times
on each of the TV channels. So the use of
this "remote" is so easy, that my wife, who
in a typically feminine way until our LG "smart"
TV broke down, has NOT managed to learn
the correct use of all 46 buttons of the remote
control (1) - although she mastered the use
of basic of them, for the "ergonomic" remote
control from Samsung discussed here, she
was able to use its basic functions after just 5
days. What is also worth emphasizing, the
Samsung remote control (3) discussed here
is powered by two larger AA batteries, which
will allow it to operate much longer on one
battery change than the previously discussed
LG remote control (1) and than Samsung remote
control (2) - both powered by two smaller AAA batteries.
Part #F:
The easiest way to program your own "App"
that extends the usability and simplifies the
use of our "smart" TV:
If you can use a PC computer, then you can
also program your own "apps" to facilitate
and extend the use of your "smart" TV:
"App" będącym skrótem od angielskiego słowa "application"
(w komputerowym użyciu znaczącego:
zastosowanie, działanie, użytek)
w obecnych czasach nazywany jest program
komputerowy, jaki po zainstalowaniu pozwalającym
mu sterować pracą danego urządzenia elektronicznego
wykonuje dla nas określony rodzaj działań.
Po angielsku w internecie pojęcie "app" zwykle skrótowo
definiują więc słowami: "App" is short for "application" -
which is another name for a computer program.
W dzisiejszym świecie w którym wszystko nastawione
jest na "pieniądze", eksploatowanie bliźnich i "wymuszanie"
(tak jak skrótowo wyjaśniam to w punkcie #C7 swej strony
przyzwyczajono nas wierzyć, że owe "apps" są produkowane
przez duże zespoły wysoce wyspecjalizowanych programistów.
Powodem ugruntowywania takiego mitu jest "uzależnianie"
społeczeństwa od "apps" które pozwalają dokonywać tylko
to co leży w interesie "elit" i bogatych korporacji.
Tymczasem dla własnych potrzeb, "app" który będzie pomocny
w łatwiejszym i pełniejszym użytkowaniu wlasnego "smart"
telewizora, zaprogramować może każdy kto zna się chociaż
trochę na komputeryzacji i internecie i albo potrafi przygotować
w języku HTML własny program strony internetowej, albo
też potrafi zduplikować i adaptować dla własnych potrzeb
"matrycę" takiego programu strony internetowej jaką ja
przygotuję i dokładnie opiszę w niniejszej "części #F" tej
strony. Jak bowiem czytelnik zapewne już odnotował, ja
od sporego już czasu staram się uczyć swych czytelników
jak łatwo mogą dokonywać to o czym tzw. "eksperci"
wmawiają nam iż rzekomo jest to "niemożliwe" do
wykonania (np. własne oprogramowanie dla swych
urządzeń) - po przykład w tej sprawie patrz moje
opisy z punktu #I1 z "części #I" oraz w §2 z
"części #F" strony o nazwie
Opisy tamtego przykladu informują jak teksty pisane
wordprocessorem zwanym "WORD" można łatwo
zaopatrywać w malejącą numerację stron,
o której uprzednio sporo "ekspertów" twierdziło,
iż jest ona niemożliwa do wprogramowania do WORDa).
Ja kiedyś już informowałem swych czytelników jak
mogą zaprogramować własny "app" działający na
ich "smart" telewizorach. Tamte dawne moje opisy
czytelnik znajdzie w "części #E" z mojej strony
internetowej o nazwie
Z kolei przykład takiego "app" jaki ja przygotowałem
dla swego użytku na posiadanym "smart" telewizorze
czytelnik może znaleźć (i sobie uruchomić) pod nazwą
na wszystkich moich darmowych stronach internetowych
jakie wyszczególniam w "Menu 3" niniejszej strony pod
nagłówkiem "(Na darmowym hostingu z FTP:)".
Oczywiście, skoro już przygotowuję niniejszą stronę,
opiszę w niej ponownie i jeszcze dokładniej, oraz pokażę
tu kolejne przykłady, jak taki "app" czytelnik łatwo może
sam sobie przygotować i używać na jego własnym "smart"
telewizorze - jeśli tylko jego telewizor posiada cechy i możliwości
jakie opisałem w punkcie #E1 powyżej na niniejszej stronie.
Part #G:
How to give your "smart" TV the ability to
talk to people who live far away with the
simultaneous "live" visibility of your
interlocutor on the big screen of this TV:
Nothing can compare with the pleasure of
remote talking (and at no extra charge) with
people close to us whom can watch "live" on
the big screen of our "smart" TV during the
Każdy z nas kto posiada internet we własnym
domu, regularnie musi płacić za niego określoną
sumę pieniędzy. Na przekór tego, kiedy ktoś chce
porozmawiać z mieszkającymi daleko osobami
bliskimi jego sercu, nie jest w stanie uzyskać z
nimi połączenia wokalnego i jednocześnie obrazowego
za pośrednictwem swego "smart" telewizora -
i to na przeków iż jego internet posiada tzw.
"broadband" i stąd jego telewizor z powodzeniem
jest w stanie wyświetlać ruchome filmy z internetu.
Wprawdzie kiedyś "smart" telewizory miały "apps"
o działaniu podobnym do działania słynnego programu
"Skype" pozwalającego "na żywo" oglądać
swego rozmówcę, jednak wszystkie owe "apps"
nagle zostały wycofane z użytku kilka już lat temu -
ktoś przy władzy lub wpływach najwyraźniej
doszedł do wniosku iż korzystniej jest dla "elit"
i dla multimedialnych korporacji, jeśli za rozmowy
z odlegle mieszkającymi bliskimi nam osobami
trzeba będzie płacić niezależnie od opłat za
posiadanie internetu. Na szczęście znaleźli się
też mądrzy ludzie, którzy wymyślili oprogramowanie
(takie jak przykładowo "WhatsApp") używane w
telefonach komórkowych, które pozwala jednak
prowadzić wizualne rozmowy za pośrednictwem
internetu i to bez potrzeby uiszczania dodatkowych
opłat. Niniejsza "Part #G" będzie poświęcona
wyjaśnieniu jak takie używające posiadany w domu
internet ("broadband") darmowe rozmowy wizualne
daje się także prowadzić za pośrednictwem swego
"smart" telewizora - mając przy tym możliwość
oglądania naszego rozmówcy na dużym ekranie
Part #H:
"Who", "why" and "on what excuses" block
and limit the access of "smart" TVs to the full
possibilities of the Internet:
In order to maintain power over others,
or to hold a lucrative monopoly in the market,
it is necessary to dictate what they should
and must NOT see or learn:
Pisanie tego punktu NIE zostało jeszcze rozpoczęte!
Part #I:
Internet prudence - that is, doing what is worth
avoiding on the Internet in order to remain
"independent" and NOT waste your earnings
on unnecessary fees:
Motto tej "części #I":
"Większość tego co jest naprawdę dobre dla każdej osoby
oraz dla naszej cywilizacji jako całości jest też dostępne za
darmo - jedynie trzeba więc umieć znaleźć miejsce skąd
uzyskuje się to bez potrzeby dodatkowego za to płacenia.
Jeśli jednak ktoś pobiera za to opłaty, automatycznie
dodaje temu zdolność do szkodzenia nam i całej cywilizacji."
Here is a list of online actions that are best avoided:
Czy zastanawiało cię kiedykolwiek co naprawdę
jest motywacją tych, którzy za pośrednictwem
internetu bez przerwy starają się przekonać cię
iż uzyskasz najróżniejsze korzyści jeśli zostaniesz
"uczestnikiem" ("member") czegoś tam, dlaczego
wiele stron internetowych używa tzw. "cookies"
(po polsku zwane "ciasteczka"), dlaczego sporo
instytucji rzekomo "dla celów statystycznych"
wypytuje cię o wyraźnie niepotrzebne im twoje
dane, dlaczego aż tylu ludzi z wielu krajów świata
pada ofiarami internetowych oszustw, itd., itp.
Odpowiedzi powinieneś sam się domyślić - jeśli
przeczytałeś już wspominany tu kilkakrotnie punkt #C7 strony
Aby więc unikać pomagania celom tego typu
internetowych "przedsięwzięć", w swoich działaniach
w internecie warto przestrzegać kilka bezpiecznych
reguł postępowania, np.:
(1) Natychmiast przerywać wszelkie dalsze
kontakty z tymi co z góry zapytują o numer twojej
karty kredytowej. (2) Unikać odwiedzania stron internetowych
jakie informują iż używają "cookies" (tj. "ciasteczek").
Strony takie odwiedzać tylko jeśli jest to absolutnie
konieczne, lub jeśli jesteś w stanie je przeglądnać bez
wyrażenia swej zgody na zainstalowanie ich "cookies"
w twoim komputerze lub twoim "smart" telewizorze.
(3) Unikać dobrowolnego rejestrowania się
jako "uczestnik" (member) najróżnieszych internetowych
systemów, korporacji, grup, itp. - chyba że takie zarejestrowanie
się jest dla ciebie NIE do uniknięcia. (4) NIE instalować dodatkowo w swoim "smart" TV
ani w swym komputerze niczego co NIE jest ci absolutnie
niezbędne - szczególnie jeśli jest to reklamowane w internecie
a pochodzi od NIEznanych wykonawców. Korzyści bowiem
jakie takie zainstalowanie z internetu ci obiecuje mogą wiązać
się z ukrytymi celami o jakich istnieniu nigdy albo wogóle się
NIE dowiesz, lub dowiesz się zbyt późno. Przykładowo, w "smart"
TV najlepiej tolerować tylko te "apps" które zainstalował producent
danego telewizora (lub ty sam zaprogramowałeś) - jako że ów
producent zapewne się upewnił iż owe "apps" pełnią tylko legalnie
dozwolone funkcje.
(5) ... (there are many more such rules, but
here I limit myself to only the most important ones)...
Part #J:
Our civilization is already collapsing - therefore
it is in the vital interest of each of us to save it:
Why is it worth to start rescuing from an objective inquiry
about what caused the present collapse of humanity, and
then revealing the result of inquiries to all people interested:
"If anything complicated has broken, and the true repairman
starts fixing it, then he always starts his effective repair
by finding out what, how, and why has broken, because
it reveals to him how the repair should be done."
(The basic knowledge of every Mechanic.)
NIE trzeba być geniuszem aby odnotować,
że rzeczywistość w jakiej żyjemy NIE jest
już dłużej w stanie tolerować tego co dzisiejsi
ludzie wyczyniają. Wszakże będąc tzw.
intelektem grupowym (opisy
"intelektu grupowego" prezentuje np.
(a) z punktu #H3 mojej strony
ludzkość jako całość niemal zupełnie wyniszczyła już
naturę, która dotychczas nas żywiła i była źródłem
zdrowia. Większość z nas coraz usilniej dręczy też
swych bliźnich (zamiast "kochać
bliźniego jak siebie samego" - patrz
Biblia, werset 22:39 z "Ew. Mateusza"), traktując
ich jak osobistą konkurencję, kandydatów do
zastraszania i eksploatacji, albo nawet wrogów,
oraz co najwyżej wysyłając im czasami elektroniczne
wiadomości aby NIE musieć utrzymywać z nimi
osobistych kontaktów. Rządy coraz brutalniej
rozprawiają się ze swymi krytykantami i uczestnikami
opozycji, mnożąc tym problemy zamiast je rozwiązywać.
Gro z nas pieniądze
uczyniło swym Bogiem wierząc w kłamliwe
twierdzenia "oficjalnej nauki ateistycznej" iż faktyczny
Bóg jakoby NIE istnieje - chociaż od 2007 roku publikowany
jest już naukowo niepodważalny
dowód formalny iż prawdziwy Bóg istnieje,
oraz chociaż przez ostanie 35 lat powszechnie dostępne
są już w internecie przełomowe odkrycia naukowe wraz
z umożliwiającą ich dokonywanie "Teorią Wszystkiego
z 1985 roku" jakie podsumowałem w punktach #H1 do #H6 ze strony
a jakie każdemu pozwalają aby naszego Boga poznał znacznie
dokładniej niż opisują Go nam religie oraz "odrzucający
wiedzę" kapłani (wersety 4:4-9 z biblijnej "Księgi Ozeasza").
(Z tym przeprowadzonym metodą matematycznej logiki
naukowo niepodważalnym dowodem formalnym na istnienie
Boga każdy może się zapoznać z punktu #G2 strony o nazwie
Itd., itp. Innymi słowy, nasza cywilizacja już sama wali
się w gruzy. Tyle, że będąc zaabsorbowani konsumpcją
i zapatrzeni w filmy pokazujące coraz bardziej oderwaną
od rzeczywistości fikcję jaką masowo generują dla rozproszenia
uwagi coraz liczniejsze stacje telewizyjne zarabiające na
ludzkiej alergii do prawdy i do obiektywności, narazie tego
walenia się naszej cywilizacji w gruzy jakoś mało kto z ludzi
jest w stanie odnotować - kiedy zaś stanie się ono aż tak
potężne iż każdy je zobaczy, wówczas będzie już za późno
na jakikolwiek ratunek.
Aby NIE być tu gołosłownym, że cała nasza cywilizacja
już zaczęła walić się w gruzy, poniżej dokonam przeglądu
najważniejszych obszarów istotnych dla jej przeżycia, dla
każdego obszaru wyjaśniając "co" i "dlaczego" już w nim
się nienaprawialnie popsuło lub nawet zawaliło.
Przegląd "co" i "dlaczego" już uległo popsuciu
lub zawaleniu w każdym z obszarów najbardziej
istotnych dla poprawnego działania naszej cywilizacji:
Ja obserwuję stopniowy upadek naszej cywilizacji
od wielu już lat. Wszakże jestem tym badaczem
"z urodzenia" jaki napisał i miał odwagę opublikować stronę
oraz współautoryzuje wraz ze swoim przyjacielem
bazujące na moich badaniach polskojęzyczne,
półgodzinne filmy z YouTube o tytułach
"Zagłada Ludzkości 2030" i
"Napędy Przyszłości"
(wszystkie filmy bazujące na moich badaniach zestawiają strony
djp.htm oraz
Pierwszy z tych filmów faktycznie był też pierwszym
jaki pojawił się w internecie aby ostrzegać ludzi do
jak strasznego kataklizmu wszyscy uparcie spychamy
całą ludzkość swymi działaniami jakie przeaczają
fakt iż w świecie rządzonym przez wszechwiedzącego
Boga żadne łamanie przykazań i wymogów Boga
NIE uchodzi bezkarnie. Ukazanie się w internecie
tego pierwszego filmu przełamało więc uprzednią
"zmowę milczenia" w sprawie co faktycznie
ściągamy na głowy własne i swoich najbliższych:
odwracaniem się od Boga; ignorowaniem moralności
i przykazań opisanych w Biblii; wyniszczaniem natury;
rabunkową eksploatacją zasobów naturalnych; niedbałością
o lasy, zwierzęta, oceany i ryby; zatruwaniem gleby,
wody i powietrza chemikaliami; eksploatacją i
prześladowaniem bliźnich; używaniem generujących
zło "pieniędzy" (zamiast wdrażania idukującego szczęście
ustroju nirwany);
zachłannością i nieposkromioną konsumpcją;
plastykiem i brakiem recyklingu dla śmieci;
generowaniem jedynie "brudnej i kosztownej energii"
przysparzającej bogactwo elitom, zaś unikaniem
wdrożeń już wypracowanych generatorów czystej
darmowej energii; coraz częstrzym brakiem
odpowiedzialnego wybierania na rządzących
swym krajem osób o nieskazitelnej moralności
jacy kierowaliby się troską o bliźnich; itd., itp.
Jako więc zawodowy naukowiec najpierw szkolony,
a następnie doświadczony, w dostrzeganiu tego na
co inni patrzą jednak
NIE widzą (Biblia: Mateusz 13:13-14,
Izajasz 6:9-10), odnotowałem w jakich obszarach
ludzkiego życia i jak głęboko popsucie poprawnych
zasad działania już się rozszerzyło. Obecnie dla
najważniejszych z tych obszarów, a ściślej dla
reprezentujących je "intelektów grupowych", mogę
więc dokładniej wskazać i na przykładach wyjaśnić
na czym popsucia te polegają. Uczynię to więc
poniżej w poświęconych im odrębnych podpunktach
niniejszego punktu #J2. Wszystkie z tych obszarów
(tj. "intelektów grupowych") mają jedną cechę wspólną,
mianowicie wszystkie one osiągnęły wyjaśniany w
punkcie #E3 z mojej strony
pajak_dla_prezydentury_2020.htm"100% poziom korupcji" - następstwem
jakiego jest "odwrócenie funkcji" jaką
dany intelekt grupowy faktycznie sprawuje, z
pierwotnie nadanej mu funkcji jaką oryginalnie
miał on sprawować, w nową funkcję jaka jest
całkowitą odwrotnością (czyli "zaprzeczeniem")
owej pierwotnej funkcji. Innymi słowy, we wszystkich
tych obszarach reprezentujące je intelekty grupowe
już obecnie wypełniają
funkcje, które są dokładnymi odwrotnościami (czyli
"przeciwieństwami") funkcji, do wypełniania których
oryginalnie intelekty te zostały powołane.
Czytając poniższe ich opisy warto jednak odnotować,
że w rzeczywistości tych obszarów i reprezentujących
je "intelektow grupowych" jest znacznie więcej. Tyle,
że omówienie ich wszystkich objętościowo jest
niemożliwe do zmieszczenia w ograniczonej
objętości niniejszej strony. Stąd poniższe przykłady
tak wyjaśniłem aby pozwalały one czytelnikowi
odnotowywać i rozumieć także większość
następnych z jakimi zapewne już się zetknął,
lub wkrótce się zetknie, w swym codziennym
życiu. Oto owe obszary:
Odwrócenie się ludzkości od Boga:
Aby odnotować jak bardzo niemal cała ludzkość
odwróciła się już od Boga, wystarczy w telewizji
oglądać reakcje np. na szalejącą w 2020 roku
pandemię "covid-19". Wszakże nawet jeśli ktoś
unika zważania co wokół naprawdę się dzieje,
ciągle wówczas choćby tylko poznanie treści Biblii
już mu ujawni iż jest to jedna z kataklizmicznych
kar, które ludzkość już na siebie ściągnęła swymi
zaniedbaniami funkcji i obowiązków do wypełniania
jakich Bóg oryginalnie ją stworzył. Ponadto
pełne i trwałe pokonanie tej pandemii NIE
nastąpi jeśli ludzkość NIE uzyska w tym
pomocy Boga. Na przekór tego, poza krajem
Gruzja, która jest jedynym państwem jakie oficjalnie uznało koronawirusa za przejaw gniewu i kary Boga
na całym dużym świecie żadne inne państwo ani
naród NIE zwróciło się oficjalnie i publicznie do
Boga o pomoc w zwalczeniu tej zarazy. Wszyscy widać
wierzą nawykłym do monopolu, kłamania i łatwych
jednak lukratywnych działań naukowcom, iż szalejącą
pandemię da się pokonać wyłącznie ateistycznie
poprzez użycie mocy "pieniądza" oraz bez
potrzeby udziału i pomocy Boga. Oczywiście, owo
odwrócenie się ludzi od Boga jest też już manifestowane
na rozliczne inne sposoby. Przytoczmy więc też
kilka innych jego przykładów:
Zaprzestanie publicznego używania przez ludzi
słowa Bóg.
Utrata umiejętności modlenia się - stąd np.
potrzeba "modlitwy budzenia się" jaką
przytoczyłem w punkcie #W3 swej strony
Zanik wysiłków obiektywnego badania
i poznawania naszego Boga - tj. dokonywania
badań w rodzaju jakie opisałem w punkcie
#I2 swej strony o nazwie
oraz w punktach #H1 do #H6 swej strony o nazwie
Ukrywanie dowodów iż faktycznie to jednak
Bóg istnieje -
tj. dowodów jakich istnienie wspominam w punktach
#J1 i #J2.2. Przykładowo, moich stron internetowych
prezentujących te naukowo wypracowane dowody
NIE daje się odszukać za pomocą powszechnie
używanych wyszukiwarek internetowych. Podobnie
zresztą wyszukiwarki zamyślnie unikają faktycznego
wyszukania na użytek zainteresowanych osób
opisów dowolnych innych z moich odkryć naukowych
i wynalazków - zwodząc szukających zastępowaniem
efektywnego wyszukiwania pozorami wyszukiwań.
Wyeliminowanie ze szkół nauczania jakichkolwiek
przedmiotów obiektywnie informujących o Bogu.
Usuwanie krzyży z miejsc publicznych.
Unikanie propagowania wiedzy o zjawiskach
jakie mógł zaprojektować i wdrożyć jedynie Bóg - np.
zjawiska szczęśliwości zapracowanej nirwany.
Unikanie naśladowania projektów Boga -
np. unikanie wdrożenia
ustroju nirwany,
czy chocby jedynie podjęcia publicznej dyskusji
nad merytem "ustroju nirwany".
Umieszczanie na autobusach ogłoszeń
"nie ma Boga" - przykład jakich opisałem
w punkcie #A2 swej strony
Plus wiele jeszcze innych sposobów - jakich NIE
będę tu już wyliczał.
Religie i ich kapłani którzy "odrzucają wiedzę"
(patrz Biblia, "Księga Ozeasza", 4:4-9):
Jeśli ktoś naprawdę wierzy w Boga, wówczas
chce Boga tego poznać jak najdokładniej.
Wszakże aby żyć w zgodzie z przykazaniami
i wymaganiami Boga, trzeba uważnie dowiedzieć
się wszystkiego na Jego temat. Tymczasem,
np. od 2007 roku w internecie dostępny jest
ów mój naukowo niepodważalny dowód formalny,
że jednak Bóg istnieje (patrz #G2 na w/w stronie
lub patrz wzmiankujący ów dowód półgodzinny
polskojęzyczny film z YouTube o tytule
"Dr Jan Pajak portfolio").
Na przekór jednak iż uważnie przeglądam wszystko
co znajdę na temat formalnego dowodzenia, że Bóg
istnieje, narazie nigdzie NIE natknąłem się aby
gdziekolwiek, którykolwiek kapłan, lub jakikolwiek
religijny program, oficjalnie choćby wspomniał istnienie
owego dowodu. Nawet jeszcze większym zawodem
dla ludzi może być, że kiedy w 2020 roku sformułowałem
nową "Teorię Życia", najdokładniej zaprezentowaną
w punktach #H1 do #H6 mojej strony o nazwie
ponownie żadna z religii NIE zainteresowała się jej
poznaniem. Tymczasem ta najnowsza "Teoria Życia
z 2020 roku" wskazuje nam jeszcze bardziej przełomowy
i dostępny dla każdego dowód na istnienie Boga - na
stronie "2020zycie.htm" opisywany w punktach #D1 do
#D5. Dowód ten dotychczas był przeaczany ponieważ
ograniczenia światopoglądowe "oficjalnej nauki
ateistycznej" uniemożliwiły jej odnotowanie
iż żadne "hardware"
wykonane wyłącznie z materii, bez użycia "software"
zaprogramowanego przez jakąś inteligentną istotę
NIE jest w stanie nabyć zdolności do "samouczenia
się" (czyli samo-wzbudzić w sobie
zarodek "samo-świadomości", a stąd i pobudzić
życie). Dzieje się tak ponieważ bez użycia
"software" tylko same "harware" NIE jest
w stanie modyfikować swych "twardych"
programów odrutowanych na stałe w jego materii
(jakie to programy powinny moc sterować jego
samo-uczeniem się i akumulowaniem już nabytej
wiedzy) - co sceptykom "wypunktowałem" w
"motto" do "części #A" z w/w strony o nazwie
i następnie potwierdziłem w punktach #D1 do #D5
wskazywanymi tam dedukcjami logicznymi i materiałem
dowodowym. To zaś oznacza, że obszerny materiał
dowodowy jaki udokumentowałem na tamtej stronie
"2020zycie.htm" dowodzi równocześnie iż nawet
gdyby z materii móc stworzyć np. doskonałe hardware
ciała człowieka, ciągle bez "wtchnięcia" w nie sofwarowej
"duszy" jaką istotom z materii dostarczają przeciw-materialne
"Drobiny Boga", ciało to niestety NIE byłoby
w stanie samo pobudzić się do życia - czyli dowodzi
iż "gdyby NIE istniał Bóg,
NIE istniałoby też życie istot z materii" -
co praktycznie oznacza również iż każdy z nas nosi
w samym sobie empiryczny dowód, że Bóg istnieje,
przyjmujący formę prawdy wyrażonej
stwierdzeniem: "skoro ja
żyję, to samo jest już dowodem iż Bóg istnieje" -
po szczegóły rozważ tezę (1) z punktu #A2 mojej strony o nazwie
Ponadto ta moja "Teoria Życia z 2020 roku" naprawia
brzemienny w niszczycielskich następstwach błąd jaki
kapłani popełniają w interpretacji Biblii wmawiając
bezpodstawnie, że "życie zaczyna się w momencie
zapłodnienia", podczas gdy faktycznie w Biblii
zakodowane są informacje dowodzące iż "życie
zaczyna się dopiero w momencie złapania pierwszego
oddechu" (czyli tuż przed chwilą przerwania
pępowiny) - patrz (e) z punktu #H3 owej strony
Powszechny upadek respektu do natury
i wynikające z tego wyniszczanie natury:
Najlepszym przykładem tego wyniszczania jest
nieustające zaśmiecanie ziemi plastykiem
jednorazowego użytku. Na przekór bowiem,
że od lat już wiemy jak wyniszcza naturę to
zaśmiecanie, oraz na przekór iż zarzucenie jego
kontynuowania jest łatwe, nadal je eskalujemy
zamiast zupełnie wyeliminować. Nadal też rządy
ociągają się z wdrażaniem posunięć jakie łatwo
mogłyby powstrzymać wyniszczanie natury.
Oczywiście, wyniszczanie to obejmuje więcej
niż jedynie masywną produkcję plastyku
jednorazowego użytku połaczone z brakiem
recyklingu - np. obejmuje też zatruwanie
gleby, wody i powietrza chemikaliami, zabijanie
i wytruwanie zwierząt oraz owadów (np. pszczół),
wycinanie lasów, niszczycielską eksploatację
zasobów naturalnych, używanie jedynie "brudnej
energii" jaka elitom gwarantuje dochody (zamiast
"czystej energii"
jaką każdy może dla siebie generować za darmo),
itd., itp.
Ustroje polityczne nadal wyłącznie panujące na Ziemi
jakie bazując na "pieniądzach" dla wymuszania pracy od
ludzi zamęczają naszych bliźnich i jednocześnie paraliżują
wszelkie próby udoskonalenia zasad zarządzania ludzkością:
Ludzkość od dawna już się przekonała, że aby
znaleźć najdoskonalsze rowiązanie dla jakiegokolwiek
problemu, trzeba wzorować się na sposobie jakim
Bóg rozwiązał ów problem (co w dzisiejszych
czasach, kiedy ludzie "wstydzą" się używania
słowa Bóg, nazywane jest "kopiowaniem
natury"). Zgodnie z tą zasadą, także ustanowienie
na Ziemi najdoskonalszego ustroju politycznego
nastąpi tylko jeśli ludzie skopiują dla siebie ustrój
zaprojektowany przez Boga. Tylko też taki zaprojektowany
przez Boga i stąd bliski doskonałości ustrój polityczny
jest w stanie uczynić wszystkich ludzi szczęśliwymi,
a jednocześnie powodować wzrost prawości, zamożności,
wiedzy, techniki, oraz poziomu ucywilizowania całej
ludzkości. Tak zaś się składa, że już obecnie jest
wiadomym relatywnie dokładnie jak ma działać ustrój
polityczny zaprojektowany przez Boga. Jedyne więc
co jeszcze potrzeba, to wdrożyć ów boski ustrój na
Ziemi. Wszakże jego zarządzająca ludźmi składowa
opisana jest Biblią w pierwszej (Księga Rodzaju)
oraz ostatniej (Apokalipsa św. Jana) jej księgach. Z opisów
tych daje się wyczytać, że faktycznego zarządzania ludźmi
dokonywać będzie zgromadzenie świętych -
odpowiednikiem którego w dzisiejszych czasach mogłyby
być obecne demokratyczne rządy - gdyby każdy ich
uczestnik był wyselekcjonowany szczególnie pedantycznie
pod względem nieskazitelności jego moralności i charakteru
oraz poziomu wiedzy i doświadczenia (tak jak starannego
wyselekcjonowania swych świętych dokonuje Bóg).
Ponadto działania owego zgromadzenia świętych
będzie uważnie nadzorował sam Jezus - dysponujący
wiedzą Boga, a stąd w zarządzaniu ludźmi Jezus będzie
wypełniał funkcję "autorytetu weryfikującego"
jaki w ludzkich rządach dopilnowałby poprawności
wszystkiego co dany rząd (w przypadku Jezusa - co
zgromadzenie świętych) ustanowi, czyli ustrzegłby
decyzje rządowe przed popełnianiem błędów i
wypaczań. Niestety, na Ziemi poza jedynym wyjątkiem
krajów uznających zwierzchnictwo królowej Anglii
(tj. np. poza Anglią, Australią, Kanadą, Nową Zelandią),
żaden inny kraj na świecie narazie NIE wprowadził jeszcze
takiego "autorytetu weryfikującego". To dlatego w moich
staraniach o wystawienie swej kandydatury do wyborów
prezydenckich w Polsce ja właśnie postulowałem stworzenie
dopilnowującego poprawności działania rządu Polski
tzw. "urzędu weryfikującego" jaki opisałem
dokładniej we WSTĘPie, oraz w #A3.1 z punktu #A3,
swej internetowej strony wyborczej o nazwie
Niestety, tamto wystawienie mojej kandydatury w wyborach
na Prezydenta Polski NIE doszło do skutku z powodu już
obecnie skorumpowanego polskiego prawa wyborczego -
jakie odwrotnie niż ma to miejsce np. w Nowej Zelandii
(gdzie bez problemu mogłem wystawić swą kandydaturę
w wyborach z 2014 roku),
w Polsce to skorumpowane prawo skrycie wymaga
aby stający do wyborów dysponował znacznym zasobem
"pieniędzy", zysków i majątku, czyli jakie to prawo skrycie
popiera wyłącznie blokujące postęp i doskonalenie rządy
bogaczy, zaś spycha w dół innowacje jakie standardowo
są wypracowywane przez doświadczanych ubóstwem ludzi.
Konieczność zaś istnienia takiego "urzędu weryfikującego"
dla nadzorowania właściwego działania ziemskich rządów,
jest NIE tylko potwierdzana w/w stwierdzeniami Biblii,
ale także sporym empirycznym materiałem dowodowym.
Jednym z przykładów tego materiału, jest obecna sytuacja
na świecie kiedy rządy krajów jakie NIE posiadają jakiejś
formy takiego "autorytetu lub urzędu weryfikującego",
stopniowo jeden po drugim padają ofiarami korupcji,
przewrotów, przejmowania przez armię, militaryzacji,
dyktatorskich tendencji najsilniejszych lub
najbogatszych z uczestników ich rządu, itp. Innym
zaś przykładem takiego materiału dowodowego, jest
nietypowo trwała i sprawnie działająca demokracja
w rządach nadzorowanych przez królową Anglii (tj.
np. w rządach Anglii, Australii, Kanady, czy Nowej
Zelandii). Wygląda więc na to, że tylko samo istnienie
kogoś posiadającego autorytet nad członkami rządów
i NIE podlegającego ich zapędom ani próbom pozbycia
się (np. istnienie monarchy, króla, królowej, itp.), już
wystarcza aby NIE rodziły się w gronie ich rządzących
polityków niemal żadne tendencje do podejmowania
prób nielegalnego przejęcia lub przedłużania swej
władzy, do dyktatorstwa, niemoralnego zachowania,
itp. Wielka szkoda, że polskie prawo wyborcze zostało
ustanowione w aż tak wypaczony sposób - jaki uniemożliwił
mi stanięcie do wyborów prezydenckich i uświadomienie
Polakom zalet posiadania "urzędu weryfikującego". Warto
też odnotować, że w rządzie Jezusa NIE będzie
"demokratycznie wybieranego sejmu/parlamentu".
Wszakże wybory NIE są w stanie zastąpić uważnego
selekcjonowania najlepszych kandydatów do aż tak
odpowiedzialnej pozycji. Dlatego moim zdaniem
kolejnym usprawnieniem
metod rządzenia się ludzi, powinno być ograniczenie
demokratycznych wyborów do jedynie roli wybierania
reprezentantów wszelkich warstw narodu jacy potem
stworzą "panel dokonujący wywiadów i badań nastawionych
na wyselekcjonowanie uczestników rządu następnej
kadencji" oraz "rządu w oczekiwaniu" -
któremu powinien byc nadany obowiązek "uczenia"
sie poprzez wypełnianie funkcji kompetycji i dzisiejszej
"opozycji" w krajach demokracji. Innymi słowy, takie
usprawnienie utrzymałoby demokrację, a jednocześnie
wyeliminowałoby obecne jej wady i niedoskonałości -
np. kupowanie dla siebie udziału w rządach wyłącznie
przez bogaczy lub przez ich poleczników (kukiełki).
Wszakże wybrani w powszechnych wyborach
reprezentanci narodu wówczas wcale NIE dokonywaliby
jakichkolwiek funkcji prawodawczych czy zarządzających,
a jedynie po swym wybraniu dokonywaliby selekcji
członków przyszłego aktualnego rządu i jego konkurencji
"w oczekiwaniu" poprzez przeprowadzanie długich
i pracochłonnych wywiadów każdego z kandydatów
do przyszłego rządu oraz poprzez badania charakterów,
wiedzy, doświadczenia, dorobku, historii, itp.,
owych kandydatów. Po zaś wyselekcjonowaniu
uczestników rządu na jedną następną kadencję
o długości 7 lat, odpowiednik obecnych sejmów
i parlamentów byłby rozwiązywany, zaś po 7
latach wybierany byłby następny z nowego
zestawu kandydatów do tego urzędu. Z kolei
odgórnego nadzorowanie działań rządu byłoby
wtedy przejmowane przez wyżej wymieniony
"urząd weryfikujący", zaś "opozycyjnego" sprawdzania
i krytykowania - przez równoległy "rząd w oczekiwaniu".
Oczywiście, mądre rządzenie narodem wymaga znacznie
więcej niż tylko posiadanie "rządu" oraz "urzędu
weryfikującego" jaki nadzorowałby moralną poprawność
pracy tego rządu. Dalsze wymagania doskonałego rządu
opisuje starożytna tzw. "Kabała" - zaś ja
streściłem ją w punkcie #J5 swej strony o nazwie
Wyjaśnia ona jak decyzje rządowe powinny sterować
postępowaniem narodu, a także jak intensywnie rząd
powinien stosować "sprzężenie zwrotne" komunikacji
z zarządzanym narodem. Jeszcze jedną zaś istotną
składową doskonałego rządzenia się narodu i dokonywania
przez naród produkcji dóbr oraz codziennego życia
wyjaśnia polityczny tzw. "ustrój nirwany" -
streszczenie jakiego zawarłem w punkcie #C7 swej strony o nazwie
oraz we WSTĘPie do strony o nazwie
zaś jaki szerzej opisałem w punktach #A1 do #A4 swej strony o nazwie
(Odnotuj jak dalekie zarządzanie produkcją dobr przez
"ustrój nirwany" jest od używających "pieniędzy"
ustrojów które nierządem stoją.)
Chociaż bowiem ów "ustrój nirwany" wypracowałem
ja sam na bazie osobiście przeze mnie doświadczonego
zjawiska nirwany, jednak jest oczywistym iż
to Bóg je zaprojektował i wbudował w ciała ludzi (np.
patrz punkt #A1 strony
zaś informacje o nim mądrze i przewidująco zakodował
w Biblii (np. odnotuj iż w bibilijnych opisach boskiego
ustroju szczęśliwości nigdzie NIE są nawet wzmiankowane
"pieniądze", za to powtarzalnie mówią one o szczęściu,
zasobności, braku łez i cierpień, itp.). Nie będę tu nawet
wyjaśniał, jak bardzo wszystkie ustroje obecnie panujące
na Ziemi odbiegają od wskazywanego powyżej ustroju
jakiego ochotnicze wdrożenie przez narody dyskretnie
sugeruje nam Bóg. Wszakże niemal wszystkie ludzkie
ustroje bazują albo na czyjejś zniewalającej ludzi
"dyktaturze", albo też na generujących
zło "pieniądzach" z jakiejś formy pozbawionej
autorytatywnego nadzoru "demokracji" -
który to brak nadzoru czyni z demokracji rodzaj
"samobójczego ustroju" jaki w swej
poprawnej formie jest w stanie wytrwać tylko
szokująco krótko. Żaden też z nich NIE osiągnął
też na tyle wysokiego poziomu doskonałości, aby
NIE powodować eksploatacji i prześladowania
najważniejszej składowej żyjącej pod nim ludności,
aby NIE wyniszczać natury, aby móc nieustająco
budować postęp i dobrobyt, oraz aby być pozbawionym
niebezpieczeństwa samobójczego upadku. W chwili
obecnej niemal też żaden rząd NIE służy już
swemu narodowi w całych 100% - co każdy
uważny obserwator powinien być w stanie odnotować
z tego co obecnie dzieje się na świecie. Zamiast więc wymyślać
"ustroje-dziwolągi", które są przyczyną nieustannie
narastającego cierpienia żyjących pod nimi ludzi,
także w organizacji rządzenia zacznijmy kopiować
Boga i stopniowo wprowadzajmy ustrój polityczny
bazujący na wzorcach opisanych w Biblii i w innych
źródłach wiedzy udostępnianych nam przez Boga.
Wszakże z moich badań metod działania Boga
jednoznacznie wynika, że aby Bóg uznał posłuszeństwo
i dojrzałość naszej cywilizacji za godne przejścia do
następnej fazy i ery naszego rozwoju,
ludzie sami muszą
najpierw zdobyć się na odwagę i umiejętność
wypracowania doskonale działającego rządu i narodu,
zanim Bóg przyśle im Jezusa aby przejął dalsze
nadzorowanie życia narodu i rządu który w ten sposób
wykazał swoją pełną dojrzałość moralną i intelektualną.
Czyli przez tak długo aż "intelekt grupowy" całej naszej
cywilizacji NIE zapracuje sobie ochotniczym przestrzeganiem
praw i wymogów Boga, zaś wypełnianiem zakodowanego
w tekście modlitwy "Ojcze nasz ..." opisywanego poniżej w
punkcie #J2.7 wymogu "jak w niebie tak i na ziemi"
NIE zasłuży sobie na nagrodę przybycia Jezusa aby awansować
tym ludzkość do następnej fazy i ery rozwoju, życie na ziemi
będzie podobnie jak obecnie pełne cierpienia i ludzkiej
niegodziwości, z kolei mieszkańcy ziemi będą powtarzalnie
doświadczali iż poprzez łamanie praw i wymogów Boga
nadal jeszcze NIE zasługują aby ich los grupowy uległ
drastycznej poprawie.
Monopolistyczna "oficjalna nauka ateistyczna", nadal
ograniczająca swe zainteresowania wyłącznie do "materii"
i do "świata fizycznego" - jakie reprezentują mniej niż
zaledwie jedną czwartą całości wiedzy oczekującej
poznania, oraz kładąca największy nacisk na "pamiętanie"
zamiast na "myślenie":
"Wszystkich ludzi można podzielić na "pamiętaczy"
oraz na "myślicieli" - pierwsza grupa których stanowi
ogromną większość mieszkańców Ziemi jakim "myślenie"
najwyraźniej sprawia ból bowiem całe życie zabiegają
o utrzymanie niezmienionymi nawet najszkodliwszych dla
ludzkości sytuacji i postępowań pamiętanych z przeszłości
a pozwalających im wieść wygodne i pozbawione wysiłku
myślenia życie, stąd usilnie zwalczają ową niewielką garstkę
"myślicieli" których uważają za swe największe zagrożenie
ponieważ ci bez ustanku usiłują naprawiać świat i wprowadzać
postęp poprzez eliminowanie, zmianę lub udoskonalanie tego
co służy zasiewaniu zła i blokowaniu postępu."
(Podsumowanie moich doświadczeń jako "myśliciel".)
Oficjalna nauka ateistyczna ogranicza swe
zainteresowania wyłącznie do materii i do
świata fizycznego stworzonego z owej materii.
Tymczasem, jak już od 1985 roku wyjaśnia
to i podpiera niezliczonymi dowodami moja
Teoria Wszystkiego
zwana także
Koncept Dipolarnej Grawitacji,
nauka ta ignoruje cały ogromny przeciw-świat
z substancji jakiego (tj. z przeciw-materii) stworzona
została nasza materia i wszystko co zawarte w
naszym świecie fizycznym - po szczegóły patrz
punkt #I2 z mojej autobiograficznej strony o nazwie
lub punkt #H3 z innej mojej strony o nazwie
Ponadto, ta oficjalna nauka nawprowadzała w
swych tradycjach, prowadzeniu się, filozofii,
metodach badawczych, traktowaniu przedmiotów
swych badań i ludzi, ukrywaniu prawdy i
promowaniu lukratywnych kłamstw, itp.,
aż tyle wypaczeń, że stała się jedną z wiodących
przyczyn obecnego upadku naszej cywilizacji.
Aczkolwiek choćby tylko spisanie wszystkich
jej przewinień zajęłoby objętość znacznie
większą niż może zajmować niniejsza strona,
wskaże tutaj kilka najbardziej szkodliwych dla
ludzkości z nich. I tak, ukrywa ona przed ludzkością
istnienie Boga, chociaż bez przerwy natyka
się na dowody iż Bóg istnieje - po ich przykłady
patrz punkty #E1, #E2 oraz #F1 i #F2 z mojej strony o nazwie
Bazuje swe fundamenty filozoficzne (np. swoją
"teorię wielkiego bangu", czy twierdzenie iż
pole grawitacyjne ma monopolarną naturę) na
przesłankach typu "przesunięcie ku czerwieni"
albo na naukowo NIE sprawdzonym założeniu
o "monopolarnej naturze grawitacji" - które to
przesłanki już przy pierwszym sprawdzeniu
ujawniają swe pochodzenie z zupełnie odmiennych
zjawisk niż nauka ta uznała (po wyjaśnienia patrz
WSTĘP oraz punkty #A1, #A2, #D2 i #D2.1 na mojej stronie
W swej fundamentalnej teorii o rozbieganiu się i ucieczce
galatyk ignoruje elementarny problem "zmiany gęstości i
praw natury" powodowanej tym rozbieganiem się, które gdyby
faktycznie miało miejsce wówczas uniemożliwiłoby istnienie życia -
tymczasem aby prawa natury były trwałe, gęstość przeciw-materii
musi być stała, czyli wszechświat musi posiadać nieskończone
rozmiary (po szczegóły patrz punkt #D4 na mojej stronie o nazwie
Włączyła się do działań "elitarnego kartelu" instytucji
obejmujących (1) oficjalną naukę, (2) korporacje
sprzedające energię, (3) banki, (4) polityków i rządy,
oraz (5) kapłanów - który za pomocą najróżniejszych
spychających w dół posunięć (w rodzaju postulowania
"praw termodynamiki" jakie rzekomo uniemożliwiają
budowanie generatorów czystej darmowej energii)
utrzymuje ludzkość w ciemnocie, w zniewoleniu, oraz
w podporządkowaniu mocy pieniędzy - po szczegóły
patrz np. punkt #D3 na stronie
Zaprzecza iż wogóle istnieją powszechnie odnotowywane
zjawiska i manifestacje, które dowodzą braku kompetencji,
wiedzy, oraz właściwych metod badawczych w praktykach
oficjalnej nauki ateistycznej - tj. zaprzecza np. masowo
odnotowywanym zjawiskom manifestacji istnienia wehikułów
UFO (po ich wyjaśnienie patrz np. punkt #B1 strony o nazwie
czy np. ignoruje zbiór dowodów empirycznych na techniczne
indukowanie tornad i huraganów (jakie to dowody empiryczne
zestawia np. punkt #J4 ze strony
W badaniach ludzi nauka ta celowo pomija ich "moralność" -
co zupełnie unieważnia uzyskane wyniki, tak jak
wyjaśnia to punkt #B3 na mojej stronie o nazwie
Całkowicie usuwa z obszaru swych zainteresowań
badawczych wszystkie zjawiska jakie NIE są związane
z istnieniem, cechami czy manifestacjami materii,
na przekór iż to te właśnie zjawiska wywierają najsilniejszy
wpływ na losy ludzi - np. rozważ stosunek oficjalnej
nauki ateistycznej do "karmy" (patrz punkt #A4 strony
przeciw-organu popularnie zwanego "sumienie" (patrz punkt #A1 strony
"energii moralnej" i "nirwany" (patrz punkt #D3 strony
albo do "chorób duszy" (patrz punkt #F11 strony
Oczywiście, powyższe to tylko kilka przykładów z
ogromnej puli kłamstw i zwodzeń popełnianych
przez instytucję "oficjalnej nauki ateistycznej". Linki do
szeregu dalszych takich zestawów, moja strona o nazwie
podaje pod hasłem "przykłady kłamstw szerzonych
przez starą (dzisiejszą) oficjalną naukę ateistyczną".
Czyż więc nie jest już najwyższy czas abyśmy
"obudzili się"
ze zmory tolerowania wypaczeń tej zazdrośnie strzegącej
swego monopolu oficjalnej nauki ateistycznej i jej
"zapatrzenia się w materię"? Czyż jest właściwym NIE
podejmowanie dyskusji i rozważań na temat oficjalnego
ustanowienia dla niej konkurencji, jaka będzie "patrzała
jej na ręce" i korygowała upowszechniane przez nią
kłamstwa. Konkurencja taka wszakże już istnieje. Nazywa
się "nauką totaliztyczną" jaką opisałem
w punktach #C1 i #C6 na swej stronie o nazwie
Tyle że narazie składa się na nią tylko jeden naukowiec (czyli ja,
dr inż Jan Pająk)
aby zaś mogła skutecznie konkurować z ogromnie już
rozbudowaną "oficjalną nauką ateistyczną" jaka przejęła
już niemal wszelkie badania i całą edukację, tę nową
naukę powinna reprezentować co najmniej jedna uczelnia
danego kraju. Aby zaś szybko ponaprawiać to co stara
"oficjalna nauka ateistyczna" już zdołała zrujnować, na
dodatek do oficjalnego ustanowienia takich uczelni
uprawiających nową "naukę totaliztyczną", trzebaby też
możliwie szybko powprowadzać do szkół i do uczelni nauczanie
Konceptu Dipolarnej Grawitacji i
filozofii totalizmu.
Nieprzerwane używanie "pieniędzy" - jakie są
głównym powodem niemal wszelkiego zła na Ziemi:
Od 2006 roku publikuję swą stronę o nazwie
w punktach #A1 do #A4 której proponowany jest
do pokojowego wprowadzenia na Ziemi idealny
ustrój polityczny zarządzający codziennym życiem
ludzi a zaprojektowany przez Boga. Ustrój ten
bazuje na ochotniczym i pozbawionym
użycia "pieniędzy" generowaniu pracy produkującej
dobra konsumpcyjne, napędzanym dążeniem
wszystkich ludzi do prowadzenia wysoce
szczęśliwego życia jakie jest w stanie im
zapewnić niezwykłe zjawisko moralne
zapracowanej nirwany.
Stąd ustrój ten nazywany jest
"ustrojem nirwany".
Wprowadzenie "ustroju nirwany" pozwoliłoby
naszej cywilizacji całkowicie i trwale pozbyć
się "pieniędzy", a tym samym pozbyć się też
najróżniejszych form zniewalania i wyniszczania
ludzi generowanych wypaczającym ludzkie
charaktery działaniem "pieniędzy". Ponadto,
wraz z pozbyciem się pieniędzy ludzkość pozbyłaby
się także długiej listy innych plag wynikających
z roli pieniędzy jako źródła strachu, wymuszania,
zachłanności, wyzysku, nierówności społecznej,
niesprawiedliwości, rewolucji, wojen, konfliktujących
ze sobą ideologii wyrosłych z "kapitału", nadmiernej
eksploatacji surowców naturalnych, blokowania
rozwoju nowych technologii w rodzaju "perpetuum
mobile" czy generatorow "czystej darmowej
energii", itd., itp. Plagi te wszakże prześladują
praktycznie całość ludzkości, tylko ponieważ
dotychczasowe ustroje polityczne powdrażały
je na Ziemi w celu utrzymywania roboczych
klas w mocy pieniędzy oraz w posłusznym
wykonywaniu wytypowanych dla nich rodzajów prac.
Ludzkie prawa jakie coraz bardziej odbiegają
od przykazań i wymagań osądzanych przez Boga:
Najlepiej ową niedoskonałość praw ludzkich w
porównaniu do praw ustanowionych przez Boga
widać po tym na czym skupiają one swoją uwagę.
Przykładowo, ludzkie
prawa koncentrują się wyłącznie na procesach i
działaniach jakie ktoś zrealizował -
tj. na tym co ktoś uczynił, albo niewłaściwego
powiedział, albo wytknął prawdę ważnej figurze,
itp. Tymczasem prawa
ustanowione przez Boga zawsze skupiają swoją
uwagę na OWOCACH czyjegoś działania -
przykładowo na tym czy jego działanie doprowadziło
do nakarmienia głodnego, poprawienia życia bliźnich,
itp. (tj. "po owocach ich
poznacie" - patrz Biblia, Mateusz
7:16-20, Łukasz 6:43-45, Jakub 3:10-12,18).
Jak zaś zapewne każdy już się przekonał, tylko owoce
są jednoznaczne, np. zabił, zgwałcił, nakarmił,
obdarzył, dopomógł, itp. Natomiast procesy
i działania zawsze obarczone są całą masą
niejednoznaczności stąd można je interpretować
na najróżniejsze sposoby. W rezultacie więc
takiego skupiania się wyłącznie na procesach
i działaniach jakie ktoś zrealizował,
wymierzana przez ludzkie prawa jest nieobiektywna
i zależy wyłącznie od umiejętności prawników
w interpretowaniu owych procesów lub działań.
Wszakże dobrze opłacony prawnik zawsze potrafi
znaleźć i wmówić reszcie taką intepretację działań
klientów, jaka przechyla wymiar sprawiedliwości
na ich korzyść. Doskonalym przykładem jest tu
wypowiedź z około 12 lutego 2021 roku w której
Szef Olimpiady w Tokio, Yoshiro Mori,
stwierdził iż kobiety
mówią zbyt dużo, stąd powinno zacząć się ograniczać
długość każdej wypowiedzi. Stąd skupienie
się przez nieobiektywną kobiecą opinię wyłącznie na
osądzaniu procesu czyli jego wypowiedzi, zamiast
na "owocach" do zrodzenia jakich wypowiedź ta
starała się doprowadzić, spowodowało jego usunięcie
z japońskiego komitetu olimpijskiego. Tymczasem
gdyby rozważyć meryt "owoców" tej wypowiedzi,
wówczas w ramach wdrażanego obecnie
równouprawnienia być może w końcu ludzkość
dorobiłaby się pierwszych zasad i tradycji
ograniczania rozwlekłych wypowiedzi na oficjalnych
forach, treść których zwykle daje się wyrazić jednym
zdaniem. Oczywiście, ludzkie prawa kryją znacznie
więcej podobnych niedoskonałości, końcowym
wynikiem jest serwowanie niesprawiedliwości
zamiast prawości. Innym przykładem niedoskonałości
ludzkich praw są tzw. "Prawa
Prywatności" - które strachem, siłą i karami wmuszają
ludziom zatajanie i zakazują ujawniania prawdy o
niegodziwościach jakie ktoś im znany uprzednio
już popełnił. Tymczasem zgodnie
z wymogiem zakodowanym w słowach niemal
każdemu znanej modlitwy "Ojcze nasz ...
(wersety 6:9-13 z biblijnej "Ew. w/g św. Mateusza"),
sytuacja ludzkości powinna spełniać wymóg iż
"jak w niebie tak i na ziemi" - na co staram się
zwrócić uwagę ludzi w punkcie #W1 swej strony o nazwie
Z Biblii zaś wiemy (werset 15:3 z "Księgi Przysłów"), iż
patrzą na nas z nieba i - cytuję: "Na
każym miejscu są oczy Pańskie, dobrych i złych wypatrują."
My także więc mamy obowiązek aby na ziemi czynić
to samo. Niestety, na ziemi terroryzujące wszystkich
"Prawa Prywatności" uniemożliwiają licznym oczom
bliźnich "wypatrywanie dobrych i złych". Stąd dzięki
tym prawom coraz większa grupa z tych co powinni
być wypatrywani może bezkarnie i zupełnie
otwarcie odnosić korzyści z eksploatowania
i wyniszczania naszej cywilizacji i natury,
zniechęcając jednocześnie resztę ludzi do
wypatrywania i brania za swój wzorzec tych
coraz nieliczniejszych osób co nadal czynią
dobro. Oczywiście, powyższe to to tylko dwa
przykłady z ogromnej liczby generujących
niesprawiedliwość wypaczeń ludzkiego
prawodawstwa - które powinno starać się
naśladować mądrość
praw Boga, zamiast dotychczasowego
wdrażania usilnego przeciwstawiania się temu
co Bóg w swej wszechwiedzy ustanowił.
Skoro więc już wiemy co najważniejszego się popsuło
w poszczególnych obszarach życia naszej cywilizacji,
rozważmy jak zabrać się za naprawę i odbudowę:
Niestety, z naprawą tego co w naszej cywilizacji
już się popsuło odczekiwaliśmy aż tak długo, że
obecnie na naprawę
jest już zbyt późno. Stąd zamiast
naprawy konieczna już będzie odbudowa.
Efektywna zaś odbudowa naszej cywilizacji faktycznie
wymaga całkowitej przebudowy zasad działania
na jakich cywilizacja ta operuje, a także dogłębnego
zreformowania całej jej struktury społecznej.
Niestety, aby móc to pokojowo i z sukcesem
dokonać, konieczne jest ekstremalnie ostrożne
działanie. Wszakże wiele krajów i narodów
ma już arsenały nuklearne zdolne wielokrotnie
zamienić w promieniotworczą pustynię całą naszą
planetę i aż kilka razy pouśmiercać wszystkich jej
mieszkańców. Co gorsza, głowami sporej już liczby
państw są osoby w literaturze opisywane pod nazwą
korporacyjni psychopaci -
zachowania jakich dosyć dobrze ilustruje początkowa
część angielskojęzycznej satyrycznej komedii filmowej o tytule
The Dictator.
Oni zaś np. aby zapobiec utraceniu swej władzy
nad bliźnimi są gotowi wysadzić całą planetę w
powietrze i wyzabijać wszystkich ludzi - do czego
zresztą niektórzy z nich już się zabrali zaczynając
od stopniowego odstrzeliwania buntujących się
przeciwko ich władzy uczystników narodu jakim
zarządzają i o dobro jakiego z tytułu zajmowanego
urzędu powinni się troszczyć. Nie trudno więc sobie
wyobrazić (lub zgadnąć) jak by się zachowali, gdyby
odnotowali iż właśnie stwarza się sytuacja kiedy rządzona
przez nich ludność np. ochotniczo podejmuje wdrażanie
ustroju nirwany
skrótowo opisywanego we "WSTĘPie" do niniejszej
strony a także w punkcie #C7 strony o nazwie
Wszakże ów "ustrój nirwany" NIE tylko uszczęśliwiłby
naród nad jakim dotychczas mogli do woli się wyżywać,
ale także spowodowałby iż władza byłaby im odebrana,
a na dodatek zamiast tylko wydawać rozkazy, sami
też nie mieliby innego wyjścia niż zakasać rękawy i
jak wszyscy inni ludzie zapracować sobie na nirwanę
osobiście wykonywaną ciężką fizyczną tzw.
"pracą moralną".
Mając więc powyższe na uwadze, opisy sposobów
jak ekstremalnie ostrożnie, pokojowo i demokratycznie
przeprowadzić wymaganą odbudowę, będę starał się
uważnie przygotować w przyszłości, zaś kiedy będą
już gotowe, opublikuję je w odmiennej, poświęconej
im części niniejszej strony.
Część #K:
Uczmy się jak żyć w sytuacji kiedy wszyscy jesteśmy
studentami w najdoskonalszej i jednocześnie
najtrudniejszej uczelni świata zwanej Ziemia, którą
kończy z sukcesem prawdopodobnie mniej niż tylko
jeden na milion zaczynających naukę.
Motto tej części #K:
"Uprawiaj prawdę, ochotniczość, przysparzanie wiedzy
i doświadczenia, oraz jednomyślność w zaufaniu Bogu."
(Końcowy wniosek i rekomendacja "Teorii Życia z 2020
roku" opisywanej w "części #H" (tj. punktach #H1 do #H7) strony
jaka wskazuje jak każdy z nas indywidualnie i grupowo
wszyscy z nas razem wzięci mogą uniknąć niszczycielskich
następstw uprawiania kłamstwa, wymuszania, blokowania
wiedzy i doświadczania, oraz odwracania się od Boga, bliżnich
i natury poprzez odrzucanie tego co jest prawdą ochotniczością, wiedzą,
doświadczeniem oraz jednomyślnością w zaufaniu Bogu.)
Czym się kierować w naszym życiu na planecie Ziemia,
o której trzech najważniejszych "świadków", tj. (a) wszystkie
procesy logicznego wnioskowania, (b) poprawna interpretacja
wersetów z treści Biblii, oraz (c) empiryczny materiał dowodowy
wywodzący się z otaczającej nas rzeczywistości, jednogłośnie
nas upewniają, że żyjemy w najdoskonalszej i jednocześnie
najtrudniejszej dla sukcesu jej ukończenia uczelni wszechświata:
Niniejszy punkt #K1 jest rodzajem kontynuacji
punktu #I2 z mojej autobiograficznej strony o nazwie
pajak_jan.htm oraz
punktu #H1 z innej mojej strony o nazwie
2020zycie.htm -
w obu których informowałem swych czytelników,
między innymi, że moja naukowa
Teoria Wszystkiego z 1985 roku
(zwana także
Koncept Dipolarnej Grawitacji)
niepodważalnie już udowodniła iż
Bóg istnieje,
oraz że jeśli w swym życiu chcemy na czymś się
opierać co do czego mamy niezachwianą pewność
iż jest to absolutną prawdą, wówczas musimy mieć
aż trzech niezależnych od siebie "świadków",
którzy prawdę tego czegoś jednogłośnie nam
potwierdzają, tj. ową prawdę muszą jednogłośnie
potwierdzać: (a) wszystkie procesy logicznego
wnioskowania, (b) interpretacja wersetów w
treści Bibli, oraz (c) empiryczny materiał dowodowy
wywodzący się z otaczającej nas rzeczywistości.
Jako więc kontynuacja stwierdzeń tamtych punktów
#I2 i #H1, niniejszy punkt #K1 stara się wyjaśnić
na bazie mojej wiedzy i życiowego doświadczenia
czym powinniśmy się kierować w naszym życiu na
planecie Ziemia, o której to planecie powyższych
"3 świadków" już nas jednogłośnie upewnia, iż
jest ona rodzajem najidealniejszej, a jednocześnie
najtrudniejszej do ukończenia z sukcesem, uczelni
W swoim życiu badacza i nauczyciela nieustająco
poszukującego prawdy poczym staczającego zaciekłe
batalie z mocami zła o prawo do zaprezentowania
innym ludziom prawd jakie już zdołałem poustalać,
wiem z doświadczenia iż każde moje stwierdzenie
będzie potem podważane, ośmieszane i blokowane
przez licznych popleczników mocy zła. Chociaż więc
wszystko co stwierdzam bazuję na uprzednio już
ustalonych przez siebie prawdach, lepiej jeśli niniejszy
punkt rozpocznę od uzasadnienia prawdy kluczowego
stwierdzenia z poprzedniego paragrafu, tj. od
stwierdzenia iż żyjemy
w najidealniejszej chociaż jednocześnie najtrudniejszej
do ukończenia z sukcesem uczelni wszechświata.
Każda osoba ma wprawdzie wyobrażenie jak wygląda
typowa uczelnia, stąd wie iż zwykle wcale z wyglądu
NIE jest ona podobna do naszej matki Ziemi. Niestety,
każda osoba NIE wie przy tym, że typowa uczelnia
jest też bardzo daleką od bycia idealną czy trudną do
ukończenia z sukcesem. (Tak jednak się składa, że
ja już to doświadczyłem - wszakże pracowałem jako
wykładowca, badacz, uważny obserwator, oraz poszukiwacz
prawdy w aż dziesięciu odmiennych uczelniach z pięciu -
a naprawdę to niemal z sześciu, krajów świata, tj.
pracowałem na: (1) Politechnice Wrocławskiej, (2)
University of Canterbury, (3) Southland Community
College, (4) Otago University, (5) Eastern Mediterranean
University, (6) University of Malaya, (7) University
Malaysia Sarawak, (8) Aoraki Polytechnic, (9) Wellington
Institute of Technology, oraz (10) Ajou University.)
Typową uczelnię ludzie zwykle sobie wyobrażają,
że jest to architektonicznie bardzo solidny i stary
budynek zapełniony mądrymi ludźmi, tradycją
uczoności i poszukującymi wiedzy studentami.
Prawda jest jednak zupełnie odwrotna, im starsza
uczelnia, tym bardziej skostniała i zatęchła jest
jej atmosfera, konserwatyni jej profesorowie i
uprawiający dziwaczne postępowania, pijaństwo
oraz usilne unikanie uczenia się jej studenci. Tym
łatwiej też ją ukończyć z dobrym dyplomem, chociaż
bez zdobycia użytecznej dla dobra naszej przyszłości
wiedzy. Solidne mury uczelni to też iluzja, bowiem
okazuje się iż im bardziej coś nietrwałe i ułudne,
tym więcej ludzie się z tego nauczą. Najidealniej więc
jeśli zamiast solidnych murów studentów otacza coś
w rodzaju dekoracji filmowej lub teatralnych rekwizytów,
wszystkie z których jedynie wyglądają jak trwałe i
solidne, jednak faktycznie są łatwo rozsypującą się
w proch iluzją i tymczasowością. Innymi słowy, aby
coś było życiowo idealnie nauczające, faktycznie
musi to być odwrotne do tego jak wygląda, czyli
powinno wyglądać solidnie, trwale, pewnie, bezpiecznie, itp.,
zaś powinno być teatralne, rozpadające się w proch przy
próbie użycia, niepewne, niebezpieczne, itp. - czyli dokładnie
takie jak wszystko jest na naszej planecie Ziemia. Także sukces
nauki na takiej uczelni faktycznie jest odwrotny do tego co
ludzie sądzą i nam wmawiają. Wszakże typowa opinia nam
wmawia, że bez względu na to jak postępujemy, wszystko
i tak skończy się OK. Tymczasem prawda jest taka, że
faktycznie jedynie nieliczne osoby z całych milionów będą
kiedyś w stanie stwierdzić, iż ukończyli z sukcesem swą
życiową uczelnię.
Wyliczmy więc teraz to czym powinniśmy się kierować
w swoim życiu studentów najidealniejszej i najtrudniejszej
uczelni wszechświata.
(1) Zawsze ufaj sprawiedliwości i bezstronności
Boga. Wszakże Bóg to "żyjący program" jaki mieszka
w najwyższej (dwunastej) pamięci przeciw-materii. Jest on
więc równie precyzyjny jak komputer i równie bezstronny
oraz sprawiedliwy jak najdoskonalszy komputer program
który wie absolutnie wszystko na twój temat bowiem obserwuje
cię w każdej chwili i sytuacji z twojego życia.
(2) Pamiętaj, że jesteś nieustannie obserwowany, osądzany,
zaś wszystko co czynisz jest na zawsze dokumentowane w pamięci
przyporządkowanej ci "Drobiny Boga" pełniącej dla ciebie funkcję
"Anioła Stróża". Wszakże nieustająco obserwujący twe myśli
i postępowanie Bóg jest "intelektem zbiorowym" - na jaki składają
się aż trzy odmienne Boskie Osoby, tj. Bóg Ojciec, Duch Święty
i Syn Boży, zaś jedynie Bóg Ojciec, to następna porcja niezliczonych
liczb inteligentnych "Drobin Boga" - każda z których jest jak odmienna
istota wiedząca o tobie i zdolna do wpłynięcia na ostateczne wyniki
twego życia.
(3) Bardzo się staraj abyś nigdy NIE czynił czegokolwiek
co w jakikolwiek sposób krzywdzi twych bliźnich lub łamie przykazania
i prawa Boga. Korzyści bowiem lub przyjemności jakie ci przyniesie
skrzywdzenie bliźnich lub złamanie przykazań czy praw Boga są krótkotrwałą
ułudą, po jakiej z pewnością nadejdzie czas twej zapłaty.
(4) Pamiętaj, że nawet dusza Lucyfera jest przechowywana
w pamięci "Drobiny Boga" z której najbardziej nadrzędna, bo 12 pamięć
jest zajmowana przez Boga - tak jak wyjaśniają tu punkty #K1 i #K2 strony
oraz punkt #I2 strony
To zaś oznacza, że nawet szkodzące ci działania sił zła, są podporządkowane
woli Boga - co wyjaśnia szerzej punkt #J5 z mojej strony
(5) Zanim na czymś zdecydujesz się oprzeć jako
na prawdzie i pewniku, upewnij się iż prawdę tego potwierdza
opisywanych tu "3 świadków". Owych "3 świadków"
wymienia też i dokładniej opisuje w/w punkt #I2 z mojej strony
(6) Żadna z sytuacji życiowych jakie przeżywasz, NIE
jest sytuacją bez korzystnego dla ciebie wyjścia. Zanim
bowiem Bóg zaprogramował dla ciebie ową sytuację w sposób
jaki opisałem dokładniej w punkcie #J5 swej innej strony o nazwie
wcześniej już przygotował najkorzystniejsze dla twej przyszłości
z niej wyjście. Owo najkorzystniejsze dla ciebie wyjście,
już przygotowane nawet dla najtrudniejszych sytuacji życiowych
jakie do ciebie mogą nadejść i stąd prawdopodobnie nadejdą, moja
filozofia totalizmu
opisuje pod nazwą "prawo autostrady
przez morze". Jego streszczenie i linki do jego opisów
znajdziesz np. w punkcie #A2.4 (a także w #A2.2) z mojej strony o nazwie
(7) Wynik każdej chwili twego życia jest następstwem
całej sumy twych własnych działań jakie zrealizowałeś aż do
nadejścia owej chwili. Innymi słowy, wynik każdej chwili
twego życia jest wynikiem: (a) "karmy" jaką uprzednio sobie
zgromadziłeś, (b) postępowań jakie popełniłeś w swych
poprzednich przejściach przez czas i życie (jakich wcale
NIE pamiętasz, bowiem po zostaniu cofniętym w czasie
do tyłu, a zgodnie z Biblią każdy z ludzi jest cofany co
najmniej dwa lub trzy razy, twoja pamięć tamtych poprzednich
przejść przez życie została wymazana, jednak jest ona
uwzględniana w formie wyników twego obecnego życia
i działania), oraz (c) tego co czyniłeś w poprzednich
częściach obecnie pamiętanego życia.
Part #L:
Great news - on YouTube there is already a half-hour long, Polish movie film entitled
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany"
(which title means: "World without money: The Nirvana Political
System") which everyone can now comfortably watch from the
screen of their computer or "smart TV", and which gives our whole
world a chance to free itself from "money", "fear" and "greed", while
for Poland gives the chance to fulfil old Polish prophecy "the spark
will come out of Poland" in turn for every inhabitant of world a chance
to become for own country (and perhaps for the entire world) the
future equivalent of people known in the history as
"Founding Fathers of New Nation":
"Great changes begin from a modest vision, just like
in life everything starts from the first step, while in
the fate of the planet - from the first drop of life-giving
rain." (The timeless truth which also
applies to the "Nirvana Political System",
attributes and advantages of which are summarized
in item #C7 from my web page named
and in "part #L" of this web page.)
In a place that can be called "the heart of Europe"
there is a small country called Poland. This country is
inhabited by the Polish nation - the summary of prophecies,
tradition, culture and behaviour of which can be named
"the conscience of humanity". So if there
are any reasons for the reader to be interested in this
country or nation, he/she should watch our half-hour-long
Polish-language film entitled
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany"
(the title of which means "The World Without Money: The
Nirvana Political System") available for free viewing at
And there are many reasons why one (e.g. you) may be interested
in this country and people. For example: you are a Polish
citizen, or some of your ancestors may come from Poland,
or you learned about the rich history of Poland - e.g. about the
"winged hussars that saved Europe many times"
or about the Polish military engineer and general (for the
freedom of the USA fighting in the rank of "colonel") named
Tadeusz Kościuszko" -
who with his blood and wounds contributed to the liberation
of the United States from the British. Or maybe you have
come across the rich culture of Poland - e.g. the poetry
of Adam Mickiewicz (born in Lithuania), or have you heard
one of these famous Polish prophecies - for example that
"the spark will come out of Poland" (in Polish:
"iskra wyjdzie z Polski") or that "all nations of the
world will learn the Polish language" (in Polish:
"wszystkie narody świata będą się uczyły języka polskiego"),
or you have tried excellent Polish cuisine that
connoisseurs appreciate as much as her cousin - French
cuisine, or you met Polish girls who belong to the most
feminine in the world, etc., etc.
The film discussed here is also worth watching for completely
different reasons. For example, perhaps you noticed that
we just live in breakthrough times, when the
human civilization will either
change, or will collapse. Or you know the old Polish
that "humanity will bring upon itself such destruction
and depopulation that a man will kiss the ground if he/she
sees the footprint of another human on it". After all,
the times of the fulfilment of this prophecy are just coming.
So all over the world people panic and accuse each other,
because they do NOT know that there is a simple way to
save themselves and prevent whatever is coming. Meanwhile,
the film described here explains how to accomplish such
preventing. The saving ourselves is simple, painless and
does NOT require any revolution, war, or risking or losing
one's life. It simply suffices that humanity peacefully and
democratically replaces presently used "money", "fear" and
"greed" with the phenomenon of
"earned nirvana" -
pre-programmed into the bodies of all people - which nirvana
in much more efficient and pleasant way than money and fear
motivates people to volunteer to even the hardest productive
or servicing work. After all, it is "money" that is the source of
almost all evil on Earth (see verse 6:10 from the biblical "1 Timothy" -
quote: "For the root of all evil is the
greed of money"). Thus replacing money with
nirvana will remove almost all evil from Earth. It is the acting
of nirvana as a much better than "money" motivator for doing productive work that I experienced myself.
Perhaps Poland fascinates you because of its history and purity of
After all, the legendary ancestors of Polish people, even before the time
of the Roman Empire, had their own empire, which covered the northern
part of Europe and the central part of Asia. Poland was also a kind
of wall made of brave people, who kept the balance, security and peace
of all the Europe. It was in Poland that the decisive battles took place
then. Although Polish people defended and liberated other nations,
they never became occupiers or owners of colonies. Poland was
also probably the only country in the world to which several other
nations voluntarily and peacefully joined their territories - ranging
from nations inhabiting the area and vicinity of present-day Lithuania
at the Baltic Sea to these nations by the Black Sea from the area of
present Ukraine. In the course of history, Poland and Polish people
also fell victim to some of the greatest genocides. Miracles, intimately
experienced by individual people, are happening to this day on Polish
"Luminous Mountain" -
(in Polish called
"Jasna Góra")
and in "Holy Linden" (in Polish called
"Święta Lipka").
There are also other reasons to watch our movie film about
the country and nation from which the prophesized "spark"
is supposed to come out. For example, this country lying
in the heart of Europe in the course of history was constantly
invaded, looted, partitioned, attacked by diseases, military powers,
anti-human ideologies, etc. No wonder that its inhabitants
are a nation of emigrants. Former Polish citizens
or their descendants can be found practically anywhere in
the world. So if you the reader knew your entire history,
then probably regardless of where you were born you
would discover that you have genes of some of your
Polish ancestors. You will also find Polish emigrants
or their descendants in your neighbourhood. So watch
this highly prophetic film about them, while before
watching read below about the content of this film.
Although the discussed film is narrated in Polish, its
images represent a symbolic meaning that should
be understood by every inhabitant of the Earth.
Moreover, this film relates to other films described
below that already use English. In turn, if you first
read the descriptions of this film below, its highly
symbolic images will speak to you even if you do
NOT listen to or understand the accompanying
narrative. So read what I am explaining below about
the film describing a potential "spark" coming out
of the country which is the heart of Europe and
out of the nation which is a reflection of the
conscience of humanity.
To summarise, if you know the Polish language or know
someone who can quickly translate for you from Polish into
your native language, or if you DO NOT know yet
that there is this very simple way to prevent once and
for all the misfortunes affecting the entire humanity and
turn the present fall and suffering of people into their
future development and happiness, then you should
watch our half-hour, watchable for free, Polish-language
YouTube film entitled "World without money:
The Nirvana Political System" (in Polish saying:
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany").
This film is available at
It explains the way and the phenomenon capable of complete
elimination of "money", "fear" and "greed" from Earth - which
are the sources of almost all evil that torments people, while
together with them eliminate also the human suffering,
injustice, persecution, uprising, wars, and threat of extinction. After watching this film, it is also worth getting
to know details of the phenomenon of
"earned nirvana"
that generates indescribable happiness and that is designed
by God, while since 2006/1/11 it is adopted by the
"Nirvana Political System"
to be used around the world to replace "money" and
"fear" in motivating productive work of humans. The
descriptions of this phenomenon of "earned nirvana"
are provided in item #C7 of my web page named
and in publications indicated there - for example,
publications such as "part #L" and INTRODUCTION
from this my web page named
which explain what is worth to take notice in the
phenomenon of nirvana and in the above film,
and what their critics overlook in the to-date
discussions of this project for the peaceful and
democratic improvement of the principles of
human life and also of our entire world of matter.
Here is a link to the excellent quality of the movie
(4K) in Polish entitled
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany"
(which title means: "World without money: The Nirvana
Political System") that illustrates the God pre-programmed
"Nirvana Political System" capable of eliminating "money",
"fear" and "greed" from the Earth and drastically make happy
all humanity or at least inhabitants of countries that introduce
it, while at the same time that for Polish nation may fulfil the
ancient prophecy stating "the spark will come out of Poland"
while for the reader gives opportunity to become the
"Founding Father of New Nation"
(only that before it happens it still requires rolling up sleeves
and putting the Nirvana Political System into practice):
Since 2021/4/22, a Polish video of 4K resolution and 33:36
minutes in length is available on YouTube. This video we
developed together with my graphically talented friend
Dominik Myrcik. It is entitled
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany".
(which title means: "World without money: The Nirvana
Political System". The starter and links to this film are
provided in the "Video #L1" below.
Video #L1:
Here is the starter and the link to our movie (in Polish) with the title
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany"
meaning "The World Without Money: The Nirvana System".
You can also search for this video on YouTube using Polish keywords
świat bez pieniędzy ustrój nirwany
or keywords
ustrój nirwany
I wish you a pleasant viewing (in the comfort of your
own home) of this film about the extraordinary "Nirvana
Political System" - which, after unleashed implementation
into life, is able to transform the existing human tears,
suffering and deficiencies into joy, constant happiness
and prosperity, as well as transform the destruction of
nature and disobedience to God into the protection of
nature and cooperation with God to improve the future
of the entire universe.
What you should pay special attention to,
while watching our movie (4K) entitled
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany"
(meaning "World without money: The Nirvana System"):
Both, the phenomenon of
"earned nirvana"
discovered and described in 1998 due to premises of the
philosophy of totalizm,
as well as the
"Nirvana System"
and our film about it entitled
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany"
(meaning: "The World Without Money: Nirvana System"),
are characterized by a number of unique features that
result from efforts to meet God's requirements (unless,
because of our human imperfections, something has been
overlooked in our efforts to meet those requirements) -
and which requirements are revealed to us through the
text of Bible verses. The three most important of these
requirements of God, means "voluntarism" (i.e.
self-deciding without breaking "free will"), concord
"group acting" based on collective wisdom
which always prevails over individual imperfections
and omissions of a single person (confirmed e.g. by
verse 18:19 from the biblical "Gospel of St. Matthew"),
and "pedantic fulfilment of the commandments
and recommendations of God" (e.g. see ultimatum
from verse 14:15 of the biblical "Gospel according to
St. John"), I tried to explain, among others, in item
#W6 from my other web page named
and in the INTRODUCTION to this web page.
And so, for example, the requirement of "voluntarism"
in our low-budget film was met by making sure that almost
everything that makes this film (excluding only those
components that could NOT be obtained without their
purchase - which the purchase was voluntarily financed
by the editor of this film) was prepared on the basis of
the voluntary and selflessly contribution of "moral work"
and the creative effort of the authors of the film in question.
Also everything that was related to the phenomenon of
nirvana itself, and to the development of principles and
descriptions of the operation of the Nirvana System, was
also performed voluntarily and selflessly. In total, this
causes that practically everything related to the Nirvana
System does NOT have attached any negative
or inappropriate emotions, and thus in the future
it can only serve toward increase the happiness
of people. The motivation for using only this
voluntary and selflessly contribution was the
faith in the good that the Nirvana System can
give into the hands of the nation that will implement
it, and also into the hands of entire humanity.
The goal of our film
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany"
("World Without Money: The Nirvana System") was
the overall familiarization of interested people
with the Nirvana System and with the phenomenon of
nirvana through watching the most pleasant movie to
watch - which almost everyone is able to display either
on their own computer or on own "smart TV"
(of the type of "mart TV" - features and rules of
purchase of which I explained on this web page).
In this general introduction to the Nirvana Political System,
special attention was paid to explaining and illustrating: (a)
what actually is this Nirvana System that completely
eliminates "money", "fear" and "greed" by replacing them with happiness of
"earned nirvana";
(b) where this Nirvana System comes from; (c) on what
principle it works; (d) what are its most important advantages
in comparison with other political systems already known
to mankind (especially compared to capitalism and
communism); (e) what causes that pre-programmed by God
into the bodies of all of people the miraculous phenomenon of
"earned nirvana",
in the Nirvana System will be a more effective than
"money", "fear" and "greed" source and motivator of
voluntary productive work by all physically fit people;
and (f) a few additional explanations and illustrations.
In my opinion, in the content of the film we managed
to show several highly interesting scenes, which perfectly
illustrate and increase the meaning and effectiveness
of this filmed way of learning about the Nirvana System.
Their examples can be: from 7:28 minutes of showing
the film - happy children, a sense of happiness of
which during dancing eliminates in them noticing the
sensations of falling rain, from 24:17 minutes -
group dance of brotherhood and happiness of nations
living under the Nirvana Political System (note in this
dance a group of people dancing also under the "white
and red flag of Poland" - unfortunately, with their number
symbolically NOT promising great hope for the "spark to
have a chance to come out of Poland"), from 25:11
minutes - smiling and happy people doing even the
hardest physical work, from 27:27 minutes -
the Magnocraft's flight on a foreign planet as a symbol
of progress, mechanization and automation of human
activities caused by the release of inventiveness and
creativity in every person living under the Nirvana
System, from 30:37 minutes - individual
happiness of a married couple with a son enjoying
life and having incomparably longer than in all other
political regimes free time that allows them to develop their
own knowledge, creativity and hobby, explore the world,
rest, lead family and social life, as well as get to know
God and extend care over whatever God has created.
Such manifestations of everyday happiness, displayed,
amongst others, through the ways illustrated above,
will result because in the Nirvana System the "voluntary"
performance of productive work will replace the "forcing"
of work with "money" or "fear" from other political regimes.
This in turn will cause the elimination (or more strictly:
directing people to perform productive physical work
on principles identical to the rest of people) of this huge
and expensive human pyramid which in present
systems deals exclusively with
"supervision and forcing work
paid with money" - while people who currently
form this pyramid frequently brag that so-far they "have
NOT stained their hands" by performing any physical
work, and thus typically pass through life without bringing
practically anything productive and concrete for the good
of our civilization. Means, in the Nirvana System, all today's
highly paid rulers, bosses, elites, owners,
bureaucrats, bankers, etc. will be completely eliminated,
while their place will be taken by voluntary groups that
democratically, voluntary, just and selflessly will be doing
both the physical labour, as well as manage the production,
institutions, activities of communities, countries, etc. In turn
this elimination of the pyramid of supervision and forcing, in
connection with the wide use of mechanization and
automation (after all, the physical effort of so-called
"moral work" that generates "moral energy" can
be obtained through the production, use, control, repair, or
preparation for work of all production or service machines –
e.g. a tractor, combine harvester, truck, taxi, Magnocraft,
etc.), will cause that in order to NOT obtain an unnecessary
overproduction of goods, in the Nirvana Political System to
satisfy all needs of life and work of other people, at any given
time will be only a very small part of humanity periodically
performing a physical productive "moral work" in order to
maintain the continuous happiness of its nirvana - probably
close to only around 1% of its total number, as I am
explaining it more comprehensively in (1) from item #C7 of
my web page named
In turn the rest of people (i.e. around 99% of people) at
a given time will be able to devote themselves to whatever
their current situation, interests, hobby, hunger for knowledge,
developed creativity, family, friendships, favourite
entertainment, sources of pleasure, etc., will be theirs guides.
After all, when each person exceeds the required for the first
appearance of nirvana around 60% of filling of their soul with
"moral energy" (i.e. after the first gathering in the soul of the
equivalent of carrying out around 1200 [hps] of "moral
work"), further keeping oneself in the state of nirvana will
require only covering their everyday scattering of "moral
energy" - which will cause that most of their time (perhaps
even up to 99% of their life-time) people will then be able
to spend on chosen by them and bringing them personal
satisfaction or pleasure hobbies, creativity, entertainment,
rest, social and political life, voluntary and gratuitous
management of production, travel and sightseeing, care for
nature, researching and getting to know God and methods
of divine action, etc.
Unfortunately, in order to fit into only around half an hour
of displaying the film discussed here, all the information
about the Nirvana System that requires showing, this film
has NO time to reveal absolutely everything that people
watching it might wish to learn. After all, to illustrate the
entirety of only the most vital information about the Nirvana
Political System, it would require the preparation of a film
of at least several hours long. In turn such a long film
no-one would voluntarily watch, because everyone would
be scared by the long duration of its display. But for people
interested in the "Nirvana System" I have good news
here - namely almost everything that, for
saving time, could NOT be shown in this introductory film,
while about which interested people may have some questions
or concerns, is either already described in detail in my
publications - which I am indicating in item #L3 below
(including even the proposal how, step by step, one
should start the democratic and peaceful implementation
of this system into life), or I am able to scientifically (confirmed
by evidence) answer on these questions, or dispel these doubts.
In order to indicate here a few examples of such answering
questions or dispelling doubts that arise, I am going to provide
some of my replies to the criticism or arguments that have
already been put forward by viewers of this short and generally
oriented film. And so:
(a) One of the readers apparently did NOT
understand the concept of "physical work" (toil) that
is carried out within the framework of "moral work"
that induces nirvana. Hence, he believes that
the Nirvana System would reverse humanity in
technical development by abandoning the use
of mechanization and automation of work. The
misunderstanding on this point stems from a
misunderstanding of the concept of "physical labour".
This is because it is usually understood as work
performed exclusively by hand - i.e. without the
use of any machines. At the same time, the term
"mental work" is understood as work performed
only in the office, sitting, and in a way that at
most absorbs fingers or tongue - i.e. involving
computer operation, writing, answering phones,
etc. In total, both these understandings of works
ignore a huge number of works which also predominantly
are physical, although in accordance with
the essence of truth expressed in the "motto" from
item #L6 below, they also require the use of correct
knowledge, truth, mental input and technically highly
advanced machines or apparatus - for example jobs of:
nurses, doctors working in hospitals, tractor repairers,
farmers harvesting with a combine harvester, drivers,
construction workers, carpenters, shoemakers, mechanics,
cooks, bakers, shepherds, sea fishermen, pilots spreading
guano or fertilizer on farmland, fire-fighters, as well as
they omit a whole lot of other similar works absorbing
simultaneously physical and mental effort. But these are
just such works that God rewards most abundantly with
moral energy. For example, from my research it appears
that the most of people who experience earned
nirvana, although they do not know at all where from comes
their sense of happiness and optimism, originate from
the group of professional nurses - which fact I
emphasize in my publications. Hence, personally I think
that it would be useful to define the term "physical work"
used in my publications as describing jobs of all
"blue collar workers" -
which name emphasizes that they usually wear blue flannel
shirts for work as the contrast of white shirts of "white collar
workers" having "sitting jobs" in offices. This definition of
"physical work" covers all kinds of work, the performing of
which mainly requires the movement of almost the entire
body and the absorption of almost all muscles plus the mind.
So by the name physical "moral work" that generates
"earned nirvana", I understand just any work performed
by all such "blue-collar workers". In turn the amount
of "moral energy" generated in it depends mainly on the
difficulty of conditions in which a given work is performed
and on the level of physical and mental fatigue that its
performance causes in the worker, NOT on "whether"
and "what" tools someone uses to carry it out.
(b) Another viewer of our film expressed concern
that prolonged nirvana experience may be harmful to health.
Although apparently such a fear seems rational, it ignores
taking into account the knowledge and experience of God -
when He built the phenomenon of nirvana into human bodies
(as this is explained in item #A1 from my web page named
After all, it is known that everything that God creates or
establishes is always (to use words of God Himself) "very
good". Only people, when they do not know everything
about the operation of human bodies and the world of matter,
start to improve some God's creative work, usually cause more
harm than good (e.g. they produce drugs whose "side effects"
may be worse than the disease itself, invent plastics or pesticides
poisonous for people and nature, or create energy only from dirty
marketable fuels - fumes of which destroy life). I experienced
nirvana for about 9 months and found out that I have never
felt healthier in my life. NOT onlythat nirvana does NOT
cause deterioration of health, but even increases health and
eliminates illnesses. The viewer who communicated their
concerns to me on this issue referred to a phenomenon
known as "Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome"
(in Polish named:
"zespół przetrwałego pobudzenia seksualnego")
experienced by some women when their sexual orgasm
occurs spontaneously. But nirvana is NOT an orgasm at
all, but a spiritual feeling - the level of happiness and pleasure
of which can only be roughly compared to the pleasure
of an endless orgasm. Furthermore, nirvana is NOT caused
by pathogenic factors, which are certainly responsible
for the appearance of this phenomenon of "Persistent
genital arousal disorder (PGAD)", such as e.g. using
chemical means of contraception, drinking water contaminated
with industrial poisons and radioactivity, eating food
soaked with pesticides and with various other murderous
chemicals, etc. NOT without reasons in the report on
the abduction of a New Zealand woman to a UFO,
published in subsection UB1 from volume 16 of my
monograph [1/5],
the doctor from the UFO starship in paragraph N-96
warns Miss Nosbocaj - I quote: "HE
said the, the chemical birth, the chemicals that are
used on this planet are not good for babies, are not, are not good for, for women, it's, it's bad
to use them, don't use them, you've got something much better inside you to take control, you
use what's inside you, if you, you don't want to get pregnant you use, you know how to do it,
it's all in your mind, you, you, your mind's very strong, you use that. Don't use the, don't use
the chemicals they'll hurt you. It's all very bad. people on Earth don't understand conception,
the moment of conception is a very important thing. To have chemicals affecting it when they
don't understand what they're doing is, is absolutely dangerous, you have no right to do that to
unborn children. Is that why, that, that people are starting to think about it now but that won't
come in for many, many years, it will be probably over fifteen years or more, much more
before people will realise." (c) Someone else did NOT understand the message
of our movie film. But this message is very simple. It
states that motivating to productive work with "money" and
"fear" has too many "undesirable side effects" and
has already ceased to be fulfilled in the situation of today's
civilization. After all, it causes that only a very small percentage
of humanity still enjoys it, living in luxuries, deciding about
the fate of millions without being guided by the principles
of morality, taking care of nature, believing in God, nor
knowing how it feels to be in the situation of those about
life and fortunes they decide. It was they who for centuries
robbed our only planet from the remnants of raw materials,
destroyed nature, and still until today they care only about
satisfying their own greed. The rest of humanity, on the other
hand, is poor, homeless, oppressed, suffering, because the
elites take advantage of them, which results in that they are
almost homeless or actually homeless. Is it possible that elites
know some other god who teaches that is moral and OK if
some of the more influential among them would, smoking cigars,
exploit people dependent on them almost to death, while having
wine and expensive meals plan how to further limit and to make
difficult the life of those the hard work of whose has created the
luxuries to which these elites usurp exclusive rights? Unfortunately,
in order to really change it, it is NOT allowed to repeat the mistakes
of the past, which proved that bloody revolutions and wars reducing
the number of people do NOT change anything at all, because
after them the world returns to old errors - which, with
continuing the current level of human knowledge, technology
and simultaneous immorality, would change our planet into
the kind of hell that shows the English-language movie entitled
"Mortal Engines".
Besides, the next war or revolution with today's saturation
of the world with nuclear weapons, for sure no-one will
survive - no matter what kind of the bunker has and for
how many years he has enough food supplies. After all,
it is NOT difficult to guess that at the time of the collapse
of the present civilization these bunkers and the food
supplies stored in them will be most severely attacked
and robbed - as this is illustrated by our film (in Polish)
"Zagłada Ludzkości 2030"
(meaning "The Great Purification of Humanity in 2030s"),
while the owners of these bunkers have NO guarantee
that in times of anarchy, hunger and universal death,
the workers of their protection and those who
build their bunkers will also NOT succumb to the temptation
to save their relatives from death instead of their principals.
So in order to actually change something in today's world
and then survive this change, humanity needs to peacefully and
democratically eliminate "money", "fear" and "greed", and with
them eliminate all the deadly side effects that they bring - means
humanity needs to implement the "Nirvana Political System".
In turn, accomplishing this without "botching", which we remember
well e.g. from mistakes of the first version of communism,
requires entrusting the change to a group of the wisest and
most experienced people - means the "founding fathers"
(preferably NOT politicians - who are famous for "botching"
everything that they touch, nor scientists - too settled in their
"ivory towers" and thus completely detached from
actual life). Only those wisest and most experienced, with the
help of God and through the use of their group wisdom,
will peacefully and democratically implement the Nirvana System
in the least noticeable way. This film also delicately reminds,
that even these elites, which probably consider themselves to
be enemies of the "Nirvana Political System" - will only benefit
from it. This is because if the "Nirvana System" is NOT implemented
quickly enough, our civilization for sure will collapse, while anarchy,
hunger and mass deaths will NOT spare even those who have
well-equipped bunkers at their disposal - after all, people who
are mad from hunger will everywhere find those who will have
some food supplies. Everyone is beginning to be increasingly
more aware of this fact - as evidenced by NOT only our first
and the oldest Polish-language film of 2018/5/6 awakening
people from sleep, entitled
"Zagłada Ludzkości 2030",
but also newest English-language films which our film probably
inspired, for example of the kind of series of movies about
"survival SHTF".
(d) Nowadays, many viewers clearly expect that,
for example, the 75-year-old co-author of the Polish film
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany",
(i.e.: "World Without Money: The Nirvana System"), i.e. the
creator of the "Nirvana System" idea, himself rolls up his
sleeves and implement this system personally. Unfortunately,
the experiences of the past prove that only whatever
has been implemented with "group wisdom" by a large
group of "founding fathers" has any chance of success -
as the best example in history consider the rise of the
USA and the role of the so-called
"Founding Fathers of USA"
and compare them with the rise and fate of, for example,
Soviet Russia. It is so because although God supports the
development of new ideas by individual people, but at the
same time places a huge emphasis on the group
implementation of these ideas - as I emphasize it e.g.
in part (a) from item #H3 from my other web page named
It is because of this pressure of God on "group wisdom"
and on concord "group actions" that we already know
from history that no efforts of individual and inherently
imperfect and fallible people to create a better world have
ever brought (and will NOT bring) the required (positive)
fruit - e.g. consider the fate of the empires of Alexander
the Great, Napoleon, Hitler or Stalin. So I am sorry to
disappoint here many of today's people who spend their
work picking their noses in front of the computer screen,
and spend their lives eating sandwiches in front of the
TV screen, but we have only two alternatives left. Namely:
either we all roll up our
sleeves and collectively, democratically, harmoniously
and peacefully implement the "Nirvana Political System",
or probably only a tragically small handful of today's us
will still be alive in the year 2040 -
as I explain it on the page named
After all, the present covid-19 may be followed by another pandemic of e.g.
"black fungus (mucormycosis)",
or something even more destructive. In turn
those few people who somehow
manage to survive the upcoming doom of the 2030s, will
also be forced to physically toil, and do it for time much longer
than it now would require to earn nirvana -
means forced to toil to be able to continue their daily life
in extremely difficult conditions of the post-cataclysmic world
of that time, about which the old Polish prophecy says that
"a man will kiss the ground if he sees the footprints
of another man on it". At the same time, because the
conditions of that post-cataclysmic time will made it almost
impossible to perform everyday work in accordance with the
requirements of "moral work" (i.e. with the requirements
to work physically on a voluntary basis, for the good of other
people, and to fulfil God's commandments), it is almost certain that
the hard work of that time cannot be earning the nirvana -
after all, most people probably will then do "forced" work (i.e.
in order to survive), for their own good or benefit, and often
being forced by their situation to break God's commandments.
In turn, towards such a cataclysmic ending of the fate of the
present version of humanity, it is enough for the inhabitants
of the Earth to continue their attitudes to-date, such as:
YOU do it - give us "on tray" a ready solution, or let others
do SOMETHING, I will only come, together with my colleagues
and we will benefit from it. But ... that I myself would
start to act differently and do something? Absolutely NO –
I will be waiting with folded hands until e.g. 75 years old
Dr Eng. Jan Pająk, along with a few people, will take a belt
from his trousers, hit with it here and there - so that the
world is to repair itself wonderfully, while we will then
clap our hands and come to hang the hat on a hanger when
everything is ready. This is the view of the majority of people
today: one or a couple of people has to do everything so that
the rest of them can find all the works already done and only
then enjoy fruits of these works.
Where in my publications there are available additional
extensions of information presented in our movie (4K) entitled
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany"
(i.e.: "World without money: The Nirvana System"):
I am describing the "Nirvana System" extensively
on my web pages and publications starting from
2006/1/11 - see items #A1 to #A4 from the web page named
In turn the phenomenon of "earned nirvana" -
on the advantages and operation of which the principle
of operation of the "Nirvana System" is based, I started
to document in my publications beginning from the
times of experiencing it. Currently, the reader can briefly
read about it from the web page named
(especially see items #D3, #D2 and #C7 in there), while
the full description of "earned nirvana" is provided in the
entire "chapter JE" and subsections JG6 to JG8 from
volume 8 of my
monograph [1/5].
Unfortunately, the current
information overload
of our civilization, e.g. with messages from mobile phones
and Internet publishers, as well as various advertisements,
Internet initiatives, spam and frauds, causes that only very
few people have time, interest and the will to actively search
and read these descriptions. Fortunately, from 2021/4/22 on
YouTube our well-designed Polish-language film (4K) with a
length of 33:36 minutes is now available, which everyone is
now able to view in the comfort of own apartment from the
screen of own computer or "smart TV" and initially learn the
most important information about this ideal "Nirvana Political
System". In turn, more detailed information about so initially
learned Nirvana System, everyone can later read from my web
pages which describe it comprehensively. And so, for example:
- The initiation of the practical implementation of the
Nirvana System through the experimental accumulation of
experience via the earning of nirvana by volunteers, is explained,
amongst others, in item #A3 from the web page named
while is summarized below in item #L6 from this web page.
- Attributes, advantages and usefulness of the "Nirvana
System" based on the miraculous phenomenon of earned nirvana
(the triggered by "moral work" experiencing of which God
for very important reasons built into the bodies of all people)
is described in items #A1 to #A4 from my other web page named
while briefly summarised in the movie film (in Polish)
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany"
described in this "part #L".
- The description of the shock experienced when the
happiness of "earned nirvana" suddenly appears in us and hits
us like a "lightning bolt of happiness" - which shock probably
is to prevent overlooking the moment when this earned nirvana appears
in us. This description is included, for example, in the
INTRODUCTION to this web page named
and also, among others, in several places from the web page
and from publications linked in these web pages. Notice from
these descriptions, that in my case the shock of the advent of
nirvana was so powerful and so long-lasting, that not knowing
yet what was going on, I started to fear that I was bitten by
some Bornean relative of the African "Tse-Tse" fly, which,
however, instead of the coma ending with death causes
an overwhelming feeling of lasting happiness.
- The reason for ending of my 9-month nirvana -
caused by the ending of my professorship in close to nature
tropical Borneo and the return to New Zealand. Briefly
this reason for the ceasing of my earned nirvana is described
in the INTRODUCTION to this web page, while it is explained
more comprehensively in item #F2 from my other web page named
- The results (and quantitative data gathered) from
my detailed research on the phenomenon of nirvana,
which research I carried out when I personally experienced
nirvana, while the results of which research I documented
immediately. I described them in detail in several my web
pages and monographs. For example, this most important
for every reader the phenomenon of happiness of the "earned
nirvana", its numerical data, and its usefulness as a substitute
for the motivating power of present "money" and "fear"
(i.e. with which happiness of nirvana, instead of "money"
or "fear", can be justly rewarded the physical "moral work"
performed by people) is described in the above-mentioned
items #C7, #D3 and #D2 from my web page named
and in publications linked from there.
- Other than "earned nirvana", short-term and of
weaker happiness varieties of nirvana, which various people
sometimes experience - without knowing what is that they
just are experiencing, I also described in my publications.
For example, those readers who personally participated in
the occupation strike of students of the Wrocław
University of Science and Technology in 1968, perhaps
remember a unique feeling of happiness, when they had
the opportunity to experience in person a variety of nirvana
which can be called
"nirvana of crowd" or
"resonance nirvana".
It is very short-lived and with a significantly lower intensity
of happiness than the "earned nirvana". But it also gives
some initial idea what a powerful motivator of human
actions and behaviours nirvana really is. This "nirvana
of the crowd" which then experienced the majority of
the striking students gathered for the mass assembly
in the auditorium of the Wrocław University of Technology
(which "nirvana of the crowd" I also experienced there
then) is described in more detail in item #C3 from my
web page named
while I briefly mention it in (6) from item #B8.2 and
from item #E1 of my Polish web page named
describing my 1970 colleague-graduates of the Faculty
of Mechanical Engineering from the Wrocław University of
Technology - many of whom took part in that strike and
this unforgettable mass assembly of students experiencing
resonance nirvana as a large group (I also describe it under
some of the addresses linked from this "part #L"). In items
#C4 to #C4.3 of that web page "nirvana.htm" other basic
equivalents of nirvana are also described.
Why is it in the interest of every inhabitant of the Earth (means
NOT only every citizen of Poland) to both, watch the movie
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany",
(i.e.: "World Without Money: The Nirvana System"),
and also to persuade all his/her friends to watch it:
An old prophecy is widely known in Poland, about
which the reader may already have heard, and which
states that "the spark will
come out from Poland" (in Polish:
"iskra wyjdzie z Polski"). If you think carefully,
the political "Nirvana System" would perfectly fit the
concept of "spark" from this prophecy. However,
we must also be aware that this "spark" could well be
many other events and breakthroughs, which in the
future may come out of Poland by a joint effort of all
Polish citizens. Furthermore, perhaps this spark
already managed to leave Poland - only that Polish
citizens who are passively staring at TV sets and listening
mainly to official propaganda, may NOT know about it yet.
After all, this spark can be e.g. my
"Cyclic Table for Propulsion Systems" -
which is illustrated and discussed in our film shown below
as "Video #L4". This published in 1976 my Cyclic
Table forecasts the construction of a militarily invincible starship called the
Magnocraft -
the power of which, after being built by Korea, according
to an old Polish prophecy, is to lift Korea into a superpower
and a leader of the entire humanity. Therefore,
what this "spark" really turns
out to be, as well as "when" and "whether at all" it truly
will come out of Poland one day, it depends on the voluntary
choice and collective determination of many Polish citizens to
implement a given "spark", NOT only from the
work of one or just several people who postulated the possibility
of such a spark to appear in Poland. This is because we should
remember that God places a high emphasis NOT only on the
"voluntary nature" of our actions for the good of our "neighbours",
but additionally God makes sure that
actions that actually bring good to many "neighbours" simultaneously
are also performed with the effort of a whole "group of people"
(i.e. with the effort of some "group intellect"), NOT just an
effort of a single "benefactor", whose imperfections usually
cause a "distortion" of what he/she does. It is for this reason
that all "good" introduced by just one person, e.g. by Napoleon,
Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, etc., always ended in failure and a complete
"flop". So let us not try to deceive ourselves in this matter,
because whether this "spark"
which will come out of Poland will appear in the world at
all, it depends only on the "group us", that
is on the collective effort and collective wisdom of many
"foundation fathers",
who voluntarily join the implementation into life of a given
candidate for this "spark". So when we spend our time on
eating sandwiches in front of the TV screen or on picking
our noses out of boredom, while for something what was
destroyed either by sins of our ancestors or by our own
sins and therefore about what the verse 6:23 of the biblical
"Romans" has been warning for millennia "For
the wages of sin is death, ..." thus it comes to
our sinful generation to be punished, we must NOT count
that someone else will do everything for us, while we
could later forward our chest for orders and, for example, without
earning it we may start to enjoy the happiness of nirvana.
So even those who have NOT learned yet the "moral
law of earning everything" (see #3A from subsection I4.1.1 in my
monograph [1/5]),
should already have the knowledge of the timeless truth
that is widely known in the world, that in order to NOT
support laziness and the expectation of "cakes without
work" received e.g. just for lounging,
"God helps those who help themselves".
In this proverb, which always seems to work in everyday
life, it is worth paying attention to the need for "group
action" emphasized in it by the use of the plural of the
words "those", "themselves" - that is to note in
it that a singular words, e.g. "this" and "himself", are not used!
In the above discussion of the "spark" as the implementation
of the political Nirvana System in some country, or even in Poland
itself, which in such a situation would actually fulfil the old
Polish prophecy that "spark come out of Poland", I used expression the
"Founding Fathers"
the meaning of which is explained by numerous web pages
indicated by the Google search engine, as well as many other
publications. For example, for the USA their list and biographies
are proudly announced to the world by publications about the so-called
"Founding Fathers of the USA".
The merit of these fathers was that they created a democratic
system and a new state (the United States), which at that time
completely revolutionized the political face of the world - just
as this face can revolutionize the Nirvana Political System. At
present, however, there are times when a group of "Nirvana
System Foundation Fathers" may emerge from the body
of humanity - whose impact on the fate of future generations
of mankind, and hence the importance of which for the history
of our world, may become comparable to the importance of those
"Founding Fathers of the USA".
So the question that every reader should start to ask himself,
is whether after getting acquainted with the "Nirvana System"
he acknowledges that the advantages and potential good that
this political system is able to make available to people who
will live under it, is worth devoting one's time and energy to
standing as one of his "Foundation Fathers". In turn, if the
answer that the reader gives himself is "YES", then
it is about time to read immediately the descriptions contained
in my publications (e.g. in item #L6 below) of one of a
number of possible methods (in my opinion the easiest
one to put it into practice) regarding "how to start
implementing the Nirvana System", then together with
other people who think alike, become actively involved in
the fruition of this implementation. It is worth adding here
that in the world there are also numerous (unfortunately
not knowing yet the ways of achieving nirvana) prototypes
of the "Nirvana System" - which I am going to describe
below in item #L5.
Another benefit of the possible implementation of the
Nirvana System specifically in Poland would be that it
would also fulfil a whole range of other old prophecies
about this country and nation - for example prophecies
described in item #E4 from my web page named
and repeated in post #307 to blogs of totalizm, while
stating that "the Polish
language will be voluntarily learned and used by all
the nations of the world".
The benefit of the possible implementation of the
Nirvana System by any country of the world would
be that probably this implementation is already the
last chance for humanity to protect itself from the
upcoming destruction in the 2030s, illustrated with
our half-hour film (in Polish) entitled
"Zagłada ludzkości 2030"
(meaning "The Great Purification of Humanity in 2030s")
available at
About this purification (or more strictly the "purge"
announced by ancient prophecies - e.g. Indian Hopi)
it can already be estimated, that if people do NOT make
an effort to avoid it, probably to die out in it is the most
of the current population of the Earth (i.e. which purification
will probably manage to survive only particularly godly, smart,
resourceful, cautious, resistant, strong and healthy people).
As it is easy to notice, so-far everything on Earth is
developing in accordance with the script of this film about the
So until people do NOT get rid of "money" that generates
evil increasingly persistently, and do NOT base their lives
on "voluntarism", concord "group acting" and "obeying
God's commandments", then such, as some biasedly call them
"resets of humanity"
(i.e. killing most of people, or "purges"), are and will be
repeated every few hundred years. The English have an
apt-saying for this, namely that everything can be done either
"the hard way or the easy way" -
meaning in "difficult or easy way". So we only have
a few short years left to stop in such an "easy way"
the arrival of the destruction - through the
introduction of the Nirvana System. Otherwise
around 2030s the "hard way" will begin to come by
and those who deserve to survive will have to start
everything from the very beginning - including
learning again how to do heavy physical work
and do it NOT for experiencing happiness of nirvana
but just to somehow manage to survive.
I should also add here, that when humanity builds my
"time vehicles"
and gains access to immortality through repetitive shifting
people back to the years of their youth so that they can
live infinitely long, the prior experiencing the earned nirvana
just before such a shifting back to the years of youth
should become the never ignored and absolutely required
condition of shifting a given person back in the "reversible
software time". Reasons why it should be so indisputably -
if humanity wishes to protect itself from blowing itself up,
I explained in item #F3 from the web page named
and in items #H1 to #H5 as well as in #I1 and #M1 from my web page named
In turn, if the humanity survives the purification of the
2030s, the building of my
time vehicles
will be only a matter of time. Thus assuming that these
increasingly corrupt elites somehow manage to protect
the Earth from earlier blowing up the entire humanity, then
the additional benefit of implementing the Nirvana System
would be that practically almost everyone, whom this system
teaches to keep in the state of perpetual nirvana, will be ready
for repetitive shifting back to years of his/her youth, and thus
to a healthy, happy, and infinitely long life.
The nirvana made available to everyone through the
Nirvana Political System has also the potential to act
as a "source of motivation" that encourages people
to improve their morality, while the lack of it - as a
punishment for people behaving immorally (which facts
I emphasize e.g. in item #B4.2 from the web page named
I should NOT need to explain here, that the implementation
on Earth of any prototypical nucleus of organizations or
institutions leading humanity to the implementation of the
planned by God "Nirvana Political System", already
for a long time enjoys the open support from God - in spite
that until the date of my discovery of the existence of the
phenomenon of
"earned nirvana"
and the completion of research on the requirements of
"moral work" (the fulfilment of which is absolutely
necessary for the appearance of nirvana), because of errors
and imperfections in management and actions of these prototype
nuclei probably none of their staff was able to earn nirvana
for themselves and experience the miraculous nirvana happiness.
So let us indicate here premises which suggest the existence
of this open support from God. And so, for example, for the
considerable support and international fame of the Swiss
religious community called
which tried to model its principles of life and behaviour on
biblical descriptions of the behaviour of Jesus' Apostles, as
well to imitate lives of these Apostles, God in a manner
difficult to logically explain (which I tried describe in
item #D2 from my web page named
arranged for Methernitha to receive a donation from a
mysterious "handyman" named Nitschel as many as
three prototypes (that were vehemently
criticized and prevented from building by some mysterious
power) of miraculous technical devices operating on the principles
of "perpetual motion" and called the
"Testatica" and
"Thesta Distatica" -
in present times usually known under the more publicly
acceptable name of "generators of pure free energy".
In spite of the loud denials, persecutions and blocking by
henchmen of this hidden power (one of the examples of
the existence and clever operation of which power is revealed
e.g. in "Fig. #L5" below) still these three already
working Swiss "perpetual motion devices" became famous
in the entire world - endowing also the world fame to religious
Methernitha community. In turn e.g. the New Zealand
religious community called
"Gloriavale Christian Community",
or religious communities from the USA calling themselves
due to God's help are able to stick to their principles, traditions
and existence, despite the fact that on all sides they are
surrounded by people with atheistic inclinations and the
based on "money" models of life of today's "modern" humanity -
which people sometimes find it difficult to resist attempts to
"persuade" these communities the adoption of atheistic
models of life. No wonder that these communities can sometimes
experience unnecessary external disturbances, pressures,
investigations, interference, accusations, attacks, slandering
their leaders, etc. In turn the
from Israel, due to the help and support from God, are able
to exist and effectively produce excellent agricultural production
in spite of the "reputation" and world "fame" that have been
created and disseminated around the world by completely
different rules and goals of "collective farms" from
other parts of world.
However let us NOT forget
that the benefits that the entire world or any country can
gain from the political "Nirvana System" are conditional - i.e.
in order to benefit from them, firstly a given country or nation
must voluntarily, collectively, democratically and in a NOT
botched manner implement this system. After
all, unfortunately, the implementation of a new, even the
most ideal political system, which will make happy all people
living under it, is NOT a task that can be performed by one
person, or even by just a few people. Therefore, the obtaining
of benefits that any country can achieve from the "Nirvana
System" is conditional. It will depend on whether
the majority of people of that country are able to mobilize
themselves to voluntarily, democratically, collectively, correctly
(i.e. without botching it), implement this perfect system of
universal happiness.
Video #L4:
Here is a film entitled
"Future Propulsions",
which presents another candidate for this prophetic "spark" -
which according to old Polish prophecies is supposed to
come out to the world from Poland. This candidate
illustrated with the above film, is the so-called
"Cyclic Table for Propelling Devices"
described more extensively in items #J4.1 to #J4.6
from my web page named
(while best illustrated in "Tab. #D4" from my web page named
2020life.htm) -
the formulation of which predicts all designs and principles
of operation that will be obtained by propulsion systems
built on Earth in future until the end of the world (means
some of them built in very distant future). What is most interesting,
this "spark" perfectly fits the nature of Polish people, which,
according to an old Polish proverb causes that inhabitants of
Poland always "praise others and do not know theirs". After
all, the spark from the above film will still come out of Poland,
even if the discoidal space vehicle of my invention predicted
by it, called the
Magnocraft -
means the most powerful starship in the world, is to be built
NOT in Poland, but in any other country. Even the old Polish
prophecies described in item #H1.1 from my web page named
and the implications accompanying them, for a long time already
indicate that the Magnocraft will be built in Korea (means NOT in
Poland). In turn, the undefeated power of this starship is to cause
that Korea will become a world superpower and the next (and already
the last) country-leader of the entire Earth.
The "Cyclic Table for Propelling Devices" shown in the
above movie film lists general regularities that must
appear in all propelling devices. In turn, due to this
listing, the hitherto accidental inventing of subsequent
propulsion systems is replaced with a future intellectual
synthesis, which from now on can be performed not only
by people, but even by computers with AI. In a sense,
this table is the propulsion equivalent of the
Mendeleev Table
which predicts the properties of elements not yet
discovered. Apart from the Magnocraft described
above, which will lift humanity to the stars, this
table also indicates the principle of operation of the
Time Vehicle (Time Machine) -
which after building will allow people to live any length
of time, because after each reaching an old age it will
transfer a given person back to the years of his/her
youth. Furthermore, this table indicates how to build
"perpetual motion" engines that generate
unlimited amounts of clean free energy - for details
see item #B3 of the web page named
and also reveals how in the distant future people will
synthesize everything through programming of counter-matter -
e.g. see on the above film the synthesizing from
counter-matter of the so-called
"Inca Wall"
(instead of physically building everything out of matter as we currently do).
Numerous prototypes of the "nirvana system" already
exist in the world and work effectively (only that so-far
they do not know how to earn nirvana), for example: the Swiss
the New Zealand
"Gloriavale Christian Community",
the American
and also the so-called
"Kibbutz" from Izrael -
from the best solutions of life and management of which,
after removing their imperfections that up to this day have
grown, it would be possible to develop a perfect template
for work of the Nirvana Political System:
One of the best examples and models to follow, showing how even
just a few farmers (or several owners of a production enterprise)
could initiate the first "nucleus" or first "cell"
of the future Nirvana Political System in the manner described
below in item #L6, may be the extraordinary success of the
Swiss religious community called
Just for the very initiative of creating with success a similar
"cell", but with a religious (instead of political) orientation,
God rewarded Methernitha by organizing a donation of as
many as the first three in the world devices operating
on the principle of "perpetual motion", i.e. the first so-called
"generators of clean free energy" already known on
the whole Earth under the names
"Testatica" and
"Thesta Distatica",
while more extensively described, among others, on my
web page named
and in publications linked therein.
I learned a lot about the
community and about their "Testatica" and "Thesta-Distatica"
machines, when - after taking up the job of a "senior
lecturer" at the University of Otago, I was preparing
to build in there a prototype of a "perpetual motion
machine" for generating unlimited amounts of clean
free electricity, e.g. the one which I invented myself,
called the "telekinetic battery", while which
I described on my web page named
(especially see descriptions from item #B3 in there).
So when I lost my job at the University of Otago, and
it seemed that I never can find any other employment
in NZ, I decided that at my own expense I would go to
Switzerland and visit Methernitha. As I was in contact
with them, I informed them about my intention of coming.
As a result, I received an official invitation from them to
visit them as a visiting foreign guest. So in 1991 I got the
honour of being a guest of the
community for several days - see the photograph from
"Fig. #L5" below. At that time I did NOT know
yet that probably knowing the future and knowing that
I will develop, among others, the political Nirvana System,
God probably deliberately created for me this excellent opportunity
to get acquainted with the group life of this community
and its effective inventive and production activities - which
it then significantly impressed me, as well as created for me
the opportunity to gather observations which later made me
realize that although the participants of this community were
clearly happier and more satisfied with their lives than people
living outside of Methernitha, still they did NOT show
signs of achieving and experiencing nirvana.
So on the basis of that visit to Methernitha, and my
later research on the requirements of "moral
work" which leads to the achievement of nirvana,
and on my constant observations of imperfections,
errors and shortcomings in everyday life of present
people, I am now able to explain how we can correct
the most important imperfections tolerated by the
existing prototypes of production or service patterns
for future "cells" of the Nirvana System,
the creation of which is described in item #L6 below.
Notice here that: the name
"cell of the Nirvana System" should be understood
as any organized group of people who have assets
that allow them to carry out any production or perform
any services, and so organized and managed that
the moral, social and legal climate prevailing among
its participants and within their assets enabled people
working in there and volunteers who came to join
the ranks of its participants, so that through the
"moral work" carried out in there they are able to earn
in the most effective way the appearance or maintenance
of the phenomenon of "earned nirvana".
Examples of such "cells of the Nirvana System" could
be all communities that I mentioned in the title of this
item #L5 (means: Methernitha, Gloriavale Christian
Community, Amish, and also Kibbutz from
Israel) - if they eliminated their imperfections the
examples of which I describe below in (1) to (5).
The procedure of creating such "cells of the Nirvana
System" is described in item # L6 below. So here are
examples of the most important out of these imperfections,
and manners of eliminating them.
(1) Widespread lack of knowledge about
the existence of nirvana and requirements of achieving
nirvana. Achieving the permanent happiness
of nirvana is the subject to many conditions and
requirements from God, which I described on my
web page named
(especially see items #D3, #D2 and #C7 in there).
After all, nirvana is a unique form of
"prize from God Himself"
for receiveing of which one needs to deserve -
means it is NOT just, for example, another consequence
of typical people's behaviour. So without getting to
know these requirements, it is extremely difficult to
earn a nirvana due to an ordinary "accident", while
even if one earns it - it is difficult to learn that this
extraordinary happiness then experienced is "earned
nirvana". Therefore, the basic duty of every "cell
of the Nirvana System" is to make sure that every
worker knows what earned nirvana is and how it is
accomplished by carrying out voluntary "moral work".
(2) Complete avoidance of "being forced" to
work. Present societies are so used to "forcing"
work from others that they perform this forcing purely
mechanically without even being aware of it. For example,
such a typical "request" of the superior, as: "Mrs. Catherine,
while making a cup of coffee, please also bring me a mug",
or "Mr. Joseph, while going back, I would ask you to bring
those files", if they come from someone in charge, in practice
they represent forcing of labour. On the other hand, in
order for "moral work" to generate enough "moral energy",
then apart from being physical, it should also be absolutely
voluntary and done with the motivation to cause good to
other people. (Hence, for example, Ms. Catherine or Mr.
Joseph from the above example may, on their own initiative,
ask if it would be useful for someone when they do this or that,
or if they volunteer to this, but other people are NOT allowed
to order it if they do NOT volunteer themselves - because
e.g. they may feel ill or they intend to do something else,
(e.g. go to the toilet) while such a command would force
them to do something that breaks their intentions or needs.)
(3) People who voluntarily are earning nirvana for
themselves, cannot be managed by a leader who himself is
NOT experiencing nirvana. Therefore, in every "cell of
the nirvana system" the leader cannot be someone who
does NOT experience nirvana in person - means someone
who avoids voluntarily performing physical "moral work"
on an equal footing with other members of a given "cell".
Furthermore, the role of a leader in each such cell cannot
be "for life" but should be "elected and rotated" every few
years - at most every 7 years, or even at shorter periods
of time.
(4) The leader of a given "cell" should limit himself
to only setting goals (meaning setting "what") while "how"
should these goals be accomplished should be decided by
the "group wisdom" of the entire "cell", or the "group wisdom"
of the part of "cell" responsible for the "how". It is also
worth noting that each of us humans is a habitat for many
imperfections. Therefore, in order to avoid committing
mistakes and distortions, the "leader" should only focus
on submitting the suggestions of goals to the participants
of a given cell, i.e. suggesting "what". This is because if
he is wrong and these goals are NOT achievable, the
later "how" cannot be worked out and implemented.
But the later implementation of these goals (means
"how") in order to avoid mistakes usually made by
individual people, should be earned through the "group
wisdom". After all, "how" refers to details about which
it is already known that according to the well-known English saying
"devil is in details"
there is a potential to cause errors, distortions, omissions, etc.
(5) Releasing people who already achieved
nirvana from carrying out further physical "moral work".
The lack of such releasing is the most common mistake
of all "collective farms", production cooperatives, etc.
Regardless of what a given their employee has achieved,
he/she still had to work according to the principle "who does
NOT work, is NOT with us". On the other hand, the task
of "cells of the nirvana system" is to provide
conditions for voluntary earning in them the appearance
of nirvana or for extending the duration of nirvana. So
when nirvana appears and lasts for them, they should
be given a free choice as to what they will do next,
e.g. whether they will go on vacation, rest, devote
themselves to some hobby, creativity, education, etc.
Only when they themselves decide to voluntarily
earn an additional reserve of "moral energy", then
they can voluntarily undertake further "moral work"
in a given, or in another, "cell". It is worth emphasizing
at this point, that for the correct operation of the
"Nirvana System", "moral energy meters" should
be invented and constructed as soon as possible,
to indicate who really is in nirvana - proposed
principles of operation of which I described
in my publications.
Fig. #L5:
Here is a photo that the author of this post #335E
(i.e. Dr Eng. Jan Pająk) took in 1991 during his
stay in the Swiss religious community called
"Methernitha" -
where, among other things, he had the honour of
talking personally with the founder of this community,
the late Paul Baumann, as well as talking to many
of its inhabitants-participants and observing the rules
of their life and daily work.
As a mysterious curiosity about the above photograph,
I suggest the reader to answer himself the question:
whether the photo-camera
(with which the above photograph from his stay in
Methernitha was "snapped") e.g. momentarily bent
down at the moment of opening the shutter, causing
the Methernitha building shown in the photograph to
look as if it stood on the slope of a mountain in a way
that is simply impossible to build and to stand on the
surface of the earth, or rather,
in the meantime,
some power with enormous influence on the whole
earth and the ability to break into computers guarded
by any passwords and security (which power constantly
causes a secret persecution of life of the author of this
web page and mocking and degrading practically every
his action) caused this photo taken in 1991 to be skilfully
and intentionally
sabotaged e.g. in a computer that stores it
in a way that requires enormous knowledge, graphic skills,
and expensive equipment, and thus impossible to make e.g.
by 75-year old pensioner even in the newest times of frequent
falsification of photos with existing computer tools?
The author of this web page received an invitation from
the Methernitha community for a few days' visit and
hospitality with them, then at his own expense he flew
to Switzerland to stay with this community, because
he learned a lot about Methernitha when earlier in his
work as a scientist and a senior lecturer at the New Zealand
University of Otago from Dunedin he prepared himself
to start building the so-called "clean free energy
generators" working on principles of "perpetual
motion". The University of Otago has one such
device - which is the operating in it without winding
for about 160 years the clock called
"Beverly Clock)"
hanging in its administrative building. The principle of
operation and the fate of this clock I described in item
#B5.1 from my web page named
and in (5) from item #B3 of another web page named
But at the same time the Methernitha community already
had three working prototypes of different "perpetual
motion" devices, which generated electricity in a
much more effective manner. Thus the Methernitha
prototypes already then generated significant amounts
of clean free electricity. They only required additional
refinement of their principle of operation, which earlier
I planned to carry out at the University of Otago.
Unfortunately, before I was able to implement these
plans, the decision-makers of that university first
prevented me from presenting my two scientific
papers on generators of clean free energy for
international conferences in Israel and Australia,
which had been written and already accepted for
these conferences, and then they skilfully got rid
of me from the university (as I believe, even giving me a
"wolf ticket") -
as I described it, for example, in item #B5 from
my web page named
How every person can and should try to achieve the
"happiness of earned nirvana" which will become their
motivator for voluntary work for the good of their
"neighbours" and a model of action for the implementation
of the "Nirvana System" throughout their country:
"Algorithms that God established for the laws that
govern over the operation of our physical world
cause that the results of every human work which
was done only physically or mechanically, means
without building into it the correct wisdom, knowledge
of the truth and without thinking about its long-term
effects, always do more evil than good. Thus, in
order for any physical work to result in the advantage
of good over evil, then its physical execution must
be preceded and directed by an in-depth and far-sighted
re-thinking its long-term results."
(Explanation where the harmful results of most human
works come from, e.g. outcomes known to us under the
name of consequences of
"Murphy's Laws".)
Of course, I do NOT need to explain here, that the
"earned nirvana" practically every healthy and physically
fit person can earn by performing hard physical work
with motivations oriented towards the good of other
people (i.e. the work which requires pedantically fulfilling
all commandments, requirements and God's recommendations
stated in the Bible). In my earning of such nirvana, I was
doing heavy physical labour every day for as long as my
body was completely exhausted from fatigue. In order
to start experiencing nirvana, it results from my research
that in own soul one needs to accumulate "moral energy"
which is an equivalent of physical toil with the required
motivations oriented towards the good of other people,
for around 1200 hours of physical struggle [hps]. I suspect
that in other people it is also necessary to put-in the
number of hours of hard "moral work" that will accumulate
in their souls a similar amount of "moral energy" before the
"lightning bolt of happiness" of earned nirvana also
appears in them. I wish good luck to those who personally
decide to try to earn the happiness of nirvana in this way -
world is desperately needing to learn their experiences.
Guidelines on how to do this are provided in items #D3,
#D2 and #C7 from the abovementioned web page named
and in publications indicated in there - e.g. in item #A3
from my web page named
As we know it well from real life, everything can be
implemented in many different ways. An excellent
example of this are engineers who, based on their
knowledge and vision, are able to design and build,
for example, many bridges of different structures
leading through the same body of water. However,
NOT all of these bridges will work in the given
conditions - for example see the movie film
about the so-called
Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse "Gallopin' Gertie"
from USA. Therefore, the better each bridge fulfills
its function and the more durable it is, the more
extensive engineering experience and knowledge
its structure is based on, and the more thoroughly
every detail of it has been considered - for further
confirmation of these requirements, see e.g. the movie film
about the so-called
"Viaduc de Millau"
built in France. It will be similarly with the Nirvana System.
Hence, although I am sure that the wise and experienced
"founding fathers" are also able to work out many methods
of implementing this political system, which in the opinion
of individual of them will best suit the current situation and
characteristics of their country and nation, but if they overlook
something in their plans, then the resultant goal may turn
out to be unattainable - which is best remembered from
the first versions of communism, before these versions
were slightly improved by the system of today's China.
Therefore, below I am going to describe a method of
such an implementation, which I initially developed
myself and alone. Hence, although starting from it is possible
to initiate further improvements and considerations,
but in order that it ultimately best and most effectively
fits the situation and the unique features of a given
country and nation, it will still be best to thoroughly
rethink it and test it on the life models of several
future generations of the population of this country -
this time, however, guided by the "group wisdom"
of a number of experienced and wise "founding fathers"
as well as by the knowledge and experience drawn
from history.
So when in a given country and nation several people
can be found who have already themselves experienced the
earned nirvana,
their experience and advice will be very helpful during
the initiation of a collective effort to implement the
"Nirvana System" throughout the country via the
formation of "cells of the nirvana system" described
above in item #L5. This is because in my opinion
such implementation requires the completion
of several phases that accomplish different goals,
in which each previously accumulated experience
will add a very valuable contribution. Let us below
briefly review the steps of this one amongst many
possible to put into practice methods of peaceful
establishment of the Nirvana System, which I developed
myself. These steps would probably allow for the
effective implementation of the first (the most difficult
because initiating) "cell" and the phase of forming
this system in the given country. After all, in my
opinion, the main goal of this first "cell" and phase
would be to introduce into the nirvana state the
first sufficiently large group of people, the experiences
accumulated by all of which, and the later considerations
and research, as well as voluntary work, would be
enough to form so many further refined similar
"cells", that are sufficient for enabling to satisfy
the needs of the entire population of the given
country and hence to eliminate "money" from
that country. Here are these steps:
(I) The gathering of the first group of volunteers
for the experiment that is to initiate the widespread
implementation of the Nirvana System - which volunteers
are to bring different knowledge and specialties.
In order to create such a group, firstly all those who
already experienced the earned nirvana would need
to be contacted with each other and gather into one
group. Then, by advertising across the country (with
an explanation of "for what purpose"), it would be
necessary to find and select (through interviews to
find out whether their motivations, character traits
and skills are appropriate and desirable in a given
experiment), a group of volunteers with various skills
who would like to take part in the experiment of
earning nirvana for themselves with hard physical
work in return for receiving for free everything that
they would need for living, working and resting.
(II) The formation of the first "cell", means
an institution, the operation of which would accumulate
experiences on earning nirvana by a larger group of
people. For this purpose, it firstly would have to
be rented (because renting costs less than buying -
for which, I will bet, there will always be no "money")
e.g. a large farm with buildings to accommodate its
employees (e.g. former state farms), or any other
institution with a high demand for physical labour (e.g.
a hospital, a renovation or construction company, a
production cooperative, etc.). It would be best if it
is located in a sparsely populated area - what would
protect those who are to earn nirvana from the
preying eyes of unfriendly outside observers who
would diminish the efficiency of generating "moral
energy". Then the previously gathered group from
(I) above, including those already experienced in
nirvana, plus new volunteers, would need to be
accommodated in there and they should assume
the management of all the activities of this "cell
of the nirvana system" created in this manner.
Means they would manage the production of any
goods produced in this farm or institution, plus at
the same time they would collectively and democratically
chose what all of them together and what each one
of them would voluntarily do on a given day, to cause
the most profitable production of a given farm - which
products would be immediately sold on the market,
and for the earned money all participants of the
experiment would receive free of charge whatever
they currently need for life, work, rest and entertainment.
In turn, the surplus of earnings, after a whole year
of such work, would be used to create the next
implementation of the "cell of the nirvana system",
which would be a copy of the first cell - and
which would voluntarily join some more didactically
gifted participants of this first cell to help teaching
the next group about nirvana.
(III) The yearly increase in the number of
such implemented "cells of the nirvana system" would
be systematically repeated, initially acquiring more
and more agricultural farms, and then also production
enterprises, until their total production of generated
goods will be able to satisfy the needs of the entire
country, and thus allow the gradual elimination of the
use of "money" in this country. After reaching this point,
the first phase of physical implementation of Nirvana
System would be complete. So it would be time to start
the second phase. In this second phase the principles
and manuals for the operation of the Nirvana System
for the whole country would be refined - in which system
in order to NOT generate a typically wasted overproduction
of goods generated by too many volunteers for physical
"moral work" all necessary goods would be produced only
in a small part of the time of its productive inhabitants
voluntarily persevering in nirvana. The rest of the time
would be spent on inventions, improvement of products,
quality improvement, increase in civilization level and in
standards of living, etc.
After the success in completion of the above first phase
of the implementation of the Nirvana System, the goal
of the second phase should be the development of manuals,
constitution and legislation that would officially regulate
the operation and self-management of individual cells
of volunteers who work out their earned nirvana in any
enterprises they support for the production of some goods
or services. The emphasis in this legislative part should
be placed on the full compliance of the laws and
recommendations with the commandments, requirements
and recommendations described in the Bible, and
also with the "group wisdom" and experiences accumulated
by these first groups of volunteers implementing
the Nirvana System.
In the third and subsequent phases, the goal should be
to implement ever deeper improvements to an already
operating Nirvana System. It must be remembered that
each political system which
ceases to improve itself - begins to grow into corruption,
and that all systems based on "money" and "fear" with
the elapse of time become so destructive for their citizens
that is necessary another "civilization reset", revolution,
or coup, because their leaders stubbornly refuse to make
the necessary improvements that their political system
already requires while clinging to power with all their force.
Why as late as 24 years after the author of this
web page began to experience his
earned nirvana
in the close to nature tropical Borneo - together with his
friend they both laboriously made this film (4K) entitled
"Świat bez pieniędzy: Ustrój Nirwany"
(i.e.: "World without money: Nirvana system"), which
describes the "Nirvana System" capable to eliminate
"money", "fear" and "greed" from the surface of Earth
and to drastically make all people happy and which also
is able to fulfil this old Polish prophecy that "the spark
will come out of Poland":
In today's world and life overloaded with advertising
and information, people find it increasingly difficult
to read. Hence, in order to reach more interested
people, it is necessary to present new ideas in the
form of an interesting film. In addition to this, many
people lost the ability to distinguish good from evil,
and to notice what is most important to us. The
phenomenon of this inability to distinguish good
from evil and a kind of social insensitivity,
which is manifested by the lack of motivation and
will to intercede for good when the situation requires
it, I notice even in some of my colleagues with whom
we studied, underwent military training, and shared
bread together - and thus who should know each
other perfectly from life and activities (for examples
of such attitudes see the content of item #B8.2
from the Polish web page named
On the other hand, the most important in life
turns out to be the "happiness" undisturbed by any
outsider. Unfortunately, the civilization in which we live knows
excellent manners of serving "misfortunes" to everyone,
while it almost does NOT know the methods of achieving
ordinary "happiness". But it so happened, that I learned
such a method by "coincidence" which I described in the
"INTRODUCTION" to this web page. My method of
obtaining almost permanent happiness results from
the mechanism of operation of the happiness of
earned nirvana
that is built by God into the body of every person. But
most importantly, the phenomenon of this indescribable
happiness can be made available to practically every
inhabitant of our planet. The only thing that still needs
to be done, is to disseminate widely in the country and
the world the knowledge about the features, advantages
and implementation of the
Nirvana Political System -
the principle which I developed in detail due to the
previous 9-month-long research on this phenomenon of
earned nirvana,
and then undertake a concordant and democratic
implementation of this most ideal Nirvana System.
So, in total, this film was prepared to reach many
people, including compatriots, and to convince them
that now it is the most urgent time to roll up our
sleeves and to start implementing this ideal for the entire
humanity "Nirvana Political System".
Part #?:
... (These parts of the web page are reserved for future use) ...
...(Items reserved for future use and writing)...
Part #Z:
Summary and final information of this web page:
It is worth to check periodically the blog of
totalizm available at addresses: ("Small Print": posts from #89 = 2006/11/11) (posts from #293 = 2018/2/23) ("Large Print": posts from #293 = 2018/3/16)
All posts to blogs of totalizm (half of which is in
English) are also available in my publication [13]
disseminated free of charge through the web page
On this blog many events discussed here are also
explained with additional details written as these
events unveil before our eyes.
Current email addresses to the author of
this web page, i.e. officially to
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
at which readers can post possible comments,
opinions, descriptions, or information which in
their opinion I should learn, are provided on the web page named
(for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named
(for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf"
in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions
of further web pages by the author can also be
downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named
The author's right for the use of courteous
title of "Professor" stems from the custom that
"with professors is like with generals", namely
when someone is
once a professor, than he or she courteously
remains a professor forever. In
turn the author of this web page was a professor
on 4 different universities, i.e. on 3 of them,
from 1 September 1992 till 31 October 1998,
as an "Associate Professor" from English-based
educational system, while on one university as
a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till
31 December 2007 - means at the last place
of employment in my professional life).
However, please notice that because of my
rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly
reply to emails which contain JUST time
consuming requests, while simultaneously
they document a complete ignorance of their
author in the topic area which I am researching.
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Date of starting this page: 11 November 2020
Date of the latest updating of this page: 3 June 2021
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)